Tammy:Moving On - Chapter 31 "Dive, Dive, Dive!"

Moving On  

Thirty One


"Dive, Dive, Dive!"


For all of Tammy's adventures ---> Click Here

Friday 19th May 2017 (cont)

Tammy dived into the loo on the way to the NAAFI and took the opportunity to power up her phone, there was a missed call from Smart Air.

"Jim, what's up?"

"I got the initial assessment for your plane from TJ's this morning and you're not going to like it."

"Try me."

"The seats are not repairable, they have to be ordered from the manufacturer in the Czech Republic and that's a three to four week wait. Part of the instrument panel will have to be replaced, it was damaged during the search but the damage seems to be malicious according to TJ's."

"That's how it looked to me."

"It's also about a month for the replacement panel. Next, your radio has been damaged beyond repair so that'll have to be replaced before you can fly again. Finally your secure box will need fixing but that won't keep you on the ground."

"Not good."

"Quite. There's also quite a few cosmetic issues. The easiest way is if we organise for a container. TJ will dismantle the plane at Prestwick and pack it for transport, we'll get it back in about a week from now and carry out the work here. Oh, your Dad called and there's a letter from the CAA at home for you."

"Great, do they want to cancel my licence?"

"Unlikely, but anything's possible. Oh, the Police came back and asked to see the workshop logs for your plane, didn't ask about you."

Tammy killed her phone and slipped it back into a pocket before joining the queue in the NAAFI. She wasn't very impressed with the lunch on offer but had decided to eat light regardless. She'd just finished her sandwich when Kyle introduced her to a female officer.

"Lieutenant Smart, this is Sub-Lieutenant Forster, she'll be assisting me with your training this afternoon and tomorrow."

"Hi, sorry for running off this morning. Name is Tammy."

Kyle glared at her then looked at the Sub-Lt and shook his head. "Protocol applies, Lieutenant Smart. Why don't we adjourn to the training room?"

Tammy walked with them but took the opportunity to dive into a loo when they reached the correct building. She'd just made it into the training room when they were interrupted.

"Lieutenant Smart?"

Tammy looked up to see a young enlisted trying to see her nameplate. "Yes?"

"Ma'am, there is a call for you. You may take it over there." The sailor gestured to an office across the corridor. Tammy went inside and picked up the handset. "Lieutenant Smart."

"I heard there was a serious problem." The familiar American voice stated.

Tammy groaned. "That is THE understatement. I am so screwed right now, Kerri."

"Chill, girl. Trust me, things could always be worse, plus there's a team investigating your problem. The good news is that you're relatively close to home, instead of some third or fourth world airfield. As for the damage to your plane, give us a week or so and it'll be taken care of." Kerri said.

Tammy sighed. "Really? Just like that?"

"I can go about this one of two ways. I can have a service repair the plane or I can replace the plane. Either way, it'll take twelve days to get you back in the air." Kerri informed her.

That sounded strange to Tammy. "Twelve days? My fleet manager is dealing with it, perhaps you should give Smart Air a call?"

"Will do. Twelve is the best that can be done, kiddo, not going to happen any faster. I'll deal with your man. " Kerri replied, sounding distracted.

"Okay, it's just that I thought it would take a month to fix, I've been told the seats will have to be ordered from Europe? Oh, I was told earlier that the plane's going to be freighted back to Wick Airport." Tammy admitted.

Kerri was all business. "If I get the full inventory tonight; I can have the replacement parts in five days, shipped there in four, installed in two and ready for you the next day."

"Wow! That's really fast! Wait. That's to fix mine? You said you could replace my plane in the same amount of time? How?" Tammy asked.

Kerri answered as if reading a list. "Beechcraft: Baron, King Air. The King Air is actually a down-graded C-12. Also an Epic E1000. The Epic is the best."

"Seriously? Those are really nice planes. I haven't heard of the Epic though." Tammy remembered seeing the other two, but never the third plane.

"These aren't door prizes. You'll have to pay for the registration, but you'll get a clean bill of sale. They'll have to be modified for your use, but it's an option." Kerri told her.

Tammy was curious. "Just to ask, how can you practically give me a plane as nice as those? Planes like that aren't just laying about, are they?"

"Normally, no, they aren't. These particular planes though were acquired as liquidated assets." Kerri then added. "Translation: the owners no longer had any use for them and are now at my discretion."

Tammy carefully considered those words. Kerri wasn't going into detail about the previous owners, so Tammy suspected the reason 'they no longer had use for the planes' was because they probably weren't around any more.

"Oh, the E1000 has a custom interior." Kerri said.

Tammy asked. "Custom? Leather reclining seats and plush carpet?"

"Not exactly. It was set up as a mobile office. Couch, two chairs, desk, satellite internet, small refrigerator, microwave, coffee machine. The couch makes down into a single bed. No bathroom, but there is a sink. Yes, a water tank and on-demand water heater. Thirty gallons, oh, plus a chemical toilet." Kerri listed.

Tammy was already thinking about how useful that might be. "That's seriously cool. I'll have to get tickets for any new plane, of course."

Kerri turned very serious. "Naturally. Just remember, the course you're taking is serious, so treat it that way. You're lucky; nobody is shooting at you or dropping grenades in the water with you. Commit to succeed! A package is already on its way to your office. No guessing, it's dive equipment. All civilian-grade, but top of the line and brand new. Complete the course and you are certified as a recreational diver and light-commercial. That means you will be able to conduct surveys around docks and so on. Get hardcore on this. Pass it! I'll get back to you about the plane situation. Out."

Tammy replaced the handset and said to herself. "Right. Get hardcore. Okay Kerri. I'll pass it. Time for a chat with my instructor."

Tammy re-entered the room with a smile.

"Captain, is the Sub-Lt cleared for operational stuff?"

"I can vouch for her, I trained her earlier this year."

"For the SBS?"

"No, as part of the Commando course."

"So she's not cleared for what I have to tell you." Tammy turned to Sub-Lt Forster and nodded towards the door. Kyle waited for the door to close before saying anything.

"That was rude!"

"One, I out-rank her, two she's not a part of my team, three I don't care if you shagged her to heaven and back; until I am told otherwise she's not cleared for anything regarding me."

"Point taken."

"Okay, that call was from the States. She's sorting out my plane problem and gets me back in the air several weeks earlier that I'd thought."

"What about the bad intel?"

"That's being handled. I've been told the USAF idiots also trashed my radio, so I couldn't have taken off regardless."

"Do you think they had it in for you?"

"Yes, welcome to my world. Fortunately I still have some friends."

"So I see, are you ready to continue this course?"

"Yep, and by Sunday I want to be cleared to dive."

"Behave yourself and follow instructions then there's a good chance you'll have your diving ticket. Now lets get Monica back in here."

They went through the rules again then relocated to the pool with Tammy already dressed in a wet suit with flippers and an air tank.

"Are you okay with that, Tammy?"

"Of course I'm bloody not!"

"It's not a good idea to walk to far with a tank on your back."

"So I discovered, what now?"

"Get in the pool. There's a safe way and that is to go in backwards."

"Okay." Tammy fixed the valve in her mouth and brought the full-face mask down. Monica was now in a wet suit, albeit with short arms and legs versus Tammy's full body suit; the Sub-Lt held Tammy and made certain she was ready to go in before giving a push.

Tammy's instructions were to retrieve a variety of objects that were floating at depths in the pool, but she was only to retrieve a few at a time then return to the surface. The last item was a rubber brick that was at the bottom of the pool.

"You'll be tempted to hold your breath, don't, keep breathing!"

Tammy didn't make it all the way down at first attempt so returned to the poolside empty handed.

"I'll have another go in a minute."

She took two minutes then made the swim to the bottom. The brick was anchored on a short chain so her initial attempt failed, so much for swimming past and grabbing on the way! Her breathing increased as she turned the brick over, looking for the release. The training kicked in and she slowed herself down, bringing her breathing under control.

Once she'd found the clip she could release the brick, then kicked back to the surface.

"What went wrong, Tammy?"

"I panicked slightly when I found it was hooked."

"Your air intake went up."

"I realised, so I fixed it."

"Good, now take the brick back down there and re-attach it."

She was back a minute or so later, finding Monica in the water with her.

"We'll do some exercises, using hand signals, okay?"


Kyle had gone through the hand signals that morning so Tammy had a working knowledge of the language, but he reminded her, "almost all civilian divers use the same signs, military divers will have some unique to their service."

Tammy adjusted her mask, popped in her regulator and followed Monica below surface.


Tammy was worn out by the time they broke at five, but her first priority was a decent shower.

"I'll be an hour, then we can sort out some food."

"An hour to have a shower and pull on clean clothes?"


She put her phone on charge then emptied her kit bag, grabbing the used swimsuits and rinsing them in the bathroom sink. The damp towel ended up on the bathroom floor for the time being. Her phone pinged, there was a text from her father.

Strange call about your plane, call me when you can pls

"Hi Dad."

"Tammy, Jim had a call from some woman in the States asking about your plane. He suggested she called me, I think you've mentioned this Kerri before?"

"Yes, I met her in London a year ago."

"You said something a few days ago about going to the States to see her?"

"That's right, but Kerri phoned me yesterday and offered me some help."

"She's asked me for an inventory of the parts needed to get you back in the air."

"Yes, Dad."

"What exactly is she going to do?"

"Get the replacement parts to us in a fraction of the time it would take Jim to order them."


"I don't know, but it's legit." Tammy hoped her comment was accurate and truthful!

"So you don't mind if I send it?"

"No, go ahead. Did she give you an email address?"


"Fine. Jim said there was a CAA letter for me?"

"It's here."

"Can you open it please?"

Tammy heard the sound of torn paper. "Okay, it's a notice about the pan European licences, don't you have one already?"


"Nothing to worry about."

"Can you speak to Jim and get me booked on a night flying course? I might also need to upgrade to larger aircraft."

"Can that wait until you're back here?"


Finally Tammy managed to jump into the shower, by the time she stepped out she felt decent again. Wrapped in a dry towel she sat to dry her hair, deciding to leave it down for the evening and gave it a five minute blow with the hair dryer. Finally she repaired her chipped nails and applied a little evening make-up before pulling on the only frock that she'd packed.

"What do you fancy?"

"How about a pub meal?"

"No booze, remember?"

"Sure, Kyle."

They drove into Helensburgh and found a car park that seemed to be central.

"Left or right?"

Tammy stuck her finger in the air and started walking to the left, back in the direction they'd come from. "I spotted a few interesting places as we drove past."

It wasn't too far back along the road, with only the loch to their left, when Tammy pointed at a place. "Steaks and seafood, that'll do nicely."

They had to wait for a table and Kyle relented a little by not arguing when Tammy ordered a large glass of wine - he did likewise. Her glass was half empty by the time they sat, but their food was delivered to their table promptly.

"You were wrong, Tammy."


"When you suggested I'd shagged Monica."


"She flirted with me when I first met her, although not until we were off base for an evening."

"So you turned her down?"

"Well, I tried, but she suggested we tasted the local Scotch. I woke up in her bed the following morning with an awful head but nothing happened."

"So is that why you didn't want me to drink?"

"Partly, so I don't end up compromised."


"I care about you, I wouldn't want you to be hurt."

"Thanks, I think. Were you warned? By Marcus?"


Tammy reached over the table and took his hand. "It's okay, you're safe with me."

Kyle withdrew his hand, slowly, unsure how to take Tammy's advance. "Err, did you want a dessert?"

"Just a sorbet, I think I saw that on the menu?"

They walked back to the car about thirty minutes later and it didn't take ten minutes to return to their lodge.

"Thank you for this evening, Kyle, I needed to wind down."

"No problem, just remember that we're out of here at 0700 in the morning and you're going to be in the pool most of the day."

Saturday 20th May 2017

Tammy slept well and woke with her alarm after a good sleep, she showered but didn't worry about her hair, before donning a swimsuit and her fatigues. It was a few minutes before seven when she took her kit bag to the front door.

There was no sign of Kyle and the car was still parked out front. Tammy tapped on his bedroom door.



She pushed the door open and found him still in bed. "What's up? It's nearly time to go?"

"I'm been up half the night, It might be something I ate or drank."

"I feel fine."

"Go without me, I'll join you later."

Tammy left him to it and grabbed the car keys from the kitchen table. As she walked to the car she wondered what had caused his malady, given they had drunk the same wine, Tammy had a seafood platter and Kyle had gone for a Turf and Surf option.

She got into the car and then realised it was the first time she'd driven it, plus, was she covered? Kyle hadn't asked for her licence details when booking the car and she hadn't shown anything when the car was dropped off. She figured that the chances of any problem, given their remote location, was minimal. She showed her pass at the Southside gate and parked, leaving her kit bag in the car. She met a familiar face at the NAAFI entrance.

"Where's Captain Fielding?"

"Still in bed, not feeling too brilliant. He slept alone, by the way."

Sub Lt. Monica Forster didn't have an immediate reply so Tammy continued.

"I think Kyle will probably join us at lunchtime, I guess it's just the pair of us this morning, Monica."

"I'm not qualified to teach."

"Can you supervise?"

"That will do for me, let's get breakfast."


Tammy was on her way back to the car when her phone rang.

"Tammy, it's Jim."


"Strange call yesterday about your plane."

"Yes, sorry, I should have warned you."

"You knew about it?"

"Yes, it's someone helping us out by sourcing all the replacement parts and freighting them direct to you."

"Nothing sinister?"

"No, nothing at all. Dad said last night he was sending her the inventory."

"So do I still get your plane back here or is that being taken care of as well?"

"No, could you handle that please Jim. She reckons the parts will arrive around Monday 29th."

"That's quick."

"That's what I said. Gotta go, speak later."

Tammy turned her phone off and shoved it away before grabbing her bag from the rear seat.

"Do you mind if I call you Tammy?"

"Not at all, Monica, I said that yesterday."

"Do you fly?"


"Did the army teach you?"

"No, I part own an aviation company in the Highlands. That was my fleet manager on the phone."


Once they reached the dive pool it didn't take long for the pair to change into scuba gear and get into the water. The only verbal instruction was not to touch anything, just use eyes, Monica then switched to hand signals as both were now wearing aspirators. The first instruction was to go shallow; Tammy followed Monica around the pool, pointing at various artefacts before issuing an instruction to dive down. Once they had surveyed the bottom of the tank they surfaced.

"Tell me Tammy, what did you see?"

Tammy recounted the various ring fixing positions, every two metres down the side of the tank, including a patch of netting that was strung between four of the rings. "There were four bricks on the bottom."

"Were there? I saw six."

"I only saw four."

"Get back in there."

Tammy swam down and identified the four light coloured bricks she knew about. She then looked at the sides of the circular tank, spotting a shape on the tank side just off the bottom, the pool lighting wasn't too good at that depth and she'd missed the dark brick. She turned around and found a second one, hidden in plain sight. Tammy now took a closer look at the darker recesses but found nothing more.

Once out of the pool she told Monica what she'd found.

"So easy to miss them, Monica."

"Which is why you have to find these things first time, often there's no second chance."

"Okay, but I still don't know why they put me on this course."

"We don't often see army personnel up here, but the military does move in mysterious ways at times."

"Yeah, I never know where I'm being sent next. I also have first hand experience of the oxymoron that is military intelligence!"

Monica laughed, "I've not knowingly met any of the Naval Intelligence lot yet but I have a good idea of them already."

"I met one on a school visit to a naval establishment a few year back."

"Where were you at school?"


"That's a fair way North of here, but I don't remember any Royal Navy bases up there?"

"This wasn't a base, but it was definitely an RN establishment at the time."

"Okay, I guess you can't discuss it. Why don't we get out of the wet stuff and go for a coffee?"

They'd only done an hour in the dive building but Tammy went to shower, she was joined by Monica under the communal spray a minute later; Tammy sensed that she was being inspected and didn't hang around in the shower once her hair was shod of shampoo. Dressing, she opted for lingerie instead of a dry swimsuit, her fatigues followed. She dried her hair as best she could then tied it in a tight bun.

She left her kitbag in the dive building but made sure she had her phone and purse, the car keys were still in a side pocket. It was barely nine o'clock when they returned to the NAAFI, although it was now much quieter. The coffee wasn't brilliant but Tammy found they stocked flapjacks, perfect for a quick energy boost although very naughty at the same time.

They'd grabbed a table in a corner, Monica had Tammy rehearse the hand signals after getting her to repeat the diving rules.

"That was good, Tammy, it took me four days to remember all of that."

"I'm still at university so I'm used to picking things up."

"So you're not in the army full time?"

"No, I go where I'm told and right now that's mostly training."

"You're not in the Territorials?"

"Nope, I'm not a reservist, I don't think there's a classification for me."

"How did you meet Kyle?"

"That was a year or two ago, on a range in Kent, then I met him in Suffolk earlier this year."

"Has he tried to bed you?"

"No, this weekend is the first time I've been this close to him. In Kent there was a group of guys and me, I think they all wanted to get into my knickers but I only brought enough for myself."

Any response by Monica was interrupted by Kyle's arrival.

"Why aren't you in the pool?"

"We have been, but all we can do is practise what we already know. Monica has been testing my knowledge over a coffee." Tammy smiled. "And I think I'm doing okay."

"Well, you have caused a huge problem this morning."


"I needed to ring the car hire company to add you, but first had to call Marcus for your licence details as you weren't answering your phone. Anyway, it turns out you're under 21."

"Yes, for a few more months."

"You can't hire a car, or drive a hire car in the UK until you're 21."

"Bit late to tell me that? Perhaps you should have been up this morning?"

"Regardless, you drove that car on a public road without insurance."

Tammy reached in her pocket and dropped the keys on the table in front of Kyle. "There you go, no harm done."

"Tammy, if the Provost get to know then you're on a charge."

"In which case, you would also be in trouble for failure to supervise?"

Tammy reached for her phone and switched it back on whilst Kyle went to get a coffee. Tammy dialled a number.


"Yes, Marcus, Captain Fielding told me to drive this morning and now tells me I broke the law."

"He didn't know you were under 21."

"I was still a teenager first time I met him, he didn't ask if I was over 18 then."

"Look, I'll square it with the hire company, and I'll talk to the DVLA about your licence."

"There's nothing wrong with it, and it's clean."

"Tammy, you're not in trouble."

"I am if you listen to Kyle?"

"Leave that with me, we'll speak soon."


Tammy finished the call as Kyle returned. "Marcus sends his love."

Capt Fielding glared at her and said nothing.

They relocated to a training room next to the dive pool. "What we're going to do today is get used to a rebreather, so far you've used a standard breather mouthpiece and valve, but for clandestine operations a rebreather is preferable. Any suggestions why?"

Tammy had a guess, "fewer bubbles?"

"Yes, now there's a set of rules for rebreather sets and you need to know how to keep safe."

They spent the next two hours going over the set and Tammy had a practice with the dive computer and her oxygen rates.

"It suddenly got a lot more complicated."

"Yes, Lt Smart, it does."

They broke for lunch at half past eleven, Tammy retrieved a swimsuit from her poolside bag and they walked back to to grab lunch, with a request from Kyle to eat light.

Tammy changed into her swimsuit before walking back to the pool, figuring it would save time and any other potential issues. She found the rebreather set to be a little complicated in use but after two hours was getting used to it. Kyle then suited up and joined her in the water, Monica stayed poolside after setting the pool up for Kyle. One addition to her kit was a head torch.

He led Tammy through a series of exercises: searching, retrieving and placing. She didn't get it right every time and Kyle got a little stressed, but Tammy persisted and by half past three he was happy with her.

"We'll test you tomorrow."

"Okay. Can I get in the shower now?"

"Sure, but we have somewhere to go before you're dismissed."

Once her kitbag was back in the car they walked towards the vessel docks, keeping out of he high security zones. Kyle led her to a dock occupied by small patrol vessels.

The water didn't look very inviting.

"Tomorrow you're going in there."

"I thought the test was in the pool?"

"No, it's in there."


They were back at the lodge shortly after four and Tammy took another shower to wash her hair properly. She went for a pair of jeans and a short sleeved top for her evening wear, she had a jacket to wear if they were walking anywhere.

She was tempted to switch her phone on but decided all she would gain were more problems and they could wait for another day.

Kyle decided he wanted pizza and Tammy wasn't keen, although he wouldn't let her have the car keys and wasn't going to drive anywhere himself. She took a look at the pizza flyer and told Kyle to order whatever he wanted, whilst Tammy found a local curry house flyer and called the restaurant with her order, plus a bottle of Indian lager.

Tammy was fast asleep well before midnight.

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