Christian's Gender Problem Chapter 4

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Author's Note: Before I get to the conclusion of this story, let me address the vagina vs. vulva vs. uretha controversy that I've been seeing in the comments and messages. I confess that I am a genetic male, and as one person pointed out, I did not know the full details. I'm sorry for offending females that have read this, and in future stories, I will try to be more anatomically accurate.

Okay, now that I've apologized for that, let us get on with the story.

After finding out that there was no way of getting the book back, Christina fell into a deep depression. She had built up a life as a boy, and then had it taken away from her. She had found it hard to adjust to everyone thinking she was a girl, and she wasn't sure if she ever would. Worst of all, she was distressed that she seemed to have lost her relationship with Olivia. Despite having female hormones, she still felt the romantic love she had felt for Olivia when she was a boy. But she wasn't sure Olivia would feel the same way. Olivia had only ever shown romantic infatuations toward boys. Olivia did often say she loved people like Bailey or Saige, but that was a sisterly love. Christina loved her like a girlfriend.

The more Christina thought about it, the more she realized she didn't want to live her life as a girl. She had never expressed any symptoms of gender identity disorder (at least, she thought that was what it was called), and she had never wondered what it was like to be the opposite gender. Now she had been turned into a girl against her will, and it looked like she'd be stuck that way. She did not want to live her life as a girl, but it was clear she wasn't gonna be changing back. So she saw only one way out of it.

During swim practice that day, Christina swam about ten laps and then asked the coach if she could use the bathroom. The coach said yes, and Christina got out of the pool. She went back to the locker room and got a belt out of her bag. She went into the bathroom and locked herself inside a stall door. As Christina felt the belt in her hands, her heart rate started to speed up. She had heard stories about kids that had done this before. Years ago, in seventh grade, Christian had heard the story of Megan Meier when he was in seventh grade, and he had almost cried at the tragedy. He'd never thought he would be brought down to her level, but in this situation, she couldn't think of any other way out.

Christina wrapped the belt around one of the posts holding up the bathroom stall and locked its buckle. She stood on the toilet and slipped her neck through the looped belt. "Well, here goes nothing," Christina said as she took a deep breath. She thought of her uncle Frankie, who had died of cancer just a year before. Soon she would be seeing him again. Christina jumped off the toilet and let herself hang by her neck.

The agony in her lungs came almost instantly. Air was cut off from her respiratory system, and Christina could feel herself losing strength. She fought against her instincts to claw at the belt, intending to allow it to kill her. Her vision started to go dark as her throat involuntarily sputtered for air.

Suddenly, someone from outside pounded on the stall door. "What's going on in there?" a female voice asked. That voice belonged to Olivia, who stuck her head under the stall door and saw Christina hanging herself. Her eyes widened as she realized what was happening. "Christina!" she exclaimed. Olivia crawled underneath the stall door and grabbed Christina. She lifted Christina up, loosening the belt's grip around her neck and allowing air to flow through her lungs. Olivia undid the belt's buckle, opened the stall door, and laid Christina on the floor. Christina gasped, blinked her eyes, and looked up at Olivia.


"Coach Helen sent me in here to grab something," said Olivia. "And then I heard you choking. Why on earth did you hang yourself?"

"It's...none of your business," said Christina.

"Of course it's my business!" said Olivia. "What is it that you're depressed about?"

Christina sighed. She didn't see any reason to hold back why. "I'm upset about being turned into a girl," she said. "I've been a boy for sixteen years, and now my life was suddenly taken away from me. My friendships are totally different, and now my relationship with you is over."

Olivia frowned. "Who said our relationship was over?"

"Well...we're both girls now," said Christina. "You-you only like boys, right?"

"I still love you," said Olivia. "I've actually been worried about the same thing-that is, whether you still felt romantically attracted to me, since you're the same gender as me."

"I still feel the same way," said Christina. "But I don't know if it'll be okay, since we're the same gender."

Olivia exhaled deeply. "Christina, there's something I should tell you," she said. "It's something I've held back for years, even before I was turned into a girl. I..." she hesitated. "I'm bi."


"Bisexual," said Olivia. "I favor both genders."

"What? Why did you never tell me that?"

"Because there wasn't any need to," said Olivia. "I'd never found a girl who I liked that way, but when I met you, as a boy, you were my love."

"'re okay with being my love even now?" Christina asked.

Olivia smiled warmly. "Yes," she said. She brought her face down to Christina's and kissed her on the lips. The sensation felt just as pleasant as when Christian and Olivia had kissed a month ago. Christina felt her mind being swept away, and her memories being blotted out. She almost forgot where they were, and what they were doing, and why they were wherever they were. She was too focused on the sexual pleasure of making out with her girlfriend.

Neither of them were sure how long their kiss could've lasted. It could've been anywhere between five minutes or five millennia. But when they broke apart, Christina could feel her memories coming back to her. "Wow," she said. "I never thought I'd be in a lesbian relationship."

"Me either," said Olivia. "Look, I know it's hard to be turned female against your will, but I can help you with it."


"Of course. If you have any problems at all, you can always come to me."

Christina smiled. "Thank you so much," she said. "I just love you."

"I love you too," said Olivia. The two of them got up and left the locker room, ready to start a new life.


Transitioning still wasn't easy. But with Olivia's help, Christina was able to segway into being a girl. She went with Olivia to the mall one day and spent money on some cute, girly clothing and makeup. This made Christina feel so much more comfortable as a girl. She also started talking with Mia more, giving her more advice about school and dealing with friends. Mia wasn't sure what to think at first, but she soon grew to like this change. After all, she had always dreamed of having a big sister to fulfill this very purpose. And now was the time to live her dream.

Also, I expect you're wondering how they dealt with the library, since they had borrowed a book from them and then lost it. Well, Mia and Christina went to the library and explained what had happened, and that they were unable to find a replacement book. The librarian was surprisingly accepting. He said that he understood that accidents sometimes happened, but they still had to pay him fifteen dollars. Christina and Mia both pooled their money to give the librarian fifteen dollars, which he gladly accepted.

From that day forward, Christina grew to like her life as a girl. She realized that there were some good perks to being female. She no longer had to perform young men's duties at church, and she could now try out to be a cheerleader at school. Being a cheerleader was a ticket to instant popularity at her school, and Christina was not going to pass up the chance. Best of all, she still had her girlfriend Olivia at her side, giving her constant support through whatever hardships she'd encounter down the road.

The End. Hopefully that'll suffice, as I didn't really have the ending of this story planned out.

I hope you enjoyed the story, since I enjoyed writing it. But once again, I apologize for my critical research failure.

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I Don't Think You Had Anything to Apologise For

When I read the passage about Christina peeing, I just assumed that she wasn't familiar yet with the details of what was going on "down there" and just assumed the pee came out of her vagina (or close enough to call it that anyway).

Thanks for sharing.

Oh hun...

That is completely ok, it is actually normal

Especially if you have gender issues *Sex/health class/Ed* were a nightmare.

The boys classes when it came to females were LONG, but filled with nothing really other then alot of crude disgusting jokes' and statements and anectdotes, that truly made me sick to my stomach.... where as (from peeking) there were jokes, but it was held accordingly with actual studies with the girl's class (In my schools boys and girls were separated for sex ed until the brief week of health class that followed)... myself I would have been happier with the girls... you even get to slide a condom on a banana! I know it is silly but it was entertaining!

What happened with him & his sister.... doing hat he did would have left a mark and would have to give answers especially to her family.... trust me I know better then you can imagine

Trigger warning (suicide reflection)

I tried to end it soooooo many times & the closest was 2-3 years ago..... you literally described the exact same method an environment that I did.... toilet & belt around the top bar of a door. It broke, the damn keyring that I used to connect it together broke... for over 5 weeks I had bruising around my neck..... I am disgusted and ashamed of what I did... I was in the womans domestic abuse shelter, I lost everything when I fled for my safety, I had already been to respit and was held in psych for half a day where they treated me horribly, a resident at the shelter (only the staff knew of my gender based status, I can or could pass as cis female without much effort) found out from listening to a private conversation about my gender status..... and used it to bully me relentless wight up to extortion and blackmail... when I had enough I gave her a warning to knock it off or I would involve the staff on what has been going on... they would not take a resident being abused by another. I was taking care of the newborn for my detoxing friend and she was asleep on my chest in an awkward position so I could not get up.... the b**** went to the staff when she came back from having a cig outside and told them that I had been abusing and threatening her..... being a genetic not completely female, they actually took her side... I was ordered into seclusion... I did not eat for over 5 days, I was alone..... I spent 2-3 weeks in complete isolation & my genetic schitsophrenia reared its ugly head for the first time since I was a child... then a few times for a couple days and then the third day of its consistency I was more or less outside of myself could not control my body it was like it worked against me, while at the same time I was so empty I did not care, my emotions and thoughts so dried out it was being hollowed out that a shell sould be putting it mildly... I took the action... staff found me minutes later & I was put on suicide watch until they transfered me to the sister shelter in another city that joints (we call it the tri-cities) I was kept on watch then for another couple of weeks before I was allowed my freedom....
What you described, brings awareness... thank you for that <3

Amelia Rosewood Year two.png

With Love and Light, and Smiles so Bright!

Erin Amelia Fletcher

A nice story.

WillowD's picture

Thank you.


This ending works so there's no need for apologies. Lesbian relationships can work just as successfully as heterosexual or gay relationships because they are primarily about emotional fulfilments. Practical aspects like parenthood are essentially social parameters and provided society is sufficiently tolerant and non-judgemental about LGBT matters then lesbians can readily enjoy parenting in ALL it's aspects.


Causes more problems than cures

Jamie Lee's picture

Desperation can lead to depression which can lead to doing something that seems the only thing that can be done.

But in doing the final act more problems arise because those left behind are now left with unanswered questions and the loss of a loved one. They start the only if statements which can make them feel responsible for what happened.

Thankfully Olivia was sent into the locker room or it would have been too late for Christina. And her family, and Olivia.

Others have feelings too.