Audio Books, be warned

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Received an email from a company who supposedly promotes books for authors and publishing companies who don't have the means or manpower to do it themselves. There are Book Fairs in Germany and India among many others where the larger publishing companies, and the book store chains bid on the book, bid on owing the writer's rights to all his her stories, legal right to distribution in a certain area, a nation, or world wide. The choices are endless and of course so are the prices the bidders offer for each selection.

We used this un named company to carry a list of titles at the Germany Book Fair. It was a sizeable amount of money and we had high hopes our few titles would catch the attention of a large publisher or an European Distributor. We also requested photos be returned of how our titles were being displayed. Imagine our disgust when the requested photos were sent to us a couple months after the event. And our books were shoved back among a rack of hundreds of books on shelves at the back of their booth with only the spine showing. Absolutely nothing of the book covers, nor any vender hawking the books they were carrying for all the publishers they coned into their scam. I believe we donated to someone's vacation. Keep in mind at this particular book fair it is Eye Candy Delight for horny old publishers and distributors. Unbelievable beauties in various stages of costume (and undress, remember this is Germany) hawking the various titles and authors in their extravagant booths. I'm betting Monique S can tell you what it is like. I'd be surprised if she hasn't been a part of that or at least been there herself.

Okay Barb, let's get back on track here. The same company has never forgot us with their big advertising spill for placing our titles at book fairs, library book selection events. Yes libraries hold a yearly book selection event to decide which titles they will purchase this year. They can't purchase every title so the selections are razor thin. Ahhh, now my fellow authors you may be beginning to understand why you haven't become one of the anointed authors and see your titles in book stores and libraries world wide. It's a damn bloody business to be in unless one is one of the top dogs. You're lucky to get table scraps as it takes literally millions in promotions to become a top author. Or the Luck of the Irish!

Un named company sent an email advertising their book to audio services. It only takes a thousand dollars and they keep half of the sales of all audio books sold. If they are promoting their audio books the same way the promoted the dead tree books, they are making a fortune conning writers. I'm positive most publishing companies are wise enough to not buy into their sales pitch.

Thus I want all you authors who have yet to get really bloodied in the publishing business to please to god do not buy into every Become Famous, or Get Rich scheme that comes along. Con artists are the worlds best at massaging writers egos and sadly many take the bait. Who doesn't want to become the next JK Rowland? Again that ah ha moment, no? Now you know why thousands head to Hollywood with dreams of becoming the next big screen heart throb. And why hundred of authors end up broke financially and emotionally.

Take care and be smart. Agents and publishers do NOT charge for publishing anyone's manuscript. And if your story is published, your publisher and agent are the ones who promote it, not you. If anyone tells you any different, run. They want your money.

Life's smack downs are there not because we are to stay down but for us to get smarter, better, and do it right next time.



But this confused me
Agents and publishers do NOT charge for publishing anyone's manuscript

What are Amazon doing for their 30% or 70% if they are not charging to publish your work?
Oh wait, they are doing the Hollywood switch where all film profits are soaked up with promotion and advertising.
{being cynical}


Hobson's Choice

Maddy Bell's picture

I'd rather have 70% of something than 70% of nothing!

They aren't charging a fee to publish your work, their 'commission', in theory, goes toward maintaining your presence on their website, the more you sell, the more they get so it pays them to promote everything equally (within the bounds you've signed up to)



Madeline Anafrid Bell

I think

erin's picture

I think Barb meant that they do not charge up front, before publication. Taking a cut of sales is legit.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

Erin, thank you for clarifying

BarbieLee's picture

Publishers and agents do make money off authors. Provided the story sells. They get their profits provided their expectations the writer they have chosen to publish is going to sell a lot of books. I'm not gong to go into the details of the overhead, profit, and loss figures in publishing. I will say it would break a wealthy person if one author's works didn't sell. The other side of the coin is also true. They stand to make millions on high end sales.

Someone mentioned Amazon...., grrrrrrrrr! I don't believe there is a publisher on this messed up planet who doesn't hate Amazon. Yes they provide a service normal publishers wouldn't touch. Anyone can post their story. Amazon's outlay (cost) for that service is pennies and of course they rake in ungodly profits among all the authors who have dreams of someone, anyone reading their story and paying for that privilege. I won't touch Amazon. My novels will either die with me or I'll grant them to someone else.

As far as unbelievable authors, look no further than BCTS. There are some authors on this site who beat NYBest Selling Author everyday of the week and twice on Sunday. As an ex editor, I've found manna from Heaven here on the ladies web site. I know there are great authors publishing on Amazon and other places but I can only read so many stories. Why look further when I'm doing the backstroke among the greatest authors who ever put ink to paper or keyboard to computer?

Is there any better reason to donate to BCTS than this?
Thank you to Piper, Erin, and all the ladies who have given me a home where I can browse among great authors and those who are up and coming showing promise of joining the ranks of the elite.
Life has many forks, many paths. Choose wisely and don't waste the gift you were given.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl


I’m going to look into that

hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna

Bad Odds

When only about 300 people make a living writing fiction and about 30 million are trying -- there's good reasons scams work. It's called frustration.


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)


and the chance to get a load of $$$$$
Mentioning them here would be an invitation for the law suits to start flying around especially if a lawyer is involved with the company and their scam.
just my 2p worth.

Oh Yes Lawyers

BarbieLee's picture

Thank you Samantha. I'm not the only one who has been in that meat grinder.
Best leave the rabid dog alone unless you want to suffer rabies along with it.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl