Tammy:Moving On - Chapter 14 "Evaluation"

Moving On  





This chapter is a collaboration between Shiraz & Snowfall
Saturday 22nd April 2017 (continued)

"Seriously, Marcus, what was the aim of that?"

"We needed to test your fitness, why not grab a shower whilst the numbers are crunched?"

Tammy locked herself in a shower cubicle and peeled out of sweat-ridden army vest and shorts. She didn't smell too brilliant either. Her overnight case was already there, on a bench, but first she needed to get clean and fresh.

Fifteen minutes later she was back, opting for a long skirt in place of the jeans she'd worn when flying down. The fitness suite technician was waiting.

"Miss Smart, your breathing was too quick and too shallow, you need to work on that."

"Was it?"

"Yes, so your muscles tired too quickly, insufficient oxygen."

"Are you saying it wasn't any good? I put everything into those tests."

"Sorry Tammy," answered Marcus,"but as you were just told, your fitness isn't there yet. We'll run the test tomorrow as well, in case today wasn't truly indicative."

"So what next?"


Food was a tray of sandwiches, on wholemeal bread.

"Are you suggesting I need a diet?"

"No, Tammy, you wouldn't have had any bread if that was the case, although there's no harm in losing a few kilos."

"You really know how to wind a girl up."

"Look, it's important that you're fit before we sign you up for this unit, you are no use if you your stamina or endurance are low. You realise this isn't a desk job?"

"I did get that, but I still don't have much idea what it will be."

"It'll be whatever is needed to get the job done, no more and no less. We can't have part-time operatives, whether you're at the sharp end or backing up."

They drove across the site after lunch to the indoor ranges, although Tammy hadn't been told her destination beforehand.

"I left my weapon back there."

"You won't need it, come."

The armourer had clearly been informed in advance and had a weapon ready for Tammy.

"A Glock 22?"

"Have you been perusing weapons catalogues, young lady?"

"No, I used one of these recently. It's a .40, isn't it?"

"Yes," replied the armourer, "please use the ear defenders, saftey glasses and observe the range regulations at all times. You have lane nine for the next hour, sign here."

Tammy put the ear defenders on before Marcus could question her further so he grabbed a pair for himself and followed her into the range as soon as the light went green.


They had a mid-afternoon coffee back in Building U7, Marcus had brought her score sheets back and handed them to Colonel Sean MacTaggart who had now arrived.

"Not bad, young lady. Marcus tells me you used a similar weapon before, we thought the higher calibre would be a problem?"

"I was a little rusty, the last time I got on a range was a few months ago."

"You recovered well, your second set showed improvement."

"Not enough to qualify though!"

"True, that's why we didn't do that today."

"What's the point?"

"Our standard personal weapon is a .40; back at Hereford we have the P320 but this range doesn't have it yet so we settled for the Glock for now."

"I still like my P19."

"Ruddy peashooter, it's no good against armour!"

A bell sounded in the distance, Marcus went to the investigate and returned with a suited lady.

"Tammy, this is Dr Georgia Rouse. She works with us when needed for debriefs, and is fully cleared. I'd like you to sit with her for a chat."

"Marcus, Sean, is that a way of saying you want me psychoanalysed?"

Sean laughed, "The lassie got you, Wade, tell it as it is from now on!" Sean stood and walked away with his Captain, leaving the victim with Dr Rouse. Tammy had been sat in a low chair by a coffee table and now stood. "Okay, Doctor, where's the torture chamber?"

"Please, call me Georgia, why don't we sit here if you're comfortable?"

"I'm Tammy." She held out her hand and it was lightly shaken, both then sat.

"Now, Tammy, I have had a chance to read your file. For someone so young, it's somewhat larger than I expected."

"Please don't assume anything, Doctor, Georgia."

"Plainly. Let me explain what I hope to achieve here, if you join the unit then some of your work will come with issues and the commanders need to know that you can do the work and then deal with the issues. Breaking down in the field is not an option."

"I don't yet know what the work is?"

"True enough, but this is a two stage interview and right know I just need to know what drove you to make certain decisions."

"I've explained all that before."

"From your file; you had genuine counselling just once and even that was really part of an attempt to remove you from the Security Service."

"After I killed Anita Gore in self defence?"


"How did you feel after you'd shot Mrs Gore?"


"How come?"

"It had been her or me, and that was no longer an issue. Her hostages were also free and the wounded could get medical aid. I knew she couldn't challenge me again."

"Did you have an emotional response after she went down?"

"If you mean, did I cry or freak out, then no. I stayed focussed, even when I was arrested."

"Why do you think you were focussed?"

"Training and experience."

"Such as?"

"Training with Special Forces, attempts on my life, boarding school, that sort of thing."

"Boarding school, why did you include that?"

"You didn't go to a boarding school then?"


"Imagine being eleven years old and not seeing your parents for three months at a time, having no-one to run to or trying to fit into a system when you don't know how the system works."

"So you keep your head down and accept your situation?"

"Yes. Very soon you're indoctrinated and you find going home is a struggle. Fortunately I didn't go home much, instead it was frequently a hotel somewhere in Europe or further afield."

The conversation then turned to when Tammy and Kerri Emerson had taken down a bunch of True Freedom terrorists in a West London coffee shop.

"How did you assess the situation?"

"I didn't, Kerri did that."

"Were you prepared?"

"Absolutely not, my weapon was in my bag and that was on the floor by my feet. It took me a few seconds to retrieve it once the shooting started. Kerri had a plan within seconds. She recognized threats walking in the door. I had no idea until the first shots came."

"How did you feel when you decided to take out the terrorists?"

"Upset, I was just supposed to be there for a drink!"

"Anything else?"

"Yes, most of the customers had taken cover but two or three were hurt, by then Kerri had opened up and took a few terrorists down and that got their attention away from the customers. I joined in and we took them all out."

"Just like that?"

"No, they were wearing bodyarmour under their coats but all I had was an M&S bra under my blouse. It took time to take them out, wheras one hit on me would have been curtains."

"So you were frightened?"

"No time for that, I had suddenly found myself protecting my friend, the public and moi! Training and a desire to keep breathing took over."

"What about when the shooting stopped?"

"An anticlimax, but you can then hear the coffee shop customers crying out and you can see that some have severe wounds. Then came the confusion."

"What confusion?"

Tammy chose her words carefully this time, she wanted to make sure she only said what she wanted to say.

"I didn't grasp it at the time that Kerri wasn't some technician, as I'd been led to believe. She was much more than that, she was trained for situations exactly like the one we were in.

"A teaspoon, she used a Bloody teaspoon to get the upperhand. Kerri knew immediately that they wore body armour and how to exploit their vulnerabilities. I was furious; one that I hit paid no mind to me and the other had rallied himself, seemingly unhurt. I should have known she was more able when she carries two large calibre pistols and said her daily work out was a triathlon."

"I see. Were the paramedics there quickly?"

"Yes, someone had called the police and apparently they asked for paramedics."

"Were you still there when the police arrived?"

"Yes, and I had the usual arguments with uniformed officers about carrying a weapon, or even having access to one. That wound me up."

"How much did you declare?"

"I had my firearms certificate with me and one of the officers recognised me, Kerri and I walked out of there."

"Then there was the incident at the inquest for the same terrorists?"

"My brief was killed, and I shot the toad who did it."

"How did you react?"

"Immediately, he wouldn't even have seen my weapon."

"So it was in cold blood?"

"No, he was raising his arm and would have shot me as well."

The conversation covered a few more incidents in Tammy's life and then they were done.

Marcus and Sean walked back in almost as soon as Dr Rouse had put her notepad down.

"Marcus, Uncle, were you both listening?"

"No Lassie, not all the time. How about we think about dinner?"

"The three of us, Uncle?"

"No, just the two of us. I understand there's a lovely restaurant just outside the base."

"Really? If I didn't know better, I'd suspect you were coming on to me?"

"Of course not, Tammy?"

"Do you find me attractive?"

"Well, yes, I mean no, I mean ...."

"Speechless? Are you sure you're not trying to get into my knickers, Colonel?"

"Of course not, that would be highly inappropriate. In any case, I doubt very much they would fit me."

Sunday 23rd April 2017

Tammy awoke in the on-base Premier Inn, having been told to report to Building U7 by seven in the morning. Marcus had given her another shorts and vest set with instructions to take her case with her. Transport was waiting outside the hotel for the ten minute ride.

"Good morning Tammy, did you sleep well?"

"More or less, Colonel. I guess I'm back in the fitness suite first?"

"No, there's a five mile run before that. Your target time is thirty-five minutes."

"On my own?"

"Wade will accompany you, he's on his way over."

"Anyone else?"

"The Lads aren't with him this time. They'd try to help you."

"Really? That's not good?"

MacTaggart shook his head. "They'd mean well, but it wouldn't work right. Their idea of motivation would only wind you up, making you try to chase them down and strangle them for it. Bad show. Going with Wade is enough."

They set off a few minutes later although Marcus insisted Tammy did some warming-up exercises first. Tammy knew their initial pace was fast but assumed it would reduce as time progressed; she took on the advice from the previous day and lengthened her stride whilst improving her breathing. It seemed to work.

There seemed to be a regular running route as they came across individuals and groups as the ran. Tammy started to greet them as runners passed them but found it disrupted her breathing. A nod seemed sufficient and took less energy.

The first twenty minutes had been on the flat but, as they rounded a building, she saw the ground rising ahead of them. Marcus, just ahead of her, seemed to increase speed just before they hit the start of the rise, Tammy followed but was starting to feel her leg muscles tighten.

Previously she would have slowed at a hill and, most likely, would have ended up walking. That didn't seem to be an option so she dug in, going over the top thirty seconds after Marcus.

She started to sprint to catch him up but quickly realised that wasn't the most sensible idea so opted for a pace a little faster than before in order to gradually catch the Captain.

She didn't quite catch him by the time they returned to their starting point, but stayed in touch for the remaining two miles, arriving just ten seconds later. Marcus was jogging on the spot and suggested she did the same.

"Warm down, then we go inside."

A few minutes later his pace dropped to nil and he told her to stop, they walked inside.

"Well done, Tammy, that was thirty four minutes."

"Thirty-four? Do you run like that all the time?"

"No, for such a short distance I'll normally do it in twenty eight."

"Jeez, Marcus, thanks for the consideration."

"Seriously, I wasn't expecting you to stay with me for so long."

"Maybe I'm fitter than you thought? I used to do a lot of running at school, in London I was running for the bus or the tube, but I drive everywhere in Thurso."

"Don't you have a pool and a gym at home?"

"Yes, but hardly touched it during the winter, we still have snow on the ground in the Highlands."

"I know, I was in Thurso recently."

"You didn't say!"

"You didn't need to know. Now, I'd like you on a running machine to check your oxygen intake and then we'll do breakfast."

"I need water first, and a wee!" "Use a sample pot please."

Compared to the run, her time on the running machine was quite sedate, although she spent three short periods at sprint speeds before slowing back to a comfortable jog. All the time her heart rate, CO2 and oxygen intake were monitored.

The technician was complimentary.

"That's quite an improvement, Unfortunately I'll need a blood sample."


"Yes, we should have done one yesterday but, given your improvement, one is essential today. A nurse should be waiting for you."

"What about my improvement? I haven't taken anything so something else must be the cause."

"Well, my guess is that you improved your technique or were more motivated. The bloods will help confirm that."

Tammy was sweating profusely and desperately needed a shower but the nurse was waiting for her, three phials were taken in a procedure that took under two minutes. It was still only eight in the morning.

She'd been warned to wear jeans once she was showered and queried this as they walked to an officers' mess to get breakfast.

"You're back on the range after lunch."

"I'm sure I could have worn shorts, or even a skirt, without it affecting how I shot?"

"No, it's an outdoor range and a skirt might cause an incident."

"Oh, okay."

She was warned not to overdo her food but a cooked breakfast was demanded, along with coffee and toast - Tammy was hungry.

Next up was actually another session with the shrink. "Good morning Tammy, how are you today?"

"At the wrong end of a run, a demonic fitness technician and a trainee Dracula!"

"I'll try not to add myself to your list."

"Thanks Georgia, what do you want to do this morning?"

"Some follow up questions and a few role plays but I want to be away by ten thirty so I can attend the service."


"I thought you'd realise it's St George's Day, oh you're Scottish!"

"Born in Enfield, North London, schooled in the Highlands and now an adopted Scotswoman."

"So did you ever celebrate England's saint?"

"Two years ago I was asked to give the reading at my school's St George's service. If I recall it was a piece from Gandhi."

"You said yesterday that you survived secondary school, was it a trial?"

"No, but I transitioned during my upper sixth year and not everyone was happy with that."

"I wondered when you were going to raise that."

"Is it relevant?"

"Yes, in terms of how you feel about it and no in terms of your suitability for this unit."

"How I feel is fine; I am female and have always been female. Now my body agrees with my head."

"So were your school problems caused by your transition?"

"A few, but some people can't avoid being idiots, regardless of the circumstances. I had a good deal of support from friends and family and it didn't affect my A Level results, as far as I can tell."

"No regrets at all?"

"Are you kidding?"

"Just asking."

"No, not at all."

"How do you deal with anyone who queries your past?"

"That all depends on what they ask, but I finished school as Tamara Smart and all of my records say that. My NHS record even says I was born female."

"I checked, yes it does. How did that happen?"

"Someone was playing with my medical records a year or so ago and somehow the base data was altered. The agencies know it's been changed but they've not asked for it to be fixed, it removes a possible conflict of information, doesn't it."

"It does, although in my case it caused me to dig deeper."

"And what did you find?"

"That Tammy has only existed since 2014 but has done so much in the past two and a half years that it completely obscures what went on before."

"So I'm hiding my past in plain sight?"

"Quite. How did you find the mess this morning?"

"Full of officers needing breakfast."

"Did anyone query your presence?"


"Do you ever have to justify yourself to get in somewhere?"

"Not that I can recall."

"I guess you have business suits?"

"Yes, and designer frocks, why?"

"So, on an operation you could be an executive, a model or just another woman?"

"It's what I do in real life."

"I don't doubt it, which designer do you wear?"

"She's Scottish and only sells through my friend Sarah's shop, I think I have one of her cards."

"Okay, now I'd like to do a little role play with you."

"Such as?"

"We'll go through a few scenarios and I'd like you to give me honest answers as we progress through each exercise."


Georgia kept the role play short and by ten they were done.

"Is that any indication of what I'll be doing, Georgia?"

"I don't know as I haven't been told what your role will be, but the exercises were generic."


Marcus returned as Georgia left, he was carrying a tray of coffee.

"No Sean?"

"He has other duties, I doubt you'll see him again before you leave."

"Oh, okay."

"How did you get on with Dr Rouse?"

"Fine, she's easy to talk to. One of the better shrinks."

"Good, because she'll be talking to you at the end of each mission, if you join."

"Understood. What are we doing now?"

"Firstly, finish your coffee, then we'll drive over to the ranges. Have you shot with a rifle before?"

"The school had some .22 rifles that I used a few times."

"Well, we'll be sticking to NATO standard hardware here, your rifle today will be the L118A1 or Accuracy International Arctic Warfare rifle and it takes a 7.62 round."

"I guess this is so that I am comfortable with it?"

"Yes, although that's not the rifle we normally use in the field."

"Okay, give me a moment then I'll be ready."

"Wrap up, it's quite exposed on the ranges."

Tammy had another lecture on range safety when they arrived, before signing for the rifle. This particular model had a ten round magazine and she took three of them.

She found her allocated position and checked her ear defenders were positioned correctly. Marcus explained.

"The targets are movable. We'll do one at fifty metres, one at a hundred metres and finally one at three hundred metres."

"Three hundred? That's three football's pitches long! I won't be able to hit anything!"

"Try. I hear some of your friend Kerri's playmates can shoot a kilometer on regular basis."

The first shots were just about getting comfortable. Tammy was on the ground in the prone position and by the fourth shot had managed to get the stock into a good position on her shoulder as well as hit inside the rings of the target for the first time. Five of the next six also landed in the right area on the target.

"They were all going to the right, I had to target to the left."

"Did you check the windspeed?"


"You should have asked, it's one point five metres per second across the range."

"What's the speed of the bullet?"

"Typically eight hundred metres per second."

"So the fifty metre range takes a sixteenth of a second to read the target. That means it could be off by almost ten centimetres."

"Exactly, but how did you work that out so fast?"

"Once I knew the velocity, the rest was easy. Putting that into implementation may be a different matter though."

"Right, I'll reset for a hundred metres. What will the drift be?"

"Up to twenty centimetres, or eight inches."

"Okay, change the magazine first."

Tammy found the release clip and dropped the empty magazine out before replacing it. She settled into a firing position and looked through the scope. The target looked smaller. She adjusted for speed and let the first round go, it was still over to the left so she adjusted and shot again, this time it landed on the second ring - the wind had dropped.

This target was better but she was now comfortable, as comfortable as you can be laying on your stomach with a rifle wedged in your body.

Finally she had a three hundred metre target and had trouble hitting it, with only two shots inside the rings.

"Damn, that was hard."

They were back at building U7.

"How have you found the weekend, Tammy?"

"Interesting, but I still have no idea what the work is."

"We'll be evaluating your performance over the past two days and, if we like what we see, then we'll invite you back for training and induction. Are you still interested?"


"Okay, get your stuff and I'll drive you back to the airport. Remember, you do not repeat anything you heard or saw."


"Good and well done Tammy, we'll be in touch. Okay, let's go. Oh, you still owe dinner in London."

Tammy finally laughed. "I haven't forgotten Marcus. I can't decide on a frock, especially as you won't tell me where you'd like me to take you!"

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