For those that have wondered what is going on with me and my writing...
Over the past years, along with medical issues that happen as we all get older, (back surgery a few years ago and two heart attacks since last November.) Work, which was something I once enjoyed, has become something of a horror story that I come home from and pass out instead of writing several thousand words each night like I once did.
For me, I'm fighting, fighting tooth and nail to get the stories in my mind down on paper. It's been really difficult lately and sometimes the bad attitude I suffer bleeds over into my comments. I apologize now for past comments that may have offended some or may offend some in the future.
And I have gotten sidetracked once again, as the reason for this post was to let you know that I am hard at work as I can, on rereading and getting more written on the stories that so many like myself love. Necessity and For better or worse are my main concerns at this point, as both lead into the Hekawi stories that Shadowsblade and I have began.
while I look forward to more of your writing
your health comes first. healing hugs sent!
Dorothy said it best (and first)
Your health comes first. Healing hugs are awesome. And so are your stories.
I hope life improves for you gain.
Real life
Darn it! Real life interferes with everything! While I (and the proverbial thousands of others) are waiting with bated breath for your next chapter of (fill in the blank), make sure you take time to smell the roses and relax. And try to avoid any more river floods!
Too much too soon
$DIETY, man!! Take it easy, please. Two heart attacks since November will bring anyone to their knees if not lower.
Your life has changed and you'll have to accept that before you can do much else. I am assuming that you are on various heart-related drugs and those will have all manner of side effects. Not speaking from experience, but my partner had a bypass in 2010 and she is still recovering from that. If they hadn't done the bypass she wouldn't be here now. She is still on a cocktail of 6 different drugs.
If you're on Beta blockers that will be like running around with the handbrake on. (They tried me on those once to see if they made any difference to my own complaints - they didn't.) Expect to sleep more. Expect possible reactions from any Statins they give you, although of course YMMV.
Don't try to write full-on as you did before. If you have ideas, by all means write them down as reminders for the future. Write when you have time and feel like it.
Recovery will come, but it will come quicker if you don't push yourself. On the other hand, make sure that you get enough exercise. Walk around the block once or twice a day (doctor's advice permitting). Don't expect to go back to the way you were before, but you can still have a full life afterwards.
What she said
Chill with the pushing yourself.
If you don’t take care of yourself first by focusing on the thousands of words of stories now then forget about the millions of words you can write in the future if you know what I mean.
Please pace yourself.
Hang Tuff
Nuuan, sweety, there are no pearls of wisdom able to change what is in your life that may come from me. Because of who I am and what I do, often I counsel those who have lost love ones and those who are thinking of ending it all by their own hand. Personally, I suck at it as the reality of life and how to handle it is up to the individual not some person on the outside looking in. All the promises of "it will get easier" "life will be better" are only words. The hugs, the sharing of tears, emotions are real. What I wish I could do is wave a magic wand and make it better. I don't have the wand.
Each person's life for better or worse is up to each individual. Despite anyone claiming they were screwed over by so and so, or their health is really bad because of (name ten thousand reasons here) they don't have to live with it. Accept it's real? Yes. Accept that is the way it is going to be? No. Each individual is the owner, navigator, and engineer of that body and soul they occupy. Doctors, therapists, friends, family, strangers, look at but can't look in.
What are you doing to change the equation? Are you living with it or are you researching for information to make it better?
You're a damn good girlfriend and I'd hate to lose you to something like a heart attack or anything else. Stress can bring it on, certain foods, minerals, and vitamins can moderate the effect stress has on the system. As the yin and yang, there are also foods, minerals, vitamins that exacerbate the problems. If we get together, I sure as hell am not going to make that trip to perform an eulogy no matter how much I love you. At times there are certain things I won't do. A couple texted me last week asking me to marry them. I advised them to find a minister not as controversial as myself. A minister should be like a PI, never remembered afterwards.
Change your diet, get a stress reliever, a cat or any animal that will react to love. That includes a girlfriend by the way. Drop out of the rat race for a while. Watch movies, not high energy video games. The old ones are best. Houseboat, Breakfast at Tiffany, etc.
Change your lifestyle. You don't need to be Einstein to understand the present one is killing you.
Hugs doll, love you
Life is a gift. Treasure it as such.
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
With all due respect, Barb
While there are certain characteristics many heartattacks share, each one has unique features. In my case, I had 4 major coronary blockages, 1 at 99% and 1 at 95%. My surgeon asked if I drank - not for 30 years. Do you smoke - never. Do you exercise - daily. Do you eat well - yes.
He then looked at me and asked "What are you doing here?!" I laughed and said "You're supposed to tell me!"
My point being you don't have to have the classic signs of an impending heart attack victim. Sometimes you just have one. If stress is a factor, it may be that the physician isn't treating it properly. You have to try different solutions to find one that best fits the problem. The stress may be caused by depression, or the depression may be caused by stress. Either one can throw the body out of kilter, but the treatment is very different.
The fix may not be so simple, and the simple answers can be the wrong answers.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Karen, Exactly
Hon, we are not in disagreement. Each person is an individual, unique to all the other billion humans on this Star Ship we call Earth.
BUT..., even in your case as unique as it is, something is causing the heart attacks. To believe nothing one is doing or things can't be changed is not being truthful. You and all the others writing, reading, just visiting BCTS are in a position it should be more than abundantly clear, one can do something with those shells they possess. There are hundreds, thousands, millions out there screaming with total conviction, no one with M on the birth certificate can change to F or F to M. How many of us are caught up in that denial because they listened and believed the lies too. I mean there are so many of them saying it, some with doctor and psychologists. medical and college degrees they have to be right. If the news broadcasts the same BS day in and day out, they are all the brightest, smartest minds of society, they have to be right!
Have you finally found a reason for the heart attacks? If you are truthful, there is a cause, or multiple causes. Did you start researching or did you wait for your doctor to give you all the answers? Did he or she inform you Magnesium is an essential mineral in our bodies? Did he or she go on to inform you stress will deplete that out of the body and normal diet won't keep up? A heart attack is very possible at that time and there will be no medical reason for it.
Did he or she ask if you were experiencing migraine headaches? A big flashing sign you are a great candidate for heart attacks. Not that it will happen but certainly a take extra precautions sign. The body one was blessed with.
Did he or she inform you the fluoride and chlorine modern society is pouring into the drinking water has a dark side? Sure it kills bacteria but at what cost? Were you told both chemicals are highly toxic to the human body. Chlorine gas was used as a deadly killer in WW1, used but not in the history books, WW2, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq. It hardens arteries, disrupts the immune system but we die healthy for sure. Fluoride, was once banned from going back into the eco system. It was sprayed on dirt streets as a wetting agent to hold down the dust. Now there is a conflict, can't go back down the drain but can be sprayed on the streets? They found another way to dispose of it. Put it in the drinking water and tell everyone it is protecting their teeth from bacteria. LOL, gotta love government thinking. Actually it does that but..., There are literally so many things drinking fluoride and chlorine does to the human body but you don't read about those things do you?
Did he or she tell you the immunization shots one takes to prevent all those terrible diseases going around every year are loaded with mercury to stabilize the shots until it is injected in the human body? Did he or she tell you mercury is one of the most toxic substances that does not get purged from the body over time. Once in, it's there until death and it can build up with more exposure over time.
I'm not advising anyone on what is or isn't right for them in their own life. That would make me one of the biggest hypocrites ever born. What they do or don't do with their bodies and the knowledge that is out there is up to each individual. I go to the doctors for help as this poor old body closes in toward the final stretch in life. I'm also using hormones that have a small percentage chance they will do serious damage in the long haul. I made the informed choice to go ahead. It is what each individual has to do for themselves.
Karen, may God bless you as abundantly as He has me. Personally it's been one Hell of a ride but I'm still here. For whatever reason I have no idea.
Life is a gift. Treasure it until it's time to return it.
The lucky ones go to the doc and are diagnosed with a perfect answer for why it's happening and the perfect answer to keep it from happening again. I wish that was the case for everyone if the perfect answer was it didn't happen in the first place.
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl