Disturbed and disturbing

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As the drabble I posted for last week's contest entry shows I'm experimenting with the short story. I've been attempting to write a flash of some sort every day for the next thirty days. So far I haven't missed though I did get pretty shy with House Hunting.
Be that as it may, I'm posting some utterly disturbing pieces over at SOL for anyone who wants to take a look. Be warned they feature violence, forced Feminization, and rape.
Still if you wish to look the site is: https://storiesonline.net/a/Anne_N_Mouse



There's dark, and then there's dark.

Sometimes, you need the dark parts to contrast with the light. In my own work, Higher and Higher starts out pretty dark, but soon changes. And there are some really violent parts in the other stories, but they just serve to make the happy parts happier. I even have one plotted out where Marvin has to make a really tough decision.

On the other hand, there's a really long tome (about 3X War and Peace) called Worm that starts out bad, gets OK in some places, but just when you think things are looking up, something bad happens. The motto of the author seems to be, "Don't worry. It'll get worse." Never have I seen so many people with so much promise get shat upon so badly. (I didn't actually read it. I am reading Taylor Varga, which is a crossover. I heard enough about Worm in the comments to decide that it wouldn't do my depression any good to read it.)

I guess your namesake in Worm (Mouse Protector,) who is a really delightful character, didn't get a good end.