Racing Angels -chp 17

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Racing Angels

Webster’s dictionary defines Speed as the fallowing: the rate of change of position along a straight line with respect to time over a set distance. In other words, the quicker you can get from one place to another. The question is what do you, do when your family has spent the last two generations in search of ways to accomplish this goal faster and faster. Would do you do when the family business is the search for more Speed. For Robert ‘Robby’ McGuire the answer is easy. You grab your sister and strap on a pair of Formula One racecars then go for broke.

Chapter 17

Friday, Darlington, South Carolina

Twelve days of down time. I can really use this break. I know that the team can as well. Because after next week we’ll be at the Azerbaijan Grand Prix on the Baku City Circuit. After that we’ll be gone for the next month before our next real break between races. Which will be in June. July and August is almost one race per week. That is when the pressure will really ratchet up.

We arrived home on Tuesday in the early morning hours. The last few days have been crazy to say the least. Between the interviews for the different news outlets and all of the hoopla of celebrations for my victory I just wanted to hide. I really didn’t want to do the stupid interviews with the fashion magazines. I mean why should my fans care what I wear on my days off or what cocktail dress I wore to the dinners during the race week.

Yet that has been the kind of stupid shit Beth and I have been dealing with. I do know that if one more reporter tries to corner Beth about her relationship with Tony that he is going to give them a lesson in manners. By removing the reporters head. I know that the guys and gals of the pit crews have started to pair off as well. I know that mom and dad aren’t to happy with the way Kelly helped me celebrate my victory in Singapore. We traded in our V cards that night back in my room. I know that Kelly is going to flip out at dinner tonight when I gave her the ring.

I figured that we’re both out of school now. I have a great paying job. I have the bonus for winning Singapore it more than paid for the rings that I got for us. I know it sounds like I’m wasting my money like a kid in a candy shop. I just got to do it though. I truly love Kelly and want to marry her. I figure if I ask her now that she’ll have to say yes. At least I hope so. Besides, it’s not like her parents don’t know me. I just got to get the guts to ask her dad for permission now.

“Hey Bobbie, you got a minute?” I turn to face Joey. I could tell he had something on his mind.

“For you Joey, I got all day.” I waved for him to come on into my room. “Close the door behind you little brother.”

Once we were alone, I sat down at my desk while he sat on my bed. “Okay, Joey what’s on your mind?”

“I’ve been watching your races. I’m not the only one either. I don’t know if you understand what kind of impact you and Beth have had on this town. You two are more than just the newest local heroes, Bobbie.” I could tell that something was really bothering Joey. He was afraid of something.

“Okay, what have you heard, Joe?” I needed him to get to the point. “What’s got you spooked?”

“There have been a bunch of NEW faces in town. Faces that are digging into your past.” Joey’s words struck more fear in me than driving two-hundred plus on the Lady in Black. “More than a few of the guys from the old Wrestling and Basketball teams are thinking about talking Bobbie.”

“Shit! I don’t need this right now.” I growled out through clenched teeth. “Whose been keeping them in line for now?”

“So far the guys over at Slow Jake’s Garage have been running interference for you and Beth.” Joey gave out a small sigh. “Look Bobbie I doubt that it will be long before one of those fuck-head morons goes to the press.”

“Shit! This all because I won’t give them positions on my pit crew. They’re trying to blackmail my ass.” I screamed.

“I think it is more than just that, Bobbie.” I looked over a Joey when he said that. “I think this is more about getting revenge for their old coaches. That and what you did with their cars.”

“What else have you heard?” I knew that Joey was holding back for some reason. “Don’t worry about my feelings, Joey.”

“I also heard that they’re planning on going after you, and the guys on your pit crew. They’ve got some idea that they can force you into using them on your crews if they can get rid of the guys currently on the crews. That or hurt your team enough that you have to drop out for the rest of the season.” The more Joey laid out what he heard the madder I got.

“Have you told mom and dad about this yet? Or am I the only one you’ve talked to so far?” I needed to know who he had told.

“Just you so far. I was going to tell Beth next then mom and dad. Why?” Joey tilted his head to the side. I could tell that he was trying to figure out what I was up to. “Please don’t try to handle this yourself Bobbie. All you do is get hurt.”

“I’m not going to handle it by myself Joey.” I told him honestly. I planned on having a shit ton of backup when I confront the two teams. At least that was the plan anyway. “I just need to make a short stop over at Slow Jack’s.”

“Bobbie, what are you planning?” Joey gave me a sideways glance.

“Let’s just say that it is time to collect on a favor or two from the gear heads.” One look at the grin I was wearing Joey shivered. “Those thugs want a war. They just got one.”

I grabbed my purse and keys as I head for the garage. I heard Joey calling out to me as I slide into my Judge. “Don’t do anything crazy Bobbie. You still have more than half the season to go.”

I knew that he was worried, but I didn’t care. I needed to get ahead of this mess before it got out of hand. I had known that was only a matter of time before those Neanderthals of the Basketball and Wrestling teams would come after me. I also knew that I would be needing more than my pit crews to handle the situation. Thankfully there was one group of people that always pull in tight when an outsider threat comes around. Racers. Be they street racers, or professionals, no outsider threatens another driver and gets away with it for long.

As I drove through downtown Darlington, I kept an eye in my rearview mirror. I knew that Joey’s warning was one that I couldn’t just blow off. I had made more than a few enemies when I trashed the two teams. I made even more when I took their cars in that rat-race. It seems that my past was coming back to haunt me.

I had figured that it would be Carson who came after me first, not Coaches Honeywell, and Kline. It seems that the threat of losing their teaching credentials for endangering a former student was enough to curtail their hatred of me. Then again Honeywell and Kline had made their reputations as being Championship winning coaches. With them being fired at that schoolboard meeting it didn’t sit well with their teams. Especially when both teams were disbanded shortly thereafter. That little tidbit really didn’t go over too well with some parents who were hoping on scholarships and protentional professional sports contracts.

I wasn’t too surprised that my biggest fans wasn’t among the more acceptable student body, but the gearheads and outcasts. I get a real kick out of the emails that the guys and gals down at Slow Jacks send me and Beth. I spend more time answering those than anything else while on the road. With the exception of going over the next track’s layout. I never thought that I would be getting fan mail of all things. Yet, now I’m going to be asking those same fans to repay a favor that I never put any conditions on.

As I pulled into the parking lot for Slow Jack’s I noticed a few of the usual cars were missing. Namely the ones belonging to Thomas Hart and Johnny Foxx. I know for a fact that those two would never lose their cars unless it was in a race. For their cars to not be here then something was up, and it had to be bad. As usual my car’s appearance at Slow Jack’s was enough to bring out the gearheads by the droves.

As I climbed out of the driver’s door I was surrounded by a bunch of newbies. I just chuckled at the guys and few girls that had never seen my car before. They were already asking me questions about the engine, transmission, suspension, and everything else they could think of about my car. I decided to put a stop to the Q and A. I had business to handle.

“Where’s Jack at guys? I need to talk with him and the Knights.”

A new guy with thick glasses and slicked back blond hair stepped forward. “What business you got with Jack little lady?”

About that time Sam Hurley walked out of the garage area. “Yo! Specs, get a grip on the attitude before I have your ass scrubbing the toilets! You ain’t got enough time to be questioning customers especially not her! Besides you got trash to take out!”

Specs, turned and yelled back at Sam. “But she’s asking to see the boss man, Sammy. Like she knows him or something.”

“That’s because she does, you dumbass. Go finish cleaning up the showroom before I get pissed and have your ass mopping the garage floor again!” Sam yelled back as he walked towards me smiling. The guy nicknamed Specs just dropped his head and went to do as he was told. When Sam was five feet from me, he stopped. “How’s it going Bobbie? Never thought I would see you around here.”

“Not too bad Sam. As for me not coming around here, think again.” I chuckled. “Where do you think I got all the specialty parts for my Judge? I sure as shit couldn’t have them sent to my parents’ place. I see that you’re working for Jack now.”

“Yup. Me and a few of the other Knights went to work for Jack about two months ago. So, what can we do for you?” He was looking at my car as he wiped his hands on a rag. “You need something for the Judge? If you’re looking to sell. Forget it. No one for ten counties will buy it. Not unless you give Jack first refusal.”

I just chuckled at the comment about ‘selling’ my car. “I’m not looking to sell my car. I came here looking for Thomas Hart, Sam. You know where I can find him? I don’t see his car anywhere.”

Sam turned pale and looked down at the ground. “You’ll find him, and John Foxx over at Glen Forest, Bobbie.”

I thought I had been hit in the gut. I may not have liked Hart and a few of the other gearheads, but I never want to see them dead. To hear that those two were in Glen Forest Cemetery was a shock. “What happened, Sam? Did they plow in during a race?”

“I forget that you’ve been out of the loop kind of, Bobbie. Come on inside and I’ll give you the details.” I followed him inside to the mechanic’s breakroom. He opened the refrigerator and grabbed a cold coke. “Want one?” He asked. I just shook my head now. He closed the door and sat down at the break table waving for me to join him. After I took my seat and he opened his coke Sam gave a funny look before starting. “You know in a way you’re responsible for their death’s Bobbie. Responsible in a good way.”

“How so?” To say that I was shocked at hearing that I may be responsible for those two’s deaths was unsettling.

“You remember that challenge you through down? The one about us cleaning up our acts, getting our FIA Super License or NASCAR License, and you would get us a shot at the professional circuit?” I nodded my head yes. “That’s what started it all.”

It took me a minute, but I remembered what he was talking about. In fact, it was that challenge that I was counting on to help handle the basketball and wrestling team. “Yeah, I remember. I also remember that I pissed off more than a few of you guys. What I want to know is how did that challenge end with Hart and Foxx dead and buried over in Glen Forest.”

“Slow down girl. I’m getting there, Bobbie. Did you know that Jack laid into all of us when we asked him about what you told us?” I just pretended to not know about that ass chewing by the head gearhead. “Yeah well, he did, and big time. Anyway, me, Tom, Johnny, and a few others decided to take you up on your challenge. We were really cleaning up our acts around here.”

“How so?” I really wanted to know. I have been out of the country for more than a month now. I wanted to know if they really were cleaning up their acts.

“Well, for starters. You know that old piece of land out on state route four-forty?” I nodded my head. I knew which piece of property Sam was talking about. It was an abandoned private test track for a AMC dealership that went out of business in the 70’s. It would be perfect for a road track. “We got together and bought the place for the back taxes. Since then we’ve been cleaning it up. We wanted to turn it into a real road course. Only one for street racers. Anyway, to make things work we all got jobs around town and with more than just our parents or at garages.”

When I heard what Sam and the others were doing, I just had to jump in. “Sam if you guys need anything let me know. I’ll even help out money wise. You got a great idea. A place for street racers to go that doesn’t put other people in danger. I’m more than willing to help out. Shit let me call my sponsors.”

“Thanks Bobbie, but no. This is something that we want to do. On OUR own if you know what I mean?” Sam told me with a smile. “HOWEVER, if a world renowned Formula One driver wants to try her hand at our little track on opening day? That is another story.”

I laughed at his easy attempt to get me to drive their track on opening day. “If I’m in country. I’ll be here. When do you expect to open up to the public Sam?”

“We’re hoping for some time around the beginning of August. We really would love for you to be there Bobbie. I know that Tom and John would have loved to see you be one of the first people to take on our course.” Sam was depressed beyond what was normal. He sighed and looked down at his coke can. “If it hadn’t been for you, we would never have even thought of doing this.”

“What happened to John and Tom?” I really want to know.

“Tom went to work for Southern Cross Ambulance Service as an entry level driver. John did the same for Darlington Ambulance. The funny part is your girlfriend’s parents were the ones to get the guys their jobs as drivers. They really cleaned up their acts, Bobbie. They weren’t the only ones either.” Sam sighed and looked me in the eye. “You could give every member of the Knights a piss test and they would come back clean. Tom pushed it through, and it is now part of our by-laws. No drugs, no booze behind the wheel, and above all no bullshit on the streets. We already bounced a couple of members for breaking the new rules.”

“Damn! I wasn’t expecting you guys to go that far!” I was truly shocked at hearing how far the Knights had gone. They used to be nothing more than a bunch of street racing dipshits.

“Well, when Jack read us the riot act over your challenge, he threatened to throw any Knight out of the club that couldn’t meet your challenge.” I could tell that Sam was telling the truth. “That’s when shit got real for the lot of us. Look Bobbie, most of us don’t have much of a homelife. Hell, some of us don’t even have a real family life. Tom’s was flat out shitty, just ask anyone. When he got that job over at Southern Cross, you would have thought that he won the fucking Powerball.”

“Damn! So, he really had turned his life around.” I looked down at my hands in my lap. I felt uncomfortable with what I was hearing. I didn’t want to be some kind of savior for these guys. I just wanted to be another driver around here. “If they had all that going for them what happened?”

“Last month there was a massive thunderstorm come through. Some time during the third shift there was seven car pile-up involving an eighteen-wheeler on I-twenty at the Coalman Road overpass. The eighteen-wheeler was hauling a fifty-three foot box trailer full of explosive chemicals. When Tom and John got there with their EMTs and ambulances they did something crazy brave. They weren’t even fully trained yet to pull people out of burning or wrecked cars, you know what I mean. They weren’t firefighters, but they went in hard and fast anyway. See that tractor was already starting to catch fire and the driver was dead. He kind of slammed into the center concrete support for the overpass cab first. The firefighters say they saved twelve people that night before going back to try and pull the driver of the eighteen-wheeler out. The explosion caught them off guard.”

“Holy shit! They did that? Just because I challenged you guys to clean up your acts. What the hell Sam.” I didn’t know what to say.

“No Miss McGuire. They didn’t do that because of your challenge.” I turned to see Slow Jack standing in the doorway. “They did it because they could. It is a real pleasure to meet the young woman that gave the Knights something to aspire to. Jack Stone, owner of Slow Jack’s and current head of the Darlington Knights.”

The man was as lean as he was tall. His hair was salt and pepper with full gray at the temples. I could also tell that he made his living bending wrenches. ‘Slow Jack’ Stone made his reputation off of his customization of cars, trucks, and vans. While he did the occasional street mode for a racer his real passion was in restoration of classic and vintage cars.

Standing up I held out my hand to the man. “The pleasure is mine sir. I’ve heard a great deal about your restoration and customization work. All of it good.”

“He is also the founder of the Darlington Knights, Bobbie.” Sam said from his seat. “I’m the first to admit that we got off the track that him and the other founders set down back in the sixties. He is also the one to help pull us back from the assholes that we became. Me and the others owe him and you a lot.”

“You guys did the work and turned your lives around on your own Sam. I just told you the truth when you needed to hear it. That is all that I did. Don’t go giving me credit for what you guys did.” I figured that I needed to put an end to this hero-worship shit before it got out of hand. I knew that I wasn’t what Sam was trying to make me out to be. I was just a driver that got lucky.

“Whatever, girlfriend! By the way. What brings you around here? It sure as fuck isn’t for the company. We all know that you’re head over heels for Kelly.” Sam was still blunt as could be. Thank the good lord. This was one thing that hadn’t changed about him.

“I’ve been hearing some fucked up shit Sam. It’s about me, Kelly, the team, and the press that has been snooping around.” I figured that if I went slowly, I wouldn’t catch them off guard.

“FUCK! Specs! Call the rest of the Knights! We got a code yellow!” Sam yelled into the garage bay area.

“Sure, thing boss! Who’s pissing in McGuire’s backyard this time?” the guy named Specs called back.

“Don’t know yet, but you know the drill. Flash the clubs and pass the word. We shut this shit down now. Understood?!” Sam called back before turning to look at me. “Don’t worry Bobbie we’ll find out who’s running their mouths and put a stop to it.”

“I already know. The basketball and wrestling monkeys are out for revenge. Joey came to me today with word about what they’ve saying and what they want to do.” I told him honestly.

“Sammy, I told you boys that Miss McGuire is under our protection. We owe her and now we pay her back. Find those mother fuckers and shut them down. If they want to rumble, rumble. If they want to race let me know. I’ll get the old dirt track for the day.” Slow Jack ordered Sam with more than a little heat. “If they don’t want either and still think that they can bad mouth Miss McGuire. Fucking hurt them anyway. Put their happy asses in the hospital. Career-ending injuries. Am I understood? This shit ends now. Then find these reporters that are threatening to expose our hometown girl and put a stop to them as well. Once and for all. Understood?”

“Yes sir.” Sam turned to me and smiled. “We’ll take care of this Bobbie. You just enjoy your time here at home while you got it.”

With that Sam left me with Jack. “Mister Stone you and the Knights don’t have to do this. Your members don’t owe me anything. Yes, I was coming here to ask a favor. All I wanted was help in finding the reporters and the monkey-nuts. I can take care of the rest. There is no need for your guys getting in trouble with the pork.”

Jack Stone looked me in the eye then waved for me to sit down again. “Please take a seat Miss McGuire. I can tell that you don’t truly understand what you have done for this town. I think it is time for someone to fill you in.”

After Jack took his seat across from me, he began to tell what my raise to fame on the Formula One circuit had brought about in my hometown. To say that I was shocked is an understatement. “There have been a lot of changes since you and your sister have been gone. For starters, just look at the members of the Darlington Knights. Until just a few months ago they were a bunch of rowdy assholes tearing up the streets in illegal street races. Now, every last member has a real job and are working to make their dream of a road course real. They’re doing all the work themselves. They’ve earned every last dime for the construction cost honestly. They want a place where they can race but do it safely.”

Jack looked out at his garage. “I only employ five members. The guys that know what they’re doing with engines, transmissions, and bodywork. The whole gambit. The others have jobs in everything from flipping burgers, to construction workers even to some of the girls driving ambulances. Of those girls that are driving ambulances they’re taking night courses over at the community college so they can become EMTs. We even have two of our girls that are working as secretaries. One for a law firm the other for Fifth third national bank. Those are just the changes among the Knights thanks to your little challenge to clean up their acts.”

He gave me a sly smile. “We both know that none of them really have what it takes to make it on the pro circuits. They all figured that out really quick on their own. The police saw my people straightening out their acts and backed off. Your little challenge turned them all into upstanding citizens in an off-hand manner.”

He started to chuckle. “I know that you haven’t had time to swing by your old school, Beauregard Smith High, but even over there the changes have been happening. After Mrs. Orwell, tendered her resignation stating she wanted to stay home and raise her baby girl. Your, Mister Corely was appointed as the Principal shortly after you and your team graduated. The first thing he did was to suspend the entire wrestling team. It seems that they were the main bullies in your old school and were using their championship status for protection against prosecution. The basketball team didn’t fair well either. They were all put on more than just your normal academic probation. All of them are having to repeat the year now. All of the shit that those two teams were getting away with was traced back to that one school councilor Mrs. Carson.”

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. If just half of what Jack was telling was true. Then it was no wonder the wrestling and basketball teams wanted to fuck me over. What he told me next almost had me falling out of my chair.

“From what my guys and gals have told me the woman was a real bitch. Well, they fell short in their description. It seems that Mrs. Carson isn’t her real name. Alison Carson is a real person, but that woman lives in Las Vegas and is a teacher for the deaf. The woman that was posing as Alison Carson was in truth a wanted felon in Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, and Oklahoma by the name of Alice Anderson. The woman was wanted on over forty counts of identity theft, fraud, and felonious impersonation. There were also charges of promoting prostitution. She was running a high-end call girl service out of her home in Vegas. From what my connections downtown have told me there are five States Attorneys and three Federal Prosecuting Attorneys that want her ass.”

“How the hell did she ever get her job at the high school? Didn’t they run a background check on her ass?” I couldn’t believe what is was just told by Jack. I just failed to truly grasp the situation. Let alone the monumental screw up by the authorities.

“They did run a background check and came up with a real teacher in Los Vegas. The schoolboard just took what they found on the net and ran with it. I mean if you find a person who has teaching degrees from places like BYU, and University of Maryland wanting to work in a small town like Darlington. You don’t think twice about hiring them or digging into their reasons for work here.” I couldn’t believe what Jack was telling me. Then I thought about how economically depressed Darlington had been over the past thirty some years. I could see how Carson got hired.

“Yup, there have been a lot of changes around town. Almost all of them for the good. One thing that has come about is the more accepting attitude of the LGBT lifestyles. I don’t know if it was because of you or if it was just because people are finally getting over their redneck attitudes. I just know that it has happened.” Jack just gave me a sly smile. As if he knew that I was really still a boy. I didn’t care. He and his club have been protecting my secret while I’ve been gone. I owed him and his club big time.

“Before you go saying that you owe me and the Knights, forget about it. You don’t owe us jack shit little lady.” I watched as Jack reached into his back pocket and pull out a tin foil pouch. At first, I thought it was chewing tobacco. That is until I saw the cartoon on the front of the pouch. It was of a baseball player blowing a bubble. A great big pink bubble. “My one vice.”

“I think all true mechanics chew Big League Chew.” I chuckled as I pointed to the pouch. “I know that my chief mechanics both chew the stuff. I think you might know them.”

Jack just nodded his head and stuck a wad of gum in his mouth. “Hailee and Marks are some of the best. You would be hard pressed to find better. That includes me.”

“Thank you, Mister Stone. I know how lucky I am to have them on my team.” I sighed as I looked out into his garage area at the few gathered members of the Darlington Knights. “I’m sorry to hear about what happened to Tom and John. Is there anything that I can do to help honor their sacrifice?”

Jack looked over at me with piercing gray eyes. “Win the fucking championship, Miss McGuire. Do that for my guys. They really want to make you pay up on that bet you made with them. I think they still believe that one day they would be able to race against you on a real track. They want that more than anything else.”

“I’m sorry if my actions pushed them to getting themselves killed. I just wanted them to turn their lives around. I knew that they weren’t the backwards dumbass thugs they played up. They both had real skill behind the wheel. They just weren’t ready for the track. They had never looked death in the eye and felt fear. I had.” I looked him in the eye. “That is my advantage. I’m not afraid of dying. I’ve been close to death enough in my life that I’m no longer afraid of the asshole.”

Jack chuckled as he chewed his gum. “I’ve watched you drive, Miss McGuire. I’ve seen the way you push your car. The way you slide through the turns, and power down the straightaways. I’ve been in this business a long time, young lady. I’ve seen racers like you before and they all have one thing in common.”

When he didn’t continue, I was forced to ask. “What’s that?”

“All of them, and this includes you, are racing the same person.” He blew a bubble and popped it. “You don’t race the track or the other drivers. You race the Bounty hunter.”

I’ve heard that name and saying all of my life growing up around race tracks. The old timers all talk about the one driver that can never be beaten. They call him the Devil’s Bounty Hunter, the Ghost Rider, the Phantom, and the Black Racer. Whatever they call him they all mean the same person, Death.

Jack held out his hand and pointed at me. “One of these days, young lady. You’re going to find that you can’t out run him. He always gets his due. You can find this out the hard way or you can take some free advice. The kind that you gave my guys. You want it?”

I knew that it the question was rhetorical. “Sure, why not? I can always use advice. Good or bad. It doesn’t matter.”

“Leave the hate you feel for death in the pits and don’t take your personal feelings towards the other drivers out on the track. You do that, and you’ll be one of the best. If you don’t sooner or later the Bounty Hunter will collect on your ass. Trust me, Miss McGuire. I’ve seen it happen more than once.” He stood up and waved for me to follow him. “Come on I want to show you something.”

I followed Jack through the shop into the showroom and over to a wall on the far side that was covered with pictures. I saw pictures of Jack with some of the biggest names in the sport. Both Dale Earnhardt’s, Richard Petty, Dale Jerod, Jeff Gordon, and a whole slew of others. Then there were the ones that I didn’t recognize. I watched as he pulled one of those down off the wall. He handed it to me with a sad smile.

“Do you know the man in that picture, Miss McGuire?” I shook my head no. I had no idea of who the man was. “That man is my oldest brother, Mike Stone junior. He was one of those up and comers back in the late eighties that no one ever really heard about.”

The minute I heard the name I knew who he was talking about. Mike Stone really was one of those one time up and coming drivers from the early eighties. The guy had three wins before plowing into the wall in turn three at Pocono Raceway, better known as The Tricky Triangle. I would never have thought that Slow Jack was the brother of ‘Misfire’ Mike Stone. That’s what the other teams started calling him because he kept missing his restarts.

“Mike was like you Miss McGuire. He too kept trying to out race the Bounty Hunter. And just like you he saw death at a young age. Mike survived a motorcycle wreck at sixteen that should have taken him out and put him in the grave. He would never have gone into racing if it hadn’t been for our dad. Mike really didn’t belong on any track in any circuit. He was too afraid of death. You though aren’t and that is a bad thing. You hate the fucker. That is not a good thing.”

I had taken in what Jack saying with a grain of salt. Until then that is. There was something in the last two sentences that felt off to me. “I don’t understand what you’re getting at Jack.”

“For any driver, it doesn’t matter what kind. The moment you quit respecting and fearing the specter of death you get sloppy. You get sloppy at over one-fifty you make mistakes. You make mistakes at that speed and you get hurt or dead. That’s what happened to my brother Mike. Look, you’re a great driver Miss McGuire, you can be one of the best. All you got to do is face your fear of death and control the hate that fear rises in you. You’ll always fall just short of your full potential. You can take or leave my advice Miss McGuire that’s all on you. Just know that I only told you this so that you can step beyond what everyone else sees in you.” I couldn’t believe the nerve of this man.

Yet everything he said was true. I did have a hard-on hate for the fear of death. It was what made me drive the way that I did. Yet there was something in his advice that called to me. “How do you suggest I go about losing the hate and fear, Mister Stone?”

“I can’t tell you how to do that young lady. All I can do is give you the hard-earned wisdom I have gathered over the years.” Then he chuckled. “Besides, I doubt that I’m not the only one to tell you this. I imagine your Crew Chief or psych have also.” This time it was my turn to chuckle. He had nailed the situation without being anywhere near the conversations. “Just listen to your heart, Miss McGuire and you’ll do fine. It is a better gauge than anything else that someone can tell you looking in from the outside.”

He gave me a sly smile. “I understand that the announcers have tagged you and your sister with the nickname of the McGuire Ice Cold Furies. Any other fun nicknames? Say ones from the other drivers? Maybe one that is less than complementary.”

“The Ice Bitches.” I told him honestly. “More than a few of them have a real hard-on hate for us.”

“That’s to be expected, Miss McGuire. You girls come out of nowhere and put up two wins in three races.” He started to chuckle harder. “Then you add in the way you two drive. It’s amazing that they’re only calling you young ladies bitches.”

I laughed right along with him. “Then if they’re that upset over our first few races. They’re really going to hate us after next week. The Azerbaijan Grand Prix is held on the Baku street circuit. That’s the type of racing Beth and I cut our teeth on. You give us half a chance and we’ll own the track. Not to mention the race. Hell, anyone of your members could take those prima donna assholes that I race against weekly in this type of race.”

Jack just chuckled. “Yeah, you’re right about that. Most of my guys and gals would do pretty damned good on a street course. The regular tracks would be their downfall.”

Jack waved for me to follow him to his office. Once there, Jack walked over to one of the four rollup map cases. I noticed that each one was marked with one of the top four motorsport initials. There was F1, NASCAR, Indy, and Drift. I could tell that I was in the presence of a true racing fan. I watched as he counted up the map case that was marked F1. When he got to the fourth map, he pulled it down. The map was a blown up printout of the Baku street circuit. Jack let a frown cross his face.

“Damn, this is a nasty little circuit. You got a mix-match of everything under the sun. Your Crew Chiefs are going to be fighting for a balance between downforce for the twisty bits and less drag for the straightaways.” I watched as Jack traced his finger along the race circuit. I noticed that he was going counter-clockwise. “This is going to be your biggest bite in the ass. This race runs backwards of what you’re used to. You’re going to have to compensate for this Miss McGuire. Forget about racing the other drivers. I can tell that this track is going to be merciless on those who make any mistakes.”

Jack continued to trace the circuit with his figure. “See here where the track loops around into the city’s narrow, winding Icheri Sheher old town, then suddenly starts to dramatically wind past Baku’s medieval city walls. Just like in Monaco, the slightest mistakes anywhere in this area are going to be punished quickly and severely. You’re going to need a really tight balance on your cars in this area. Because you’ll be coming out of all those twists and turns into one long assed run all the way along the shoreline of Baku with the final straightaway at the end.”

He turned away from the map and keyed his intercom on his desk. “Steph.” He wait a second then hit the button again. “Steph!” when he wasn’t answered a second time he yelled. “DAMN IT! STEPHANY! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?”

A teenage girl with blond hair pulled into a high ponytail and glasses walked into his office. “Damn it, dad! What do you want?! I’m busy trying to find you that transmission for the sixty-eight Camaro Super Sport. I don’t have time for any of your bullshit! Someone around here has to find those parts!”

“Don’t go getting your panties in a twist with me little girl! You’re not too old for me to take you over my knee for a paddling.” I just chuckled at the way the father and daughter acted. “As for that tranny just call Sam’s Pick-n-pull on ninth street.”

“I already called them. Before you go telling me to call Pete’s, D-and-D, or Hustlers forget. Already been called and none of them have a sixty-eight SS. I’ve got calls into our suppliers out west right now, but don’t hold your breath. We might have to go with an after market transmission.” Stephany sighed. “now what do you want that’s so damn important?”

I had listen to the junkyards that Jack’s daughter named off and thought about one that she didn’t name. “Have you tried Breakers over in Conway or Seven Sons in Socastee yet?”

“Who are you?” Stephany asked wirily. “You’re not one of the Knights or one of their girlfriends. You’re too cleaned up for that bunch of rowdies. And how do you know about junkyards?”

I just chuckled as Jack face palmed. “Oh, for the sweet love of God. Can she get any ruder? I swear Stephany. I try and try to get you to act like a lady and what do you do? You insult not only a customer but one of our town’s newest rising star.”

Stephany looked at her father as he turned to me. “Miss McGuire, please allow me to apologize for my daughter. I’ve done my best to raise her to be more than just a grease monkey, but as you can see, I’ve failed. I know that her mother would be rolling over in her grave right now at her actions.”

“No need to apologize Mister Stone. I can understand her suspicion of me. After all I haven’t been around here in a long time.” I turned to the thirteen year old. “Besides the last time that Stephany saw me she was only seven years old and her hair was in twin-tails. Stephany trust me. Call Breakers and Seven Sons about those Camaro parts. If they don’t have them, they know who does.”

“Thank you, ma’am. Sorry for being such a bitch. I find that it’s easier when dealing with anyone that hangs around with the Knights.” She pointed at her dad with her thumb. “Case in point. What were you yelling at me for this time dad?”

“Do you remember where I put your uncle Terry’s videos of the Formula One tracks? You know the ones that I’m talking about.” Jack asked his daughter. At her black look he sighed. “The ones on the super eight film rolls.”

“Oh! You mean those movies of uncle Terry’s from when he was in the Army. I thought those were only training videos from his time in the field or something.” Stephany told her dad as she got a thoughtful look on her face. “Those are all in the breakroom closet. Third shelf down from the top. The projector is in your office closet on the left hand side of the top shelf. The screen is in our storage closet for the cleaning supplies.”

I was amazed by Stephany’s recall for where everything was. I thought I would be funny. “Do you happen to have a factory spec shift lever for a seventy-one Pontiac Firebird Trans-Am?”

Stephany just smirked. “Row nine, unit B, shelf four, slot E, in the secondary warehouse under Pontiac. We currently have three.”

Jack just chuckled. “Miss McGuire, I couldn’t run this place without my little girl. She came in here last year and organized the place. Starting with my warehouses and storage units. She knows where every last part is without having to look and how many we have of each part in that bin. Don’t ask me how, she just does.”

“Do you want me to grab those films for you dad?” Stephany asked in a bored tone. “If not, I got phone calls to make.”

“Go make your phone calls Steph. Start with the guys over at Seven Sons. Ask for Leu in the parts department. You’ll like him.” Jack waved for Stephany to go back to work. I watched as the teen just smirked and spun on her heel then flipped her twin-tails as she walked away. “AND DON’T FLIP YOUR HAIR AT ME GIRL!”

I busted out laughing. As Jack just bitched to himself for a few minutes. “Damn girl will be the death of me yet. Come on Miss McGuire. I’ve got a little present for you and your sister.”

“Mister Stone, just what are these films you were talking about?” I asked Jack with true curiosity.

“About four years ago my kid brother Terry had close to one-hundred and twenty days of leave time saved up. He kept getting deployed to the Sandbox. Anyway, when he was told by the Army that he had to use it or loss it. He talked with his CO got it approved and took it all in one big jump. Instead of coming home he followed the Formula One circuit for the season. He had saved up enough money from being overseas all the time to cover all his expenses.” Jack chuckled. “He always said that he would spend one year just following the races for at least one of the Circuits. Anyway, one of the things he did was walk the tracks with our dad’s old super eight camera. Talk about getting detail.”

“You mean to say that you have actual FILM FOOTAGE of all the tracks?” I asked Jack who just nodded his head yes. “How much do you want for those films? I got five hundred on me right now. If you want more, I’ll have to go to the bank tomorrow.”

I was already digging out my wallet and the money. I was not going to leave that shop without those films or digital copies. Jack just chuckled. “Don’t worry Miss McGuire. They’re yours. Or at least the digital copies are anyway.” At my blank look Jack explained. “I had digital copies made of each film and put the disc with the film case.”

Twenty minutes later I was the proud owner of twenty-one digital discs one for every track in the Formula One Circuit. “Even if these are out of date Mister Stone. You have just given me and my sister a leg up on the competition. I insist that you let me pay you for these discs.”

“Miss McGuire, if my daughter can find the parts that I need for the Camaro here in South Carolina then we’ll call it even. If she can’t then I’ll give you a call and you return the discs. Deal?” Jack held out his hand and we shook on it.

I put the discs in my purse and pulled out the address book Issy had me carrying. I flipped through to my car contacts. These were people that I knew who specialized in old and hard to find parts for vintage cars. “Got a piece of paper Jack?”

He handed over a pin and paper then wave for me to use his desk. I quickly wrote down the names for my contacts and their phone numbers. I handed the paper to Jack with a little flourish. “These are the people that I got most of the original parts for my Judge. If you call the first three and ask them for a part they’ll either tell you a price or point you to who has it. The first three only deal in original salvaged and restored or old new stock. The other names on that list be hit or miss for aftermarket. Use my name as a reference and it will cut out a bunch of the bs.”

“Damn! I thought that I was connected in this state. You must have the inside on more than ninety percent of the junkyards for four states. What is this twenty, twenty-five names?”

“Twenty-three in total. Just don’t give that list out to anybody else, please. The only reason I have those names is because of my family name. You understand.” I hoped that he did.

“I certainly do Miss McGuire.” He gave me a smile that was a mile wide. He waved the list of names. “Keep the discs. This is worth more than its weight in gold to someone like me.”

“You’re welcome. If you’ll excuse me. I’m supposed to be meeting my girlfriend for dinner.” I must have blushed as I thought about the dinner plans, I had made and the ring that was in my purse. Jack spotted the blush right away.

“I take it that tonight’s dinner is a special one. I hope she says yes Miss McGuire.” Jack chuckled as I blushed even harder. “You two young ladies make a beautiful couple by the way. Does she understand the risk that you take every time you go out on those tracks? I know that most spouses don’t.”

“She does.” I said nodding my head. “I doubt that I could get out there and race if it wasn’t for her at times.”

“I doubt that, Miss McGuire.” At my look of confusion Jack just smiled. “You’re too much of a racer to backdown from a challenge.”

I thought about what he said and returned his smile. “You know something Mister Stone. You just may be right about that.”

“You are young lady. Now go on and get out of here. You have somewhere to be and I have business to take care of.” He pointed towards the exit and I turned to go. “Oh, and don’t worry about those thugs. The Darlington Knights will handle that problem.”

There was a deadly note of finality in Slow Jack’s voice. I knew that I was right in coming to see the Knights. I may not have started out to turn their lives, but I did. Now, they were out to repay a debt by protecting my secret and past. All I had to do now was go and win the F1 championship in honor of Tomas Hart and John Foxx. I don’t know if I can do it, but you can damn sure bet that I’ll be giving it my best.


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Local road track...

How is the ownership setup? Trust, LLC, or “club” owned? Will Bobbie try an help the track construction along? Will Bobbie suggest to Joey to take Stephany out for a date?

Great chapter!!

Legalities of ownership

wolfjess7's picture

the easiest way to setup ownership of something like a local track is as a "club" owned track. Especially with the laws in South Carolina. As a club owned track they can apply for loans and grants to cover the construction costs at a greatly reduced rate. This is manly done to promote the tourist and business aspects of these local tracks. What the Darlington Knights have done is setup their Club as the owners with the track being held in full trust of the Club with the club officers being the trusties.

May the peace and happiness of the Goddess keep and protect you
as always your humble outlaw
Jessie Wolf

Less Technical More Emotional

BarbieLee's picture

This chapter really had a ton of emotion packed into it. I believe it is one all your readers can bond with emotionally even if they never sit behind a steering wheel at a 140mph. Never rode in a fuel injected GTO when the right front tire blew at well over 160. I wasn't a street racer, nor drag racer, nor paid any attention to the national races. Sometimes the young feel a need for speed even if just going from here to there. Foolish kids!
The thing is, all of us can relate to the boy girl relationships, the emotional highs of puppy love, the devastating crush of rejection, the first real kiss...,
This chapter is where you finally pulled me into the story with Bobbie and the tech talk was acceptable and necessary for this is HER STORY.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl


WillowD's picture

Yes. This chapter is particularly good because of all of the emotions in it.

Getting this weird feeling...

Beoca's picture

Something tells me that there's going to be an awful lot of wreckage on that course next week (without Bobbie or Beth having to in any way contribute to it). But Jack's hit the nail as far as Bobbie's ongoing issue. Hopefully she can deal with that while not losing her edge on the track.

As someone who did my fair share.......

D. Eden's picture

Of street racing back in my youth, I look back on the stupidity of it and thank God that neither myself or anyone else was hurt.

To this day I still tend to be one of the faster drivers on the road, but have definitely calmed down not just due to adulthood, but definitely due to a major change in hormone levels, lol. Yeah, I am no longer the testosterone fueled ball of anger that I once was - I suppose I am more of a kinder, gentler version of the person I once was. But having said that, I still feel more comfortable at 75 than I do at 55, lol.

I grew up the youngest child of an old southern family, and what my parents thought was the only male of my generation - how little they were able to understand just how wrong they were! Having said that, I grew up bathed in what back then was known as stock car racing - what became NASCAR. Charlotte, Daytona, Darlington, etc. we’re all places I was familiar with. But my true love was IMSA GTP, or GTO as I grew up with Mustangs. The ability to turn both directions and master a road course at high speed was in my blood. Lime Rock and Watkins Glen became my new favorites as I became an adult, not to mention the sound of a high revving, low displacement engine.

This story blends the enthusiasm of my youth for racing with the reality of my true gender, and as such it has become one of my favorites - and of course being from one of my favorite authors is a plus!

I am definitely looking forward to Bobbie popping the question at dinner, and of course what happens with the Knights, not to mention the rest of the F1 season!

D. Eden

Dum Vivimus, Vivamus

Basically I am out of my element

Wendy Jean's picture

when you start talking about races but I am enjoying the story even though I don't really relate to a lot of it.

For some strange reason...

Couple less boxes of tissues in storage...
Quite an emotional roller-coaster... at least for me.
Love this story!
And everyone is lucky that Baku racetrack turns off from the sea just before a quite famous railway crossing that is just about 100 meters further up the shore...

Still cruising at track speed

Still enjoying this story. Which ever way you take things I will continue to follow.

Sounds like home more fun.

Almost wished they had gone into Nascar. You have such a great grasp of the southern racing environment and their community. More action and drama at home. Very well capture...

Never poke the bear

Jamie Lee's picture

Those wrestlers and basketball players are transferring their getting the boot on Bobbie, even though they are to blame for their troubles.

The coaches getting kick to the curb should have happened long before it actually happened, because of what they let those players get away with.

Sports in high school is not the main reason those kids are in school, just an activity that actually isn't needed for the kids to complete their education. But because they have now become so engrained in school life, they've become sacred institutions. And yet, those participating do not have the right to think themselves greater than those who don't participate. And when they start believing that, it's time to show them the truth and boot them off the teams.

Going after Bobbie is pure ignorance on the part of those players. They don't care to understand what Bobbie has done for others that's given others a better, and safer, life. Those players are about to learn that if you poke the bear you'll regret it in a big way in short order.

Others have feelings too.


Roberta just thought she was going to find out more on the Wrestlers. Instead, she's found an entire group of allies who can credit her with knocking sense into their skulls, cleaning up their act, providing a (relatively) safe way for youngsters to cut their teeth in racing and deal with the Wrestlers.

Never mind finding out Carson was on the run under an assumed name, and keeping the Reaper at bay.

As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!