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I have at least, one, and possibly up to three netbooks. Right now, I have one fully function and ready to go, and I have to locate the other two or three I should have and get them working.

What I'm thinking is this: For those people who have to try to write on tablets or their phones, something even as basic as an older netbook could help enormously. They'll work with phone/tablet hotspots, have a full keyboard, and can be connected to USB devices.

What I do need is a short list of those people who have a real need for such as this. I'm not asking for money, as I know the folks that these are for won't have anything to spare.

So, if you are one, or know of someone, post up here and I'll figure out who I can help.



know the feeling

just sent 8 pc's and 6 monitors to recycling, and and have 5 more left to sort. That doesn't include the 4 laptops, 1 netbook, and 1 mac iBook 3rd gen (will probably throw that one away since I can't find the board to allow it to charge to fix it). A very broad assortment of 95, 98 ME 2k, and XP machines to sort out. Oh, and an ancient AT&T UNIX PC with all books I have in the basement

Well, there are several Linux

Well, there are several Linux variants that will run just fine on the older laptops and netbook, so you might want to do the same thing I am and offer some up.

I'm putting Raspbian for PC on at least some of them.

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.

I hate to write anchored to my desktop PC

SaraKel's picture

I hated the feeling of always being anchored to my desktop PC so a couple of years ago I looked into Linux Mint because I heard it was easy to install. For my machine, I asked a friend who loves going to to garage sales to call me if she saw a portable PC for a decent price. She called back about two weeks later. Over the years, she's found dozens of machines that people are practically giving away because Windows slowed their system to a crawl and they don't have the expertise to understand why it is happening and/or repeated $100 trips to Best Buy can't 'fix' it.

I'm on my second linux laptop and both times all it took was a wipe of the hard drive and an installation of linux from a USB stick to give me a cheap portable solution I wanted. My current writing laptop cost me $50. I've done a couple of linux installations for friends/family as well.

It is nice having something I don't mind if it breaks (I'm a clutz so this is a real fear). I've been lucky so far but if I does happen to break all it would take to replace it is another phone call, a reinstall of linux, reconnecting to my cloud saves, and I'm back in business.

It would help...

to say where you are located. It is no use someone from the UK asking when you are in say Duluth? (Yes I have been there)


Texas - No, I'm not in Iowa.

Texas - No, I'm not in Iowa. (Never been there, but know the city)

If someone's desperately in need enough, I'll bite the bullet and pay the exorbitant UK Mail rates.

I might not pay to ship to Angola, sorry.

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.


Is there a Duluth in Iowa? I know there's one in Georgia, but the one I've been in is in northern Minnesota, on Lake Superior and adjacent to Superior, Wisconsin. I traveled a way up the Gunflint Trail from Duluth back in 1977, when my sister lived in Minneapolis.

Sorry - Duluth is in

Sorry - Duluth is in Minnesota. I was thinking of the Duluth Trading Company, which _is_ in Iowa.

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.

Companies move depending on

Companies move depending on how the state's taxes run. That's why Bank of America left Detroit/Michigan, and moved to Texas. Michigan was making noises of taxing based on _nationwide_ revenue, not just state revenue.

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.

It's not. It's based out of

It's not. It's based out of Wisconsin and has been since 1997. It's just a name, it wasn't even the original name for the company.

I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime

Duluth trading? When I was

Duluth trading? When I was researching, it showed Iowa. (Doesn't really matter, does it? :) )

Oh, and to correct myself. Bank of America is North Carolina. CoMerica was the one from Detroit.

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.