From the Streets - Chapter 4

Here's another wonderful chapter of From the streets for you guys, remember if you want to read ahead, or read other works by us that you can't find here, or havent been finished yet, etc come check us out on patreon!


“Morning sunshine.” Katelyn said as Sophie woke up, “Coffee? Then you need to get dressed, and we’ll be meeting Susan at the school for the interview.”

“Mmmph,” Sophie whined. “What time is it?”

“Seven,” Amanda answered. “C’mon, I’ve got breakfast. Well, room service has got breakfast,” she giggled. Sophie sat up.

“Just so you know though, we did the St. Margaret's shoot at half price since you’re a student.” Katelyn said as she ate.

“Half price is still a bloody lot to ask of nuns,” Sophie giggled out.

“They can afford it.” Amanda laughed, “Wait till you see the damn school. It’s a state of the art education center.”

“I’d like to get a few shots of you on campus, speaking of which,” Katelyn grinned. “Hope you don’t mind the uniform. I was told you have to wear it when you make appearances at campus anyway, so.”

“I don’t mind,” Sophie said. “It’s actually pretty comfortable.”

“It’s a lovely skirt, what's funny is they’re slightly above the knee, whereas, when I went to catholic schoo.l..” Amanda giggled, “It had to be below the knee.”

Katelyn looked at Amanda. “Hold on. You. You went to catholic school. And I’m only finding this out now?”

“Yup.” Amanda giggled. “We’ve only been dating three weeks silly.” she stuck out her tongue.

“How old are you two?” Sophie asked.

“26.” Katelyn said.

“23.” Amanda added.

“Wow,” Sophie said.

“Yup so there’s only 10 years between us.” Amanda winked, “And 13 between you and Katelyn.”

“Heh,” Sophie said to herself as she finished eating. “Not far off from my real mum. She was 16 when I happened. I guess it was pretty dumb to think I’d find her after all these years, but to tell the truth,” she glanced up at the two, “I just wanted an excuse to leave. Glad I did now.” She smiled, got up, surprised them both with a hug, and then wandered off to get ready. “The Clan helped some, but they let me have my freedom, too.”

“Well that was easy,” Katelyn said. Amanda giggled. “Wonder what she meant by the lcan, though?”

“Who knows. But she didn’t bat an eye. I told you she wouldn’t. Some three week anniversary huh?” she teased.

Katelyn laughed, “Yeah. I’m glad Drew asked you to come with so I could show you some of the beauty of this country. St. M’s is like walking into Hogwarts,” she teased. “But they have some ultra modern facilities too. Sophie’s going to love it.”

“I think she already does,” Amanda giggled. “It is a shame she can’t attend full time, but with the arrangements with the company we’ll be coming back often enough. Next time I hope to meet this infamous aunt of yours,” she teased.

“I guarantee it,” Katelyn laughed as Sophie came back, dressed but not yet made up. She glanced at them and grinned, grabbed the last slice of toast, and ran off again.


Sophie was indeed amazed by the school’s grandeur. What shocked her the most was how high tech it was for as old as it looked. Even the newspaper office was high tech; they had state of the art computers and a state of the art printing press, 4k monitors and the best of the best in layout and design software. She also loved that one of the nuns had a faded tattoo of a wolf’s head on the back of her hand.

After the interview, Susan turned to Katelyn, “I know you guys have a flight back to the states soon, but I made arrangements with Sister June to do a couple photos in her class if that's okay?

“It’s not an interruption is it?” Katelyn asked.

“Nope not at all, we have a lot of kids in this school with famous or rich parents.” Susan answered. “She’ll sit in for the entire class till it’s over, and I'll take a few photos for the story. Sister June’s already given her full blessing.”

“We have time before the flight out.” Katelyn nodded. “It’s up to Sophie though.” she looked over at Sophie.

“Well, I mean, being honest I haven’t been in a classroom in awhile, but sure, if it’s no trouble, I’d love to.”

“None.” Susan said, “Like I said, I already cleared it. By the way,” she said as they got up to start for the classroom, “Thank you so much for talking to me yesterday. You would not believe the storm of phone calls I’ve gotten for copies of my article,” she giggled. “Now that I got a proper interview I can finish it.”

Class hadn't quite started yet so everyone was taking their seats. Sister June smiled warmly at them. “Good morning Sophie. If you’d take a seat over here by the door, middle row that would be perfect. Kathrin is in the nurse's office sick so she won't mind if you take her chair for the class.”

“Don’t worry,” the blonde haired girl behind Sophie said as she sat down. “It’s not contagious. She’s just got her first monthly,” she said casually.

“No rumors Jessica,” Sister June stated firmly.

“Sorry, Sister,” Jessica said.

“Now, I believe we left off yesterday at the invasion of England in 1066?”

“Yes Sister,” everyone said politely at once. Sophie tried not to slump in her chair, sitting properly because she knew at any moment she could be photographed. She tried to pay attention to the lecture even as Susan came in and took the photos of her and the class.

“Thank you Sister.” Susan said as she finished up, “Sorry for interrupting your class.” she apologized even if she had it pre-planned.

“Not at all dear,” June said, without missing a beat, as she wrote some notes on the fancy electronic “blackboard”.

The rest of the class was actually kinda fun, Sophie thought for sure it would be a stuffy thing since it was taught by a nun, but Sister June didn’t have one of those monotone voices, and she was actually quite animated for a nun. At one point she even sat on her desk, took out a fuzzy koosh ball, and started throwing it at students to pick who would get called on to answer a question.

At the end of class Sister June called Sophie, “Mind staying a second?”

Sophie looked at the door to see Katelyn and Amanda who nodded. “Sure?”

“Did you have fun?” Sister June asked.

“It was great,” Sophie laughed. “I wish my teachers at my old school were so into teaching.”

“Mind you not all classes are like mine.” Sister June said with a warm chuckle, “But you are all young ladies, and I think teaching the way I was taught wouldn’t get through to your generation. I hope you enjoyed my class, since you are registered for it. I hope to see you often, even if you are in America.”

“As often as I can,” Sophie nodded. “I really like this school.”

“Sister Kayla is a good tutor, ranked the best in the nation. You will enjoy her.” June said, and gave Sophie a hug, “You represent our school out there hon, so make us proud okay?”

“I will ma’am,” Sophie answered, almost with tears in her eyes. She really was proud, excited, even a little scared, but mostly proud.

On the airplane, Katelyn looked over, “Sister Kayla will be your tutor, but when you’re not on shoot, we made arrangements to do internet classes with your classmates, plus Ellen and Casidhe will also be joining in as they have the same classes you do.”

Ellen leaned over from her extra cushy first class seat and nudged Sophie’s arm lightly, grinning, “Yeah, remind me to get you some ridiculous over the top present for your birthday for getting us into the best school in the UK.”

Casidhe nodded, “You know 90% of the alumni of Saint Margarets become like major actors or CEO’s.”

“Really?” Sophie giggled. “Wow. I mean I fell in love when I saw the campus, and Sister June’s history class made me actually want to learn stuff, but wow.”

“Yeah they have a damn good art department too.” Ellen said. “You and I have an Art class together that Casidhe passed on.” Casidhe stuck out her tongue, and went back to watching a movie.

“I was talking with Megan about my new house,” Sophie said, “She said there’s a loft that they never did anything with, that would be perfect for paintings to air dry in.”

“Yup, we were talking to Rob about getting someone to come in and remodel it as an art studio for you.” Amanda said. Sophie - once secretly, but now openly - loved art. She took an art class every year that it was offered at her old school.

That was part of the problem her father had with her, but he was a thousand miles away as they soared over the ocean. He no longer had custody of her anymore anyway.

“Oh,” Sophie grinned at the two. “It’s got a recording studio too, so we can jam together. Maybe I’ll finally learn guitar,” she teased, laughing.

“Sweet!” Casidhe spoke up. “That’ll be awesome. But we promise not to be over all the time,” she teased.

“I don’t mind as long as Katelyn and Amanda don’t.” Sophie giggled. “You’re the closest thing I’ve had to family in... Well, forever.”

“So have you thought about it?” Amanda asked, “Coming out now as transgender?”

“Hardcore,” Sophie nodded. “I kind of want to do it to get it over and done, but I know how much setup this stuff takes too, so...”

“I think if we nip it now.” Katelyn said, “You won’t get near as many death threats as Megan does, and your fans will be much easier on you. The media is going to eat it, and you won't hear the end of it from them for awhile, but we can nip that in the ass too.”

“Speaking of fans,” Amanda grinned. “I know you’ve never had a phone, so I didn’t want to overwhelm you too much too fast, but I did take the liberty of getting you a verified Twitter and Facebook accounts.”

“What we can do is either you can man them yourself, or we can have someone at the studio tweet and make facebook posts on your behalf.” Katelyn said.

“That second one sounds safer,” Sophie nodded. “At least until I get used to things like having a phone,” she giggled.

“I’ll do it.” Cas said. “I mean if that's okay, I’m a teen and having a teenage girl tweet and f’book for her might be better.”

“That and she’ll be in the know of what's going on for Sophie.” Ellen grinned, “Since we’ll be hanging a lot.”

“That actually works.” Amanda nodded, handing Cas an iphone 10. “All the facebook and twitter creds are on the post-it on the back if you want to manage them from your phone.”

“I'll have her do some of her own selfies and stuff sometimes.” Cas nodded. “Once she gets the hang of it she can do her own.” she winked at Sophie bringing up the camera app, “Sophie, hold the phone out like this.” she showed Sophie, “And then press that at the bottom.”

“Ack,” Sophie laughed, accidentally hitting the power button. “I already broke it.”

“Nope you’re fine.” Cas giggled as she brought up the app again, “This one right here.” she giggled.

“Like... this?” she snapped a photo of herself making a rather dumb expression.

“Yup, take one more and smile.” Cas giggled. Sophie grinned, tilting the phone slightly so that Cas and El were in frame too. “Nice.” Cas wrote a tweet, and added the picture.

“Hey, I did it. I selfied,” she laughed.

“This okay?” Cas asked her, it just read, ‘Headed to Hollywood! With my cousins! YAY!’

“Aye that’s perfect,” Sophie said excitedly.

“Your first tweet ever.” Cas winked. “By the way if you don’t mind Sophie, I'll run them all by you first okay?” she tagged herself and Ellen in the photo. Suddenly Ellen’s phone began to go nuts with notifications.

“Oy,” Ellen laughed. “Forgot to turn off noties on mine. Everyone’s going to be buggin us about this one for abit.” She pulled out her phone, turning off notifications, and then gave Casidhe a funny look.

“Wha?” Casidhe asked.

“Freaking Megan and Juliette just followed me.”

“Cool beans!” Casidhe giggled, “I think that’s still an American saying.” she teased.

“Debby Ryan just followed me, bloody hell,” Ellen squeaked out.

“I got the same notifications.” Casidhe giggled, “As did you Soph.” she showed Sophie the iPhone.

Katelyn giggled. “It’s what we call the star aura effect. You two are famous by proxy now. I’m really sorry about the press at the airport though, it’s going to be worse stateside. Sophie’s already got a pretty growing fan club.”

“Aye well,” Ellen said, “At least American press has never killed a royal.”

“Yet.” Amanda giggled.

“Oh, Gawd,” Sophie laughed. “Ya know, I’m waiting for the royal family to comment on this “Irish Princess” nonsense at this rate.”

“I know Northern Ireland is part of the United Kingdom, but you were living in Southern Ireland, which isn’t.” Katelyn said. “I bet you 10 to nothing you might get knighted or something someday, but that’s not now.” she winked.


“Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. We’ll be landing at LAX shortly.” came over the speakers, “I’d like to thank you all for flying American Air. Local temperature is approximately 78 degrees and sunny. Welcome to Los Angeles.”

Katelyn giggled. “They don’t normally do that last part.”

Megan poked her head up between them. They had gotten on the same plane during their layover in NYC, “Yeah, but they don’t normally have like ten celebrities flying first class,” she teased, and then quickly got back to her seat to buckle up.

“I forgot to ask you, why didn’t you guys fly to florida instead of coming out to LA?” Sophie asked.

“Because we’re here to hang with you and give you some support for a few days.” Juliette answered. “When Amanda texted us that you’d made your decision, we knew we couldn’t leave you now, so we pulled some strings and got our flights changed.”

“Told you we’d be here for you,” Megan grinned. ‘Besides, we’re not needed on set until next month. Got a big break so it works for the lot of us. We’ve got some of the gang flying out next week to really give ya a crowd,” she laughed, “But for the next few days it’s just us hanging on your coat tails.”

“I’ve already informed the press that you have a big announcement for them when we land,” Amanda said.

Megan giggled. “Probably better than the way I did it. I um... sort of broke Twitch.”

“Yeah, 1 billion viewers at one time.” Juliette giggled. “A lot of good support, a lot of hate on that stream.” she winked. “Mostly good though.”

“Okay, so tell me what you think of this,” Sophie said as she held up her iPhone 10 to read the statement she prepared. “In coming to America, I’m starting fresh in so many ways. As some of you know I was homeless before Katelyn found me. But in starting fresh, I want to start honestly.

“That’s why I’ve decided to clear the air about something. I was not born Sophie Dee. I am transgender. I didn’t say anything sooner because I wasn’t sure how the world would react, however with the loving support of my cousins, and my two wonderful friends, I’ve decided that I need to be honest - with the world and with myself.”

“Sounds perfect.” Megan said. “Have you seen your follower count on Twitter BTW?”

“Oh I forgot to show her.” Cas giggled and pulled it up. She had been typing that speach into Twitter for a future tweet from Sophie as well. The count already read 250 people were following her. “I'm thinking about 10 or 20 of them are bots you know those retweet bots. Also I’m only following back a few people, like Celebs our age mostly and a few of the girls from school.”

“Tweet, retweet,” Sophie giggled. “Someday I’ll remember what all this means.”

“It’ll definitely be something you might want to start learning real soon.” Megan laughed, “After all you are a teenage girl and a celebrity: piece of advice, never go anywhere without that phone too.”

“Absolutely,” Juliette said. “Even if you decide you’re sick of security and decide to go off on your own, you’ll be glad you had it with you if something bad happens.”

“Exactly.” Cas nodded, “Even when we went out to play on the streets, it wasn't far from home, but we still had our phones. The cell phone is a god send for teenage girls.” she winked. “Even if not for calling, there’s a crap ton of fucks out there. But that’s preaching to the choir..”

“Speaking of Security.” Amanda said, “When we get to the condo - we rented a temp condo till the sale of the house is final - I’ll introduce you to your new bodyguard.”

“I told Daddy that he had to sell the place to you, but it still takes time.” Megan giggled.

“Okay folks we’ll be landing in a moment, please go ahead and place your trays and seats in an upright position, and turn off any electronic devices,” the flight attendant stated.

“That’d be us,” Ellen laughed as she turned off her phone, her Nintendo Switch, and for good measure, she double checked that her Pokemon 3DS was off as well. Everyone else did as well, Casidhe helped Sophie turn her iphone off.

“I don't think it really does anything.” Casidhe giggled, “But it’s always on the safe side to err with caution.”

“Aye if anyone’s gettin’ blamed for crashing this close to home, it won’t be me,” Sophie giggled. She paused to laugh outright a moment later. “Well, second home, anyway. Ireland knocked me on my arse, but I still love her.”

“You’re still an Irish citizen.” Sarah nodded. “You just have a long term american work visa. Those are usually a nightmare to get. I think your charity donation went a long way to greasing the wheels as it were. You’re a hero in Galway already.”

“Now I just need a better nickname,” Sophie laughed.

“Ooh,” Megan said, and then paused. “Nah. I got nothing.” Juliette giggled.

“You’re kinda stuck with Irish Princess.” Katelyn said, as they landed and were stopped Katelyn turned on her tablet and handed Sophie the article, ‘Prime Minister of The Republic of Ireland has stated that the Irish Princess is set to receive a title in two months time.’

“Oh bloody hell,” Sophie laughed. “What is with everyone? Because I have pretty eyes suddenly I’m God?”

“No, you have a big heart, for your age.” Katelyn stated, pulling up the Charity that Sophie set up, to show her how much money had already been donated: 6.8 billion dollars so far had been collected. Sophie’s jaw fell open.

“I... what?” she stammered out.

“A whooole lot of people besides you donated, including us,” Megan grinned.

“Microsoft said it was going to match anything Apple donated, and Apple said it would donate 1/3 of whatever you donated.” Amanda giggled. “In perpetuity - that means every time you donate, they do. Soon we’ll have to expand to the entire UK at this rate.”

“That also means,” Katelyn grinned, “Every company that hires you gets good publicity for helping you donate, even if they don’t spend a dime on the charity itself. You, young lady, are a gold mine of good publicity.”

“As Katelyn said you have a big heart.” Megan giggled, and leaned over to hug her as they got up to depart the plane. “I mean, I never thought about charity work. It’s not that I don’t care, it just never occurred to me. I want to change that, because of you, and help the homeless here in the US.”

“I told her we should start donating to your charity after Penny told us about it.” Juliette stated, “Penny’s our temp Agent while Ann’s on honeymoon with Megan’s sister,” she giggled.

Megan giggled again. “Penny’s good though. When I saw what you were doing, I was like heck ya let's do it Jules. There’s going to be homeless shelters, really good ones, cropping up all over Ireland soon.”

“Jeez...” Sophie giggled, blushing brightly. “Like seriously, I only put that stipulation in to take care of my friends. I’d have died a long time ago if they hadn’t taken care of me, taught me the ways. I just wanted to repay them.”

“Doesn't take much for something like that to grow.” Juliette said. “It’s called the Sophie Dee Homeless foundation, there’s only one Sophie Dee whos famous right now that I know of.” she winked.

There wasn’t much of a crowd in TSA security area yet, as the celebrities were given preferential departure. Even TSA was pretty fast at getting them through. Nobody teased or gave them a bad time, so it went quicker.

“Welcome to America.” Megan said as they were all ambushed on the other side by reporters.

“Looks a lot like Ireland with less rain,” Sophie shot back playfully, getting a big laugh from the reporters that heard the exchange.

“On behalf of CNN we’d like to welcome you as well Sophie,” a woman called out, “I’m actually here to ask you about your charity if you don’t mind.” She was much louder than the rest of them, very outspoken.

“Sure,” Sophie said. “I know my agent told you guys I’d have a big announcement to make, but I can answer some questions first.”

“Was your only reason for starting it because you were homeless, or do you have other reasons as well?” The woman asked.

“Mainly,” Sophie said, “I wanted to repay the people who taught me how to survive the mean streets. I was a dumb runaway kid with an abusive Da. I didn’t know the first thing about surviving. They could’ve tore me apart and left me to die, instead, they showed me the ropes, where to busk without getting yelled at, where to get a decent meal. That’s not living - that’s just surviving. I wanted to do right by them because they did right by me.”

There was a bunch of talking and a man spoke up, “Sophie, you said that your managers had something you wanted to tell the public, our agency never got that message, I’m with TMZ.” he laughed.

“Oops Sorry Rob.” Katelyn spoke into the mics, “I forgot to give Amanda your email.” there was some laughs from everyone. “It was definitely not intentional!”

“Yeah, I have a major announcement to make.” Sophie said, and began to tell her speech from memory, trying not to read it off her phone. Once during the whole thing she looked to make sure had it right. Unlike the written speech she made sure to mention Megan and Juliette by name as the “two friends”.

When she finished, she took a deep breath, waiting for someone to ask her an embarrassing question. A woman spoke up, “That was a brave thing, How long have you known you were a girl?”

“Most of my life I’ve known I was different,” Sophie said. “Back in school before I ran away, I had only female friends. They used to jokingly call me ‘one of the girls’,” Sophie laughed. There was much more to the story than that, but she needed permission from others to talk about them, and so she left out the rest, for now.

“I got a question for Megan.” A man spoke up. Sophie looked over at Megan. She stepped forward.

“Megan, you have never donated to charity before.” he began, “Why now and why Sophie Dee’s; are you and Juliette breaking up?”

“Oh God no,” Megan laughed. “I was actually literally just talking to Sophie about this one on the plane. As most of you know I grew up in show biz. That can really isolate you. I never really “knew” a homeless person. It didn’t hit home for me how human they are. Sophie, honestly, opened my eyes, made me realize how much good I can do with my celebrity status. I look up to her so much. But no, Jules and I are celebrating our six month anniversary next week,” she added with a giggle.

Juliette smiled and walked up to the microphones. “We’ll be here in California for the next month, so we planned on having a date at Disneyland for it. Maybe take over the Pirates of the Caribbean attraction,” she teased.

“Sophie,” another woman asked, “Are you joining the cast of ‘Lost Girls’?”

Sophie giggled. “No, but they did ask me if I’d consider a special guest spot sometime. I guess that part’s up to the writers and producers.”

“Sophie I just saw your pictures for Saint Margaret’s. Are you going to school there?” A woman asked.

“I have a tutor from St. Margaret’s, and I will be attending classes both online, and in person.” Sophie answered.

“No more questions guys, she’s got a busy day.” Amanda stated as they waded through her picture was being taken by everyone with a camera, as they got into the limo waiting for them. She held out her phone to snap a selfie. “Let’s see... Share... To Twitter... Crap how do I open the keyboard again?” she laughed.

Casidhe had been showing her how to tweet, so that it could be a more authentic system of her own tweets mixing with hers, “Press that right there.” Cas said as she pointed.

“Oh there we go. Big pres... S damn it. Release, glad I’ll be in a limo when u read it smiley face,” she said as she slowly typed her message with the photo. “Hashtag hashtag who’s got the hashtag... There you are. Hashtag jet lag.” She giggled.

Casidhe giggled, “So we’re going to the condo for a long nap, and after I think Katelyn said we had about an hour of freetime before you have a shoot for Teen GQ.”

“They’re uber excited to have a Transgender Teen model for this week's run.” Amanda said.

“There's more than just me and Megan?” Sophie asked.

Amanda nodded, “You’d be surprised sweetie, I can’t tell you any names, but we have a few in our lineup.”

“Don’t worry,” Megan said, “They’ll find you. I wouldn’t be surprised if at least one of them comes out after this.”

“Katelyn said she’d meet us at the condon later,” Amanda said, “She’s got some errands to run. Besides our car was parked at the airport.”

“Oh, this is our stop,” Juliette said as the limo slowed down in front of a Hilton hotel. She leaned over and hugged Sophie, and Megan did too.

“I got your number from Amanda.” Megan said. “We’ll call you later. We don’t want to overwhelm you too much.”

“She’s going to get that, she’s got 8 photoshoots lined up this week and a live show.” Amanda stated.

Sophie’s eyes widened. She was doing mental calculations, which became obvious when she started waggling her finger in the air, drawing imaginary numbers. “Holy shite, that’s a lot of money to the charity.”

“Yup. 6 of the 8 don’t donate, but as we said, it looks good for them having you.” Amanda said. “They pretty much donate by proxy. Also we figured you wanted the same deal for the Live shows as you do for your shoots right?”

“Live shows?” Sophie asked.

“Runway.” Amanda said. “Don’t worry you’ll have time to practice. Most of the teen models that will be doing this one are new to the job as well, or have very little experience, so you’ll be fine.”

“Not to sound vain, I really mean this in the best way possible,” Sophie said, “But it sounds like I’ll be taking the pressure off them,” she laughed.

“Yes you will.” Amanda nodded as the limo pulled into an underground parking garage. When they got out a woman, about 6’4” tall, approached wearing sunglasses and a pant suit and carrying a firearm at her side Sophie only noticed it because the woman fixed her jacket.

“Wow,” Sophie let herself blurt out as she looked up at the woman. She managed to stop herself from saying anything else embarrassing.

“Sophie Dee, Meet Nicole, your bodyguard.” Amanda said. “You’ll have another one for Nicole’s days off.”

“Nice to meet you,” Sophie said as she offered her hand.

“As you.” Nicole smiled down at her and gently shook Sophie’s hand. “Just to let you know, I’ve had to guard other celebrity teens, and I have never once had to use my handgun, so let’s try and keep that streak running.”

Sophie giggled. “If someone started something with me I used to just kick em in the knickers and run, anyway.”

“Smart move.” Nicole grinned as they walked to the elevator. She stayed a little bit behind Amanda and Sophie. “Normally I will never be this close to you, except when you enter an elevator or a close quarters area. It’s easier to protect you from a distance.”

Sophie didn’t seem to mind that, which took Nicole back a bit. She didn’t sigh, pout, roll her eyes, or make any sarcastic noises. She was smiling, actually. It was like she wanted the attention, but not like a spoiled brat would, either. Nicole had only seen this once before.

She wasn’t up on the latest celebrity gossip. She had one job to do, and she had enough relevant information on the client to do that job: girl, 13, fashion model. That was all she needed to know. But she saw Sophie’s history unfolding in how she walked, talked, moved, and in the hints of tattoos here and there under her clothing.

But she could read “homeless”, “domestic abuse”, “Belfast-Irish” from her, the Irish was in the accent. It had a slight British twang to it.

Nicole waited for the doors to fully close, and for the elevator to start moving, before leaning over to Amanda and whispering, “Tell Miss Price I said ‘thanks’.”

“Sure thing.” Amanda said. She knew what that meant. This was going to be the best job Nicole had in a long time, Amanda and Katelyn knew Nicole before they interviewed her for the job even.

Nicole was an Iraq war veteran who bounced around between jobs after receiving an honorable discharge. She’d spent the last couple of years bodyguarding, mostly for self-absorbed stick figures. She didn’t like to talk about her brief stint in the Women’s WWE, however.

“I think i'm going to enjoy this job.” Nicole said aloud, “I’ll introduce you to your weekend bodyguard tomorrow. He’s not as.. Laid back I think you’d call it on security details, he likes to be close to his subject.”

“Does he do his own theme music?” Sophie giggled.

Nicole smiled briefly, “Spider pig, spider pig..”

“Does whatever a spider pig does,” Sophie giggled.

“Sorry.” Nicole grinned. “I’m glad you at least know that reference.”

“I know a few.” Sophie giggled as they got off the elevator. “Mostly TV shows. I didn’t have a computer or phone before, so I’m getting up to date on the internet stuff still, like what a dank meme is.”

“It can be overwhelming.” Nicole nodded. “Just remember to relax and not let it get to you.”

“After the press conference at the airport,” Sophie nodded, “Megan suggested I avoid Twitter for the next day, so I made Casidhe carry my phone,” Sophie laughed.

Amanda smiled. Like any good Mommy or Agent, or in this case both, she had been keeping track of Sophie’s social media accounts. “It’ll be too hard for her to keep up, all her classmates and stuff now know her true story. So far she's got a lot of good support at school though.”

Nicole took out her personal keycard and slid it into the lock, waiting in the hallway for everyone to file inside. “I’ll go help with your bags, and then I’ll be right back.”

“We got as much as we could,” Casidhe giggled as she and Ellen trudged off the elevator, loaded down with bags. Even Sarah had her fair share of the luggage.

“Katelyn’s stuck in the elevator.” Ellen giggled, “Figured we go with er, so we could see our condo first, and then come ere for you.”

“Whoa,” Casidhe looked up at Nicole. “You’re bleedin tall..”

Nicole grinned at Casidhe. It was the kind of grin that could scare a bear up a tree. “Is she with you?” she asked Sophie. “Tell me she’s not with you.” She cracked her knuckles.

“Eek!” Casidhe squealed, but with nowhere to go since she was loaded down with bags. Nicole laughed.

“I’m just messing with you. I’m Nicole, Sophie’s bodyguard. You’re Casidhe, and you’re Ellen, right?”

“Twins.” Casidhe giggled, “Actually we’re identical twins, so I wasn’t sure if you could tell us apart.”

“Actually you both were in the work paperwork.” Nicole stated. “But I figured I had a 50/50 chance of guessing which was which. I’ve committed to memory what little differences are between you, and I won’t likely mistake you two. But don’t worry. I already explained to Sophie how I won’t be sticking right on top of you except enclosed areas and elevators.”

“Oh I don’t mind,” Casidhe giggled. “You’re protecting our best friend so that makes you aces.”

“I meant to ask.” Sophie said, “You were in the Service weren't you, Special forces?”

Nicole laughed. “How’d you know?”

“The tattoo.” Sophie answered, “Rick, the man who was in charge of us kids at the homeless shelter where I scored a meal sometimes,, had one just like it. Delta Force I think he said.”

Nicole nodded. “I was on the team that took out Bin Laden.”

“Wasn't’t that a seal team?” Ellen asked.

“No, a delta force team actually, but we gave credit to the seals for it.” Nicole stated. “The less the public knows about Delta, the easier it is for them to do their job.”

“Maybe you know Rick?” Sophie asked, “Rick Lesher, great guy, very protective, especially with us girls.”

“Richie,” Nicole laughed. “He’s living in Ireland?”

“Aye, Galway, right between 8th and Cork street.” Sophie nodded. “Only other apartment I've been to since I arrived in Galway, Taught me this thing called a Cobra clutch for if I ever got cornered. He also said if a boy or a male tried anything to stomp their foot and knee them in the nards. His exact words.”

“Good man,” Nicole said. “Good soldier. And he’s absolutely right. The fastest way to disarm a man is to bust his balls open. If someone’s messing with you, he doesn’t deserve civility.”

“Good ta know.” Ellen giggled.

“One thing about street fighting.” Nicole stated, “Everything you have on you is a weapon. I once split a guy’s head open with my cell phone. The cell phone can be used in different ways, to call 911, or to throw it at someone, you can also hit them repeatedly with it. And a handbag strap makes an excellent garrote.” She winked.

“I think I love you,” Casidhe giggled.

“One other thing, keys and change in your pockets can also be used, if you’re being mugged; toss your change on the ground. It’ll distract the robber, and run like hell. Keys can also be used like brass knuckles.” Nicole stated. Class was in session, and Nicole was the instructor. She so rarely had a subject willing to listen, so she was taking advantage of it.

“Oh, aye, especially those big old iron Janitor key rings,” Sophie giggled.

“I suggest if you ever ditch me, to always have a can of bear spray in your clutch or purse.” Nicole grinned as she pulled out three cans of bear spray and handed one to each girl. “Bear spray might be a bit overkill, but there are some people out there who can handle Pepper spray. Bear spray on the other hand... Just don’t let it get taken away and used on you.”

“I don’t think I want to ever ditch you actually.” Sophie stated. “I know Juliette said that if I wanted to ditch my guards that I should take a cell phone, but I feel better knowing you’re around.”

Nicole smiled thoughtfully at that. “Thank you. It’s a lot easier to protect someone who wants to be protected. If you ever want a self defense lesson by the way just ask. I’m trained in Kenpo and Krav Maga. I still think you three need the bear spray just in case something does happen however and we get split up.”

“I agree.” Amanda interjected and Katelyn nodded.

“Besides,” Ellen giggled, “You know some krav maga already,” she teased Sophie. Sophie laughed, remembering that line from The Simpsons.

“A little.” Sophie nodded. “No crotch, no krav maga.”

Nicole burst out laughing. “No question you know Richie.”

“Rich also said that girls can be affected by a swift kick to the groin.” Sophie nodded, “I’ve only used it once on a girl. She kissed me right on the mouth without asking me first.”

Nicole nodded. “It’s an attention-getter.”

“Was it that Blaine girl?” Casidhe asked. “Twat always takin things she thinks belong to er.”

“Aye,” Sophie said. “I didn’t stick around to see much her reaction, but it sure as hell got her attention, and she fooked off afterwards. You know Danny gave her what-fors. He said he gave her a big wet slobbery kiss after eating a buncha garlic,” she laughed.

“Danny the Lumberyard?” Ellen giggled.

“Why’s he called that?” Nicole asked.

“Big fookin arms.” Sophie giggled. “He’s got big arms, big ears, and a small head, little goofy looking, but a hell of a pickpocket despite it. I swear half of it’s because nobody thinks he’s smart or deft enough for it.”

“Danny’s a good kid.” Casidhe giggled. “We give em half our tips from time to time when he comes around to keep the riff raff away. I guess his life’s gonna be way different real soon.”

“With all the money the charity’s taking in,” Sophie nodded, “They’ll be able to open up schools in the shelters and everything.”

“I think you girls should take a small nap while you can,” Katelyn said, “Megan and Juliette will be here in four hours to take you around the area, and after you have a 6 hour photoshoot.”

“Yeah, that’s a good idea,” Sophie yawned. “I tried to sleep on the plane, but I was too excited.”

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