Patreon, bad experience.

A word from our sponsor:

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I noticed a tag for Patrons on the front page. It may have been there a while.

I decided to be a Patron for a channel that I have followed for a long time, and then all these strange charges started. I committed to $10 a month and then I got two charges for $60 for Membership, which was out of the scope of what I had planned for. I tried to get in touch with them, repeatedly, and could not.

It took cancelling my credit card to stop the charges. I thought I might have to close my checking account. They Bank warned me that this might be so. I "think" I am in the clear now, we'll see.

Just a warning to folks.



Did you complain to Patreon?

If it was them that didn't respond then there really is an issue.
I subscribe to one thing through Patreon (Fully Charged) and it works fine. Perhaps the thing you subscribed to is the one that charged you the membership?

A word of advice to anyone thinking or using Patreon. Use a credit card for your subscription. PReferably issued by a different bank to your main checking account. This goes for buying stuff on the Internet from new sites. If the site turns out to be reputable then you can switch to using your checking account but until then the more space between your checking account and the account that is used to buy stuff the better.
That makes it harder for the scammers to get your banking details and thus proceed to empty your account.

I have one credit card that is only ever used for Internet Purchases. I don't even know the PIN code and don't want to.

Total agreement

No direct auto payments from checking, ever.

I have a separate checking account for PayPal with minimal funds but use Credit card mostly.

Avoid using a debit card like the plague.

I would go further and say don’t use your checking account number, which also needs your bank routing number, on the internet, ever.

Unfortunately, there are some

Unfortunately, there are some services, mostly government, where all they'll take is checking - without layering additional charges.

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.

Doesn't sound like Patreon

erin's picture

Charges for membership? Not that I've seen. And contacting them is pretty easy. Sounds to me like you might have followed a link on some site to a place that was not Patreon. We have a hundred Patron for the site, contributing about $1900 a month and no real hassles for us. I alo support bout 20 sites myself to the tune of about $36 a month and no hassles on that end, either.

I've not heard anything like your story, Gwen. It really sounds to me like it was NOT Patreon.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.