Interview with a Lolita -chp8

Interview with a Lolita

Debra Wallen had expected her day to be filled with the usual drudgery of an Interns life for Fashion Blitz magazine. She never expected to be interviewing one of the world’s newest and biggest fashion designers this day. Not only was the woman a force to be reckoned with but a true mystery as well. Debra would be the first person to ever had a one on one interview with Ren Nagata. This was Debra’s big chance and she really wanted to impress her boss by coming back with an interview worthy of her trust. Little could Debra see how this one interview would affect her life or how it would influence her career.

Chapter 8
Higashi residential district, Shibuya ward, Japan, Friday December 17, 2004

Ren smiled as she walked with Amanda Sullivan through the streets of Shibuya, Tokyo towards her home. Ren couldn’t believe that her parents had agreed to Amanda spending Christmas with her and her Aunt Yoshi. Ren didn’t care but she just couldn’t understand why. To her you were supposed to spend the holiday with family.

“Um… Amanda, not to look a gift horse in the mouth or be too nosey. Can I ask you a question without hurting your feelings?”

“You want to know why my parents were so cool with me spending the holidays with you and your aunt right? Even though they have never meet either of you.” Ren just blushed at the bluntness of Amanda’s answer. “It’s no big deal Ren. Hell, you’re not the only one that doesn’t know jack-shit about me or my family. I know that I play things real close to the vest at school.”

“About that Amanda. Why do you play it so close to the vest with the other kids at school? It’s not like you give a shit what they think about you. I could tell that the first day that I met you.” Ren asked honestly.

Amanda sighed and looked down at the ground for a few seconds before answering. “If you promise not to tell everyone I’ll give you the low down.”

“On my family’s honor. Whatever you tell me stays with me. My dad taught me the meaning of OPSEC before I left the Second grade.” Ren answered honestly.

Amanda sighed then gave Ren a reassuring smile. “It’s like this Ren. My dad’s company throws this big trip every year to some really swanky ski resort in the Akita region. The trip is for the company’s Executive Officers. I should say that it is for the Company Officers and their wives.” Amanda turned sad. “There is a ‘no kids’ policy at the fucking resort that they use.”

“Damn that sucks hind tit girl!” Ren was shocked by at hearing this. To her the Japanese people had always been family orientated. “I would never have thought to find a place like that here.”

“It’s one of those places where couples go to… well… um… get pregnant.” Amanda blushed clear down to her breasts. “The place is supposed to be some kind of fertility site or some such thing. I don’t know the whole deal, Ren.”

The moment that Amanda said fertility site Ren knew exactly what her friend was talking about. The resort was a couple’s resort but for couples that were trying to get pregnant with one of the goddesses’ or gods’ blessings. There weren’t too many of these resorts in Japan anymore, but they were still popular. Especially among the newly wed crowd in the farming communities.

“Amanda, I know this isn’t my place to ask, but are your parents trying to have another child?” Ren held up her hands to forestall Amanda’s outburst. “Look the only reason why I’m asking is because the type of resort you just described is really big among couples looking to start a family or to add another child to their family. The only reason I know is because I wanted to go see this one resort that my parents stayed at once, before I was born. My aunt explained to me that they too had the ‘no kids’ policy and the reason why behind it.”

Amanda looked over at Ren as if she had been slapped with a fish. “PLEASE Do not tell me that my parents are going to this place to give me a baby sister or brother?”

Ren just shrugged her shoulders and gave Amanda a sly smile. “Who knows? But if your dad’s company is paying the way then it is most likely something else.”

“God! I hope not.” Amanda looked to the sky then smiled. “I so do not need a baby brother or sister.” Amanda saw the sad look on Ren’s face. “Not that babies are bad or anything. It’s just that if my parents have another kid, I’m the one that will be stuck raising them. And I’m just not ready for that kind of responsibility.”

“You really feel that way? About your parents I mean.” Ren clarified.

“Oh yeah!” Amanda’s head was bobbing like a cork on the water. “My parents love me and all, but it was my nannies that mostly raised me. Them and the boarding schools.”

Ren could hear the sadness in her friend’s voice. Ren was thinking of a way to change the topic when she spotted the corner store. “Hey, you want to get something to drink? My treat.”

“Sure. I could go for a tomato juice or milk.” Amanda was thankful for the change in topic. The conversation about her parents wasn’t one that she wanted to have. Not with her newest friend, worse enemy. Not anyone.

With two cans of tomato juice to wet their throats the two girls head for Ren’s home. Ren smiled at the change in her friend’s attitude. Ren liked it when Amanda started to ask questions along her newest favorite topic. Lolita fashion, namely about her school uniform. “Um… Ren I have to ask you a question.”

“Sure. Fire away.”

“Well first off. How the hell do you make our school’s ugly assed uniforms look so cute? I mean no one in our class, hell, the whole school likes them.” Amanda told her truthfully as she pointed down at her fuku style uniform.

“Okay, that is simple. For starters you just have to KNOW the rules regarding our uniform. Once you know that, you can REALLY stretch the bounds of what you can get away with. For starters did you know that you’re not restricted to just plane ordinary mono-colored tights or socks?” Ren smiled and stopped to hold out her left leg showing off the stripped tights that she was wearing. The strips were alternating in the school’s colors coming up her leg. “This is just one way to make a statement.”

“Yeah, I kind of noticed that none of the teachers give you grief over your tights or socks. I wondered why, now I know. I mean even your socks are outrageous. I REALLY loved those purple and black vertical stripes last week.” Amanda got a sly smile on her face. “What else can we get away with?”

Ren giggled then held out her arms showing off her coat. “You know that this coat isn’t school issue, right?” The coat was a black army wool pee coat with their school’s coat of arms sewn on the left breast.

“Bullshit! That has to be a school issue. I mean the school’s crest is right there for the whole freaking world to see.” Amanda said doubtfully.

Once again Ren just giggled. “It isn’t. Trust me on this. I bought this coat at an Army surplus store on the Ginza.” At Amanda’s look of shock Ren couldn’t help but laugh out load. “Yeah, I know that sounds crazy but it’s the truth.”

“Then how did you get it pass old Iron Panties? If it isn’t school issued, how did you get it approved for wear?” Amanda asked quickly only to follow with her next question. “How much does one cost and where do I get one?”

Ren laughed at her friend’s new found need to snub her nose at the school’s rules and find her own style. A style that she would be influencing. “Getting past old Iron Panties was easy. So long as your outfit is color coordinated with the school’s colors or has the school’s coat of arms. She can’t say jack-shit.”

“Why?” Amanda was puzzled at hearing this.

“One of the rules in the Student handbook states that ALL uniform accessories must be tasteful and in line with school uniform guidelines. An example of this is your thigh-high socks. If you wore one black and one purple, she couldn’t say anything as they would be in the school colors. Yet you would still be stepping outside of the forced norm and showing your own sense of style. Another example would be those stupid ties that we have to wear. If you get a boy’s tie in our school colors the old bat wouldn’t be able to say anything. Then there is our sweaters. Just get the type of sweater YOU want to wear in one of our school colors and sew a school crest on it she’s stuck again.” Ren could see the wheels turning in Amanda’s head already.

Ren decided to go in for the kill on her friend, so to speak. “If you really want to tweak her nose out of joint but still be within the rules. I got an idea for when we return from the holiday break. You game?”

“What and how? And yes I’m in.” Amanda grinned.

“Cool. Now, how many school uniforms do you actually have?” At Amanda’s blank look Ren sighed. “This whole idea hinges on you having more than just two uniforms.”

“I hate to say this Ren, but I only have the two uniforms required by the school.” Amanda blushed at this confession. “Don’t think any of the girls in our class have more than three. Except for that bitch Jane Miller.”

“Hum…… Let me think.” Ren knew that she should come clean with her friend. “Look Amanda don’t take this the wrong way, but I have one uniform for each day of the week plus one extra if I don’t get a chance to get to the laundry. It’s one of those things that I get from my dad.”

“Your dad? I don’t understand.” Amanda truly was confused by what Ren said.

“Remember when I said that my dad was in the Army?” Amanda nodded head at Ren’s question. “Well, he always had two weeks’ worth of uniforms in his closet. It was just something he did, and he never worried about having a clean uniform for work.”

“Oh, I get it, now!” Amanda exclaimed. “That does make sense for someone in the military or one of the public services. I can see why you would follow his example.”

“You know that you should do the same?” Ren asked her friend with a smile.

“I guess. It’s just that I hate these uniforms. They make me look like one of those stupid anime cartoon characters. You know the ones I’m talking about, the ones the guys all just drool over?” Amanda pointed at her rather ample C-cup breasts pouting causing Ren to giggle. “Laugh it up Miss Carrier-deck.”

Ren cringed at the crack about being flat chested. Amanda saw the wince and quickly apologized to her friend. “Oh, shit I’m sorry Ren. I know it must be hard for you. Don’t worry though there’s a lot of late bloomers in our class.”

Before Ren could respond to Amanda’s apology though the two girls were confronted by something all young girls have to deal with, especially pretty girls. Teenage boys. “Hey there little ladies. Want to spend some time with some REAL men?”

Ren sighed and looked at the knuckle head that had made the opening move. “No thanks guys, you’re not our type. Why don’t you take a walk along the docks? I’m sure that there are a few longshoremen that would be willing to take care of you.”

Amanda couldn’t believe that Ren just told the three boys to go bend over for the dockworkers. The boy who made the opening move turned red with anger. “Look you little uppity bitch. We’re just trying to show you a good time. No need to get all self-righteous over it. Or do you think that you’re better than us?”

Ren sighed heavily. She had had enough of this jackass. She didn’t even think twice as she grabbed the boy about the crotch and squeezed. Hard. As the boy bent over Ren leaned in close and whispered in his ear. “If you don’t walk away right now. I will rip your nut sack off and use it for a coin purse fuckhead. If you think that your butt-buddies over there can stop me in time think again. Now, understand me. Me and my girlfriend are off the menu for you slugs understand?”

The boy nodded his head as he fought to keep the tears from rolling down his cheeks. Ren smiled sweetly and let go of his crotch slowly only to grip it again even harder. “Oh, and one more thing. If I ever see you around here again. I won’t be so nice about how I treat you and your boys. Got it?”

The boy nodded his head like bobble head doll as Ren let go of his crotch. Once he was free, he grabbed his buddies and hauled ass out of the neighborhood. Ren stood there smiling as the boys ran for their lives. Not seeing the look on Amanda’s face. When she turned to look at her friend Ren found a look of pure shock on Amanda’s face. One that showed more fear than surprise.

“Um… about that.” Ren never got to finish what she was saying. As Amanda wrapped her in a tight and crushing hug.

“That was so awesome!” Amanda cried in Ren’s ear. “Where did you learn to do that? Your dad? Could you teach me?”

Ren was floored by her friend’s response. Maybe she wasn’t afraid of her. Pushing out of the hug Ren smiled at her friend. “Look Amanda, can we not talk about what just happened around my aunt?”

“What? Why not?” Amanda looked puzzled by Ren’s request. “It’s not like you showed them that you’re a boy by dropping your panties.”

Ren turned white as a sheet at hearing this. “Um… Amanda I’m not a boy. Just a late bloomer is all.” She stammered out quickly.

Amanda sighed. “Ren, please stop trying to hide the truth from me. I knew that you’re a transgender girl the second week you had been in school. You’re the only one that doesn’t change with the rest of us for gym. You always use the gender neutral restrooms, even when you have to wait. You get a pass every time we have swim class. Then there is the scary way you handle yourself at times. All masculine and butch. Real mean, just like a boy would do.” Amanda blushed. “I also asked the Headmistress when I first got suspicious. She told me the truth. She kind of had to because of the rules.”

Ren looked down at the ground. “Yes, Amanda, I’m a transgender girl. There you happy? I didn’t want to tell anyone. You going to spread it around the school now?”

Amanda grinned. “Nope!” Ren’s face shot up to look Amanda in the eyes. “Look, Ren, I don’t care if you were born with the wrong parts. Shit girlfriend, you’re not the only one in the school. Nor are you the only one that is LGBT.”

“Oh, I hadn’t thought about all that. So, you’re not going to out me to the rest of the class, are you?” This was a real worry for Ren.

“Hell no! It’s none of their concern.” Amanda smiled then hugged Ren again. “I just wanted you to know that I knew. That and you can trust me.”

“Okay, Amanda.” Ren looked down at her body. “This is a very personal journey. You know what I mean?”

“Yeah. I hear you girl.” Then Amanda got a funny look on her face. “Besides no one would ever believe me. I mean you have to be the second most girly-girl in the whole damned school. I think that if my mother ever meet you, she would push for you to be some kind of mentor or something for me. You’re the type of daughter she dreams that I would be.”

Ren just giggled at her friend’s self-description. “I doubt that Amanda. Your mother would probably demand that you never have contact with me again. After all, how many of our friends know how to breakdown an M-sixteen in their sleep.”

Amanda broke out in a belly laugh at hearing this then thought about Ren’s less than normal upbringing. “You know something. You’re right. Mom would totally freak out if she knew that about you. By the way just where did you learn all that nasty fighting shit anyway?”

“Like most military BRATS. I learned it from my dad and his troopers.” Ren smirked. “Come on let’s get to my aunt’s place. I want to change clothes.”

“Okay, sure no problem. I just want to know what your plan is for tweaking old Iron Panties’ nose is. Because if I got to get another uniform for it, I’ll have to spend some of my allowance for the new uniform. If I can get my parents to approve it, they’ll flip for me to get another four maybe five uniforms. If I ask nicely.”

“Have you ever heard of embroidery?” Ren asked Amanda with a wicked smile.

Twenty minutes later the girls arrived at Ren’s apartment building. Amanda could tell that it was one of the upper class condo buildings in the area by the doorman in the ground floor lobby. Not many condo or apartment buildings in Tokyo had doormen but those that did were used by the wealthy. Amanda knew that Ren’s aunt was Yoshi Nagata one of the biggest Lolita retailors in the area. She also knew that Ren was a model for Takashi Shimizu and her aunt. It didn’t take her long to figure out that Ren and her aunt were really wealthy, with a capital w.

When the elevator stopped at the second floor from the penthouse Amanda knew she was dealing with the upper class when it came to her friend. “Um… Ren I know this is going to sound crass but just how wealthy are you and your aunt?”

“Let’s just say that I could pay to get you a whole new wardrobe, to include seven school uniforms, and never reach the total of my weekly allowance.” Ren giggled at the look on Amanda’s face. “You got to remember that I make a killer living being Takashi Shimizu’s number one Lolita model, Amanda.”

“Damn!” Amanda whistled as she thought about the money that Ren made working for the man. “I wish that I could do something like that. It would be so nice tell my parents to stick their allowance where the sun doesn’t shine.”

Ren kept the smile that threatened to grace her face to herself. She had seen the way that Amanda had envied her sense of style. Ren had also spotted the signs of someone that would make a fantastic model for her aunt and Takashi. She was also thinking about the new line of school uniforms that Takashi was thinking of introducing next January. If she could get Amanda to agree, then she would be getting her dream. Along with some independence.

Both girls stopped and took off their shoes just inside the door. Ren smiled and took a hold of Amanda’s hand. “Come on. I want to get changed and see what I got that will fit you. No offence girlfriend but there is no way I’m taking you to one of my aunt’s shops in your school uniform.”

“Ren, I hate to tell you this, but unless you wear a size four junior miss, then nothing you have will fit me.” Amanda said as she looked down at her friend’s face. Politely pointing out the size difference between the two girls. Ren stepped back for a second and realized that Amanda was right. “You can go ahead and get changed though. I’ll just wait out here for you.”

Ren smiled then went up on tip-toe giving Amanda a quick peck on the cheek. “I’ll only be twenty minutes at most.”

Amanda watched as the younger girl scurried towards the back of the condo where the bedrooms were. Amanda took a few minutes to wonder around the main living area of the apartment. Like most Japanese homes there wasn’t a lot of furniture. She did spot a small shrine off in one corner. Walking over to get a good look at the picture in the black picture frame Amanda saw a young couple. They had to be in the early twenties. The man was dressed in the uniform of the US Army he was holding a small Japanese woman from behind in front of the 566th MP Detachment sign at Fort Knox Kentucky. It didn’t take her long to figure out that this was a picture of Ren’s parents. In a voice barely above a whisper. “This must have been taken just before they died. Ren said something about her dad being an MP.”

Reaching over she picked up one of the incense sticks and lit it before placing the stick in the bowl of sand. Amanda had been in Japan long enough to know the signs of a shrine to family members. She had also learned all the proper ways of paying one’s respect to those shown in the shrine. With her hands held in silent prayer Amanda bowed her head. This was how Ren found her when she reentered the living room. Ren stopped where she was not wanting to interrupt her friend.

When Amanda dropped her hands and raised her head Ren coughed. “Thank you.”

Amanda blushed. “It didn’t seem right to not pay my respects. I hope you don’t mind. Are they your parents?”

“Yes.” Ren walked over and bowed her head in respect and prayer. When she lifted her head, Ren turned to Amanda. “This was the last picture ever taken of them.”

“Was this your father’s last unit?”

“Yes. He had just made First Sergeant for the five-sixty-sixth MP detachment at Fort Knox.” She sighed heavily. “Him and mom were so proud of the promotion.”

“I take it was a long time in coming?” Ren nodded her head to Amanda’s question.

“He was so proud of accomplishing what had been until then just a dream.” Ren turned extremely sad as she thought about that time in her life. “We had only been at Fort Knox for eight months when they were killed.”

“How did they die? If you don’t mind me asking.” Amanda was trying to find out more about her friend and still be compassionate.

“They were forced off the road and killed by a drunk driver.” Ren barely kept the anger under control. “The only good thing was the asshole never saw the inside of a courtroom.”

Amanda was many things, but dumb wasn’t one of them. She could tell by the tone of Ren’s voice that the police had taken matters into their own hands when it came to the drunk driver. Thanks to her parents she had been exposed to a few military people. She knew that the US military didn’t take kindly to civilians killing one of their own. She had heard that on more than one occasion they would take the law into their own hands to get justice in their eyes.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to bring up unpleasant memories, Ren.” Amanda pulled the younger girl into a tight hug. “I don’t fully understand but if you ever need to talk about it with someone. Just find me. I’ll always make time for you.”

Ren sniffled and hugged her friend back before pulling away. “Thanks Amanda. I love my aunt, but there are times that I think she doesn’t quite understand. You know what I mean? She just doesn’t get what it means to be a teenager anymore.”

Amanda giggled. “I doubt that girlfriend. You forget that she used to be a teenager herself. She is also one of the BIGGEST Lolitas around.”

It was as if a lightbulb went off in Ren’s head as she thought about what Amanda just said. She giggled and looked down at her current outfit. “You just might be right about that. Come on. Let’s go see what my aunt can come up with for you to wear.”

“Hold up girlfriend! I got a question to ask before we take off.” Amanda grinned.

“Sure. Fire away.” Ren said with a grin.

“I know for a fact that it normally takes a Lolita between forty-five minutes to and hour to get ready to face the public. It took you what twenty minutes at most? How did you do get changed so fast?” Amanda waved at the outfit that Ren was now wearing. “I mean you went from cute schoolgirl to full blown Lolita in less than twenty minutes. It’s not normal.”

Ren just grinned wider at her friend and gave a one word answer. “Practice.”

Ren’s answer just made Amanda roll her eyes. “Oh, come on. Tell me already.”

“I told you. Practice.” Ren giggled. “Look Amanda, I do at least anywhere between nine to ten makeovers a day at one of my aunt’s shops. Sometimes as many as fifteen. Then there’s all the changes in outfits that I go through during a fashion show. You can see where I get all the practice in making changes.”

Amanda just shook her head at what Ren just told her. She had not really thought about what all Ren did in her normal daily life as a shop girl and model for her aunt. Ren smiled at her friend’s confusion. “I know it sounds crazy Amanda, but I love my life. I really do. Come on we got places to go and people to accessorize.”

Ren carried her platform Mary-Janes in one hand and pulled Amanda to the door. Amanda just chuckled at the sudden change in her friend’s attitude. A half hour later Ren escorted a very befuddled Amanda through the door of Nagata Lolita Designs store number one. Ren called out at the top of her voice.

“Aunt Yoshi! I’m here with my friend Amanda!” Amanda wanted to curl up in ball at Ren’s very obvious display of excitement. “You got to help her, aunt Yoshi!”

Yoshi Nagata walked out of her office looking at Ren with a very obvious look of displeasure. “Ren, how many times do I have to tell you not to holler in the store?”

“But aunt Yoshi! Amanda REALLY needs you help! Just look at her.” Ren stepped aside pointing at Amanda in her uniform. “See?”

Yoshi took one look at Amanda and rushed over to the poor girl. “God lord! Who in their demented mind dressed you child? I know that your school uniforms aren’t the most feminine of outfits. But this is a true travesty.”

Yoshi snapped her fingers and called. “Chika, Aoi, emergency makeover girls.”

From two different directions Amanda was suddenly besieged by a pair of ‘Classic Sweet Lolitas’. The two shop girls practically dragged the poor unsuspecting schoolgirl into the changing rooms. “REN HELP!”

Ren just giggled at her friend’s sudden discomfort. “Aunt Yoshi that was just mean. Mean, but funny.” Looking around the shop Ren grinned. “So, what style are you going to go for with Amanda?”

Yoshi smiled at her niece. “With her skin and hair coloring. I’m thinking of going with either Punk or Gothic. As it is, she can already pull off the Schoolgirl and Sailor Lolita look without a problem. Why? Do you have another look in mind?”

“Oh, I agree with you that she would look lovely as either a Goth or Punk Lolita, but she would be off as a Dark Princess. Don’t you think?” Ren gave Yoshi a quirky smile and pointed to that section of the shore.

“I agree with you that your friend could pull off the Dark Princess look Ren.” Yoshi smiled over at her niece and protégée before crossing her arms on her chest. “Only you have missed one very important thing my dear kōhai. I’ll let you think on this before telling you.”

Ren got a thoughtful look on her face as she thought about what her aunt just told her. When she couldn’t come up with an answer Ren bowed deeply to her aunt. “Sorry senpai, but I just cannot think of what I would have missed.”

“Her age, kōhai.” Yoshi could see the confusion in her niece’s eyes. Sighing Yoshi realized her problem. Ren was still learning. “Kōhai your friend is still much too young for the Dark Princess Lolita yet. That is a far more mature style.”

Ren bowed again to her aunt as understanding flooded her mind. “I see, senpai. I should not have assumed that with coloring alone that Amanda could pull off the Dark Princess. She lacks the needed maturity as of yet.”

“Correct kōhai. Remember to always take in ALL aspects of your client. Especially when they are a first timer.” Yoshi told Ren with a smile then looking over at the changing area. “However, you might be right about one thing.”

“May I know what that is senpai? The only other styles that I can think of as working for Amanda are Steam Punk, or Ero Lolita.” Ren confessed all of her ideas for Amanda’s new style to her aunt.

When Yoshi heard Steam Punk or Ero it gave her an idea. “There is one other kōhai. Elegant Gothic Lolita or EGL. It is more in line for someone of your friends age. Yet still give her that Dark Princess or Aristocrat Lolita look that you were thinking of kōhai. Can you tell me why?”

Once again Ren turned thoughtful. Ren knew that Yoshi was testing her. Ren had gotten used to her aunt pulling these little pop quizzes on her. After two months of working in her shops after school and her modeling Ren had learned a great deal about the Lolita fashion world. Not to mention being one.

With a snap of her fingers Ren smiled at her aunt. “The EGL has just the right touch of the whimsical and fanciful while remaining Aristocrat in style. While at the same time it off sets the more darker side of the Gothic Lolita. I would say that is more a teenage version of the Aristocrat Lolita than anything else. Which is prefect for Amanda.”

“Very good kōhai.” Yoshi looked over at the changing rooms. “Do you believe that Amanda-chan would be interested in a senpai/kōhai relationship with Takashi-sama?”

“I don’t know how to answer that question.” At Yoshi’s blank look Ren explained. “Should I answer as your kōhai or as your niece?”

“I expect you to answer me as both.” Yoshi told her.

“As your kōhai I would say that she would make a fin kōhai for Takashi-sama.” Then Ren grinned at Yoshi. “But as your niece, I have to tell you the truth. Amanda is a little too lighthearted for Takashi-sama. She is a sensitive girl aunt Yoshi. May I know why you asked this question.”

“Takashi-sama will be in about an hour and a half. If you do not want your friend to become Takashi-sama’s newest kōhai. You need to have her on her way home by then. Am I understood, Ren?” Yoshi told Ren quietly.

“Yes ma’am.” Ren walked over to the part of the shop she would need to find the needed parts for Amanda’s new outfit. Ren grabbed an ivory petticoat, pale purple bloomers for underneath the petticoat and over Amanda’s regular underwear. Ren also picked out a full-busted corset, all in a purple with white lace edging. Next up she grabbed a white peasant blouse with ruffled cuffs and a deep purple jumper skirt. Her next stop was for a pair of tights in a matching purple with black vines embroidered up the outside of the legs. Her last stop before heading for the changing room as in the shoe department for a pair of Mary Jane shoes, with a two and a half inch ‘Lolita heel’ at the back. Ren passed off all of her choices to Aoi before heading for the accessories department. In the accessories department Ren picked out elbow length lace-fingerless gloves, an Alice hairband, a walking stick of the darkest rosewood topped with a brass ball, dangling cross earrings and a necklace with a matching elaborate cross, and finally a coffin shaped prose.

Ren handed the accessories to Chika and returned to where her aunt was waiting. Yoshi smiled at her kōhai. “You made good choices, kōhai.”

Ren blushed at the complement. “Thank you senpai, but the idea was all yours.”

“That may be true, Ren, but you were the one to select each piece of your friend’s outfit. I watched you in your selection choices. You not only picked colors that would go well together but would highlight your friend’s features. What’s even better with those eyes of hers, she won’t need much makeup.” With all of years of experience behind her Yoshi knew exactly what she was talking about. About that time Amanda was heard to grunt. “Aoi, must be tightening down her corset for the first time. I truly hope that she comes to love them the way you have.”

Ren just giggled as she ran right-hand down her side. “I truly have come to love them and what they do for my looks. You know something aunt Yoshi. I don’t think one teacher in the school knows that I wear a corset under my uniforms.”

“Speaking of your uniforms. What is this I hear about you having an idea for the new School and Sailor Girl Lolita lines?” Yoshi had been hearing the different shop girls talking about Ren’s design book. “Do you have your portfolio with you?”

“Um… where did you hear about my design portfolio senpai?”

“Ren, you should know by now. That there is nothing, absolutely nothing that goes on in my stores that I don’t know about.” Yoshi placed a finger to the side of her nose with a sly smile. “I may not be a yakuza godfather, but I still know what goes on in my stores at all times. Now do you have your portfolio with you today?”

“Yes, ma’am.” Ren just giggled at her aunt. “I’ll go get it. I’m kind of surprised that you haven’t gone through it already. Its in your office after all.”

Before Yoshi could make a come back statement Ren giggled and ran for Yoshi’s shop office. “Why that little sneak! Using my own office to hide her pet project.”

“Miss Nagata, Amanda-san is ready for her daube.” Aoi said from the changing area as a very befuddled Amanda stepped out from behind the curtain. “Ren-san truly picked the perfect outfit for her friend.”

Yoshi took one look at Amanda in her new outfit and frowned slightly. From the Alice headband to the matching Marry-Janes, Amanda was the almost the picture perfect EGL little princess. “Chika, please fetch one of the top hats for me.”

“Yes, ma’am.” Chika hurried over to the accessories department. Amanda turned to look at herself in one of the tri-pained floor-length mirrors. She was floored by what the mirrors showed. There before her stunned gaze was a teenaged Elegant Goth Lolita dressed in the height of the fashion.

With a trembling hand Amanda touched the mirror in the center. “Is that really me?”

Yoshi smiled as she took the top-hat from a returning Chika. Yoshi removed the hairband then combed Amanda’s hair back into a ponytail. Then with an ease, born from years of practice, Yoshi placed the top-hat on Amanda’s head at a rakish, almost insolent angle. The top-hat corrected the imbalance that had tweaked Yoshi’s sense of style. Even Amanda was surprised by what Ren’s aunt had been able to accomplish with just a simple change of accessories.

“Now, my dear that is you.” Yoshi smiled from behind her. “My kōhai was right in bringing you here. I must say that your feminine spirit is finally showing through. I doubt that even your own mother would recognize you, now.”

“In more ways than one ma’am.” Amanda was truly surprised at her appearance. “I doubt that my mother would even let me out the door wearing something like this.”

“Yeah well, you need to quit ogling yourself. Your mother called my phone while you were changing. I told her that you would be on the way home shortly to pick up your luggage for the holiday.” Ren told her as she came from the backroom area. In her hands was a thick portfolio. Handing it to Yoshi. “Here you go senpai. Just as you asked for, my portfolio.”

“Woah girl! You got a portfolio?” Amanda said in surprise. “Just what else have you been holding out on? Come on girl dish already.”

Yoshi chuckled as Ren blushed at her friend’s excitement. “Amanda-chan please give my niece time to answer your questions dear. After all this is the first time that she has shown ME her portfolio. Care to look through it with me?”

“Yes ma’am.” Amanda nodded her head. “I just hope she has her design idea is in there for our school uniform.”

Yoshi looked from Amanda to Ren. “You’ve been redesigning your school’s uniform kōhai? Care to explain why? You know that is not the normal or acceptable thing to do Ren. There just certain lines that one does not cross.”

“Yes, senpai. I know this. It’s just that well.” Ren was trying to find a way to explain what she wanted to do with the school uniform.

“Oh wow, Nagata-sama! Ren was telling me about this totally awesome idea for adding these little cute touches to our uniforms. Yet, still remain within guidelines.” The more Amanda talked about Ren’s ideas the more Yoshi wanted to see them. Much to Ren’s embarrassment. “She was talking about doing some embroidery on the skirts and I think some on the blouses.”

Yoshi looked over at Ren. She placed her hand on Ren’s portfolio with a wicked smile. “Is that so, kōhai? Where are these ideas?”

Ren just blushed and opened her portfolio to the pages with all of her ideas for the school uniforms. “Here they are senpai. As you can see the idea is not so much to fully change the design of our uniform but to enhance them.”

Yoshi could not believe her eyes. What Ren had done with her sketches was more than just enhance the uniform design. What Ren had done was to bring to life the full feminine potential of the ugly outfits. The lines of embroidery going around the hem of the jump dress’s skirts flared up into vines that surrounded an embroidered extra-large school coat of arms. The long-sleeve cotton blouse carried the school’s coat of arms on the left-hand breast pocket with surrounding embroidery. What little that could be done with their school jackets was done in a tasteful contrasting color embroidery around the pockets. The embroidery was of rose vines. In fact, all of the embroidery work in all of the sketches was an intricate weaving of rose vines. Ren had changed the standard issued plan black tights for the uniform to Gothic Lolita Black Velvet Tights with printed rose vines climbing the front of the legs. There was a coat with a turndown collar and long sleeves and a wrap cloak off to one side that had the schools crest embroidered on the left shoulder. Yoshi noted that this was the winter variant of the school’s uniform.

Turning the page Yoshie found the summer or warm weather variant of the uniform. This outfit replaced the heavy coat with a light weight cape of the same color. The long-sleeve blouse was replaced with its short-sleeve version while changing the fabric of the blouse from cotton to silk. The jumper dress was replaced by a short skirt of cotton instead of wool. The school jackets were made of a lighter cotton instead the heavier wool of the winter jackets. The heavy weight woolen tights were replaced with light weight cotton opaque tights. The overall coloration and embroidery work carried over from the winter variant of the uniforms.

As Yoshi continued to turn the pages, she found that there was a breakdown of each piece of the outfits. Each of the following pages show the individual pieces and the coast of manufacturing. Along with what pieces could be substituted or outsourced to subcontractors. For the substituted pieces Ren had listed where the substitute pieces could be found. When Yoshi got to the end of the uniform designs she turned back to the front of the portfolio. Once there Yoshi began to go page by page through the design book. To say that Yoshi was surprised by her niece’s natural talent would be to say that Mount Fuji was an ant hill.

“You have been holding out on me Yoshi.” The voice that came from behind the gathered women surprised them all. To much so that Yoshi, Ren, and Amanda let out startled squeaks. While Chika, and Aoi just jumped. Takashi Shimizu chuckled at the effect of his sudden appearance on the gather women. He knew that Yoshi normally ran a very tight ship when it came to her shops. “Tell me when you were going to show me these remarkable designs, Yoshi. Why have you been holding back? Why I could market any of these designs this year at any one of the top fashion shows anywhere in the world and you would come away as the next greatest designer.”

Yoshi just smiled slyly as she had the portfolio over to Takashi. “These are not my designs to give or show Takashi.” Once he had the portfolio in his hands Yoshi placed her hands on Ren’s shoulders. “They belong to Ren.”

Takashi’s head snapped up from where he was looking at the designs at Ren. “These are Ren’s designs? Impossible. While the sketches show a lack of training in the artwork, the concept is that of a seasoned professional design. They have to be your designs Yoshi. They have all your flair for full coordination.”

“No, sir. Those are Ren’s designs.” Amanda didn’t think about what she was doing in correcting the strange man. Not that she cared. She wasn’t going to let some suited monkey come into Ren’s aunt’s store and make disparaging marks about her friend’s talent. No way was she going to let that happen without putting up a fight for her. Placing her fists on her hips Amanda stood definitely facing Takashi. “That portfolio is nothing but Ren’s work. Now apologize.”

Takashi was more than a little surprised by the teenager’s outburst. He wasn’t used to having someone contradict him. If what this young EGL was telling him was the truth. Then he did owe Ren an apology. He just needed for Ren to prove it. “Is this true Ren. Are these truly your designs and not your aunt’s?”

Ren just bowed to Takashi. “Yes Takashi-san. These are all of my designs. It was just something I do to pass the time.”

Yoshi could tell that Ren was trying to down play her talent. “I would say that it was more than just a hobby. Wouldn’t you Takashi?”

“Very much so, Yoshi. These are the designs someone with a true passion for the work. Why I can tell that Ren has placed just a little of herself in each design.” Takashi bowed to Ren. “I apologize for not respecting your talent Ren.”

“There is no need to apologize senpai. I still have a lot to learn. Those were just ideas that I had floating around in my head. I had to do something to get them out of my head so that I could concentrate on my studies. I just never thought that they were worthy of showing to you or Yoshi-san.” Ren blushed at Takashi’s praise.

“Nonsense! You should be proud of these designs.” He had been leafing through the portfolio. When he came to a compete outfit, he would study it for a few minutes before going now to the next design. He stopped when he saw the Schoolgirl outfits. “Where in the world did you come up with this design, Ren-chan?”

When Ren didn’t answer right away Amanda jumped in. “She based the design off of our school’s uniforms, sir. She is always finding ways to spruce up her uniform every day. Yet, still remain inside of the uniform guide lines.”

Takashi looked over at Amanda. “I have not yet had the pleasure of your acquaintance young lady. May I know your name, Hime?”

“Takashi-sama, allow me to introduce my friend and classmate Amanda Sullivan.” Ren said quickly with a slight bow. “This is her FIRST time as a Lolita.”

Takashi slowly walked around the suddenly quiet and extremely shy Amanda. When he had completed a full circle of her Takashi turned Aoi. “Aoi, bring me one of the Jension purses please? One of the hard-sided pill-box styles.”

“Should I get one of the coffin cuts, sir?” Aoi asked quickly.

Takashi thought about her question then shook his head. “No. One of the fifties retro purses please. In midnight purple if you have one. If not black will do. Her current purse doesn’t quit fit with her presence. The coffin purse is just a little too dark for one so bright.”

Aoi rushed off to carry out her orders. Takashi turned to Yoshi with a smile. “Yoshi have you talked with Amanda-chan’s parents yet?”

“Not yet, Takashi. We were on our way over to see them before becoming distracted by Ren’s designs. Amanda-chan will be spending the holidays with us.” Yoshi told him as she took Ren’s portfolio from him. “Now, I know that you weren’t due here for another half-hour Takashi. Why are you so early?”

“I was hoping to find your kōhai Yoshi. I have need of her formidable language skills.” Turning to Ren. “Ren how good is your French?”

“I regret to inform you Takashi-sama that my skills with French are inadequate for acting as a translator. I barely have a working knowledge of the language.” Ren turned to Amanda. “Amanda-san though does have a far better skill set.”

“Only to a point Ren-san.” Amanda quickly corrected Ren. “Sir, if you can please explain your full needs, I might be able to suggest a better option.”

“Very well young lady. I need someone who has both a working knowledge of Japanese and French. Someone who understands the social customs of both peoples while still being able to translate the needed information in a diplomatic manner. While showing discretion at the same time. Do you know of someone who can fit the bill?” Takashi thought that he had Amanda.

“If you do not mind working with a teenager sir. I’m sure that I have someone that can fit your needs.” Amanda was smiling as she pulled out her phone.

Takashi chuckled. “I have worked with Ren here in such a compacity before. If you can find me a translator on short notice that can fulfill my needs. Then I shall pay you handsomely for your service.”

Amanda dialed a number from memory. When the call was answered Amanda talked quickly to her friend. “Céleste, where are you right now? Cool that’ll work. What do you have going on tonight? Even better. Do you think your mother would mind you staying out? You sure about that? Great. I’ve got an opportunity for you to earn some hard cold cash. You game? Great. Do you know where Nagata Lolita Designs store number one is? Perfect then haul butt over here girl. What? Who’s with you? Even better. Bring them with you. Don’t worry about being in your uniforms. I got a feeling that you won’t be for long once you get here.”

Amanda disconnected the call then turn to Takashi. “Our friend and classmate Céleste Lorieux is on her way here now, sir. She is also bring three of our other friends with her, sir. Between all six of us sir we can cover Japanese, German, French, Italian, Spanish, and Russian.”

Yoshi and Ren both hid their smiles behind their left hands. While Amanda just bowed to a very stunned Takashi Shimizu. Amanda saw an opening to make some money for her and her friends then took it. She knew that translators made great money in the private sector of business. She had forgotten how many times her father had complained about the lack-luster translators he had worked with. She herself had done some translation work for her father and done a better job than the company hired translators. If she could get her friends work as translators through Takashi Shimizu, then she would market her budding idea to all her classmates.

“Do you have a business card yet young lady?” Takashi chuckled. “And how much will your service cost me for the night?”

Amanda smiled and bowed to Takashi. “Seeing as how I just came up with the idea sir. Only one outfit per girl that arrives, twenty-thousand Yen, for myself, for the translator thirty-thousand yen, an additional outfit, and the cost of dinner. Is this acceptable?” Amanda knew that she would have to negotiate with the man so had set her offer on the high side. Or so she thought.

“DONE!” Takashi said quickly much to Amanda’s surprise as he held out his hand. Stuck with the proposed conditions Amanda just shrugged and shook Takashi’s hand. “Now, young lady may I tell you something without you becoming upset?”

“Sir, for some reason I have the feeling that you were willing to go to twice the agreed upon price for some reason. May I know why?” Amanda told him honestly.

“Miss Sullivan the reason is simple.” Takashi pulled out his business card bifold. He pulled one card out for a translator service. “This company charges me between three to four times what you have agreed to. They are also not above working for the competition while sitting next to me in a business meeting. For me and a great many businessmen and women a constant worry. If your classmates can show me that they have the integrity to keep my secrets. I will pay them four times the agreed upon price. I would also be more than willing to help you, setup and start your very own business, while acting as your senpai.”

Amanda couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Neither could Yoshi and Ren. Takashi Shimizu was many things but foolish wasn’t one of them. He saw something he liked in Amanda’s eyes. Something that he was willing to mentor. Over the years he had invested in only four businesses other than his own. Here he was willing to invest in a fifth. Hell, one that wasn’t even formed yet. They were interrupted by the bell over the door signaling the arrival of customers. All four turned to looked at the front of the store as four teenage girls walked in.

Takashi spotted right away that all four girls came from different homelands. One girl was definitely from the French Riviera by her coloring. Another had to be the daughter of Mother Russia with her statuesque beauty. The third girl had to be a daughter of Diana by her rich Mediterranean coloring. The last girl was one that had all the ear marks of her Iberian ancestry. For Takashi to suddenly have four brand new models for his designs not to mention possible translators he was almost overwhelmed with excitement. The only problem was he needed to talk with their parents.

“Amanda-chan you’re hired. Please be so kind as to contact these girls’ parents for me. While your contacting your parents as well. I shall be right back. I need to make a call and reschedule the meeting I had planned for later this evening.” With that he turned to Yoshi and Ren. “Yoshi. Full change of outfits for all the girls. Send me the bill and spare no expense. Ren, I want a full breakdown on those new uniforms when I come back in from this call.”

With that Takashi walked passed the four new arrivals and through the door. Céleste Lorieux walked over to Ren and Amanda. “What or who was that Amanda?”

“THAT, was Takashi Shizumi. AND he was the reason why I called you Céleste. You ready for a free Lolita makeover? By that I mean all of you.” Ren told them with a wicked smile that was a mile wide.


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