From the Streets - Chapter 6

Merry Christmas!!!! Snuck this one in for you guys, hope you enjoy and as always if you find yourself wanting to help Zoe and I supporting us and reading again go ahead and go on over to our patreon!


“Hi Sophie.” another doctor greeted her, “I am Nancy Wilson, I hear you and I will be seeing each other twice a week. Oh, don’t worry, you’ll still see Macy as part of the court agreement But I’m your second opinion person.” she winked. “Where Macy will work with you on your general mental health I’ll be focusing more on your transition, but don’t be afraid to talk to me about anything else. We’re both here to help you, 100%. Do you mind if I get right into the embarassing stuff first?”

“Macy did,” Sophie laughed. “Might as well get it over with now.”

“Jennifer tells me you’re sterile?” Nancy spoke. “What happened to you to make you sterile?”

“Chemical castration.” Sophie sighed.

“Do you want to talk about that?” Nancy asked.

“My arse of a da..” Sophie sighed. “He thought I was gay. Ironic for him that I like girls, so I guess he was half right. I don’t know, maybe in his fooked up mind he thought he was doing me a favor somehow.”

“Did you know that’s illegal and he can go to prison for that?” Nancy said, “I should report it. Do you want me to?”

“He’s already in jail for assaulting a police officer and an agent of the United Kingdom, but sure,” Sophie shrugged. “It’s also illegal to try and break your kid’s jaw. I busted his hand up good before I got the fook out of there. Some friends helped me get on to Galway to look for my ma.”

“Your testimony is evidence enough for a child abuse case, however we also have evidence of the chemical castration,” Nancy said. “With your permission, I’ll forward both of these findings to Scotland Yard.”

“Six of one,” Sophie said. “As long as he never sees the outside of a prison cell to sire another bastard I’ll sign whatever you want.”

“I’m sure.” Nancy nodded. “Okay hon, do you enjoy being a model?”

Sophie laughed at that. “You kidding? It’s the best thing that ever happened to me. I love it, not just for the money. It’s, I dunno, it’s hard work, but it’s...” she trailed off trying to find the right words. “It’s nicking a tenner off a bobby without him ever being the wiser. It’s a hot meal on a cold day when your limbs are burning with frostbite.”

“Nice descriptions.” Nancy said, “Well if there’s anything you want to talk to me about with your gender Identity we have time.” She seemed at a loss, herself. For all she’d been through, Sophie was pretty well put together. She had poise, confidence, and she was certainly physically pretty. She knew she was a girl, and there wasn’t anyone going to tell her otherwise.

“Can I ask a secret? I know you’re not supposed to tell me.” Sophie said, “But was that Ashleigh Brown that walked out of here before I came in?”

“No, I can say with complete confidence that that wasn’t Ashleigh Brown tho walked out of here,” Nancy said with a knowing smile.

“Okay.” Sophie giggled, “So it was Destiny McGreivy.” she nodded. “We had a long talk tonight during our break. She opened up about her life before becoming a model, and who she used to be.”

“Sounds good, but I won't confirm or deny anything.” Nancy said.

“Nah, I understand,” Sophie laughed.

“I will tell you, that, that patient I was with has come a very long way in her life.” Nancy said. “She’s got a big decision to make, but I know she has friends supporting her.” She winked. “And so have you. You seem to be well centered.”

“I’m just grateful you and Macy aren’t trying to accuse me of putting up a show. I mean, I do do that, but not in the ‘pretending to be a girl’ or whatever sense. I am and have for longer than I could put a name to it, been Sophie. My Old friends in School called me Sophie, my neighbors used to call me Sophie, my clan gave me the name of Sophie.”

“So other girls tell you that you act and walk like a real girl?” Nancy asked, “I’m going to tell you, that I never saw a boy in you when you walked in here or even now.”

“I am a real girl, but aye. I may have a bit of street in me, a bit of an attitude, but it’s no boy.”

“I can totally see that. You walk, talk and act like a tough girl from like the urban sprawl.” Nancy nodded.

“Yeah. That’s the act I mentioned,” Sophie said, nodding. “That’s not really who I am, and only a handful of people - including you now - know that.”

“Your secret’s safe with me.” Nancy said, “I have another question, since you’ve been medicating, and Jennifer is going to get you on female hormones ASAP; what is your thought on surgeries?”

“Never really had to think about it until tonight. It’s not something that got in the way. It was just kind of... this extra dead thing that lets me relieve myself. But after today,” she sighed. “I dunno anymore.”

“W’ll I’ve been talking to Macy about it, and now that I’ve met with you, I agree, if you have boy bits it’s going to be a real hindrance to your current life.” Nancy stated.

“Aye, exactly. They asked me to model this really cute two piece, and I almost said no,” Sophie sighed. “I really wanted to do it, but... It suddenly became the most obnoxious and protruding eyesore on my entire body, like a big hairy mole you never noticed before.”

“Okay, so I’ll leave this up to Macy, but I’m going to give my approval, and a judge may want up to 4 more people to see you before he or she okay’s it. But you have at least two out of the way.”

“I appreciate it. If not, I’ll keep finding ways around it. I always find ways around obstacles eventually.”

“As long as you don’t self harm.” Nancy said. “Macy and I are obligated to tell the law if you are going to sell harm or harm someone else.”

“Not that kind of way,” Sophie giggled. “I mean I understand how someone could come to that, but I don’t want to risk like dying of blood loss or something.”

“Good.” Nancy said, “Anyway If we have nothing to talk about, I’ll go ahead and let you go sweetie, and you can go home and rest. We’ll fax your legal guardian a copy of your test results, and you’ll be able to get your new prescription in the morning. Did Jennifer explain how we do our medicine here?”

“She didn’t. I think she was tired.” Sophie giggled. “I really do appreciate you both staying late for me by the way.”

“Okay, we do BHRT, Bio Hormone Replacement Therapy, which means your pills will be catered specifically to your body. It lowers the risks of all kinds of diseases.” Nancy said. “So your booster will be made the same way.”

“Aye and don’t worry,” Sophie said, “I already promised Macy, Doctor Wilson, and I think even Mrs. McAllister my lawyer, that I haven’t taken anything off the street in like a month and a half.”

“Good, you can take these though sweetheart, and I recommend once you start to not stop.” Nancy said.

Sophie smiled and nodded. “Sounds great.”

“Did she do a biopsy on your penis yet?” Nancy giggled, “Saved the most embarrassing one for last.”

“No,” Sophie laughed. “She promised not to do anything invasive today. She warned me she’d like to though.”

“Yeah, she’ll want to grow you a BioTe Uterus and vagina.” Nancy winked.

“So... Like, wait,” Sophie said. “Those weird posters in the exam room were about transgirls?”

“We have genetic females who come in with a specific genetic disorder, where they are born without a vagina or without a uterus, there was a breakthrough in genetic growth, using dna, that Jennifer was in on, that allows us to recreate a natural system in a female body. But yes, we also use it for transgender females, as Jenn is a plastic surgeon as well, specializing in vaginoplasty.”

“Wow...” Sophie said. “Money really can buy happiness,” she giggled.

“Well we only cater to special patients.” Nancy laughed, “Actually we also do a charity drawing for patients too. We do 4 a year, who are on Medicaid, free. Unfortunately we can’t do that all the time, otherwise we’d go broke, it costs a lot of money to do what we do here.”

Sophie nodded. “Do me a favor. Don’t put my name on the lottery,” she laughed.

“Yours is paid for sweetie.” Nancy stated. “All paid for in cash.”

“Good. I’ll see if there’s anything I can do to help too. I mean I’m no rock star, but if what Katelyn keeps telling me of my value to advertisers is true, I may as well be.”

“Thanks hon.” Nancy said. “Have a wonderful night.” she patted Sophie’s hand.

“Aye you as well,” Sophie said as she got up.

Nicole was sitting in a chair outside, pretending to read a magazine. Sophie could tell she was only pretending because at every little creak, buzz of a machine, or fly farting outside the window, she’d twitch slightly and pretend not to be looking at whatever made the sound.

“All shrunk?” Nicole asked. “I sent Elizabethr home, since she's got a kid, a 6 year old.”

“Bloody hell,” Sophie said. “Thank you. I would’ve done it myself if I’d known.”

“No problem, I figured it’d be something you’d do.” Nicole said, “You can ride in my crappy vehicle.” she winked.

“Crappy, my arse,” Sophie laughed as they stopped in the lobby to get sodas. “Crappy is a 1968 Dodge jalopy with so many springs poking through the seats, you might as well ride standing up.”

“AKA my first car,” Nicole laughed.


“So how'd it go?” Ellen asked as Sophie got in. Amanda and Katelyn were still not home.

“They’re going to fax Katelyn my blood test results, and then start me on their special Bio whatever hormones tomorrow morning.”

“Cool you’re going to get boobs.” Casidhe giggled. “Don’t worry you’re on par with most girls our age.”

“Yeah,” Ellen giggled. “Don’t use us as a gauge. Women in our family start early, and then stop at like 14.”

“Big fookin tits.” Casidhe giggled making a gesture of Dolly Parton sized breasts. “Milk cow like shite.”

“Your mom’s aren’t that bad,” Nicole chimed in, grinning. Casidhe jumped.

“Fookin’ ninja... Mum got bloody lucky.” Ellen giggled.

Nicole laughed. “Sorry. I’m a cat. Like a big lioness or something.”

“You should see our Aunt Gage’s tits and Nans too, bloody huge.” Casidhe giggled. “Really I like fookin bigger than they need to be, so big they could feed a damn army of babies.”

Nicole laughed out loud at something, and then cleared her throat. “Sorry,” she said, trying to slip out of the room again. Nicole was staying in the spare bedroom, so that’s exactly where she went to.

“Oh come on,” Sophie said. “You can’t laugh like that then not tell us.”

“Your mother,” she said, pointing to the girls, “And your guardian,” she said, looking at Sophie, “Would never hire me again if I said it.”

“Well damn, I can keep a secret.” Sophie said. “I know these two can too.”

“Aye, tell us!” Casidhe begged.

“Okay, but only because you know Richie,” Nicole sighed. “Alright, so back when we were stationed overseas, things would get stressful, and I’m talking shit that would give the most hardened soldier nightmares the rest of his life stressful. So we’d find ways to break the tension - tell jokes, repeat stupid internet memes, whatever.”

“It’s a dirty joke?” Sophie asked. “I’ve heard a billion of em.”

“Sort of,” Nicole laughed. “So, we had all just been given a little R&R and as I’m walking past the barracks, I hear this crazy Russian guy going on about something. I walk inside, and it’s Riche playing this game, Grand theft Auto 4.”

“Oh shit, I know where this is going,” Ellen burst out laughing.

“4 Big American titties.” Casidhe giggled in her best Russian accent.

Nicole, completely uncharacteristic, burst out in the best Cousin Roman impression that the girls had ever heard. “FOUR GREAT BIG AMERICAN TITTIES!”

“You do it better.” Casidhe giggled

Nicole laughed. “I laughed so fucking hard that day that I had to be taken to medical because I couldn’t breathe. So every time shit got stressful one of us would bust out that line to break the tension.”

“Thanks for telling us though,” Sophie giggled.

“Oh Richie says to tell you Hi and to give you this.” Nicole gave Sophie a hug. “I had to pull a few strings to get his number, but it was good to talk to him again. He was super happy to hear from me, for some reason,” she added jokingly.

“Can I ask why you left the service?” Sophie asked. “I mean it’s cool if you’d rather not talk about it.”

“Just didn’t want to re-enlist?” Nicole shrugged.

“But you were Delta Force,” Casidhe said. “Best of the best of the best.”

“Yeah and I had see the bullshit of this stupid war too, I mean it’s the same shit the British did back in the time of the Templars, and the Crusades.” Nicole stated. “Same shit, different day. I was once asked to assassinate a target whose only crime was knowing too much - not a joke.

“There's a lot of Political bullshit that's going on over there, we kiss the ass of foreign governments and they allow us to fight. So, when my time was up, I bailed. I was only 22, and already so fucked up I can’t even hold a normal job. You know those beepy car door things? They set me off.”

“I noticed your car didn’t have one,” Sophie nodded. Nicole grinned at that.

“Yeah I had it removed,”she stated, swallowing a couple of Ibuprofen without water. “For a number of reasons. I worked at walmart for 2 hours after I got home, almost killed a man by the way. And then there was that time I wrestled in the WWE for... I think that lasted a month, maybe two. I got a gig from an ex soldier as a bodyguard, we served together like Richie and I did, and he was like come to work for me..” she shrugged.

“Anyway,” Nicole said, “I didn’t mean to suck all the fun out of the room. I don’t usually talk about this shit this much. Then again, nobody’s ever really asked.”

“Hey, don’t apologize,” Casidhe said. “You are one bad-ass lady, strong, pretty, witty as fook.”

“I am not pretty,” Nicole balked. “But thanks. Being a bodyguard is the only thing I’ve found that lets me take advantage of my paranoia. And being your bodyguard has been... relaxing.”

“I knew you were in the WWE,” Casidhe said finally. “You almost beat Trish Stratus for the women’s championship.”

“That chair shot left me with 25 stitches,” Nicole sighed. “I didn’t duck at the right time. Rookie mistake. After that they decided the dumb giant was too much of a liability so I got the Montreal screwjob 2.0. They made it out like I rage quit, even hired someone who looked enough like me to do the promos. After that nobody would touch me.”

“Well you’re still my hero,” Casidhe said. “I knew that wasn’t you saying that shite. The promo chick had a different accent.”

“Thanks.” Nicole said. “That really means a lot.”

“Hey, want to watch a movie with us?” Ellen asked, “We decided to introduce Sophie to Frozen. Then later on we’re going to introduce her to the new Pixie Hollow.”

Nicole stared at them for a moment. “You don’t want to hang out with me.”

“Yeah we do.” Sophie said, “You're part of my entourage right?”

“Um, hello, hero?” Casidhe giggled.

Sophie nodded, “As part of my entourage I want to know everyone, and be friends. I’m going to make your weekend guy hang with us too. And we’ll make him watch Frozen if we have to.”

“She’s never seen it,” Ellen giggled. “I can tell by the look in her eyes.”

“Or the pixie movies,” Nicole finally admitted. “Oh alright,” she sighed. relenting. “Just give me a second to get out of these boots.”

“Tomorrow we’ll watch Lost Girls,” Casidhe giggled. “Which practically requires Pixie Hollow to make sense of some of the characters.”
“Oh yeah,” Sophie grinned, looking in the direction Nicole had gone, and calling, “This Lost Girls thing is full of pirates and stuff. It’s rated Arr!” Nicole’s groan could be heard from her bedroom. “So we need an adult to watch it with us.” Sophie added.

Nicole walked back into the living room area barefoot, wearing a pair of plain white pajama bottoms and a black tank top. She actually had really well pedicured feet for a bad-ass soldier.

At the end of the third of the pixie movies, all three girls were sound asleep when Amanda and Katelyn came in, “Looks like you guys had fun,” Amanda said at Nicole.

“They blackmailed me,” Nicole said as she got up carefully, so as to not wake them.

“Sounds about right.” Katelyn laughed. “We’ll leave them to sleep were they are.” she went to go get blankets for the girls.

“Docs said they’ll fax you everything tomorrow, and they want to see Sophie first thing tomorrow for her BHRT,” Nicole said, as if she was giving a debriefing report.

“Sounds good.” Amanda said. “Cas and Ellen have a class tomorrow, i'll make sure to let the tutor know that Sophie will be late getting home. Since she’s got no shoots tomorrow, I think Megan and Juliette will be over sometime tomorrow as well.”

Nicole nodded. “Megan is a good kid, but she's like most of them in the biz, she's a bit spoiled. Nothing I can’t handle though. I did work for her for a bit. It’s the Brown girl that’s giving me a headache just thinking about. I think it’s a bad idea for her and Sophie to hang out, but that’s my opinion of her. Sophie said she saw something else tonight, but I didn’t press the subject - not my place.”

“Duly noted Nicole.” Amanda said. “The problem is, if we tell her not to, she's going to anyway. ”

Nicole laughed quietly. “Yes ma’am.”

“You can take them off the street, but you can never take the street from them.” Katelyn stated.

“No ma’am,” Nicole agreed. “That’s one thing we share.”

“It’s why I hired you.” Katelyn nodded. “You two can connect on that level.”

“We did,” Nicole said. “Somehow the brats got me to open up about some things I really didn’t want to talk about. Nothing graphic, just... Well she knows a war buddy of mine, Richie.”

“Well good.” Katelyn said, “No offense Soldier.” she grinned, “But you shouldn’t bottle that shit up, I know there's things you’ll never talk about hon, but there’s things you need to. Remember I’m an army brat myself. Irish mum, American USMC Dad.”

“Yes ma’am,” Nicole said. “No shrink I’ve found can handle me for more than two visits.”

“No need for that ma’am stuff.” Amanda said, “You live in our spare bedroom, you’re a roommate no need to call us Ma’am.”

“I’m on duty, ma’am,” Nicole answered.

“No, I think they’re sleeping.” Katelyn laughed. “You’re off duty for now.” she offered Nicole a cup of coffee. Nicole accepted it, taking a seat in the kitchen.

“So what's your real impression of Sophie?” Katelyn asked.

“Not what I expected, and not in a bad way,” Nicole answered honestly. “She’s... tough, but not a hard ass about it. She’s friendly, open, damn sweet young lady being honest. She cares about people. I told her about her driver, that I sent her home to be with her kid. I thought she was going to burst into tears that the woman was there for so long.”

“Sophie’s got a lot to learn, but she’s a smart girl.” Katelyn nodded.

“She is that,” Nicole laughed. “She outsmarted me. Twice. I was really shocked when she said she didn’t think she’d ever try to ditch her security either. I thought it was bullshit, but no, I mean if she’s lying, she could charm the skin off a snake. But I don't think she is.”

“She’d be your first huh?” Amanda giggled.

“Even Vanessa tried to ditch me after awhile, and those two are damn near cut from the same cloth.”

“Except Vanessa got hit with the Money bug.” Katelyn stated showing Nicole the Ebay listing for Sophie’s dress, there was a big note, “PROCEEDS FROM THIS DRESS WILL BE DONATED TO MY CHARITY IN YOUR NAME.”

“She mentioned that, while doing that creepy evil diva laugh thing,” Nicole laughed, looking at them. “She said she figured it out - figured you out. That you wanted her to sell that, to use her words, ‘damned itchy dress’ so she’d never have to wear it again.” She shrugged.

“Actually I didn’t.” Katelyn laughed, “I tried to find a nice dress she could wear more often, but that store didn’t have much that matched her eyes.”

“Kid logic, I guess,” Nicole said. “Her heart’s in the right place.”

“Yup.” Amanda nodded. “We aren’t mad that she’s going to sell it, actually after I found that, I figured we could go to Macy's or something and get her a less expensive dress.”

“I’ll tell you something though,” Nicole said, lowering her voice in case the girls were just pretending to be asleep. “You say the word, and I will travel to bumfuck Ireland or wherever, I will walk into the prison where that son of a bitch is being held, and I will castrate him non chemically, and make him eat it before I kill him.”

“I thought about it.” Katelyn sighed, “We were in the middle of a meeting with Doctor Wilson called me to tell me about that. She’s also alerted theUK authorities.”

“I wasn’t trying to eavesdrop,” Nicole said, “But my hearing being what it is, I heard enough to get the picture.”

“You are authorized to sign things for her.” Amanda stated. “If we can’t be reached. So is David.”

“David’s in for a fun weekend,” Nicole laughed suddenly, and then sipped her coffee.

“Oh?” Katelyn laughed.

“Yup, Sophie said she’s going to make him hang out with them.” Nicole laughed. “They’re going to introduce the poor guy to Frozen.”

“Oh god they found my DVD collection didn’t they?” Amanda giggled.

“Just the PG through R,” Nicole cringed, remembering the bad joke.

“Cas texted me asking if they had you with them if they could watch her bluray copy of Lost Girls.” Amanda winked. “I've seen it, there's nothing in there that I don’t approve of Sophie seeing.”

“The whole ‘brief nudity’ nonsense was just clever camera tricks anyway,” Nicole added, admitting she’d seen it as well.. “Bathing in a waterfall and all that.”

“Exactly, It’s definitely on my approved list for Sophie.” Amanda nodded. “I heard she’s played GTA, which wouldn’t have been on the list if she hadn’t.”

Nicole coughed. “Yeah, they uh, mentioned that.”

“I don’t approve of Grand Theft Auto at all.” Amanda sighed. “But she’s been exposed to it already so there’s not much I can do, but tell her I don’t wish her to play it at home.”

“They weren’t keen on V, if that’s any help,” Nicole said. She was doing her damnedest to avoid the ‘four great big american titties’ outburst.

“V is the lesser of all of them though.” Katelyn shrugged. “Well, except for those two torture scenes. That was just fucked up. But other than those, I think 5 was the most mild GTA.”

“It’s more of their depiction of women.” Amanda nodded. “Than anything. But yeah, it sounds like you had everything well in hand as always.”

“They’re easy.” Nicole laughed. “If I don't have to chase them down sneaking out of the house ever, then we’re golden. They don’t treat me like a bodyguard or even a babysitter. They act like I’m a big sister. Which is very unusual and will take some time to get used to. But I’ll take it over finding Ms. Brown hiding in an alleyway because she pissed off the wrong gang member. Or Vanessa drunker than shit and high as the fucking stars.” She sighed at that last one.

“You know that wasn’t your fault,” Katelyn said. “And we know that wasn’t your fault.”

“But it kinda was,” Nicole said. “It was my booze and pain pills.”

“Yeah, well you had them hidden, she had to go digging for that shit to find them.” Katelyn stated.

“Lesson learned anyway. I keep my meds off site now, in a locker somewhere. And I only drink on weekends. Ibuprofen’s the hardest thing I carry on site.”

“I noticed nobody touched the beer in the fridge either tonight.” Amanda stated.

“Oh,” Nicole said, “It’s been moved slightly, but it’s all there and still sealed.”

“I noticed.” Amanda said. “I left it there for a reason hon, you are more than welcome to have one after the girls go to bed anytime.”

Nicole shook her head. “Thanks, but I’d rather be alert when I’m on duty.”

“It’s mostly there as a test for Sophie, since she told us she doesn’t like to drink because of her dad.” Katelyn grinned. “I want to see what she does when it’s around and she’s sort of left alone. She’s a sneaky one.”

“I’d believe Vanessa would break in here and take it before Sophie, but,” Nicole shook her head, “I’ve been wrong before.”

“I trust her.” Katelyn nodded, “But I’m not completely sold on everything.”

“You’re still getting to know her, as am I,” Nicole said. “A little mistrust is healthy.”

“I’m not saying Sophie’s a bad person.” Katelyn said, “But like you said, Vanessa changed. It might not be money that changes Sophie. It might be something else, like drugs, or sex.”
“I’m going to watch her like a hawk for awhile,” Nicole said quietly. “She’s too... She’s too ‘right’ for all that’s happened to her. I’m scared something’s going to break loose and then I or you or Drew will be left holding the shattered pieces.”

“Yeah, I hope this isn't just the street holding her together.” Katelyn nodded. “It’s why we got her seeing two shrinks really.”

“Well,” Amanda said, “No luck with your FBI contact. They haven’t seen anyone named Lia McGrievy in any of their databases. That just means she’s not a fugitive in the US though. That’s... kind of good.”

“I wish I could say I had friends at MI-5 or whatever,” Nicole laughed. “But I was never that important.”

“We have a couple cop friends in Galway..” Amanda said. “Maybe they have contacts..”

“It’s worth a try,” Katelyn said. “If we can give her some closure about what became of her mum, it might help ease all our minds.” Amanda sent off a text to the officers, asking them if they had any contacts in british intelligence.

The response came surprisingly fast, from the lady bobby, ‘Yer up late :) Just so happens I have a cousin in UK Special Forces. What’d you need?’

‘We need help tracking a person Lia O’Brian-McGrievy. Confirmed spelling Lia.’ Amanda texted back. ‘She’s Sophie’s mother’

‘Oh, well that changes things ;) Yer asking for the Irish Princess’ mothers info.’ she texted back. ‘I asked him if he could pull some strings and look into it yesterday’

‘Get anything yet?’ Amanda asked.

‘No other than she was arrested for misdemeanor assault back in 2002. Charges were dropped after it came to light that it was self defense against sexual harassment.’

Amanda giggled. “Jesus christ, she is her mother’s daughter.”

“Oh?” Katelyn said.

“Yup, her mother beat the crap out of someone for sexual harassment.” Amanda laughed.

“I like her already,” Nicole grinned.

‘Hold on phone call incoming.’ a text came back and a brief moment later another text came through, ‘Special Intelligence has her pegged as filing UK taxes in California. Seems she changed her name to Melissa Winters.’

Amanda’s breath caught in her throat as she dropped the phone. “What?” Katelyn looked at Amanda concerned. Amanda slowly pushed the phone over to Katelyn. “No fucking way?!” she said loud enough it woke Sophie.

“Wha?” Sophie looked around in run mode.

“It’s okay,” Nicole said as she came into the living room. “Amanda just got an important text.”

“Sophie sweetie.” Katelyn spoke, “Would you come into the kitchen?”

Nicole offered Sophie her hand. Sophie cautiously took it and pulled herself up. She didn’t let go right away, and Nicole could literally feel the blood surging through her fingertips. “I almost bolted..” Sophie sighed.

“Sorry sweetie, but this is kind of important.” Katelyn sighed. “We know where your real mother is.”

Sophie’s face lit up like a Rockefeller Center Christmas tree. “Seriously?!”

“She’s not going to be happy you found her though.” Amanda sighed. “Melissa isn’t very big on kids.”

Her face fell like a shattered mirror. “Oh. Well nevermind then. I’ve had one shitfaced do nothing parent in my life. If she doesn’t want me then I don’t fookin’ want her.”

Katelyn hugged Sophie, “I’m going to inform her anyway Sophie. You never know right?”

“Whatever,” Sophie said. “I’m going back to sleep.”

“I just didn’t want you to get too excited hon.” Amanda sighed, “Sorry we got your hopes up baby girl.”

Sophie shrugged as she walked back into the living room and curled up on the sofa.

Katelyn pulled out her phone and dialed Melissa, “Mel?” she asked when Melissa answered the phone.

Melissa yawned. “Kat? It’s 12:30 and I just got to sleep for the first time this week. What’s the emergency?”

“I know what time it is Mel, but I got some big news.” Katelyn stated. “You damn well know I wouldn’t call you at 12:30 at night if this wasn’t big.”

“Yeah I know, you’re a silent partner in the firm,” Mel laughed softly. “What can do hon?” She seemed more awake and cordial now.

“We have your daughter,” Katelyn stated.

“Katelyn Denise Price, if this is some kind of sick fucking joke cooked up by the HR department I swear to GOD in heaven I will have every one of them fired, blackballed from this industry, and tortured in Gitmo.” Katelyn had honestly never heard Melissa this angry. She had to hold the phone away from her ear for a moment.

“No fucking joke, your Dennis is laying down in my living room going to sleep right now.” Katelyn stated. “Her preferred name is Sophie.”

There was a loud crash on the other end. “God damit,” Melissa swore. “There goes my Tiffany lamp.” Amanda stifled a giggle, “Amanda , if you snicker you can kiss your Agent job goodbye and you can go back to being a janitor.”

“Sorry ma’am,” Amanda said sheepishly.

“You guys are not fucking with me right?” Melissa stated. “Dennis is really in your house?”

“Mel, with all due respect,” Katelyn said, “I had to get British special forces to track you down to appease a young lady whose psyche is barely hanging on by a thread after her father abused her, let her run out onto the god damn street where who knows what happened to her.”

“You guys know my stance on kids.” Melissa sighed. “I left him with his father because well I fucking tried, but I’m not cut out to be a mother.”

“That’s all fine, but you deserved to know that your billion dollar blue eyed Irish Princess is your own flesh and blood.”

“I’m on my way over god damn it.” Melissa sighed, “James, take me to Katelyn’s place fast.” she said away from the phone.

“I’m going to lay down one ground rule,” Katelyn said, “As her legal guardian I have that right. If you break her heart, I will ruin you.”

“Kat, you’re a business partner, and a good friend.” Melissa stated, “I promise you right now, that I won’t do anything to her. She’s not going to like me I can tell you that right now.”

“She already hates her father. You don’t want to know the shit that he did to her. As long as you show her at least an inkling of respect, then you’ll have more from her than he does.”

“I accidently told her that you don’t like kids.” Amanda sighed.

“It’s not that I don’t like kids.” Melissa sighed. “I just am not cut from any cloth that would make me a good mother, I almost killed Dennis 4 times when he was a baby.”

“Permission to leave, ma’ams,” Nicole looked at Amanda and Katelyn. “Temporarily.”

“Just so you know Nicole, I left after that, like right after that, and got professional help.” Melissa stated. “I spent a year in rehab as well.”

“Go ahead Nicole,” Amanda said. “It’s not Nicole’s fault, ma’am. She’s upset because... Well we shouldn’t discuss it while the girls can hear us.”

“I’m really sorry.” Melissa sighed. “I knew what I did was wrong, that’s why I left. But if you don’t stop dancing around the bush about what he did, I’m going to have a stroke.”

“He did some things, we can talk about later.” Katelyn stated.

“Before I go, “ Nicole stated, “It’s not you Melissa. It’s personal. I don’t want it to become about you, ma’am. I respect you. And I’m glad you learned from what you did. David will be here in five. I’ll be back tomorrow.”

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