Were to Start 3 of 4

Were to Start

Part 3

"Marcos, I feel weaker this morning." I hadn't opened my eyes yet, but the diminished scent of Marcos, and the feeling of having less strength needed to be expressed.

"There's a good reason for that Bianca." His reply caught me off guard, I heard it with my ears. My eyes opened in a flash, to see his smiling face. The same face he had at the altar in my dream. "Good morning beautiful." I couldn't help it, I smiled back, a full on ear to ear smile.

"You sure are a handsome devil, I thought it was only in my dream that you'd look that way. I need to look in a mirror to see if I look the same as my dream." I was curious now how I looked.

"You look the same as in mine," he told me. "It was us at the altar with four kids. I had others, poachers, Luiz, our children, and oddly as it seems, chasing ourselves off."

He could see the shock on my face, giving me a questioning look, I replied before he needed to ask. "One poacher left alive, and disfigured?"

"Yep, I guess we had the same dreams." His was a pretty solid conclusion.

"I don't think a mirror is necessary anymore, if that's the case. However, we now have one more problem to add to the list, one that definitely needs a solution." I'm sure he was thinking the same thing as me. "Identity for the new looks, wouldn't you agree."

He nodded, "Just what I was thinking."

'Can we still talk like this? Or is it think like this?' I asked him.

'I remember my parents having discussions like this,' he told me. 'I always wondered how they communicated without words. I don't think they have what we do, but it would explain a lot of how they came to agreements when I got out of line.'

"Let's go crawl into our bed." I had a sneaky smile on my face when I said it to him.

"Leann and Steve are sleeping in it," was his retort.

"I know, that's what will make it so fun, you snuggle up to Leann, and I'll do the same to Steve. I want to see their reactions." Marcos just smiled and shook his head. Emily had always been the more playful of the two of us prior to Brazil, I guess one more thing has flipped.

We were able to slip into our bedroom, and cuddle up to my sister and her husband, but they started waking only a very short time after we had started our mischief. Leann was the first to full wake and she almost completely freaked out. Steve was woken mostly from the commotion his wife was making mixed with the laughter from Marcos and I were unable to control. Steve then joined us in laughing at Leann's reaction, but still attempted to mock scold us for a dirty trick.

Leann decided we needed to be formally scolded though, and she was doing a good job of it until I said, "Lilo, learn to live and laugh a bit."

"Oh, I hate that name, why do you still call me that?" she queried.

"Oh, I don't know, how 'bout because you married at Stitch?" It was about that time that Steve finally put the nickname into his thinking cap and realized what I had been doing to my sister. His laughter was comparable to one of our roars as cats, and it went unabated for some time. I guess he thought it was a childhood nickname, that she got because Lilo and Leann start the same. He didn't realize I had given it to her after she started seeing him.

"Ok, new plan." It was an exclamation, but it brought attention to me that I needed. "We have an identity problem. One that needs to be resolved quickly. I don't know if we can only change during sleep, but I know that's when both changes have occurred. So tonight, Marcos and I are going to sleep thinking about waking up as Jason and Emily. If it works, we go to sleep tomorrow night thinking about Marcos and Bianca. Tuesday night, we go to sleep thinking about waking up as cats, and Wednesday we do it as Jason and Emily again."

"Why all the changes?" Marcos asked.

"For one," I started, "we need to know if we can change at will during the night. We also need to know if we can make the desired changes. I don't know about you, but I do know I have a strong desire right now to return to the shrine, and I don't think those dreams were just dreams. I have a feeling they were telling us something, and we need to start acting on accomplishing those goals."

"Yes, I have the same feelings." Marcos' confirmation strengthened my resolve.

"If that's the case, we have more to do than we thought. We may even have to sell our portions of the firm to Leann." Looking at Leann I continued, "We will both give you names of people who don't have partnerships that would be good to replace us for corporate and small business, with good experience if it comes to that." Leann just gave me one of those, 'What can you do' smiles.

"If we are being drawn back to Brazil like I think, I want to be prepared going there." My comment about being prepared drew perplexed looks for all three of them. "But first, let's all get showered and go have breakfast."

Marcos started chuckling, and we all looked at him. "What? she's still got that sexy purr in her voice." It was funny, and all of us were laughing harder from that comment that even our hijinks this morning.

We had changed forms, that wasn't really a problem, this form was better for Stuart Florida than say a Jaguar running loose on Hutchinson Island, but now I was close to the size Emily had been, and Marcos was a bit taller and broader than Jason had been. Clothes that Steve had brought would be used for Marcos for today, and I could use Emily's old stuff. She'd gained a bit, like I had being lawyers, but not too much, so some of her clothes were too small and hadn't be cleared out. Those were the ones that fit me best. We were going to do some shopping today, after getting breakfast. Leann would have to pay for it all, and we'd just transfer the total into her account.

I think the waitress at Perkins was a bit shocked by the amount of food, primarily meat, that Marcos and I were able to put away. Leann was just shaking her head watching us. "Wow, I could never eat that much, nor would I try."

"Oh yeah?" I asked. At her nod, I asked, "Not even with a mystical transformation?" The look on her face said she hadn't even thought of that.

Over breakfast, and part way into our shopping, we discussed getting the four parents to spend a long weekend with us. It would have to start on a day that we could be Jason and Emily, if we could obtain those forms again. If not, we'd have to do it as Marcos and Bianca, then try to find a way to convince them who we actually were. On top of that, we'd have to show them our cat forms, and explain our being drawn back to brazil.

Emily had always been a loose skirt and blouse type, topped with flip flops. I had always been a shorts and sandals kinda guy. Leaving the house in Emily's old clothes had been an experience, but once we got some shopping done, I was very glad to get out of them flip flops, some wedged sandals are what I settled on. I went with more fitted tops, and since I didn't have the C cup breasts Emily had, I had to get fitted, turns out I'm a B cup. The sports bra that was able to get me by was not going to be missed. Bras that actually fit were so much better.

Our main focus for shopping though was a few casual clothes and lots of active wear. If we were going back to Brazil, and I'm sure that was going to be the case, we wanted to do some training in various combat styles. Our talk over breakfast indicated that our purpose would likely be as protectors. Once we explained the dreams that we had shared, Steve and Leann came to the same conclusion that we did. They were not dreams as much as forewarnings.

As we finished up lunch, Leann and I went to the ladies room. I pulled my shorts and panties down, getting another big shock. Blood, and it had the strangest of scents to it. I'm sure it was because of my heightened sense, because it was overpowering, but not as much as it would be to indicate food. "Um, Leann?"

"Yeah?" she answered from the stall next to me.

"You know that talk that mothers give their daughters around eleven the thirteen years of age?" I asked cautiously.

"Already?" was her response.

"Yep, got anything for it?" I heard her pulling something out of her purse, then saw it under the stall wall. "Thanks."

'Wow, I really didn't expect you to start your period on your first day as a human girl.' I caught her thinking to me.

'Yeah, but it explains why I have been wanting Marcos to mount me each day when I wake up.' I replied. Leann just laughed. I wonder if anyone else is in here that heard, but I didn't hear anything. I do have great hearing now, so I'm pretty certain we were alone.

It was great being out and about all day long, but equally great once we got back home. There is just something about being home that settles people. The new experiences from the other side of the fence was nice also. There are some things that are more uncomfortable, and some that are better, but it wasn't bad either way.

Before we went to bed, Marcos suggested to Leann to see if she didn't have a friend that was a sitting judge that deals with identity. If so, to see if she could get us an appointment after sessions for a private meeting with the judge, as long as we woke up as Jason and Emily.

We went to be in the carpeted room, nude with just the covers over us. Waking as cats wouldn't likely do much to clothing we wore, as last time they just transformed with us, but waking up as Marcos had definitely strained the clothing Emily was wearing when she transformed into the leopard. Likewise, the clothes I had been wearing the night I changed into the jaguar had been very loose on my Bianca form. It had been a subject that was breached only is passing really. The only clothing we took into the room with us was a robe that each of us could put on when we woke.

Two days in a row, two successful transformations. I knew it was a success immediately, because I didn't have that desire to be mounted. I was Jason again, my wife was Emily again, and her shining green eyes were smiling at me when I looked at her. "Green and Blue?" I asked.

"Yes, and they are just as beautiful," she informed me.

We went downstairs, and started working on breakfast. They were happy to see that we were mostly back to normal, also remarking on our eyes not changing back. Leann was going to work on getting a chambers appointment for the end of the day. The rest of us were going back to our seemingly normal jobs, but only Steve would be doing his normal days work. Emily and I were going to be lining up those we felt could work our law specialties. We set tentative appointments for Thursday as we were planning on that being the next time we'd be our original selves, though they didn't need to know that. We explained our trip to Brazil, and being drawn back to it as a reason.

The day was going really well. We had several meetings set up for Thursday, and Leann let us know that Judge MacKenzie would see us at 5:30. We were not at all prepared for the Judge. Once we explained what we wanted to accomplish she asked us if we were just wasting her time, or if we could prove it. I could see how things could go south, but I also saw an option that neither Leann nor Emily had thought of. I invited her to spend the night with us. Steve and I could put a recliner in the room that Emily and I would be sleeping in, and she could watch the transformation herself.

I really hadn't expected her to accept the offer, but she did. Then she hit us with the reason she was accepting our offer. "There is a legend in our family. An American some time ago was at a bed and breakfast with his wife. He had heard of a Torc that was lost to time, but there was a suspicion that it was near that bed and breakfast. When he found the Torc and put it on, he became Tamsyn, she'd disappeared centuries ago during the Saxon's destructive reign. I am actually her namesake. If your story is true, and I see that you take the forms of this Marcus and Bianca, I can get the paperwork done for your identities."

That was a lot to take in, but if other people are looking for proof of paranormal, it set us at ease to know of it as well. We concluded we couldn't be the only ones touched by paranormal, and causally wondered how many others had, as we saw them, on our way home. She let us know that most people outside of the courtroom called her Tammy, but she would like it very much if we called her Tamsyn. It was the least we could do, given what she was getting ready to do for us.

We had porkchops for dinner that night, we'd decided to leave the side of beef that Steve had picked up alone for the time being while we were in our human forms. Tamsyn was a bit shocked at the amount that Emily and I put away. She commented on our sizes, which had improved since changing back, likely paranormal related. Explaining that we were now both in top physical condition since the change, and that we would probably remain that way as long as we had the chance to change into cats satisfied her. The one thing about the dinner that sort of threw me for a loop was the desire for fresh peccary.

Steve got a call from his lab tech friend. It turns out the hair sample marked "J-J" was male and closely matched the swab sample of an female jaguar that had some human strains. Likewise, the hair sample marked "E-L" was female and closely matched the swab sample of a male leopard with human strains. Tamsyn was listening closely I noticed.

Steve and I set up a recliner and blanket for Tamsyn in the carpeted room, then all of us headed for bed fairly early. We didn't want her to have to stay awake too long, and hoped that the changes happened soon after we were asleep.

Morning dawned brightly. The need to be mounted was back, and my male was right beside me. I rolled over and kissed Marcos, he'd been staring at me again. Both of us laughed when we heard, "I'm not going to interrupt something am I?" Tamsyn sure broke that mood, but it was still good. Exiting the room she said, "I'll see you downstairs."

We had a great breakfast with Steve, Leann, Tamsyn, Marcos and I enjoying it in the backyard. We invited Tamsyn back if she wanted to watch the cat transformation tonight, but she declined. "That won't be necessary. You actually turned into two white cats before you took the forms you are in now."

"Oh, that might be something I want to see, maybe set up one of our phones to watch the three different transformations, so we know what happens each time." The idea that we'd changed form more than once was something that I didn't expect. "Maybe the cat has to happen between each human form." We were certainly going to start documenting the changes after that realization.

At ten o'clock a courier knocked on the door with a package for us. Judge Tamsyn MacKenzie was listed as the sender. I guess she got to work right away once she made it to her office. I called Leann to let her know we'd need a ride to DMV, so we could get our IDs made. She showed up around one o'clock and Steve met us there. Once our written tests were taken care of, we used both of their cars to go with our instructors for the road tests. They dropped us off, to go back to work, and we got in our car to head to Social Security Administration. I don't think any of this would be possible if Tamsyn hadn't spent the night, but documents with her signature sure made quick work of creating identities.

We did spend Wednesday as a jaguar and leopard. Leann had the foresight to leave a bunch of meat in the sinks, so we would be able to eat. Knowing our intentions, we did move it from the freezer on Tuesday night, into the fridge, so it would have time to thaw. It wasn't as much as they brought with them that first night they saw our cat forms, mainly because we'd have a chance to eat again later, but it was delicious, no matter the quantity.

When Leann and Steve got home we all watched the transformation from human to cat form. There wasn't a second transformation, so we know it's human to cat only for our South American forms.

Thursday was meetings all day long. We did some paperwork in between for the sale of our portions of the practice to Leann. The interviews, as we thought of them, were conducted by Emily and I separately, so we could gauge each one, and make the offer to who we thought would work best with my sister. We got together with Leann to tell her who we felt the best about, who we didn't think would work and why. After hearing our assessments, she agreed with Emily's choice, but wanted to try the one I would have picked second. We called the selected two up to invite to dinner at a local Italian restaurant. We were pleased that they hit it off well with Steve and especially Leann. We could now go to Brazil knowing we weren't leaving her in a lurch.

There was still more to do, but first thing we had to do was get mine and Emily's parents to stay over through the weekend, and hopefully starting tonight.

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