Author shout out - Nagrij

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Another of my shout-outs.

Looking around for something new and different, I found myself on Nagrij's page. Nagrij has some pretty epic stories in progress - the sci fi and fantasy offerings certainly caught my attention.

There are a few different styles and genres to peek at. Two series of note:

"Who's Hunting Who" - this one has a Last Witchhunter meets Priest sorta vibe. Even a couple fun little homages. Good times.

"Room In Hell" - reading this had me imagining a Hellboy/Lady Death/Prophecy mashup.

Might be worth a peek.

Happy reading/writing everyone.



Nagrij is one of my favorites......

D. Eden's picture

Great style, and wonderfully different storylines. I just wish I didn’t have to wait so long for more.........

D. Eden

Dum Vivimus, Vivamus


I love all the comments I've seen about Nagrij needing clones. I can only imagine the number of hours invested in writing like that.

Thanks for the comment



I really like Nagrij's stories.


Um hmm

Some of them are really epic.
