Sacculina 6
Isobel Charlotte’s French long term friend.
Franchesca Charlotte’s Italian long term friend.
Jack now Jamie American Gap-year student at the Faculty.
Pete American high school jock
Bill Pete’s crony also a macho high school jock.
Terry The supplier of the party music.
Bob Terry’s friend and owner of the pick-up truck.
Tom Arlott Jack’s dad.
Charlie. Feminised rapist who now has external female genitalia.
Homecomings in our growing family had long since ceased to be romantic pauses and provocative strips in a slow languorous approach to the bedroom. The logistics of twins demanded a hectic series of portages to and from car to nursery with all sorts of accoutrements. It was nearly midnight before Jack and I were free to snuggle up. We both sighed and quickly fell asleep spooned up to each other.
I awoke to find the bed empty and hearing noises from the nursery as Jack had almost finished preparing the children for our visit to the doctor. He was trying to comb our daughter’s hair whilst preventing our son from trying to tug at it. I smiled gratefully to myself as I enjoyed some peace and privacy in the bathroom before joining him to prepare their food.
“Thanks for doing the twins darling. You’re just so helpful.”
He smiled sheepishly but his motherly pride was writ large for me to see.
We arrived at our doctor’s health centre and the receptionist smiled as we entered.
“Ah Charlotte and James lovely to see you, she’s expecting you and there’s an endocrinologist with her.”
For once, we didn’t have to wait and we entered as a family as the doctor turned to greet us and smiled.
“Good morning Mr and Mrs Arlott, good to see you. This lady is Doctor Williamson your soon to be endocrinologist. Glad to see you’ve brought the twins.”
Jack extended his hand and replied.
“They’re well behaved but if they play up, Charlotte will smuggle them out.”
“Well we all know what we’re here for, your wife will make an excellent chaperone so behind the curtain please and strip off, everything.”
Jack turned and gave me a brief smile then disappeared behind the curtain while we still shared a four-way conversation between the doctor, endocrinologist, patient and wife. After an hour of examination and questions Jack emerged again and we settled at the doctor’s desk to fill in numerous forms. As we came to the questions about marital status post transition, the doctor was fascinated to learn how much easier it was to continue as a married ‘same-sex’ couple on the basis of our UK marriage. We showed her the forms and procedural instructions and she wagged her head in mild amazement.
“So, it’s a simple as that. I and your psychiatrists only have to fill in these forms and you get a licensed civil partnership by return of post?”
“It’s easier still after surgery and there’s even legislation afoot to allow our marriage to continue in the same vein whilst only declaring it to be a ‘same-sex’ marriage.”
“Gosh that seems overly liberal.” The endocrinologist gasped with mild surprise.
“Well it’s in the hands of the courts and parliament as we speak. There are mixed feelings about in several different spheres of influence, I suppose it will all wash out in the courts.” I replied.
“It won’t really matter for us because once I’ve had the surgery, it will be more or less cut and dried. As from today, I commence living as a female and that’s what this visit is partly about. Firstly, the endocrinological aspect and to establish as a matter of fact that as of today, I am living in my new female roll.” Jack added.
The doctor nodded slowly then both physicians went about their examinations and tests with Jack while I entertained our twins. Finally, we had to answer some questions about family objections and we were happy to confirm that there were no serious objections from our parents and siblings.
“And further afield, what about cousins and uncles etc?”
“Not a problem,” I replied, “there are a couple of religious types but nothing to affect any legal context.
We’re free to go forward and all the necessary paperwork is dealt with in my country,” I finished.
“You’re a lucky couple except for Jack’s birth certificate, that’s Carolingian.”
“Yes, but that doesn’t affect the legality of our UK marriage certificate, or Jack’s gender recognition certificate. So, two years from now Jack, or more correctly, Jamie, can transition surgically.”
“So, it’s James to Jamie.” A nice easy change with little opportunity of confusion.” The doctor finalised.
We both nodded as Jack emerged from behind the curtains whilst looping his arms through his tee-shirt.
The doctor and endocrinologist prescribed the first course of hormones and that completed the consultation. With Jack’s name changed on his medical records, Jamie and I left the health centre with our children. The rest of that week was spent attending the Carolingian court hearing and at least
confirming Jamie’s legal name change for the state records. Then after sorting out various official documents as best we could manage, my partner started out upon her new lifestyle pathway. At the beginning of the Spring semester, Jamie started by prior appointment to present her lectures as Doctor Jamie Arlott. That was the first major hurdle from the life-style aspect.
Despite the reputation for the Carolinas for being amongst the more transphobic states in the Union, my partner seemed to be coping quite well. The presence of several ladies in Jamie’s class served to temper the behaviour of the more ‘red-necked’ male students and Jamie seemed to manage the class well. The fact that her lectures were lively, interesting and entertaining also served to concentrate the student’s minds on their work whilst deflecting any unwarranted interest in her transgendered condition. Of course, there were the occasional questions when the mood lightened but by and large the class maintained an even tenor of serious study.
Engineering is not an easy subject for it involves a lot of maths and the solutions have to be RIGHT! That essential academic discipline tends to translate itself into the lifestyle and perspectives of engineers in other aspects of their lives insofar as - provided a colleague can do his or her job and get the maths right - then personalities can be ignored or at least accommodated.
After a few weeks bedding in as Professor Jamie Arlott, her job returned to much as it was when Jamie had been James.
At home however, Jamie was unsettled by the slow progress of her transition. Oft-times once the children were abed, I would catch her staring pensively into nowhere in particular and I knew her well enough to understand her dissatisfaction with the WPATH two-year rule about ‘living-in-the-role’. On these occasions my best tactic was to make us some drinking chocolate and share a girly moment cuddled up on the sofa or in bed. Sometimes however, these frustrations drove her to tears but I was still loath to introduce her to the Sacculina parasite until I could at least see definite feminine developments in her body.
Eventually. She happily bounced (literally) into our bedroom after emitting a happy sigh in the shower. I looked up from my laptop and grinned as she demonstrated.
“Look! Look! They definitely bounce now, there’s no getting away from it. I’ve got boobies! Go on! Feel that! That’s real breast tissue under there.”
I smiled and reached out to gently squeeze the two distinct nodules under her puffy nipples. She gasped and sagged with delight as I recognised her arousal.
“Ooh! Aaah! That’s just so-oo good. It almost makes me come!”
I grinned knowingly.
“Welcome to girlhood darling. Looks like you’ll be using a ‘B’ cup bra soon.”
“Can’t wait!” She giggled as she pressed her breasts against my knowing fingers, and we locked into an intimate embrace. As our silk clad bodies slithered together she whispered about her delight at the sensations her body now lent her.
“Girls are just so-oo lucky! I only wish I didn’t have to wait so bloody long for my lower surgery. It’s driving me insane.” She sighed before finally falling asleep in my embrace.
Morning found us loosely entangled for nobody can comfortably sleep tightly entwined all night. As I slowly emerged from my fitful slumber, I reached over and gently stroked her nipple under the soft satin cup pf her nighty. She immediately stirred, squeaked with arousal then started urgently gyrating her hips against my thigh. I reached down and gently stroked her evanescent cock until she suddenly humped with confusion and orgasmed. I could tell by her low slow moans that her orgasms were already approximating to a female orgasm. Her hip movements were more gyratory than reciprocal and her hands were clenching feverishly at the duvet.
“Hold me,” she begged, so I did until her needs subsided.
As her breathing returned to normal I spooned behind her but she turned to return the favours and I felt soft lips tenderly investigating my nipple while cautious hands reached carefully down my tummy and probed gently for my swollen bud.
“There!” I gasped as I pressed urgently against her fingers. “Just there, gently though.”
As Jamie’s fingers explored my body we shared our pleasures and soon we were moaning softly as Jamie surprised herself with a second modest orgasm as I finally let go. Then we spent a delightful half hour as we whispered our shared thoughts and hopes so as not to wake the children in the bedroom next door. However, the children inside me were now responding to my feelings and I took Jamies hand to rest it on my bump and feel both of them kicking.
“You’re just so lucky,” she sobbed softly. “I would so love to be carrying them inside me.”
“Well, you’ll be feeding them from your breasts if your lucky,” I sympathised. “Then we’ll see what you think when your nipples get cracked, or worse, bitten.”
She shuddered apprehensively and squeezed up to me.
"Uugh! The very thought both terrifies me and yet also delights me! It’s all so confusing.” She squeaked. “That’s when I’ll be weaning them.”
With this thought we spooned together for a few delightful stolen minutes then we reluctantly slid out from under the warm sheets. Fortunately, we were able to share the shower and that luxury compensated for having to leave the bed. However, even these brief pleasures were not to last as infantile noises emitted from the nursery.
Thus, our new life began its new course except that Jamie’s hormone treatment proved to be overly slow and ineffective. The breast development more or less stopped at the ‘B’ cup stage while her body, hair, and beard remained stubbornly masculine. Some months down the pathway I found her one day silently holding the razor as she stared tearfully into the bathroom mirror.
“What’s wrong babes?” I asked as I recognised the glistening moisture in her eyes and staring to shine on her cheeks.
She turned tearfully to me and sobbed.
“They’re just not developing and as for that abomination down there, it’s still refusing to die! Just look at it. Since that first small reduction, it hasn’t shrunk at all.”
I glanced at the organ that distressed her and shrugged helplessly.
“You’ve just got to be patient dear.”
She brandished the razor irritably. “If this was one of the old cut-throat razors, I’d be tempted to hack if off right now.”
“Then you’d bleed out and the children and I would be left destitute. Don’t you dare threaten that again.
I’ll see what else can be done.”
She eyed me curiously.
“What d’ you mean by that?”
“Just that, I’ll search around, to see if there are any more efficacious treatments available.”
“Huh! Good luck with that,” she sighed as she turned to the mirror to finish shaving, “and this beard isn’t helping either, shaving twice and sometimes three times a day is driving me crazy!”
I stepped close behind her and reached around her waist to give her a hug.
“As I said darling, I’ll search around. I’ve got access to more medico-technical web-sites than you babes because of my medical status. I’ll search around on my lab computer at lunch time. Now let’s get ready for work and have the children ready for the baby minder. She’s got them until two pm., and then your mother’s having them because one of the cousins is having a birthday. I’ve got to collect them from your mothers because I’ve got a free afternoon and I’ll be helping with the birthday after four. I probably won’t see you until about seven or eight tonight.”
Jamie sighed wistfully and finished her ablutions as I prepared the children. We separated at his college laboratory and I went to my laboratory early to check out the Sacculina parasites I had still locked safely away in liquid nitrogen in my own secure dark-room. With plenty of time before the first lecture, I carefully extracted a single vial and cautiously re-activated some parasite eggs to commence the brief incubation period before the introducing one of them to my partner’s body.
Four days later the parasites had hatched and I studied them under the microscope to determine the healthiest individual. The other part of my strategy was to get Jamie to agree to taking the parasite under the guise of an experimental medicine.
The first good opportunity to approach her cams as I heard her curse angrily in the bathroom one evening as we were preparing to go to a party at one of Jamie’s colleague’s home. Jamie was shaving particularly carefully with a new style of razor. It was a man’s razor designed to tackle particularly hard stubble and in the process she had nicked her upper lip just under her nose
“Damn! Damn, damn, damn.” She cursed.
As I put my head around the door she was stemming the blood with a tissue.
“How did you do that?” I asked, “surely you know how to shave.”
“It’s my skin, it’s grown softer but my damned bristles are still as hard as they always were. Plus, my upper lip has got slightly thicker and it’s harder to pull the blade down over my upper lip. It’s all very well having fuller, larger lips but they’re a bugger to shave over and the beard line has not receded.”
I took another tissue to dab her lip but it was several minutes before we stemmed the bleeding and I could see the tears of frustration in her eyes.
She caught me staring thoughtfully and quickly realised my mind was ticking over.
“What?” She demanded irritably as she took the umpteenth tissue from the box.
“I think I might have found some sort of accelerant, leastways for beard treatment.”
She looked at me suspiciously.
“Go oo-oon.”
“Well, I’m not certain because it’s only been tested on humans once.” I lied disingenuously.
Jamie continued studying me before asking penetratively.
“So, who has it been tested on and who did the testing?”
“I’d rather not say, just yet, but the patient didn’t die and I’m confident that the treatment isn’t fatal.”
She continued with her piercing stare.
“Did you have any part in this, - so-called trial?”
“Uuhm, yes.” I confessed with a weak grin.
“I thought so. And would you be prepared to Explain further?”
“I’d rather not, well not just yet anyway. It’s all strictly hush-hush and still in the testing stage.”
“So, after testing it on only one person, you’re now asking me to be a guinea pig, a laboratory rat?”
“Did you invent the drug?”
“It’s not exactly a drug.”
“Oh. This gets interestinger and interestinger.”
“Less of the ‘Alice in Wonderland-speak’,” I scolded her. “Believe me, it works!”
“I think I deserve some sort of explanation before I submit to your mad professorial machinations.”
“You would have a hard time believing me, even if I explained everything.”
I swallowed hard before demanding her absolute agreement to secrecy.
“What in writing?” She demanded.
“Yes. Otherwise it’s a none starter. Your choice. Swear that you’ll not reveal the secret and I’ll offer you a chance to accelerate your transition.”
“Are the drugs dangerous?” She asked again.
“I’ve told you, there are no drugs involved, well at least no pharmaceutical ones. I’ll only reveal my secret if you sign to secrecy. Then after I have explained, you can decide if you want to go ahead.”
“So, who else knows this secret?”
“Nobody. It’s no longer a secret when two or more people know is it? Nobody knows about this, just me and me alone!” I re-emphasised.
Jamie fell silent for long seconds as she debated her options. Finally, she reaffirmed.
“And you say it’s not dangerous!”
“Not as far as I know. I wouldn’t knowingly put you at risk. We’ve been through too much together and I love you too much to endanger you.”
“Do you know of any side effects?
“The side effects are equally as beneficial as the primary medicinal application.”
“This all sounds to good to be true.”
I sighed frustratedly then shrugged my shoulders.
“Very well then. We won’t go ahead with it.”
Jamie glared at me.
“Well can you blame me?! You come up with this wonder treatment that’s not a drug as such but you’ve invented it and nobody - but nobody- else knows. It’s a complete secret. What d’ you expect me to do? This is my life we’re talking about.”
I relented slightly but still demanded that she sign a secrecy covenant before I told him anything else.
“If I told you how I tested it, wold you reconsider. I promise you that to the best of my knowledge, the treatment works and it certainly works on all of the higher apes, not to mention, rabbits, sheep, pigs and -of course- guinea pigs.”
“Could I meet the human you tested it on?”
“Provided you promise to keep everything a secret, the identity of the patient a secret and finally you do not ask the patient any questions.”
Jamie snorted. “Something smells here.”
“Indeed it does, but once I explain everything, you’ll understand why.”
After another long silence, Jamie let out a long tedious sigh.
“Oh all right then. Where’s your piece of paper.”
“It’s an affidavit and covenant combined. I’ll get one off my computer.”
So saying, I went to my study and churned one out. It ran to six pages and Jamie squawked when I presented it to her.
“I’ll get my shower while you read it okay?”
“Go ahead, will you explain everything to me, and I mean everything.”
“Only if you sign the secrecy covenant.”
A slight smile twitched her lips as she wagged her head.
“I dunn’o Charlotte sometimes I just don’t understand you and at other times your as open and simple as the smile on your face,”
“Just read it, digest it and then decide.” I admonished her.
She sat on the bed as I stepped into the bathroom and when I emerged she was sat at the little bedroom bureau poised with pen in hand.
“Are you absolutely certain? I double checked.
She nodded, signed the document there and then and handed it to me. I did not need to check then pointed back to the bed.
“Sit with me in the bed while I explain.”
She joined me with our backs propped up on the pillows as I explained the whole story. I had to admire her phlegm as she stayed reasonably silent except for a few gasps and occasional chuckle. As I finished I leaned across and kissed her softly on the lips. The kiss turned into a tight hug that conveyed Jamie’s desperation. Eventually we separated and she whispered hoarsely.
“When can I start the treatment?”
“Now.” I smiled, “well when we breakfast anyway.”
“You say it isn’t a drug, so what is it?”
“Get dressed and I’ll show you, and to prove to you that it’s not poisonous, I’ll take some myself.”
“Well I can’t ask for better proof than that,” she conceded as she slipped on some jeggings and threw a blouse over her ’b’ cup bra.
In the kitchen we savoured a ‘kid-free’ day because Jamie’s sister was baby-sitting. After some porridge and English breakfast tea I went to my sample fridge in my study and returned with the flask containing the parasites.
“Is that it?” Jamie asked.
“Yes, the parasites thrive in warm beer, well cellar temperature anyway.”
I poured the ‘beer’ into two half-pint glasses and waited for the foaming heads to settle. Once the frothing had stopped I pointed to the tiny grubs almost invisible under the head of foam but attracted to the light through the sides of the glasses. Once she saw them she wagged her head in amazement.
“How many drinks do I have to take?”
“I told you in bed. One drink and the first parasite to reach your brain goes to work. It works like other parasites that alter the behaviour of the hosts, I mutated it from Sacculina Canceris because that’s the one that makes boy crabs behave and look like little girl crabs. Once the first of those little ladies (I call her Miss Sacculina,) gets as far as your brain, that’s it. The chemicals and hormones she secretes will turn your brain into a girl’s as far as behaviour is concerned and your testicles will be feminised to function like ovaries whilst they will retract back into your body. More importantly, your skeleton starts to reshape and that part is rather painful. A couple of days of what feels like acute rheumatoid arthritis and you find yourself needing a completely new wardrobe. That’s because the female hormones that your altered testicles or more correctly, regenerated ovaries produce, are mutated and much more effective
than ordinary oestrogen. That’s the big secret I learned with my researches into the parasite.
Miss Sacculina thinks you are a crab but of course, you’re not, so any eggs she lays in your body will pass harmlessly into your faeces and into the drains where they will normally die within about a minute after exposure to air. They only procreate if somebody actually ingests bits of your infested faeces just like the tape-worm eggs. Very poor food hygiene or anal/oral intimacy would be the only available transmission vectors as long as you are carrying the eggs. However once the little lady Miss Sacculina has fulfilled her primary function, she dies but the effects on the host remain permanent.”
Jamie smiled and her eyes sparkled with hope.
“You mean, I’ll actually become a girl!?”
“Well, in all but fact though with modern medicine, there would be far less complications to your receiving a successful womb transplant. Even your hips will be reshaped, that’s how powerful Miss Sacculina is.”
“How can you know all this? I mean, you said yourself the first person you tested, didn’t even know she had been exposed to it.”
“No but through the auspices of some medical colleagues, I used my scientific credentials to test her bloods and various other bodily fluids, and of course, I followed her actual progress from day one, because only I knew she had been dosed. I watched the poor sap as his mannerisms became utterly feminised and his/her body literally changed shape within a couple of days. I won his undying loyalty because I nursed him through the most painful period and he was terrified by what was happening to him. He did not know what was actually happening but his hips and groin particularly hurt like hell.”
“And your going to tell me who it is aren’t you?”
“Yes. I keep my word but you must keep yours..”
“I will, now who was it?”
“Somebody you know.”
“Stop toying with me who was it?”
“You know that disgusting Charles, the one that raped Franchesca -.”
“Oh yes, I know that Bastard. He’s suspected of having raped some other victims as well but somehow he never got charged for his activities in the U.S. I was glad that at least the Costa Rican authorities acted properly. He’s from a powerful political family and I guess some strings were pulled in high places. What’s his name, hold on while I remember. Rampton! That’s it; Charles David Rampton, his maternal uncle is a senator. Are you seriously telling me, he’s the victim?”
I faked a smile of pure innocence causing Jamie to almost choke on her last sip of tea.
“Are you serious?!”
“Absolutely,” I confirmed. “Haven’t you noticed that he has gone very quiet lately; nothing in the red-tops, nothing in the gossip columns, nothing even in the police reports. That’s because Charles David Rampton the third is now Charlie Daveed Rampton, the dedicated charity worker for the transgender community and former abuser of women. Naturally the family were very quiet about her sudden transition what with her uncle being a notorious transphobe activist up on the hill.”
Jamie’s jaw sagged before she gave a squeal of delight.
“Charles David Rampton! Oh such sweet justice! That is just so typical of you babes; ever the justice activist. Does he know it was you?”
“You mean does ‘SHE’ know it was me? Well I have to tell you, no. In fact she now lists me amongst her friends and to tell the truth she’s had such a personality change I find her quite the bon-vivor, though perhaps a little vapid.”
Jamie’s jaw continued to scrape the kitchen floor until her smile slowly spread from ear to ear.
“Can I meet her.”
“Well, only after you’ve taken the medication, otherwise she might try to sleep with you. She’s become something of a bit of a nympho. Nothing outrageous but she’s still got a sexual appetite except it’s now reversed vis -a-vis the gender roles.”
Jamie smirked again and wagged her head as she repeated.
“Sweet justice; oh what sweet justice. Is she embarrassed by her desires, you know; man-eater and the like?”
“To tell the truth I’ve never been affected by her alternative desires. She’s always acted with propriety around me but then she holds me in high regard vis-à-vis my having nursed her and seemingly diagnosed her disorder. She seems to think that I might one day find a cure but I don’t think there is one and I ‘m not looking for one anyway. She’s happy with her new-found condition and she can always find sexual satisfaction so she’s not that concerned about a cure.”
Jamie grinned and wagged her head then a frown wrinkled across her brow.
“It won’t turn me into a nymphomania will it?”
“Basically your levels of sexual appetite are carried over into your new behavioural profile. If you were an insatiable predator, then those excesses will re-emerge in their female equivalence. It’s much the same with behavioural attitudes and your social probity. Basically you become a female version of your previous male persona. This is because the virus simply feminises your personality in line with your old male nature. These are laid down in very early childhood mostly by one’s parents training and those brain patterns are more or less irreversible. It’s the later layers of behavioural inducement that are affected by the parasite, mostly adolescent and teenaged learning.”
Jamie stared thoughtfully down at the ground before replying.
“You’ve done a hell of a lot of research.”
“Over twelve years dear. Three years undergraduate plus six years for my doctorate, not to mention several stints of intensive field-work in Africa.”
“So it’s taken you all this time to avenge Franchesca’s injuries.”
“Yes, but Franchesca does not know how it happened, she thinks it was a fortuitous act of God.”
“Ignorance is bliss,” Jamie observed softly with a knowing smile.
“Exactly,” I concurred. “Now are you going to take this bloody parasite or not?”
“You take yours first. “
“Coward!” I grinned as I tipped back my glass and savoured the pleasantly warm beer.
Jamie watched for a few moments and when there were no obvious signs of my distress she followed suite.
“So what now?” She pressed.
“This evening you’ll feel some unpleasantness as it takes effect in your reproductive organs then by morning you’ll be quite sore in the lower stomach and pelvic area. Then by noon tomorrow, you’ll be very sore for about twenty-four to thirty-six hours tomorrow and the following day. I’ll give you some knock out tablets if it gets too painful.”
I showed her the painkillers and assured her they were not opiate based.
“Don’t worry, you won’t become addicted.”
She smiled wanly and decided to go to bed. After checking that our babies were okay with Jamie’s mother and younger sister, I followed Jamie up to bed. At midnight, she felt the first twinges in her lower bowel and groin so she quickly turned to receive my comforting embrace.
“Be brave darling. It’ll be worth it.” I encouraged.
Jamie gave a nervous little sound and clung tight to me as she whispered.
“You will look after me if anything goes wrong won’t you?”
“Yes,” I reassured her and she curled up inviting me to spoon her protectively.
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You memtioned
a virus, was that a mistake? So those of us with bottom surgery would not benefit?
So she's pregnant, and she's exposed herself to the parasite. Can they affect the babies? The parasite can be caught through fecal matter if it's fresh, maybe like diapers? Am I chasing large non domesticated waterfowl? I guess I'll have to wait and see.
Time is the longest distance to your destination.
A Bit Disturbing
But all the changes will assist in Jamie's transformation.
“You will look after me if anything goes wrong won’t you?”
This action strikes me as criminally negligent. Has any testing been done to see what happens when the sacculina organism is given to someone who is on a female hormone regime? No? We are told that in the one human subject, the individual became "vapid", and became "something of a nympho". The author can do what she wants, but, given situations like this one, all too many stories have the protagonist take up a new career as an exotic dancer.
Inflicting sacculina on a fetus is even worse. The name "Thalidomide" comes to mind. This is something that affects the neural structure of the brain. Doing this to a developing brain is an invitation to disaster.