Racing Angels -chp 29

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Racing Angels

Webster’s dictionary defines Speed as the fallowing: the rate of change of position along a straight line with respect to time over a set distance. In other words, the quicker you can get from one place to another. The question is what do you, when your family has spent the last two generations in search of ways to accomplish this goal faster and faster. Would do you do when the family business is the search for more Speed. For Robert ‘Robby’ McGuire the answer is easy. You grab your sister and strap on a pair of Formula One racecars then go for broke.

Chapter 29
Budapest Hungary, Sunday, Race Day, 0630

I don’t know what woke me more than an hour ago but I know it wasn’t Kelly. The morning air from our hotel balcony carried a freshness that I haven’t smelled in a long time. There was also just the hint of flowers in the air. I want to say that it smelled of victory but I’m not one to jinx myself before a race. Especially when I knew that I was starting off with a handicap.

I look over at Kelly as she sleeps and smile. Last night’s Sponsor party had really taken it out of her. Then again, I also knew that something else was bothering her. She hasn’t been sleeping well these past few days. I think part of it is being engaged to me. Just the stress of planning the wedding has to be taking a toll on her mentally. Then you add in taking care of our new house back home, the globetrotting to be with me at races on weekends, I won’t even try to add in the worry she hides as I get out there and race my hardest to win, it all must be overwhelming at times for her. I know she won’t wakeup for another hour.

I grab my running tights and clean sports bra. I let Kelly sleep as I dress in the bathroom. Grabbing my room key, I head down for a quick workout in the hotel gym. As I enter the hotel gym I smile. It seems that I’m not the only one who can’t sleep this morning. There around me are more than three quarters of the other drivers, even Beth is down here. I headed over to the area set off to one side for stretching and join Thomas Reichenbach. For a German, the guy has a wicked sense of humor.

“Morning Thomas. I see that we’re not the only ones having problems sleeping this morning.” I smiled over at the man who couldn’t be more than five years older than me.

“Guten Morgen auch für Sie Bobbie.” Thomas blushed for a second. “Sorry Fräulien please forgive me. I am still working on my English. I forget at times that not all people speak my native tongue.”

This time I got to show off a little. “Denkt nichts daran, Her Reichenbach. Eine der wenigen Schulklassen, die ich besuchte, war Deutsch. Ich verstehe Ihre Muttersprache besser als einige hier.”

Thomas chuckled at my attempt at German. “Not too bad, Fräulien. I can tell that you were taught by an American though. One who never really spent time in my country. Your accent is closer to that of someone from Northern Niedersachsen. Um… you would call that area Lower Saxony.”

“Oh. I never really thought to question my teacher about where he learned his German or if he even spent time in your country. I guess that’ll teach me not to make assumptions about my teachers.” I chuckled as Thomas just laughed.

“I believe that all children are led to believe that their teachers are infallible in the classroom. It is not until we leave school and go out among the real world that we learn of their failings.” Thomas pointed with his own chuckle. “I often find my own problems with my old teachers.”

As I sat down and spread my legs out as far as I could Thomas blushed. I mean here I am in a pair of skintight leggings, leotard, t-shit, and running shoes leaving nothing to the imagination. I was never so glad to be wearing my gaff and its ability to hide my secret. I just leaned over to take my right foot in my hands and pulled myself down to touch my forehead to my knee. I held the stretch for a count of ten then did the same with my left legs. I know that I’m driving Thomas a little, nuts. He isn’t the only one who is watching me stretch out before my workout. This is something that I’ve grown used to over the last few months. Men watching with more than a little sexual interest in their eyes.

I had talked with Doc Sharron about the feelings that this brought up in me the first time it happened. I know that I started to look more like a girl a few years ago, but it wasn’t until I started living fulltime as a girl that men looked at me this way. Even now it has taken me the last few months to come to grips with the uncomfortable fact that I present the appearance of a beautiful young woman. All thanks to Izzy’s magic.

No, I can’t blame her solely for my transformation into a beautiful young woman. Most of it belongs to the experimental chemo treatments and my natural genetic makeup. Even as a little kid I had problems with people confusing my sex. Mom used to kid me about people asking her why she cut her daughter’s hair like a boy’s. Mom used to say that I would get so mad at people for calling me a ‘cute little girl’ when I was really young. As much as I want to scream about the unfairness of it all it won’t do me any good. Sharron taught me that during one of our first sessions. I got off the pity wagon a long time ago. I haven’t gotten back on it since.

After spending the next fifteen minutes stretching out, I headed over to the weight sets. I follow the program that Coach Hall worked out for me. I have to give it to the woman. She was able to come up with weight workouts for each of us individually. For each member of the team she had come up with a workout that was designed especially for that person and their position on the team. For me and Beth she went that extra mile. The workouts Coach came up for us were designed to increase both our psychical strength and stamina as drivers. We went from barely being able to get through a standard Formula One practice session to a being able to stay focused for an hour and half to a two-hour race. If not longer. I got a feeling that Beth and I could make the switch to NASCAR with ease, as far as it goes mentally and physically.

I followed Coach’s orders for race day and didn’t push myself on the weights. After doing three sets at each station I moved over to the treadmills. There I set the speed for a seven-minute mile. I know that seems like a fast pace but like the rest of the team I had worked up to this speed. The kick in the head is I could have set the speed for a much faster pace. Most of us can now run a five to six-minute mile pace for fifteen miles. We were all trained to that level of physical conditioning. All thanks to Coach Hall.

Beth joined me a few minutes after I started my run. She just set her treadmill to the same pace as my own and started to run. It didn’t take us long to fall into a rhythm as we ran. We had just gotten a good sweat worked up when Coach Hall and Kathy entered the gym. Coach didn’t even stop to stretch out she just walked over to the treadmills and started turning the speeds down. Now normally she was very intimidating to us kids on the team. For some reason today she was beyond her normal intimidation levels. I think it had something to do with the mirrored sunglasses.

I mean normally when you have a six-foot plus, blonde haired, steel-gray eyed, amazon for a gym Coach you understand there are certain boundaries that you don’t cross. I mean give me a fucking break here. The woman scared most men just by glaring at them. When you’re as short as I am, well you figure it out damn it. Yet there was something else that was even more frightening about the Coach today and I just couldn’t put my finger on it, yet.

When Kathy finished with her stretching, she join us on the treadmill next to me. I noticed that she set her pace for a ten-minute mile. Just as her mother had set everyone else’s. Then her mother spoke up for the first time. “Kathrine, ikke gå over ti minutters mil. Forstått?”

“Ja Momma. jeg skjønner. Jeg vil ikke presse meg selv.” Called back to her mother and sighed. “God! I can’t believe that my own mother is hung over.”

“Yeah Kathy what’s up with your mom and that wired language you two were speaking?” I asked as I ran at an easy pace now.

“Oh, you’ve never heard momma speaking in her native tongue.” Kathy said with a sad smirk. “Sorry about that, Bobbie.”

“Forget about apologizing. Just tell me what is up with that shit. I mean I’ve never heard her use an accent or any other language other than English. Just where was your mother born?” I asked her in bewilderment.

“Oh, that’s right. I think that you and Beth are the only ones that didn’t know my mom is originally from Norway. She meet my dad back in ninety-one. He was a pilot working for Delta, before taking a job with DNL. That’s the Det Norske Luftfartselskap or the Norwegian Aviation Company. They dated for like six months then got married. After four years, dad was promoted. He became a senior command pilot and got stationed out of Charleston. He talked with mom and they moved the whole family back to Darlington. In two-thousand they had me their last kid.” She told us as we ran. “Anyway, she’s been around English-speaking people and worked in the States long enough now that she has lost her accent most of the time.”

“What does that have to do with her being hung over this morning?” Beth huffed out as the run was starting to get to both us.

“She ran into a couple of guys from the other teams last night that were from her homeland. She got way too drunk last night. I mean blasted, drunk guys. I’ve never seen her that drunk before.” Kathy looked over at her mom and smiled. “I’ll be honest guys. I’m kind of glad she went out last night.”

“Why?” Beth asked her. “Doesn’t she date at home?”

“Never. Most of the guys back home take one look at her and run.” Kathy huffed out just before she sighed. “Not that I can blame them. I mean just take a good look at my mom. She’s a fucking Norse Valkyrie straight out of legend for fucks sake.”

As much as I want to dispute her I couldn’t. Kathy was only telling the truth about her mother. Like I said. Coach Hall stood over six feet tall. Her body was like something out of a fantasy novel drawing. I mean who has measurements that are forty, twenty-seven, thirty-eight with a double D breast and is real. Then there is the blonde hair that reaches the middle of her back when it down like a lion’s mane. When you add in her almost supernaturally steel-gray eyes Coach Hall takes on an almost unearthly quality about her. So yeah, I can see why most men wouldn’t try to date her. I mean they would most likely see her as being way out of their class.

“Damn girl that sucks. Say you never but what does your dad think about all the traveling you and your mom have been doing?” I asked her just before taking a deep breath.

“Dad and my brothers have been out of the picture for seven years now. He took a position that has him flying the Pacific routes for Delta. My brothers being older than me decided to go live with dad. Mom got a divorce shortly after he moved out. Mom found out that he had been cheating her with one of the Chief Stewardesses from his old airline. The slug married the bitch less than month after the divorce. My half-sister was born only seven months later.” Kathy growled the last part. “I still can’t believe my brothers took his side. I mean come on. They had to know that dad was cheating on mom.”

I spotted something in the way she was talking about her dad that worried me. “Look, Kathy if you ever need to talk you can just come to me or Beth. We both know what’s it like to have something driving you a little crazy. It’s not healthy to keep all that anger bottled up like that.”

“Don’t worry Bobbie. I got my own shrink back home. Doc Rains even let’s me call him when were away from home. Like now.”

“Is that Doctor Peter Rains over in Florence?” I asked.

“Yup. That’s him. He’s pretty cool for an old geezer.” I laughed at her disruption of Doctor Rains. I would have called him a grouch and asshole.

I looked up at the gym’s clock and realized that I needed to start my cooldown. “Well, Kathy as much as I would love to stay here and just run.”

“Yeah I know. You still have a race to get ready for and all the craziness beforehand. I don’t know how you do it, Bobbie. I mean, I would have pounded more than a few of the reporters and fans flat at times.” Kathy smiled.

“Trust us, Kathy. It ain’t easy at times. I don’t mind the fans most of the times. They’re normally pretty nice and polite about things. It’s the reporters that I normally want to just take a Monkeywrench to. Some of them can push the boundaries of politeness.” I answered honestly.

Beth and I left Kathy to finish her run and work. We went through our cooldown routine and left the gym. I checked the time on my phone as we went up in the elevator. I had actually been working out for longer than I expected. By more than an hour. I smiled over at Beth.

“I didn’t see Tony downstairs in the gym. Did he sleep in this morning?”

“Nope. He was up before me. He had to do something down at the track this morning with Chief Hailee and Marks. Something about giving my car a little more of an edge out there today. We both know that I’m going to need it.” Beth complained as she looked down at her feet. I could see something was bothering Beth big time right now.

“Okay sis, what the fuck is up with you? You’re never this on edge about a race. What’s eating you? Maybe I can help.” I figured nothing ventured nothing gained. The least she’ll do is tell me to fuck off.

“Bobbie, we both know that I’m not nearly as good as you are. If I don’t start winning more our sponsors may decide to cut their loses with me.” I could tell that there was more to it than just the thought of losing her sponsorship. Besides I knew that she was just as good as me.

“Bullshit Beth. Now what is really bothering you? Talk to me Beth.” I almost pleaded with her. “What has you so on edge about this race?”

“Fine, you want to know. Well it’s not the race Bobbie. It has nothing to do with me or the teams at all. It’s Kelly. She’s.” Beth just stopped before saying anything more and took a deep breath. “Look, Bobbie, Kelly came to me at the party last night to talk. I think you really need to pull her off to the side and talk with her before the race today.”

“What’s wrong with Kelly, Beth?” I demanded.

“It’s not my place to tell you, Bobbie. Just talk with Kelly before the race.” Beth’s refusal to answer my question pissed me off.


Beth just shook her head no and got off on her floor saying. “It’s not my place Bobbie. Only you need to have a heart-to-heart with Kelly before the race today. I would suggest that you do it before you head down to track.”

With that Beth walked towards her room leaving me with the elevator doors closing in my face. As I waited for the elevator stop on my floor, I went over in my head what could be the problem with Kelly. More importantly why would Kelly go to Beth before me. I mean what could be so important that Kelly had to hide it from me. It just didn’t make sense.

When I opened the door to my room, I hear the sounds of someone throwing up coming from the bathroom. I looked around our room and didn’t see Kelly anywhere. It had to be her. I opened the bathroom door to find Kelly kneeling down in over the toilet emptying her stomach. I went over to the sink and wet a washcloth. Kneeling down next to her I pulled Kelly’s hair away from her neck and place the cool washcloth across her neck. I sat there holding her hair for the next few minutes. When she finally stopped, I had a good idea that she was more than a little sick.

I helped her up so she could rinse out her mouth at the sink. I wanted to smile as she grabbed her toothbrush and brushed her teeth then rinsed with mouthwash. I knew that Kelly was always big on dental hygiene. I reached over and picked up her hairbrush and began to brush out her hair. I knew that it would calm her nerves, if not her stomach. I had a feeling I now knew what was going on with Kelly. I just needed her to confirm my suspicions.

“Care to tell me something important love? Oh, let’s say something about your cycle?” I figured if I approached the subject first, she would be more forthcoming with an honest answer.

She just sighed and looked into the mirror before answering. “I’m late, Bobbie. By more than three weeks.”

“Have you taken a home pregnancy test yet?” I asked her.

“Not yet. I haven’t been able to find somewhere to get one over here. We both know that my mom and dad will want me to take the test at home anyway.” Kelly whined as she started to cry. “Oh, Bobbie what are we going to do?”

“We’ll do what we have done since the beginning love.” I told her as I wrapped her in my arms. “We’ll face it together. As a couple.”

I held my love as she cried gently in my arms. I felt the stress flow out of her over having to tell me that she might be pregnant. Once she had calmed down, I leaned back. “I’ll be right back love.”

I ran into our room and grabbed the phone calling down to the front desk. When the hotel clerk answered I got straight to the point. “Yes, does your shoppette carry home pregnancy tests ma’am?”

“Yes, Miss McGuire it does.” The desk clerk confirmed for me what I hoped.

“Yes, can you please have two sent up to my rooms immediately?” I asked. I knew that I could count on the hotel desk clerk’s discretion.

“Right away mama. I’ll have them brought you in a plain brown bag sealed with hotel security tape. How do you want to pay may I asked?” The clerk was being more than helpful right now. So, I decided to be smart.

“What’s the total?” I asked her.

“That’ll be fourteen-ninety-five Euros or four-thousand-eight-hundred-and-fifty-five Forint, Miss McGuire.” She answer honestly.

“How much in US dollars? No on second thought, I’ll just send back an envelope with my payment in Dollars. You can keep the change.” I did the maths in my head. I figured I could put a fifty in the envelope and guarantee that she would keep her mouth shut. I mean I would be tipping double what the two tests would cost. “So long as I am ensured your discretion of course.”

I will give the woman this much. She wasn’t dumb. “I shall be right up Miss McGuire. No need to bother any of the other staff with this small matter.”

“Thank ma’am. See you shortly.” With that I hung up the phone and went back into the bathroom. “Okay, baby. This is what we’re going to do.”

“No need to tell. I heard you talking with the desk clerk. Are you sure you can trust the woman?” She asked me.

“Darling I have learned a few things in my travels. One of them being this. All hotel desk clerks have one thing in common. Their silence can be paid for with the right amount and proper currency. I have a feeling that a fifty spot will keep that young woman’s lips sealed about what she is bring up here.” I was trying to project confidence in my plan.

Kelly smiled and walked out to the bedroom. After pulling on her rube Kelly found her purse. She pulled out wallet. “Here give her two-hundred and tell her to keep the change. I don’t want anyone finding out until we’re ready.”

I did what she wanted. I just took the two one-hundred dollars bills and added them to the one I already had in my hand. I figured that three-hundred bucks should be a good enough bribe to keep our secret. I heard a knock at the room door and went go see who it was. I looked through the peep hole and smiled. That desk clerk must really want that tip. I opened the door just wide enough to reach out and take the brown bag from her and give her the money. When she saw the three one-hundred dollar bills her eyes bugged out.

“I’m sure that should cover the expense of the tests and cover your silence on this matter, ma’am.” I gave her a friendly smile. “If not, I think I can find a way to make your life miserable.”

“No need for the threats Miss McGuire. You have my silence. I do have to ask if this is a good thing or bad. Just for personal curiosity of course. I am a big fan of you and your sister.” The smile she gave held no deviousness in it all. She was genuinely curious if Kelly being pregnant was a good thing.

“Let’s just say that I’m hoping for a positive outcome. The rest is up to my better half Miss Ringwald.” I whispered for the woman.

“Then I wish you all the luck.” With that I closed the door and turned to Kelly. I hand her the brown bag and kissed her cheek.

“Whatever the results love. I’ll be here for you. To hell with what everyone else thinks. You’re my one and only. Only death can separate us.” I pushed her into the bathroom. “There are two in there. Use them both.”

Kelly just nodded her head as she passed me closing the door behind her. While I waited for her to come out, I did the only thing I could to relax my mind and calm my own nerves. I opened my laptop and signed on to the network. I went to one of my favor websites. It had all these inspirational quotes by famous people throughout history. I hit the random selector. I was a little surprised by what was brought up.

It was from some guy named G.K. Chesterton “The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.” The reason it took me by surprise because of the settings I had on this site. You see, while I respect soldiers of any nation for what they do, I’m a lover not a fighter. The only place I ever really let my anger out is behind the wheel of my car as I push it to the edge in a race. Other than that, I try to avoid fights. It’s not that I can’t or won’t fight. It’s because I really hate what I become when I fight. It’s not pretty.

The next quote was from Douglas MacArthur. “The best luck of all is the luck you make for yourself.” I had to think about this one for a few minutes. I sure I’ve been lucky in a lot of my races. The question did I really make any of the luck myself. No, every one of those victories was because of my skills behind the wheel. Then again could I really say that. I mean I’ve had a shit load of help getting those wins from the people in my team. Especially the guys and gals in the pit. May be MacArthur was right about luck.

I hit the button for the next quote and was surprised to find one from Field Marshal Erwin Rommel. “In a man-to-man fight the win is the one with one more round in his magazine.” At first, I didn’t understand this quote and it took me looking it up to get the meaning. I thought about how I could apply it to racing. Sure, I know it talks about war, but that doesn’t mean I can’t use it for racing. That’s what is out there on the track really. Every man for themselves. It all comes down to who has got one last trick up their sleeve in a race. That one last ounce of skill that wins a race.

I was interrupted in my search as Kelly stepped out of the bathroom. She had both tests in her hands. I noticed that they were trembling slightly. I put my laptop to one side and walked over taking the tests from her hands. I looked down not knowing what to expect. There before my eyes were two lines on one test and a plus sign on the other. I didn’t need directions to figure at that the one with the plus sign meant she was pregnant. When I held up the one with two blue lines and looked at Kelly she nodded yes.

I think my whooping and hollering woke the last of the guests on this floor. I grabbed Kelly up and spun her around. I know this sounds crazy, but I was afraid that I would never be a parent. Not with everything that the chemo drugs did to my body. As I sat her back down on the floor I was smiling from ear to ear. Kelly though had turned a little green.

“Oh god baby. I thought you would be happy.”

She swallowed hard and took a deep breath. “I am now that I know you’re not upset. But please don’t go spinning me around again. I don’t think my stomach could take it and I really do want to eat something this morning.”

I chuckled. “Okay, baby, whatever you want. Do you think you can work the spotter’s nest for this race? Or do you want to just stay out of the way with mom and dad down in the pits?”

She thought about what I was asking. “I think it would be best if I just stayed out of the way with your mom. I got a feeling that your mother may already have her suspicions, Bobbie.”

“We’ll face that if she brings it up. Right now, just get dressed in your normal leathers as if getting ready for a race but leave the NOMEX gear out. If anyone asked why you’re not in the pit tell them honest that you’re sick. I highly doubt anyone on the team will hold that against you.” Kelly smiled and gave me another hug before turning to run back into the bathroom.

I heard the sounds of vomiting sound after the door closed. “DAMN! I guess I am lucky. At least I’m not the one dealing with morning sickness.”

I waited until she finished before going back in and helping her up off the floor. I got her out of her robe and nightgown then into the shower. I joined her after stripping down myself. Thankfully that was the last round of morning sickness for today. We quickly dressed for the day and headed downstairs. Thankfully, Mercedes arrange for cars to take us to and from the track. With Kelly besides me we head for the track. I knew that she still wasn’t up to eating and would get something there before the race. Yeah, I know that is not the healthiest thing to do, but I don’t need her vomiting again on me. I don’t think she’ll be ready to eat something until later today. I also needed to find Coach Hall and talk with her about a training schedule for my now pregnant fiancée.

The rest of the morning went just like normal. Fan meet-n-greet, introductions, press meetings, fans autographs, and finally the call to cars. This was the last time that I was going to see Kelly until after the race was over. We had already discussed. She helped me into the car, gave me my kiss for luck, handed me my iPod then waited as I put in the ear plugs before handing me my gloves, then helmet. As I was getting situated Kelly pulled the straps to my safety harness tight until I grunted. I had just gotten my helmet down good and the strap tight than she smacked the top of it getting my attention. She leaned down close and open my visor so I could hear her.

“Don’t take any chances out there today. This track is just waiting to eat someone a new ass. But don’t be afraid of it either baby. This is your type of track. This race might as well be a rat-race back home. Keep an eye on your gages and don’t push the engine to hard. We still need it for next month.” I chuckled at Kelly’s orders as they were all dead-on point.

I gave her a thumbs up and slammed my visor down. She smiled pulled back and signaled for the engine to be kicked over. I watched as the first two cars pulled out of their pits stalls and fell in behind them. I knew that Beth would be right behind me. Along with the rest of the field. Today’s race was going to be one long pain in the ass. Mostly because I’ll be playing a waiting game today. Not something I was good at. Today was going to be all about waiting and pressure. Mostly how much pressure I can put on those in front of me throughout the racetrack.

We worked our way around the track following the pace car. Going through the lineup lap I know that it will all come down to the start. The precision and monitoring of the start of Formula 1 races has reached a level that far exceeds that of any other race starting process. So much is at stake during the first few hundred meters of a Formula 1 race now days that some of the most sophisticated and secret engineering on the cars is devoted to helping the driver during those first couple of seconds. All to get his car off the line and up to speed quicker than those around him on the grid. I should know. I mean that was how I ended up here in the first place really. My parents needed a driver on short notice that could do what I was basically about to do. Only now I was doing it almost all the time for real.

The problem was I wasn’t in the most prized spot. I didn’t have the pole position. No, I was one back in the second line next my sister. We held the third and fourth position in the lineup. All we would be able to do for the rest of the day is fight off those behind us and wait for McNairy or Carmike to make a mistake. Which with those two won’t happen anytime soon. The two men were just too damned good to make a stupid mistake out here.

We rounded the last turn and pull onto the starting gird. I fell in behind McNairy while Beth fell in behind Carmike. I looked up at the ‘Christmas tree’ and waited for the go signal. While I waited, I reached down and hit the play button on my iPod. I was set for the race now. All I needed was the go signal. When it came the opening notes of the first song played in my ears. And like a junkie strung out for his favorite fix I was already pushing McNairy as we neared the first turn to the sounds of Kenny Loggins classic ‘Danger Zone’. McNairy’s spotter must have told him to drop the hammer because I was gnawing at his ass and Beth was right behind me. I don’t know where Carmike ended up and didn’t care.

We round the hairpin of turn one and as we entered the second DSR zone headed for turn I hounded the man. I could tell that McNairy wasn’t going to be spooked easily. Not that I cared. I was going to ride his ass all day long if it took. Sooner or later he’d have to let me pass. When cleared turn three and entered section two of the race track it was as if we were glued to each other’s bumpers. I knew that sooner or later something had to give. The problem would be whether it was the human element or the machine element. As we entered section three, I could tell that it was going to be a long, long day. McNairy wasn’t making any mistakes. The man took every turn perfectly. To be blunt, Robert McNairy was driving an almost perfect line.

This race was going to come down to skill and a shit load of luck on the part of the winner. It was now that I finally understood that quote from MacArthur. I also finally grasped what Rommel was talking about in his quote. I was truly in a man-on-man fight with McNairy and whoever had one more ‘bullet’ in our magazine is going to win. I was still working on the quote from that Chesterton guy, but I was beginning to get an idea what he was talking about. I sure as hell didn’t hate McNairy but he was truly a worthy adversary. Someone worthy of my respect in more ways than one, just as all the drivers out here. I may not like some of my fellow drivers but they gave me a reason to push myself all the harder to prove myself to Kelly.

Now that she is carrying my child, I can do no less than my absolute best out here to win. I was already trying to be better than I was the day before. I don’t know what kind of parent I’ll make, but I have some great role models to follow. I can’t wait to tell dad the good news at the end of the race. Even though I have let my thoughts wander a little bit I still have my head in the game. I know that I’ll have to wait for McNairy. No one can withstand this kind of pressure forever. Sooner or later he’ll make a mistake, then his ass is all mine.

By the fifth song change I knew that Kelly had reload my racing mix. I was hearing her favorite songs with each change. I couldn’t help it I was smiling the whole time. I just had to beat McNairy. I wasn’t racing to win any more. I was only racing for her and our child.

For more than half the race I hound his rear like a rabid English Foxhound hot on the trail of a fox. Every turn he sees the nose of my car right there waiting. Always waiting. Waiting for that one crucial mistake. For more than twenty laps I hound him like this. Never letting up, always pushing him to move closer and closer to the edge. But he never breaks. The man is a machine.

But even diamonds break and crumble under too much pressure. McNairy maybe a machine behind the wheel but he is no diamond. The break I’ve been waiting for finally comes on lap fifty-four. McNairy went a little too wide in turn ten. I slide past him and into first place to the sounds of Pat Benatar’s ‘Shadows in the Night’. I had sixteen laps to go to victory. All I had to do was hold off McNairy and the race was mine. Unlike my vaunted advisory this was something I was good at. Very good indeed.

There was no way I was going to lose to McNairy now. The race was mine and no one was going to take it away from me. I round turn fourteen and headed for the start finish line. The next song change comes as I across the line at full throttle. I don’t know where she found this song, but it sets the mood perfectly, Burn it down by Linkin Park. For the next three and a half laps I roar around the track with that sound blasting in my heart and soul. I know that Kathy is watching my ass like a hawk. Because every time McNairy tries something, she gives me a heads-up warning.

As we come back around for lap sixty Kathy comes up on the radio. “Watch your ass Bobbie. Beth is looking to make at play in the next few laps. She’s been sliding closer to the inside edge on every turn.”

“Copy that Kathy. No need to worry though. If Beth does make a move it’ll be to the outside. She never goes to the inside.” I knew my sister and her driving style better than anyone. I should know as I’ve raced her enough times.

“Okay, but don’t say that I didn’t warn you.” Kathy snapped.

“Trust me Kathy. I know my sister. There is something about going to the inside that has always scared her. She won’t go there. Now, if she goes to the outside let me know. Trust me, please?” I had to get Kathy to understand.

“You’re the driver, and the final call is yours. Just don’t blame me when she takes the checkered flag from you.” I wanted to laugh but there was something about the way Kathy was talking that got my attention.

“Where’s McNairy?” I asked quickly.

“He’s still fighting with Beth for second place. Why?”

“AH SHIT. Okay let me know the second she clears McNairy. Because then the race will be on for the win.” I wondered why McNairy hadn’t been hounding me the way that I knew he could. The man was just too good.

“Copy that, but I can tell you now that Beth will put him down any second now. I got to tell you Bobbie. She still wants revenge for your win at Silverstone. If I were you, I would keep your eye on her more than McNairy.” As soon as Kathy finished her warning Thousand Foot Krutch’s Courtesy Call begins to play over my earbuds. I just knew that it was an omen.

Four laps later I was proven right. “Beth just cleared McNairy and is climbing up your ass Bobbie. I figure you got maybe a half to full lap before she is eating up your rear end. What you going to do now?”

The words my father told me after Silverstone came back to haunt me as I round turn eight. ‘Bobbie, allow me to give you a piece advice kiddo. Never piss of a woman. You see they’re like elephants. They never forget. Only there is one difference between a woman and those massive animals. A woman never forgives.’ Yup I’m screwed. Beth is out for revenge.

I find myself fighting her off in less time than Kathy predicted. She was hot on my heels by turn twelve and not backing down. I had only six more laps to go to secure the win. I only had one problem. My sister.

There was no way that she was going to lose her temper this time. She’s just too calculating to let that happen. She has six laps to find her way around me and I have the same number of fighting her off. I start going over her weak points. I know that I’ll need every fucking advantage I can come up with to beat Beth out here today. Of all the drivers out here, she has always been my biggest threat. Just as I know her every weakness, she knows mine. And as much as I hate to say it at times. She is just as good a driver as I am. We’re the two sides of the same coin.

For the next five laps Beth gnaws at my ass end like a Terrier with a rat. She goes inside one turn, then outside the next. Turns where she should go to the inside she goes to the outside and vise-versa. On the straightaways when she should be pushing to make up ground, she is dropping back then at the last second powering down the strip. It’s maddening. I can’t figure out her plan for passing me. To tell you the truth it’s starting to get on my fucking nerves. Not even my music is able to keep me calm anymore.

Then finally on the last lap she makes her move and I never saw it coming. Not even Kathy was ready for what Beth pulled. Hell, doubt anyone would have been ready for this shit. We came down the front straightaway side by side. I was expecting her to brake for the hairpin turn but instead she whips inside of me and drifts around the turn as if on ice. She powers away from me before I have a chance to recover from her sudden move. I knew the race was over before I even cleared turn two. Beth was gone and there was no way for me to catch her happy ass. With one well planned and well executed maneuver my sister had snatched victory from my hands.

“Sorry about that Bobbie. I tried to follow her through that first turn, but she just went to the inside before I could warn you.” Kathy told me.

As much as I wanted to bitch her out I couldn’t. It was my fault that she wasn’t watching the inside line. I told her not to waste her time. “Forget about Kathy. I’m the one to blame for this loss. I was the one who told you that Beth never goes to the inside. Nothing for it but to finish the race and take her ribbing. She earned this one.”

I finished the race by keeping McNairy busy for the rest of the final lap and cross the finish line in second place. As I slowed down and curse around the track one last time I had to smile. Beth got her win and revenge, and I found out that I was going to be a father. I also found out that I had more to live for than just Kelly and setting her up for life. I actually had a pretty great damned day.

As I pulled to a stop in the pits, dad was there to greet me. As I handed him my helmet Danny was unstrapping me from the car. The two of them helped me climb out of the car not that I needed it. As I pulled off the rest of my gear I was smiling. Dad gave me a funny look.

“This has to be one of the few times I’ve ever seen a driver smile at losing a race. What’s gotten into you? You been smoking some wacky weed kiddo?”

“Nope I haven’t touched that shit in almost three years grandpa. You know that.” I waited for the grandpa crack to sink in. I wondered how long it was going to take dad to figure out what I was trying to tell him.

“Okay now I know you’re stoned if you’re calling me grandpa. That or you’re dehydrated to the point of needing to see the medics.” Dad was waving for one of the guys to go get the infield medical staff.

I sighed. And stopped Mike before he went made a fool of himself on dad’s behalf. “Dad listen to me closely. I had a great run out there today. So, what if I lost to my sister. In about nine months she’s going to be an aunt. If she is going to be an aunt that means you’re going to be a grandfather.”

It took a few more seconds for the lights to come on in the garage. Dad blinked his eyes at me as he sank down onto a work bench. “Are you sure about that Roberta? No jokes.”

“Two tests, both positive.” I whispered just for him. Then I stood up straight and yelled for the rest of the team to hear. “Kelly is pregnant guys and gals. I’m going to be a parent!”

The whole team stood there looking at me as if I had just announced that I was the second coming or something for a few seconds. Once my news had sank in the yelling and congratulations were pouring in. Right along with the back slaps from the guys and the hugs from the girls. My whole pit area was in celebration mode when mom and Kelly showed up.

“Okay, why are you celebrating coming in second Bobbie?” Mom asked. And I just looked over at Kelly. Mom was no dummy that was for sure. “Do you have something you would like to share with me dear?”

“Um… yes ma’am. Congratulations grandma.” Kelly shied as she placed her hand on her lower belly. “It’s a baby.”

Mom just smiled then turned to me. “I hope you plan to make an honest woman of her before she starts showing?”

“Yes ma’am. We’ll take care of that the second we’re back stateside. I think that we can catch a flight out tonight and be home by tomorrow afternoon. I figure that we can hit the county courthouse when it opens on Tuesday and be married by Friday morning. That way I can spend two weeks at home before I have to fly back for the race in Belgium. That way Kelly can stay home.” I figured that would be best in the long run. I didn’t want her traveling too much while pregnant.

“I’ll call Mister Dewey and have him get the paperwork in order for you by Tuesday. That way all you’ll have to do sign and fill at the courthouse. Seeing as how you’re still technically male there should be no problems.” She said the last part barely loud enough for us to hear. “We can still hold the wedding in October at the Austin race as planned. Be sure to have your mother and father there Kelly.”

“Yes ma’am. But don’t you want to be there for our first marriage?” Kelly asked. “I know that it means a lot to you.”

“I would love to be there darling, but we have to be here with the team.” Mom told her with a sigh.

“That is where you’re wrong Jewels. Chief Hailee, and Marks can handle the team while we go home and take care of a family matter. If they need us, they can reach us by phone. Bobbie go tell your sister that we’re flying out in the morning. If she asks why tell her that it is a family matter and we’ll explain anything once we’re in the air.” Dad said as he joined us. I just smiled and took off to tell Beth the good news. “Come on grandma we got work to do if we’re going to fly home for a fast wedding.”

“Just like everything else this family does. Why should a wedding be any different? Short fast and to the point.” Mom quipped.


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Delays on Racing Angles and Thief's Problem

wolfjess7's picture

So sorry for the delays both here and over on Thief's Problem. A very dear friend of mine needed help with a textbook for a High School work program. There are times that i find some of my contacts from my old occupation contacting me for help a little embarrassing. The good thing is I actually got paid for doing something I would have done for free. I know that sounds greedy, but a girl has got to eat and every little bit helps when you're retired.

May the peace and happiness of the Goddess keep and protect you
as always your humble outlaw
Jessie Wolf

Paid is good.

WillowD's picture

Thank you for the chapter Jess.

Whatever happens, friends are important,

payment for assistance should only be a (welcome) bonus, but never the motivation. And your readers, as another kind of friend, should be aware of this, and be grateful for your explanation.
We know you will keep on writing for us. So what does a small delay matter?
I simply appreciate the information.
Best wishes

This story always leaves me

This story always leaves me with a smile on my face.


Thanks for the chapter Jess, loved it!!! And there is nothing wrong with getting paid for something you would have done for free, it's like getting paid for doing something you love... you'll pay me for this? Really? heheheh =]


: ) !

: ) !


Now that part of racing

Wendy Jean's picture

I understand Whoever makes the first mistake loses.


Well, Bobbie gets her wish for the first (official) wedding, for it to be a simple in-out matter, while once the season's over, Kelly can have her grand (unofficial) wedding. Oh, and some time around then, Beth and Tony's nuptials.

As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!