The site went down this morning for a bit and when I brought it back up it seemed to be under a denial of service attack. So, I took it down and put up an error message while I investigated. Turns out it must have been a Google crawler that got a wild hare and kept hitting the same page, several thousand times. Everything seems fine now but sometimes it takes Google a few hours to find out that their latest version of the crawler is coocoo for cocoa puffs and fix it.
I'll keep an eye on it today and don't be surprised if it goes down again, a time or two.
Well done that woman!
Erin kills all known germs - dead!
Angharad 8)
Super heroes
Sounds like a story from a super hero comic. First Erin and Bob defeat the deadly Mail Bomb Attacker and his evil hordes, and now she fights off a crazed Google Crawler that was attempting to the eat the site!
well done Erin and Bob!
I'm REALLY glad it's you that's...
... hosting/taking care of this site! I'da had to yell for help on many of the things you fight your way through. Way to go, and THANKS!