Racing Angels -chp 32

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Racing Angels

Webster’s dictionary defines Speed as the fallowing: the rate of change of position along a straight line with respect to time over a set distance. In other words, the quicker you can get from one place to another. The question is what do you do, when your family has spent the last two generations in search of ways to accomplish this goal faster and faster. Would do you do when the family business is the search for more Speed. For Robert ‘Robby’ McGuire the answer is easy. You grab your sister and strap on a pair of Formula One racecars then go for broke.

Chapter 32
Race day, Mexico City, Mexico

Once again, the world’s most annoying sound drags me from the sweet embrace of Somnus. I slap the damned alarm clock as hard as I can shutting off the annoying buzzing. As I rollover to climb out of bed I wince from the twinge of pain from my still healing ribs. I know that I got to try and get in my normal workout this morning. I just don’t feel like it lately. I just wanted to roll back over and go back to sleep next to Kelly.

As much as I wanted Kelly to stay home, I’m glad that she is here with me. She insisted on coming with me to Mexico. She kept telling me that her and the babies are fine. That her OB/GYN told her she would not have to stop traveling for another month. If you ask me her baby catcher is full of shit. Then again, I have developed a healthy distaste for doctors of all specialties. Kelly doesn’t blame me for my distrust of doctors thankfully. She knows that I come by it honestly from my time in UMSC Children’s’ Hospital in Charlestown. I had one too many of those dipshits hand me a line of crap when I was there undergoing chemo.

When Kelly stirred and started to get up I placed my hand on her shoulder. “Go back to sleep love. You and the babies need your rest. Today is going to be trying enough on you.”

“Um…kay. See you when you get from your workout.” With that the love of life rolled back over, snuggled under the covers, and went back to sleep. I wanted to smack her on the ass as a joke but thought better of it. With the way her hormones have been driving her crazy lately she just might cut my hand off. With a dull spork.

After dressing in a sports bar, leggings, and running shoes I headed down to the hotel gym. For the last few days I’ve joined the team as they ran the track. Today is different though. Like all race days we all hit the hotel gym for our workouts. Our days of freely running around the different tracks of the world on race days are now over. Too many of mine and Beth’s fans have started coming out to try and run with us. Much to the displeasure of the event staff security. As usual Beth, Tony, and the rest of the team smiled as I entered the gym area. I went straight over to the floor area to stretch.

“How’s Kelly doing Beth?” Kathy asked as she bent at the waist over her left leg to grab her toes and place her forehead to her knee. “The babies keeping her up at night yet. Any midnight runs to the bathroom? Are her ankles swelling? Is she bitching about getting fat? You know. Is she showing all those telltale signs about being pregnant?”

I chuckled at her questions. She wasn’t the only former cheerleader that had come to me asking simple questions. I can tell that more than a few of them are jealous of Kelly and me. I’ve seen the sideways glances at Kelly whenever she was at one of the races lately. They’re the similar to the looks the guys have been giving me. I chuckled and smiled over a Kathy.

“Trust me Kathy. All those crazy old-wife’s tales are true. The swollen ankles, the midnight runs to the bathroom to pee, the wild and crazy food cravings. It’s all true. I can’t wait until the day you get pregnant. I just hope that whoever you fall in love with and marry can handle a cheerleader driven insane by run amok hormones. Wait a minute? Are you pregnant already?” All the guys started chuckling at my question.

Kathy just stuck her tongue out at me and returned to her stretching. Of the guys in the gym I noticed that Jake Cahill has been paying Kathy the most attention lately. Those two have been spending a lot of time together on and off the track. I decided to have a little fun with my spotter and with a smile asked. “Kathy, has Jake popped the question yet?”

I was not expecting the sudden blush that covered her face. I quickly demanded of her an answer. “When?”

“Friday night before the Suzuka race.” By now Kathy’s blush reached her sports bra. With a small smile she held up her left hand showing me the ring.

“Details girlfriend. I want, no demand all the details.” I know that I was being pushy, but what the fuck. Kathy had been the one to lead the charge into mine and Kathy’s romantic life by the girls on my team.

“When we finished with practice Jake took me to the Suzuka Flower garden. We must have spent two hours there just walking around, looking at the different garden patches and sculptures. Then Jake took me to this really nice restaurant called Unzen for a nice quiet romantic diner. After diner he took me to the Ishiyakushi-ji Temple just before sunset. I thought we were just going to one more tourist attraction. But when we got to the tower with the bell Jake stopped.” I watched as a dreamy expression came to Katy’s face. I knew that she was remembering that magical moment. “He just kneeled down and held out the ring. I think he was more nervous than I was just then. His hand was shacking so hard I thought he was about to drop the ring.”

When Kathy giggled, I knew that something must have tickled her funny bone over the moment. “Bobbie he was so worried that he couldn’t even ask me the question. He started and stopped three times. I have to admit that I got frustrated and just said yes. He just breathed a sigh of relief and put the ring on my finger.”

“Will you tell me the truth about something Kathy? It concerns the team.” I knew that I have been out of the loop when it comes to somethings within the team. This latest development proved the point.

“Only Machel, and Brenda haven’t been asked yet. Then again the girls do outnumber the guys so it’s no surprise.” Kathy told me honestly then giggled. “We all know that you and Beth have been out of the loop when it comes to us. You kind of have to be that way. We know that you depend on us, and don’t take any of us for granted, Bobbie. But we all owe you for our chances at the big time. We also know that you two are the ones that put it all on the line every time you get behind the wheel. One mistake and you’re in the hospital if not the morgue. That’s one of the reasons we have all kept our love lives out of the public eye and away from you two. I think that the only person who actually knows who is dating who is my mom.”

“Thanks, Kathy.” I sighed with a relief at hearing this piece of news for two reasons. First, I didn’t want my team to suffer from the dating between members. Secondly, there was someone looking out for the younger members of the team still. I know that they have all graduated and everything, but I was the one who brought them into this life. I feel responsible for them.

“Look Bobbie, you just go out there and drive that car until the damned wheels fall off. Let the team take care of themselves. Now I have a question for you. Will you be one of my bridesmaids?” Kathy smirked.

The thought of me in one of those ugly assed bridesmaids’ dresses ran through my mind. “I love you Kathy like a sister. But the only way I’ll be a bridesmaid for you is if you go with a plain gown. Deal?”

When Kathy pouted her lip a little and then giggled. I knew that was what she was planning. I think she was planning a little revenge because of the dresses that Kelly had picked out for our wedding. Not that I blamed her. Those dresses were hideous in the extreme. If I had been forced to wear one of those dresses, I would have revolted. She still took my hand. “Deal.”

Kathy turned serious looking me in the eye. “Listen, Bobbie, I know that you can handle this track cold. But I want you to take things easy for the first thirty-five to forty laps. This is one track that you can’t use your normal style of racing. You and Beth go out there and drive like you usually do you’ll both end up with DNF’s. Not something either of you can afford right now. Not with the way the race for the championship has shaken out.”

Kathy’s uncomfortable and extremely pointed reminder of the three-way tie for first place was like a bucket of ice water. I gave her a dirty glare to let me know how I felt. “Thanks for ruining my good mood Kathy. I was in the perfect mood for racing and then you go and dump on it.”

“Just doing my job to keep you grounded and focused on the job at hand.” Kathy smirked then sighed. “You have today and two more races. That’s it. The points race is just too damned tight to call. When you add in how close second and third place are there is no telling how this championship will turn out. If you or Beth place below sixth in any of these last three races you’re out of the championship race. With no chance of recovering in time. Not with just three races left for the year.”

“Damn it, Kathy. Don’t you think that I know that? Fuck! I know where Beth and I stand. Just as know where every other driver stands in the championship. I also know what happens if we don’t win the championship.” We may not be in danger of losing our sponsorship right now but there is always the threat. “Every last one of those fucking vultures that have been hounding us since the beginning of the season want us to fail.”

“They want for you more than to just fail Bobbie. They NEED for you to fail.” Coach Hall said from behind me. I looked up as she stepped in front of me. “The truth is they are praying for their favorite drivers to win. You and your sister have been the predominant threat all season long. They see what most do not. They see you and your sister taking away the fans of their favorite drivers. You take away fans you take away money. Which means you can take away the other teams’ sponsors. Never forget your basic Economics classes Bobbie. The world of high-performance racing such as Formula One is very much a money driven sport. Just as NASCAR and Indy are.”

It took me a few seconds to see what Coach Hall was getting at, but I did see her point. It cost a butt load of money to run a professional racing team. In any of the sports. It didn’t matter if it was Formula One or OPRA. When people say that racing is a rich man’s sport. They aren’t kidding. Especially when it comes to Offshore Powerboat Racing. I know that a Formula One car isn’t cheap, and neither is a Stockcar for NASCAR, but those boat hulls go for over 100 thousand just to start. That doesn’t even cover the cost of the engines. I know that we could buy 2 or 3 full powerplant replacements for our cars for the price of just 1 OPRA engine. I don’t even want to think of the cost for one of those professional airplane racing teams. I mean they have to start off at a million dollars just for the plane.

“When I add in all those endorsement contracts that they could lose it adds up. Big time.” I looked down as I stretched towards my toes. “And when they start losing sponsors, they also lose their rides. They lose their rides and the reporters lose their side money for interviews.”

“Keep going, Mrs. McGuire. You’re almost there.” Coach Hall pushed. “Who stands to lose the most money among the press? It’s not the reporters.”

“But they lose all those bonuses for those one-on-one interviews. Interviews that sell magazines, newspapers, and get TV ratings.” Then it hit me like a Mac truck with a full load. “IT’S not the reporters but their EMPLOYERS who will stand to lose the most when those interviews go bye-bye.”

“Now you’re thinking. Just one problem why would those interviews go away?” Coach Hall asked with a sly smile. “Surely there are other drivers willing to be interviewed in a one-on-side sitting.”

“Yeah but only me and Beth have refused those interviews. How are we hurting their ratings, and reviews? It’s not like we’re out to get those ass-clowns.” Then it hit me again. “Aw hell! None of the other young guns are talking now. All thanks to me and Beth telling that one fuck-nut to drop dead.”

“So doth the light shine down upon the unbeliever. As her Priestess did call out for all to hear. ‘Drop and give me twenty, you bitches.’” Like everyone else in the gym I chuckled at Coach Hall’s antics. She may be a demon bitch from Hell when it comes to physical fitness training, but she had a real sense of humor about how she approached things in life. Her next words proved this point. “Okay, you meatballs. Let’s break it down. From the top. Starting line.”

This something else that she had introduced to our team. She even had the pit crew memorize the track. As one my pit crew called out to her from all around the gym. “Ice furies are fueled and set to rumble!”

“Turn one!” She called out next.

“The front straightaway starts section one. Full power is only forty-five percent. Turn one is down and to the right! It exits out into turn two fast and hard. Turn two brings our furies back to the left looking for payback and a hard-right hand turn three. Turn three exits into the back straightaway for a thirty percent power run to turn four. And the start of section two.” Came the team’s answer. I was amazed at how accurate the team’s description of the first section to the track.

“Section two is announced by the ninety-degree left-hander of turn four. Turns five and six are just as nasty bringing the furies to the shortest straightaway heading for turn seven. Turn seven is a shallow left hander that exits into the eight through eleven chicane and the beginning of section three.” I just added my voice to theirs as we went over the track as a team.

“Section three, the furies are almost home free. Just six more turns to go. Turn twelve is a right-hander that brings us down to the only hairpin turn on the track, turn thirteen. Thirteen snaps us around to the looping turns of fourteen, fifteen, and sixteen. The doughnuts are backing on the exit to turn sixteen.” I almost chuckled at the description my team had for pit stops. With the entrance to pit road at the exit of turn 16 and entrance to turn 17 it made sense in a twisted way. “Turn seventeen and we’re done. Time to take the flag and Donald Duck is waiting with pizza.”

I finally did chuckle over the last line. I now know that Coach Hall has to be a real fan of Lee Marvin and the Dirty Dozen. I thought that I was the only one who loved that movie. Then again, when you look at my Netflex lineup and DVD rack they’re filled with class movies. My favorite ones are the old WW2 movies from the late 50’s, 60’s, and 70’s. I know that most people would expect me to be a fan of the old race scene or smuggler movies, but when your family builds race cars for a living those types of movies are kind of a turn off. I mean when you know the truth behind what it takes to build and drive those types of cars the fantasy of Hollywood just doesn’t compare.

“Beth, Bobbie! You’re up! What is the setup for the cars?! You first Beth.” Coach Hall called out.

Beth automatically answered first. “A midrange tyre for the tighter grip in the turns and faster take off on the straightaways.”

When Coach looked over at me, I knew that I was on the spot. “This is a custom-built race circuit. It combines the best and worst of a street circuit and a race circuit. The suspensions for the cars need to be balanced out to handle the shifting track conditions. Our next problem is the powerplant. The altitude alone requires a richer mix for the fuel.”

“What about the DRS zones?” Coach Hall asked us.

“Basically, worthless unless you can setup your opponent for the pass. For this track most, if not all, the cars will have almost the same aerodynamic setup. We all want that same edge.” I called out. “No scene getting creative with the wings or stabilizers. The down force won’t be that great of a factor or edge in this race.”

“Wrong!” I looked over at Coach Hall in wonder. When it comes to the cars she normally stays out of the pits. “You go out there trying to force either of those cars to perform outside of their setups and you’ll put them into the walls, Bobbie. You would know this if you had been running the track with us in the mornings.” The glare she gave me let me know what she thought about me only running on the gym’s treadmills. “Think about the layout of the track. Give us an accurate setup for the wings and stabilizers.”

I went over the track in my head as I used the treadmill for my morning run. Much to the annoyance of Coach Hall. I could clearly see the track as I ran. I had watched the video of the track more than thirty times. I even used my Xbox live option on my lap to play F1 2018 championship for this track. I have to say that between the videos and me playing on my laptop I’ve gotten a better grasp of how the tracks react beforehand.

I knew what I needed to have done with the wings and stabilizers. “A five to seven-degree attack angle on the front and rear spoilers. No more than two to three degrees on the side stabilizers for the start of the race. On the first pit stop add two more degrees attack angle for front spoiler, and five for the rear. Leave the stabilizers alone until the third pit stop. We won’t know how the track will change over the course of the race. The more the track rubbers up it could go one of two ways. It’ll get slick as hell, or tighter than a gnat’s ass in the turns. That is if the rubber doesn’t start marbling up on us. If it does that it’ll pile up in the tighter turns.”

“What do you want done if it does marble up?” Coach Hall asked as she start to run on the treadmill next to mine.

“Drop the rear spoiler by two degrees and raise the front by the same two degrees. Leave the side stabilizers alone. We’ll need the down force they provide to counter the rubber built in the turns either way it goes.” I called as I worked up a decent sweat. “The straightaways will hold their grip all day long until the last few laps. If they go away at all it’ll be in those laps unless it rains.”

Everyone in the room chuckled over the crack about it raining. As it was it hadn’t rained in almost a month. And when you add in the fact that the yearly average is around 144 inches the chances of it suddenly raining today were slim to none. That track out there is going to be one of the driest we’ve raced on this entire year. Just like with me and Beth Coach Hall called out questions to each member of the team. For most of us we started thinking of these little pop quizzes as her showing us that we still had a lot to learn.

Coach Hall called an end to our morning workouts sending us all first to get something to eat before getting ready for the race. I entered my room to find Kelly had ordered in room service for us both. I was a little surprised that she had ordered me a fruit dish consisting of melons and green tea for breakfast. There was everything I needed nutritionally to hold me through the race for today. I swear she has gotten pickier over what she and I eat ever since she became pregnant.

I took my time and enjoyed the breakfast. I knew that it would have to last for the rest of the day. At least until the end or I was forced out or the race due to engine failure. I’ve taken to racing by Dale Earnhardt’s philosophy of wreck or win. It’s not a philosophy that my parents are too proud of right now. In the last week during practice I’ve blown two engines by pushing the car beyond its limits. After I finished my breakfast I started dressing for the race. I smiled over at Kelly as she enjoyed her breakfast.

Kelly looked up at me from her plate of three-egg western omelet, bacon, biscuits and sausage gravy as I dressed in my racing leathers. Thankfully she’s laid off the coffee. “Bobbie do me a favor out there today? Whatever happens hold back on the powertrain until the last half of the race.”

“Okay, what the hell is with you and Kelly? You’re the second person who has tried to tell me how to drive today.” I growled. “What aren’t you two saying?”

“Bobbie nobody is trying to tell you how to drive the car. We’re just worried about you and Beth. You two go out there and push yourselves each and every time right up to the edge. That track out there is a hair trigger trap. One that is poised to strike the second you turn your backs on it.” Kelly finished by playing dirty. She rubbed her left hand across her baby bump.

“Fine. I’ll hold back for the first half the race.” I then put in a qualifier. I knew that you can’t ever tell how a race will turn out. “If I can, Kelly. We both know that you can’t tell what will or won’t happen out there once the flag drops. One mistake and everything changes in seconds.”

“That’s true Bobbie. We can’t predict everything, but you can still take precautions. One of which is you holding back until the last half of the race. Just like your Nomex underwear and racing leathers.” Kelly explained her reasons and what she was getting at.

“Okay, love. I’ll be careful.” I stood up from where I had finished tying my shoes and kissed her forehead. “See you down at the track.”

I left our room and took the helo ride with Beth to the track. I know that Beth can handle a car at over 200 mph on the Lady in Black, but a helicopter ride scares the crap out of her. They just my adrenaline pumping. One of these days, I want to learn how to fly one of these bad boys.

Two hours later Kelly showed up with her mom. I knew that Mrs. Ringwald had taken a few weeks to travel with Kelly because of her pregnancy. I found it funny that her mom was more worried over Kelly having twins than her dad. Then again, I shouldn’t be surprised. Mrs. Ringwald, or mom Carl as she wants me to call her now, is an EMT and a true Medical Professional in every way. As they draw near, I noticed something strange about mom Carl. She was holding her right arm at a slight angle.

“Really mom, you should get that looked at. You could’ve done some real damage.” Kelly bitched to her mom.

“I’m fine, baby. It’s just a pulled muscle.” Carl comforted Kelly.

“Bullshit mom! I saw you in the gym. You did more than just a muscle. Why won’t you go to the hospital? The real reason this time.” Now I knew why Kelly was bitching her mom out. Carl Ringwald worked out in her off time for her job as an EMT. She needed to be in great physical shape because sometimes she had to carry a person out of a building or something.

Carl sighed then hugged Kelly. “I just don’t trust these doctors down here. There you happy now?”

“Yes.” Kelly smiled as she turned to me. “Any chance we could get her seen by the infield medical staff, honey?”

Before I could answer her though my own mother got involved. “Who needs to see the infield medical staff?”

“Carl does mom. She hurt her arm bad during her morning workout and doesn’t want to go to the local doctors. I figure that she should be able to use the infield medical staff. If we can figure out a way to get it done legally.” I was smirking as I filled my mom in on the situation.

“I see no reason that our ‘team medic’ cannot use the station.” Mom gave Carl and Kelly a sweet smile. “Kelly do me a favor darling.”

“Sure, momma Jewels. What do you need me to do?” Kelly beamed.

“Drag your hard-headed mother over to the infield medical center and have them check her out. Tell them full workup. If your mother has to go to the hospital have the bill sent to the team.” Mom ordered.

“Now wait one damn minute Jewels. I’m perfectly capable of diagnosing myself. I don’t need to see a doctor.” Carl told mom.

“Wrong Carl. All of us here can see that you’re favoring that arm. Now let Kelly take you over to the infield medical center and get that arm looked at. Don’t worry about the bill. The team will cover it. All part of the family package. Now get going.” I smiled as mom pushed Carl and Kelly towards the infield medical center with a friendly shove.

I chuckled as Carl and Kelly just gave up and started walking towards the medical center. I turned to mom with a smile. “Hey mom. What brings you down here today? You haven’t been coming down here before the races lately.”

“Two reasons really. The first is we replaced the complete powerplant for of the both cars last night. We reworked the gears in the transmissions to give you a higher red line on the lower gears for more power in the takeoff. We dropped in the heaviest turbo that we can get away with and still be within the regs. And oversized the pistons. All perfectly legal but pushing the edge. The second reason concerns the suspension setup. This maybe a straight built racetrack but it handles closer to the road courses. We’ve tried to give you and Beth a setup as close to what we use for a drift car. Just don’t go drifting too much out there. We don’t have the tyres or time to replace them every few laps. Only drift if you absolutely have to, understand?” I could tell that there was something mom was worried about just not what.

I pulled mom and Beth off to one side. “Okay, mom. What’s got you worked up? I know that it isn’t that bullshit about breaking up the team. We settle that last week. Talk to us.”

“That’s just it, Bobbie. We thought we had that mess with splitting you and Beth up settled last week. But that crazy bitch Bertha has gone speed crazy. She wants to do more than just dominate the Formula One circuit. She wants to prove that Mercedes-Benz belongs in NASCAR with a winning team. In her eyes the only way to do that is with one of you girls.” The more mom explained what was worrying her the madder I became. “One of you will be making the move next season. As much as I wish we didn’t have to make this choice it is out of our hands. The season is almost over, and they pay the bills.”

“Have they decided which of us is going to make the move?” Beth snarled.

“That has been left up to us to decide.” Mom gave Beth a small smile. “Benz and Maybach want you on the NASCAR team Beth. While Jellinek and Daimler want you for the NASCAR team Bobby.”

“Mom, why our they pushing so hard to get one of us into NASCAR? It doesn’t make any sense. We got a winning combination here. Why are they fucking with a good thing so late in the game?” Beth bitched. “What’s changed in the last few weeks? Someone pulling something dirty behind our backs?”

“Nothing dirty is going on girls. As for what has changed the answer is simple. The politics.” At mine and Beth’s confused looks she explained. “The NASCAR owners won’t let the new team onto the circuit without at least one proven driver. And the France family wants that driver to be one of you.”

That took me by surprise, and I wasn’t alone. Beth looked as if she had just been slapped in the face by a fresh catfish. I let my feelings on the matter be known the only way I could just then. “Sorry, no good rat fucking bastards. They just want to turn us into some fucking publicity stunt.”

“Roberta Lee McGuire you watch the tone of your voice young lady. As for the France family wanting to use this team as a publicity stunt drop it. Remember that half of this sport is about publicity.” Mom snapped.

“I know that mom. The problem is we got a winning team and there are too many outside influences pushing for one of us to jump to NASCAR.” I growled out. “Why can’t they just leave us alone and let us compete?”

This time is was mom who sighed. “Bobbie, I know that you don’t want to hear this. So, I’ll get straight to the point. NASCAR is not the only auto sport that has been after Mercedes-Benz to allow you to make the shift to their sport. Ever since you and Beth took the top two slots and held on to those positions we’ve had requests. Formally written requests.”

“What do you mean mom? What kind of requests?” Beth asked rapidly.

“Word has gotten out that you girls each have the following licenses Formula One Super, NASCAR, Formula Renault, Endurance, Touring, Drift, and Rally. They all want a piece of the McGuire sisters’ luck and skill. What certain reporters have begun to call the McGuire magic.” The smirk mom gave us was one of pure mischievousness. “There are more than a few teams that would sell their souls to have just one of you behind the wheel of their cars. You girls are just too damned good for your own reputations.”

It was like the lights coming on in the garage at midnight. “Ah shit. NASCAR wants us for the fan base we’ll pull in with just the first race.”

“Got it in one, kiddo. The question is which one of you wants to make the jump? I know that neither of you want to leave the circuit. So how do you want to decide who goes over to the NASCAR team and who stays with Formula One team?” Mom laid out. “Should we draw straws or let the championship decide who stays and who goes?”

Beth smiled. “The way we’ve always decided things mom. We race for it.”

“Sounds fair to me. I lose I’ll stay, and I win I’ll go.” I held out my hand and Beth took it. Then she gave me a dirty look.

“Just what makes you think you’ll win? I’m just as good a driver as you are. Besides what makes you think that NASCAR wants your skinny ass anyway?” Beth demanded. Then smiled. “We do this straight up Bobbie. No pranks. No holding back. We go out there and race clean. Understood?”

I just grinned. “Fine. We let the championship placement decide. May the best driver win.”

“Play fair girls. But I do like the way you’ve decided to let things play out. I hate that we have to do this, but this is one of those times that Corporate politics are forcing our hand.” Mom gave us each a hug.

I had a funny thought and giggled. “Say do you think there is any way of getting McNairy in on this little bet of ours?”

Mom and Beth both chuckled at the same time. “NO!”

Giving us each one more hug and a gentle push towards the cars. “Now go out there and bust your asses. And listen to your spotters damn it. They have a better view of what is going on out there on the track than you do. Let them inform you of what is happening around you. That is what we fucking pay them to do. let them do their damn jobs. And don’t push the cars for the first half of the race. No matter what happens.”

That was the third time that someone had given me that advice today. That meant I needed to pay attention. “Okay mom, you’re the third person to tell me that today. What is going? Why does everyone want us to hold back?”

“Last year they resurfaced the track with a lower grade of asphalt. You might as well be driving on eighty-grit sandpaper. That track is worse about eating tyres than Darlington on a Sunday in August at high noon.” As mom talked about the track surface, I quickly understood the worry. A blown tyre from over wear and you’re in the wall or sand traps at over 90 mph.

“I hear you loud and clear mom. Take it easy for the first half let the competition wear out their tyres. They’ll come to us as the race wears on.” I figure out what Kathy, Kelly, and now mom was getting at.

“Good now get out there and win this bitch.” With that last bit coaching and a final hug mom pushed us towards our cars. I looked out at one of the last three tracks that held my destiny this season. With McNairy, Beth and me in a three-way tie for first one mistake could mean all the difference in the championship. The kick in the ass for me is where I placed during qualifying yesterday. Once again, I’m going to have to fight my way through traffic to the front. The good thing is Beth and McNairy will be right there with me. The top three drivers in the championship race are holding places 6 through 8 on the starting gird. With me and McNairy in 7th and 8th places.

I took my time as I finished getting ready for the race. Sherry Cheatem stepped up behind me and began to braid my hair for the race. Kelly had started doing this just before Silverstone in Spain. Ever since then one of them has braided my hair before the race. The girls on my team had taken to seeing this little ritual as a good luck charm. Every time one of them has done this I’ve managed to pull off a magical finish.

Once I had my earbuds in and iPod playing, I zipped up my leathers. Danny took his place and helped into the cockpit for the day then began to strap me into the seat. With my helmet on I signaled Chief Hailee for the engine start. When Jose fired over my engine, I felt the demon that was chained to my will come to life once more as the opening notes to Metallica’s Enter Sandman sounded in my ears. As we rolled off pit road for the warmup lap, I knew that the advice mom, Kelly, and Kathy had given us was accurate. I could feel the slight rumble of the pavement through my seat. Even as we rounded turn 1, I knew that today was going to be a nasty race.

I could feel the ass end wanting to slide out on me. I keyed my mike. “Kathy the second we go green keep your eyes on the first four cars.”

“What’s up Bobbie?”

“This track is slicker than what we were expecting. The rubber is already starting to marble up on the outer edges. Even the straightaway has a slick feeling to it. I got a feeling that when we go green those first four cars are going to either spinout or wreck completely somewhere around lap ten to twelve.” I figured that if Kathy was watching those four cars then I could worry about McNairy and the others.

“Gotcha Bobbie. Cover one through four. What about five?”

“Beth will most likely take of fifth place for us.” I snarked. I knew full well that Beth would take of fifth place.

We took two full laps around the track before lining for the start. I wait with as much patients as I can muster. When the green finally came we all hauled ass for turn 1 and just like I predicted we never made it through the first 15 laps before the yellow came out. First place spun out on turn 12 taking the second-place car with him on lap 12. I knew what had happened before Kathy came up on the radio. “Yellow flag is out for section two Bobbie.”

“How bad was the wreck?” I needed the information on the two wrecked cars.

“Well you’re now in fifth place with Beth in third. I doubt that Reichenbach and Hurtz will be back out on the track with that kind of damage.”

“Thanks Kathy. Watch for the next wreck to come somewhere around lap fifteen or so. It’ll be back in the middle of the pack.” I knew that I was showing off but didn’t care. I knew that the four drivers most likely to wreck were at the tail end of the pack at the beginning of the race had worked their way up into the mid teen positions by now. “Keep an eye on the cars in the twelfth through fourteenth positions.”

“Gotcha Bobbie. Twelfth through fourteenth.”

We went back to full green around the fourth lap. For the next 10 laps the racing was hard and nasty. Beth and I let more than a few drivers pass us. Just as mom had directed us, we came in for our first pit stop at lap 15. By then we had dropped back to our original starting positions by the time the wreck came on lap 27. This time it was on the apex of turn 6. And again, I called most of the cars that would spin out. The car in 14th was able to avoid the wreck. Only just barely.

When the yellow came out this time Beth and I pulled in for out second pit stop. Our pit crews had us back out on the track with 1.97 pit stops. I swear they have gotten faster and faster with every race. If anybody had told me that a bunch of teenagers would be turning professional level pit crew times at the beginning of the season I would have laughed. If I hadn’t been there at the first race of the season to see how far they’ve came I still won’t believe it. But these were my people and they had something to prove at every race. They fought for more than just a winning position. They did this for pride and nothing else.

Once we back out on the track, I keyed my mike once more. “Kathy when we go green keep an eye on the first four cars again. Let me know the second they start to spread out.”

“Okay Bobbie. What is it you see that we haven’t?”

“It’s the track Kathy. The build of rubber is starting to go away. Those four didn’t make any adjustments to their wings or stabilizers. All they did was change tyres. Four maybe five laps those new tyres are going to start coming apart. Ten to fifteen laps later. Boom! Blow out in turn seven or eight. This time it’ll be all four going down.” This time I wasn’t showing off. I could tell that the track was going to shit.

Kathy didn’t say another word. We went green and for the next sixteen laps everything was fine. I was beginning to wonder if I had called this wrong. Then it happened. And it was right where I said it would only it took out more than just the first four cars. If Beth, McNairy, and I hadn’t been as far back as we were, we would have been caught up in the wreck. This time the Marshals dropped the yellow flag and then the red. When we pulled into the pits, I knew that we would be sitting still for a while.

I had already seen the rescue crews rolling to clear the track and help the drivers as we rounded turn 17. The Marshals were already walking the line signaling for all cars to shut down their engines. AS I climbed out of the cockpit the Marshal stopped me. “We’re looking at a half hour delay in the race, Mrs. McGuire. Please remember no changes to the car during the delay.”

I gave the man a smile. “Of course, sir. MDRI always obeys the rules.”

As I walked over to stand with my team Chief Hailee stepped up next to me. “This one is going to take a while Bobbie. I do have a question for you.”

“You want to know how I’ve been able to call the wrecks. The answer is simple Chief. I’ve been watching the track and feeling how it’s been changing. I also watched as the front four only changed their tyres and left the wings and stabilizers alone. We changed our settings for the wings and stabilizers. Besides changing the tyres for fresh. I knew that one of them would blow a tyre. It was only a matter of time.” I looked over as the first of the wreckers rolled into the pits. “I just wish that they hadn’t taken out so many when they lost it.”

“Okay I can see that, but what about the other two wrecks?” Chief Hailee wanted to know. “I don’t see how you could call them.”

“At the start of the race it was easy. I watched as positions one through four were fighting their cars as they went through turns one through six. Hell, Chief I was having problems myself in the opening laps. As for the second wreck I knew that those four yahoos would sooner or later end up wrecking. This is their second to last chance to keep their rides.” I looked over as a second wrecker rolled into the pits. “Everyone on the circuit knows that they’re on the chopping block because they haven’t produced this year. For one of them this year is their last if they don’t start winning.”

“Do you think we’ll go back to green?” Danny asked me from next to his dad.

“We got sixteen laps to go. So yeah, we’ll go back to racing once the track is clear. Be ready for a fast pit stop once we get running again. I figure that we have five to six more good laps on those tyres.” I sighed then looked back as the first ambulance rolled by heading for the infield care center. “Looks like the meat wagons are taking their time. It must not be that bad.”

“Just taking the drivers in to be checked out, Mrs. McGuire.” I turned to face the voice of the man behind me. Only to find that he was dressed as a Marshal. “Word just came down. We will be restarting the race in twenty to thirty minutes at the most.”

With that the Marshal walked on down the track. Leaving me to bitch up a storm. “DAMN! THIS FUCKING SUCKS! The engines and tyres are going to be cold as shit by the time we restart.”

“We’ll deal, Speedy. Just like we always do.” Dad told me as he stepped up beside me, Beth, and Chief Hailee. “What I cannot figure out is why all the other drivers are busting their collective asses to come in first out there.”

“The answer to that Herr. McGuire is simple.” We all turned to see Thomas Reichenbach standing there smiling. “The word is out. One of your two lovely daughters will be leaving us at the end of the season.”

“What does that have to do with the price of tea in China, Thomas?” I snarked.

Thomas just chuckled. “You are the team to beat. To them they have but just three more chances at defeating the Ice Furies.”

“Wait a minute! We just found that one of us will be leaving Formula One definitively. We haven’t even made an announcement.” Dad told Thomas. “How did you find out?”

“Herr. McGuire the, how you say, gossip? Ja, gossip on pit road spreads faster than oil on a wet track. We have all heard that the Mercedes-Benz NASCAR team has not been going over well with the France family. They want a known driver with that team. That can only mean one thing. One of your two daughters will be leaving the circuit.” Thomas grinned. “I for one will miss whichever of you will leave us. You young ladies have truly pushed the competition level to new heights.”

I watched as he turned and walked away. “I swear we need to tackle that man and put a fucking bell around his neck. How the hell does he just keep popping up like that?”

The rest of my team just chuckled as dad gave me a hug. “Well that little talk answers a few questions for us. More than half of these guys want that win just for bragging rights. That means you and Beth need to be twice as careful out there from now until the finish line at Abu Dhabi.”

“Understood pop. Eyes in the back of our heads.” I told him then smiled as the Marshals signaled for us to return to our cars and start engines. Something that I desperately wanted just then. I still had the need for speed burning in my blood and wanted to race. More than ever now that I know the other drivers are trying to beat me as a matter of pride not for points. We had become the team that everyone want, no, needs to beat. We’ve become the boogeymen of the Formula One world in just one season. I really didn’t want to breakup the team now. If we’re scaring the crap out of the other teams after just one season imagine what how they would react next year. This final thought gave me a mile-wide smile as we got ready to roll.

Once we restarted our engines and pulled out of pit road, I noticed that I was in fourth place. I know that I haven’t made a lot of headway in this race, but this is the way mom wanted me to play things today. It has been eating at me from the time the ‘green flag’ first flew. I’ve been wanting to hammer my way to the front but with the way the track has been eating tyres and tearing up the cars, mom was right. I’ve seen too many of the other cars end up either in the wall in the gravel and sand pits.

After two yellow flag laps we went lined up and went green. With just 14 laps to go I knew that I had to make my move soon. I only have four problems. My first problem, I had to get by Beth. As much as I love my sister and she loves me, Beth wasn’t going to make this easy for me. the reason was simple. This was racing and it was every man or woman for themselves out here. Then there was our three common problems. First was Robert McNairy who was in second place and not willing to give that spot up without a fight. Then surprisingly the German gentleman, current second place holder in the championship race, and one hell of a competitor known as Thomas Reichenbach in first place. Lastly came our biggest pain and problem. The track itself. In summery I have my fucking hands full.

As we powered down the front straightaway once the track went green I knew that there was no way I was going to win this race. With a me, Beth, and McNairy in a three-way tie for first and Reichenbach just four points behind us nobody was going to just give up a position. To prove this point or should I say to DRIVE this point home, Beth pulled a slide job to cut me off in turn 1. For the next 7 laps Beth would play with me in this manner while nibbling at the heels of McNairy.

I knew that McNairy was faced with one of two choices. Let Beth pass or pass Reichenbach. Knowing McNairy, he’ll go after Reichenbach hard and heavy. That was just the type of driver he was, aggressive. Then when you drive at this level, there is only one way to drive, aggressively. I should know. I traded enough paint and rubber with the man to know. then downside to that situation is Reichenbach is just as aggressive and will fight back with everything that his has. Those two will go at each other until the checkered flag flies high over the track.

Which means that no matter how this shakes out Beth and I are racing for third place. It’ll take a major screwup on Robert or Thomas’ part to change the outcome of this race. And those two men do not screwup. While both men drove with an aggression that matches my own, they could not be more deferent. Just like my sister and me, one was all firy passion behind the wheel and the other was ice-cold logic. I fought with Beth for third place for thirteen of the last fourteen laps. On, the last lap of the race I finally passed her on the inside of turn 15. I could tell that Beth was expecting the pass and just let it happen. At first, I wondered why then realized that her tyres had finally started to go to shit and she was doing all that she could to just finish the race without wrecking.

We crossed the finish line third and fourth. With first going to Reichenbach and McNairy taking second. After a final lap to cool down I led Beth into the pits. After pulling to a stop and shutting down our cars in our individual pit stalls we both needed help climbing out of our cars. Kelly was right there to give me a welcoming hug. “Congratulations love. I know that you didn’t win but you never gave up.”

“That may be true love, but right now. I need a hot meal, a restroom, change of clothes, and a hot shower.” I sighed as I leaned into Kelly’s should just a little bit more than I wanted. “Not necessarily in that order.”

“Then come on Bobbie. We got enough time to get you cleaned up before you have to fly out for Brazil.” Kelly pulled me towards the team trailer. “You can start by getting out of those leathers. You sink.”

“Yah! You spend more than five hours in Nomex and leather while driving three-hundred and five kilometers. You would sink to.” I bitched.


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Nevr give up,

was my Dads philosophy too. It saved his life and others more times than I can even guess. He also rarely took credit, writing up others for their "heroic" deeds. He would save civilians, and the Officers he saved, then credit them with the saving. He reminded me of some of the people you write about in your story. You write a tremendously interesting story, even when I know nothing about cars or racing. I love the relationship of the "girls" on the team, especially our heroine and her sister and her wife. You're a great writer. ^_^ Sarah

I am a Proud mostly Native American woman. I am bi-polar. I am married, and mother to three boys. I hope we can be friends.

The French family

Wendy Jean's picture

may regret getting their way on this.

Thank you.

WillowD's picture

For this chapter. For this story. And for all of the other stories you have published here.


If whoever gets chosen to be the replacement F1 driver does decently on the next season, then the season after, they can return to NASCAR and both Furies can pair up on the F1 tracks. Or the sisters spend alternating years on NASCAR and F1.

As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!