Racing Angels -chp 31

Racing Angels

Webster’s dictionary defines Speed as the fallowing: the rate of change of position along a straight line with respect to time over a set distance. In other words, the quicker you can get from one place to another. The question is what would you do, when your family has spent the last two generations in search of ways to accomplish this goal faster and faster. What do you do when the family business is the search for more Speed. For Robert ‘Robby’ McGuire the answer is easy. You grab your sister and strap on a pair of Formula One racecars then go for broke.

Chapter 31
Circuit of The Americas, Sunday, Race day, Austin Texas 0900

My habit of staring out at the racetrack and studying it before every race has become something of a good luck ritual. One that my pit crew makes sure that I have time for regardless of what is going on. But even this ritual wasn’t calming my nerves this day. Oh, it was not the upcoming race that had my nerves in knots. That will be nothing today. I can see the track’s layout in my mind easily enough. Between the morning runs and videos I know all twenty turns, and six straightaways as if I grew up on them. No, it’s not the race or the track that has me scared shitless today. It is the little ceremony that is to take place in one hour from now.

I still cannot believe that the FIA was willing to let us hold our marriage before the race in the infield of the COTA. Personally, this was not my FUCKING idea. I wanted to use the Union Hall for one of the local VFW’s. Only I got overruled by first my parents, and then Mercedes-Benz, our sponsors. Then there is the need for damned Lutheran preacher. I mean come on here people. Who cares who pronounces us man and wife? To me it is nothing more than stupid damned politics. Why can these people just leave me and Kelly alone to live our lives our way. I know that Kelly and I have been married for a few months now but that was more like an elopement with a JOP. I just don’t understand the need for this over blown ceremony. I just know that this is something that Kelly wants. To be honest I was happy with our marriage in front of the Justice of the Peace.

Issy has been bouncing around the two of us for the last five days. I swear that woman must have clones to be in all of the places she needs to be at the same time. I’m just happy that she scrapped the dress that I was supposed to wear for the wedding. The all white racing leathers and fire suite she got to replace them with are more my style. I still haven’t figured out how Issy, and the Mercedes people got the FIA to sign off on the special colors for today’s race. This is one car that I really need to be careful with. With its all white paint job will show every scarp, bump, and ding. Anyone will be able to see those mistakes from a mile away.

“Are you thinking about the race or the wedding ceremony?” I had to chuckled at dad’s question. “Because if you’re thinking of the ditching the wedding, you’re too late kiddo. I had Hailee pull the distributer cap on your rental.”

“That’s just mean dad.” I chuckled as I turned to face him. Like me and the rest of the team my father was wearing a special fire suite for today’s festivities and race. Unlike my all white leathers his and the teams’, were black with white trim. “Looks like you’re ready for the ceremony.”

“You should see your mother and sister.” He chuckled. “You’d think that they have never been in a wedding party before.”

“Yeah, I can see that. By the way have you seen that crazy woman Issy?” I asked him with a smile.

“The last time I saw Issy, she was tearing some poor caterer a new ass. I swear that woman is an unholy terror when she doesn’t get her way. I still don’t see what the problem is with having pigs-in-a-blanket, boiled shrimp, and buffalo-wings as appetizers.” I busted out laughing at dad’s sneaky plan. He had to be the person to change the menu for the wedding reception.

I know that I hadn’t and it sure wasn’t Kelly. Not that I minded. Afterall the changes to the menu were all the ones that I had originally suggested. But Issy fast talked Kelly into one of those fancy high-end restaurant menus. It was something that you would see at the Golden Lamb or Stéphane’s. Issy just couldn’t understand that I was a simple backwoods country girl that got lucky. To me appetizers are a 6 pack of ice-cold beer and a bowl of nachos cover with refried beans, jalapeno peppers, and melted cheese.

“Dad you do know that if Issy ever finds out that you were the one to change the appetizers, she’ll happily gut your ass.” I told him with a smile.

He busted out laughing as he nodded his head. “Why do you think I’m over here double checking the cars? I may be crazy but I’m not stupid. I know that your mother was ready to skin somebody alive when she saw the boiled shrimp, and buffalo-wings. I took off before she found out about the pigs-in-a-blanket. My only saving grace right now is she still needs me to take care of the cars for the race. What happens after the race is another story.”

I just had to laugh at the thought of my mom beating the shit of dad for what he did. Not that I blame him. I get my taste in food from him. Even when I was at my sickest, he always found a way to get me to eat something. It didn’t matter how bad I felt, he was able to find something that I could keep down. I got my love for fully loaded nachos from the time dad smuggled them into the kids ward of USMCH during my second round of chemo. I was only able to eat a few bites, but the rest of the kids really enjoyed them.

“Do me a favor dad. Never change.” I smirked.

My dad just chuckled before pulling me into a hug. “Don’t worry about that Speedy. But I do have a piece of advice about today for you. I know that you kids have been married for a few months, but today is special. Especially for Kelly and her parents.”

“Trust me dad. I know how especial today is for her.” I couldn’t figure out where dad was going with this conversation.

“I doubt that you do, Bobbie. There are certain days, events, and people that standout in the lives of most young ladies. There’s their first kiss. Their first love. Their first romantic date. None of those though hold a candle to their wedding day. It is the one day that every young woman gets to feel like a princess. Today is all about Kelly in her mind.” The look that dad was giving me said more than words. “Get where I’m coming from?”

“Yah dad I think do. I never really thought about what this day meant for her. I guess that I still have more than a few masculine traits left in me.” I was looking down at my body as I answered him. I may look like a beautiful woman in her early twenty’s but I’m still a male where it counts. Mostly in the way that I think about things.

“One other thing Bobbie. When you stand up there in front of everybody and God remember one very important thing. You’re giving your word to that young woman to love, honor, and hold above all others. Never forget that.” The stern glare that dad was giving me let me know that he was dead serious about what he was telling me. Then again when it came to your word of honor, he was a real hard ass about keeping it. That was something he had drilled into my head from the time that I was old enough to walk.

“I’ll remember dad.” I answered with a grin. “Of all my loves Kelly stands above them all. And yes, that includes racing.”

“Oh really?” Dad was quick to question. “What would you do if you couldn’t race anymore? Would you just give up on your dreams for her?”

This time I sighed before answering. “Dad, if Kelly were to even hint to me about walking away from racing today. I would do so with no questions asked or problems. Racing has never been the be all and end all for me. Sure, I have always dreamed of being a racecar driver, but I’ve also known that I couldn’t race for forever. Ever sense I was first diagnosed with Leukemia I knew that I was living on borrowed time.”

I turned and looked over to where the all-white tent was set up. The place that I would be getting married today. “When I first found out that Kelly was pregnant, I was over the moon dad. One of my greatest dreams had been granted. Dad I’ve never told anyone this other than Doc Sharron. I’ve always been so afraid that the chemo treatments left me sterile. I never dreamed of becoming a father. Then last week she tells me that she is expecting twins. I thought it was a joke at first. So, trust me dad. If I can no longer race it will be no big deal. I’ll just find something else to do. What that is I don’t know, but I’ll take care of my family.”

“It’s good to see that you still have your head on straight son.” That was the first time that dad had called me son in months. I had to fight to stop the tears from coming. “I know that I haven’t said it enough, but your mom and me are proud of you. It didn’t matter what the problem was, you never gave up. You’ve always had a certain stubbornness about you that wouldn’t let you just give up. Something that we’ve always been proud of.”

Dad had stepped up next to me and was looking out at the track. “Out there you’re on equal footing with the other drivers. Sure, there are a few of them that don’t like you, but it doesn’t matter. You don’t let their bullshit get to you. You go out there and give it your all. Every time all the time. Take that same attitude into your marriage son. You do that, and you’ll be just fine. Remember that marriage is a two-way street. It’s always about compromise. Kelly’s opinion matters just as much as yours does.”

“I understand that dad. What I don’t understand is why’re you tell me this now? I mean we’ve been married for a few months now.” I really didn’t understand why dad was dropping all of this on me now.

“Because today you start the greatest race of your life. Not out there on that track.” Dad was saying as he turned and pointed over at the tent. “The starting line is over there in that tent. The race of married lesbian couple.”

I finally got what dad was telling me. Sure, I’ve been married to Kelly for a few months now. But today we would be announcing our marriage to the world. And to the rest of the world I was a young woman in love with another woman. I wasn’t a man entering into a marriage with the woman he loved. We had already gotten flack about our relationship in a few of the countries we had visited. Kelly and I had learned the hard way that bigotry wasn’t solely a problem in the United States.

“Gotcha dad. I just wish that I didn’t have to worry about what other people think. I mean why should who I love, sleep with, and want to spend the rest of my life with be such a big fucking deal? We’re not hurting them.” I know that I’m sounding like a whiny little bitch just then, but I do have a point. At least I think so.

“I know baby girl, but that is the way of the world. As much as I hate to say this ignorance and intolerance of those that are deferent will always be a part of humanity.” Dad gave me I tight hug. “As much as I wish it was deferent Bobbie, it isn’t something that I can fix with a torque wrench or hammer. Trust me kiddo, I’ve tried.”

The look on dad’s face made me chuckle. I could tell that he was remembering something from his past. At time where he used his fists instead of his words to solve a problem. I’ve always known that dad had a mean temper that could get away from him at times. It usually only happened when it came to one of us kids. The last time that it happened was in Germany. I still don’t know what he said to those old bats, but they’ve stayed out of mine and Kelly’s lives ever since. They even backed off on their meddling when it came to the wedding plans. I know that mom and Issy were happy with that development.

I hadn’t realized I was crying until dad took his thumb and wiped the tears from my cheek. “Come on Speedy. Time for you to get married.”

I looked down at the pocket watch that dad held in his hand. He has had that watch for as long as any of us kids can remember. He doesn’t carry it often. I know that this is the only time he’s had it with him at one of the races. “Tell me something dad. Where on earth did you get that pocket watch? I know that none of us kids gave it to you. You’ve also had it for as long as I can remember. Why do you have with you today?”

“This pocket watch was a gift from your grandfather on my wedding. It has been in the McGuire family for seven generations.” Dad slowly placed the watch into my hands and wrapped my fingers around the watch. “Today I pass it on to you. Just as you will pass it onto your oldest son on their wedding day when that day comes.”

“Um… dad just how old is this watch?” I couldn’t believe what he was telling me. I mean this watch had to be more than a hundred years old.

“This watch was given to our great, great, great, great grandfather on his wedding day by his bride in eighteen-seventy-five.” Dad chuckled. “You know the funny part about this watch? This watch has lost time only once. The day that your great grandfather jumped into Normandy during WW two. Believe it or not that five minutes of lost time saved his entire company.”

“What happened?” This was a story I have never heard before. I know that grandpa was a member of the 82nd Airborne during the Second World War. And that he had seen action in Sicily, Italy, and France before being sent home with his third Purple Heart.

Dad chuckled. “Will you see it all started back in England just before D-day landings. The pilot for his transport had set his watch off of this one here. The main reason why is your great grandfather’s watch this watch was known as being one of the most reliable time pieces in the battalion. Well, it seems that your great grandfather forgot to whine the watch that morning. It was running five minutes behind. This one mistake threw the timetable for the whole operation off by five minutes for his battalion. That five minutes saved the lives of all those men because by the time they reached their drop zones the German anti-aircraft guns were all pointed in the wrong direction. Those twenty-eight aircraft cleared their drop zones without one scratch on them, and all of their troops safely out the door. All because they took off five minutes late. Your great grandfather made the jump into Normandy on a wing and a prayer. Right along with his platoon. He was not much older than you are now. You know something, he would be laughing his ass right now.”

“Why do you say that, dad?” I was really curious about my great granddad.

“He was never one to go with the flow. That man was never one to tolerate the stupidity of ignorant fuck nuts. I won’t even go into what your great grandmother thought about people like that.” Dad chuckled. “I remember this one time where she put two rounds of salt rock into the ass of old man Grant. Just because he called your aunt Stephany a loose woman.”

“I guess the famous McGuire temper truly does run in the family.” I chuckled as dad pated me on the head. “I come by my temper honestly.”

“That you do kiddo. Just remember to temper your anger with compassion.” I took dad’s words of advice to heart most of the time. But today I felt that he was giving me life lessons that he had learned over the last twenty-eight years of being married to my mom. The more that I thought about it, he was giving me the hard-learned lessons of his life. “One other thing before we head over Roberta. You may appear for all the world to see my daughter, but underneath all that finery still beats the heart of my son. A son that has done nothing but bring me a great deal of pride. Never forget that.”

“I won’t forget dad. I promise.” I gave him one more quick squeeze. Slipping the pocket watch inside my leathers I pull him towards the tent. “Time to get married one more time. Only this time everything is for Kelly.”

“Now you’re starting to think like a smart husband.” Dad snarked as we walked across the infield of the COA.

As we entered the area that was set off to one side for the groom and groom’s men, I was only slightly surprised to see the four biggest guys on my pit crew. They were all wearing racing leathers that matched dad’s all black ones. If you didn’t know any better, you would swear that they were all wearing tuxedos. I could tell by their smiles that they were all having a great laugh at my expense. I could already hear the jokes that were coming my way once this was all over.

I decided to let them get it out of their systems. “Okay, guys. Let me have it. Get it over with now. While we’re alone.”

“Nothing going on Bobbie. Trust me on this. We’re just happy that you and Kelly are happy that you’re both happy.” Danny Hailee told me with a smile. “Now, go out there and make that girl one happy bride.”

“Yah, we’ve been waiting for this day for the last few months. None of us were very happy when you two went and eloped. But we understand your reasonings for doing that.” William Hackney smirked as he made a swollen belly gesture with his hands. “What we all want to know is why Kelly is showing the way that she is?”

Dad cleared his voice with a cough. “Let’s just say that Bobbie got more than she bargained for boys. Kelly is pregnant with twins.”

When the guys heard this, they surrounded me patting me on the back and congratulating me. I could tell that they were all happy for me and Kelly. Then again, these guys had all seen me at my worse during my sickness. They’ve also been there for me during my greatest triumphs on the tracks. I just couldn’t hold a grudge against the guys if they wanted to give me shit over the wedding now.

“Okay you clowns time to get this show on the road.” I said as I looked over at the gathered guests in the tent. “I doubt that the commission or Kelly will put up with us delaying the proceedings.” The guys just chuckled and followed out of our tent.

As I entered the tent that was being used for the ceremony, I saw that almost every seat was filled. I know that when we sat down to fill out our wedding invitations that Kelly and I had originally planned for no more than fifty people. Before Germany that number was over three hundred. After Germany it was back down to one-twenty-five, thank God. I looked around at the guests and smiled. Almost all of the Darlington Knights and all of the Blue Devils were there wearing their club jackets. I was only slightly surprised at seeing my little brother Joey wearing one of the Blue Devil jackets. I shouldn’t be though. I mean he has been spending a lot of time with Stephany Stone and her club lately. They weren’t a bad bunch of kids really.

I know that none of them have been racing on the streets. The funny part about the car clubs in Darlington County they have all given up street racing. Ever sense the Knights got their track open the number of wrecks or crime involving street racers has drop by over eighty percent. I can’t say the same for the rest of the state, but Darlington County has pretty much cleaned up their act when it comes to illegal street racing.

Dad walked past me and joined mom in the front row, groom’s side. As I took my place in front of the makeshift altar, I spotted Kelly’s mom. Like my own mother she was dressed to the nines. Both women were wearing the same dress. To be honest here, they both looked like they had just stepped off the runway at one of those fashion shows in New York.

My attention was drawn to the rear of the tent when the opening notes of ZZ Top’s “Legs”. To say that Kelly had my undivided attention would be an understatement. I know that it is supposed to be a wedding dress, but it has to be the only white dress that Morticia Addams would or should I say wear. Even though her ‘baby bump’ is really showing now, she still looks hot in that damned dress. Danny must have felt the same way.

“Damn! It’s good thing you two are married Bobbie. Because if you weren’t, I would be doing my best to haul her before the JOP.” He whispered. I heard a grunt come from him and put two and two together. William must have either elbowed or punched him in the ribs for his comment.

“Knock it off you two. This is Bobbie and Kelly’s day to shine.” Greg hissed.

I wanted to turn around and thank him, but I was a little busy just then. Namely trying to remember how to breath. Kelly had stolen my ability to think straight. I have always known that she was a beautiful but today she went far beyond her normal standard. If anything, today my wife was angel gracing us poor mortals with her very presence. When Kelly and her father stopped at the end of the aisle, I knew what dad had been talking about over in the pits. Today was all about her and her dreams.

“Who gives this woman?” I was brought out of my thoughts by the Pastor’s question. And Kelly’s dad’s answer.

“I do.” When Mr. Ringwald placed Kelly’s hand in mine, he gave me a glare. “Remember one thing Roberta. I got a shovel, lantern, and access to two-hundred acres of uncut forest.”

I got the hint. I didn’t need a building to fall on top of me. If I ever hurt Kelly or the babies, he would burry my ass on my own farm. I just nodded my head and turned to face the Pastor. I just knew that the man was going to give us a long-winded sermon about what it meant to be married.

“Dearly beloved, and friends we are gathered here today to bear witness to the joining of Roberta McGuire and Kelly Ringwald in holy matrimony. But what is marriage? It is not just the joining of two people who love each other. It is a commitment of two souls in the bonds of that love. It is a partnership that brings about new life. A partnership in both sickness and in health. For rich and poor. Marriage is a partnership that lasts through the good and bad times. It is tested by the many trials of a life. It is strengthened by those trials and tribulations. Marriage is like the finest of steels. The hot the fire the stronger the steel. Yet those same fires can destroy the steel. Just as mistrust, deception, and disloyalty can destroy any marriage over time. It is only by the grace of a loving and forgiving god that a marriage last over time.” The more that the Pastor preached the more that I wanted to pop him one. Then again, I have never been one for the churchy types. I know that I lost my faith in an all-powerful and merciful god the day I was diagnosed with childhood leukemia.

When he finished his little sermon, he turned to Kelly. “Kelly Ann Ringwald do you take Roberta Lee McGuire to be your lawfully wedded wife. Through all the trials life shall past in your path?”

Kelly smiled with the first glint of tears in her eyes. “I do.”

Then the popups ass turned to me. “Roberta Lee McGuire do you take Kelly Ann Ringwald to be your lawfully wedded wife. Through all the trials and tribulations that life shall place in your path?”

I couldn’t help myself. I knew that I was going to pay for this, but what the hell. “Can I think about it?”

As the gathered guests started to chuckle Kelly turned ten shades of red. I won’t even go into the look that crossed my parents’ faces or her parents. Dad just stood up. “I told you that it is already too late to run kiddo. Now say I do before I cut your ass.”

“Damn. Can’t anyone around here take a joke anymore?” I quipped as I shrugged my shoulders. I turned to face the Pastor. “Yes, I take Kelly as my wife. With all my heart and soul.”

The Pastor had the good graces to interrupt Kelly before she could say something smart assed. Or anybody else could along those lines. “I now pronounce you wife and wife. You may now kiss your bride. Ladies and gentlemen, I give Roberta and Kelly McGuire.”

As I leaned into give Kelly as kiss she snarled. “You’ll pay for that crack.”

“I know I will. But it’ll have to wait until after the race, love.” I told her just before giving her a kiss. We marched back down the aisle to the sounds of ZZ Top only this time the song was Gimme all your lovin. We headed straight for pit road from the tent. We knew that I had only twenty minutes to finish getting ready for the race. I would need that twenty minutes to get into the right headspace if I wanted to stand a chance at winning.

“Tell me something Bobbie. Will you be ready to get out there and drive? I want an honest answer love.” Kelly asked of me as we stepped up into the car hauler. I knew what she wanted to hear and what she didn’t. “Is your head going to be on straight out there? Are you sure that you’re not pushing things?” She asked as she ran her hands over my ribs.

“I’ll be fine Kel. I just need a few minutes to get into the right headspace. You know how I get at times. Right now. I just need a few minutes for myself.” I know that she’s worried about today’s race. Hell, I don’t blame. This’ll be the first time that I’ve ever raced while injured. I pulled her hands away from my taped-up ribs. “AS far as my ribs go, don’t worry. I got them taped-up nice and tight. Just the way Doc Kettle showed me. Now, go get changed and meet mom on top of the box.”

Kelly just smiled gave me a hug and headed off to change in the team trailer. I pulled out my iPod and put in my earbuds hitting play. I sit down on the floor and let my mind just fall away to the sounds of Tchaikovsky’s Sleeping beauty. Doc Sharron suggested the changeover a couple of weeks ago to classic musical scores for my meditations before each race. I find that the new music is far more relaxing. I know that I’ve been pushing myself out there on the tracks, but other than when I’m in Kelly’s arms, it is one of the few places that I truly feel alive anymore.

The knock on the trailer door brought me back to earth. The knock was followed by my mom calling out to me. “Bobbie it’s time.”

“Coming mom.” I stand up and head for the car grabbing my helmet along the way. I don’t bother with taking out my earbuds. I just slip my iPod into my leathers and zip up them up. Even as I stepped out the trailer, I could tell that mom was antsy. “Don’t worry mom I’m good to go.”

“That is not what I’m worried about Bobbie.” Mom snapped.

“Okay mom what’s got you on edge?” I knew she wouldn’t come right and tell me unless I forced the issue.

“It concerns the guys over on the NASCAR team, honey.” Mom looked over at where Slow Jack and the Darlington Knights were standing. “You know that they got a late start in their season, right?”

“Yeh, what about it? They not preforming up to standard?” I asked her.

“The big boys over at Mercedes are wondering if it might not be better for either you or your sister to move over to their team. With one of them coming over to this team. As it stands right now, they’re looking at you to make the move.” I could tell by mom’s look and tone of voice; she wasn’t too happy with this change of events. I also had a good idea of why the big boys were wanting to make the changes. “You need to win this race and the next three to stay in Formula One, Bobbie. If you lose the driver’s championship race, they’ll move you to the NASCAR teams.”

“Well just fuck me sideways. After all I’ve done for those assholes.” I bitched as we walked towards the cars. “Can to tell me why they’re pushing so hard for me to make the move?”

“They believe that it’ll be easier for you and Kelly in NASCAR. They know that you can out drive your sister. That’s not the driving point behind their push for splitting up you girls.” I could tell that mom wasn’t happy about our sponsors decision or their reason. “They feel that they only need one winning driver on team. If that means splitting, you girls up that’s what they’ll do. Whether we like it or not. Before you ask yes, they can do it. It’s in our contract. And there isn’t a damned thing we can do about it.”

That’s when I started to chuckle. “Mom, if they want to put me or Beth behind the wheel of a Stock car then fine. It’ll just be a change of seats for us. It doesn’t matter to me what I drive so long as I can race. I’m pretty sure that Beth will tell you the same thing.”

“That is beside the point, Roberta.” Mom snapped.

“Then what is the point mom? If the sponsors want to shift the teams around it’s their right. Especially if they want a pair of winning teams. They sign the checks after all. If we have to split up the team to make them happy, I say what the hell. Let them. I’ll just drive my ass off in a new sport. Just like I’m going to do today.” I grinned.

I just walked off as mom stood there with a grin on her face. It was the same one she wore on the day of my impromptu race she rode along on. I knew then and there she was going to turn a blind eye to my tactics from here on out. Even if it meant cut Beth off on the track. She no longer cared about what I did on the track so long as it was legal.

Beth stopped me as I neared the cars. “Mom give you the fucked-up news yet?”

“She just did. Look Beth, the way I see it we got one of two choices. Number one, we let them make the choice as to who makes the move. Personally, I could give a shit either way. Choice number two, we let our standings in the drivers’ championship decide who gets shuffled. Now, in my humble opinion I say that we go with number two.” I smirked and went for the kill. I knew what Beth was up to the second she stopped me. “But I know that you’d rather let the brass decide. I mean you’re only fourteen points ahead of me in the standings. I can easily make that up today.”

“Oh, it’s like that little sister. You’re on. And may the best driver win.” Beth huffed as she held out her hand.

I shook her hand smiling. “Done. And don’t go crying to mom when you lose.”

“I won’t be the one crying to mom and dad.” Beth snapped and stormed off.

As I watched her stomp off, I giggled. I had her and she didn’t know it yet. I may be tenth on the starting grid, but I’ve come from further back in the flied before to win. I walked over to my car and handed Kelly my helmet. I quickly climbed into the cockpit and began to strap in. After I put my gloves on Kelly leaned in giving me a good luck kiss before handing my helmet.

Before I could put my helmet on Kelly smiled. “Good luck love be careful, and win. You got three-hundred-and-nine kilometers and fifty-six laps to overtake first place and two hours to get the job done. So, don’t fuck around. I know that we invited all the drivers to our wedding but none of them are going to cut you any slack out there today.”

“Gotcha Kelly. Don’t worry I know that the other drivers are going to be just as hard on me today as any other time. Give me another kiss for luck.” Kelly smiled and leaned down one more time for the kiss. “I got a feeling that I’m going to need all the luck I can get today.”

“Why?” Was all she asked.

“I pissed off Beth.” I smiled up at her as I pulled my helmet on. Kelly just groaned. She knew what I was up to with my sister. If there was one thing that I know that will totally screw with my sister’s driving, it’s when she gets pissed. I love my sister, but the one thing she can’t do is drive when she gets emotional. As long as she can keep her emotions in check Beth can out drive ninety-nine percent of the drivers out there. I’m the one who lets her emotions fuel her driving. I always have been, always will be, an emotional driver. And today I’m racing on America’s Formula One track.

That is all the emotional drive I need to conquer this track today. The other drivers may be out for the sport and all that bullshit, but not me. Today it’s all about National Pride for me. This track belongs to the people of the United States of America and the great state of Texas. The last of the Confederate States to surrender. There was no way in hell I was going to lose in front of these people. The problem is I know that Beth feels the same way that I do about today’s race.

Chief Hailee signaled me that it was time to start engines. I raised my thumb signaling that I was set. I felt the engine kickover and heard the roar of the monster that has been chained to my will come to life once more. I reach down and hit the play button on my iPod. As I roll out behind the other drivers the opening notes of One night in Bangkok by Murray Head. I chuckled to myself as I know that Beth has been screwing around with my uploads. Not that it well make a deference. She forgets that we have the same tastes in music when it comes to racing.

We weren’t halfway round the track when Kathy came up on the radio. “Bobbie the Marshals just informed us that there will be an extra two warmup laps.”


“They said something about reworking the lineup. It seems that you’ll be moving up in the poles before the race even starts. Two of the other drivers are being penalized for powerplant violations.” I knew that those were major violations. Enough that the Marshals could pull you from the race if they felt that the violations were bad enough.

“Damn. What did they do? Replace their powerplants?” I asked her as we rounded turn 12. I could tell that this hairpin was going to be a bitch during the race. Between turns 11, and 12 there is a nice straightaway that you get some nice speed on. Section 3 is nothing but twists and turns that are a grade A bitch at any speed. Section 1 has the widest hairpin turn on the circuit at the end of the front straightaway. It’s turn 1. Turns 2 through 6 might as well be a damned photocopy of Silverstone’s run through Maggots/Beckets. Section 2 is turns 7 through 12 with the last two turns being some the nastiest left hand turns anywhere.

“Don’t know Bobbie. All the Marshals are saying is that three cars will be shuffled to the back of the pack. Don’t be surprised if they try to pull something late in the race. How’s the track feel?”

“It feels slick through most of section one but dry as a bone for two and three. Doesn’t make any sense. It’s like someone sprayed down only that part of the track with something and left the rest of it alone. Why?” I knew that Kathy was thinking about the track conditions.

“If section one is still slick, we’re going to have problems. The sun has been up and beating down on the track for the last five hours. Are you sure that the track is wet?”

“I said it was slick Kathy not wet. It’s like the surface of the track is covered in a light coating of oil or ice. Like I said it doesn’t make any sense. If I didn’t know any better, it almost feels like driving on marbles.” I knew that I wasn’t making any sense but that was the only way I could describe that section of the track.

Dad came up on the radio out of nowhere. “Hold back on the power for the first seven laps, Bobbie. Be lap eight section one will come back to race conditions. That slick feeling is from the true grip that they sprayed the track down with last night. Where does it feel the worse?”

“Turns three through five. Why?”

“Because that area hasn’t had the same amount of sun as the rest of the track yet. Be the time we reach the midway point that part of the track will feel like you’re driving on concrete.” Dad explained for me.

“Copy dad. Looks like the Marshals have gotten the shuffling all sort out. Time to make the donuts guys.” I dropped of the radio as I pulled in behind Edwards in seventh position on the starting grid.

It didn’t take long before the Christmas-tree lights lite up signaling the countdown to start. Like everyone else I was paddling the throttle and chomping at the bit to start the race. When the lights turned green, I floored the accelerator and started working my way through the pack. I passed two other drivers before they had a chance to block me.

By the time we hit turn 1 I knew that the rest of the day was going to be a none stop fight to the finish line. Those two passes were going to be the easiest of the day for me. As I exited turn one heading for turn 2 Ghost Riders in the Sky by the Outlaws began to play. This was followed up by Metallica’s Enter Sandman. By the time that Blue Oyster Cult’s Godzilla was sounding in my ears I knew who had change my race mix. It wasn’t my dear sister, but my loving wife.

Over the next fifty-two laps and seven pit stops I busted my ass and worked my way up into second place right on Beth’s ass end. I knows that she sees me nipping at her heels. I’ve been right on her ass for the last seven laps. I push in even tighter. I smile as I see the first wiggle as she rounds turn 20. That one little wiggle is all I needed to see to know that I was starting to get on Beth’s nerves, and she is starting to lose control letting her anger with me get the better of her judgement. I love my sister but there is no family or team players in the final five laps of a race. It’s every man or woman for themselves. In the words of Dale Earnhardt Sr. second place is the first loser. And I cannot afford any more loses to Beth.

As we enter section 2, I know that I need to make my move on the back straightaway between turns 11 and 12. All I have to do is stay tucked in tight on Beth’s ass end and she’ll do the rest of the work for me. We cleared turns 7 through 10 with Beth barely holding on to her lead. When turn 11 came into view I saw my chance. Beth must have thought that I was going to go to the inside and left the outside wide open. I down shift two gears and pulled alongside her in the middle of the turn. My sudden an unexpected move to the outside on turn 11 must have spooked Beth big time. She slammed on her brakes and started understeering bad. If it hadn’t been for me powering past, she would have side-swiped my car. I came out of turn 11 poring on the power for the straightaway. Beth is hot on my heels. I haven’t got away with the pass yet. I know my sister. And there is no way that she’ll let me just drive away to take the win.

For the next four laps Beth and I came close to trading first place time after time. She kept challenging me for the lead. On lap 53 she tried to pass me on the front straightaway. Lap 54 she tried to pull the same passing maneuver that I had on her. Only she tried it on turn 15. At lap 55 she did everything she could to use the two DRS zones to pass me. Thankfully I was able to block her both times. I pulled out the mean and nasty tricks that I had learned as a rat-racer to hold off Beth over those last few laps. I even went so far as to use inertia drifting through every turn on the last lap. Not that, that was helping a whole lot. Beth knows and used the tricks to keep me within striking distance. I was really beginning to doubt that I could hold her off for one more lap. So, when I saw the white flag, I didn’t breathe a sigh of relief. Instead I keyed my mike.

“Kathy, keep an eye on Beth for me. I’m going for the track record.” That was all I told Kathy as I crossed over the start/finish line to the opening notes of Iron Maiden’s Run to the Hills. That song was all I needed to hear just then. I didn’t care about the race anymore. I fell away into that place I go to when I need to push myself and the car beyond our limits. Gone was the professional Formula One driver. In her place was the man that would challenge the Devil’s Bounty Hunter on the racetracks of the world.

“Bobbie! Beth is going to the inside. I think she’ll try to pass you on turn two or just after!” Kathy yelled over the radio.

“Thanks Kathy.” With her warning I knew what Beth was up to. Not that it would matter in the long run.

Just as Kathy predicted Beth tried for the pass on turn 3. She went to the inside curb as we exited turn 2. Even as she was pulling long side of me, I knew I had her. I pulled a full ninety-degree drift as we entered turn 3. It forced her to hit the brakes. That one mistake on her part would be all that I need to win the race. I know that it was mean, nasty, and underhanded, but that is racing. If we had been on a NASCAR track the move, I would have used is know a bump-n-run. What I had done was as close to rubbing in NASCAR as I could get away with in Formula One.

With that one simple slide-job the race was all but done. I just needed to clear the last 17 turns and 2 straightaways. Kathy saw what was happening and started calling out the turns. The entire time she let me know where Beth was at on the track. I may have pissed Beth off, but she wasn’t letting it get to her. Not like the way it did at Silverstone. The funny thing about Beth and her emotions is she has gotten a better control over them in the last few months. I can tell that her sessions with Doc Sharon are helping. Damn not good, not good at all. Even as I round turn 15 Beth is still hot on my ass end. She is not going to give up the chase until we cross the line.

I kept pushing my car and skills to their limits. I had to if I want to beat my sister. The other drivers may take us for granted or play us off as some publicity stunt. That is the one thing I’ll never do to another driver disrespect them. I may not like a few of them, but they’ve all earned my respect, especially when it comes to my sister. She is just too damned good to take for grant or blow her off as a publicity stunt. The moment I do that Beth will roll my ass for lunch money.

I had just exited turn 20 when Kathy came up on the radio. Screaming at the top of her lungs. “BOBBIE! BETH IS GOING TO THE OUTSIDE!”

From there out it was a drag race to the finish line. I jammed the accelerator to the floor and worked my way through the gears. I had five-tenths of a second led on Beth. That was all that I needed to win. If I could hold on to the led. Which was not going to be easy in a drag race.

We were so close together that I didn’t even realize I had won the race until Kathy came up on the radio. “You can back it down Bobbie. You won.”

“How close was the finish Kathy?” I wasn’t sure that I wanted to know.

“Let’s just say that if it was any closer. We would have to go to the photos. You beat Beth by two-tenths of a second.”

“What was our lap time?” I really wanted to know that.

Mom came up on the radio for some reason to answer my question. “Give us another few seconds Speedy. We need to nail this one down with the Marshals.”

I worked my way around the track slowing down with Beth right beside me. She did raise her hand as congratulate me on the win as we rolled down the back straightaway. As we came around to the entrance of pit row mom comes back up on the radio. “Well it is official Bobbie. You just barely missed the track record by one-hundredth of a second. Sorry kiddo.”

“Well damn. All that work and all I get is the win.” I bitched only to have Beth come back with her own complaint.

“Don’t bitch, little sister. I led for forty-seven out of fifty-six laps. Then still lost to my snot nosed bitchy little sister. That’s what’s not far. I want someone to double check your damned powerplant.”

“Elisabeth your sister is not cheating. Just because she out drove you today is no sign that her car was better. She was just a little luckier.” I wanted to chuckle at the way mom slapped down Beth. “Now, bring home girls. We have two major wins to celebrate today. One track win, and one life win.”


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