Necessity is the Mother of Invention: Chapter 11

Necessity is the Mother of Invention

the same accident that caused the loss of his leg at age six also stimulated the latent genetics that ran in his family to trigger a mutation. Although becoming one of the ‘exo-humans’ the government monitored would prove to be the least of his worries once he stumbled upon his family’s secret.

Brought to you by the warped mind of Nuuan


Chapter 11

Reflexively Ryan’s armor spread out covering him as he stood, knocking the chair over he had been sitting in. A few feet away the cause of his abrupt action, a similarly dark blue armored figure kneeling on the floor with one knee and hand on the floor after having rolled out of the bed the figure had been lying on.

“Whoa slow down. You’re safe, it’s over,” Ryan tried to reassure the figure that had flung itself out of the bed.

Relief washed over the kneeling figure seeing the sleek dark armor of his friend standing there. Greg couldn’t remember when he had begun thinking of Ryan, the man behind the mask of the most terrifying super villain on the planet, as his friend.

Although only a handful of people knew the truth, Greg having been initiated into that small group over the time they had traveled together knew that the infamous video of Apocalypse’s first public appearance in Georgia wasn’t what it seemed to be. Although Greg couldn’t blame the news crew for the error as the noise of an explosion drowned out everything the then unknown super had said between the words, ‘I am,’ and, ‘Apocalypse.’

“Here,” Ryan reached down toward Greg, “Let’s get you back up on the bed.”

Nodding while reaching up to take Ryan’s hand, “What happened?” Greg’s free hand rising up to his throat as Ryan guided him to sit on the bed, “What the hell?”

Kneeling down so he was eye level with Greg, “I need you to stay calm, you’re in D’Pak armor and could tear apart Warframes barehanded with it on, a hissy fit could bring this building down.”

Nodding, “What happened to my voice? I sound like…” Greg stopped as the thought of how he now sounded came to him. One of his favorite groups had always been a group that did Celtic music with all female vocalists. Greg has always thought those women sounded like angels when singing, which was the main reason he loved listening to their music. Greg realized his voice sounded like that.

Steadying his eyes on the faceplate of Ryan’s armor, wished that he could see the expression behind the mask, “The arm band, did you know it would change me?”

Shaking his head, “I had no idea. My parents came to Earth when I was young, and the only arm bands I had ever seen were the ones my parents wore, it was much later when I found out about the silver ones. So I really didn’t know that much more than you about them when we arrived here.” Pausing to put a hand on Greg’s knee, “You had the skill to reactivate the ones here, I doubt I could have even got one working in the time you reactivated all of the ones you did and that is without having the distraction of the fight outside.”

Letting out a long controlled breath, “I assume when you saw this happening, you found out what is going on?”

Ryan nodded, “Good or the bad first?”

“It’s always best to begin with the good. I’ve been told it lessens the blow of the other.”

“Okay, the good first,” Ryan began. “You’re alive. You would have probably died had you not put it on, since no one found you until after the battle was over.”

“Yeah that’s obvious, I hope there’s more good to this than that?”

“You’re stronger and faster than normal humans now. You’ll age slower, live longer and most human ailments will not affect you. And of course you now have the best armor ever created in the known universe with you at all times.”

“Is that everything in the good list?”

“Mostly, of course you’ll be able to use the weapons and equipment that I can use.”

“Alright, let’s hear the stuff on the bad list.”

“The band did a little more than change you into a female. It rewrote your genetics, you’re one-hundred present Vrie’za now, female Vrie’za.”

“What’s a Vrie’za?”

“We are,” waving his hand at himself then to the obviously feminine figure of Greg.

“I think I need a bit more information than that,” Drawing in a deep breath before pointing at her head, “First tell me how to take this damn helmet off and then find me a mirror. I want to see what your damn arm band did to me.”

“Just think about removing the helmet,” quickly adding, “Only the helmet! That is unless you want to flash me.”

Noticing he could feel the skintight armored suit against his skin, Greg saw the meaning behind Ryan’s words. He had nothing on under the armor and removing it would leave his body completely naked. ‘Not a him now, I’m a girl,’ Greg thought to himself, ‘and the first person that will see me naked will not be Ryan!’

“Like this,” Ryan’s own helmet appearing to flow away from his face and into the rounded collar of his armor.

Consciously thinking of taking off the helmet, Greg began feeling the release of the slight pressure it had against his head. Seeing Ryan’s eyes widened as his mouth fell slightly open, Greg quickly looked down to his new breasts, thinking he had caused all his armor to vanish. Long tresses of red hair fell to the sides of his vision as he did. Finding his body still covered in the dark blue skin tight armor Greg let out the breath he hadn’t noticed he was holding.

“Why are you staring at me like that?” Seeing the slack jawed look on Ryan’s face when Greg looked back up.

It’s, Um, shit!” Shaking his head while averting his eyes from looking at Greg. Reaching down to his left thigh, the tablet they had found that held the video the two had watched, formed out of his armor. Handing the tablet to Greg, “See for yourself.”

Taking the ten inch tablet from Ryan, Greg watched the screen as it started up. Feeling a bit of relief at the sight of the familiar Android graphics appear on the screen, showing him it wasn’t powered by some strange alien operating system as he had feared. Greg did a double take at the sight of the version number that appeared in the upper left corner. ‘Thirty-two? What the hell?’ Greg thought to himself, ‘Last I knew everyone was still wondering what they would be naming Android ten.’

Shoving the mystifying idea of an android version that did not yet exist into the back of his mind, Greg touched the camera icon then switched it to the forward camera so he could see what her now looked like. At first Greg thought he had mistakenly hit play back on the video he and Ryan had watched when they first found the tablet, as the red headed woman from the video was looking back at him on the screen. It took only a moment of watching the picture on the screen mimicking his every expression to realize it was his face that appeared on the screen.

“Holy shi…” Greg watched his reflection as his free hand slowly reach up to her face. Looking over the top of the tablet at Ryan, “I’m her, the gal that was with you.” Ryan slowly nodded.

Noticing some words flash on the screen, Greg looked back down, “Facial recognition?” She asked aloud. Looking up at Ryan after reading the next text that came on the screen, “It says I have an unread message.”

Ryan moved to sit beside her on the bed, “Let’s see what it is.”

Touching the link on the screen a video opened showing the female Greg, who began talking. “Greg you can be assured I know exactly how much of a shock to you this is as I was there too. Yes I am the future you, and yes, time travel is possible, how else do you think we left the equipment and this tablet for you both? I won’t get into how it’s done as Ryan or Doug can explain it better than I can, but let’s just say it’s a pain in the ass and requires a lot of portal jumping.”

Greg glanced over to see Ryan nodding his head.

“Before Ryan butts in and says it can cause more problems than it fixes, in most cases he’s right," the video continued. “This was or will be an extreme case. In every fracture I’ve traveled the Oz’oth eventually find D’eena before she is ready. I know this doesn’t mean anything to you yet Greg, but she is important in stopping the Oz’oth and will become very important to you in the future.”

“Sara has come up with a plan,” Greg’s future self continued. “By removing or actually stopping specific fractures in the timeline from occurring we stop any advantages the Oz’oth gain from seeing her abilities.” Pausing her narrative for a moment as if in deep thought then after a heavy sigh continued, “I know Ryan hasn’t told you about this yet and Ryan will end up shoving his foot in his mouth if he tries, so it’s up to me to say this.”

Throughout the stone building everyone could hear the high pitched scream coming from the room they had carried Greg into, “WE’RE WHAT!”


Seeing Ryan coming down the stairs from the upstairs of the museum building the old woman asked, “How is she?”

“Angry,” Looking over at the woman, “Why didn’t you tell me about that before she put on the bracelet?”

Walking over she put her hand gently on his shoulder, “You had already given her the bracelet, once one has been given we cannot interfere and must let the one make up her own mind. I was going against our customs to give her the warning I did.”

“Neither of us had any idea what putting it on meant.” Shaking his head, “And she only put it on to save her life.”

“Would it have been better if she had died?”

“Of course not!”

“Then give her the time she needs,” squeezing his shoulder, “She will come around.”

“I think the message she left for herself is helping a lot,” Ryan agreed.

“Message from her future self?” Seeing Ryan nod she continued, “The D’pak swore not to do that kind of travel!”

“Apparently sometime in the future I must agree that it’s necessary, as she is watching it upstairs now.”

“Was watching it, I’m done now.” Everyone looked up toward the sound of the voice to see Greg leaning over the banister that surrounded the upper level, a serious look on her face. “I need my husband. That means you Ryan, so trot your ass back up here now.” Looking around at the few others that were downstairs, “Everyone can call me Gwen now since I’m stuck like this and married to that fool!”

“She sounds like she is taking it well. Already ordering you around like you’ve been mated for years,” chuckling as she patted Ryan’s shoulder.

Muttering under his breath as he jogged back up the stairs, “And people think I’m scary.”

Closing the door behind him as he followed his new mate in the room she had awoken in, “Whatever it is couldn’t this wait? Or are you letting your anger dictate how you act toward everyone?”

“Sit down Ryan,” the anger that was evident in her voice now missing. Holding her hand out toward Ryan, “I need the D’eena bracelet and that toolkit we used to work on it earlier.”

“What was with that little show outside?” Thumbing toward the closed door.

Shaking her head, “Have you forgotten your people are a matriarchal society? They expect me to be in charge in our marriage.”

Retrieving the bracelet and tool pouch from his armor, “So you’re not pissed?”

“Dear husband,” Gwen giggled, “pissed is an understatement, I’m fucking furious! I’ve been turned into an alien girl that looks like a younger version of my mother, and to top it off I’m married! If I hadn’t left that video for myself I don’t know what I might have done.”

“What else was in the video? And why Gwen?”

“That’s the name she, my future self called herself. Looking like this I may as well get used to the name now,” Gwen’s eye tracing downward at her own beasts. “From the video it looks like this is me now and there’s no going back. As for the video, both our future selves made it very clear that the less people that have that information the better. The only other person I’m supposed to give anything to is someone called Sara when we finally get back to your, um our home.” Turning with the bracelet and tools, Gwen sat down at the small desk in the room and began working on the bracelet.

Confused as to what Gwen needed to do with the bracelet, “I thought the mods you already made would heal David if we needed to use it?”

Looking up and over her shoulder at Ryan, “Yes, but there will be fractures where it isn’t enough. This, I’m told, will keep those fractures from occurring and forming new timelines.”

“Sort of like trimming a tree then?”

“The way I understand it, we will be stopping the unwanted limbs from growing in the first place,” Gwen answered without looking up from the bracelet she was working on.

Almost an hour later the door swung open to reveal Ryan following Gwen out of the room looking down at the modified bracelet he held in both hands, “Are you sure about this?”

Stopping in her tracks Gwen turned to Ryan speaking softly so only he could hear, “How can I be sure about anything? It’s a goddamn message from me from the future! Do you think I really want to know this shit? To know that if I don’t do a specific thing at a specific time people will die? Even my future self was cryptic and said almost nothing about the consequences of what I must do, only that doing so would stop unwanted fragments. As far as I know some of these things I’m supposed to do will cause people to die!”

Looking up from the bracelet in his hands, “In the video, you said Sara helped, she wouldn’t have if there was a better way.”

“Good, then let’s get this done so we be on our way home.” Gwen turned and began walking once again, “I can’t wait to meet this Sara I keep hearing about. Best remember you’re a married man now, even if it will be a cold day in hell before you touch me.”

Following Gwen down the stairs and through the main room of the museum in the rear of the building Ryan couldn’t help but think about what he had to do. Using the bracelet on David had always been a backup plan, a failsafe in case he was hurt. Thinking to himself, ‘Hell it hadn’t even worked when they needed it! Only sheer luck and the natives of the planet saved him.’ Looking down at silvery band in his hand, Ryan could only hope that Gwen had made the modifications correctly she had been given in the video. He did take sustenance in knowing that Sara would have been involved in detailing those modifications and Sara would never do anything to allow David to come to harm.

Knowing now how close he had come to hurting maybe even killing David with the bracelet unnerved Ryan. When Gwen had told him that he had grabbed the wrong bracelet in his hurry to leave the day he found out that David had been kidnapped could have been disastrous for the boy. How would Ryan have ever faced his sister if anything had happened to David? And knowing he held a fully functional armband bracelet for the D’eena instead of one of the medical ones only made him wonder how well Sara knew the Vrie’za technology.

Was it even possible to modify the D’eena’s band to work on David? Would it give him full use of the D’eena armor like Gwen said it would? If so he could be assured of David’s safety once it bonded to him as the armor held even greater protection than the D’pak armor that he and Gwen wore. Up until now Ryan had been flying by the seat of his pants, his original plan falling apart when he was unable to reach his original extraction point after rescuing David. Whether he liked it or not, Following Gwen’s lead was the most practical thing to do at this point.

Following Gwen into one of the back rooms Ryan saw the older woman along with a couple of younger men sitting at a rectangular table along with David, the coyote sitting on the edge of the table beside David. From the empty bowls and plates the group had just finished the mid-day meal.

Spotting the two walking in, “Come sit, A’aen here can go and bring your both some food.” The old woman waved her hand at one of the young men. Taking a chair Ryan sat down beside David while Gwen sat across the table from the boy.

Looking at the red headed woman across from him David spoke, “Wow, Aunt Gwen you’re really pretty.”

Sitting straight up across from David, “Aunt Gwen?”

Nodding while a large grin radiated across the boy’s face, “Great Grandma told me you and Uncle Ryan are married now.”

“Who?” Gwen’s eyes widened.

“While you were out we David and I got the full story about my mother,” Ryan took over the conversation. Gesturing at the old woman, “My mother was her daughter.”

“Yes,” a toothy smile spread across the old woman’s face, “The band changed my love, although she never lost the love for her mother nor I of her.” Looking over at Ryan, “And as much as I wish to spend as much time as possible with you family, you must get back, you must continue to protect the D’eena.”

“There’s one more thing we have to do first.” Glancing from the old woman to Ryan, “Ryan?”

Raising his hands above the table top, the wide thin bracelet on display in his hands, Ryan turned to face David. Watching the three locals, Gwen easily saw their surprise at the silvery colored armband evident in the wide eyes and slack jawed expression on their faces.

“We need to put this on you,” rolling it in his hands for David to see Ryan asked, “You trust Sara right?” Watching as David nodded, “In the messages sent back she said we have to put this on you now, before we leave.”

“But it didn’t work?”

“It will now," Gwen added, “she gave me directions on how to fix it.”

Holding up his arm above the table toward Ryan, “Okay,” looking over at Gwen, “Will it change me like it did you?”

Looking into David’s eyes, Gwen leaned closer to the boy, “I’ll be honest with you, we were told it was the best way to keep you safe, now and after we get home, so it might? We really don’t know.”

Looking at his Uncle, “Sara wants me to do this?”

Ryan nodded, “We all want you safe, Sara, me, Gwen and especially your mom and dad.”

“And so do I,” the coyote grinned his toothy snout at David.

Holding his arm closer to Ryan as Ryan snapped the silver band in place around his wrist, “I hope Mel will still like me if it changes me.”


“D’eesa stop tugging at your underwear,” Gwen chastised to the smaller platinum blond girl.

“But it itches. And I don’t like that name.”

“So does mine. Once we’re back on a civilized world your uncle will be buying us both some more comfortable underwear.”

Stopping and turning toward the two women in the middle of the wagon trail they were walking down, “I will?”

“Yes, if you know what’s good for you, you will.”

Shaking his head, Ryan began walking again, “It’s only been three days and you’ve already began a honey-do list.” Twisting his head around over his shoulder at Gwen, “What happened to having a normal honeymoon first?”

“Have you been in the sun too long my dear husband?” Gwen chuckled, “You best start thinking like those monks you said you live with and remember the word celibacy.”

“They’re Buddhist monks,” Ryan stated without looking back, “They’re not celibate.”

“Aunt Gwen doesn’t celibate mean no marriage too?”

Looking over at the young teen girl walking beside her, Gwen cupped her hand speaking softly, “Remember we’re both girls now and us girls should stick together. Now stop playing with your bra.”

“But it itches.”

“Okay think about something else,” Gwen suggested. “What about your name don’t you like?”

“What’s to like about ‘Dee-EE-sa’ The former boy emphasized the middle syllable of his, now her new name in the same way the people in the village had done after he woke from the changes the armband did to him? Can we at least shorten it?”

“You mean like calling you ‘Deesa’” shortening it into two syllables, “or just Dee?”

“At least those don’t make me sound like I’m some kind of alien.”

Gwen chuckled, “I hate to break it to you but we are aliens now.” Seeing the frown appear on the girl’s face Gwen added, “How about ‘Deesa’ then and I can call you Dee for short if that’s okay?”

“Um,” blushing as the young teen lowered her eyes, “I sort of like how Deesa sounds.”

“Then Deesa it is!” Gwen smiled at the teen.

“I just hope we can convince mom and dad it’s really me.”

“I don’t think it will be much trouble,” Gwen assured the girl, “Both your Uncle and I were there and watched it happen.”

“And so was I,” they heard a muffled voice coming from the backpack Deesa carried in her back as a tiny claw emerged between the two zippers at the top that quickly pushed the zipper open. As the coyote’s head emerged through the opening it continued in its normal fake British accent. “I saved a recording of your transmutation in case that problem occurs. I can have Sara replay it in its entirety, from the moment the bracelet was put on your wrist all the way through until you woke and removed your armor.”

Remembering how removing the armor left her standing in front of both her Aunt and Uncle completely naked, Deesa’s face turned a brilliant shade of red.

Knowing what the girl was blushing over Gwen glared at the Coyote, “I think you should probably edit the part where Deesa removes all of her armor.”

Gulping noticeably the coyote nodded, “Yes I do believe that would be a wise decision. I’ll get started on that now.” The coyote’s head disappearing back into the backpack with one clawed hand reaching back out to pull the zipper mostly shut.


“This is the spot. Suit up everyone, that includes you Deesa but take off your back pack first.”

Unconsciously scratching at her bra strap as the silver armor began flowing over the teen girl’s body, “Finally! I can take this darn thing off.” remembering a question she had been meaning to ask but had been too preoccupied to ask up until now, “Uncle Ryan, how come the first time I put this on I lost all my clothes but when I take off the armor now, my clothes reappear?”

“Good question?” Crossing her arms under her breasts as her eyes narrowed while looking at Ryan, “Care to explain that one to both of us?”

Glancing at Deesa then to Gwen, “Okay, look, short explanation is your armor will use any available mass for healing.” Looking over at the silver suited Deesa’s leg, “Even missing limbs like it did yours. Anything the suit determines not necessary is fair game, it’s why I made you take off your backpack as your Coyote would be considered unnecessary if you got hurt.”

“Oh!” Deesa squeaked.

After watching Gwen’s armor finally begin flowing over her form, Ryan held out his hand allowing the floating disk he had sent out that morning to lower landing in his hand. Looking over at Gwen while reaching around to hold the disk against the small of his back, where it was reabsorbed into his armor, “So are you ready to learn how to do this?”

“Do you think that’s a good idea? I mean we have Deesa here too. I think it might be better if you open it.”

Shaking his head Ryan explained, “You can’t do it wrong, as the function is built into our armor. You open the portal or you don’t, it’s that simple.”

“But what if I open it to the wrong world?” Hesitant to put the group, especially someone as young as Deesa in jeopardy Gwen continued to argue.

“It’s like opening a door, we have no control of what is on the other side.”

“Then can I do it?” Deesa squealed excitedly, bouncing on the balls of her feet.

Answering while shaking his head, “Only D’pak armor as that system, your armor doesn’t have this ability.” Staying quiet about the fact that she would probably be able to open the portals one day on her own, that is if the arm band had indeed turned her into a true clone of the D’eena. This was yet another thing on a long list of things Ryan knew he would need to explain, but it was a discussion best left for when they were home and had plenty of time for all the questions the two would bombard him with.


“Would you stop squirming, I have to get this zipper hidden properly or the fans will see it!”

“Sorry, it just feels so weird,” apologizing to the young woman applying the final touches to his costume. Looking down at the glimmering dark blue padded spandex and neoprene that covered his chest, “This is nothing like the costume you guys had me wear for the movies.”

“That’s because the graphics department could add the shimmer,” the woman explained. “Can’t add CGI to a public appearance.”

“At least the helmet is the same.” Considering that it could have been changed too, “It is the same one right?”

Finishing up her work on the back of his costume the woman strode over to a table picking up a dark blue motorcycle-like full face helmet that had been laying there. Holding it up to the man, “The same one you used in the last two movies.”

Nodding the man thought how much he had loved comics as a kid, how he would run around his home wearing a blue sweater pretending to be his childhood comic book idol. He had been devastated at how badly the actor portrayed his hero in the original movie. Al had been a teenager when the movie hit the theaters himself. It was that movie and what he considered a terrible portrayal of his childhood superhero that made him decide to go into acting himself.

Now twenty two years and five starring roles later, Alfred Emmanuel Neuman, or Al Neuman as he hated being called Alfred, was probably the greatest ‘name with no face’ in Hollywood. Famous for his face always hidden on the big screen it had become one of Hollywood’s inside jokes to have him appear in small roles in movies where his face was always obscured in some fashion. Al seemed destined for small side roles until he got his big break with the remake of a classic.

Gaining the starring role of the “Beast” in a live action remake of the original cartoon movie, Al thought his ship had come in when the director stated that under no circumstances would a stand in be used at the end of the film when the beast was returned to human form, Al’s face would finally be seen on the big screen! It was all could do to hide his disappointment at the film’s debut when he saw how the director had used camera angles and editing to make sure Al’s face never once appeared on the screen.

Although Al’s disappointment led to more starring roles of masked men and other heavily made up costumed characters that always hid his face. Of course if none of this would have happened, he may not have been given the leading role of his childhood hero, the greatest comic book superhero that ever existed.

Broken out of his thoughts by one of the curtains parting that kept them hidden from the crowds in the convention center, Al’s agent stuck his head in, “the MC is going to begin his spiel in five minutes, you ready yet?”

Placing the helmet on his head, Al turned to face his agent, speaking in the deep commanding voice of the character he portrays, “I am always prepared to bring apocalyptic retribution to any threat to Earth!”

“He will be,” The woman handed Al his helmet. Once he had the helmet on the woman who had been doing his makeup for the past several years did her job of hiding the seams before Al moved out to stand behind the stage curtain.

Waiting behind the curtain on the temporary stage half listening to the spiel of the MC Al waited for his cue to step out through the curtain to reveal himself to the fans when he heard the MC suddenly stop talking. Peeking out through the curtains Al could see what looked to him like a small ball of lightning hovering about five feet off the stage floor between him and the crowd. Al’s jaw falling open behind the mask of his helmet as the ball of lightning formed a ring inside the ring was a blackness so complete it hurt his eyes to look at it, although Al found himself unable to look away as the ring of lightning expanded completely obscuring the stage and the crowd beyond from his sight.

Thinking to himself as he watched, ‘I knew they were going to use some special effects to cover my entrance but the crew have outdone themselves with this!’ Stepping through the curtain Al reasoned that they must want him to step out through the black center of the effects. Taking a deep breath Al jumped through.


For over thirty years Ray had made a living of announcing various events. One of his favorites had always been the comic-com. Whenever he was asked about that he would always say that it was the fans and the costumes so many of them wore to the event, but honestly it was the special effects some of the larger companies would put on display during the convention. And the special effects he witnessed occurring beside him on stage at this very moment was so realistic he was left speechless as it appeared. So close to the CGI created portals of the superhero’s movies that he felt he was suddenly in one of those movies.

The curtain of darkness forming within the expanding ring of static electricity made him feel as if he was looking into a void, an empty void of nothingness. From the impossibly black circle of nothingness three figures stepped out. Two adults, one male one female both dressed in the dark blue alien space suits of the comic book superhero. Both holding strange looking ‘rayguns’ his in his right hand and hers in her left. Between them another shorter female in a similar costume although instead of the dark blue attributed to the superhero, it was silver that seemed to have a hint of blue, the two adults each holding on of the shorter girl’s hands. From the silvery figure’s height and figure Ray immediately thought teenage girl.

“Announce them! Announce them!” Ray could hear the voice yelling through the ear piece he wore.

Gaining his composure, Ray could see the fans were just as stunned at the special effect as he had been. Brining the microphone back up to his face. “Ladies and gentlemen,” Making a sweeping motion toward the three figures on stage with him, “I give you Apocalypse!”

“Fury, her name is Fury!” the voice in his ear piece informed him.

“And Fury!” Ray spoke louder into his microphone trying to speak above the cheering and applause. Then following what he was being told in his ear piece, “And a special treat, the reason Apocalypse worked so long on his own without Fury’s help, she was busy with their DAUGHTER!”

Looking out at the multitude of various costumes a good quarter of the people in the crowded area held then the banners that decorated the walls Deesa all but screamed her excitement, “Oh my god! This is comic-com!” Bouncing on the balls of her feet, “We’re at comic-con!” Letting go of Ryan’s hand Deesa grabbed Gwen’s arm with both hands, “thank you, thank you, thank you, I’ve always wanted to come here!”

“Comic con?” Ryan turned to look at Deesa, “You mean that big comic book convention you’re always talking about in San Diego?” Directing his attention to Gwen, “Of all the places you could open a portal, you open one directly into the largest comic book convention on the planet?”

Shrugging her shoulders, Gwen replied sarcastically, “beginner’s luck?”

“Maybe I should stick to being the one who opens portals from now on.”

Giggling, Deesa chirped in, “You were the one that told her to open it, even after she said she asked you to open it.”

Those close enough to hear the exchange between Deesa, Ryan and Gwen all began laughing and applauding at what they thought was an act. Although there were two partially hidden by the stage curtain that also heard the exchange. “This is great stuff they’re doing out there,” the taller chubby man said to the other man.

“No shit!” the shorter skinny one with glasses replied. “Grab the latest issue of the comic and let’s see how well he can ad-lib with it.”

“Great idea!” the first one ran off further behind the stage. Returning moments later with issue of the comic. After getting the attention of the MC on stage and being introduced the two main writers for the comic book walked out on stage waving at the crowd.

Walking directly up to Ryan on the stage, the taller man holding the comic book got Ryan’s attention, “Sir, Mr. Apocalypse, we know how busy your off world activities can be so you probably don’t have the latest copy and as two of the writers of your story we’d like to present you with the latest publication of your comic that only hit the shelves last week and features the debut of your wife, Fury.”

Taking the comic book that was handed to him, Ryan looked carefully at the cover then over at Gwen, “We’re goddamn comic book heroes like Superman or something!” Handing the magazine to Gwen to look at.

“Who’s Superman?” the writer that handed the comic to Ryan asked.

Looking over the cover then flipping through a few pages Gwen handed it back to Ryan, “Of course you’re a fictional hero as anyone that knows you wouldn’t use those words to describe you! They would use words like, egotistical, hare-brained, half-cocked and other words I could use to describe you that I shouldn’t use in public.”

Picking up on the confused looks of the fans the announcer spoke into the microphone, “Well if there was any doubt about these two being married before, I think we can all rest assured that it’s true, as who else but his own wife would talk to the most powerful superhero on the planet that way!” hearing this, the crowd roared with laughter.

Switching his armor to communicate only to Gwen and Deesa, ~This has to be an alternate Earth.~

~Really? What gave our great exalted superhero the clue?~ Gwen chuckled.

Ignoring her snarky comment, ~We should play along with this until we can get out of here.~

~I agree.~

~Okay Daddy,~ Deesa giggled.

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