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Melanie (Rasufelle) has announced a contest to start next week.

It is a serial story contest.

I don't write serials but thought I'd give it a try.

Could someone please tell me the basic mechanics for posting a serial story, versus a standalone story.

For example, how do you get the links set at the end of a part so that the reader can easily go on to the next installment?

Any other advice would be appreciated.



Easiest way

is to make a title page

Then name your stories consecutively, like "My Story chapter 1" My story Chapter 2" etc. By naming them consecutively they will appear in that order

Then when you are in that part at the bottom where you choose the parent item, choose your name in the top one and the title page in the bottom one.

The linking at the bottom you see is done automatically by the BC faeries :)

We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.

hope I got this right...

There's two ways: one that uses a separate title page and one that uses the first story part as the title page.

For the latter, all you have to do post the first part then with each subsequent part click on the first part's title. It acts a a de-facto title page for the story.

For the former, at the top of the page there'a a menu titled "++Organizer". Click on that and select "title page" from the "Organizer" dropdown menu. After writing the title, selecting the author, writing the book summary blurb that will appear when you publish it you select your name from the "book" dropdown menu and publish. One it's created, all you have to do is post the story parts and select your title page under your name and they will automatically show up in numerical order unless you have a mistake in the title(non-capitalized letter, misspelled word, etc.)

It sounds more complicated than it really is, Erin and the crew have made it as painless as possible.

I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime


WillowD's picture

It looks like we might be getting another Angela Rasch story.

The site's friendly neighborhood staff can help if you need it,

but, just for funsies, I've created an example page with instructions for anyone who wants to take care of this kind of thing themselves.

As a note to others: Angie asked me to do some kind of post with a few extra instructions, particularly on this kind of thing, a while back and it slipped my mind. Sorry about that!

Melanie E.


One of my sons became an Apple Genius and later a computer consultant servicing the Univ. of MN. He speaks a language that I'll never learn.

I've found BC to be very intuitive but even that won't pierce my thick skull.

Thank you for your explanations. We'll see how it ll works out.


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)