A TG Limerick

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Resulting from a comment made by Geoff on the latest Aunt Greta-sode, I was enthroned on the loo this morning when my somewhat over-active–for so early in the day–braincells came up with a TG Limerick.

There was a young fellow called Earl
Who said, "Inside I'm a girl."
So he went to Australia
To seek Jenny Talia;
And when he returned, SHE was Pearl.

So how about it peoples? Have a go and see what can you offer in the way of a TG Limerick? All I ask is to please keep them reasonably clean!



My entree

Sam was a cross-dressing consummate whiner
Who, looking good, always wanted to look finer
On a falling star made a wish
That from now on he'd be the dish
"Turkey with dressing" on special at the diner.

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A famous young man from Nantucket
liked to dress but did not like to tuck it.
A doctor was found
who could turn it around.
So she now has a rather deep pocket.

A Bonzi-lick.

Angharad's picture

An effeminate fellow called Bert
Liked to saunter about in a skirt
In a bra and some knickers
He paraded to snickers,
Whilst the boys called him floozy and flirt.



Bonzi-lick 2.

Angharad's picture

A machinist who was known as a clot,
Used to mess with his lathe quite a lot,
One day he called fire -
Several registers higher,
Which showed he'd lost more than the plot!



A Tricia-rick

I know a young tee-gee called Trisha,
So pretty, we all like to kish ’er,
But she raves and she rants,
’bout havin’ ants in her pants,
And a willie instead of a fissure.


After reading the lump of BigCloset
this girl in the loo said : I've got it!
Stead of stirring an awful big stink,
by sitting here, brooding, and think.
Flush it, I go write me a sonnet.


Oh dear. @'.'@


Bonzi-lick 3.

Angharad's picture

A fellow who lived near a park,
Used go out in skirts after dark.
He gave out a howl
When in flew an owl,
And grabbed what it thought was a lark.



Bonzi-lick 4.

Angharad's picture

Young Bonzi complained of neglect
Said, "My gonads got left at the vet."
His mummy laughed, squealing
"I do know the feeling,
It happens when changing one's sex."




Come on peoples, wotcha waitin' for? Limericks are easy and fun-fun-fun.

Here's one I thought of just now:

There was a young TG called Jess-
e, who fancied wearing a dress
He e'en went as far
And panties and bra
And silicon forms on his "chest".

See what YOU can DO! I want to see a veritable explosion of Limericks here.



“It is hard for a woman to define her feelings in language which is chiefly made by men to express theirs.” Thomas Hardy—Far from the Madding Crowd.

Oh very well... My limerick

laika's picture

A transphobic troglodyte, Gleason
hated me seemingly without reason
but in the back of his id
where dark secrets is hid
he did fear he might hisownself be one...

(the last time I tried a limerick I was told I didn't have the meter quite right.
So I won't guarantee this is one either, but it'd doggeral of some sort...)

What borders on pure insanity?
Canada and Mexico.

There once was a lad named

There once was a lad named Tad
who was always inside quite sad
his Sis said be a girl
so he gave it a whirl
now Tad's not sad nor a lad



Seek freedom and become captive of your desires. Seek discipline and find your liberty.

The Coda
Chapterhouse: Dune


Seek freedom and become captive of your desires. Seek discipline and find your liberty.

The Coda
Chapterhouse: Dune

Her feet show it

erin's picture

There was a young lad from Old Sligo
Did fancy himself a bride, oh!
Not one he could wed
Or take home to bed
But himself dressed all in white, oh!

- Erin

= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

A bit late...

A bit late, but here's one that I hope isn't too awful...

There was a young tran from Nantucket
whose aunt, wealthy Nan, kicked the bucket.
To the niece of her name
she left riches to claim
So Dan put on a skirt: Nan took it.


Limey Eric

Inspired by a certain film:

A PFJ member named Stan
said, "Loretta's no longer a man.
I want to have babies,
like all other ladies,
or at least have the right that I can."

Is it just me or...

laika's picture

Watching LIFE OF BRIAN back in 1980, that scene weirded me out. I got what they
were doing about revolutionary theoretical hair splitting, but---small technical matters
aside---Loretta's plaint sounded perfectly reasonable, echoing my own deep desires for
motherhood and the joke seemed to be at her expense. It stung, how the audience howled
when the guy said, "It's symbolic of your struggle against reality"; I felt betrayed by
Monty Python somehow...... Weird, huh? All that flashing thru my head in a few seconds,
and then kind of suppressed like (I didn't have any gender issues- ha ha), but leaving
enough of an impression to recall it clearly here nearly 30 years later.
~~~hugs, Laika

What borders on pure insanity?
Canada and Mexico.

Sharp end

I imagine that everyone else that got poked with one of the Pythoner's gags felt much the same, "Why am I laughing?"

And isn't that always the question? All humor is pain.

There once was a wise and holy king
Who'd eat nothing yet unclean.
He dined on green grasses
And the milk of wild asses
And told no one he'd rather be queen.
