Where have I been?

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Well, just where have I been since January?

I had been working almost 7/7 on a long-term project that I've mentioned once or twice. This was impacting my home life but I couldn't see it at the time

Fortunately, I had a week away in early May and took my laptop with me, managing a few hundred words. A few weeks after that trip I finally worked out that the project I was involved with had taken almost all of my disposable time (and a fair chunk of income). This meant I had no time for writing, but also cut the time for housework, shopping and normal life. So, for the past fortnight I have put the project to one side to concentrate on *me*!

The household and family issues have taken a week or so to get back on track but I have now started reading again and have logged in here a few times since last weekend. Writing is going to happen but I can't make a promise when the next Tammy will appear - there could even be a short story in the meanwhile.

As a result of the changes, my physical health has improved a little (less alcohol and better food) but the biggest improvement has been to my mental health. I'm 'out' slot more and have great support from friends , including an invite to be a bridesmaid in September.

Then today, I was in the town getting some provisions (at a shop that mums go to) when I met with a lady who used to help on the same project. It seems my non attendance has been noticed but that wasn't an issue.

Then I had a message asking me to look after a beer delivery at a bar. I spent a few hours there cleaning the bar and kitchen, and got paid for my time. That'll help towards my hair appointment next week, going blonde again!



Welcome back

It's great to hear from you. I'm pleased that your life is a busy one and that many things are turning out well for you.

I'm also pleased at the prospect of more Tammy novels.

I've missed both of you.

Red MacDonald

Glad you're still with us -

Glad you're still with us - hope that your family is doing reasonably well also.

Don't worry about the stories. They'll come, or they won't.

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.


Maddy Bell's picture

Only get one shot at this life so make sure it's you that is the recipient of your endeavours. That sounds wrong, what I mean is, look after your needs, they should come before anything else. If they don't it's a steep and slippery slope into a place no one deserves to be in.
So write if you want to not because of needy fans, help out on this 'project' but don't let it run your life.

Take care


Madeline Anafrid Bell

Well done

Podracer's picture

in sorting the life imbalance, and thanks for checking in with us.
Wedding. Waterproof mascara.

Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."


so good to hear from you Shiraz, and not just because my Tammy obsession needs feeding. Keep well and look after yourself x