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Saturday 29th April 2017 (Cont)
Tammy spent forty minutes on the range but failed to get a qualifying score with her Glock 26.
"I knew I wasn't up to it."
"Not good enough, young lady, you decided in advance you would fail. Keep up that attitude then you will fail every time."
"Marcus, I'm shattered."
"And did you think that the military runs on a Monday to Friday nine to five basis? With guaranteed time off for meals and sleep?"
" Well, no, but ...."
"Then you need to adapt, go back in there and this time make an effort!"
"I'm still tired."
"And still going to fail. How long did Kerri say she'd been up when you spoke yesterday?"
"Err, twenty eight hours?"
"And how much sleep did you think I got last night?"
"Probably the same as me?"
"Less. Am I complaining? Was Kerri moaning? She actually confided to me what she was doing while her camera was off. She was penetrating a hostile array. Alone; she engaged, stripped it then destroyed it. Not her words though. She simply said she had to deal with an array."
Tammy's eyes widened. "No shit? An array? You mean a super computer, like government services have?"
"Yes." The SAS Captain nodded. "Though she did not say, I read a report from our own this morning and found out who it belongs to."
"That array belongs to a narcotics cartel in the South American region known as the Tri-Borders. Or rather, it did belong to them. That array is now a three tonne paperweight. We do know they used it for penetrating U.S. and Interpol anti-drug forces. Estimated value of the array; twenty-five million U.S. Dollars."
Tammy was completely flabbergasted. At Room 40 she had heard of such people, but never did it dawn on her they were real and she had met one.
"Can you actually be fine with intentionally failing? Do you really accept that?"
"So get your rear end back on that range and actually try this time!"
"Yes, Sir."
Tammy reported back to the Range Officer half an hour later.
"Much better Lieutenant. You're booked to test with the SA80 tomorrow morning."
"So I passed?"
"It was acceptable."
"Thank you."
A minute later Tammy arrived in the canteen looking for breakfast but was too late for the cooked offering so settled for cereal and OJ.
"How are you feeling now?"
"Better, Colonel."
"I'd like to say that I'm sorry we pulled that stunt on you, but you are going to be pushed to the extreme when you join this unit."
"The decision has been made, all I need to know is that you are ready. Right now my team suggests that you aren't."
"No argument here, Sir."
"Good, I do hate listening to those who don't know when to agree with me."
"So, what happens next?"
"How about you get an hour or two of sleep then join us in the briefing room for a lunch session?"
"I thought I had to work through, to show I could cope?"
"We're not sadists, well officially we're not, so now you can go clean up and have some rest. Nice score by the way."
She grabbed a banana and munched as she walked back to her accommodation block, one designated for visitors. She locked her '26 away before showering and slipping under the duvet.
Tammy showered again and opted for a suit when she dressed, as the uniform was now very dirty. The fuchsia seemed to be an good choice amongst all the khaki, brown, navy and green that seemed to dominate local clothing choices, her nails now matched, as did her eyeliner. She still had her backpack and SA80 automatic rifle when she'd returned to her room, the pack had her name on it so she assumed she was keeping it. The rifle, meanwhile, had to be returned to the quartermaster so she slung a bag over her shoulder then walked out of her room with the weapon across her white blouse, still loaded with the blanks.
A few heads were turned as she crossed the parade ground to reach the Quartermaster's building.
"Ah, Lieutenant, I was wondering when I would get this back?"
"It's surplus to my needs right now."
"Okay, now where is your ID card?"
Tammy opened her bag, moved her Glock 19 to one side then extracted the plastic card, as well as the live magazine.
"Ta da!"
"Not good enough, I'm surprised you haven't been put on a charge yet."
"Typical civvie!"
"In real life, yes."
"So, despite looks, this is a high security environment, right?"
"So we all wear our ID around our necks on base?"
"I don't have a lanyard."
"Oh, you weren't issued with one? Fortunate smiles; I have one or two, thousand, spare." He reached under the counter and tossed two at her. "Use one now, the other one is a spare for when your rifle gets caught and snaps it."
"Okay, but how did you recognise me without it?"
"There aren't too many twenty year old ladies around here going around with loaded SA80s, and even fewer with an attitude that kicks ass!"
Tammy made her way back to the briefing room.
"Ah, Tammy, you're out of uniform."
"Is my skirt too long, Marcus?"
"You know what I mean."
"Do I?"
"You're not taking this seriously!"
"Earlier today I was serious enough that I could have killed."
"Yes, that exercise didn't go quite to plan."
"Especially as I didn't know it was an exercise, so I treated it for real. Add to that the fact that I have been in many life threatening incidents a few times, and that it was likely I would be armed with one of my Glocks?"
"Quite, we didn't plan as well as we might."
"Good, so we both gained from your flawed exercise."
"That reminds me, Captain Fielding commended you for the exercise at Stanford. He called you 'Beccy' though."
"We met once before."
"Do you often liaise with special forces?"
"Only when they're in uniform."
"I was on a course with him, and a few others, two years ago. That's all you need to know, sorry."
"Understood. Look, we'll convene for a full debrief in a few hours', once everyone is available."
"I need a clean uniform. Perhaps that problem can be resolved along with the one of the ammunition early this morning?"
"Remind me."
"The Captain escorted me to the Quartermaster who issued me with a back-pack and rifle. The magazine was already attached. I didn't realise until I reached Stanford that I had live rounds and everyone else was using blanks or that there was a different magazine for blank rounds."
"You certainly shouldn't have had live rounds at all."
"Fortunately there was a blank magazine in the back pack."
"What kit do you still have from last night?"
"Just the dirty uniform and the backpack, I've just now returned the SA80 and the magazines. Nobody said I had to return it, but I thought it was probably the best approach."
"Okay, but I'm not certain we'll be able to find anything out."
"It might be nothing more than a simple mistake, Marcus."
"Indeed. Why don't you go and grab some lunch?"
When Tammy reached the canteen there was a full spread available, she opted for a full plate given that she didn't know what she'd be doing later, she figured that information seemed to be a rare commodity this weekend.
Her suit caused a few heads to turn, just enough for a senior officer to walk over.
"Why are you out of uniform?"
"I'm on my own time, having lunch!"
"You're on a charge!"
"You don't even know me."
He grabbed for her shoulder but caught the chair, then yanked. Tammy's hand was already in her bag as she rolled with the chair and knocked the uniform onto the floor. Her Glock was now in her right hand.
"I have so had it!"
Behind her there was quiet applause. Tammy picked up her chair and continued with her lunch. It was barely a minute later when four military police arrived.
"You are under arrest for insubordination."
"He was a prick and I was eating, I still am. Sorry boys, you'll have to find your fun somewhere else."
A moment later she was on the floor and handcuffs were being wrapped around her wrists.
"Resisting arrest has been added to your charge sheet."
Tammy was taken to the guard room and dropped into a cell, that was when she noticed that her skirt was marked but her jacket had been torn.
It was only a few minutes before Captain Marcus Wade and Colonel Sean MacTaggart arrived.
"What the hell happened, Tammy? They're talking about a trip to the Glasshouse*!"
"Sorry Colonel, some prick got in my face whilst I was eating, first demanding to know why I wasn't in uniform and then accused me of insolence. The final straw was when he grabbed my chair. What is it with everyone around here? "
"That's behaviour likely to earn you a court martial, damn Tammy!"
"At which point did you, or anyone else, school me in army etiquette?"
"I'm sure it's not normal to pull a bloody weapon on a senior officer?"
"He grabbed at me first! Oh, so this is a pastiche of 'Animal Farm'? 'All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others'."
"That's an irrelevant comparison."
"Maybe, but you have had years of training, knowing when your nostril hairs are just too long and have to be trimmed, even on the battlefield? Something tells me that had I been wearing the filthy, only, uniform I have; the bastard would have come after me for that! I didn't look about, but I definitely didn't notice anyone wearing a uniform as dirty as mine."
Sean smiled. "She has a point, Captain. How would this go in court?"
"My arse would be on the line. Inadequate supervision, training and equipping."
"Exactly. Let's go sort this out."
"Wait. I have a question that still has no answer." Tammy called out then added. "He didn't know who I was. Why did he assume he had charge over me? I wasn't required to be in uniform and only told to take lunch. Am I the absolute, only civilian on this base?"
The big Scot frowned. "Fair point, you are not. There are others and some personnel not required to be in uniform. Never mind Captain, I'll sort this out myself. You will take our Tammy to procure proper kit. Barracks Dress, four Field uniforms and a copy of the dress orders. Lieutenant; after you have said uniforms, you will be in them from that point on while on base. Is that understood? This is when you answer 'Aye, Colonel'."
"Aye, Colonel." Tammy said.
MacTaggart went on. "This is also where you learn that officers have authority here. If their rank is higher, they do expect you to take their orders. Speak in respectful manner; the man may not matter, but the rank always will. Contrary to popular belief, more than most officers actually earn that rank, it's not a given. Cases like yours are the rare exception, not the standard, don't forget that. One other thing, no talking back, speak when spoken to, otherwise keep your trap shut. On your way."
An hour later Tammy stood in the briefing room in Barracks Dress uniform, skirted version with sensible barely-there heels. Her make-up was also toned down to barely-nothing. whilst her hair was in a bun, no longer free flowing.
"I've had a moment to think about this, in short, this random Lieutenant Colonel happens to be a first class sexist jackass that thinks women in the military are only for admin, coffee service and the odd Bivouac-Boogie, right?" Kerri asked.
Tammy wondered why Kerri was now wearing what looked like a flightsuit, but kept quiet.
"Tha's it in a nutshell. He clearly thought Tammy was an easy target, it's not good that we still have that attitude in the Army." Sean growled, he may be an old dog, but he definitely wasn't a pig.
Kerri rolled her eyes. "The UK doesn't have a monopoly on idiots, for sure. But Tammy dropping his ass in the restaurant, really got his nose out of joint. That figures."
"Sad to say, but those types are still mucking things up for everybody. I'm open to suggestions, how do we take it from here?" Sean sighed.
A voice off camera was heard and Kerri repeated to them. "Have her go police some brass on a range and let numb-nuts get a glimpse to know it's punishment for her, but don't allow him to interact or interfere. After that; Tammy is put out-of-sight, out-of-mind."
Marcus considered that then nodded. "Sounds about right. That would be embarrassing enough to satisfy an officer but must be something Tammy can do."
Kerri then looked directly at Tammy. "Not one gripe. If I pulled anything remotely like that, I'd have to shoot them or else be in for 'remedial hand-to-hand'. That means getting my ass BEATEN three times a day for two weeks solid. You need to develop a quick case of Act-Right or your ASS gets nailed to a cross. I have a check-ride in 15."
"Understood. We'll get a move on then. Consensus is; Tammy can be useful, but not for Direct Actions. However, there may be incidents that just fall in. Murphy, as you say." Sean stated.
Kerri shrugged. "Shit does happen, I can't even go for coffee over there. Keep her on the back-burner. Tammy reacquaint yourself with analysis and off-site intel. However, I do suggest you join a sky-jumping club and get scuba-certified. Scuba is useful, you can claim you can perform inspections of any location you have water-fronted. Paying somebody costs quite a bit, learn how to do it yourself."
"And the sky jumping, how do I explain that?" Tammy asked.
Kerri smirked. "You saw somebody with a pink and purple chute, matching wind-suit, you found it SOOOO adorable."
"I guess everybody assumes I'm quite the odd-one that I probably could get away with that." Tammy considered it.
"Okay. I'm out." Kerri said then her screen went black then a multi-colour screen to signal her connection was closed.
That evening, still in the Barracks Dress uniform, Tammy spent two hours picking up spent shells from the pistol range in what was obviously a ridiculous manner. She had been given a small bag, large enough to hold a pint of liquid, to put the casings in then empty into a crate. Twenty minutes in, the Lieutenant Colonel passed within sight and noted her activity, he wasn't able to stop as Colonel MacTaggart was walking him past.
Tammy tried a glimpse at his name, "looks like his name's Couper." she thought. "Sod off you evil git." Tammy whispered to herself, but mentally admitted that things could be worse.
Sunday 30th April 2017
Tammy was back in a field uniform and was was keeping an appointment on the range. Firstly, the range officer had a task.
"Before you go and waste any brass, you are going to strip the weapon down and rebuild it."
Tammy recalled having done that at Hythe and quickly had it apart.
"I should ask where you learnt to do that."
"On a range in Kent, Sir."
"Not a civvie range, for sure."
"Okay, close your eyes and put it back together."
Tammy fumbled but had it back inside thirty seconds, the range officer was trying hard not to look impressed. "Adequate. Okay, you have the five hundred metre range for the next twenty minutes. This isn't a test, but I expect you to do your best?"
"Yes, Sir."
By ten that morning she was in a training room being schooled on military etiquette by Captain Nightingale, just enough to avoid being put on another charge for any minor indiscretion. Tammy had to fight her natural need to challenge everything she was being told and Nightingale was not giving any leeway.
Once lunch was out of the way, which she took in the briefing room, Tammy spent a few hours alone on paperwork, reading and digesting. Finally Marcus made an appearance.
"All of your previous alias identities are burnt, and you must destroy any ID you still have."
"It's important that that your Beccy identity disappears and you don't interact with anyone who knew her."
"Okay, what about the special forces guys, like Captain Fielding?"
"They can be trusted. Okay, listen, your new alias is Theresa Robbins." He handed over an envelope.
She pulled out a mobile phone, passport, driving licence, bank cards and a few other bits. A crib sheet put her age as 23, born in Edinburgh, relocated to London at 10 years old. Parents were deceased, she had no siblings or other known next of kin. She was currently living in North West Essex near Stansted Airport.
"Read, memorise and then securely destroy that sheet. One other thing, the address exists, but it's simply a mail drop. Any snail mail to that site is redirected to Broadsword then we decide if it's sent onto you. There's an email account and a disabled social media account on the phone but do NOT switch that phone on anywhere near home."
Finally Marcus dropped the bomb. "Your evaluation is classed a Fail. You hesitate when you should act, you act when you should freeze. Your analytical skills have taken the chute and your ability to prioritize...that's nowhere to be found at all.
"All that said; the reason for that is due to lack of actual training. Most of the training you have received, were done as salvage. Arse-covering by higher-ups. Your so-called operational training wasn't beneficial. The truth is you were setup to fail by your seniors, you weren't meant to be operational, probably for the same reasons I've just given. The only plus I can see is that your self-protection skills are good, but you're still a danger to anyone near you."
"Am I done? After all this, I'm done?" Tammy was confused.
Marcus shook his head. "You're not 'done' as you say. You will have to be rebuilt from the bottom-up. The main thing; don't expect to be invading a country, or even an apartment. The most travelling you can expect for some time; is to and from training sites. You have to be taught the right way to do things, including nothing. Have your kit ready, you go home tomorrow morning."
"So what next, Sir?"
"We'll be in touch, but don't expect things to move along quickly."
* Glasshouse - Colloquial term for UK combined services military prison.
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What fun!
I can see Snowfall's impact on Tammy's experiences.
Keep it up!
What Aircraft?
I wonder what Kerri/Krystle is being checked out on.
If memory serves
It was said in 'LKM' or 'The Chrysalis Project' that Shawna, Krystle and Tiffany were to be checked out on all aircraft on Ram's Rock Island that they had not already been so checked out on.
That being said they would also have to do enough hours in the craft they were already checked out on to keep said Quals upto date.
So it could be anything from a sea plane to a gulf stream or a F14 Tomcat for fixed wing aircraft, not forgetting the C140 Hercules, I can't remember what helicopters they have.
If I recall, Ramrod was said to be qualified to fly anything that does, and I would assume that would be the same for LoneStar. It would be reasonable to think that Dannigan would want the rest of his team to similarly be able to fly anything, and of course maintain those qualifications. On several occasions non RRI aircraft have been 'hired' in for a mission.
Don't forget the lear
A very exciting chapter.
I do think Marcus seriously screwed things up this week end. Yes, a lot of the stuff happened because Tammy doesn't have a military background but a lot of it also happened because she was kept in the dark on what to expect.
For instance, if Marcus wanted her to blend in then Tammy should have been briefed ahead of time on things like military protocol and on issues like bearing arms for the weekend. And she should have been given full kit, not just a single uniform for her to walk in for a few minutes.
In all fairness to Marcus, I think most of the problems can be accounted for because a lot of unusual things were happening but he probably gave out brief commands like "get her kit so she can walk around on base" and she was issued a single uniform instead of full kit.
But mostly it was one cluster f**k after another that made an absolutely awesome story.
Pompous Asses
The only experience I have with the Military is Vietnam Era Army MPs, and I must say that I saw folk who didn't know their asses from a hot rock. I was not suited to being a Cop by nature and got into lots of trouble for not being stern enough. It seems she has more than her share of fools in her life. I do hope that she comes out on top eventually. Though, her pulling a gun on a senior officer was a bit over the top. :)
Nice episode.
My experience is different
While lower grade military types can be a mixed bunch my personal experience is that once/if they make it to major/lieutenant commander they are pretty reasonable which makes me a bit surprised the ass here was a lt colonel.
The worst examples I have come across have been from among the semi-professionals (reserve). There was one case when a reserve lieutenant pulled a loaded (and it turned out with the safety off) pistol and pointed it at two young privates when they thought to long when answering a question. (That was the last we saw of him).
I love the story but I'd never, ever would accept to be the boss of Tammy.
Funny you should say that........
As a reservist with more time in active duty than most of my non-reserve peers, my experience was that the worst offenders were academy grads who felt they were better than everyone else.
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
Just personal experience
Certainly less extensive than yours and pertaining to other armed forces than US.
However, from what I've seen most freshly minted officers tend to still be rather immature.
Their fault!
No training, no equipment, no briefing.
At the very least she should have been given basic instructions on how to at least appear to fit in, and a list of what the rules are.
As for the uniform incident, Markus spotted the problem, discussed it and failed to correct it, letting Tammy continue on without one.
>i< ..:::
The Lieutenant Colonel should have faced more serious charges
than Tammy. Tammy may have been minimally disrespectful by not adding a 'sir', but the Lieutenant Colonel assaulted her by throwing her out of the chair. I believe even in the military a lower rank does not have to submit to physical assault by a superior.
Tammy asked an interesting question as to why the Lieutenant Colonel questioned the uniform when he didn't even know of her or her status. Sounds like she was targeted. Another detail that set Tammy up was that her immediate superior knew she was in civvies, had no other clean uniform, and told her to go to lunch.
When there are no witnesses, the word of a superior is almost always believed over one of lower rank. However in this case there were plenty of witnesses.
Did Tammy actually fail?
Or was it their a way of gently sending her down the route they want her to take, all the time. After all she was told,
And that included at least one of the two officers telling her she had failed.
I think that is what really interests them in her. That she has a highly horned sense of when things are not right and goes straight into protection mode. Her instinct when things are going belly up to act instantly. As seen when she came across the fake terrorist when leaving the training village.
I think the only mistake they made was when they picked her up early for that excise. They forgot the very thing that interests them in her would kick in, having survived a number of assassination attempts.
Sounds like a good quality for a John Drake, Danger Man sort of operative to me. Someone who can operate alone without close back-up.
Although perhaps Tammy will find herself with a ticket to a certain Village in later life if she is not careful!
But now she needs to be trained and kept under wraps until a job comes up that needs her special sort of skills?
Village life
"You are not number one"
"Come here and say that!"
I spent a fair amount of time........
Dealing with assholes both in and out of uniform while I was in the service. There are plenty of examples of the Peter Principle in uniform - the dickheads who aren’t qualified to hold the rank they do, but achieved it due to time in service and/or knowing the right people and kissing the right asses.
This whole line of the story pisses me off no end. If I were in Tammy’s position I would have told someone to shit in their hat and walked out. In fact, I’ve actually done that - walked out on a few briefings with a comment that I would be more than ready to return when someone got their shit together.
Tammy was definitely set up to fail, and not just in her past. She was thrown into the deep end of the pool with no swimming lessons and an anchor tied to her feet with this stupid evaluation. Only a moron takes a young civilian woman with no military training, puts them into a military situation, and expects them to know how to act. Marcus is said idiot, followed closely by the Colonel.
I sincerely hope that their is a point to this plot line.
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
Perhaps I should return to the beginning?
I really like the Tammy series but must say that she sure has more idiots in her life than I can imagine. I'm one of those damn Yankee Americans, so perhaps do not understand the UK Military at all, no, not one whit. Could it be that lots of the issues she is having are due to her being Trans?
Poor girl.
*sits in a dark corner and giggles maniacally*
quidquid sum ego, et omnia mea semper; Ego me.
alecia Snowfall
Ms Snowfall is giggling?
Be afraid. Be very afraid.
Something big?
Shiraz likes to play the long game, and both Tammy and Heather (accountancy can be deadly) have been caught up the problems in the intelligence services. Which is why she is in this predicament in the first place. I wonder if that infiltration also includes the military which is why she has been targeted. At least she has some friends in the team who will try to look ofter her.
Will there be a quiet investigation to find out who is behind her problems (those that she does not create for herself)?
Not Only The Military
I have never been in the armed forces but I can assure you that in fifty years in the business/commercial world I have seen many idiots and fools who have reached positions for which they have been eminently unqualified and they are very difficult to dislodge. Several times my only recourse was to quit and find another job.
That at least was an option that may not have been open to those in the military and nobody could throw me in the brig/glasshouse.
"So what next, Sir?"
that's a good question.
I am very confused,
In the previous chapter she had resigned, which given the runaround she was given this chapter seems like a very sensible idea. I suspect the story continuity is suffering due to two writers. It is not a fun read when this happens, you will know when I've stopped reading the story when I stop commenting.
Something else is going on here
Some of what happened in this chapter is similar to the incidents Tammy ran into during a previous secret training. Only this time Tammy isn't the one being set up to get the book thrown at them.
As they found out from the beginning, Tammy has an exemplary analytical mind. One that's able to take bits and pieces and fill in all the blanks.
The previous targets had to believe that Tammy was a loose cannon, someone who needed to be cashed out. This let others concentrate on acquiring proof which could then be used to hang their real target.
Someone is going after an officer and using Tammy to throw that officer off track so they don't realize they're being investigated. Tammy has the perfect record to be used as the distraction, and because of how she reacts.
That action in the cafeteria was deliberate set up to bring Tammy into focus of the officer at the heart of the probe. And they aren't telling Tammy she's again being used, only that she's supposed to be in retraining.
Kellie and Marcus are in the know, or Marcus being military, would have had Tammy outfitted properly to be on base.
Tammy is in for another rough time until the real purpose of her use has been dealt with.
Others have feelings too.
And just what did they expect from some sheltered rural kid with no to inadequate training in anything except ojt in international banking . Seems to me she did as well as she could. Including the old boy with the attitude
Very disappointing change of direction...
Firstly I have just read and really enjoyed the Tammy stories from the beginning to this point.
The first Tammy books were extremely well written, full of character, lots of intrigue and a well developed story with so much going on they were brilliant. Sadly due to the snowfall stuff these stories seem to be running down the well trodden, dull formulaic TopTrumps route of that universe. All the nonsense description of weaponry (YAWN,.... what is the point of that? Who cares if its a mark one or two SA80..... it adds nothing to the story)
Ok I know most people will disagree, but I find the inclusion of the snowfall universe stuff annoying. I've read Jess Wolfs Marshals books and they are fine in a way, but they always sound like an excited school boy running a commentary on a game of TopTrumps where the good guys always have the better cards and there is very little story (the last scene is always one of the team or an unknown relative turning out to be the world expert in fixing whatever mess they are in... ). I did not read the snowfall side story to the tammyverse, the over the top, moronic garbage spoken by the characters on the island at the start of the first chapter stopped me from reading that.
Rant over, ... there is still lots of good writing in this story I'm just disappointed that the sudden inclusion of the ridiculous pseudo super hero nonsense.
Tammy vs the rest
See comment from last chapter. It still doesn't look good. They still haven't acknowledged that she is a civilian in real life that they are going to toss into the deep end and expect her to react in certain ways. NOT!