Babs' New Year's Resolution 45

Bab’s New Year’s Resolution 45

© Beverly Taff

List of Characters

Lola Smith Bab’s adopted trans daughter.
Callista Denton (Callie). Transgendered Duchess of Denton.
Margaret Denton (Maggie). Callie’s wife.
Molly Denton Callie’s grandmother
Ellie Denton Callie’s mother.
Bab’s Barbara Smith. Lola’s adoptive ‘Nana’
Olivia Smith Bab’s adopted daughter.
Angela Smith Bab’s newly adopted daughter
Erica Bab’s foster daughter.
Sergeant Bridie Davies Lady Police detective protecting the girls.
Sergeant Brian Davies. Bridie’s twin brother.
Inspector John, Heading up the anti-rape-gang operation.
Gareth Jenkins, Police office trained in firearms and protection.
Belinda Harrington Bab’s university girlfriend.
Aaron Talbot Surgical registrar – married to –
Shirley Talbot Lecturer at Local university.
Mickey Talbot Aaron and Shirley’s oldest son.
Jessica Talbot Aaron & Shirley’s middle daughter.
Bianca Talbot Aaron & Shirley’s youngest daughter.

Chapter 45

“Good Morning Lola. Today’s the day then. Are you nervous?” The surgeon asked.

“More excited than nervous,” Lola replied to the circle of faces looking down.

“Well I want you to count backwards after we’ve inserted the needle.”

Lola watched as she needle was inserted into the back of her hand and by the time she had counted from ten to six, she was unconscious.

She awoke in the recovery room and the nurse bent over her with a kindly smile.

“Welcome to our side young lady. No, don’t try and sit up.”

“I’m thirsty.”

“That’s a good sign. I’m just checking for any excessive bleeding, then if you’re okay, I’ll have you sent back to your ward. For now, the drip will replace any fluids then once you’re back in your bed, you can have some water.”

Lola smiled wanly and the nurse reciprocated as she organised a pair of porters to wheel Lola’s gurney back to ward. Once ensconced in her bed, the sister connected her up to the monitors and gave her a couple of instructions.

“Bed only for two days then you’re okay to get up. After that, your own progress determines what you’re allowed to do.”

She placed the assorted controls and call buttons within easy reach then handed Lola her newly disinfected mobile phone.

“I’m sure you’ll want to call your friends.”

Lola opened her phone and smiled with inward satisfaction. There had been no calls and that indicated that her secrecy had held. Only Bab’s and Inspector John knew which hospital she was in and they had certainly not called. So far her location was still secret.

After taking leave of Bab’s, Lola had journeyed alone and secretly to the private hospital where nobody but the surgeon and the hospital matron knew of her perilous circumstances Even on her records only her name ‘Lola’ appeared. There was no middle or family name to give her identity away.

Now she was recovering in her hospital bed, the ward sisters had naturally learned of her circumstances and the risks concerning her identity.

From that Tuesday afternoon, until the Friday morning the only people Lola spoke to on her phone were Bab’s, Inspector John and eventually, late on Friday afternoon, Callie Denton the Duchess of Denton.

“So which hospital is it?” Callie asked.

“Uuhm; I’d rather not say just yet, you know the score with this gang.”

“It’s okay, this call is scrambled at both ends by my personal technology. I’ll tell you about it when we next meet up.”

“Fascinating!” Lola gasped softly before asking. “Have you been keeping up with the case?”

“Very much so Babe’s. I probably know more than you.”

“Why doesn’t that surprise me?” Lola giggled then grunted as one of the stitches tugged in her groin.”

“You okay Babe’s?” Callie asked concernedly.

“Still a few twinges, but by and large, I’m okay. I’m having my first solid meal tonight.”

“Hallelujah!” Callie chuckled. “Don’t forget to wipe backwards.”

“Tee Em I!” Lola squawked. “You’re awful!”

After she had stopped chuckling herself, Callie got down to important matters.

“Right, D’ you want me to collect you and run you home?”

“What! All the way down from Yorkshire?”

“I’ve got business in London, and Maggie wants to bring the kids to see some relatives so I was thinking – several birds, one stone. I’ll use the RV.”

Lola sighed with some relief.

“That would be awfully kind of you. To tell the truth, I was dreading the journey home.”

“Okay, that’s a deal. Now don’t contact me again until you know the exact time of discharge. Send me an encrypted email. I’ll text you the address on this phone because it’s scrambled.”

“How did you manage to encrypt my phone?” Lola demanded.

“I’ll explain when next we meet. If you’re still not up to going home and caring fully for yourself, you can recuperate up at mine. There’s a comfy bed in our RV so Maggie and I will share the driving.

“Okay. By for now then.”

They exchanged kisses over the phone and seemingly moments after Lola’s putting the phone down, a text arrived with one of Callie’s several secure email addresses. Lola struggled to reach for a pen then noted the address and tucked the paper in a tiny pocket of her handbag. Finally she locked her table cabinet for it was the only secure place she had in the hospital. After spraying the key with the sanitiser spray, she placed the key chord around her neck.


The following Monday, after a tedious weekend devoted to full recovery, Lola received a call from Bab’s.

“You’re not supposed to call me Nan!” Lola almost cried with fear.

“It’s okay darling. You friend from Yorkshire came to visit me over the weekend and she’s put some sort of encryption thingy on my phone. Have you got a little icon across the symbol bar with a question mark flashing on it?”

Lola peered at her phone and immediately recognised the symbol. She had not noticed it in the first wave of fear as she recognised Babs’s number.

“Oh! Yes! Thank god for that. That Callie is a real whizz with computers and stuff. What’s the news then?”

“Hello to you too Darling. I’m calling just to let you know, the case is progressing quite quickly in Holland. Callie has given me chapter and verse concerning the case. I’ve no idea where she gets all her stuff.”

“That’s good news Nan. More importantly, how are you and how are the girls bearing up.”

“I’ve got some sensation in my toes and that’s really good news. The doctors think I should be able to walk but the bullet did some damage to the back of my hip socket. There might be yet another operation.”
“Well at least there’ll be no problem with blood Nan and that’s a good step. Now, how are the girls?”

“Erica’s finding it hard. Olivia and Angela are holding up much better. They say the Dutch courts go about it with more questioning and less accusations”

“Yeah. That’s to be expected, she’s been through the most shit.”

“Language Lola! You’re a lady now!”

Lola released a snort of amusement and was relieved to realise that the stitches had not ‘tugged’.

“Alright Nan. For you I’ll be a lady. By the way, I’ve been invited up t’ north for my recuperation.”

“Yes, I know Callie told me when she came to see me. You’ve got a good friend there.”

“Don’t I know it. Hey-up my surgeon’s here, gorra’ go Nan.”

“Bye darling.”


Lola stood up eagerly as the surgeon arrived with his chaperone nurse and he nodded with satisfaction as they exchanged pleasantries. Then he led her to the gynaecological chair and stirrups that were located down the corridor. Lola clambered into the chair and the surgeon nodded again.

“You’re pretty mobile then young lady.”

Lola nodded as the surgeon turned aside to choose a speculum. He held it up so Lola would not get any ‘surprises’, then he bent between her legs.

“Well young lady, welcome to womanhood. I’ll be as gentle as I can. Do not be embarrassed if you feel stimulated when I touch certain parts of you. It’s normal for a healthy young woman to be stimulated if she’s a willing participant. The sister here is your chaperone and if you want her to inspect your new parts I am more than willing to let her do it if you are too embarrassed to let me do it.”

Lola grinned nervously before replying.

“You built it; you’d better test it.”

She closed her eyes and tried to relax but the experience was too emotional. ‘Her first vaginal exam!!’ At first, the session felt cold and impersonal as the cold surgical steel gently probed her labia then carefully expanded as the surgeon inspected her vaginal scabbard. Then the surgeon’s voice invaded her introspective excitement as he withdrew the speculum.

“I’m going to use my fingers now, are you ready.?

Lola nodded then she felt and saw his gloved fingers disappear below her view.

“Can you feel that?” He asked before realising she had already twitched lasciviously and answered his question..

“Ah! That’s a yes then! That response is okay; and here?”

He touched her newly relocated glans then pressed it very gently.

Lola squeaked then squirmed as her butt raised almost of it’s own volition and she gasped before turning red with embarrassment.

“That’s a yes as well. Good. Well young lady, you should look forward to a happy healthy sex life. I’m pleased with your recovery. I’m sorry if that all seemed a bit impersonal but here in hospital, it’s all about functionality.

I’ll see you again in six months unless you encounter any problems. Remember, no sexual penetration for at least a month, but remember to dilate as often as you comfortably can. The more dilation the better at first, provided you don’t damage the stitches. They will gradually dissolve and you will be able to feel your own scabbard with your fingers. It should be smooth with no scar tissue or serrations.

Now have you any more questions?”

Still blushing with embarrassment from her involuntary response, Lola was almost too afraid to ask.

“Is it always that sensitive – for girls I mean – the clitoris thing?” I mean; I could become a nymphomaniac if that’s what it’s like.”

“It will settle down a little, but just remember young lady, the old adage is true even if we men are afraid to admit it. Girls do have more fun.”

He said it with such a straight face that Lola had to look questioningly at the accompanying sister. She smiled over the surgeons shoulder and nodded affirmation.

‘Oh my god!’ She thought, strictly to herself. ‘Just you wait Belinda Harrington, I’ll get you back for what you’ve not been telling me.'

“Penny for your thoughts young lady?” The surgeon caught her absent-minded expression.

Lola crimsoned again before plucking up the courage to reply.

“I’d rather not doctor. I uuhm - well – it’s a bit personal.”

Ever alert to the questions that flashed through his patient’s minds after realising their dream, the doctor smiled knowingly.

“You’ve already got a partner I take it.”

Lola nodded self-consciously but the doctor just smiled again.

“Well, good luck young lady, and stay in touch. I like to hear from my ex-patients.

Lola wanted to kiss him not for any sexual reasons but as a daughter might kiss her dad for some fatherly kindness or gift. She reached out for help to rise from the chair and the surgeon obliged by taking her wrists and helping her up. When she became upright she could not resist a quick, tearful hug to demonstrate her eternal gratitude.

“Thank you doctor, thank you, thank you, thank you.”

“Well, take care Lola. Sister Hawkins will deal with any issues you might have concerning getting home.”

Lola’s mood altered and the smile faded as she contemplated the journey home. Two changes of train plus a taxi ride across London then another from the station to Babs’s bed side. Only then would she learn where the police were billeting her. Her new genitalia were still overly sensitive and she would be vulnerable if the gang was still looking for her, or worse, had located her at the hospital and were waiting to ambush her. As she bid the surgeon goodbye, she turned to address the rest of her life plus the problems of rape and / or kidnap that still threatened her and erstwhile friends.

Back in her ward, she had started emptying her locker when the sister approached her with a tray of tea and some biscuits. Lola turned and stared uncomprehendingly at the tray before realising there were four cup and saucer sets

“What’s this sister?”

“You’ve got visitors Lola.”

For a moment, Lola face paled with fear before a commotion by the door revealed the grinning faces of Callie and Belinda. The visitors were friends, not rape-gang foes!


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