Computer blues

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My computer is being muleish, and it took two tries to get it running this morning. Everything started but I had no icons along the bottom of the screen. (Win10). By clicking on a thumbnail for a word file, word still worked, so I assume that part of a startup file did not run.

This machine has been taking longer and longer to start, but I don't feel motivated to tinker with it. A couple years ago, one of the techs at the Microsoft store told me that my HD was dying but it has continued to run. I'll likely just use this machine until it is confirmed to be dead. That may happen today or ...

I have a brand new Dell Inspiron tower that I have not started and likely won't because I'm lazy and unmotivated. The only thing I know about computers I learned by force. I do not consider working on them to be a pleasurable hobby. I am not by any stretch of the word a geek. I like writing and that's it. I used to like Flight Simulator, but now I guess you have to buy an XBox to do that. The tech is advancing too fast for me.

So, anyway, if I am gone, it will be likely that I'm just muddling through starting the other computer.


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