New Tale to Tell Chapter 15: Jonny's Place

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New Tale to Tell
Chapter 15
by Justin M.
Copyright © 2020 Justin M. All rights reserved.

“What makes you think I know?” Shelby tries her most innocent look. It’s met with a meaningful stare. The kind only a mother can give. “OK-OK, Jeesh! Turn left mom.”


Chapter 15: Jonny's Place

The Saturday after the video game complication. Shelby and her mom are out running a couple of errands. “One last stop Bee and I can reunite you with your patient.”

“Ok. Where we going?”

“Jonathan's place. I want to get him his things so you guys can go straight to school Monday.” At the next stop light she looks over to her daughter, “Ok kiddo, how do we get there?”

“What makes you think I know?” Shelby tries her most innocent look. It’s met with a meaningful stare. The kind only a mother can give. “OK-OK, Jeesh! Turn left mom.”

When they arrive, Shelby gives Mary the code to the gated community and they pull into Jonathan's driveway. Inside, Mary notes it's a simple townhouse, sparsely furnished in modern decor with a few feminine touches, in Shelby's signature 40's style. In the common room a side table sits apart with a solitary picture. It's of a 40-ish couple. She, red hair and green eyes, fair complexion. A striking woman. He, tall, blonde hair, hazel eyes and two days stubble on his face. They are both candid and happy.

“Someone’s been here mom.”

“How can you tell?”

“The picture. He always has it facing away from the room. Facing outside. It's turned in today.”

“And you know this, how?”

“It's happened before. We came here one day and it was turned in. Jonathan stood there looking at it, silently, then carefully turned it facing out. He said, they lived for the outdoors, they should face the window so they can see it. It's happened other times too. He thinks it's the housekeeper.”

“So why doesn't he say something?”

From behind them a feminine voice with a deep Latin accent answers, “Because if I don't turn it, he won't. He has to face them sometimes, so as to not forget.”

Both women are startled to say the least. When they turn, they are faced with a beautiful olive skinned Latina woman in her mid 30’s. She has a no-nonsense aura about her.

“How did you get in here?” The newcomer demands with a raised eyebrow.

“I'm sorry, I'm Mary Curtis and this is my daughter Shelby. We came to pick up some things for Jonathan. And you are?”

“Rosaria Gutierrez. My company takes care of the firm's real estate holdings. Including this de pueblo, Jonathan's house.” she doesn't look like the typical housekeeper. Her business casual suit says “management.”

“That must keep you pretty busy.”

“It does. But I've help. Except for here. I still care for this place myself.” She has several dishes of prepared food for the fridge. About a week's worth.

Shelby smiles and indicates the food. All of which is home-made in dishware not found in any restaurant. “Jonathan is something special to you isn't he?”

“His parents and I met almost 16 years ago in my native Honduras. They needed a au-pair for Jonathan while on vacation. He took to me, and I to heem. So much so, they help me immigrate. I took care of Jonathan and learned to manage their properties. Later when he needed me less, they financed my business, for a percentage. I now have many properties to manage. “

She walks over and picks up the picture.

“When we lost them and they made heem an adult, the firm asked my company continue to take care of the old house. Look after heem. But no more.” She looks at Shelby, “Since you, he has begun to move on. This is why he live here now. Because he is moving forward. It is good thing no? Now I tend this. His new house. His new home. I couldn't leave it to my crew. It is Jonathan you know.”

Mary and Shelby nod in agreement.

Rosaria smiles showing even white teeth. “So.” She turns to Shelby “You are the girl who has stolen heem from me? The shampoos, cosmetics and clothes in his rooms are yours, no?”

Mary looks to her blushing Daughter, “Excuse me!? What is she talking about?”

“Mommy I swear! It's not what you think. This place is closer to town than our house. So when we go to the gym, beach or the park and get sweaty, dirty we will stop here, clean up then go back out. It was my saves time. Jonathan bought it all.”

“Well let's just go see what he has bought you” Upstairs in the master bath is an exact replica of the contents of Shelby's vanity at home. There are shampoos and conditioners in the shower. On the vanity sit, creams, powder, blushes, eyeliners, lipsticks, perfumes and hair items. Brushes, scrunchies and other female needs for making oneself up are set neatly about. In the closet she finds several of Shelby's dresses and some workout clothes. The dresser holds some of her intimates. On the bed among the pillows, one of her favorite teddy-bears is perched.

Mary sighs in exasperation, “ OK let's hear it. What else have you been doing here?”

“Mizz Curtis? If I may? I do not think anything is going on. I do much of the laundry and cleaning. I would know if any of the hanky panky were going. “

“She's right Mom. Jonathan won't even come upstairs when I'm cleaning up. He says he made a promise to Daddy and he won't break it.”

Rosaria adds, “That is my Jonathan. He keeps his word Miz Curtis.”

“Jonathan is not who I'm worried about. Am I, young lady?”

“Geesh mom. I only tried the one time. He wouldn't let me come in. Even made me promise to behave and to stay out while he showers and gets dressed. And he's really funny about the scars. He doesn't want me to even see him with his shirt off.”

“Bee, he's been at our house almost 8 days without a stitch of clothing. You, me, your father have all seen them.”

That was before and besides he was so sick he isn't really sure you have mom. He asked and I said we kept him covered to protect his privacy. Even the other day he had a sheet over his side while I was sitting on him. It was kinda funny. Me sitting on that cute bare butt and he's more worried about some silly scars.” She giggles at the memory.

Rosaria interrupts, “So, he's been sick?”

“Yes but my husband and I are both Doctors and then there was Shelby. He really has had the best of care.

Rosaria takes a minute to process the news before answering, “You seem like nice people so Mizz Shelby, I will tell you this once. Jonathan is not to be played with and tossed aside like other boys. He would not have opened his home to you if he did not have grande’ feelings for you. Affection and commitment is not something the Moorlands take as you say… lightly. Please. Do not hurt heem.”

“I wouldn't dream of it. Jonathan is the only boy I've ever liked or who liked me back. I can't see myself with anyone else. I don't want anyone else. Ever.”

“Miz. Curtis? Your daughter, She is in love with my Jonathan. You agree, no?”

“Love him?” Mary had not considered it. She looks to her daughter. “Shelby, is that how you feel about him?”

Shelby blushes, “Yes mom, I know it sounds immature but yes, I'm in love with Jonathan.”

“Miz Curtis, perhaps maybe I can have your number? If I see anything here that is not as it should be I will call you. And here is mine if you have questions. That way the children know we are not only watching, but as you say, comparing journals?” She looks at Shelby. “I think maybe you are best for heem. Take good care of my Jonathan for me. He is all I have left of them.”

“Yes ma’am. Mom? Can we go? I'd like to get back to Jonathan now.”

“Ok. But we stop for coffee first. I need time to process all this… and figure out how to explain it to your father.”

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

This was my attempt to provide some additional back story on Jonathan's and his parents, demonstrate Mary and Shelby's mother/daughter relationship, and how the teen's are building something together. I realize the story may not need it but I like how the chapter ties back to when Shelby tries to seduce Jonathan and shows he's a man of his word.

To all those who comment: Thanks for making me better!


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So Far

My5InchFMHeels's picture

This has been a great story so far. The fact that all the chapters have ups and downs make it quite interesting. I haven't noticed any of them that were All up or All down, which are something that's quite common. The ups generally outweigh the down, giving it more heart.

This was a nice way to do it......

D. Eden's picture

Although you might have thought of using a flashback as well.

It was actually a good thing that Rosaria was there to back up Shelby, otherwise if her mother had seen everything she probably would have gone ballistic.

Keep it up Hon - this is truly a great story.

D. Eden

Dum Vivimus, Vivamus

Fits in fine for me

Podracer's picture

The ladies are doing things, Jonathan is not active just now. The simple pick-up trip grew into a lot more.

"Reach for the sun."

Mary & Shelby's mother/daughter relationship,

Lucy Perkins's picture

Is one the many highlights of this story..
Another excellent chapter.
Thank you. Lucy xxx

"Lately it occurs to me..
what a long strange trip its been."

The jig is up?

Jamie Lee's picture

Uh oh, the jig is up. Mary found out about Shelby being over to Johnathan's apartment. And if it wasn't for Roasria Mary might still think the worst.

Wonder if Johnathan knows how many people have been keeping an eye on him? Each helping in their own way.

What's happened to the quacks in Vermont?

Others have feelings too.