Racing Angels -chp 26

Racing Angels

Webster’s dictionary defines Speed as the fallowing: the rate of change of position along a straight line with respect to time over a set distance. In other words, the quicker you can get from one place to another. The question is what do you, when your family has spent the last two generations in search of ways to accomplish this goal faster and faster. Would do you do when the family business is the search for more Speed. For Robert ‘Robby’ McGuire the answer is easy. You grab your sister and strap on a pair of Formula One racecars then go for broke.

Chapter 26
Thursday, Hockenheim, Germany

I start backing down on the power as I enter pit row. I’m still feeling a little bit off from the jetlag. Not that it’ll matter come Saturday morning. By then I’ll be more than ready for Qualifying. Wednesday’s redeye flight really took it out of me. I wanted to stay longer but my job, my passion, was calling me. Out there on the racetrack is where I belong.

Some people are happy working the land as farmers. Some find happiness driving the big rigs across our nation’s highways. Some find the thrill of making million-dollar deals at the Stock Exchange the ultimate challenge. Then there are those that wish to serve the public trust as police officers, EMTs, and Firefighters the ultimate reward. People like Kelly’s parents.

I could go on and on how people find their own way the world. Only that would be a bunch of bullshit. It’s why we have our heroes. I never really wanted to be a hero or sports star but that’s what I have become. I don’t have many very many skills but the one that sets me apart is only one that few people can exploit. A love of highspeed and fast reflexes. I put these thoughts out of my head as I pull into the garage area and shutdown the engine.

Danny gives me a hand to climb out of the driver’s cockpit. As I pull off my helmet, balaclava, and gloves I’m smiling. “I love the setup Chief Hailee. I almost thought that I was going to take flight on Parabolika. If that hairpin wasn’t at the end of that section of the track this baby would have taken off.”

“Well, whatever you do, remember that this track can get away from you. Remember kiddo, this track was created by Mercedes as a test track for their cars back in thirty-two. It may seem like we got the homefield advantage, but we don’t. Remember every team here is on equal footing. You blink wrong, and this track will eat you alive. I’ve seen it happen one too many times over the years. If you doubt me, just ask our sponsors.” Chief Hailee looked at the Mercedes-Benz delegation standing in our pit area.

“Hear you load and clear, Chief. Any word on those replacement gears for the transmission? I know that the ones we do have are starting to get more than a little worn out.” I don’t care how careful you are when driving. Wear and tear on the cars and their parts will sooner or later put you out of a race. We were already on our second set of gears for the transmissions and engines.

“They came in on the flight with you. Didn’t your mother tell you?” Chief Marks asked as he walked up.

“Are you two kidding me? The day my mother tells me something concerning the operations of these two teams is the day that people in hell get ice water. I swear her and dad keep more secrets about what goes on in the shop than the FBI has in the J. Edgar Hoover files.” I looked around the pit area out of habit for Kelly. “Damn, this is going to be three very long days.”

Both men chuckled at my bitching, but it was Chief Hailee who put things in perspective for me. “Just think of it as practice for married life kiddo. By the way. Why did you leave Kelly at home?”

“I guess you guys haven’t heard yet. We bought a place on the edge of the county. Around three-hundred-acres of land with a house, garage, stable, barns, and corral. We closed the deal on Tuesday morning. Kelly stayed home to arrange for the contractors and cleanup of our new home.” I explained with a bright smile. I liked the sounds of that last part. ‘Our new home.’

“Damn I must say that you girls are doing it up right from the start. When do you plan on moving in?” Chief Marks asked.

“Hopefully after our wedding in Auston.” I looked over at the hauler. “She has her uncle Steve covering the repairs on the barn, corral, and fences. Her uncle has another contractor coming in to handle the home repairs and any remodel work that has to be done.”

I chuckled as I thought about that conversation with Kelly. When we signed the final piece of paperwork and took possession of the property, I told her that she was staying home. She demanded to know why before we were even out of Vicky’s office. At first, she didn’t like the explanation but conceded to the facts of life. One of us had to stay home and keep an eye on the repairs and few renovations that we wanted done. As she was the one with the connections in the construction industry and I had to be behind the wheel of a racecar. That left the job to her.

Our first stop after closing on the house was with my accountant. There I setup a three-hundred-thousand-dollar budget to cover the costs of repairs and renovations. I also put aside another hundred-thousand-dollars for household expenses. Kelly thought I had lost my mind, until Tom showed us both my year to date income. I knew that I was making a butt load of money but not just how much. Kelly almost fell out of her chair when she saw the figures. Then again how many teenage couples do you know of that are worth 1.9 million US dollars. Between both of our salaries that is how much we’ve earned so far this year.

Our only worry was that Kelly would have to pay some kind of penalty if she didn’t show back up for the rest of the season. Mr. Dewey pointed out that there were ways around any of those annoying clauses. The biggest one being my contract overread just about everyone else’s on the team. So, if I didn’t want Kelly at certain races, she didn’t have to be there.

“Why isn’t her uncle Steve handling the work for you kids?” Chief Marks asked me with his head cocked. “I mean the man does fantastic work. He did the remodel over at the B.S. Middle school.”

“We offered him the remodel job for the house, but he turned it down. He did tell say that he would keep an eye on the other contractors for us.” I smirked. “I think he doesn’t want to be seen as taking advantage of his soon to be famous niece-in-law.”

“I hate to say this, but you two girls and your sister will have to take things like that into consideration from now on.” Chief Marks sighed as he looked over at where the fans where taking pictures of drivers testing their cars. “I’ll give you even odds that among those fans there is at least a few paparazzi. Paparazzi with a telephoto lens camera just hoping to get a juicy shot of a driver. You kids have already had to deal with their bullshit.”

“It’ll only get worse the closer it gets to your wedding date, Bobbie. We know that you and Kelly love each other like there is no tomorrow. We figured that you would eventually get married. We just figured that it would have happened next season. We were expecting for you girls to live together for a while first.” Chief Hailee explained with a sly smile. “But as usual you go and take the green light on us. Along with the race to the checkered flag.”

I just smirked and gave them both a lopsided grin. “It’s not my fault you two old goats can’t keep up with the changing track conditions. I just got to get to the starting line.”

“And just what is the ‘starting line’ daughter?” Mom asked as she walked into our garage area.

“The wedding altar in Auston, Texas.” I answered honestly. “I just hope that Kelly doesn’t get cold feet and leave me standing there with a stupid look on my face. While she goes looking for a black Trans AM headed east bound in her wedding dress.”

Mom, Hailee, and Marks busted out laughing at the visual I just gave them. Danny Hailee though just had to get in on the act. “It won’t matter what car she tried to run away in Speedy, not when you’re driving that Viper of yours. I doubt there is a street or rat racer in the south that can outrun you.”

“I don’t care what you guys ever call me. So long as it isn’t Smokey. The first one of you monkey wrenches that does I’m taking out you for a little race around the nearest track.” I told them.

“Bobbie, the only law enforcement agency that would accept you is the MPF girlfriend. I swear you have more in common with Max Rockatansky than any State Trooper alive does. All you need is the leather outfit and double barreled shotgun pistols.” Danny snarked as he ducked the rag that I threw at him.

Greg Smokes coughed into his hand. “Heads up Bobbie. COWWs incoming at nine o’clock and closing.”

I looked over my shoulder as mom gave him a dirty look. She wasn’t the only one to get upset with my pit crew over the term COWW. I mean I know that the wives of the Mercedes-Benz CEOs are a pain in my ass. That doesn’t mean that they deserve to be called Crazy Old White Woman. Not that I don’t agree with them. All four of the women are crazier than shit house rats in my book, but I played nice with them anyway. After all they do hold most of the purse strings to our little racing team, not their husbands.

With a smile I turn to face them as they enter the pit area. As usual Bertha Mercedes was leading the charge. “Roberta lieber wo ist diese Liebe Verlobte von Ihnen?”

As usual I just groan at the woman’s use of German around me. “Mrs. Mercedes, please use English. My German is nowhere near good enough yet to carrying on conversation. I can barely order a beer, sausage, and side order of french-fries. I am working on that I promise, that I really am doing my best.”

“It is alright Roberta. I know. I just get so excited when I get the chance to see you anymore. You and your lovely fiancée have done so much for our company.” The grandames of Mercedes-Benz gather round me. Each hugging me in welcome. When Bertha stepped back, she handed me off to the next person in line. Finally, with the greetings out of the way Bertha once again looked around the pit area. “Where is the lovely Kelly by the way? Should she not be here at your side?”

“Kelly will be flying in later tomorrow evening ma’am. She won’t be joining me for the next few weeks except for actual race days. Sorry. She needs to be at home overseeing the repairs and renovations to our new home.” I blushed as I explained the situation for the four powerful women.

“Then it is true. You girls purchased your first home. I hope that is one that will become a forever home for both.” Bertha told me with a smile. “Have you thought any more about our proposal for changing your wedding to be held here?”

All four women were giving me a strange look as Tony stepped over to explain mine and Beth’s situation. The reason the four women were giving me strange looks had me giggling. “Mrs. Mercedes, there is an old saying in the deep South of United States. Never screw with a Southern-Bell’s wedding plans. They tend to start wars over such things. Prominent Historians both in the US and around the world say that our Civil War was fought over slavery and rights of States, ladies. The truth of the matter is far scarier and much more personal than that. It seems that a Congressman from the State of Maryland insulted the bride of a wealthy Plantation owner’s son from South Carolina. This led to a duel that ended with the Congressman lying dead on the field of honor. Which in turn led to the outbreak of war to avenge his death and her honor. A war that last for four long bloody years.”

I watched as the bullshit Tony spun for the four powerful women drew them in deeper and deeper. The more that I watched and heard the more another old saying came to mind. The old saying of ‘If you can’t dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit’. I wasn’t the only one who was in the garage area who found the idea of a Civil War being fought over a wedding outlandish. Tony had both of our pit crews doubled over in hysterics.

Even the members of the Toyota team in the garage next door were having a hard time not laughing. Beth finally stepped over and punched him in the arm. “Enough already. Mrs. Mercedes please ignore everything that my fiancée just told you about our Civil War. That was nothing more than a line of bullshit.”

It took the four women a few seconds to realize what Beth was telling them. When they did instead of being pissed off as I feared they just laughed. Bertha Mercedes gave Tony a friendly smile. “Well played young man. That was quite the story you just told. Have you ever thought about writing those types of stories down? You have a knack to be a great author.”

“He has a few written down in his notebook. That was just one of them. The one that I love the most is a science fiction-love story set thousands of years in the future.” Beth blushed as she thought about that story for some reason. “But Bobbie and Tony do have one very important point about people messing with a Southern-Bell’s wedding though. They can and do get very nasty and extremely mean to the point of overprotective when it comes to their wedding-day dream plans. Some young ladies have even been known to send people to the hospital in fits of rage.”

The four women started chuckling at hearing this only to have mom cough to clear her throat. “Ladies, my daughters are not joking. If you should ever doubt this, you just need to google YouTube Southern-Bell Bridezillas.”

“Way to go mom! Just give them worst case examples of us!” Beth huffed as she crossed her arms under her breasts. “Mrs. Mercedes, trust me. That video is not a good example of a Southern-Bell.”

“Then what is Elisabeth? What would you say is a good example of these Southern-Bells?” Bertha asked her honestly.

“Anyone of the girls on our pit crews. It’s just there are just a few dreams that we all share and hold dear. The biggest one is the fairytale wedding that we’ve all dreamed about.” Beth gave me a glare that boarded on burn in hell. “We normally share them with our sisters. My problem is, I have a sister that lacks taste and imagination for thing outside of a race car.”

I just stuck my tongue out at her as the rest of the team chuckled. “I do not need imagination for my wedding. All I need to do is show up on time, wear something appropriate, then say ‘I do.’ Everything else is on Kelly. I would be happy with a Justice of the Peace and a courthouse wedding. I keep trying to get Kelly to elope. She just won’t go for it.”

To say that I just shocked the women of Mercedes-Benz was an understatement. The German was fast and furious as they discussed my threat of eloping. I watched as their faces filled with honor at the thought of Kelly and me eloping. The company had built up a whole campaign around us getting married. Sure, we had been able to keep the majority of control over how things went, but these four women were contentiously coming up with something new they would like to do for our wedding. I also just knew that was why they were in the garage area today. They had something new to bitch about. Something they wanted changed, added, or deleted.

“Relax, Mrs. Mercedes, we’re not going to elope. It’s an American joke about the heartburn surrounding weddings, and all the planning that goes into them.” I assured her with a smile. I watched as all four visibly relaxed at my assurance. “What can I do for you ladies today?”

“It is about the invitations to your girls’ wedding dear.” Bertha answered me with a smile. I saw that smile and smelled a rat. “We have concerns about some of the guests that you have invited.”

“May I know why you ladies have problem with our friends being there? I mean we’ve invited ALL the Executives for Mercedes-Benz. People that we barely even know. Originally, we only wanted a few friends and family to being with at our wedding. The current guest list is now over four-hundred.” I pointed out to them.

“We have no problems with your friends being there Roberta. We understand how important it is to young couples to celebrate such a momentous occasion with their friends.” Mrs. Maybach said stepping forward wearing the same rat-shit smile. “We only have a problem with a few of your friends attending.”

I turned to Danny Hailee, Jose Chamberlin, Will Hackney, Greg Smokes the four biggest snuff users on the pit crews. I held out my hand asking for my one vice when cornered and no place to drive. “Yo, guys! One of you got a Bandit?”

Jose Chamberlin pulled out one of his two tins and tossed it. “Keep the can, Bobbie. I got a feeling you’re going to need them.”

I opened the tin and placed one of the small poaches between my cheek and gum. I put the lid back on and tossed the tin back to Jose. “Thanks, but I only need the one, Jose.” I turned back to Bertha and the rest of the ladies. I was not happy. “Just who do you want us to remove from the guest list?”

The glare I gave the four women let them know that they were on thin ice. As I waited for their answer, I worked up a good wad of spit. Mrs. Maybach sighed as she finally answered my question. “It is these two car clubs Roberta. The ones from your hometown. Is there anyway we can get you to reconsider their invitations?”

“Mrs. Maybach, you do know that the Darlington Knights are your new NASCAR team, don’t you?” Beth asked the four women. At their blank looks sighed thankfully Beth was there for me. “That car club you have so blatantly dismissed is the newest part of the Mercedes-Benz racing industry and MRDI.”

“Und der other one? These Blue Demons, ja? They are not part of our team or MRDI. Why have you invited them?” Mrs. Jellinek wanted to know with more than a little heat. “Do you really want a bunch of ruffians at your wedding?”

Now, I was pissed. The tobacco juice that hit the floor was thick and heavy. The looks of disgust that graced the four Granddames of Mercedes-Benz was all I need to see. Yes, I know that it is a disgusting habit, but I had their full and undivided attention.

“Let me be perfectly clear ladies. Formula One maybe cocktail dresses, tuxedos, Champaign, and caviar, but this team along with its drivers are from the deep South. A place where college football is a religion, cotton is still the King, NASCAR rules on Sunday, and our drink of choice is an ice-cold beer. There will be no changes to the guest list. Kelly and I are the ones that decide who is and isn’t on that list.” I spit out another wad of juice.

I know that I just pissed in the old bats’ tea, but I really didn’t care. I was getting sick and tired of their meddling in mine and Kelly’s wedding plans. It was bad enough that we had to invite all those corporate suits to the engagement party and to our wedding to just appease these women. If it had been up to me, the only people at the engagement party would have been mine and Beth’s pit crews. I really need to talk with Kelly when she gets here tomorrow. Eloping is starting to sound better and better.

“Roberta, please understand our point of view.” Mrs. Maybach started off with trying to get in on the act. “We’re only looking out for your public image. You und Kelly are two of the faces for woman among Formula One racing. By having those unrefined people at your wedding could set women in the sport back by decades.”

Now I was really starting to get pissed. I needed to get out of the garage area and fast. I turned to Chief Hailee spitting out the Skoll Bandit pouch. “Chief is she refueled yet?”

“Give me five more minutes and she’ll be good to go Speedy.” Hailee turned to the guys in the pit crew. “Danny give her a hand getting strapped in. Move it people. We got one more practice run today, and I think our driver needs it.”

I glared at Mrs. Maybach as I put in my earbuds for my music and radio. Then pulled on my gloves and balaclava. “THEY may seem unrefined to you but to me they’re my friends. I grew up with people like them Mrs. Maybach. Salt of the earth people who will give you the shirt off their back when you’re in trouble. Please never insult them in that manner again.”

Danny helped me back into the cockpit of the car. Once there I connected and stuffed my iPod into the pocket of my leathers which I zipped upped. With my preparations for the test run done Danny handed me my helmet. I never looked back as I signaled Chief Hailee that I was ready and felt the engine fire-over. I shifted into gear and pulled out of the garage area. I kept my speed down as I headed down pit row. I hit the play button for my music just before I exited pit row. I just hoped something would come up on my playlist to help me calm down.

Back in the garage area.

Jewellianna Marry McGuire, Jewels to her friends, gave the four women a glare of pure pissed off, wet mad cat, anger. “You four better not be here when my daughter returns. Have you any idea of just how pissed off she is right now?”

“You have to understand our position here Jewels, please.” Bertha stated trying to defend their position. “They will have the eyes of the whole world on them. If there is even a hint of unruliness at their wedding it could come back to haunt our company. This purely a public relations matter decision. One that is made for their own good.”

“ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR FUCKING MINDS?!” Her screech was heard across the enter garage area. Jewels had been trying to keep her cool up until that point. Her scream was so load that it brought her husband running from the transport trailer with a heavy torque wrench in his hand. Robert ‘Bob’ McGuire had been turning wrenches his whole life. First as a 91-H wheel mechanic in the US Army then as his wife’s chief shop mechanic. To say that he was ready for a fight was an understatement of the century.

“Jewels what the fuck is going on? Where the hell is Bobbie’s car? Why are our pit crews standing around like someone pissed in their Wheaties?” When he didn’t get answers straight away, he looked over at the four Granddams of Mercedes-Benz. With a growl from deep in his chest that barely contained his anger. “I better start getting answers to my questions now, ladies.”

“Boss, I suggest that we get these ‘ladies’ out of our god damn garage area before Bobbie gets back from her last test run. These stupid bitches have been interfering with Bobbie and Kelly’s wedding plans for far too long.” Chief Marks took Bob by the arm. “Bob this is one time that I think we need to let Jewels handle the ass chewing. I think she just might get through their thick skulls just how bad they FUCKED UP!”

Bob McGuire yanked his arm free of the team’s senior mechanic before rounding on the four women. “If my daughter get’s herself killed out there because she’s pissed off. You better pray that my wife gets to your asses first.” Looking around the pit area. “At least tell me that Kathy or her mom is up on the spotter’s tower. If they’re not, then where is Joey?”

“Don’t worry Mr. McGuire. Both Kathy and Coach Hall are still in the nest. Joey is up there with them.” Tony answer Bob while never taking his eyes off the four very unwelcome women as he popped his knuckles. “As for what pissed Bobbie off. I’m surprised it took this long. If they were to even think of trying half the shit that they have with Bobbie and Kelly’s wedding with ours. Let’s just say that I will be busting heads and dislocating joints.”

“Jewels get a fucking handle on this shit now or I’LL be the one pulling the plug. Let them try to sue our asses. Last time I checked we haven’t completed the first season. That means we still have the option to pullout and signing with another team. An option that I have no problem exercising.” Bob McGuire was many things but stupid wasn’t one of them. When the contracts were first written up, he made sure that option was in the contracts. He knew that once his daughters started showing off their skills behind the wheel more than a few teams would want them.

As her husband spun around on his heel and stormed away Jewels turned to face the four women. “Ladies I suggest that we take this elsewhere. And I’m not talking about have this conversation anywhere near the garage or pit areas. I highly doubt that my team want you here right now.”

Jewels didn’t wait for their answer and just headed off to find a nice out of the way place to chew their collective asses. Once they were outside of the garage area Jewels stopped. “We need a private conference room. Do you know where I can find one please?”

“I’m sure that we can use the one underneath the Mercedes-Benz grandstand Jewels. I believe that will fit our needs.” Bertha huffed. The old woman didn’t like where this was going. Mainly because she wasn’t in control.

Jewels just nodded her, turn on her heel, and marched toward the mentioned grandstands. While the walk wasn’t long it was made in silence. For the four granddames of Mercedes-Benz being told that they had no business interfering in Bobbie’s wedding was unacceptable. To be ordered out of the garage wasn’t something they had expected. Jewels though had far more going with her anger than just the wedding bullshit. And it was all revolving around Bobbie’s reaction in the pits.

Once they were alone in the conference room Bertha felt that she should take charge. “Now see here Jewellianna. Enough is enough. Why haven’t you just sat young Roberta down and told her how things are done? She just needs to accept that we know what is best. That we are just doing what is best for her career and our business.”

Jewels’ ear-piercing whistle cut through the room. When the four women finally looked at Jewels she snarled. “You four really don’t have any clue as to fucking who you’re trying to deal with. Don’t you realize you cannot force either of my daughters to do anything they don’t want to do. Especially when it comes to Bobbie.”

“Just what is so damn important about her wedding that she won’t compromise with us in the planning?” Mrs. Maybach demanded.

Jewels took a deep breath and forced herself to relax. “You four really don’t understand, do you? Until three years ago Roberta never expected to live to see her eighteenth birthday. She never expected to find someone to love. She never expected to EVEN get the chance to be planning her wedding. For the love of God. She never even dreamed of being a professional driver. All she knew was death would soon come for her. She lives in fear of the day that she will be told that her cancer has returned. She knows that we all die sooner or later. Some sooner than expected and there is nothing we can do to change that fact. Unfortunately, she was reminded of this cold harsh truth twice in the last few months. First in Spain, and then again just before Silverstone.”

“I thought you said that her cancer is cured?” Bertha snapped.

“IT’S in REMISSION, Bertha! There is no CURE!” Jewels screamed at the woman before forcing herself to calm back down. “A very dear friend of Bobbie’s finally succumbed to her own battle with cancer just before we arrived in Silverstone. The girl’s cancer had returned after three years of full remission. Before the doctors spotted the signs, it was too late for Lisa. That child died never really having a chance to truly live beyond her teens. Never knowing the warm embrace of a man as a grown woman. Or what it means to hold one’s own baby. Bobbie lives with that fear.”

“Does she at least undergo routine checkups?” Bertha asked kindly.

“Once a month when we’re home. Why do you think we fly home at every chance we get? It’s so Bobbie can see her oncologist at every opportunity. Something that her father and I pay for out of our own pockets. There is no need for you or the other sponsors to get involved over. This is a very private family matter.” Jewels sighed. “Why do you think Bobbie pushes herself so hard out there? It’s so she can feel alive.”

“Excuse me Jewels, but that doesn’t make sense. If she is so driven to live her life, her way. Then why does she court death like she does out there on the racetracks?” Maybach questioned.

“Because Bobbie knows that life is too short to live in fear.” Even deep under the grandstand the five women could hear the scream of the engines as the cars roared by. “Out there on that track is the only place that Bobbie truly feels alive. That last car that just passed the grandstands. That sound is not the sound of a driver trying to find the right balance for the race. That ladies, is the sound of a driver trying to outrun their own anger.”

“Why is Roberta so angered with us, Jewels?” Bertha finally asked.

“You all think that what all you have suggested for the wedding as being prudent for her career. Your problem here is, in her eyes, you’re telling her how to live her life. Those people that you have so bluntly classified as hooligans are Bobbie’s friends. That entire guest list was supposed to be made up of nothing but her and Kelly’s friends. People that stood by her during the worst of the cancer as it ate way her hopes and dreams. You four telling Bobbie that her friends aren’t welcome is something she’ll never stand for. Neither will Kelly.” Jewels explained in simple terms.

“Is there any way that we can apologize for our over exuberance in trying to help the girls?” Bertha asked kindly.

“First, you’re going to pray that Bobbie calms down enough out there to not drive herself into a wall. Second, you’re going to forget about any ‘suggestions’ you’ve made for the girls’ wedding. Third, you’re going to find some way to apologize to the girls in front of everyone at the engagement party for your behavior.” Jewels fixed them all with an ice-cold stare. “Lastly, you will stay out of the pit area and garage areas for the rest of this season. Your presence has caused more heartburn that any team should have to deal with. Do I make myself absolutely clear?”

The granddames of Mercedes-Benz acquiesced to Jewels’ demands. They knew that they had pushed matters too far with Bobbie. They also knew that if they wanted to keep this very skilled and most of all, vaunted team they needed to do what Jewels wanted. For Bertha above all this was a bitter pill to swallow. For years the Formula One teams had been her personal little project. She had been the one that controlled how the teams operated. But when it came to the MDRI she had little or no control at all.

“Ladies I do have one more suggestion before we leave this room. Remember that clause in our contract. There are ten more races this season. We currently hold two of the top three positions in the drivers’ race, and the top position in the manufactures race. Should we pull out now your company gets a major public relations blackeye.” Jewels felt she should play one of the teams’ trump cards. Jewels’ reputation for never showing her whole hand when dealing in business was starting to show. “Now, if you’ excuse me I still have a race to get ready for on Sunday. And a future daughter-in-law to pick up.”

“We thought that Kelly wasn’t arriving until Saturday?” Bertha asked with more than a little surprise.

“She’s coming in this afternoon. Kelly wants it to be a surprise for Bobbie. She wants to be waiting for her in their hotel room when she gets done with practice and the test runs.” Jewels smiled. “This is one surprise I’m keeping.”

Out on the track.

I just powered down the front straightaway entering Nord Kurve as Scorpions’ Dynamite began to play. As the music filled my ears and soul, I knew that I was on thin ice. I was letting my anger drive me to push my car to the edge. I knew that I was in a dangerous mental state just then. One that could very well get me killed out here. Hockemhiem wasn’t like other tracks. This one had a nasty habit of reaching out and bighting someone in the ass.

It was a bigger snake in the grass than I was on the backroads of Darlington County. I swear Hockenheim is a real rattlesnake. One that is pissed off and ready to strike at the first mistake. I’m forced to give the track my undivided attention. Even in my anger I don’t fail to respect this track.

As I near turn 2, I hit my brakes and down shift into second gear. I work my way back up through the gears as I work my way through the first of three chicanes. I hit third gear in turn 3, and fourth gear in turn 4. As I exit turn 4, I hit the first DRS zone.

My exit off turn 4 onto the long winding straightaway of Parabolika lets me know that I just entered the second section of the track. I push the car as hard as I dare. That nasty righthander Hairpin of turn 6 comes out of nowhere. I dive hard for the inside curb hitting the brakes and down shifting to first gear. I exit the Hairpin I head for turn 7 and the Mercedes grandstands. As I barrel down the short straightaway from turn 7 towards the grandstands, I fight to keep from drifting through turn 8. I exit turn roaring away from the grandstands into the turns of 9-10-11. The left, right, right, chicane forced me to slow down but not enough to worry about the long run.

As I exit turn 11 onto the straightaway lets me know that I entered the last section of the course. I’m more than halfway through the course on my seventh lap and my anger is finally starting to wane. I hit turn the righthander of turn 12 like I own this track. I reenter the stadium area. I can already see that the stands have a few fans in them watching us practice. I hit the brakes and down shift for turn 13 heading for the final chicane. Turns 14, and 15 are a quick left-right combo that allows you to start picking up speed. I smile as turn 16 comes into view. It’s wide enough to do it and I have enough speed. I drop down to fourth gear and let my ass end slide out. I drift through the turn to the cheers of the gathered fans. I round the final turn of the course hitting the start/finish straightaway when I feel a funny vibration coming from the rear of the car.

“Chief Hailee I’m bringing her in. I think something is letting go in either the engine or transmission.”

“Any idea of which Bobbie?”

“None. All I got is a vibration. And one that is getting heavier by the second.” I was really braking hard and downshifting for all I was worth. There was no way I was going to plow in during a test run. Not after all the work I’ve put in over the last few days. Hell, I wasn’t going to endanger all the team’s hard work.

I had just entered pit row when the left rear tire came off. It dropped the car on the ground hard enough to damage the frame. I was able to get the car stopped in short order. I was already climbing out of the cockpit as my pit crew rushed to where the car now rested. It didn’t take them long to get one of the wreckers to help with the recovery of my car.

As I stood off to one side removing my helmet and gloves, I was pissed. Chief Hailee and Marks were already calling for the ‘crash carts.’ I knew that they would have my car up and ready for tomorrows test runs by COB. I looked over at my dad as he walked up to me. “Sorry, about the car dad.”

“Don’t worry about the fucking car, Speedy. Are you okay?” Dad asked me bluntly. “And don’t give me your old standby bullshit answer of ‘being a duck on the water’ either.”

“Really dad I’m fine. I got the car slowed down fast enough that I was able to control the drop. The second I felt that vibration I started shutting her down. What I want to know is what broke?” I know it sounded stupid, but it was a valid question.

“I got a feeling that it something let go in the differential. That or the final driveshaft snapped. Tell me about the vibration, baby girl. Was it heavy and low, or light and high? The usual shit.” I loved it when dad wanted me to explain how shit felt to me when I drove. He didn’t want the technical bullshit like mom. He wanted me to use my feelings to describe how the car reacted.

“It came out of nowhere dad. It hit hard and fast, it felt like I was sitting in the last car on the Rock-n-Roll rollercoaster as it rounded one of the steeper turns. Up until I rounded turn 17 everything was going fine. I think it might have been my fault dad. I was showboating out there on turn 16. I pulled a full drift through the corner for the fans. It doesn’t make sense though. The second that I poured on the power the transmission and engine responded like they were new.” I had been looking down at my feet in shame but looked back at dad as he put his arm around my shoulder. “Dad I must have pulled that drift a thousand times over the years. I know that I’ve done it over two hundred times on Formula One tracks around the world. Nothing like this has ever happened before. Why now?”

“Bobbie, honey, I think that there is something else going on here, more than just abnormal wear and tear. You said it felt like you were in the last car of the Rock-n-Roll during one of the steeper turns. Was that with or without the seat-bar down? Where you in the center or off to one-side?”

I thought about what dad was asking. “The bar was down and locked. I was in the center. And the padding on the safety bar was worn. Does that help you?”

“It does. Was there any shaking before the rear wheel let go? If there was how heavy was it?” Dad asked me.

“Now that you point it out. Right after I got onto pit row there was a sharp and sudden shaking just before the rear wheel let go. As for how heavy it was, I really can’t say. I was too busy trying to keep the car out of the safety wall and other garage areas. I didn’t want some other team bitching me out for destroying their car. There is something else. As I was entering pit row, I thought I heard a sudden high-pitched whine coming from the area of the transmission. I wouldn’t place bets on that though.” I blushed as I had to admit to my shortcomings.

“If you say that you thought that you heard a high-pitched whine. Then I believe you, Bobbie. Like your sister you’re more aware of your car than just about any other driver I know. You girls get out there and do things with my cars that takes my breath away. I’m not the only to have seen this either, Bobbie.”

I was now blushing from my hair to clear down to under the collar of my Nomex long johns. “What do you mean dad? I’m just a driver. What you and mom do is the real magic. Me, and Beth just show that magic to the rest of the world.”

“Bobbie I can sit down take the designs your mother dreams up and turn them into reality. Between the two us of us can design, build, and fuel those car designs. What we cannot do is take those designs and make them perform to their peak. You girls go out there, it doesn’t matter which track, and turn our cars into the speed demons they’re meant to be.” Dad explained.

“Dad we’re lucky, that is all. The luck of the Irish, you know. We each have our own set of skills that we bring to the game. Beth has an analytical mind that breaks down these tracks faster than anyone I know. I can tell you what needs to be done to the cars by the second lap to turn them into winners. I ‘feel’ my way around every track.” I figured that I needed to put things into perspective for my dad before I covered the next topic. “By the way dad. I’m sorry about what happened in the garage area earlier. I know that the garage is no place for that kind of shit. I promise to not let it happen again.”

Dad sighed. “Bobbie, you and Kelly should have come to me and your mother weeks ago. This shit should never have reached the point where it did. Look kiddo, I know that you want to handle your own problems. Be an adult about handling your own affairs and problems. Just don’t forget that we your parents are here for you girls, and we do know more than just cars.”

I had to chuckle at that. It was the same advice the Dan and Carol had given us. “I hear you dad. Still I shouldn’t have blown my top like. McGuire’s don’t air their dirty laundry in public. I hope that the COWWs didn’t cause you and mom any problems.”

“Don’t worry about it, Bobbie. As for the Crazy old white women, let’s just say that your mother showed her claws and fangs just after you left the garage. It was good thing too. I was more than willing to give them an introduction to my favorite ‘attitude adjustment’ wrench. I would have really hated having to replace that torque wrench. I just got the rubber on the grip broken in good. It’s nice and comfortable in my hands. I can get just the right amount of torque on a problem nut to break it lose.”

I couldn’t help it I started laughing. I could see it now. My mom in full blown mama bear mode defending her cub. My dad reverting back to his days as an Army 91-H wheel mechanic ready for a fight. It must have been a real shock to the Granddames to be faced with such a husband/wife team. When push came to shove my parents were not above a knock-down-drag-out pit row Redneck fight.

We were interrupted by Chief Hailee and Marks walking up to us. The two men each had a final drive rod in their hands. I took one look at the gear teeth and knew that we had a massive problem. So did dad. “Talk to me guys. How bad is it?”

“Not as bad as we would have expected. Though we can rule out sabotage. This is a case of simple metal fatigue. We’ve got the replacement parts so that is no big deal. That’s the good news. The bad news is we’re going to need at least eight to ten hours to get the repairs done on both cars.” Chief Hailee told dad.

“Why both cars, Chief Hailee? Mine’s the only that’s down.” I pointed at where it now sat in the garage area.

“If your final drive rods are in this shape then so is your sister’s. We need to rebuild the ass end of both cars before you take them out again. And most definitely before the race.” Chief Marks answered for both me and dad.

My dad looked down at me. “Take off Speedy. Tell your mother that I’ll be working late. Have her send us some brats and beers down from the hotel. Get enough for the whole team. I got a feeling that it is going to take all of us to fix this mess.”

“Sure, thing dad. I’ll take care of everything myself. Do you mind if I stop by the trailer before heading up? I need to change.” I really didn’t want to wear my leathers back to the hotel despite the fact that I had my own rental car.

“Sure, go ahead. And be careful.” With that order I knew my day was over.


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