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Twenty Nine
"Keep 'Em Peeled"
Wednesday 17th May 2017
"Now Miss Smart, this is a serious allegation."
"On that point I agree with you, Mr Ford."
"Your tutor absolutely denies this and I'm minded to exclude you from the university."
"Really? So how does he explain the five minutes I spent in his office on Monday?"
"He told me that you wanted to speak to him, no doubt to put some credence to your spurious allegation?"
Tammy smiled at the Vice Chancellor.
"So, as it stands, it's my word against his and you'll side with your staff?"
"In matters like this, I will always support my staff."
Tammy reached into her bag.
"This is a sworn statement by an Army captain who is currently under arrest. In this statement she confirms she spoke to Freddie Flint and passed on false information concerning myself."
The Vice Chancellor read it twice and put it down.
"I have no evidence that this is genuine."
"Feel free to call the Military Police to confirm it?"
"It strikes me as rather unusual that firstly, the British Army would be in touch with you or that your personal security has been compromised as a result of the actions of an army officer. How did you become aware of this?"
"I can't give you any background, but the Military Police would be able to confirm certain details."
"I don't believe that is necessary, Miss Smart, as I feel you are trying to muddy the waters. Accordingly; I am still minded to suspend you pending exclusion."
"In which case I'm afraid I need to play this." She picked up her phone and accessed the audio recordings. Monday's conversation came out of her phone's speaker.
"Can you play that again?"
"I'd like a copy of that, was Mr Flint aware that you were recording him?"
"I am concerned that you are recording conversations without informing the other party."
"With respect; I was in that room as a vulnerable, lone female and I'm afraid I don't care what you would say on the matter but I suspect you have never been a vulnerable lone female."
"I would never describe you as vulnerable, Miss Smart."
"Unfortunately, the crime statistics show that a quarter of all females are likely to be assaulted during their lives. That was mentioned during my course."
"I take it you are recording this conversation?"
"Yes, although I do hope it won't be needed, in which case it will be deleted."
"I would hope so, but I will take advice on that point and get back to you."
"Understandable. Now, getting back to my issue, it seems to me that someone is out to get me and Mr Flint has been used. I don't know why I am being targeted, but I will not let the matter rest."
"I see, but I can't give you an answer right now, Miss Smart."
"Curious. You were quite happy to suspend or exclude me off simple hearsay, despite the evidence to the contrary."
"These are not normal circumstances and in some respects, these are matters that I would never have expected to deal with."
"Fine, but I'd expect confirmation in writing that my place here is secure."
"I'll have to take advice on that."
"As will I. Is that all, Mr Ford?"
"Yes, thank you coming in."
Tammy left the VC's office and took the stairs down to the university reception, spotting Freddie Flint by the coffee bar. She felt sorry for him, despite his attempt to skewer her course, but didn't know his motivation or whether he felt any malice towards her. Worst case for him was that this was the end of his career, meanwhile the worst case for her was that she was forced to leave, although she would challenge it.
She drove to the office and dealt with that day's mail as well as a few urgent emails. The property in West Street would be finished tomorrow so she could make it available from Monday.
She transferred the last few audio recording to her PC and backed them up on a cloud service. She then penned an email to her solicitor and included a copy of the statement from Captain Nightingale. She stressed in her email to Jeremiah Smith that she still didn't know why someone was trying to ruin her education.
Joey had only worked with her for a week but already Tammy was missing her. She'd tried to call the previous afternoon but Joey's phone was off, Tammy had sent a text message asking if the girl was okay but hadn't had an answer as yet.
Her phone pinged with a new email.
From: Wade, Marcus Captain
To: Smart, Tammy
Date: 17-05-2017 1215BST
Subject: Exercise DolphinPlease see revised joining instructions
So, the timings had changed. She used the secure phone to speak to Marcus.
"I just saw your email."
"It's self explanatory."
"It still doesn't tell me what I'm doing for the next few days."
"You'll get full instructions once you arrive on base, you should check in by two in the afternoon."
"Will my NATO ID get me in there?"
"Yes, don't use any alias otherwise they won't let you in, it's a pretty secure site."
"Okay, I had an interesting chat with the Vice Chancellor this morning."
"I hope you kept to the script."
"I did, was Nightingale given a sweetener in order to admit she'd got at Flint?"
"Possibly, but please don't speculate as the enquiry is widening and others are still being sought."
Tammy phoned the airport and spoke to the fleet manager for Smart Air.
"I'm flying out at ten in the morning."
"Is this the Glasgow trip?"
"Yes, Jim, another long weekend."
"We'll have her fuelled and ready for you."
Tammy still had no idea why she was going to Faslane the following day, it was the home of the UK's nuclear subs but it seemed very unlikely she'd be going anywhere in a sub. Once again, and probably not for the last time, she was being kept in the dark and had no idea what she was doing.
She walked around to the bakery and picked up a hot pasty before heading for the waterside, thinking aloud. "How can I contact Kerri without going through everybody else? How do I get only her attention?"
Tammy did have an address, but it wasn't for actual use. What she needed was a phone number, email or messenger. "Not like she'd have a social account or blog." Tammy laughed at the idea of a social network for spies.
That's when an actual idea began to creep into her mind. What if she posted on a blog, using certain keywords that would catch Kerri's attention if she scanned for them to be used. The main topic they had really talked about had been fashion, it seemed innocuous enough and appropriate in a public coffee shop. Tammy didn't want to use a net connection that went down to herself or her family so walked back into town and into the library.
Almost an hour later she found a discussion group of semi-sponsored advisors geared toward independent businesswomen. Mostly fashion and styling for women in Marketing, Insurance, Property and Legal fields. Tammy created an account using a nom de plume 'The Northern Flyer'.
I frequently get offered business and fashion advice, but mostly it's lacking Intelligence or Targeting. Some time ago, however, I Encounter a lovely lady called Kerri. She was professional, charming and tooled for any eventuality or Incident. A real Emerson standard for any Agency I'd say.
As casually as having a Coffee, she recommended I Shoppe a couple of American designers and added that Louboutian and Manolo were must-haves, especially if in London. I would love to hook up with her again but I've lost her business card.
Tammy closed the session, logging off and accidentally rebooted the library PC in the process. She returned to the bakery and picked up a cake before walking back into the office.
She put the kettle on and made herself a coffee before succumbing to the apple and fresh cream turnover that had 'eat me' written large.
An couple of emails arrived so Tammy tried to reply without covering her desk and keyboard in shards of the puff pastry, failing badly. She was also painfully aware that there was no polite, ladylike, way to eat such patisserie items. In short, she made a mess. She'd just managed to clean her face with a wet wipe when the secure phone started to trill.
There was no number. "Hello?"
"You got my attention, Tammy-girl." Kerri's voice answered. "What's on your mind?"
"Kerri! It was a long shot, but you saw it?"
"Not bad. Pretty slick, you did use the right words that I'd notice. I do suggest you remove that account."
"So; what's up?"
"Did you know I'm on a course this weekend?"
"Of course. I suggested it, remember?"
"Oh, what is it?"
"Come on now, where's the fun if I tell you everything? You'll enjoy the weekend, I promise that, provided you're in shape and haven't gotten on the wrong end of something."
"Another fitness test?"
"Yeah, it's a prerequisite from the Royal Navy. You'll need a swimsuit too, one-piece, black if possible."
"Okay, but what's it all about?"
"Think back to when you were at Wattisham."
"I'd rather forget that experience."
"Don't be like that. You dropped that dumbass, Cooper, in the Mess Hall and became a C-list celebrity!"
"Oh no! Let me guess; it's on Youtube?"
"It was. But, yes, I already removed it. I kept a copy for us, of course. You got applause." Kerri snickered.
"Thanks Kerri. Will I ever actually see you again? You can come back, can't you?"
"Anything's possible, but maybe it's your turn to cross the Pond? Might do you some good to get out more."
"Maybe in the summer, but where do I go?"
"Toronto's good. We'll take it from there."
"Toronto? In Canada?"
"It's a convenient place to drop off the grid, not your final destination. You'd be able to enter the States from there in a way to be discreet."
"I've got to go now kiddo."
"Sure, what time is it?"
"0630. I have to get the daily briefing ready then breakfast and a shower."
That sounded very involved to Tammy. "Wow! Sorry I woke you up so early then."
"Woke me up? I just finished morning PT. A good day usually starts at zero-five girl." Kerri said casually.
"Oh good Lord!"
Kerri sighed. "Listen up Tammy. I get the feeling that you want to have a back-channel. Yeah?"
"To be honest, yes." Tammy admitted.
"Ok. It can be done, but don't abuse it. I'll set something up in a day or two and let you know AFTER you come back from training. You have business. Places to go, things to do. Handle it. Out." Kerri disconnected.
Tammy walked back into town and went in search of a black swimsuit. She was pretty sure she had one but had she checked it recently? When she did find what she was looking for she bought two. She picked up a matching wrap at the same time as well as a pair of poolside sandals. Even if she didn't use them over the coming weekend they might be useful over the summer.
She went to a cashpoint and took £200 out, figuring that she wouldn't have many out of pocket expenses on a military base. She was on her way to her car when her mobile pinged, she stowed the shopping before reaching for the handset, Joey's name popped up.
I've been busy and was told to leave phone off
Tammy quickly tapped a reply.
What's the latest?
Kelly has warned me not to say anything about the case. The police say the break-in was random, not much is missing. They think the toad was disturbed.
Okay, when do you think you'll be back.
Right now, I don't know.
Let me know if I can help.
Thanks Tammy.
Tammy locked up her car and went back into the office. She logged into the security system and disabled Joey's pass, right now she didn't know if the girl would ever return.
She opened the safe and checked the contents, there was nothing there that she needed. The cashpoint had spat out a stack of £20 notes so she changed up some of the office petty cash in case she needed to pay for parking somewhere. She shut up the safe and took a look around the office before leaving. Perhaps she should employ a cleaner?
Her father was at home when she reached there.
"I took a call on the house phone, a woman called Kerri was after you."
"She phoned me in the office, I may have an invite to fly out to the United States later this year."
"American? Have I met her?"
"No, I met her on business in London a year ago."
"Okay. Can you make sure you're available for the Sixth Form leaving day next month, Mike Thompson has invited you."
"When is that?"
"28th of June."
Tammy took herself upstairs and decided her military rucksack was the most appropriate bag for the weekend. The instructions included her uniforms, she had two so folded both and left by her rucksack ready for the morning. For off-base clothing she went for sensible wear over fashionable and included only one pair of heels, one frock, one pair of trousers and one skirt, a few white short sleeved tops could be worn with anything.
Her swimwear was next to her lingerie drawers and she quickly found her existing black swimsuit, albeit with a wide white stripe. It was looking faded in a few places, probably a result of chlorinated water and detergent. She put it back away, it would only suffice for their home pool.
Opening the secure box in the bottom of her wardrobe she removed the smaller Glock plus two spare clips. Those went in a side pocket, she was nearly ready.
Thursday 18th May 2017
Tammy was up early and decided against dressing in her combats, she considered that until she reached the base she was a civilian and should appear as one. On base was a little different, even then she was still really a civvie, a fake junior officer in the British Army. The combats were folded into her bag, breakfast was next on her list.
She opted for the full Scottish affair and worked on the principle that lunch might not happen. One thing she had to remember though was that her plane didn't have certain facilities. By eight she was fed and watered so finally jumped in the shower.
It may have been mid-May but the mornings were still crisp and a frost was not unknown. Tammy knew there was a small chance that the sun was out in Glasgow so some common sense was needed in the clothing department. She opted for jeans and a t-shirt plus a black leather jacket. Black knee high boots completed the look.
She applied minimal make-up then did a final check for her passes, licences, weapons, devices, cash and cards. Her plane keys were at the airport so she'd collect them there, right now all she needed were her car keys.
It was nine by the time she walked downstairs with her backpack and shoulder bag. Suzie was in the kitchen getting her brekkie and otherwise the house was quiet.
"Where the hell are you going?"
"Right now you remind me of someone from a 60s TV show, The Avengers, I think Emma Peel was the character's name."
"Really? Since when would you know all about 60s telly?"
"It's amazing what's available on the channels, even all the way up here."
"I never watch it, I don't have the time."
"I heard your latest slave walked out on you?"
"Then you heard wrong."
Tammy picked up her backpack by the carry handle and headed for the rear door and her car. Why was Suzie so bitter?
The drive other to Wick Airport was relatively peaceful, the road had a little traffic but everyone was flowing nicely just under 60mph. She pulled off the road just after the Tesco store and stopped alongside the airside security control.
"Pass please."
Tammy looked up, having expected to be waved in but didn't recognise the lad in the box.
"I think I left it in the boot."
Tammy had stopped too close to the security control to get her door open so had to shuffle the car back and forward to make enough space. Another vehicle pulled up behind her before she could shuffle back again. It was a squeeze to climb out of the car.
Tammy had the boot open and was going through her two bags looking for the relevant pass. Meanwhile the car behind was getting impatient. Finally she pulled out her pass that identified her as a director of Smart Air.
"There you are."
"It expires at the end of the month."
"So it does, can I go now?"
The barrier went up whilst Tammy was still out of her car, which didn't amuse the one waiting behind. She ignored him and drove over to the hanger.
"Good morning Jim, how's things?"
"I'm a pilot down and one of the choppers is out of action with a gearbox fault."
"Yeah, so sorry but I haven't got your plane out or fuelled yet."
Tammy left her bags in her car, collected the aircraft keys then jumped onto the battery powered tug, manoeuvring it to the nose wheel of her plane. Thankfully she hadn't needed to move anything out of the way. Once it was outside she returned the tug and started on her pre-flight checks. She became aware that someone was watching her.
She racked her memory as she felt certain she knew the guy but couldn't place him.
"Miss Smart?"
"Err, yes."
"Kyle Fielding."
"Sorry, do I know you?"
"Thetford Forest or Hythe Ranges?"
She pictured the guy in uniform and clocked his Antipodean accent. "Captain Fielding?"
"That's me, Lieutenant Smart."
"What the hell are you doing up here?"
"I'm asking you for a lift to Glasgow, that is where you're going?"
"Yeah. Look, I'm happy to give you a lift but I must finish these checks. Stow your bag behind the right hand seat."
Tammy next checked the fuel, the tank wasn't full but she could get to Glasgow and still have a hundred and fifty miles to spare. It wasn't ideal but she really didn't have the time to refuel. All of her other checks were fine and she recorded that in her logbook. Next stop was the Met office and the tower to book her flight.
She was back after ten minutes and the weather gods were smiling on them that morning, the cloud base was at twelve thousand feet.
She grabbed her own bags and stowed them away before returning to her car to move it. Jim intercepted her.
"Leave that with me, when are you back?"
"Sunday afternoon, probably."
"Okay, have a good flight."
Tammy walked back to the aircraft and strapped herself in. She turned it over then radioed for taxiing clearance.
Once that was given she readied the plane for take-off, and was airborne barely five minutes after strapping herself in. She climbed to 10,000ft and levelled off.
"What were you doing up here?"
"I had a small team in the area, some training and some work. They're on rest days for the weekend and will spend that in Aberdeen whereas I don't get any time off."
"So why are you going to Glasgow?"
"I'm going to Faslane, same as you."
"Yes, I'm your instructor."
"I don't even know what the course is for."
"I'm told it's to fill in one of the gaps in your training."
"Great, but why you? Why not Royal Navy?"
"I'm in the New Zealand Special Boat Service but over here I'm seconded to the Army. Someone decided it was better to use me than brief a Royal Navy instructor. You get familiarity and I presumably get contempt!"
"I doubt that!. So it's got nothing to do with submarines?"
"Not likely, that wasn't in my brief for the weekend."
"So what do you know about me?"
"That would be telling, but I was warned not to wind you up."
"Oh, you haven't seen a certain video have you?"
"It was in the briefing pack. Tell me, were you out to kick ass today? I doubt I've ever seen a pilot in knee high boots, you're certainly fitting your profile today."
"Kick ass? Not necessarily, but I'm prepared to make an exception for you if you keep this up."
Kyle Fielding kept his mouth shut and stared at the vista. Tammy guessed he'd flown many times but wasn't usually sat up front. Her route was to follow the A9 to the North Sea then hug the coast as far as the Moray Forth.
She contacted the tower at Inverness Airport and informed them of her plan before turning SW and following the lochs across to the West Coast. At the Tower's request she dropped to 8,000ft.
"I don't suppose we'll see the Loch Ness monster?" Tammy wasn't sure if he was taking the piss but went with it.
"Loch Ness is directly ahead, look carefully."
Before long they were flying over white topped peaks and Tammy had climbed to 12,000 over the cloud base. Loch Lochy was invisible under the cotton wool. Tammy checked in with the tower at Glasgow as they passed over Loch Linnhe. The clouds had gone and the blue waters of the West Coast were gleaming. She turned South at Oban and crossed into the Firth of Clyde.
Tammy checked the fuel, she'd used less that she expected so far but would still have to fuel before the return journey. Time wise she was ahead of schedule, but she still have to get on the ground. The tower contacted her and told her to hold, there were several passenger jets due in and they had priority.
A minute later Glasgow ATC called.
"You have been diverted to Glasgow Prestwick. Contact them on 129.45 for further instruction."
Tammy acknowledged and changed radio channels, Kyle was watching intently. "What's up?"
"I don't know, but now is not the time to confuse me."
She contacted Prestwick ATC and was told she was cleared to do straight in. Out a side window Tammy spotted movement, a military jet was approaching and took up a position just aft of the portside wing.
"G-TMYS do not make any sudden turns."
A second military jet now took up a position off the starboard wing.
Kyle recognised the planes. "Typhoons, I don't suppose you normally get a welcoming committee?"
"No, and I might need clean knickers very soon."
The descent into Prestwick was incident free, if you ignored their escorts and they were on the ground within ten minutes. An airport vehicle with a "Follow Me" sign was waiting for them, alongside a military vehicle.
Tammy taxied and noted they were going away from the terminal, away from any buildings, but towards a number of military personnel carrying weapons. She stopped where directed and wasn't surprised to see her door being opened and a weapon in her face.
What was odd was that the uniforms were American.
"Get out, slowly!"
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Not on the training schedule?
Well, Tammy never does things the straightforward way, does she? Maybe contacting her friend raised a flag. Or this is surprise training - though I don't believe a gunpoint invitation is usual.
Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."
They tried doing surprise training a few chapters ago
and that turned out very badly for the people she was training with. And it wasn't very good for the people that organized it either. So, I'm guessing it's not surprise training. Nor do I think it's a surprise discrete meeting. Diverting a civilian airplane to land at a military base and using fighter jets to escort it in is definitely not subtle. Of source, there have been enough SNAFUs in Tammy's training to date that this could be exactly what is happening.
My guess is that it is her hitchhiker they might be interested in.
Preswick isn't a military base, but a UK passenger airport. A lot less traffic than Glasgow, which is why they would divert there.
The CIA used to use Prestwick for rendition flight stopovers.
I wonder what that's all
I wonder what that's all about, was it because she had Kyle with her, but why the Americans, does Kerri have something to do with this unexpected stop?
I'm not sure I would have...
added a passenger going to a military base without prior clearance. Another lesson, before the course even begins?
I wonder what Kerri has in mind for our derring Ms. Smart; the American uniforms kind of give that part away!
Full agreement
A young lady shouldn't be giving lifts to gents she can barely place!
She'll ruin her reputation sooner than she knows it!
As to the "gun in the face" ending - I'm getting slightly bored with the piling of shit onto Tammy and all the cliff hangers - can't we have a few chapters where nothing more exciting than a minor wardrobe malfunction (laddered tights, mismatched fashion accessory, bra strap showing. etc.) happens?
As long as they don't shoot. :)
I wound up with a swat team at my door with 6 m whatevers pointed at me. They insisted that I unload my own weapon and slide it out to them. At that place in my life, I didn't give two shits if they had shot me. Things are much better now.
But were you wearing that alluring nighty that made you feel sooo sexy - and look oh! so! hawt!, or that embarrasing (yet so comfy!) Eeyore onesie?
I think I must have been dressed...
I didn't tell you half the story. My temporary roommate decided she was going to pound the shit out of me for enticing her, and she was high on drugs. I pulled my .45 auto out and invited her to leave.
Of course the Police were being Drama Queens about it, and put me in one of their squaddies handcuffed. Then she showed up and as soon as they saw her, the cuffs were off me and on her. They kept my gun for 30 days and gave it back. Having been in the Military Police, I was pretty hard to rattle. It is likely all buried in my blogs from around 2005-6.
Fun days.
Quite a story!
Thanks for sharing!
Hope its all hugz and kisses for you now, hon!
okay now what?
Americans? what has she got herself into?
Yeah more Tammy, How does she
Yeah more Tammy, How does she get in all the trouble.
falls over
*falls over with a giggle, then look up at Shiraz, twitches twice and giggles more* FUN FUN FUN!
quidquid sum ego, et omnia mea semper; Ego me.
alecia Snowfall
That was just mean...
I binge-read the series up to three chapters ago, and I have been -dying- for more.
So, less giggling, more writing!
Giggling is allowed!
Snowfall has seen the next chapter ...........
thats not fair?
Business as usual,
There are some real incompetent people in her organization (or worse).
Oh that can't be good
Intercepting and diverting a civilian aircraft while having foreign service personnel taking her at gunpoint. Think of the paperwork over this. What a way to start a weekend.
Someone will eventually try to hassle her for not showing up at Faslane when she was scheduled to no doubt.
can a Typhoon fly slow enough to escort a light aircraft, I have seen them escorting passenger jets into Manchester and they had great difficulty, zooming around like very noisy wasps! or perhaps they just had Captain Flashheart at the controls boom boom!
A Typhoon's stall speed is somewhere around 200 km/h, which is just a bit under the top speed of the Czech Sport she's flying. So they can slow down to pace her, but they'll be flying like the first jet in this video.
(The other three are an F-16, a Rafale, and a MIG-29, for anyone else who's a warbird nerd like me. ;-) )
It's Just a Story...
Don't spoil the fun.
Stalling speed of an unladen swallow
For some it matters if it was a skirt or dress, or was a piece of cloth turquoise or aqua - whereas for others it matters whether plane X could fly as slowly as plane Y.
All Carefully Choreographed
A military "stranger" turning up and asking for a lift? Pull the other one. An unscheduled diversion to another airport with a fighter escort (who must have been flying with flaps full down)? Pull another one. American personnel ready for a black ops rendition? I haven't got any left to pull. All "accidental"? Of course.
This is still a pretty fun story.
I'm sure you could cut her some slack. Don't be a prick.
A military "stranger" turning up and asking for a lift?
Yup, the classical honeytrap ploy.
A hunk with an antipodean accent so thick that he just as well might be speaking Maori and hinting at taking a swim together ?!? - simply irresistible for a simple Highland lass!
It was just a passing comment from another aeroplane nerd!!!!! Shiraz(and Snowfall) are my favourite authors and my earlier comment was not meant to be anyway disparaging. A virtual case of Shiraz is crossing the ether to Shiraz if I caused any offence!
Okay, who fired the red flair?
I suppose when Tammy next talks to Marcus he's going to blame her for being diverted and have weapons stuck into her face.
Why is it when these folks schedule a training for Tammy something unexpected always occurs? Are they trying to mess with her to see if she'll fold? Or does someone have a death wish? Pissing off Tammy has never been a real good idea, a lesson some have yet to learn.
Others have feelings too.