BCTS, Malwarebytes, Ramblings

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Gwen's comment about Malwarebytes brought a response but then it kept going and I couldn't stop so I am dropping my own blog.
Coincidence it updated one night ago? It hasn't ever flagged BCTS on my computer. One of the other virus protectors gets over exuberant at times but again BCTS isn't running a bunch of free loading cookies. The girls are running the cleanest web site on the net as far as I can tell.
I kid you not, some sites try and load over thirty free loading cookies when I touch them. Look at Newsweek, Bloomberg, Foxnews, yahoo, and others if you have a cookie blocker running. Most sites tattle back to Google you looked at a certain web page. I believe that is the most prolific cookie dropping on the net. Youtube is almost as bad.
BCTS? Zero, zilch, da nada, goose egg. It's one of the reasons the ladies need donations to keep the site up and running. They aren't receiving a whole lot of help from outside sources as they aren't tattling on who is looking at BCTS.
A monthly donation of change from the cookie jar would probably be appreciated by the ladies who do so much for all the authors and readers with so little payback or praise for their long hours and efforts. Their need to request donations every month for something we all enjoy and take advantage of while keeping our secrets, truly is sad. Several authors have donated the proceeds from their published stories to BCTS. In the past I sent a small donation in memory of Denise A. Trask who wrote, The Last of The Fey. The ladies are preserving the stories and memory of many great authors who are no longer with us.
My secrets? I don't want the world to know where I live or what I do with my private life. Who, what, I am, my views and opinions aren't secret. That much is way out in public. It's like wearing clothes. Some things don't need to be exposed. There are some things one should never search for. The Anarchist Cookbook, Make Your AK-47 Fully Automatic, would have FBI and NSA knocking on one's door. Don't do it, along with a lot of other really bad things to search for on the net.
Back on track here. Think of the ladies who put in some ungodly hours keeping BCTS up and running. It sure isn't for the monetary payment they are receiving as many times they are using their own credit cards to keep the lights on. Daddy told me when I was little to make sure I count the nickles as the dollars will take care of themselves. Moral: A lot of small change can add up faster than the larger dollars. A lot of small donations to BCTS I am sure would be appreciated.
hugs people
The more we know, the more we understand we know nothing.

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