best Solstice wishes

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So here we are, the mid point of the year, longest day, shortest night.

I know some people take this quite seriously and to you I offer felicitations of the day.

In a few minutes i'll be setting off for my weekend with bikes and tents, the weather is looking promising - well dry at least, the sun is currently shining so all is good.

Take care and enjoy the weekend



Looks at forecast of rain for whole weekend.

Your kidding right?

Just a fun pun as here in Winnipeg its going to be a rainy weekend, which really sucks as my friend and I were going to go out on water in kayak's or canoe and maybe fish or sail depending..

Bright Solstice

Bright Solstice to you too ! Have a great and SAFE ride!
Blessed Be.

Hopes candles on Tri-bars don't cause wrist burns

Hey Mads have fun cycling and camping, but a warning offered against trying to hold some candle solstice ritual on bikes or in tents both seem events that could have issues being crossed with candle light.

sticks tongue out at you.

-Fallen Leaf-

Longest Day

Daphne Xu's picture

Shortest night, the sun highest in the sky. Don't be fooled. This is far from the hottest time of the year. They call them the "dog days of August" and not the "dog days of June".

-- Daphne Xu (a page of contents)


Maddy Bell's picture

It's reached 20c here today so there! Flaming June is flaming at the moment.


Madeline Anafrid Bell