Christian's Gender Problem Chapter 2

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Christian's mom opened the bedroom door. "Oh, you are home," she said. "How was swim practice?"

Christian looked at her mom like she was crazy. "I-I mean, it was fine, but..."

"What's wrong?"

Christian was apalled at her mom's lunacy. "I just turned into a girl!" she exclaimed. "Aren't you-"

"Christina, you've always been a girl," her mom said. "Are you sure you're okay?"

Christian opened her mouth, but realized that there was no point arguing with her mom. "Yes," she said.

"Okay then," her mom said. "I just wanted to let you know that I'm going over to Emma's house. It turns out Mia wants to spend the night there, so I'm gonna go bring her sleeping bag and pillow."

"Right," said Christian. As her mom left, she went over to her school backpack to get out some homework to start working on. But when she pulled out her school ID card, she saw something seriously wrong. It had a picture of her new female self, along with the name "Christina Aceves."

"This can't be right," Christian said to herself. She looked at her driver's license, and it was the same situation there. She looked at the family picture that was on her desk, and she saw that her male self was replaced with her female self.

"Please tell me this is a bad dream," Christian said as she lay down on her bed. But she felt her breasts jiggling inside her swimsuit, and her big butt act as a cushion for her pelvic area. It was totally legit. Somehow, by some unexplained magical force, Christian had been turned into Christina.

Christina realized she should probably change out of her swimsuit. So she opened up her dresser drawer and found a plethora of girls' clothing. She took off her swimsuit, hung it on the drying hook on her wall, and selected some clothes. She first took a pair of white panties and stuck her legs through them. She set the panties snugly around her butt, hips, and vagina. Then she took a bra and set it over her breasts. She wriggled her arms through the straps, then clipped the bra in the back. Next, she put on a pair of short shorts and a plain yellow T-shirt.

Christina looked at herself in the mirror. In these clothes, she looked really sexy. If she were still a guy, she would definitely want to get in bed with the girl she saw in the mirror. Christina had never gotten to that point with her girlfriend Olivia, but she had always fantasized about what it would be like.

Her euphoria was short-lived. Christina realized that she had school and swim practice the next day, and everyone there would probably remember her as a girl. But would that mean she'd have to use the girls' bathroom? Would she be ogled by teenage boys in the hallways? Would she suddenly have new friends that were girls?


Christina's heart hammered as she went to school the next morning. She had double-checked her schedule and verified that all her classes were the same, but she was still worried. She took a deep breath and entered the school's hallways. She tried to act casual as she got her textbooks from her locker, but she couldn't stop worrying about whether people would stop and stare.

Not a bit of it. Everyone-students and teachers alike-walked past Christina as if she were invisible. Some of them cast her a sideways glance, but that was it. Every time she ran into someone that she knew, they would say hi and address her as Christina. Christina would always say hi back, in an attempt to be friendly. But it still felt weird to be called by a different name.

At lunch, Christina sat at her usual lunch table. A few minutes after she sat down, Olivia came. Olivia had been Christian's girlfriend for about six months now. They had met when Olivia, along with her friends Bailey and Stephanie, had been taken in by a local foster home and started coming to school with Christian. Christian was in a class with Olivia, and he had talked to her and gotten to know her. Olivia had grown up in Evanston, but her family had died in a fire. Olivia was taken in by an Evanston foster home, but when that foster home shut down, Olivia had came to Chicago with Bailey and Stephanie and found a new home* there. Christian and Olivia had grown closer and closer, and toward the end of the last school year, they had started dating each other. They had shared their first kiss just a month before.

Except now, Christian had turned into Christina. And she was pretty sure Olivia was straight, so they were probably just friends at this point. But when Olivia came and sat down at Christina's lunch table, she froze on seeing Christina. "Oh my goodness," she said. "What happened to you?"

"Uh...what are you talking about?" Christina asked. She decided she should just play along with everyone else's perception that she was always a girl.

"You-you've changed," said Olivia.

"What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean!" said Olivia.

Before Christina could respond, Bailey came and sat down next to Olivia. "Hi Christina," she said. "Olivia, what's wrong?"

Olivia bit her lip. "Nothing," she said. " did your date with Scott Ferguson go?"

"It went great," said Bailey. "We went to Applebee's, and then..." Bailey went on and on about her date. It was clear she had had a total blast, but Christina wasn't interested in hearing it. What she was interested in was that Olivia seemed to have known the truth. For some reason, she was the only one who didn't think Christina was always a girl. Christina would have to talk to her about it. Not right now, at lunch, but hopefully later. Maybe at swim practice.


Fate smiled on Christina later that day. She arrived at swim practice a little earlier than everyone else, and when she entered the changing room, Olivia was the only person there.

"Hi Olivia," said Christina.

"Hi...Christina," said Olivia. She had taken off her shirt to reveal her bra, and she seemed embarrassed. "I, uh-I mean, I guess if you're a girl now, then it's okay for you to see me like this."

"Right," Christina said as she set her own bag one the bench. She knew she was going to have to strip down, too, but she had done that plenty of times in the boys' room. "That's actually what I wanted to ask you about. Why are you the only one who knows the truth about me? Everyone else thinks I've always been a girl, even though I just changed last night."

"I have no idea," Olivia said as she took off her shorts. "All I know is that when you dropped me off at home last night, you were male. And now you're female." She unclipped her bra from behind.

"Yes, it's crazy," said Christina. She took off her shirt and shorts, then slid her panties down her legs. As she undid her bra, she added, "It's like someone performed some kind of magic on me."

Olivia nodded. "Yes," she said. She took off her bra and panties, revealing her fully nude self for the also-fully-nude Christina to see. "I know, because...well, it might sound crazy..."

"I'm listening," Christina said.

"The same thing happened to me," said Olivia.

Christina nearly dropped her swimsuit. "What?"

"I used to be a boy," said Olivia. "But the owner of my first foster home-she was a witch who transformed me into a girl. I met Bailey and Stephanie at that foster home, and we discovered that the owner-Miss Johnson-was actually a witch who had a habit of turning boys into girls and enrolling them in her foster home."

"So you were immune to whatever magic affected me, because you were changed by magic, too," said Christina. "But why didn't Bailey know?"

"Because she was always a girl," said Olivia. "Miss Johnson's secrecy depended on none of the transformed girls revealing they used to be boys. It helped her to bring in girls who had always been girls."

"Is this witch still alive?" Christina asked.

"No," said Olivia. "Me, and Bailey, and Stephanie, and our other friends Saige and Tony-we went back and killed Miss Johnson. We had to end her spree of turning every boy into a girl."

"Shoot," said Christina. "Well, how are we going to get to the bottom of this?"

"I don't know," said Olivia. "I don't know."


After swim practice was over, Christina went home on her own. Olivia was getting a ride home with someone else, so Christina drove home by herself. And when she got home, she saw Mia standing there. "Oh, Christian," Mia said when she saw her new big sister. "I'm so sorry."

"Mia? You too?" Christina asked.

"Yes," said Mia. "I know this is gonna make you mad, but it's my fault you turned into a girl."

"Excuse me?"

"I was reading that spell book with Emma," said Mia. "We found out that its spells actually worked, and I read a spell that would give me a big sister. And you are."

Christina breathed a sigh of relief. "Well, that's good," she said. "We can just look through that spellbook and find out how to reverse this."

"Yeah, about that," said Mia. "I kind of don't have it anymore."


"Emma wanted to borrow it," Mia explained. "I didn't know I had turned you into a girl, so I let her take it to her cousins' house today. She told me she'd give it back to me at school tomorrow. But if I'd known I changed you, I wouldn't have given it to her."

"Great," Christina sighed. "Well, I guess you'll have to ask for it at school tomorrow."

If only it were really that easy.

To be continued...

*if you've been following me for a while, then you'll know what I'm referring to...

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The spells!

Hypatia Littlewings's picture

The spells seem a bit too easy and simple, and not very ancient sounding either, unless the book it self is magic.

Interesting! *waits to see what comes next*
~ Hypatia >i< ..:::

Whoa, that was interesting

Jamie Lee's picture

It's a plus that along with the spell others, not in the know, believe she's always been a girl. Except when Olivia recognized the change. It was a real surprise when Olivia admitted she too had been a boy transformed but by a witch.

Poor Mia, remorseful for what she did to Christian. But without the book, Christian is going to be a girl awhile Or will it be just until Mia gets the book back from Emma?

Others have feelings too.