Refusing The Fence Gets You Four Faults - the conclusion

The conclusion to……Refusal at the Fence Gets You Four Faults.

That evening after helping feed the boarders and clean up afterwards I sat around with Lois, Sue, Smokey, Dot and a very angry Steve who I noticed no longer seemed to be trying to hide his “crush” for Lois infront of everyone. So of course no one raised an eyelid when they drove off together in Lois’s car afterwards, although I wonder what Smokey or Dot would have thought (if they’d known) about her driving Steve back a few hours later, then staying the rest of the night in his lodgings (a dilapidated old caravan jacked up on a stack of bricks)

Day 5 – New Year’s Eve

You’d think that I’d be starting to get used to the idea of waking up at 3.30am but alas Sue had to pull me far enough off the bed that I had to put my hand on the floor to stop my body from landing heavily on it before she proceeded to walk outside heading for the toilet block. Still half asleep I stumbled after her trying my best not to step on any horse’s eggs in the dark.

Sue detoured over to a weather beaten caravan where Lois was sleeping with Steve and the sound of her hand loudly slapping the side of caravan would have woken the dead as she continued on towards the toilet block. After I’d done my necessary things and was walking back to our bunk room to shower, I saw Lois walking towards the toilet block dressed in an oversized Tee shirt that appeared to barely cover her modesty!

Having finally mastered how to turn on the hot water cistern back in our room, I hurriedly showered in warm water, making sure I wet my head thoroughly to wake up entirely while making sure I wore two towels around me before walking back around the partition to dry off (because Sue had chipped my about only using only one towel the previous day).

This morning both Sue and Lois walked back in while I was drying off as Lois said she needed a shower too. I quickly grabbed my clothes and went back around the other side of the partition and got dressed before hurrying outside, wondering if any of hardier girl boarders would be waiting out the front of the feed room to help me. Five minutes after starting the morning horse feeding/watering procession, Cathy and Annette appeared at the feed room entrance and commandeered the feed tin duties. With little enough room for two let alone three of us in there, I squeezed back outside to go check over the various water troughs, as enthusiastic young girls scooted past me carrying full or empty metal tins of horse feed.

After the last horse was fed and its food tin refilled for the evening feed, Cathy and Annette caught up with me and suggested we head to the jail to get some food before heading out on the dawn ride. Once in the jail the three of us started making as much toast with jam or vegemite as possible, most of it being for the boarders to munch on. A few minutes later saw a mini parade start to enter the jail as first Sue and Lois entered, followed shortly after by Smokey, then Steve turned up shortly after Smokey.

Lois (with a surprisingly straight face) hurriedly explained her wet hair and wearing some of Sue’s clothes (which were far too tight up top) to Smokey by saying she’d slept in our bunk house with us, because she’d felt too tried to drive all the way home to Dee Why after dropping Steve off at Narrabeen last night!

Smokey didn’t seem to care and quickly took a few pieces of toast off of one of the stacked plates and sat down in his usual chair to have early tea and toast. With the jail so crowded now I volunteered to take two plates stacked high with toast out to the dining area (where the boarders were all waiting around for the dawn ride to start getting ready) and watched them eat the entire two plates contents as quick as possible, even though they’d get their actual breakfast in a few hours.

Asking if one of them would to return the two plates to the office jail when they were finished, I headed off for the tack room to begin saddling the horses. I was soon joined by a retinue of enthusiastic young girl all anxious to help. By now with three days behind them, none of them was nervous about being close to a horse in an enclosed stable or putting a bridle and saddle on one. All I needed to do was hoist a saddle off the peg it was on along with the bridle and saddle cloth and make sure a girl(s) had a firm hold before they carried them away to the stable or yard of the horse’s name I’d nominate.

It normally would have needed only 1 person to bridle and saddle a horse, but with up to 3 girls per horse the poor equines never stood a chance, as loud excited voices called out “let me do it dummy”, telling me how the girls were progressing with the horse they were designated to saddle. When I saw my five bosses start walking along the stable pathway I was grateful because in one fell swoop they took five sets of riding paraphernalia and headed off to start saddling the rest as I called out to let them know I’d go and check on the horses the boarders had done. A conga line of boarding girls followed me to every stable or yard they'd saddled a horse in eager to find out if they’d done the saddling correctly or not. Surprisingly I could find little wrong with any of their victims (err horses) except to tighten the occasional saddle strap on a more recalcitrant horse who knew how to fool an inexperienced person into thinking the saddle was tight enough.

While doing this I noticed several of the privately owned horse’s owners were now here and entering the tack room to obtain their tack to saddle their horses (probably much to their still not fully awake parent’s disgust who were now driving home to go back to sleep till a more civilised hour to wake up at). On seeing Lou there this morning as well, I made sure to stop at her stable and say hello as well as giving her several flattering remarks about her horse (and her attire too). I stayed away from Amanda, Sally and Tricia although fleetingly had to say hello to Joanne when I needed to pass her stable heading over to Flash’ stall to watch or assist Smokey (if he needed any).

Eventually with all the horses saddled, Lois rounded up the boarders and started assigning various horses to each girl for the ride, which caused the named girl to race off to collect her mount. Of course Lois, Annette, Cathy and Sue took the most experienced and best mounts to ride, with Sue agreeing to let Lois ride Champion again while she rode a huge Palomino called Captain. This left Steve the tallest person there who normally rode Captain, to ride Boxer. I was assigned Brutus who was much like his Roman namesake and would have usually only ridden by far more experienced riders than myself.

As the group headed out through the timber gated entry, Smokey was at the front leading the ride and it quickly developed into three distinct groups behind Smokey. First were the privately owned horses, followed by the boarding girls (along with Steve and I as the designated “whippers in”), while bringing up the rear were the four experienced senior girls Lois, Cathy, Sue and Annette, who were a sort of safety net and were happily talking with one another playing the game “do you remember the time”.

We travelled another undefined trail again, but somehow or other managed to pass by the “jumps” again, which today saw all the private girl’s successfully manage to ride the course. Perhaps to put them in their place, Sue with Cathy's help then raised the height of the bars and proceeded to successfully jump the higher placed poles, with Smokey again critiquing each rider.

It also became more obvious to me that Lois must have given a considerable amount of thought to assigning a boarder to a horse, because today it was an entirely different 6 girls who learned how to make their horse take a very low jump and again successfully did it without falling off. The two girls who hadn’t got to experience jumping a horse were also the smallest (and I might add the frailest).

Instead she gave the two girls a condensed course in dressage riding which soon saw the two boarders performing “jolly well” according to Smokey's encouraging remarks shouted out to them. Lou also asked to participate as well (much to the disgust of the other private owners) and for the rest of the ride decided to join Sue and her friends at the back of the ride who began giving her their expert advice, which with me having a bit of a thing for Lou had me wishing I was with them, (sigh).

Smokey also decided on the homeward leg to stage an impromptu mini training course for the private girls, which Amanda again appeared to be the only one to fail to do properly, although this time Smokey was less severe in his critiquing and even helped her until she was doing everything to his satisfaction. Then we all finished with another 3 charge of the light brigades, before every boarder helped to put their horses back in the stables and yards, while the private girls headed their horses over to the Sand Ring and practiced some of the dressage advice Lois had been telling the two youngest boarders earlier on.

Unlike the other days, the public started driving up the dirt driveway almost as soon as the main gate was opened and it seemed to me that I didn’t get a chance to stop and rest rest till lunchtime. Some of the ranch girls had also been roped in by Dot or Smokey and were leading pony rides or even helping out walking behind the trail rides if asked to, because there were so many small groups of riders out on the trails that morning.

I even got to enjoy a walk with Dianne (huge sigh) and Helen as we told jokes to one another while walking behind the horses we were assigned to assist. Dianne excitedly asked me what I’d be wearing to the party tonight, which seemed to interest her brother Will (who had come along with the three of us but was walking slightly behind). Without thinking about it (at the time) I told Dianne I’d be wearing the clothes I had on or else I’d get changed into clean clothes for the party and felt ashamed about the fact I wouldn’t have something pretty to wear to the party.

During lunch with Sue and her three friends, I was informed that I’d be leaving the ranch around 3pm with Annettes to go to her house, where I’d help her and her brothers set up the backyard with loaned outdoor furniture. Sue said (with a bit of a cheeky smirk) that she'd need to call into Lois’ place to borrow some clothes to wear for the party and would also get some drinks and meat for the BBQ for the two of us.

Fine I thought to myself, Sue gets to wear something nice tonight while I have to wear whatever was left in my suitcase and almost did a double take thinking that. Soon afterwards I was back outside and leading Blossom the Shetland pony on pony rides until Lois (with Cathy next to her) came over and told me Annette had to leave now. So I handed the pony's reigns to her then hurried over to Annette’s car and soon found myself in the front passenger’s seat heading out through the main gate to her place.

During the drive Annette cheerfully told me that she still found it impossible to believe I wasn’t a girl and that no one at the ranch had even the inkling about me, adding that after tonight no one would ever even imagine the idea even if I was stark naked, which in truthfulness had me wondering exactly what the hell she meant.

Her parent’s house turned out to be only a short distance from the ranch (about half way down a steep road heading towards Narrabeen), where after turning into several side streets (where I saw only large houses on acreage), the car slowed to turn into one such driveway. It had a large and impeccably manicured front lawn out front and a smooth dirt driveway leading to an imposing two storied house. Annette seemed quite embarrassed at my astonished remarks about how nice the house looked.

Getting out and remaining motionless being still in awe at how nice everything there looked, Annette said she’d take me inside and introduce me to her “olds” (parents) who when I saw them were obviously dressed to go somewhere this evening. They seemed very gracious to me after their daughter explained who I was and why I was there so early. Her father quickly took my hand and led me outside, where he pointed to a considerable number of outdoor sun-lounges and chairs which we presently stacked up near a side gate.

I would have normally headed over towards the furniture to begin putting it out, but my attention was distracted by a very large swimming pool with its own diving board perhaps 20 yards away from the back door we’d just come through, as well as the incredible expanse of manicure backyard surrounding it. The lawn itself must have stretched for perhaps another 100 yards past the other end of the pool fence, before there appeared to be a dense wall of pine trees, while the sides of the back yard were perhaps 60 yards from one side fence to the other.

Remarking that I’d certainly like to meet and congratulate the person who kept their lawns so nice, had her father (no longer Mr Elliott but instead please call me Eric, Wendy) offer up his hand for me to shake along with a huge smile as he proudly accepted my unintentional (although sincere) compliment. When Annette came outside with her mother, her dad remarked loudly he only hoped I could teach his daughter how to be more appreciative of the things around her, telling his wife about how much I said I admired the state of the backyard.

Annette rolled her eyes and said she’d go and get the boys to help and be back in a minute, which left me alone with her parents where I answered the question as to whether I knew how many people were turning up for the party this evening. I thought it over before saying there may be about 20 or so ranch girls and boys as well as some parents, which had her mum asking how many boys were amongst that number, that had me assuring her that I only knew off two boys around my age who were coming, with the rest being the regular girls who went to the ranch.

Annette walked back outside with several guys following her simply introducing them as her brothers, who proceeded to help with the furniture. Annette also let it be known that her baby brother Jonathon (pointing to him) would be hanging around for the party as well. Jonathon was as tall and solid as the rest of his brothers and perhaps looked to be in his early twenties (he turned out to be only 17, I learned later on and that Annette was the only girl in the family).

The furniture proceeded to be carefully strewn around the yard, taking advantage as much as possible of the backyard’s landscaping and it took about 30 minutes to get everything set up to Annette’s satisfaction. The final layout would allow small groups of tables and chairs to be set well apart from each other to allow groups of people to sit away from one another if need be. Several clumps of small bushes allowed for some settings to be hidden from view, which Annette good humouredly assured her parents would only ever be used for any debauchery or scandal !

Once back inside the house Annette took me on a guided tour and I think she might have been embarrassed at my reactions to various rooms she allowed me to see inside of. Annette’s own bedroom upstairs had a window view that looked out over the backyard and in fact over quite an expanse of land into the distance. She even had her own personal bathroom off to the side whose size was almost the same as that in the flat where I lived. The main upstairs bathroom was certainly bigger than my brother’s and my bedroom combined.

When her parent’s left shortly afterwards, Annette told me that we’d need to wait for Charlotte to get here before they could begin to make me into the hottest thing on two legs for tonight’s party. Not entirely sure what she meant by that but accepting that it couldn’t be anything bad, had me happily telling her I could hardly wait even though I had “no idea” about exactly what "it was" I was waiting for.

I then got to experience my very first private cinema viewing and sat through a viewing of various Warner Brother’s cartoons I’d normally only see at the pictures. I was even given a can of soft drink and a bag of crisps to nibble on, along with a warning from Annette about spilling anything on the carpet under my feet.

Eventually my nirvana was interrupted by Lois, Sue, Annette and a girl I’d never met before dragging me out of the cinema and back upstairs into Annette’s bedroom. The girl turned out to be Charlotte, and she wasn’t a girl around Sue or Lois's age, but a woman aged around 30 who had been an old girlfriend of Cathy’s oldest brother until he’d left her for someone prettier. Although seriously older than anyone else in the room, Charlotte herself was also a “major” horse nut and happily told me about how during her late teens, she was to Annette and her friends, what Annette and her friends were to the younger ranch girls that would be here tonight.

Eventually she declared it was time to find out what her canvas looked like and gently told me to stand up and parade around the room for a while. Then I was asked to stand completely still in front of her while she examined my face very closely and carefully from various angles, making cryptic remarks to the others. After saying she’d now need to see under me exterior, with a beaming smile told me it was time for me to get naked and without hesitating started confidently undoing my blouse buttons for me. Only certain of one thing and that was not being hurt, had me quickly taking over and undoing the rest of the buttons before shucking it off to show skinny body the bra on it as well as the small gel inserts inside the bra.

Her arms quickly enveloped me and within moments I felt the tightness of the bra evaporate as she stepped back while at the same time grabbing the front of my bra and telling me to place my hands together infront of me as she began to slowly pull the bra and inserts along my arms till I was bare chested. Watching her then direct her eyes downwards, had me quickly taking off my shoes and socks then hesitantly undoing my jean’s buttons and lowering my zipper before carefully tugging my jeans down my legs to step out of them one leg at a time till I was standing in only a faded grey pair of panties that offered any modesty.

With Charlotte’s laughing assurance that in a few year’s I’d be begging to be naked infront of women, she simply said “drop em” and as if to make me do it quickly, started walking towards me with outstretched hands. Thinking it might be better for me to do this for myself I quickly tugged my panties down my legs and stepped out of them, as she then told me to go lie down on the bed, looking up at the ceiling.

Neither Sue, Lois, Annette or Cathy said a word as Charlotte then went and stood over me and gently took my penis and testicles carefully in her hands and began massaging them including gently tugging and moving them around. Although I had only just turned 14 and beginning puberty, my body couldn’t help but react to a female doing what Charlotte was doing to me and I quickly grew erect under her soft hands ministrations.

“Well you aren’t Vlad the Impaler down there yet are you honey” Charlotte muttered before apologising to me as she proceeded to push my testicles back up inside me that saw my body quickly tense up and my breathing rapidly increase. I then watched her kneel down infront of me and with her head and shoulders blocking my view and felt her fingers slowly pull my penis downwards firmly while I felt my sack being pulled over Mr Stiffy.

“Yep, he’ll be easy enough to do once its shaved” she loudly proclaimed for the girls to hear, before letting go of my scrotum and carefully pressing her hands firmly into my lower stomach area, which caused my testicles to ease back down out of my body to where they normally belonged before she stood back up straight. “Sorry about that” she said before asking the others what I’d be wearing tonight.

I lay on the bed naked and totally embarrassed, deciding for myself whether to cover up, when without even turning around Charlotte said “only the panties” as if she had ESP. Motioning for Sue and Lois to follow her she left the room leaving me and my scarlet hued face alone with Annette as she handed me my panties and suggested I put them back on and sit back on the bed and relax. She hurriedly explained to me about their friend Charlotte, which included her job as a makeup artist for a film production company.

Apparently Charlotte also used to have a younger brother Martin who had come out to his family as transsexual when he was fifteen. With the family’s blessing he’d gone and had gender reassignment surgery done in Thailand at 22 years of age and was now living happily as Martina in Darlinghurst married to some guy called Ryan. Annette said she hoped “Tina” and her husband would be coming to the party tonight if they accepted Charlotte’s invite.

When the girls came back upstairs, Sue was carrying what appeared to be a lightweight portable table, while Charlotte and Lois were each carrying a large suitcase which sounded quite heavy when they put them down on the carpeted floor near a vanity table that had its own make up lighting surrounding the mirror on it. Charlotte then instructed me to sit at the seat infront of the vanity, where she then proceeded to open both large cases which I saw folded open lengthways to reveal various coloured wigs, colour swatches, jars and bottles of what might have been makeup as well as a number of boxes.

When Charlotte again inquired about what I’d be wearing tonight, Annette walked over to her wardrobe and drew out several clothes hangers asking did anybody remember how everyone had reacted the first time Lois had worn them this outfit at her 15th birthday party. The girls all cracked up in tears of laughter as each of them shouted out how they remembered her parent’s reactions to the clothes.

After everyone had quietened down again (I had no absolutely no idea what they were talking about) Lois asked in astonishment how Annette had the outfit as Lois’s mother had refused to let her leave the house wearing it and had taken them away after everyone had left the birthday party and hid them, she assumed to give them away to a clothing charity.

Annette explained that what Lois’s mum had done was to give them to Annette’s mum a few days afterwards to get rid of the outfit somewhere further away and it was forgotten over time till Annette rediscovered the outfit the other day when she was cleaning out old boxes in the basement. “If we’re going to make those spoilt little brats pay for what they did to Wendy, her wearing this along with a little or should I say “ a lot” of Charlotte’s magic is how she’s going to do it and enjoy doing it too” Annette happily told everyone which had all the girls enthusiastically agreeing.

Charlotte looking directly at Lois’s face and body first before turning slightly to zero in on me, humorously announced she’d need to use the biggest ones she had to make the outfit work properly on me to chuckles from the others and to my own look of confused ignorance as to what they were actually talking about.

She proceeded to take out various hair sample swatches, as well as placing wigs on my head along with holding small boards with varying colours on them up to the side of my face. The three other girls hurried over and started a round robin discussion over the merits of a colour on me and so forth. When finally they had reached a consensus on everything, Charlotte instructed me to drop my pants and lie back down on the table looking up at the ceiling, where I found the table’s rubber coated base made my back itchy.

She then said she’d need a dish of ice cubes and a large towel placed under the table as well as several small hand towels to dry her hands on which Annette raced off to find. She shut the door after her as she left and I heard the sounds of muffled voices including hers before the sounds of feet dashing back up the stairs to the eventual knock on the door and her returning carrying a plastic tray that had a small bowl filled with ice and several towels on it.

Once everything was in place Charlotte explained what she was going to do to me and that none of it was permanent. She asked Sue how long I would like to need to sit down to pee and to my horror Sue suggested a month, as she quickly told me that Smokey would ask me tomorrow if I would like to stay as an offsider till near the end of the school holidays and that she’d already gotten my mother’s approval as long as I wanted to do it too.

If the honest truth be known, I was enjoying not only working on the horse ranch but especially being a young teenage girl doing so. I’d met a number of girls my own age and actually enjoyed talking to and being with them. So it was impossible for me to show anything on my face other than delight at her news about being allowed to stay and work there as Wendy. Her satisfied smile and telling me she thought I’d like that, had me quickly nodding my head in agreement and saying to Charlotte “If you wouldn’t mind please Charlotte, I’d like it if you could make it that I can forgo needing to stand to pee till just before school starts up again.”

Charlotte then told me that she wanted to take and keep a photographic journal for future reference for her own job about what she was about to do to me, telling all of us a story about one particular makeup job that she had to do for a movie scene. I’d never seen the film, although I knew of the actress concerned and like Lois, Sue and Annette sat in stunned amazement as Charlotte explained what had been required to be done to the actress. So first off I had to have before photo and then photos during each step and then afterwards, with Charlotte assuring me that my privacy would be assured by her and that the photos were only for reference while I’d also received a copy of every photo taken of me, before I nodded in agreement.

“Now I’ll make your wish come true for you Wendy, but you have to do something very important first” Charlotte assured me, then asked Sue to help me shave my legs, groin and butt thoroughly. I was then led to Annette’s private bathroom and with Sue’s assistance managed to shave my-self entirely smooth not only where she requested but all over my body except for the hair on my head. As Sue aimed the shower nozzle over my shaven skin, the cold water seemed so much tingler on my skin than before. She squeezed moisturizing lotion onto my fingers to allow me to rub it all over my body where I’d shaved myself smooth before leading me back into the bedroom and the inevitable photo.

With an understanding smile Charlotte proceeded to tell me what she was going to do to me next. She explained everything very simply to me and before each step, she repeated what she was about to do and asked if I was still alright with her doing so. I simply had to lay back on the bed totally naked without the slightest shame while she, Lois, Sue and Annette stood either side of the table and watched my transformation begin.

It seemed odd that first off Charlotte then needed to arouse my penis to erection again before quickly placing cold ice onto my testicles (which she had already informed me was to numb me down there) before she sprayed additional anaesthetic spray around my groin as well. Apparently the ice would not only numb my stimulated testicles but the sudden cold also shrunk them allowing her to more easily push them back up into my body cavity. The application of the ice to my groin also allowed for my penis to shrink substantially, although this time she held onto the tip of it to allow her to move my now much thinner and skinnier soft penis downwards and between the folds of my scrotum sack so it was eventually pointed almost completely downwards. Then after making sure the tip remained outside of the flesh sack, she glued both sides of the scrotum sack together hiding the length of my penis inside it. She had to hold the camera quite close for the photos of the work she just did.

With the aid of a hand held mirror she showed me the end result of what now appeared to be a smoothly shaved vaginal opening that you’d see on girls too young to have begun growing pubic hair, or on adults who preferred to be bare there that also allowed for there to no longer be a bulge in the front of my underwear. I had to wait a short time for the glue to dry and harden then as Charlotte removed her hands from my groin she triumphantly sang “Ta Da, instant Vag for you Wendy!”

It felt so tight down there now, I was almost too scared to try and move before I was carefully helped off the table with the three older girls saying they wouldn’t have believed it if they hadn’t seen for themselves what had been done to me. It was Annette who enthusiastically told me I looked just like her down there now and taking me by the hand took me into her bathroom and without the slightest embarrassment showed me how we both did look almost the same now down there.

With Charlotte, Sue and Lois crammed in the room looking, Annette even allowed me to experience my first touch of a female vagina as firmly gripping my right hand she carefully positioned my index finger so that it could barely just touch her vaginal opening and then made me do the same to my own at what appeared to be the same spot.

While she did this she explained to the others how an old boyfriend had liked to shave her smooth whenever possible and now she hated the scratchy feeling of regrowth down there, sporting a cheeky grin as she said it. Her problem was sympathised with by the other three women saying they’d suffered through the annoying itching and rashes till their pubic hair had grown long enough again having done the exact same thing as well. They all agreed it had been at the request of a boyfriend that had caused them to shave themselves smooth in the first place.

Odd as it might seem to anybody else, the thought I now had a “Vag” of my own made me feel more closely attuned to the other woman there than previously before. I know it seems silly but looking at Annette’s area and looking at my own, made me think “hey I’m almost a girl now too”.

After everybody was back inside Annette’s bedroom, Charlotte made me do various exercises to see if I began to feel uncomfortable anywhere or worse yet, feel nauseous in my stomach. Still without a stitch of clothing to cover my nakedness I was made to sit down quickly, stand up quickly, bend over, squat, lie on my back and lift myself up by my hands and feet till I was arched backwards, walk fast and change direction quickly along with all sorts of other directions. With the completion of each instruction Charlotte inquired as to whether I felt any pain or discomfort or felt queasy in my stomach till she was finally satisfied I would “probably” be OK like this for a month.

Still cautious, she reminded me yet again not to ignore any pain or discomfort down there, then handed me two vials of solvent telling me that I could use them to break the grip of the adhesive glue she used gluing my scrotum together to make my Vag. She also advised me about not losing them but that if I did, I should phone her and she’d arrange for more to be sent to me.

She then had me lie back on the table stomach first this time as I felt the same gunk being paintbrush stroked onto my backside region, then I felt her push down on both sides of my butt cheeks several times keeping the pressure on for about a minute each time. She then seemed to paint all around my butt cheeks as well, then with several camera flashes behind me told me I could now stand up and go to the mirror and see my new butt. As with most boys (I hoped) I couldn’t even see the back of my body so it needed Sue excitedly informing me I now had a prominent butt at the back of me that none of them had.

By then the clock had moved round to five o’clock and Charlotte said I still had a long way to go until becoming the perfect male erection device for tonight’s party. First off though there were more photos required of down there and of my entire body for the records again.

I was then given a bra of Annette’s that seem to almost no front to it along with an opened cellophane packet containing a pair of sapphire blue satin panties and taking them out of it bent down to step into them before trying to pull them up my legs. As I worked them up over my hips, the feel of the cool slippery satin on my quickly unthawing shaven vag felt exquisitely delightful and I stupidly said so to everyone there. Charlotte then took out from one of the folded cases a cardboard box, telling me these were my new boobs before proceeding to carefully place each one inside the slight cup, that saw the bottom of the bra cup being completely smothered before she moved them around in the cups until she was satisfied.

The size of them (let alone the weight) seemed to be the only thing my mind could focus on. I was then shown the top I’d be wearing and with Lois and Annette’s assistance, managed to get it on and over my new bust. The top itself although scandalously low cut had been designed to provide additional support which now made my “bust” jut out much more than I would ever have imagined was considered descent. Once Charlotte and Annette had agreed on where my inserts needed to be glued onto me (using a marking pen to do the outline) my new top and bra was off of me in a trice and I was lying back down on the table.

To my utter amazement Charlotte proceeded to dab a clear coloured paste of something or other onto my chest before taking one of the breast inserts and placing it carefully onto my chest, being careful to make sure the edges of the insert were exactly where she wanted them to be and were smooth along the edges before pressing down onto the gel (and also my chest) firmly for again almost a minute until she moved her hand away. Without the slightest hesitation she then daubed the other side of my chest with the same gunk and carefully positioning the other insert over it, proceeding to push down and remain immobile, before finally letting go and giving a smile of satisfaction.

The four girls then helped me to sit up on the table slowly while I began turning my body around just enough to feel my feet brush the carpet. The weight dragging down wards on my chest was now noticeably heavy and then as I stood up on my feet, I felt my chest actually rise and drop slightly while the sudden increase in weight caught me completely by surprise while also affecting my sense of balance. A hesitant shaky step away from the table found me experiencing the strange uniqueness of feeling my chest/breasts both sway as well as wobble uncontrollably both up and down as well as sideways, with no way of controlling them until I placed my hands over them to stop them moving.

The girls were laughing loudly seeing me trying to stop my boobs from swaying and I was warned I’d better get used to the swaying motion quickly because until the party was finished and the inserts unglued there was no way of stopping it and I was warned against trying to use my hands to try and prevent them moving around infront of everyone tonight. They made me walk around for about five minutes getting use to the disconcerting swaying motion up there, then having had a good laugh at my expense proceeded to put the bra back on me and carefully place my “boobs” inside the bra, which while helping reduce the swaying movement also caused the bra straps to press down onto my shoulders as they led me over to the sit down in front of Annette’s vanity.

Then for almost another hour Charlotte proceeded to spin her web of makeup artistry over me, and as I along with the other three girls watched, she transformed me from a dull immature girl into a voluptuous siren with gloriously long hair (curtesy of hair extensions) and facial makeup that made my new glamorous face look possibly eighteen or even twenty years old. It was very odd to just sit there and look at my slowly altering reflection take place, watching a sexy sultry woman slowly emerge and look back at me where before there had been a very plain looking (as far as I was concerned) girl in the mirror.

Every so often my eyes were left bedazzled as camera flashes recorded important procedural steps to my appearance, but the end result had me looking at my new face in shock, amazement, wonder and awe. I knew that in reality, I’d never have a chance of even talking to a girl that looked this stunning and yet here I was, that girl!

Then it was simply a matter of helping me to get dressed while trying not to smudge any of my clothes with the makeup I had on. Cathy came into the bedroom half way through the transformation and seeing it even only half done, swore excited then enthusiastically remarked about how the bitches would choke when they saw me tonight, adding that she bet that Amanda’s boyfriend (who was apparently coming) would definitely try to chat me up.

Annette decided that my legs needed to be a highlight to accentuate the thigh high split in the side of my skirt and before beginning the final task of painting my fingernails, my smooth soft legs were glided (that’s how it felt) into a pair of stay up stockings before being sat back down and having my feet placed into quite high heels.

I was then carefully helped to stand back up and instructed to walk around the bedroom for a while to find my balance, while Charlotte proceeded to make up all four girls as well as herself after they showered. So I was therefore lucky enough to see how each girl looked in her underwear, which wouldn't have been among my wildest fantasies until then. Oddly enough even though I was a man (Just leave that phrase be for he moment please) they didn’t seem to care about me seeing them almost naked which Lois offhandedly explained to me (without my asking her why so she must have had ESP too) was because they all thought of me simply as Wendy and not a guy.

Part way through their getting ready a knock on the door saw Sue and Lois dashing for the bathroom as Annette’s brother opened the door just enough to say he was going to start getting the BBQ lit up and that a few young girls had already arrived and were using the pool, even though it had only just turned 5.30 and the party wasn’t until 7pm. Once everyone was dressed and made up, Annette’s brother was asked to take a group photograph which when I saw the developed photo showed 6 girls dressed extremely provocatively and smiling at the lens.

After a hurried talk about who was doing what, the five older girls left for the kitchen while I was instructed to sit out of sight in the lounge room and watch the TV and I'd make my “entrance” to the party when Sue came and got me. I had now been walking around for almost an hour and felt I’d reasonably mastered my heels although I was constantly panicking about my boobs spilling out of the scandalously low cut top I wore. My skirt’s split while a problem for me to control, had me less worried about showing anything untoward, as Cathy told me the worst that could happen was people seeing my knickers if I sat with splayed legs which I'd already tried to master.

With half my mind on the TV and the other half listening to the sounds coming from the kitchen, I was able to learn that by 6.30 everyone who had said they were coming had turned up as well as a few of the girl’s parents staying as well. Everyone had also been told to bring their own meat which had been put onto a spare table beside the BBQ along with a hug pot of boiled potatoes still in their jackets. Several borrowed horse feed tins now held ice along with assorted soft drinks and alcohol depending on the tins.

When Sue and Annette came to collect me, they told me to answer any questions about my breasts honestly, and say I was wearing surgical inserts that Charlotte had glued onto me in preparation for a teenage actress she would be doing the make up for in a forthcoming movie yet to be made. My clothes were wardrobe items she’d also borrowed so she could see if I got into any difficulties tonight which might then also happen on the film set…… In other words I was an experimental guinea pig, while Sue told me that Charlotte had agreed to offer to do the makeup for any of the other ranch girls provided it was OK with their parents, although obviously she wouldn’t be increasing the sizes of any of their busts!

I was then made to walk around the room to allow my body to adjust again to walking in heels before being led towards the kitchen and outside. Steve who had just stepped into the kitchen to get something saw me between Annette and Sue and with a face that looked more shocked than surprised started chuckling. After asking us to let him get back outside to watch what happened he picked up a plastic bottle and accompanied by Cathy dashed back outside. With a few last deep breaths, and a gentle push from behind, I walked outside just infront of Annette and Sue.

Oddly enough yet unsurprising, no one recognised me as I walked over to a tin and cautiously bent down to pick out a can of soft drink and pick a straw out of the cup placed next to it. As I carefully stood back up, relieved that my boobs hadn’t fallen out, I watched the faces on a number of the ranch girls and saw curiosity but no recognition. I saw my main nemesis’ Amanda and Sally who were wearing bikinis and were accompanied by two boys who appeared several years older than either of them, look at me angrily (than at their boyfriend's faces showing unconcealed lust). Some of the parents, particularly one dad looked at me perhaps in envy or perhaps jealousy but it wasn’t until Cathy casually asked me if I wanted a baked potato with my meat that the curtain finally dropped and it definitely dropped “very” noisily.

Charlotte had gathered several parents she was talking with and ushered them away from where I was standing when Cathy asked about what I wanted to eat, so Charlotte was obviously starting on any damage control that might be required about my daring attire as a 14 year old girl. Meanwhile every ranch girl there was swarming round me to ask the inevitable questions, about my makeup, my clothes and very definitely about my sudden new cleavage which they’d thought about before.

Better yet Amanda’s and Sally’s boyfriends made them have to join them in coming over to speak to me, neither boy not yet knowing who I was but thinking I had to be definitely hot, also not yet knowing my age. Amanda’s loud voice cattily informed both boys about my age first, then about how it was obvious I had to be wearing inserts and that I hadn’t even had a period yet.

That didn’t stop me from having both of them take my right hand gently and say who they were, which had me smiling shyly and saying my name in return. Sally was trying her best to be spiteful (as Sue happily told me later was because she was so jealous of my appearing to be so sexy infront of her boyfriend) and after cattily remarking again about me not having even bled yet, stood back to see the effects of her words on everyone surrounding me.

The fact I had by then already openly admitted to everyone the reasons for why I was dressed the way this evening, then having Charlotte loudly announce from over where she stood with most of the older people with her, that she’d do the face of any girl who would like to see how they looked made up professionally later on saw Amanda storm off and dragging her boyfriend away as well and make me want to jump for jot in happiness at having finally bested her. A loud number of excited “I want to” answers in response and nobody else making catty remarks to me about how I looked saw that no one else seemed to mind either. Several of the girls including Nicole and her sister Juliet cunningly were able to carefully squeeze one of my breasts when no one was looking and they all gasped in shock as I calmly suggested they not squeeze them so publicly. I was the “in” thing at the party and in all honesty had to admit I loved the attention although personally speaking, felt that Dianne still looked far more beautiful than me (sigh, sigh).

After I’d had a chance to talk to everyone and modestly lap up all their gushing compliments, I sat down to eat something at a table that normally only seated 6 but now had another eight more chairs around those six all filled with eager ranch girls talking to me. After a while Sue came over and asked me to follow her and led me over to a group of adults, where I again became the centre of attention Charlotte explained to the adult mothers (mainly) what she had done to make my appearance look so dramatic. Perhaps because of my nervous shyness and because the adults now quietly were aware of the true reason for my attire being as it was, saw me being genuinely complimented with a few of the mothers even subtly squeezing my breasts with delighted surprise and confirming with Charlotte the costs involved.

After a while I was able to escape and quickly found myself back among the ranch girls, who were now all wearing wet swimsuits. I also found my hand being gently held by Will and his sister Dianne simply looked at me with a look of embarrassment at her brother’s behaviour. Dianne might have only been almost 14 herself but her black one piece swimmers definitely showed off her blossoming bosoms and as for her derriere…….well I was completely infatuated anyway.

All the ranch girls were disappointed I couldn’t go swimming, citing my lack of bathers along with the makeup as my excuse. When Charlotte came over to our group and casually told me I was going to get a reduction up top now and to follow her, I blushed red but got up to follow her inside. When I came out 20 minutes later it was wearing much smaller inserts which although obviously still quite visual due to the bra and top I had on, now had me as a “B” cup and more in proportion with the rest of me. When Charlotte came out infront of two mothers about half an hour after me, it was clearly obvious where my originals must have gone, as a smiling Mrs Cameron and an equally happy Mrs Smyth walked by our ranch girl table towards a seated group of adults who boisterously greeted their return.

Charlotte stopped at our huddle and asked if any of the girls wanted a facial like mine which immediately saw excited girl voices squealing “yes”. So choosing Nicole and Amy along with me to follow her she led us back into the house and upstairs to Annette’s bedroom where she selectively handed a case to each of us then picked up her table and led us back downstairs and outside. By then of course the kitchen’s back doorway was crowded with excited teenage girls waiting our return and it was with some difficulty Charlotte managed to work a kitchen chair as well as her table and herself outside to a nearby outside power outlet on the house’s back wall.

Annette came over to help and was quickly apprised of the need for some strong lighting dashed back inside and came out soon after toting several lamp posts with multiple lights attached. Once everything was made ready, Charlotte foolishly asked who wanted to be first in the chair and looked on as several young nubile bodies try to seat themselves onto the single chair at the same time. Eventually she declared Helen should go first and asking her parents if they were OK with their daughter being made to look older, received affirming nods from them and proceeded to work her magic.

With slow and deliberate movements as well as explaining to everyone what she was using and doing, Helen quickly morphed into a stunning beauty much older than her young face normally looked. Charlotte had deliberately ensured there was no nearby mirror handy, instead using a woman’s compact mirror to show Helen how she looked. With an excited gasp Helen flew up out of the chair and dashed off inside to the downstairs powder room along with her mother hurrying after her. Her butt had no sooner lifted off the chair before Denice’s was already on it with a look of excitement in her eyes.

By now, everyone was gathered around jostling to watch Charlotte’s skill being displayed. Of course each recipient had to have her photo taken for Charlotte’s resume as well as any owners of camera being asked to take photos with the promise of the development costs being covered by parents or the girl if they didn’t have a personal camera.

A slowly expanding group of immature sirens swelled in number as the production line got into full swing. Some of the made up ranch girls were also wearing different coloured hair as either she or her mother where available asked how different she’d look with another hair colour. Oddly enough you’d think, if the girl’s parents were at the party, instead of the parents looking shocked at the transformation of their little girls into instant sex sirens, actually seemed quite proud of their progeny’s new appearance, with two mothers and fathers in particular preening themselves over their daughter’s new adult look.

Charlotte then asked for an adult volunteer next and with the new appearances on Mrs Smyth and Cameron faces as testimony, had no difficulty in finding volunteers among the few other mothers there and shortly afterwards Mrs Hall joined the gushing throng of sultry made up adult women and immature teenage sirens.

When Charlotte loudly called out Amanda’s name, her boyfriend started shouting out suggestions as to changes he’d like to see happen to his girlfriend. Listening to Amanda’s request as to what she'd like to have done to look older, Charlotte evilly went and altered her appearance to that of a haggard old crone. Since Amanda had no way of seeing what Charlotte was doing to her face, the giggles and smirks as she slowly morphed must have had her thinking she must have looked a total stunner when it was finished.

When told by Charlotte that she’d finished and was handed the small compact mirror, to loud raucous laughter Amanda screamed in horror and dashed off into the darkness of the backyard along with her coterie of followers. One of the private horse male owners Paul, asked Charlotte to turn him into an ogre and ten minutes later had his request filled. Unlike Amanda however, Paul was more than happy to go around trying to scare people till he was picked up by his parents sometime after midnight.

At least Charlotte wasn’t completely vindictive as when she finally called a halt to doing any more facials, she went and found Amanda and quietly took her back inside up to Annette’s bedroom where she proceeded to turn her into the almost ultimate blonde bombshell pin up poster. Admittedly Amanda already was an emerging beauty anyway, so Charlottes skills only highlighted the potential future Amanda in four or five year’s.

I also got to meet Martina who Charlotte enthusiastically introduced me to and was lead off by Tina to a quiet area of dimly lit backyard and given lots of advice and feminine tips to use if I ever felt the need to go further down the path. It’s a pity that Tina spoke to me in private because her advice and tips were endorsed by Charlotte the following day.

When loud shouting from the house next door signalled the final countdown towards the New Year, everyone gathered into a loose huddle as a number of loudly slurring adult voices counted down to a shouted “Happy New Year” and hugs and kisses. My particular bracelet “Will” had been like a limpet attached to my hand since almost from the moment I had first stepped outside tonight, and somehow or other managed to cunningly give me a peck on the cheek then wish me a happy New Year before trying to vanish, as his sister Dianne (double sigh now she’d been made up by Charlotte) laughed both at my shocked expression as well as at her own brother’s persistence towards me.

After various hugs and air kisses amongst everybody there, people started drifting away deeper into the backyard’s dimness. Amanda’s trio of friends and their boyfriends wondered off with paired up and hands held together, going behind the largest outcrop of bushes where they had earlier on cunningly carried a set of table and chairs shortly after arriving, reserving it for their own private enclave. There was alcohol at the party but none of the teenage girls or guys seemed to be openly drinking any of it although certainly Amanda’s group smelt faintly of booze with all three girls were decidedly giggly to some extent.

Just before 1am Sue came over to our group that included Dianne, Nicole, her sister Juliet, Helen, her friend Amanda M along with Will and Paul and myself and told us the party would be finishing up shortly and we should go around reminding everybody to clean up the area around them and make sure any garbage was placed in the bin near the side gate (which was already overflowing). This saw our group reluctantly get up slowly, inquiring of each other when their parents were calling for them and if they’d be at the ranch tomorrow, while perhaps being more intrepid (or stupid) than the others I, accompanied by Dianne and her brother walked towards the largest outcrop of bushes in the backyard to let my enemies know about the party finishing up.

As we got closer I could hear a hushed female voice desperately slurring something which had the three of us stop suddenly, nervous about what might be going on behind the bushes and whether we (or rather “me”) should interrupt. Without thinking I spoke loudly enough for the people behind the bushes to hear me tell them the party was finishing up and they needed to make sure everything was tidy and they’d also need to return the furniture from where they’d got it from.

I heard a girl's muffled shout and sotto voiced remarks that definitely sounded odd while the girl sounded like she was trying to object to something and was being prevented from doing so. Without thinking about any possible consequences to my actions I proceeded to dash around behind the bushes in case someone needed help.

The sight that confronted me was a naked and drunkenly struggling Amanda being held by one of the boys in her group standing behind her with one of his hands trying to cover her mouth, while her nude boyfriend was standing infront of her with an obvious erection and trying to suckle on her breasts. A few yards further away lying on a towel on the ground was a just as naked but comatose Sally whose legs were obscenely splayed apart, while the third one of the trio Joanne, was also lying on the ground several yards further on from Sally except she was almost fully clothed except for the fact that her dress was hiked up over her stomach and showing off her underwear that had something white sticking out.

My sudden appearance while at the same time urgently asking if everything was alright saw Amanda look back at me hopelessly frightened as her captor behind her suddenly let go of her as if she was on fire. Amanda tried to move away that caused her to only stumble to the ground in an untidy heap, while her boyfriend started menacingly advancing towards me, only stopping suddenly at the appearance of Dianne and Will who eventually and reluctantly had followed after me.

Without the slightest hesitation but not saying who should do so, I urgently demanded someone go get Sue and Steve as the sounds of Amanda vomiting onto the grass underneath her seemed considerably louder to my hearing. It also prompted her boyfriend to hurriedly race over to get his clothes and start putting them back on while calling out to the third guy (unseen) to get dressed quick so they could piss off out of here.

Hearing Will’s high pitched voice from somewhere on the other side of the bushes urging someone to hurry (hopefully only Sue and Steve), made me finally begin to start considering the consequences of my actions if anything had gone wrong or no one had quickly come to my assistance. I also realised now that it was Will who had left to get help while Dianne remained behind with me. If my sudden appearance hadn’t been so effective in stopping what was obviously taking place, then perhaps Amanda’s boyfriend and his mates, might not have only carried on with what they intended to do, but possibly even seeing myself or Dianne or perhaps even the both of us ending up the same way Sally was.

Steve’s firm voice viscously asking “what in hell is going on here” saw the scene in front of me (for the second time in only a minute or so) being frozen in time as Sue and Lois made loud exclamations of shock before hurriedly trying to prevent anyone else seeing what was going on. Steve quickly grabbed Amanda’s boyfriend getting dressed and hurriedly threw him to the ground while ordering his two cronies to do the same.

As Steve did this, I quickly moved over to a now kneeling Lois who was beside an obviously drunken comatose naked Sally. I clearly saw my second vagina for the evening as instinctively my eyes searched for the area Lois was speaking to herself about. There appeared to be a lot of fluids there along with a large number of bruises along the insides of both thighs and legs as well as covering most of her breasts. I hurriedly looked away and spotted her clothes on the ground nearby, before getting up to collect them. Without thinking about it I returned with them to kneel beside Lois before starting to put her panties back over her feet and pull them up her legs so as to finally give a still unconscious Sally some sort of modesty. I started to try and put her bra back on to have Lois exasperatingly tell me she’d do it a lot quicker than me and proceeded to prove it.

Letting Lois continue to get Sally dressed again I watched Steve remain poised threateningly above the three teenage boys, questioning them thoroughly and where necessary roughly. Sue had by now managed to get all the curious ranch girls back well away from the area and towards the house with the various fathers assisting her. The six mothers at the party were now arranging car lifts home, or assisting Lois dress Sally or helping a now slowly awakening and badly disorientated Joanne up off of the grass and away from everyone else, in an effort to find out what had occurred.

All the while a still completely naked Amanda had been left to lie on the grass and vomit until she was now up on her hands and knees, part moaning, crying, while her body occasionally doubled her up forcing her head close to the grass as she painfully dry retched a now empty stomach. Surprisingly, after checking to make sure she wasn’t in need of medical assistance, none of the adult women seemed to care about her. Lois and the others simply came over and seeing he state of her passed a rude comment to her before walking off to try and help console the other two girls. Lois’s “fucking dumb bitch” when Sally now propped up against a chair vomited over Lois’s feet must have meant that perhaps females don’t like seeing other females drunk I guess.

You might have thought I’d enjoy seeing my nemesis hopelessly drunk and embarrassingly naked. If I’d been dressed as a boy, I might well have done so. But for whatever reasons, the fact that here was someone who admittedly I absolutely despised, but was now helpless, friendless, ashamed as well as being frightened about how her parent’s would react when they found out about tonight had me actually feeling sorry for her!

I could never claim to be a “good” Christian in anyway or even a practicing Christian for that matter, but one thing these five days as Wendy had shown me was that being a girl (even a teenage girl) also meant needing to have a completely different mindset from those of a boy. I didn’t feel the need to have to prove myself to other girls as Wendy, and kind of liked the concept of it. Obviously girls (particularly teenage girls) can be spitefully nasty when they want to be, as Amanda had clearly shown me, but if all girls liked each other all the time then how come they needed to cry sometimes? Or why was it that girls could be spiteful to one another one moment and then best friends the next. It was still beyond my scope of understanding, but the one thing I was very certain of was that to be a girl was a hell of a lot more enjoyable then being a young boy day to day.

So, not completely understanding why but doing it anyway, I went and collected Amanda’s clothes and went over to her, making sure that the grass was clean before I knelt down next to her and gently handed her, her underwear. She looked over at me with a look of utter vulnerability on her face that made me feel good about myself for what I’d just done. As she turned away to put them on, I carefully placed her bra in her hands once she pulled her panties up, and again watched in amazement the dexterity of a girl’s hands and with their ability to clip a bra on behind their backs which I’d witnessed for the first time earlier on watching Sue and her friends.

Her efforts to even get dressed this far had exhausted her and as I carefully moved behind her and held her up. She groaned as her mind and body tried to adjust to the sensation of coordination when alcohol was definitely still inhibiting her body’s every move. I carefully placed the palm of my hand onto her back and began rubbing in a circular motion which quickly found her body’s weight pressing back against it. I did this for about a minute or so slowly working up to her shoulder blades and neck areas, earning a new sound that might possibly have been that of contentment.

When she softly told me how wonderful my hand felt, I suggested she might like to try getting the rest of her clothes on and with a groan of agreement slowly started to try and get up to put on the rest of her clothes. As I helped her stand up, she turned round to face me and started getting dressed while clearly showing several nasty bruises on her breasts. “Hickeys” she explained to my unanswered question, while blushing with shame as she informed me that the hickeys were elsewhere as well, which with hindsight I can honestly say now was a little bit TMI. We walked around together for a few minutes while her body started to rid itself of the tightness caused from her vomiting. As we walked I rubbed her back continuously and the way she leaned back against my hand’s movement must have meant that she liked what I was doing.

After a few more minutes of walking around and with almost all of the party goers having either been picked up or given lifts home, Amanda was ordered by Lois to go over and sit down beside her two friends who were thankfully now awake although possibly starting to suffer early hangover symptoms.

Dianne and Will’s parents were still there having helped manage with the damage control. it was agreed to by everyone there that Sue’s efforts at trying to keep everyone away had been for the most part had been successful, as every ranch girl or boy there had accepted the story that several teenagers had deliberately drunken alcohol and gotten drunk. The story being spread was that the girl's parents were all on their way here to pick them up and although several of the ranch girls and boys there thought they might have known who might have gotten drunk, had no idea about the sex that had taken place.

At Annette’s insistence Dianne, Will and I had been taken into the theatre room and told to watch cartoons that Annette queued up for us, because neither Dianne or Will’s parents wanted their children knowing about what actually took place, which Sue (being my “sister” explained to me when we got back to the ranch.

The results of “the interrogation” as Sue called it was that luckily for Sally and possibly Amanda, they were both using contraceptive tablets while Joanne hadn’t been interfered with because she was menstruating. It had been agreed to that for the sake of the girl’s reputations the sex wouldn’t be reported nor would their parent’s be told. All three girls had clearly been ravaged to some extent as all three girls had numerous love bites over their bodies, which they’d have to try and keep hidden from their parents.

The 3 boys involved were told that there were enough witnesses to ensure a conviction if ever the police had to be called which they were warned could still happen if any of the girl's parents were to complain about their daughter’s bodies to the police. Although no one was particularly satisfied with the outcome (except for the three boys concerned), the overriding concern was for the welfare of the three girls, although Steve personally wanted to be allowed five minutes with each boy alone and was quite angry that no one else wanted him to.

As for me, before Charlotte left to go home she gave me another downsizing to that of a small “A“ cup which she felt was more than enough for me to contend with. We also reviewed what I should do in case of any emergencies “anywhere” as well as me promising (again) not to do or say anything about what happened at the party. Later on that morning after very little sleep, Lois lead only Steve, Sue, Cathy, Annette and myself for our dawn ride. Thankfully very few ranch girls turned up on New Year’s Day probably due to their parents being too tired to drive them there and the public were almost non-existent turning up as well.

When a very chastened Amanda turned up the day after New Year’s Day, she was no longer looking like a voluptuous 15 year old siren but more like a normal (?) 15 year old teenage girl. Taking me aside she hugged me and thanked me for being so kind to her when she most needed a friend. The same went for Sally and Joanne so that during the following few weeks we all became quite friendly to one another. The other ranch girls seemed to take this new situation as easily as the situation between us before the party and with Amanda’s changed personality, the atmosphere around the ranch whenever she was there was so much better.

I soon had a few more second hand clothes to wear as Lois, Annette and Cathy cleared out their old clothes as well as buying me several new pairs of underwear. The first weekend after New Year’s Day saw Sue returning along with several packets of developed photos which she told me my mother had already seen! When Charlotte came on Sunday with her own photos (along with some copies for me) it was justification for an unplanned little get together for Charlotte, Steve, Lois, Cathy, Sue, Lois and myself to reminisce over everything that had taken place over the past two weeks.

No longer having Sue there to watch over me was weird at first and by the middle of January having her there with me on the weekends felt entirely different than from our first week together. I’d grown into myself she used to say, often trying to find fault with my girlie mannerisms and being pleased to rarely finding any.

When she arrived one Saturday morning at her usual 4am bringing my mother with her (at my mum’s request) I could have almost died of fright, wondering for the first few hours whether mum would unintentionally “out” me. Instead mum acted like a young teenage girl herself, joining in the morning “boarders” ride and even helping to muck out the stables and yards. In her purse she now carried a photo of her “daughter” around to look at and somehow we became that much closer than ever before. Dot and Smokey took to my mother like a duck takes to water while mum was only disappointed in not being able to meet Will “my boyfriend” who Sue had told her about, (particularly emphasising about the romantic nature of our relationship which she hammed up for my mother’s benefit – or amusement). Luckily for me Will and his sister didn’t turn up at the ranch that day. (phew)

I worked hard that school holiday break, possibly much harder than I needed to because Steve seemed to always be elsewhere more often than not probably with Lois, hiding out somewhere having wild abandoned sex with each other. By the time Sue finally drove me home for the start of school term three day’s from then, I was reasonably comfortable riding a horse and could even comfortably jump a low fence (up to 3 feet high) without falling off.

I knew quite a lot more about horses than most non horse people, as well as knowing how to spot a teenage girl menstruating, which actually isn’t that difficult to do if you know the signs to watch out for. The day before I left the ranch, Sue helped me lose my “Vag” and this may make you laugh………..but the first time I needed to urinate afterwards, I automatically sat down to do so! Sue and my mum had tears of laughter hearing me tell them about it when I got home.

A long time after that school break when I was at home one Sunday while my brother was out at my dad’s, (which was especially rare) mum came into my bedroom holding a hairbrush and said she wanted to brush her daughter's hair before nervously asking me if perhaps she and Wendy could go to the movies a little later.

She justified it by timidly saying she needed a mother daughter day and the expression on her face left me with little alternative but to nod and say I'd love to. I tested the waters by asking mum if she'd mind ironing my good skirt for me, which we both knew was lying crumpled up in a large cardboard carton under her bed, along with all my other Wendy things.

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