I don't know how this article from almost two years ago happened to get shared by a friend on facebook. It is from June 21, 2017 and fit in nicely with some of the themes here. https://www.indy100.com/article/shorts-dress-man-twitter-sen...
I hope this comes through readable, if not, it is about a fellow sent home for wearing shorts to work.
Initially read...
... "shorts-dress-man-twitter-sen..." as a man being sentenced, for wearing a short dress or dress shorts. Being sent home is definitely preferable to being sentenced.
-- Daphne Xu
Yes, that string of words could be a little misleading. Happily, nothing more happened to him.
Definitely happily.
Definitely happily.
-- Daphne Xu
School dress code
When one of my friends was in high school the principal decided to impose a uniform. It has been legal since 1996 for women to go topless in public in Ontario. She and her friends told the principal that if he imposed the uniform then they would change into the uniform top in front of the school entrance. And they would invite the press to take pictures.
The dress code was left unchanged.