Lilith's Messenger Chapter 2 of 3

Liliths messenger

By Jasmine Monica
Chapter 2

Serreninas power grows and as she plots to try to regain a life that was stolen from her. She embraces the darkness

Serrenina suddenly materialized in the shadows behind the great Library of Guntherland. She looked up to admire one of the greatest libraries in the entire great isles. This was where Actonia learned how to destroy Serren years ago. Serrenina made her way to the grand steps leading into the front door of the great library. She stood in front of the main doors staring at countless long shelves of books of every kind. He briefly wondered how long Actonia studied before she finally found the gender transformation spell hidden among these countless books. Serrenina cast a spell and looked back in time and saw Actonia going though the spell section for weeks before she found the book with the spell she needed. Then Serrenina saw Actonia’s smile of appreciation as she found the secret she needed to destroy Serren, and put his sister on the throne. Serrenina swore beneath her breath Actonia was going to pay for it with the person she considered the most precious in her life.

This was one of the most extensive libraries in the entire isles. There were spells of every kind here and the great history. None of these spells appealed to Serrenina at the moment. She was tired of playing the pitiful power of the Hekatin. She wanted so much more, and it was beneath her feet. She walked to the back of the library and into the large storerooms and offices at the end of the library. Then she found an old doorway leading down to the lower levels of the enormous complex.

Serrenina down the ancient steps of the temple strolling down the darkened staircase lit only by a flickering candle. She started feeling very damp down there, and her long dress began sticking to her. Serrenina went passed the locked door and found the forbidden part. Even these powerful spells in the forbidden part written only in the ancient language didn’t appeal to her anymore.

She went all the way to the back until she found the remains of the wall to Lilith's temple. It was blocked by an ancient symbol only known to Serrenina. She felt such pride that she may be the only person in the entire great isles that knew this ancient language. It was thousands of years older than the language of the Goddess.

Serrenina spoke the language of Lilith, and the ancient wall parted for him, revealing another large stone staircase leading down into the darkness. Serrenina walked down, and the wall closed behind her. She followed the steps down. The stairs seemed to go down forever, and Serrenina wondered how far down she was going because it seemed like she had gone almost half of a mile down below the surface. Serrenina finally found her way blocked by a large wall and another symbol. Serrenina spoke the ancient word OPEN, and the wall parted. Serrenina walked through the opening that led into an enormous, massive chamber. This place looked like no one has stepped foot into it in thousands of years. It was filled with dust and thick layers of cobwebs and muck. No one has entered this place since Liliths fall to Danis.

This was an enormous library of knowledge covering all of Lilith's reign and what she did. There were entire sections on the ancient language of Lilith and of the dark energy that control it. This library was massive, and Serrenina could spend months here learning everything she could about Lilith and her power. There were spells here that she never imagined. Serrenina began gathering all of the books on the language she could find and started reading it. By now, Serrenina was able to absorb knowledge incredibly rapid pace. She could almost touch a book in the ancient language and adsorb its knowledge.

Serrenina has adsorbed every book on the ancient language of Lilith and the spells they used. Serrenina had learned of the almost unlimited power all of the language. Then she began reading about the locations of the various temples and ancient cities of Liliths followers. She found the sites of the magnificent ancient temples around that were full of weapons and even more powerful spells. Serrenina found the location of the grand temple of Lilith. It was the place where she ruled over the planet. It was her main palace and where her most potent weapons were kept. It was her main altar and where she needed to go to open the world to her. This was the location of the Hidden isles.

Then Serrenina began looking through the various crystals and items that were kept here. There was some blackened liquid. Serrenina found it was purified Lilith's elixir that she could only use within the temple of Lilith after she prepared herself.

Then Serrenina learned about how to open the world to her and what Serrenina needed to do to call Lilith to help her. She will die if she tried to ingest the liquid now.

There was a sword of power in the ancient temple city close to the present capital of Denaerk. Serrenina had visited the ancient ruins of the abandoned city and often played there with her friends when she was male. She wondered what was underground but could never open the door, it didn't even look like it was a door. It was just a block of cement.

Serrenina found out everything that she could find here and went back up to the surface of Guthenlands enormous library. She began looking through some of the hekatins books in the library, and she found the book actonia found with the gender transformation spell. She was going to have her revenge.

It was now time for a little vengeance against the Hekatin. Serrenina stood on top of the staircase, looking down at the people. Serrenina yelled loudly, “My name is Serrenina Denae. I am the royal princess of the Kingdom of Mercia. I used to be the Crown Prince Serren of Merica, and I was supposed to become the King. It was stolen from me by the Hekatin, who turned me into this powerless princess. My future and my birthright was stolen. Do any of you think this is an acceptable way to treat someone?”

Serrenina saw that some of the men were looking up, the women were more dismissive of her predicament of being turned into a female. They are female and see nothing wrong with it. But Serrenina had an answer for that. “I figure many of you don't really care about the sorrow of a pampered prince losing his birthright. But do you really think it's acceptable to turn a boy into a girl and force him into a life he can't handle just to get power from him? How can he live in such an imposed life after training a lifetime for something different? I was the greatest warrior and fighter in the land. I was the fastest the strongest, I was trained for the role of leading troops and leading all of you when it was stolen. I have no place now, my future is gone. How would you like to see this happen to any of your sons? How about yours, Lady Marge, would you like to see some of those witches turn your son Ansan just because they don’t like his privilege of being male? Do you think it's acceptable to do this?”

She was starting to see the rage in their eyes at the injustice and suffering they inflicted on him.

“If you don't, it doesn’t matter. The hekatin does feel this is acceptable. I know great progress has been made, but it been made at my life's expense. Should a child have to pay the price for progress? Was my life an acceptable price, my entire future, I would have gladly made this progress myself if anyone bothered to ask me, but my only fault was I was born male, and they didn't like me. Is it okay to do this to a boy you don't like? Could it be any of your sons? I was turned to intimidate all of the men in the kingdom who would dare oppose my sadistic sister, who loves my suffering. She hates me, she hates you?”

One of the men stood up and demanded, “So what are we supposed to do?”

Serrenina rose her fist in the air. “Attack the temple, drag the hekatin out, and present them here to me now? Defend your families, defend your sons. Capture the witches and burn their temple!”

The crowd of 10s of thousands rushed toward the temple and totally overwhelmed the women and drug them out of the temple. The witches watched helplessly as their temple was torched.

They looked up with their hands tied, trying to make out who was standing over them. “I am Princess Serrenina. You bitches know me well. I was Prince Seren, the boy your group destroyed so my sister could get my crown, humiliate me, have me beaten, imprisoned, and my life shattered. I am about to repay that favor

one of the women yelled, “None of us are responsible for that, Princess, and they did what they had to so we can have progress and freedom from the priests.”

“If this is how you do it, then you don't deserve your freedom. You deserve to burn. Kill them all,” Serrenina yelled. “Defend your sons, defend your families from these sadists. Make sure they can't hurt your sons or your families. See what they did to me, I was an innocent, loving boy who wouldn’t have hurt them. If they feel nothing for my suffering, who knows what these cruel sadists will do to you.”

Serrenina smiled as the witches were torn apart. Then she turned and set fire to the great library full of corrupted spells. “I am burning their library, so the corrupted spells of witchcraft will be lost forever.

And it was now time to even a score. Serrenina had found the location of the family she really wanted to meet. She ran as fast as possible to the outskirts of the great city.

It was the home of Antonia's family. She entered and saw the girl's father and mother there, and their fourteen-year-old son was playing outside.

Serrenina captured the boy easy. She was so strong that when she approached. The boy Jeric tried to defend himself as Serenina violently pulled the boy's arm. He fought, thinking he could easily overpower a girl. He was so wrong when he was quickly overwhelmed and forced down. The boy's father came out running and yelling when he was struck down hard.

The older man collapsed.
His mother knelt, pleading for their life.

Serrenina thundered to the parents. “I am Princess Serrenina. I am the girl who your daughter wanted to be changed. I was Prince Serren. Your daughter and your sister,” Serrenina looked at the boy kneeling in pain. “felt needed to be changed into a girl. It was her main idea, she instigated the sadistic and cruel plot. I want you to tell your daughter that I am now repaying the great gift she so lovingly bestowed on me, on the life of your son, and her beloved brother. Witness destruction of your son's life.”

Then serrenina began speaking the ancient language of Lilith. She spoke the gender transformation spell that was much more powerful than the one they cast on Serren. They felt the ground shake at the power of the words being spoken. They blasted out of Serrenina's mouth. The clouds darkened and lightning strike closeby with a deafening roar. The Boy Jeric began transforming before their eyes. His mother screamed in desperate fury. The defeated father just watched and cried. Then their son Jeric was a teenage girl kneeling before them weeping uncontrollably. His mother looked disbelieving at the incredibly huge breasts jutting out from the former boy's chest. His delicate face and eyes, his shoulders were more narrow. He looked like a girl, he was a girl now. Serrenina laughed cruelly, “Just wait until his monthly cycles start. Better prepare him for that mother. I know I wasn't prepared for it at all. It was devastating."

His mother spoke up softly. "No girl really is ready for them, Serrenina. Its just a fact of a girls life. Its what we all have to deal with."

"I wasn't a girl." Serrenina said harshly. "I was a boy, turned into this. You cant even begin to imagine the effect it had on me. It crushed me. It made me seriously want to die! You cant even imagine how horrible it was, a boy having monthly cycles."

"No," Mother said softly. "I cant even try to imagine. It must have been the worst horror imaginable. But, it wasn't Jerics fault and there's no reason to take your rage out on an innocent boy and subject him to this horror. None of this is his fault."

"I don't care," Serrenina said harshly. "His sister did this. And none of her frustrations and oppression in life was my fault either. Yet, I was made to pay the price and made a sacrifice. She didn't care, no one cared how it devastated my life. So, your son will pay the price for what your daughter did to me. And tell your daughter that Serrenina did this. The favor has been repaid.”

Now Serrenina had more things to do and she knew where she needed to go immediately. She activated her transportation and found the location of Liliths. capital.

Serrenina felt her power of the dark forces growing. Her abilities in this power grew so rapidly. It had been less than a month since she started this quest, and she felt her powers grow to such a ridiculous extent that by now, she was indisputably the most powerful person on the entire planet. She felt she could singlehandedly take on hekatin as the whole. But she could still be overwhelmed by the hekatin and the king's conventional forces. She still had to operate in secret for a while longer.

Serrenina activated her transportation crystals and found the location of the ruined city about twenty miles from the capital. It was Lilith's ancient capital city. She opened a portal to it and transported herself in front.

There she stood facing the ruins of an ancient capital of Lilith. Its huge ruined marble structures and fallen blocks an pillars. He used to love playing there as a young boy. Serrenina walked toward it now, knowing exactly where she was going to go. She approached the enormous ruined temple of Lilith. Its colossal stone pillars have fallen thousands of years ago and laid in ruins across the road. She stood next to the enormous blocks of what was once a grand temple. It was night, and the enormous moon was shining its light down. Serrenina glared up hatefully at the eye.

She remembered about a year ago when it first appeared in the sky and the happiness of her sister and mother seeing it. She joked that the eye in the center looked like a nipple.

She knew it was an eye, and she glared up with as much venomous hate as she could muster. Glaring up with her eyes blazing with total hate. “You bitch. You brought me down and sent me into this living hell. I could have accepted life as a woman if your followers were willing to accept me and invite me in instead of shutting me out. You made this life unbearable, and now your followers will pay the price. You will never be restored to this planet. My Goddess will, and you will watch her dark reign rise and take hold. I hope you enjoy the show Danis. You worked hard to make this possible. The sad thing that I used to love you, and I loved your religion and the Goddess. I was your loyal servant once I found out. But your hate and your follower's maliciousness drove me out.”

Then she spoke the ancient language of Lilith, and the ground shook again. He screamed the dark power into the sky. “Your reign will fall.” She thundered in the ancient language. Thunder rumbled across the sky as storm clouds appeared.

Then the stone opened, and she saw a staircase leading down into the bowls of the ancient temple. Serrenina walked down. This must-have went farther than the one in Guntherland. Serrenina walked down and saw it was just an ancient dusty hallway leading somewhere she didn't know. She fought her way through thick cobwebs that got stuck in her hair and across her face. She turned and explored the ancient hallways and explored some rooms. Then she saw some ancient crypts of some of the ancient priestess of Lilith. She read some of the books. Serrenina explored some more and came into an ancient armory.

She saw exactly what she wanted in the very back of the armory. She saw an enormous sword pulsing with the dark energy of Lilith's power. The pummel was a snakes head, and it had various gems around the hilt and the guard of the sword. It was a very feminine looking sword that few men would even consider handling. The problem wasn't that. The problem was that the sword was blocked in a guarded chamber. The sword was floating above a pillar of fire, and there were wicked looking spikes pointing inward, looking like they were ready to destroy anything that dares stick its hand in there.

And there seemed to be a pulsing field blocking anyone from even trying. Lucky, she saw an altar that Serrenina guessed what it was for.

Serrenina also saw a full suit of armor held up within that area, ready for someone. It too, looked decidedly feminine. The armor actually looked ridiculously feminine to Serreninas eyes. It looked silly next to the armor that Pattenia wore to battle. This armor looked expressly tailored for the woman's form. It was narrow in the waist and expanded up to the chest. There were two distinct gemmed cones for the breasts. It looked like it was less meant to guard or protect the breasts than to put them on display to say, I have breasts. The entire breastplate was jewed; it had very feminine markings, and designs etched and laced around the plate. It would look silly, but she noticed that the pretty gems were pulsing with power meant to enhance the armor. She saw the matching shoulder plates and gauntlets seemed just as feminine. The Faulds and the greaves matched the rest. And Serrenina meant to wear it if she were allowed to.

She saw a mirror and some orb nearby. Serrenina knew what this was. She knelt on a blackened platform in front of the sphere and put her hands on it. Serrenina spoke in the ancient language of Lilith. “My name is Serrenina, princess of the Kingdom of Mercia, and I have submitted myself to your guidance and your rule, my Goddess Lilith. I am your servant.”

Serrenina knelt and bowed her head in submission. Then a ghostly image of a powerful dark woman coalesced in front of her, and it solidified into matter. The woman looked down at the submission Serrenina in approval.

“Rise, my servant princess Serrenina. I have watched your growth. You have pleased me very much, and I am proud of your progress. I await your appearance at my temple. Take my sword, and you may wear my armor. Take them and execute my justice.”

Serrenina rose and took the feminine, dark sword. The power channeling through the sword was immense. It was more power than she ever felt before. This was Lilith's sword, and Serrenina fell in love with the sword, and she felt a deep longing to be loved by this Goddess. She bowed her head, “Thank you, my Goddess Lilith. I will come to your temple very soon, and I will have what you need. Will you restore my sex?”

“Yes,” replied Lilith. “You will become the greatest and most powerful man in the world. The world will tremble under your feet. It will be yours.”

Serrenina smiled. “I will love you.”

Lilith embraced Serrenina and gave her a deep sensual kiss. “You have a man's soul. It is so sad they couldn’t appreciate and love you as I do. They rejected your love, they will receive your hate. I will be awaiting you, my king Serren.”

She buckled her scabbard for her sword onto the belt. She spoke to the Goddess for a few more hours. The Goddess gave her so much more insight into what all happened and why. The Goddess Lilith granted her so much more power and even had the ability now to see into the past and the future.

Serrenina donned the female armor on herself, and it seemed to magically reform itself to her own curves. Including making room for her rather large breasts, the witches cursed her with.

Serrenina felt the dark energy pulsing through her entire body now. The gems enhanced her to an almost godly extent now. She felt she could take on Maxis himself if he ever showed himself. Serrenina knelt and began meditating on the future. She saw the events of the past and her other mother and sister plotting with the other witches to destroy her. Serrenina became extremely enraged when she heard Celestia said, “Pattenia, you must be very hard on your sister. She must be forced to live as a woman. Everyone must see her as your little sister. They must understand she will never be a man again.”

Serrenina raged in the ancient language. She stood up and left the ancient catacombs of the ruined city and made her way to the surface. She stood up proudly and said in the ancient language that thundered across the sky. “My name is Princess Serrenina. I have become the spirit of Vengence, and I will destroy you.” And it had come time for a little payback.

Serrenina stood out in the open and transported herself back in the capital. She was standing right in front of the girl's conservatory, ready to have a long and serious talk with Celestia herself. And she saw that inhuman woman walking directly toward her in the moonlight.

Serrenina approached the other woman and thundered, “Greetings, Professor Celestia. I have heard that you wish to have a talk with me, and I am ready.”

Celestia's approached faltered and stopped. “Princess Serrenina, is that you?” She said in disbelief. “Are you playing dress-up or something, trying to look like your sister in that stupid armor you are wearing, what is that?” Celestia said, laughing as she approached to examine Serrenina's armor.

Celestia stood right in front of Serrenina, looking at the very feminine armor serrenina had on. “Oh my Goddess, you look stupid. How can you wear something like that serrenina, you don't look like a warrior at all. Have you ever seen any woman wear such a thing, did any of the women marching with your sister have anything that rediculous on.”

Serrenina said with an air of confidence. “No. No one has worn anything like this is over four thousand years. I am the first woman to wear this since my Goddess’s fall. Look at it, and take a very close look at it.”

Celestia frowned in confusion and looked at the markings on the armor, and the beautiful gems that adorned the armor caught her eye. She first mistook those gems as just silly feminine decoration. But they were not. Celestia took a close look at the gems and saw the power they drew and channeled though out the armor for its wearer. Now Celestia knew this just wasn't a silly suit of armor. She gasps in horror, “Oh no, Serrenina, where did you get this?”

“I found it in the catacombs of the ancient capital of Edon to the west. I spoke to the queen herself, and she personally granted permission for me to take it, and she handed me this sword.”

The older woman frowned even more profound, seeing the danger
right in front of her. This one-woman had the power to bring down the entire Kingdom. “Serrenina, why, why have you done this? I accepted you and praised you as a prodigy for the Goddess. You seemed to committed and devoted to our cause. I was so impressed, and I defended you, and now you do this.”

Celestia's voice rose. “You humiliated your sister during her grand march. Stoping the precession. Then you spoke the evil tongue that had not been heard in over four thousand years. I noticed that tongue. I know many things you don't think I know. I studied the reign of Lilith. She was a monster. How could you consider submitting to her and doing this?”

“When I made progress with your Goddess and devoted myself to her. No one cared, and it gained me nothing in the end. Then I realized she even hated me. She disposed of me like I was trash on the day of my coronation in which she gave it to my sister and committed me to this horror of a life. Everyone belittles me, I couldn't do the things I wanted, my life was controlled. You and all of your group humiliated me beyond anything. What was supposed to be a liberation was made into a living horror. While I watched the women gain freedom, I gained nothing. I had no power over my life. It seemed you all wanted me to live on the old restrictions imposed on women before my sister's revolution. It was all unacceptable, Celestia, so I studied to find a way to get revenge and bring this regime down. Since you all hate me. Since my sister hates me and will treat me as her enemy. I will become her sworn enemy, and I will make you all fear me. This is what you all wanted, wasn't it?” Serrenina smirked evilly.

Celestia had to admit that Serrenina had a point. Having no power over her life was unbearable, especially for a prince that had all of the power he wanted over his life to suddenly be placed in the position of a princess having every move watched and controlled. And seeing every other woman being liberated except for her must have been unbearable.

Then Serrenina added. Lilith promised to love and help me. It's much more than I ever got from any of you who treated me as if I was unwanted, and just someone in your way to destroy on your way to power. Do you want to know what the worst part of this is, that part of this that really pisses me off?”

“Is it that you were turned into a girl on what was supposed to be your day?” Celestia added, guessing that really wasn't it.

“No. The worst part of it is that no one ever told me about any of this. I was educated from the time I was very young in the religion of the War god and male domination of women. I was taught that women were weak and needed to be dominated and controlled. All of that nonsense was drilled into me since I was four years old. And you all knew that way was living on borrowed time. You knew this was coming, and it would have to end. I wasn't a horrible boy. I was just following what I was taught, and you all saw my change in thinking and how I adopted the Goddess Danis. I wasn't thick-headed. But my mother allowed me to be taught this nonsense, knowing that when the time came, I couldn't be allowed to ascend in the place of my father. You knew my future would have to be taken away. And that my education and my upbringing would demand it. And that I would have no clue why it was happening. That's the most horrible part of this. I was led by the nose right into it.”

Serrenina let that sink in as Celestia admired Serrenina's insight. Then Serrenina said, “What if I was taught the way my sister was taught. If I was taught the right way. If I was taught the way of the goddess and the value of women. Perhaps when you all saw the prophesies beginning to take place, if you all took me aside and began preparing and educating me. So when the time came to take action, that I would be prepared to do what was needed. Perhaps I would know my sister was the prophecy, and I would have willingly stepped aside to let her take her place. Or perhaps, I could still be king, and we could be together facing down the war priests, and I could declare the liberation of the Hekatin and let my sister initiate the restoration of the goddess. All of this could have happened. But no. Heres what really happened.”

“You must be very harsh on your little sister?” said Serrenina. “The entire Kingdom must see Serrenina as a young woman and your little sister. She must be an example for everyone who would oppose your reign, Pattenia.” Those were your exact words during your great meeting last year when you plotted your treason.”

“How do you know that?” Celestia demanded.

“Can't you see what I'm wearing, this armor, these marks, and who I have devoted myself to now. Get the point, Celestia. I have been bestowed many gifts from my new mistress. The gift of foresight, seeing the past, I see everything. I feel so much power right now that I think I could take on your Goddess myself.”

Celestia began guessing that what Serrenina was boasting was not an idle boast.

All of the sudden funeral bells began tolling throughout the city. They were funeral bells signing disaster. Celestia's face became a mask of horror. “Pattenia, no!”

Serrenina laughed. “She's alive, I could not be that lucky Professor. We all know I have been cursed since I was born. Cursed for being born male. Curse to a life of betrayal, despair, and horror beyond all imagination. Thanks to you, your corrupt Goddess and life itself. Cursed to watch my sister get everything destined for me. And I wouldn't mind if I had been left something to look forward to, but you all left me nothing in this deal except despair and sorrow. So let's go see how many people died in this campaign. And it's only the beginning. I can't wait to tell Actonia of her little brother Jeric. Or should I say her sister Jerica? It's going to be so sweet.”

A hideously evil cackle escaped from Serrenina's mouth that rose the hairs on Celestia's neck. Serrenina had become a monster.

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