Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

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I’m sad. I’m very, very sad. I may have written and published my last chapter of “Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?” at least for now.

Why you ask? Life. In the past couple of weeks, school has let out for the summer, and our two grand-kids are with us two days a week. This isn’t a bad thing. We’ve had them here like this every summer for the past five or six years. And, they were here last summer, and work on Tommy went along as usual. But, now we’ve had some other things added to the mix. One of our sons has moved back in with us. Also, my wife’s health has declined.

And, I think my muse is feeling the stress of all of this and has taken a vacation. Because the idea factory has shut off.

I’ve been going back and rereading parts of Tommy in an attempt to jump-start my muse. We’ll see what happens.

I could have written a very lame final chapter, but in no way do I want this story to end that way. I also know if I completely stop now that I’ll leave a few loose ends. And, many sad readers. Not to mention me becoming more depressed than I am now. I love my two lead characters, and I’ll miss all of my characters.

I’m hoping that things will quickly straighten out and my muse will come home. I hope. I hope. I hope.



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