Christian's Gender Problem Chapter 3

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Mia promised Christina that at school the next day, she would talk to Emma and get her book back. Meanwhile, Christina would have to put up with another day as a girl. Even though she pined for her old life as a boy, Christina would have to get used to being a girl.

The following morning, Christina woke up with her hair swept over her face, just like yesterday. She got out of bed and went over to get ready for the day. She went into the bathroom, took off all her clothes, sat down on the toilet with her thicker butt, and peed out of her vagina. She had always wondered what it would be like to pee as a girl. Christian had always found it hard to pee as a boy. He found it tough to aim without splattering pee on the toilet seat, or the floor. Even when he saw down, he'd still end up having pee trickle down the front of the toilet and onto the floor. But as a girl, it was super easy. Barely an inconvenience.* All she had to do was sit down and let loose.

Showering as a girl wasn't that hard. But when she got out, Christina ran into some other problems. First off, drying her hair. She had seen her mom and sister do it by wrapping towels around their heads, but Christina thought that looked weird. She instead opted to use a hair dryer. The warm air blowing on her head felt nice, but it took a while to fully dry her hair. Another problem was figuring out how to wrap a towel around her. The Aceves' towels were rather small, so Christina wasn't sure if they'd cover her whole body. She carefully wrapped it around her torso, being sure to cover her breasts. But looking down, she saw that her butt and vagina were still visible. Christina inched the towel downward, until it satisfyingly covered her pelvic area. She was still showing massive amounts of cleavage, but her nipples were hidden.

For today, Christina decided to wear a pair of white short shorts, a blue tank top, and leather boots. She tied her hair back in two pigtails, which finished her look rather nicely. She packed up her notebooks and textbooks, then went off to drive to school.

School was rather uneventful. It still felt weird using the girls' bathroom and locker room, though. Christina had heard of transgender people who "transitioned" into the opposite gender and used the different bathrooms as part of it. She wondered if this was how transitioning people felt. They had been used to growing up with boys' customs all their lives, and then start doing girl stuff all of a sudden. The change was so sudden, and drastic, and it was permanent. That is, except for Christina. She hoped that she would be able to transform back into a boy soon.

In Physics, Christina was at a table with Saige Johnson. Saige was one of Olivia's friends, but Christina didn't know her super well. They talked every now and then, but Saige wasn't that close to Christian. But now, Saige seemed to recognize Christina. "Good afternoon, Christina," said Saige. "Or should I even call you that?"

Christina frowned. "What?"

"A little bird told me you were turned into a girl," said Saige. "Christian," she added.

Christina's jaw dropped. "How does every girl I know know that I used to be a boy?" she asked.

"Well, it was Olivia who told me," said Saige. "It seems that everyone who was magically turned into the opposite gender is immune to whatever spell made everyone think you were always a girl."

"But-but you're telling me that you used to be a boy?"

"Yes," said Saige. "You remember Sage Johnson, the guy you were in P. E. with in your freshman year?" Christina nodded. "That was me."

"What happened to you?"

"I accidentally wandered into the wrong bathroom," Saige explained. "It turns out that the bathroom was magic, and it turned boys into girls."

"Wait," said Christina. "If the girls' bathroom at this school turns boys into girls, then does that mean the boys' bathroom turns girls into boys?"

"Not if you've been magically transformed," Saige replied. "Believe me, I've tried."

"Wow," said Christina. "I can't believe this. How were you able to handle your new life?"

"My mom helped me," said Saige. "And I got in touch with Olivia and found out about her origins. Then her evil foster mom found her and took her back to her foster home, and I had to go rescue her."

"Was she the witch who transformed Olivia?"

"Yep. She was angry at Olivia for poking around and discovering her secret, so she tortured her so the other girls would know what the consequences would be if they followed Olivia's example. But me, and Bailey, and Stephanie, and my boyfriend Tony-we rescued her and killed Miss Johnson."

"Oh, you even have a boyfriend?" Christina asked.

"Yes," said Saige. "Tony was my best friend when I was a boy, and when I became a girl, he was really accepting. And we ended up dating each other, so-" She broke off as a thought entered her mind. "I just realized," she said. "You're dating Olivia, aren't you?"

"Ah...I was. I am," said Christina. "But I'm a girl now, so..."

Saige nodded sympathetically. "Sounds like you have a problem."

"I-I still love her," said Christina. "But if we're the same gender, then it would be homo."

"You sure you're not okay with just being friends?"

"Saige, I've worked toward this for ages," said Christina. "I've had a crush on Olivia ever since she showed up, and it took months for me to convince her to start dating me. We finally got to our first kiss a month ago, and now it's all on the kabosh because my sister borrowed a spell book from the library and used a spell on me!"

"Wait-you said your sister used a spell from a book?"

"It was an accident," said Christina. "She let her friend borrow it, and she's supposed to get it back today. Then we can use it to set things right."

Saige smiled. "That's a relief," she said.


After school that day, Christina went straight to Mia to ask about the spell book. But when queried, Mia hesitated to respond. "Please don't be mad," she said.

"What is it?" Christina asked. "Did Emma not have the book?"

"She, ah..." Mia nervously fidgeted with her backpack's straps. "She told me she took it home, and her baby brother got to it. He threw it into Emma's fireplace, and..."

Christina slapped her forehead. "You've got to be kidding me!" she said.

"I'm so sorry," said Mia. "Emma told me to tell you she's sorry, too."

"Oh, gosh darn it," Christina grumbled. "Now I'm gonna be stuck as a girl! And now we're gonna be in trouble with the library!"

Mia's face brightened. "Wait a minute," she said. "We can buy a new copy of the book!"


"It's what you do with libraries," Mia explained. "If you lose a book or have it damaged, you buy a replacement."

"Then let's do that," said Christina. "Let's go look on Amazon."

So Christina and Mia went over to the computer to search "Ancient Spells" on Amazon. But the book wasn't up for sale on Amazon. The closest result was an encyclopedia called "Ancient Wizards And Their Spells." Christina actually checked this item to see if it was a different edition of the book they were looking for, but it wasn't. Christina searched on Ebay as well, but the results from that site weren't much better.

"Did you see what year that book was published?" Christina asked.

"No," Mia answered.

Christina sighed. She went into the regular Google search engine and searched "ancient spells," but she was in for a nasty surprise. She found the "Ancient Spells" book listed under a publisher's website, and it was the same one Mia had borrowed from the library. But the site said that the book was out of print.

"Great," Christina moaned. "I'm stuck as a girl forever."

"I'm sorry," said Mia. "I'm very, very sorry."

Christina felt tears welling up in her eyes. How could she deal with being a girl forever? Would she have to deal with dating boys in the future-or, worse yet, motherhood? And her relationship with Olivia. Olivia had seemed to understand Christina's trauma over being turned into a girl, but what of their relationship? Olivia had been Christian's first love. But did this mean that it was over?

To be concluded...

*If you get the reference...

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anatomy issue

we don't pee out of our vaginas. We have a urethra opening near it, but not from it.

On the anatomy issue

it may be that the author made the same mistake most men I know and even some women make in referring to the whole structure, clitoris, labia majora and minora, urertha, and vagina as the vagina. I know back when I was in high school everyone referred to it all as the vagina. Fortunately my Mom taught me and my little sister the correct terms when teaching us about ours when we were little. Dad always knew, though I don't know if he knew because he taught himself or my Mom did. They dated in High School, married, divorced, married again and were together until he died. ^_^ Sarah

I am a Proud mostly Native American woman. I am bi-polar. I am married, and mother to three boys. I hope we can be friends.

Understandable, that is the charcter speaking,

Hypatia Littlewings's picture

who use to be a boy, he(suddenly she) probably has a lot of issues, and is rather confused.

edit: I do not think the author did make a mistake. the statement is from the main character's point of view.

Is it winter time?

Jamie Lee's picture

Why would the fireplace be used at Emma's home? Is it winter time, real late fall? And how'd her baby brother get ahold of the book? Christian is responsible for that book but Emma is the one who should have to pay the library.

Now what will Christina do? Resign herself to being a girl or keep searching for a replacement book?

Others have feelings too.