Piracy Alert!

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Solari over on the FM hyperboard posted a link to a site called TStories (http://www.tstories.com/index.php) that is hosting works from a lot of authors here. After a quick scan I found stories by Julie O, Morpheus, Angela Rasch, and many others, including myself. I know I didn't give them permission to post the stories and I'm sure none of the others did either.

This is not the kind of site that I want my work associated with, and I'm certain others will feel the same way when they investigate it. I've already sent a message to the site admin and asked that my stuff be removed - we'll have to wait and see if it has any affect.



problem with Mead

the problem with Lake Mead isn't gobal warming, it's the usage of it's reserves. More and more people are moving to the cities in the South West, Vegas, Phoenix, L.A. and they all draw water from Lake Mead and Lake Powell. We just need to get people to move up to WI. where it snows all the time and will use less water from the desert lakes/resivors.

Last Summer up here in WA. was misserable.... It rained more days than it was sunny. the temp only got above 85 three days. August had at least 10 days of rain. It was horrible..... one of the reason's I'm going to join you in the South West in a year or so


Sorry Scott for going off topic

You are correct about the population issue but at the same time rainfall here isn't what it's supposed to be.By the way I have a descent place for sale in the desert wanna buy it?Amy PS and I'm not talking about a mirage or an island off New York Lol

An Ugly Lesson

Piper, thanks for dealing with the TStory site. This episode has inspired me to edit all my stories so that they are clearly labelled "permission to post given by author" and (after a lot of fumbling around)also(c)2008 by Daphne Laprov. I know it has no legal force, but at least it signals intent.

Hugs to all, Daphne


Copyright notices...

erin's picture

...do have legal force. Just not much practical force. As you say though, it signals intent. :)


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

*shaking head*

I really can't imagine anybody going to this site being interested in my stories. The only thing that had anything resembling sex was my "All of You" drabble series, which didn't show up when I did a Google search of TStories, although a couple of my other stories did. I sent off my e-mail to the admin of the site, asking to have my stories removed.

Heather Rose Brown

Piracy I'm not sure, But It may have happened to us again.

I scan for my name on Google on occasion. The short list came up with this link, and this text:


Lesbian fan fiction. Lesbian fan fiction about the show all my ...
Posted on September 3, 2008 in Kimber Lynn naked (Category: mrskin)

Sarah lynn morgan; general audiences; novel chapter; lesbian romance; romantic; sweet or high school; cycling; teen crush; gabyverse by maddy bell; contributed by author -fiction. Mon feb p...

Original article: Lesbian fan fiction. Lesbian fan fiction about the show all my ...

Tags: lesbian, fiction, fan, gabyverse, crush


I am not sure, because it is only a display page on on of those pay sites, but
it really looks a little odd to me. I wonder if other authors, might want to
check it out with their names, to search the site, etc.

Exploitation of name or likeness...

Puddintane's picture

...happens all the time on porn sites, because they hope to capture people searching for *real* information about every more-or-less public figure in hopes that they'll be drawn into the smut.

Unless you have beaucoup amounts of cash for lawyers laying about gathering dust, it doesn't really pay to do anything, and often not even then, because many such sites are "owned" through front companies in Lower Gronovia which consist entirely of a post box address.

And unless you've actually registered your copyright with the copyright office, there's usually little you can do that will pay for itself, much less yield enough to make it worthwhile.

The nice thing is that you can submit stories in a bundle every three months (you have to register within 90 days of publication), pay the fee, and you become eligible for statutary damages, so you don't have to prove actual damages, which is hard to do with a story posted for reading without payment. Stautory damages can be substantial.

Another tactic that sometimes helps is to complain to the search engine itself, telling them that your name is being used to spam the web (which is what this sort of misleading trolling is called) snd that it's defamatory. This *may* get their ranking lowered, so it's more difficult to find the slur, but almost every woman whose name appears on the web with any regularity has this happen to her. In fact, I just did a search for my real name coupled with a likely smutty search term and found that I'm linked to "porn-tube," and can assure you that you won't find my picture there.

The other thing you can try is to turn off "redirects" in your browser preferences. The way these things work is often that they put up what looks like legitimate content and offer it up to the search engines. They *also* put HTML on the page which causes sny browser which links to the page to be instantly redirected to their smut site. Few of the search engines are clever enough to recognise this, but you might be able to see the actual content that way, without paying for it, in which case you could write a cease and desist letter to have it taken down. But unless you can prove it, there's little to be done. Please note that it's possible, if one has direct access to the server, to hard code redirects into the server behaviour based on certain criteria, such as that the page request comes from a user rather than a robot, in which case you won't see the page unless you write your own bot or hack the server.


Defamation is becoming a necessity of life; inasmuch as a dish of tea in the morning or evening cannot be digested without this stimulant
--- Thomas Jefferson




A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style

Necromantic uprising

Just as an aside. the site has _zip_ on it at this point in time. It even says 'upload to your public_html directory'.

The last 'activity' on the site (meaning where archive.org had a listing for content) was in June of 2009.

Obviously it wasn't a profitable business.

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
