Racing Angels -chp 25

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Racing Angels

Webster’s dictionary defines Speed as the fallowing: the rate of change of position along a straight line with respect to time over a set distance. In other words, the quicker you can get from one place to another. The question is what do you, when your family has spent the last two generations in search of ways to accomplish this goal faster and faster. Would do you do when the family business is the search for more Speed. For Robert ‘Robby’ McGuire the answer is easy. You grab your sister and strap on a pair of Formula One racecars then go for broke.

Chapter 25
Saturday, Darlington, SC

I woke to the sound of my phone ringing. I fumbled to find it on my nightstand as I forced my eyes to focus on the alarm clock. When I saw the time, my mood went straight to the red line bitch mode. I snarled out. “Whoever this is better be fucking dying or in need of severe fucking medical attention.”

“Sorry but is this Roberta McGuire?” The voice asked.

“Yes, it is. Now, start talking.” I snapped.

“Um… yes, I’m with Hartwell, Hartwell, and Lowe attorneys. We represent the Green family. My name is David Kent.”

I sighed. “Mister Kent do you have any idea of what time it is? If you don’t let me point out that I’m not an agreeable person at six in the fucking morning. You have to the count of ten to start making sense. After that I’m hanging up.”

“Oh, my I didn’t realize the time deference was so much. I thought it would be closer to ten am there.” The man said. That got my attention and give him a little more leeway.

“Mister Kent, just where are you calling from?” I asked out of politeness more than curiosity.

“London, England Miss McGuire. I apologize for waking you. If I had realized the time deference was greater than what I thought, I would have waited tell later this afternoon before contacting you.” I could tell the man really was sorry.

“Okay, Mister Kent you have my attention. Now what can I do for you at this hour?” I really did want to know. “You said you represent the Green family. Who are they sir?”

“Ah yes to the point. Just like most young Sports stars, I see.” The man’s condescending tone almost got the phone hung up in his ear. “This concerns the two-hundred-eighty acres that you place a bid on there in Darlington county.”

That real got my attention. “I know that I made an offer on some property here in my home county sir. What I want to know is how did you come by this information?”

“The property is owned by the Green family. Our firm handle all of the Green family’s business in the US. That property you are interested in is one of the Green family investments.” I wasn’t liking where Kent’s explanation was going. I also wondered why he was calling me directly and not Vicky. I smelled a rat.

“Then why aren’t you talking with Mrs. Taylor over at Taylor Realty? If you really are a lawyer you should know that you have to contact her in the first place, Mister Kent.” I figured that I would cut the bullshit.

“I was given exact instructions concerning that property by our clients to contact you directly Miss McGuire. The Green’s wish to handle negotiations directly. Just between us and you.” I could tell that something was smelly. And it didn’t smell like pancakes.

“Just what were these instructions sir?” I figured I could get a little more out of the man. Before I told him to piss off.

“First they want to know if the offer you made was a legitimate one. If so, are you open to negotiations on the lake? And lastly if not, what is your upper limit?” I could tell that Kent was fishing for information. Why I didn’t know or care.

“Sir, I suggest that you contact our Realtor Vicky Taylor for that information. Oh, and never contact me directly again. You do and I’ll have your ass on a silver platter.” I was now pissed.

“Miss McGuire please wait.” I stopped just short of the off button. “I really do represent the Green family. They are one of England’s most prominent families. The property you wish to purchase is currently owned by the Green family. They’re trying to rid themselves of that property. Due mostly to back taxes.”

“Okay buddy-boy you got my attention. Only someone who knew the taxes situation of the property would be trying so hard to keep me on the line. Now, that that’s out of the way this is what is going to happen. We’re gong to wish each other a good morning then hang up after you leave me your number. Then after I have checked you out, I might call you back at noon my time. Not noon your time, but mine. You want to work this deal privately that is what has to happen. Do we have an accord?” I know that I was being pissy but you try being friendly when you first wake up.

“Done. Have a good morning Miss McGuire.” With that the phone went dead and I went back to sleep.

I woke two hours later a little after eight. I quickly took care of my morning toiletries and dressed for the day. I didn’t feel like running today. Besides I needed to get with Kelly this morning. I dressed in my usual jodhpurs, blouse, and knee-high boots with low heels. I headed down stairs and grabbed some cereal and milk for breakfast. Mom left a note on the counter that she and dad would be at the shop all day and Joey was with them.

As I ate, I called Vickey and told her about my early morning conversation with Kent. She told me that she would double check this Kent guy and the so-call lawyers out for us. After I hung up, I sent a fast text to Beth letting her know that I had to pick her up at eleven and we needed to be over at Vicky’s office by noon. As I sat there eating, I wondered where Beth was this morning. That question was answered as I put my dirty bowl and glass in the dishwasher.

“Damn sis, what did you do spend the night out?” I asked as she stumbled in blurry eyed. She definitely had the fresh fucked look down pat. The only thing that was missing was her soiled panties hanging out of her purse.

“I spent the night over at Tommy’s.” She answered with a grin as she pored herself a cup of coffee. “Bobbie, I know that you talked with Kelly about getting your own place. Who did use?”

That got my attention. I looked over at her and smiled. “So, he finally asked you to set a date? So, when is it?”

“After the season is over. We really want to get married here in Darlington. Tommy wants to have as small of wedding as possible.” She gave me sly smile. “We don’t want the old bats getting in on ours the way they did with yours and Kelly’s.”

I sighed and hugged Beth. “Trust me I know what you mean. I swear it has taken everything Kelly and I have to keep them out of our wedding plans. If it wasn’t for us agreeing to the engagement party in Germany, they won’t have backed off.”

“By the way why you up so early? I mean it is Saturday. I’ve never seen you up this early except for Qualifying. Are you going, somewhere important?” Beth asked smiling.

“I got a call from some asshat claiming to be an English Lawyer at six this morning.” Beth flinched at hearing this. She knew that I was not and never have been a morning person. “He claimed that he represented the owners of the property we want to buy.”

“Wait a minute. Shouldn’t he be contacting your Realtor instead of you? I mean there is a law about doing that right?” she asked in me in rapid succession. “By the way, why are you using Vicky Taylor? Why didn’t you used Tommy’s dad? I mean he has his Realty license. I’m sure he could have gotten you a good deal.”

“We didn’t use your fiancé’s dad for one reason. The possibility of insider trading or whatever they call it.” I told her honestly. I know that Beth wouldn’t have thought of that. “Sorry, sis but I couldn’t let him be seen as showing favoritism towards me. You and Tommy is one thing. As you two are family. Me and Kelly are just future in-laws and possible advertising persons for his business. I mean you and I are world famous Formula One drivers.”

“Damn girl, you really have thought about all this shit when it comes to our careers as drivers. Anything else you want to let me in on? I know that you’ve put more thought into it than I have.” I couldn’t believe what I was just hearing from Beth. She actually wanted my advice.

“I really don’t know right now sis. Wait a minute. Have you gotten a Personal Accountant yet? If you haven’t, I suggest that you do. I setup mine up right after Melbourne.” I didn’t know if she had or not. “Also, I know it sounds gruesome but have you, setup a will yet? I took care of that yesterday.”

“Got both of those taken care of already Bobbie. Did that after the wreck in Spain. Tommy was kind of persistent that I tick off those two things after that wreck. Not that I blame him. He refused to let me declare him as my beneficiary for any of my insurances policies or put his name in my will. He really does love me for me.” Beth assured me with a smile and hug. I was a little suspicious of Tommy when he first started dating Beth. I thought he was out for her money. Not anymore.

“I love you Beth, but I really have to be going.” I gave her a hug and headed for the door with purse in hand. “Why don’t you call me later. I’ll see if Kelly wants to double with you guys. Say dinner at Billy’s Big Barn for pizza?”

“Sounds good Bobbie. I’ll call you later around three to setup the time to meet. Right now, I need more sleep.” With a wave and yawn Beth headed upstairs to go back to sleep.

I just chuckled as I walked out into the garage. I stepped around Beth’s Charger and over to my Viper. I rubbed my hand over the fender and across the hood as I walked down the side to the door. I thought back to Thursday afternoon as I took my new car for a test drive. Five laps total around the Lady in Black. I was able to put down an impressive 166 mph during my second lap and a 177 mph by the time of my fourth lap. To say I was impressed by the handling and speed of the car would be an understatement.

I knew that I would own the roads of Darlington county with this beauty. Now I just needed to find her name. I thought about calling her Black Beauty but figured that was just too girly for this monster of a car. There was no denying her beauty. It was in her bodylines. There was no denying her power as it was in the rumble of her engine. I needed to find a name that bespoke to both of these amazing features. I pulled out my phone as I climbed behind the wheel and closed the door.

I hit the google translate app and set it to give me four translations. “Google, translate beautiful power.”

Bleep! “Italian bella potenza.” Bleep! “Norwegian vakker kraft.” Bleep! “Spanish hermoso poder.” Bleep! “German Schöne Kraft.”

“Damn none of those are worth a shit. I wonder what Latian would sound like? Google what is the Latain tranlation for beautiful power?” I ask aloud as I starter the engine.

My phone beeped faster than I expected it to. “Latin translation tenebris pulchritude.”

“Nope still not quite right. Google alternate translations Latin.” I called out hoping for a different translation. I got one. ‘Pulchra potestatem’ this one I liked but the sound wasn’t just right yet. “Google translate snake killer in Latin.”

This time I knew that I had the right name. Bleep! “Interfectorem anguis.” That was all I need to hear. I had my name for my Viper. I let a small smile grace my face as I put Interfictorem Anguis into reverse and backed out of the garage.

I reached over and turned on the radio that was installed by Sally and Car Art Interiors. I know that it isn’t the factory original and don’t really care. I would rather have this one than that piece of shit that came with the car. I tuned in our local ‘classic rock’ station, 104.3 wgtr ‘the Gator’.

As I pulled onto the street my phone rang. I stopped and hit the hands free. “Hello?”

“Hey baby. You on your way over?” It was Kelly.

“Yup. Should be there in about twenty minutes. You ready to go?” I asked her quickly as I signaled to make the turn.

“Just about. Can you stop and pick up a gallon of milk for us? Mom said she’ll pay you back when you get here.”

“Sure. I got to pass the Granger’s on the way. That okay?” I know that most people don’t like the milk from there is the only reason why I asked. I can’t tell the difference. I mean it all comes form the same cows, right.

“That’ll be fine baby. See you when you get here. Be careful.” She hung up after that and chuckled.

“I swear that girl is going to drive me crazy with her phone calls. Then again of the people I know she is the only one that can put up with my crazy assed lifestyle. I drive at over one-hundred miles per hour for a living. Tempt death for twenty-two weekends of the year. Not to mention the weekday practices and other test-runs on tracks all round the world.” I sighed as I pulled to a stop at a traffic light. “God, I hope we’re doing the right thing by getting married.”

Seven blocks later I pulled into the parking lot for Grangers Grocery. After parking I headed inside to find Kelly and her parents the milk, they asked me to get. Everything was going fine until I reached the check outline. That’s when all hell broke loose. I was swarmed by excided autograph seekers. It took me close to fifteen minutes before I was finally able to get out the store. Another ten to twelve to reach my car.

As I was pulling out of the parking lot, I breathed a real sigh of relief. “I don’t care what Kelly wants. From now on there is no way in fucking hell that I’m going near that place again.”

It only took me ten minutes to reach Kelly’s once I was on the streets. As I pulled into the Ringwald’s driveway, I spotted both of her parents’ cars. “Strange. They should be at work by now.”

I was greeted by Kelly’s dad at the door. “Morning Mister Ringwald. I thought that you had the shift today?”

“Nope. Both Carol and I have the next two days off.” At my puzzled and very confused looked, Dan explained. “When we traded shift days to be off when you girls first got home it moved our normal workdays around for the next month.”

“Um… Mister Ringwald, could you answer a question for me?” I asked him politely. Dan just nodded his head. “I never really understood the way your shifts work. Could you explain that for me?”

“The main reason behind Carol’s and mine shifts is simple. Burnout from over work. See, we put in twenty-four-hour shift days. By law we have to have the next forty-eight-hours off. We end up working one day on and two days off that way. Now, next month when I transfer over to the River Rescue Squad, I’ll be going to a one-three work schedule. As will Carol at that time. She passed her Lieutenant’s exam. She’ll be in charge of one of the other boats.” Dan Ringwald was smiling the whole time. “Don’t worry we’ll be there for your girls’ wedding.”

“Thanks for answering my question sir. Can you answer another question for me? This one is about Kelly’s feelings towards owning land. When we were in Vicky’s office Kelly asked about mineral and water rights. She got really hot over that. What was all that about?” I tried to ask Kelly about it the other night, but she just shut me down. She wouldn’t talk about whatever it was that haunted her. I knew that it had something to do with what had happened to a few of the farmers in the area in the 70’s.

Dan sighed. “Back in seventy-eight my brother, Kelly’s uncle Rick, was a cotton, corn and soybean farmer over in Clarendon Country. He’s my older brother and had inherited the family farm. Then around about the time Kelly was ten or eleven Rick lost the farm to some corporate suit monkeys.”

“What happened?” I was really interested in hearing the full story behind this. I mean this is something I had never heard before.

“Rick needed to drop a new well for water on his back forty. About one-ten, one-twenty, he hit the Black Creek sand aquifer. The problem was these suite monkeys claimed that he was intruding on the Black Creek Natural Water bottling company’s water rights.” I looked over at Dan in shock. “Yup, you heard me. BCN stole my family’s farm. They didn’t need guns to do the job. Just a bunch of fucking lawyers and a court of law. They ground my brother down claiming he failed to file for the water rights on that part of the family farm. Which sadly he had failed to get the needed permits for that well. That was all the greedy bastards needed.”

“Damn. I thought that you didn’t need a permit to put in a well?”

“Sadly, you do. Even here in the farm areas of the South Carolina. It is one of the reasons why lawyers are always involved in realty deals. To ensure that all permits, taxes, and leans are cleared before closing. Also, that there is no contest to mineral or water rights for those properties.” Dan explained.

Talk about getting a fast and nasty education in the world of real estate law. “I think I already figured that one part out. I had some joker call me from England this morning claiming to be the lawyer for the owners of the property we’re looking at. I gave the poor bastard an ass chewing for waking me at six am.”

“Good Lord! Who in their right-mind would dare to contact you on a day off at six in the morning? I mean they would have to have death wish or something. Everybody knows how you are until you have your first cup of coffee and breakfast.” Kelly giggled then held up her hands as if they were claws and growled. “I’m not even that brave and I’m sleeping with you.”

“Some jackass by the name of Kent. The stupid ass didn’t take in the time difference between London and here. That’s why we need to be over at Vicky’s at noon.” I gave her a lop-sided grin. “Don’t worry. I already contacted Vickey and gave her a heads-up.”

“That explains the text. Did the numb nut at least give you an idea why he was calling? Or did you just bight his head off and hang up on his ass? Did you at least greet him politely?” As usual Kelly was in her rapid-fire question mode. I thought she run out of breath before getting all of her questions out.

I gave her a loving look and then answered her questions with single word answers. “Yes. No. Maybe.”

Dan and Carol just chuckled as Kelly stuck her tongue out at me as I smiled. “Okay smartass. I’ll give you time to answer.”

“Thankyou, dear. Yes. Mister Kent told me that he was the legal representative for the family that owns the land that we’re looking at. He was calling to find out if our offer was firm and if we were open to negotiations. No. I didn’t just bight his head off and hang up on him, but it was close. As for being polite with him that is up for debate. You know how I am at that time in the morning. For me I was very polite.” I blushed over that last part.

Carol wrapped me in a warm and forgiving hug before she pushed me towards the table. “It’s okay Bobbie. We all know how you are when you first wake up. You’re bad, but not as bad as some people we know. Take Dan’s old Station Captain, Bill Martin.”

“Lord, now there is a real bear first thing in the morning. It’s a good thing Bill isn’t a Paramedic. The man lacks all social skills of any type. He can command a fire station with no problem but don’t ask him to handle a crying baby or hysterical woman. He goes completely braindead.” Dan chuckled.

“Um… how did he ever pass his exams? I mean he has to have some skills long those lines. Doesn’t he?”

Dan gave me a sly smile. “He learned to work around his weaknesses long ago, Bobbie. He always has at least one female Paramedic or firefighter on his crews. Just to handle those types of situations. Just as you have specialized people on your pit crew, Bill did the same thing on his crews.”

I just nodded my head at how the Fire Captain found his work-around. It all made perfect sense to me. Dan and Carol smiled as I put two and two together and came up with the correct answer. Kelly though was looking at her parents in confusion. “Okay what am I missing here mom?”

“Dear, our Captain has all the subtlety of a bull on roller-skates in a china shop when dealing with the public. Much like Bobbie here. She may look all sweet and innocent on the outside, but underneath is a boiling volcano waiting to blow at the drop of a hat.” Carol gave me a sad smile. “Sorry Bobbie but it is the truth. We’ve always known about your temper. The only time you ever let it out though is on the track or in a rat-race.”

At my dirty look Dan just chuckled. “That is why no one has ever brought it up around you. It’s also why we’ve never had a problem with you dating our daughter, Bobbie. Your self-control is one of your greatest strengths. One that Carol and I respect greatly.”

“I won’t say that sir. I keep losing control on the track. I fight to keep myself from going over the edge with each race.” I know that I can be honest around Kelly’s parents.

“Kiddo, that is one thing that I doubt will ever be a real problem for you.” Carol placed her hand on my shoulder and gave it a light squeeze. “You know your limits. I don’t think too many of the other drivers that you race against know just how close you take things to the edge. Yet, you always pull back just before crossing the line. We’ve watched your races on TV. We can tell when you’re pushing the outer edge of your control.”

“Carol is telling you the truth Bobbie. More than a few of the First Responders in this county have started to follow you and your sister.” Dan chuckled. “Those two young men that joined the department as drivers got the ambulance crews hooked. Thanks to the rotation almost every shift is pulling for you girls.”

I decided to change the topic. “Any idea of how I should handle that joker from England?”

“With extreme care. I’m not up on the laws concerning real estate in England but if I was you. I would get the lawyers that handled your racing contract to go over the paperwork. I would also double check for the exact amount of the back taxes. Kelly told us that there is a large tax lean currently due.” Dan said honestly.

“Don’t forget about those mineral and water rights. They will cover the lake. Without those that twenty-acre plot can push for access to the lake.” Carol warned us. “You can register that lake with DNR for a tax write off.”

That got both mine and Kelly’s attention. I asked the same question that was on both our minds. “How?”

“DNR can use the lake as a hatchery for certain types of fish. Once a year they come in dump off a truck load of babies. The next year they come back and drag a net across the lake. Once they have the grown fish, DNR dumps them in lakes all around the state.” Carol explained for us. “At least that’s how I think it goes. I’m not real sure. You’ll have to talk with a DNR officer to fully understand how it works and how to apply.”

“Sounds good to me. By the way, what kind of a tax write off are we talking about? About how much could it save us?” I knew that Carol did the taxes for more than half the ambulance crews.

“I’ll have to check with the new laws, kiddo. But under the old laws it was somewhere around a thousand per acre of stocked lake.” Carol answered honestly. “I really do need to brush up on the laws before next season. Especially for you girls.”

“Um… Mrs. Ringwald, I know that this is going to sound like I’m being unappreciative, but I’ve got a CPA to handle my finances.” I blushed clear down to my blouse. “I’m trying to keep my family life and business life separate. I know it sound crazy, but I can’t help feeling that way.”

Carol and Dan smiled. Dan looked between Kelly and me. “That is quite alright Bobbie. We both understand what you’re trying to do. You want to stand on your own feet, and we applaud what you have done already. We’re only give you advice on what we think that you might have missed. Just remember that you can always come to us if you have questions or problems.”

“Yes sir. We will.” I looked over at Kelly. “I hate to say this, but we need to get going Kell.”

“Just let me put my dishes in the sink.” Kelly got up and put her dirty plate and glass in the sink. She gave Carol and Dan a kiss then ran to get her purse. I got up and shook Dan’s hand and gave Carol a kiss on the cheek.

It didn’t take us long to reach Vicky’s office once we left her home. As we pulled into the parking lot, I spotted Mr. Dewey’s car. “Wonder why he’s here?”

“No need to wonder. Dewey, Cheatem, and Howe have built up a real reputation for legal affairs ever since you and Beth signed those contracts. Not to mention the ones for the guys with the Knights. I’ll give you ten-to-one odds that Vicky called Mister Dewey the minute you hung up this morning.” Kelly snarked.

I thought about what Kelly just said and just nodded my head. “Yeah, you’re probably right. Let’s get inside and see what’s going on. I got a feeling that this is going to be fun.”

Kelly just rolled her eyes at me and climbed out of the Viper. As she closed the door Kelly looked over at me. “Bobbie, I know that you love your new car. But if we’re going to be a couple and start a family. We need something different. What do you think about the new Jeep Gladiator Rubicon? I know it’s a truck, but if we get that property, we’ll need a truck.”

I thought about what Kelly was suggesting. “Sounds good to me baby. Look around find one that YOU like. Just go ahead and pay cash for the truck. Just make sure that it is a King or Crew cab, with four doors, full-bed, eight-cylinder, four-wheel drive, with a trailer hitch. Other than that, I don’t care. This one is all on you my dear.” I smirked at Kelly as I tossed back over my shoulder. “Oh, and by the way. Your budget is eighty-grand.”

I ran inside Vicky’s office before Kelly could respond to that last tidbit. I know that she won’t confront me in public over something like that. As I enter the secretary stood up to greet us this time. “Good afternoon, Miss McGuire, Miss Ringwald, both Mrs. Taylor and Mister Dewey are waiting for you in the main conference room. Please head straight back.”

“Thank you, Miss Wells. Come on Kelly. Let’s not keep Mrs. Taylor and Mr. Dewey waiting. I have a feeling that we might be getting a better deal than we expected.” I led Kelly towards Vicky’s back office area. Vicky surprised me when she waved for us to join them in the conference room. I knew then and there that something big was in the works. I just wonder how big.

“It’s been a long time Bobbie.” Mr. Dewey said as he greeted us. He waved for us to take seats across from them. “Please have a seat. We have a lot to go over before the phone call from England.”

Mr. Dewey opened his briefcase and pulled out a set of folders. “For starters I spent the morning checking, rechecking, and double checking this Kent joker’s credentials. He’s as legit as they come. He really does work for Hartwell, Hartwell, and Lowe attorneys at law. Which by the way is one of the most respected law firms in the greater London area.”

“Damn, talk about your heavy weight lawyers. Just who are these people? The Queens own lawyers?” I joked.

“They just maybe, Bobbie.” Mr. Dewey answered straight faced. “As I was saying Kent is the real deal. I also contacted the gentleman in question.” Mr. Dewey chuckled. “He really is sorry for waking you at such an early hour. I do have to ask one question?”

I knew what was coming and gave him the answer he was looking for with a smile. “Yes. I really did say ‘Whoever this is better be fucking dying or in need of severe fucking medical attention.’”

Vicky spit coffee, Mr. Dewey coughed, and Kelly just groaned. I gave them all a half-cooked smile. “What can I say? I’m not a morning person. It’s not my fault he called me at six am.”

“I have to say Bobbie. You never cease to amaze me. I would love to sit here talk more about how you can correct a person’s manors over the phone in under a minute. Unfortunately, we still have a good deal to go over yet.” He placed the second folder in front of us. “This is the full tax record for ninety-two Calhoun Road, Darlington County. Two-hundred-and-ninety-nine-point-seven of prime acreage of mostly wooded property on the edge of the county.”

I looked down at the spreadsheet and got a nasty feeling. The back taxes were much higher than originally expected. By more than a $150,000. I wasn’t looking forward to the phone call later. Then I saw who the owners were and damned near shit. I thought that the owners were some monkey nuts in England, not the Green family from the Grand Strand. This was going to be fun if the Grand Strand Greens were involved.

“Before you ask Bobbie. Yes, the Greens in England are the same Greens here on the Strand.” I looked up at Dewey like he grew a second head. “When Vicky contacted me on Wednesday, I started the leg work on that property. That folder is the bad news.”

He placed a second folder in front us. “This is the good news. If you want the whole enchilada. You can pick it up for around four-hundred-and-fifty thousand. Just to cover the back taxes on that property. My suggestion is to let them make their counteroffer but don’t go over five-hundred-and-twenty-five thousand.” Mine and Kelly’s eyes most have come out of their sockets. “I know that sounds like a lot, but it will cover the back taxes while giving them a small profit.”

“When you said the whole thing. Are you talking about all four properties? I don’t really understand what’s going on.” I let my confusion fill my voice over the situation.

“Okay, Bobbie, here is the deal. Fifteen years ago, the Green family invested two-hundred-and-fifty thousand in that property. At the time it was a going concern as a horse breeding farm. Then the bubble popped in oh-eight. The Carter family who were the half owners sold out completely to the Greens at that time. The Greens tried more than six farm managers to keep the place going. When the last manager walked out in a fit of rage two years ago the Green family decided to sell the property off. Now, two years ago the property was worth close to seven hundred to seven-hundred-and-fifty thousand. When the Greens divided the property, they made one massive mistake that devalued everything.” Dewey explained for us. I was pretty sure I knew what that mistake was already. “They split up the lake, but not the water rights.”

“Let me guess. The only way that I get full control over that lake is to buy all four lots. Because the plot with the house and other buildings is the one that is tied to the water and mineral rights. What I want to know is why are the taxes so far in the rears. What happened? It’s not like the Greens couldn’t afford to pay.” I know that the Greens had the money. I mean when you own three of the biggest resorts in Myrtle Beach. You don’t lack for money.

“It all goes back to when they broke the property down. One of the statutes that govern the taxation of property concerns farm property. When the Green family broke the old horse farm down, they failed to redesignate the forested areas as a tree farm. If they had tried to sell the property as a whole this would not have been a problem as the taxes would have remained the same for a horse farm. Tree farm taxes are much higher. By more than forty percent.” I was floored by just how steep the taxes were on farms. “Now this is where things get interesting.”

“More than they already are?” Kelly grunted.

“If Kent turns down your offer you can go down to the county courthouse and pick that property up for just the four-hundred-and-fifty thousand in back taxes if you want. Before you ask, I already doubled checked with Bob Wentworth down at the State Tax Office. The bad news is the Green family has a hundred-and-twenty days to come up with the oldest year’s back taxes.” That gave me pause. I could already see what the Greens were doing. They were not paying the property taxes on purpose. They were using the back taxes as on the property as an end of the year tax write off.

“Is there any way to prevent the Green family from jumping ahead and paying the back taxes? You know shutting that avenue down for us.” I asked him. This was a real worry.

Mr. Dewey chuckled. “I’m glad to see that your quick mind can work outside of a racetrack. The answer is yes. What we have is time on our side. They still want to try an negotiate a deal with you and Miss Ringwald.”

“What do you think Kelly? How do you want to proceed?” We had driven by the property yesterday. I knew that Kelly wanted the property. She had already fallen in love with the land.

“I say we try to be polite and hear them out. But we don’t go over the five-fifty cap we set.” Kelly gave me a smile that said it all. She may want me to only go to 550,000 but I had 750,000 sitting in the bank to use. She wanted that land, she’ll get it.

“Make the call Vicky.” Was all I said.

It took a few minutes to make the connection and then to finally get ahold of Kent. “Good afternoon, Mrs. Taylor.”

“Afternoon Mister Kent. Vicky Taylor here. I have Miss McGuire, Miss Ringwald, and their lawyer Mr. Dewey with me.” Vicky said quickly. “Please be advised that we are on speaker.”

“Understood. Before we start I would like to apologize to Miss McGuire once more for waking her earlier this morning.”

“Apology accepted sir. But only if you’ll forgive me for my own rudeness. I’m afraid that I’m not a very pleasant person when I first wake up.” I blushed as Vicky, Kelly, and Mr. Dewey chuckled.

Kelly just made the matter worse. “That’s an understatement. It’s safer waking a dragon on its hoard than waking Bobbie at six am.”

Even I had to chuckle at Kelly’s description of me when I first wake up. I had this picture in my head of a dragon with my face playing the part of Smog from the Hobbit movies. I just couldn’t help but to wonder how the other drivers see me on the track.

“As pleasant as a diversion as was that was, time is pressing.” Kent told us all. “As I asked of Miss McGuire earlier. My clients are wondering if her offer is legitimate. If it is, is she open to negotiation? Also, what is her top offer?”

“First off, Barrister Kent. Under the laws of real estate twenty-ten in the US it is illegal for you to contact a potential buyer directly. We will overlook this on one major concession.” Mr. Dewey went straight for the throat.

“What might that be?” Kent asked.

“There will be no discussion of an upper limit. Do we have an accord?” Dewey definitely knew what he was doing.

“Agreed. Are there any more conditions?” Kent knew that he had screwed the pooch big time by calling me earlier.

“I got one before we go further. You put your phone on speaker and all parties identify themselves.” I called out before anyone else could say something. I had a feeling that Kent wasn’t alone.

We heard a click. “Very perceptive of you Miss McGuire. What gave us away? Barrister Kent assured us that you won’t know we were here for the negotiations.”

“Care to identify yourself sir? I hate dealing with a nameless voice on the phone.” I growled.

“John Green. CEO of Green Global Properties.” Just the person I wanted to deal with. Not one of their flunkies or suit monkeys.

“Good evening Mister Green. It’s a pleasure to meet you. Even if it is over the phone.” I let my real pleasure at dealing with the CEO of one of the largest Hotel chains in the world fill my voice. “As for how I figured that you would be there it is simple. I drive at over one-hundred-and-fifty miles per hour for twenty-two weekends of the year for a living. I have to be able to think fast on my feet. If I don’t, I’d lose the race. You had your lawyer call me at six am knowing full well the time difference. All in the hopes of catching me off guard. I knew full well that after I ripped into Barrister Kent, he would have you or one of your suite monkeys in his office for the negotiations.”

“I must say Miss McGuire, that I made a major mistake in underestimating you. I see that your ability to think fast on the racetrack is more than just a skill for driving. You must have caused your teachers all kinds of headaches.” Green chuckled.

“More than a few. Shall we discuss ninety-two Calhoun Road, Mister Green?” I figured that we both had our egos stroked enough.

“I understand that you placed an offer of four-hundred-thousand on the property, Miss McGuire. I’m afraid that offer is too low for the value of the property. At the time of the last appraisal that property was valued at seven-hundred-and-fifty thousand. We would need at least seven-hundred-thousand for the land alone.”

“Wrong sir. Both of my parents and I stopped by and inspected the property yesterday. At one time that property may have been worth seven-hundred-and-fifty thousand. That is no longer the case.” Kelly spoke up quickly. When she continued, I knew that she would be our ace in the hole during negotiations. “The barns and stables are in desperate need of repair. The fence line for the corral has more holes than swish cheese. The water and feed stock tanks will all need to be replaced. The riding trails are all overgrown to the point they are totally worthless. As for the main house. Sir, all I can say is that the best thing for that place is a wrecking ball or firebomb. Did you know there is a tree growing through the front porch? According to five reputable building contractors for the area it would take more than five-hundred-thousand dollars to make all of the needed repairs. If not more.”

“I wasn’t aware that the property was in such disrepair. Of course, we’ll need verification of those statements. May I know how you gained access to the property?”

“I can have Mrs. Taylor fax the pictures we took within the hour, Mister Green. Trust me sir. What I have told you is just the tip of the iceberg. As for how we gained access. My father used his position as a Fire Inspector to inspect the property. I won’t even go into the number of violations that were found.” Kelly smirked then went in for the kill. “We were willing to pay four-hundred-thousand for the property sir. That offer still stands. No more.”

I looked over at Kelly as my mouth fell open. I thought I was a hard ass when it came to negotiations. Kelly was putting me to shame. I waved for her to show me the pictures which she placed on the table for all to see. Mr. Dewey picked up the pictures first. He coughed to gain Green’s attention.

“Mister Kent, Mister Green, I have the afore mentioned pictures in my hands. Gentlemen, I have to say that Miss Ringwald has greatly undervalued the impact of the neglect. If I were to pay for an independent appraisal, I doubt that you would get so kind of an offer. I will be honest with you gentlemen. I won’t give you more than one-fifty at most for the land. Especially as there is no controlling writes to the water on the individual properties. Yes, I investigated as to which plot has the controlling interest for the water rights. Which belong to the front twenty-acre plot.” Mr. Dewey explained. We waited while the silence from the other end seemed to drag on.

“May I have moment to discuss your offer with my client?” Kent asked of us. I just nodded my head yes. Mr. Dewey told them yes.

We heard the elevator ignore music fill the room. I looked over at Vicky and Mr. Dewey. “Well, do you think they’ll go for it?”

“Hard to say.” Vicky looked over at Kelly. “By the way why didn’t you call me to see the property?”

Kelly giggled and I looked at her. “This is one time where having a Fire Inspector in the family comes in handy. I told daddy that we were looking at the property and he just pulled the needed permits to examine the property for fire code violations. He took me and mom out there to walk the property while he checked out the barns, stables, and main house, from the outside.”

“Miss Ringwald, I don’t know if that is a violation of ethics or not, but it is sneaky as hell and legal.” Mr. Dewey chuckled.

Before I could chime in on what Kelly had done the music stopped. Mr. Green was the one to speak. “Miss McGuire, Miss Ringwald, will you be willing to go to four-fifty and cover the back taxes?”

I thought it over and shook my head no. “Sorry, Mr. Green. But our offer includes the back taxes. We will not cover your responsibilities to the State of South Carolina.”

There was silence on the other end of the line before Green made his counteroffer. “Make it five-hundred-thousand Miss McGuire and the property is yours. We’ll cover the back taxes.”

I thought about his offer and turned to Kelly. She used her fingers and signaled our next offer. “Mr. Green, we’ll go to four-seventy-five and you still cover the back taxes.”

Green’s answer was immediate. “Sorry, Miss McGuire but to cover the back taxes our final offer is five-hundred. I just cannot go any lower than that. I do have to answer to a board of directors. As much as I want to clear the property off our books. I do have to show some profit on the sale.”

Kelly spoke up. “Can we have a few moments to discuss your offer?” Green said and Vicky hit the hold button. “I say that we wait and pick it up for the back taxes.”

“Babe, I love you, but this is one time I say we don’t gamble. Sure, we can try and snatch it up for back taxes. The problem is all they have to do is bring the oldest year up to date and they get another year to play with. No, we take them up on their offer. Don’t worry about the money. We got more than enough to repair the house first. I figure we can get a loan to repair the barns, stables, and corral. As for the fence line and trails that will give us something to do during the off season.” I figured I had her this time. Kelly just smiled. “What did I miss?”

Kelly blushed. “I lied about the cost for the repairs. It’s not going to cost anywhere near what I told Green. Uncle Steve said he can have everything done for under two-hundred-thousand dollars. He even knows someone will come in and clear all the riding trails for just the lumber.”

Vicky looked over at Kelly. “Young lady, do me a favor. Stay out of real estate. I have enough competition to deal with.”

I hit the speaker button. “Mr. Green we have a deal. Five-hundred-thousand dollars, you cover the back taxes, and we cover the closing costs. I’ll have Mr. Dewey and Mrs. Taylor fax you both the contracts. Would you like to conclude our deal today?”

“If you can provide the needed proof of funds, I have no problems. Mr. Kent?” I could tell that Green wanted to close this deal fast.

“I work for you Mr. Green. My time is yours.” Over the next hour and a half Vicky placed form after form in front of me and Vicky to sign. Mr. Dewey acted as both our lawyer and public notary. Faxes were sent and received. My accountant was contacted. Funds were set up for transfer. By four pm our time my head was spinning, and the deal was completed. In less than four hours I had spent five-hundred-thousand dollars. When all was said and done, Green wished us a goodnight, leaving just us and Kent. “Well ladies, the house is yours. You can take possession once all paperwork has been filed with the local authorities.”

Mr. Dewey quickly spoke up. “Remember Mr. Kent, your client has until close of business on Tuesday to clear the back taxes. Failure to do so is a deal breaker.”

“Understood Mr. Dewey. I’ll have the taxes cleared no later than COB Monday. When can we expect your client’s funds?” I was really starting to dislike the snotty attitude of the man.

“No later than COB your time Monday, Kent.” Dewey growled. “I suggest that you have everything ready to hand over by then.”

“Understood, Dewey. I’ll messenger everything overnight to your office. You should have it no later than noon your time Tuesday. Is that acceptable?” I looked over at Kelly who nodded her head yes. Dewey just smiled. “Please have one of the ladies present to sign the final paperwork.”

“Someone will be here to handle the paperwork, Mr. Kent. Have a pleasant evening. I hope you enjoy your dinner. Goodnight.” I said for all those there and hung up.

Vicky stood up smiling as she held out her hand. “Congratulations Bobbie, Kelly, you’re now homeowners. Remember that you can back out at any time during the next seventy-two-hours.”

“Allow me to give my own congratulations ladies. Miss Ringwald, I have to say that you are one sneaky negotiator. Nothing illegal just underhanded as they come. What made you keep the information on the property secret until we started negotiations?” Mr. Dewey asked her with a smile.

“Something that I learned from watching my future mother-in-law do. Only she was dealing with other race teams and the design of the new fuel cells that F-one cars are using.” I thought about what Kelly was talking about. “She kept pointing to how her design firm had the patents on the fuel cell and if they wanted to use them. Then they were going to pay for them.”

“What made you go out in the first place?” Vicky asked.

“Something you said about how no one has lived out there for the past few years, Mrs. Vicky. I wanted to know what kind of work we were letting ourselves in for. My parents did the rest.” Kelly answered honestly for us. “I thought we were only going to do a drive bye and see what was there. When we found the gate hanging open daddy just drove up the driveway.”

“What about the permits?” Dewey asked.

This time Kelly just giggled. “He back dated everything. It’s amazing what people will do for the fiancée of a professional racecar driver in this county.”

Vicky giggled as Dewey groaned. Me I just went with what was natural. I facepalmed hard enough to cause brain damage.


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Great story. I have come to love how this story has progressed. Look forward to the next chapter.


Men should be Men and the rest should be as feminine as they can be

"He back dated everything."

WillowD's picture

My first big giggle of the day.

I am absolutely loving this story. I also like how it's progressing.


whew. they played it tough, but they got a good deal.



I am surprised Mr Cheatham was not there to help the negotiations.

But surely he had sent his Padawan instead?


BTW, has anyone negotiated a car deal these days, even during clearance time? The dealership I went to were asses in the finance department as usual, made this negotiation look like amateur hour. sheesh.

Racing Angels...

it always put's a huge smile on my face when I see a new chapter of racing angels. It is such an amazing story. I am sitting here, listening to John Denver sing Sunshine on my Shoulders, and it just seems to fit the land they just b ought. What a wonderful chapter. Thanks!! ^_^ T.

I am a Proud mostly Native American woman. I am bi-polar. I am married, and mother to three boys. I hope we can be friends.

3yrs ago I spent that exact amount

wolfjess7's picture

Three years ago I spent that close to that amount for only 25 acres of mountain side in Western Maryland that had a 20 stall horse barn with stable and ring. There is an old saying in real estate. Location, location, location. It all depends on where ones buys or sells their property. I know that 1/4 acre plots in Myrtle Beach SC are currently selling for somewhere around 65 to 75,000.

May the peace and happiness of the Goddess keep and protect you
as always your humble outlaw
Jessie Wolf

That's pretty cheap for a

That's pretty cheap for a vacation destination...

it's four times that up here on the North Shore of MA for the same lot size. Down south of Boston where it's less developed and has less highway access it's only twice that amount but goes up exponentially as you add more acreage.

A legitimate listing for Darlington, SC has 268 acres for $1 million and a 154 acre field with nothing on it for $387,000 so she's getting a great deal there especially with tax write-offs.

I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime

There's more to it.

There's more to it.

It also came with the tax issues but it's both private, secluded, and she has a way to get her taxes low so it's really just a large up-front cost. Plus she has it as an investment if she did want to sell it since she could sell it off if done right. Real properties down there are actually that price if not more, but she's also going to have to invest in the property to get it up to code and get the farm going again even if it's not really going to be a big moneymaker for her if at all.

I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime

What a deal

Jamie Lee's picture

For almost newlyweds, they got a heck of a deal buying that property, plus all mineral rights. A lot of time gaining mineral rights can be tougher than property rights.

If they use the forest as a tree farm, and the trees are in demand with saw mills, they could realize a good profit with the way those two negotiate. And they could rent out some of the land to pasture horses, cattle, sheep or what is prevalent in the area. And if any of the land was farmed, that too could be rented out.

Others have feelings too.


Sadarsa's picture

umm... when's this story taking place?

it has to be sometime after 2016... That fashion designer of theirs said that she worked with the 2016 equestian league or something like that..

but then this chapter says that Kelly was 10 or 11 years old back in '78.... that puts her at a solid 50 years old. Not a teenager fresh out of highschool.

~Your only Limitation is your Imagination~

Hardball negotiations

Of course, it helps that the vendor is out of the country, so carefully selected photos and ever-so-slightly exaggerated descriptions of the deterioration can aid in lowering the price of the property, plus basing repair estimates on a guesstimate of what the most inefficient, costly contractors would charge.

Hopefully, the Greens will turn up trumps on the back taxes so the signing is a mere formality.

Interestingly, over here in the UK, it's highly recommended to get a solicitor involved with any property purchase for conveyancing, as aside from the exchange of contracts (Completion) there's also searches (very useful as they can turn up potential land contamination if the housing estate was built on the site of a factory, chancel repair liability (an ecclesiastical charge dating back several centuries), nearby pending developments or infrastructure schemes which may affect the property, flood risk etc), updating the Land Registry and obtaining the Title Deeds, various documentation fees, plus additional paperwork if you're taking out a mortgage on the property.

As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!