Superhero Twins: Chapter 2

Superhero Twins: Chapter 2

Port felt it took a lot less energy to get to the room in the picture. It felt like he had been here dozens of times. The two kids rushed through the house calling out for mom and dad. Port went over to the light switch and the power was working as the lights flickered on. The first look gave him goosebumps as it was way too familiar. As he eased his way around his gaze froze at the pictures on the wall. There in the middle of a family portrait was his father. Who was strangely smiling? Next to him was his younger self. No, wait, this other Sean. On the other side was this woman he didn't know. Then two girls who looked much like the strange woman and his older sister. His brother Dean wasn't in this picture but in others. The boy looks a lot like one of the girls, just like a twin. That must be Jessie.

“No one is home and what is left of my room is burnt up.” Sara had changed and Port saw that Jessie wore some sweats that were a bit too small for him.

“Which is odd.” Jessie smelled like smoke. Must be Sara's old clothes.

“Let me look and is this your family?”

“Yes, it is this is my mother, Megan and my sister's Amanda and Jackie. This is Sean and that is me. That one there is Dean. He is off at college.”

“Looks exactly like my father. A happier version. We might want to turn the lights out if no one is home. If your room is burned then would you know where they could have gone?”

“To Jessie's house, I would think or...” Sara paused as her face paled and then tried to shift into another before settling back on her own face. “Could they think we died here?”

“Possible if your parents panicked. Which I would think they did seeing as half the room is missing. These burn marks would only fool an amateur. Know a back way to your house, or a picture, Jessie?”

“Why a back way we can just go there, and I don't have any pictures with me.”

“There might be one downstairs.” They moved back downstairs and their stomachs growled at the same time.

“Jessie you and Port look for a picture and I will cook something real quick.” They watched Sara move off to the kitchen.

“This is not real.”

“Jessie, it is more than real. In my world some mutants when they manifest turn into a female if their BIT demands it. Not so many go the other way.”

“What is a BIT?”

“Body Image Template is where you have a certain image in your head on how you thought you should look. For some, it is a conscious image. For others, it is a subconscious image. My BIT made me look, how I do. I am stronger and faster and can take a beating if I can't avoid it. I heal fast, but not very fast. Sara will heal really fast if she is a healer and a shifter. She is also stronger then she looks. You changed so I assume the same for you. Faster healing, stronger, quicker as if you are an Olympic athlete or better. Being a TK you can in time shield yourself, make yourself even stronger, fly, and move really fast.”

“That is a lot, but I don't want to be a guy. I liked being a girl. I liked looking pretty. Does this make me gay now?”

“I am not one to ask that question, but with the way you have been looking at Sara that is up to how you see yourself.” Jessie blushed as the two started pulling out photo albums. They went through several and Port felt tears falling from his eyes as he saw a completely different family. The biggest shock was seeing pictures as a baby mixed in with a funeral. His father was sad, but it faded as time went by. There were several more pictures of Sean then his sisters. It was really hard to see this boy as other than himself. Memories flowed through his head as he went from one image to the next. He chuckled as he came to a school play of Sean dressed as Juliet.

“I loved that play.” Port jumped a bit and nearly moved across the room. Jessie and Sara laughed. “Sorry.”

“Here is one of my house. I think this is last year during the BBQ. I was so pretty.”

“You still are.” Port watched as the two blushed before Jessie frowned.

“I am not.”

“Fine you are cute.”

“Sara you might want to give him some space.”

“Fine, the food's done. Made enough to feed ten.” They all went to the table and started to eat like they hadn't for a month. Port had a large plate, but he didn't need seconds or thirds as Jessie did. As they were cleaning up the door flew open. Port turned to face the man who was at fault for so much pain as Sara screamed dropping a plate while Jessie just looked shocked.

“Who the hell are you?!” The baseball bat raised over his head.

“Dad it's me.”

“Who are you?” Paul looked from Sara to Jessie and then at Port. His eyes got bigger as the anger drained from his face as the bat sank to the floor. “Sean?”

“Father you may want to sit down.”

“You look like my son, but you have changed.” He looked again at each of the kids though Sean looked strangely older and a lot bigger. “Where is Jessie and who are those two?”

“Daddy...” Paul looked at the girl who was on the verge of crying.

“Please, you need to sit down.” He moved to a chair and sat down fearing more bad news. The strangely young group of authorities stated that both Jessie and Sean was dead, but he hadn't believed it. Now he really didn't see his son. He had wanted to run to him and give him the biggest hug, but the other two made him wary. Now he just felt tired.

“Now what I am going to tell you will seem impossible, but you will have to believe it. I am not really your son.” Port let that sink in for a few seconds. “I am genetically your son, I think, but from another Earth, an alternate Earth. Are you following?”

“How can you be my son and not my son?”

“I am getting to that. First, your son is fine and so is Jessie however they are the two you see in front of you.” Paul looked from on to the other.

“Daddy I'm Sean.”

“And I am Jessie.”

“What kind of BS is this?!” Paul really couldn't believe whatever they were trying to pull.

“No bullshit and listen before you get angry. One Sara is your Sean.” Port turned to Sara. “Show him as it will be the only way he'll understand.” Sara wavered for a bit as her face seemed to melt then reformed into his old face and her body followed suit as much as her sister's clothes allowed.

“Dad we changed. We got superpowers. Jessie can lift stuff.” Paul looked from his younger son to his older son and to the new boy who strangely resembled Jessie as the salt and pepper shakers lifted into the air. The shakers had him frozen as he watched them float and then settle back to the table. He didn't know what to think as his boy turned back into a girl. He found their story too hard to believe, but the look of painful hope on the girl's face was too much to deny.

“Say I believe this and not the people who said you both were now dead then what? How is Megan going to believe Jessie is now her son? How did you survive the roof blowing up from the bomb?”

“There was no bomb that was Jessie. The room looks staged and no bomb would have just blown off the roof. More likely it would have destroyed half the house, not just a room. Your children manifested their powers.”

“And where did you come from?”

“Like I said from another version of Earth. I can teleport.” Port did a few jumps around the room before settling back into his chair. Paul found it harder to disbelieve their story, but easy to accept what he was seeing.

“Then answer me this...” Paul asked every question he could think of and each of them answered the questions of the past with accuracy. Even very personal stuff that Sean and he had hidden from his daughters. That he knew that Jessie was a bit different shocked the boy who claimed to be her.

“Look I have a bad feeling, so we need to move now. We have a picture of where Jessie's home is. Go there and we will hide out near there until you arrive.” Paul gasped as all three of them suddenly vanished. A pair outside shifted as one began to speak.

“They left again not very far, but likely they will not be able to be caught unaware.”

“What do you mean, Dani?” Kristen was not happy as this was going south. If those two convinced their parents of who they were it would make things harder and this third boy who could teleport somehow was closed to suggestion.

“He not only resisted the suggestions to give up but could detect our intrusion. He may be able to actively sense us.”

“That could be as we were nearly ready to go in. Should we take the father?”

“No, let him go. Follow him, observe, and report. We can't keep the team here any longer. We need to get ready for the next target.” Unknown to Paul a single individual from the team remained behind and followed him to his girlfriend's house.

Paul was exhausted. Not only had he to deal with his house blowing up, government agents raiding his house and his children being proclaimed dead he had now to deal with that they were not dead just changed. How in the hell was he going to tell his older son and daughter let alone his future wife and her daughter? He rubbed his nose not having a single clue before grabbing the bag his daughter wanted and leaving the car. He looked around and listened but he heard nothing. Maybe it was all a bad nightmare? A cruel joke that would change over time? He entered into the house to see Megan all cried out with the three girls sleeping in a pile on the couch. He set the bag down and gave her a kiss on the forehead. He looked up and saw Allen curled up in the recliner. He went over to the boy meaning to wake him up when he felt the pressure change in the room.

“Get in the kitchen.” He hissed at them not wanting them to wake up. Instead of walking they vanished again. Would this dream never end? No need to wake the boy. Hopefully, he would remain sleeping. He moved quickly to the kitchen to see a version of Jackie close the shades.

“Sara, he's here.”

“Oh sorry.” Paul shook his head as he heard a perfect version of her voice.

“If they are watching this house you were all visible in the living room.”

“Oh Sara closed those shades earlier, and all the ones upstairs even the basement too.”

“The whole house and Job didn't bark at you?”

“Why should he bark at me? He was way too happy to see me.” Sara grinned at her father. It felt weird not being able to hug him. She so wanted to just have him hold her which was strange as before a pat on the back would have been as close as they got. It also hurt as dad looked at Port way too much. Maybe she should have agreed to pose as Jessie, but there was no way she was going to do that to Jessie. No need to add a lie to the truth. No matter how unbelievable it was.

“So do you want me to wake Megan.”

“Yes, but only her if you can. If you can't then it can wait until morning.”

“Port, no my mother needs to know I am still alive.”

“You saw how they were all together. Wake one you wake them all.” The sudden gasp from the doorway made them all jump as they looked.
“Megan I...”

“Who are these people?”

“That is a long story.”

“Make it short, Paul cause I am not in the mood.” Jessie wanted to run to his mother, but no longer being female or herself for that matter stopped her. It hurt so much. As Sara explained she saw her look from one to the other seeing that Port was Sean only to be corrected as Sara changed into her Sean self while talking about how Port got here. That she remained speechless was not a good thing as Jessie was ready for the shoe to hit the fan. She chuckled and suddenly her mother was staring at her. He started picking at his hands as he looked away before gasping himself as he found his mother hugging him. He hugged back as the tears started. Strange that he felt ashamed of crying then again shock set in as he had been thinking he the whole time.

“Wicked hair man.” The hug ended and a flick of Jessie's thoughts got rid of the tears right after Allen spoke.

“Allen this is not a good time go back into the living room.”

“My phone woke me up my dad changed his mind and is coming to pick me up. Hey how come you know my name and whoa, Sean you're looking buff.” Allen looked at who Megan was hugging and then to the girl who knew his name. His mind told him that the boy was Jessie and the girl Sean. This conflicted with what his eyes were telling him that they were the wrong sex. The third one who looked like Sean was so close that they could be twins. Looking from one to the other he picked out the similarities. “You two are twins.”

“Allen now is not the time.”

“Time for what?” Allen stopped as it finally clicked that Sean should be dead. He wanted to suddenly hug his best friend, but with what he was wearing he didn't move. “They said you died. What is going on here?”

“Daddy we might as well tell him.” The cute girl stepped closer to him. “Allen I am Sean. I am using my nickname, Sara.” Allen wouldn't have believed it if it wasn't for her voice, being just like Sean's.

“Holy crap.”


“Sorry Mr. P, this is crazy like out of the movies or something. How can you change into a girl?”

“We don't know, that cute boy is Jessie.” Her voice no longer sounded like Sean's, it somehow sounded like he did in the play. Looking at the boy who he pegged as Jessie made him feel uncomfortable as he was jealous of Sean and her soon to be siblings and that it gave him a hope that he could ask her out. Now the feeling he had was confusing as he was still strangely attractive.

“This is bat sh... sorry this is crazy.” A horn went off several times. “Awe man I have got to hear this.”

“Allen you have to go and best to keep your mouth shut.”

“No dad it is fine. Allen, Jessie and I have gained powers. He can lift stuff and I can change shape.” The girl turned into her old self and then into Allen. He took a step back looking at a twin of himself but was caught as the boy wiggled his fingers as things started moving around. “Port here can teleport around.”

“Port? That's is a lame name.”

“Sean Porter and with the ability to teleport made sense as all the other good names were taken. I planned to change it, just never got around to it.” The horn sounded again. “You better go.”

“Okay, but I want the full story tomorrow, and Sara you look a lot better.” He grinned as the girl blushed. “Later Jessie. Mr. P and Megan thanks.” He ran out to his dad feeling a whole lot better. He so much wanted to tell his father but knew he would never believe it, but he knew his friends would.

“I don't think that was a good idea young lady.” Sara giggled as her dad turned serious. “I am not joking here.”

“Daddy you are so cute trying to be serious, and it felt good for you to call me young lady. However, he needed to know just like my sister needs to know even Jackie. They told you we were dead and that alone is enough to tell everyone we are not.”

“We could do that, but you two look nothing like your old selves.”

“I can look like myself and I think I could look like Jessie.” Sara concentrated and felt herself change. From the look on Megan's face, it must have worked.

“Jessie you're alive.” Jackie screamed as she rushed over to Sara hugging her as she started crying. Her scream woke Amanda, who came running. She just stood there as she saw them. She hesitated not really believing what she was seeing and suddenly found herself screaming as she rushed Sean. She jumped up into Port's arms and you could see the hesitation as he hugged back.

“Sean, you have whiskers?”

“Don't I always?” Amanda dropped her feet to the ground and let go. She took a better look of her brother and he was now taller, broader and rougher looking. He still had the same goofy smile, but he looked handsome. She mentally blocked his face from the body and thought of several actors who were that buff and a few wrestlers.

“You're not Sean.”

“I am Sean just not the same one you are thinking of Amanda. Sara over there looking like Jessie is Sean. Jessie is the boy with pink hair.”
“Orange with pink highlights.” The two girls looked at Jessie as he obviously didn't like it.

“Wow, he is cute.” Jackie blurted out causing the Jessie she was hugging to giggle. Then she changed right in her arms to a girl twin of Sean. It was not subtle as Amanda growled in obvious disgust. Everyone suddenly looked at her. Port was not showing any surprise. Jessie looked wary and Sara blushed. Jackie looked curious and both parents held any emotion from their faces. Amanda saw this all and the three suddenly freaked her out. Sara/Sean freaked her out more than anything. She knew he had been a freak before and she had seen him slowly start to act normal, but now this. Jessie always felt odd to her, but now the one they said was her was even more of a freak. She couldn't believe she had hugged the false Sean.

“Sweetie, what is wrong?”

“You all is what. My brother is dead. These impostors have you all brainwashed. These are freaks, mutants, or something.”

“Amanda you watch your tongue.”

“No, I will not. You are all so blind. How do you know that thing there is Sean. Doing that shape change thing it could be anyone. He looks like Sean, but bigger stronger just like he should have been. Then there is Jessie so obviously a boy with a very poor choice in hair dye. Those freaky gold eyes are you all blind?”

“Young lady you need to stop right now.”

“I will not. I am calling the cops.” She spun to leave the room running into Port who wasn't there a second ago. She screamed and kicked him between the legs. He went down like he should of making Amanda grin. Then she took a step and froze.

“Amanda please we can explain everything.” She looked at the fake Jessie who held his hand towards her.

“Let go of me!”

“Amanda you will hear them out then if you still want nothing to do with them you can leave.” Her dad had never sounded that way with her before. It sounded so final like he was. No, no, no, not that. Tears started to fall as she was forced to turn around.

“I always knew he was a freak, killing mom and now this?! You pick that freak over me?” Paul was close and his anger flared as his hand flew out. Amanda suddenly moved as his hand stopped jarring his whole arm. Guilt welled up as he realized what he almost did. Paul backed up not knowing what he should say. To the others, he looked defeated. No longer able to keep back everything he suddenly began to cry.

“Sara, Jessie I think it is time to leave.” Port knew where this was going and already saw the fear he was so used to in Jackie's and Megan's face. Amanda was zoned out on the floor and it would only be a matter of time before she came out of it. Fear had a way of spreading and if this world had kept everything quiet about mutants then it was just going to be worse.

“No. Amanda please understand we didn't want this. Don't blame me for mom. It wasn't my fault. It was an accident.” Sara fell to the ground in tears looking very small.

“She died because she bled out. Because she gave birth to you! Now you are the freak that I knew you were. You're a monster! Don't you even think about stopping me!” She turned to get her phone and Port shoved her back in the kitchen.

“You little spoiled brat. I should just send you to my world and both of you Amanda's would be so happy together. I saw my father was different here and that Megan here is accepting of not only me but her son and Sara, who is your sister. She might have been your brother, but does it really matter?”

“I bet your mom is alive. That you can't wait to get back to her.” Amanda snarled as Port laughed.

“You don't even know. My mother was the first one to kick me out. My father and sister hunted me down and I nearly died if it wasn't for my brother who warned me to keep on running. I was fourteen. Never left this county not once before that day. You don't know what it is like to be different.”

“I hope I never do.” Port moved away from her.

“Go call but it is not going to make any difference. We're leaving.” Port didn't hesitate as he took Sara and Jessie's hand. Ray pulled back from his scope as the three heat bodies left the house. The biggest one would heat up slightly before he jumped around and this time it was pretty bright. When he brought his eye back to his scope he saw the others in a heated argument. With them gone there was no sense in staying. As he started packing up his equipment two vans suddenly stopped in front of the house. Crap this was all he needed as he scrambled to bring his weapon to bear as he pulled his phone out.

“HQ we have a problem at the Porter house.”

“Dani let us know just now we have local authorities on the way. What's the sitrep?” Ray took a look of the characters getting out of the vehicles. From what he could see it wasn't good.

“Six hostiles just exited the two vehicles. No idea if there are any like us. Wait, I...”


“They spotted me gotta go.” He pulled the trigger twice hoping his aim was true. The yelling told him he had done something, as the faint sounds of sirens were heard. It might not matter to them, but he felt it just might be enough.

Port felt bad for taking them out of there and back to the warehouse. There just was no sense in staying any longer. Plus he didn't feel good about being there any longer. He was tired and the other two even more so. He never had such a feeling that he needed to protect them. Like they were his siblings. This got him thinking and then panic rose up.

“Port you okay?”

“Ya, I'll be right back.”

“Wait...” Sara frowned as he was suddenly gone. She wanted to go back as well as she was sure she could convince Amanda that she was wrong to think that way. They had been close a few times, but always something would happen and the distance would grow again. Other times it felt like the only time they got along was when Amanda needed something. She sat down on the bed that was still looking out of place. Jessie had already laid down and was moving two rocks around in the air.

“Went about as well as it could have. I was expecting a lot worse.”

“At least your sister thinks you are cute.”

“She thinks a lot of boys are cute. That is just Jackie. I really don't like this pink hair.”

“That is your BIT talking.”

“What was that?”

“Your body image template thingy that Port told us about?”

“No, that sound.” Jessie sat up as Sara looked around the warehouse. The stones that Jessie was playing with froze in the air. Then they both turned and heard a girl giggle. The stones started to move erratically until they flew into the blonde girl's hand. “She is stronger than me.”

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