I'm hoping for some completed book recommendations. I've read and enjoyed Daring Diane, Maddy Bell and Karin Bishop.
I don't like forced sissification or humiliation. I'd also prefer longer stories.
I've found a few authors on the site that I enjoy but usually the story is still ongoing...
Any recs are welcome. If there are already posts that ask similar questions, please link them in.
Penny Lane's SEE is probably as good as anything I've read anywhere. Be aware it is part of an ongoing series, and though it is complete it has a sequel and sister stories that are still ongoing and being posted.
Thanks. I'll check it out.
Thanks. I'll check it out.
You'll find a lot of them around here, usually in the comments to avoid having to type out the whole title every time.
In my own (related) works:
SEE = Somewhere Else Entirely. It is 138 chapters divided (very roughly) into seven manageable books :) Oh, plus three Epilogue chapters since the intended end was too much fun to write and got expanded from one chapter :)
AoJ = Armsman of Joth, a side story which gives the backstory for a character who appears part way through SEE
WMD = What Milsy Did, another side-story about a 'normal' (ish) character who gets swept up in the main story
VotV = Voyage of the Visund, the further adventures of characters from SEE, basically a continuation without the main character
Not forgetting:
JoB = Julina of Blackstone, a tale written by another author in the same 'universe', with much overlapping.
The last three items above are ongoing, the others are completed. Ther are also one or two other related tales if my world swallows you whole.
I'm sorry, that lot will take you some time to read...
Thanks Penny.
Thanks Penny.
I started see last night and I'm loving it.
She failed to mention
My favorite story of hers - The State Does Not Make Mistakes.
Visit my Caption Blog: Dawn's Girly Site
Visit my Amazon Page: D R Jehs
Tanya J. Allan...
...would seem to be the most obvious suggestion; there's a link to her Amazon author page in the ads on the right. Many novel-length stories, some stand-alone, some with sequels and others that are parts of series. A sampling of her earlier full-length stories can be found on her author page here, on Sapphire's story site, and on the Tanya Allan page at maddybell.com .
Thanks Eric, I have read her
Thanks Eric, I have read her books as well.
Here and on Amazon
Jenny Walker, HW (Nancy) Cole, Shauna, Shiraz, Snowfall, WolfJess (Jessie Wolf), Teddie S, Sara UK, Maeryn LaMonte, Penny Lane and Angela Rasch all have completed novels here and/or on Amazon
Visit my Caption Blog: Dawn's Girly Site
Visit my Amazon Page: D R Jehs
While it may be a shameless self-plug,
feel free to check out my story "Princess For Hire." It's complete as-is on site, though I am working on a revised version for publication.
Melanie E.
Self plugs are fine. I admire
Self plugs are fine. I admire anyone who can not only think up a story, but also takes the time to write it down and share it.
Pimping my own work.
If it’s all right to pimp my own work (lol):
(243,981 words long in 8 parts)
The Secret of the Old Clock
(103,486 words long)
(63,350 words long)
These are complete stories and, if you can bleep over the occasional questionable grammar, I think you’ll like them. No forced sissification or humiliation - I don't like them either.
(Just click on the splash graphic)
click here to read all of my blogs,
click here to read my stories in BCTS, and
click here to see my profile & know more about me.
The Secret of the Old Clock
The Secret of the Old Clock is really very good.
there was a sizable story about a chap that had a twin sister (Danielle and definately not Dani if memory serves), at a young age had a throaght injury, a band and all sorts of crazy things happen.
Not forgetting Megan Campbell's Sarah Carerra sreies
Danny isn't complete... yet
Yep, Danny is pretty long, but the specification is that it has to be a complete story...
click here to read all of my blogs,
click here to read my stories in BCTS, and
click here to see my profile & know more about me.
When I hit the above link for Secrets of the Old Clock it takes me to Shepherd Moon.
BTW: I kept Shepherd Moon and Danny open in Word for easy reading for literally months. Also The Station's Late Night Princess. Whenever I fired up the computer I always made sure those three stories were opened in Word first. That way their tabs would be right there for easy access. (Used Word so I could still read while offline.) Higher praise I can not give.
I have been hoping for more Danny as you left the poor guy hanging. But I try not to joggle elbows. It will come when it comes.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
I've read the stations late
I've read the stations late night princess and loved it. I'll try the other. Thanks.
Ooops! Sorry! Blame it on a noisy two-year-old lol. Sorry for the switcheroo. It's fixed now.
click here to read all of my blogs,
click here to read my stories in BCTS, and
click here to see my profile & know more about me.
Pimping your own work is fine
Pimping your own work is fine lol.
Pumping my own work
Having read them is more than ok, as they are really good recommendations!
One of my favorites
Is Morpheus. Most of his stories can be read as stand alone, with the exception of his Whateley universe stories. Then Maggie Finson, Bek Corbin, and a few others. I enjoy the works of a lot of the authors here. There are just too many to name, but these authors' stories, I have been read over and over again, and still enjoy reading when I have nothing else to read.
"By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes." -Shakespeare
Thanks. Rereading a story is
Thanks. Rereading a story is one of the best recommendations.
you can find her stories here: https://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/blog/35580/sussex-border-stories or on amazon but I don't remember the name they are published under.
They are under
S.A.A. Calvert
Visit my Caption Blog: Dawn's Girly Site
Visit my Amazon Page: D R Jehs
Thank you both
In reply to the original query, my stories/novels are very much real world. My only essay into the forced femme world was a rather direct "F*** this rubbish" novel. I write stories about people who have issues, but usually manage to make their own choices.
Do they require being TS/TG
Do they require being TS/TG stories?
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Nope. I'm just looking for
Nope. I'm just looking for good stories to read.
If that's the case, there are
If that's the case, there are lots on storiesonline.net - You have to have a free account, but that lets you read up to 16 stories a day.
I'd recommend Dual Writer's Recluse and Ghost, anything by Lazlo Zalezac, QM's Mage (and Magician is in the works, but there are a lot of chapters left to post. He does one a week). I can come up with hundreds more, but I'd want to know what kind of stories you really like first :)
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
If you go to SOL
Anything by Al Steiner, or Jay Cantrell to start. Just pick out their 50 top rated long stories! I like Lazlo Zalezack as well, and probably would recommend anything in the Swarm Cycle depending on your taste. Also Oil of Roses (story title) again, depending on your taste on that story. But there is plenty there to look at, probably 1000 or more complete stories that are over 500kb.
I'd be careful with Jay
I'd be careful with Jay Centrell's stuff. "Always On Guard", for example, starts off as a good story, but I think he then lost track of his characters, and the story went totally off of the rails by about halfway through. I finished the story, but I refuse to go back and read it again. So, I'd call his work a split between really good, and somewhat awful.
Sea-Life's Children of Light series is very good. All of the stories are complete, even if the last one sort of left a lot of things hanging (for that generation. The stories cover three generations of characters)
Colt45 has a lot of good stories, and I wish he'd write more. Dual Writer's Florida Friends series is what you want if you want a few weeks of reading :) No science fiction or fantasy, but just solid fiction.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Unabashed, self-serving plug
My works fit your requirement as to content, but very in length. I don't currently have any really long work on site. Patricia Marie Allen stories.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
Amazon/kindle books
-If I Was Your Girl (Meredith Russo) This one is a little heavy, there is some pretty harsh scenes in it for a Ya/teen novel. But also one of the best transgender themed books written.
-Unreachable (Katie Leone) Told from a teacher's perspective and is several books long. It's a little harsh, realistic and cruel. But also incredibily sweet. In the must read category in my opinion.
-Being Emily (Rachel gold) Really really good. Fairly realistic but not overly sad or dramatic if i remember right, still not all fun and games either.
-Trudi (Adrienne Nash) the whole series is really good, starting with teen years to adulthood. Accepting oneself, family, friends, love and fashion. She has written several other books that are very much worth reading as well.
-A Summer's Odyssey (Jennifer Sue)
Young boy with two younger sisters has to cross a state alone and lost. Can't say too much without ruining the plot but it's really sweet and very good.
-Easy as Falling Off a bike (Angharad)
Been a while, have to re read it at some point cause it seems i have forgotten much of it. I remember it is a really good story though. 3 books so far.
-A Rose in the cracks (Stacyinlove Stacyinlove)
Bit wierd and different. Transformation part is shi fi ishy and it takes a while before the main character becomes accepting. But It is a pretty good story, can definitely recommend it! High school, friends, family, falling in love and more.
-Tally the witch (fatebane series) (by Molly Landgraf) Its pretty cute:)
Trans issues isnt in the forfront of the story but the main character is a trans girl who starts out as a good brother who wants to save his sister. Never having told anyone that she is actually a girl, or trans. She goes ahead to steal some herbs for her sister from a witch during a selection ceremony for new witches and is caugth. And is presented with a choice.
-The Cynthia Chronicles (Portia Bennett) It's kinda crazy but really fun and actually really good. I wont try to explain anything as it would ruin the story but i really liked it.
Main character is also a trans girl though she is kinda unlikeable at first. She gets her act together and become awesome:)
Takes a bit to get going, but give it a chance and you wont be disapointed.
Lots of magic involved.
-Nemesis series. Transgender superhero for the win. Terfs included. Looking forward to the 3rd book though i didnt love the 2nd as much as the first. Still pretty awesome.
I could go on and on, i read too much:P
Edit:Didn't notice you only wanted stories from this site. Still if you got a kindle or a device with a kindle app i would check these out:)
2nd Edit:Made a tread about the same topic a few days ago, got a lot of respons so posting the link here if you are interested. Found some really worthwile reads in that tread so far.
Thanks. Lots to check out
Thanks. Lots to check out (and read) !
I have a Kindle and KU. I've read a lot on KU, the trouble is I keep getting the books I've already read as recs.
Elly Mentioned
… my unfinished Cynthia Chronicles series. I had another series, A California Saga, here but had to remove it when I published on Amazon KDP. There are nine rather long novels in the series and they are real life. Two main characters are transgender, two are intersex, and there are a number of other variations of human sexuality. The novels are titled "The Heart of the Beholder", "The Narragansett Fork", "Musetta's Waltz", "Who Is Sylvia", "Five Love Stories en Brochette", "The Redhead and the PM", "St. George and the Dragon", "Soaring with Eagles", and "Love's Shame, Love's Salvation." I thought they were rather good.
anything by Bailey Summers, Grover or Sleethr
More suggestions...
One I have found that is overlooked, probably due to the author only releasing finished stories every few years, is "Five Hertz of Seperation" by Mep98. Their other excellent stories may or may not be to your specifications, however they are also excellent.
Also a few others, if you will indulge me repeating some from the previous thread:
Admiral Krunch with his Opus "Being Christina Chase" - https://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/title-page/3034/being-christi...
T.D. Aldoennetti, who is no longer with us but has left us some of her finished Works.
EnemyofFun is another excellent author with multiple story themes and is the creator of the Dark Realms Universe.
Lilith Langtree, the creater of the The Center and the Ret Con Universes. Many finished episodic stories from those Universes by various authors.
Mark MacDonald, while an author of the past, has penned Walking on Daddy's Shoes, here on BCTS but is best remembered for his highly entertaining "Skin Deep" Trilogy", a SciFi masterpiece imho, which is available over on FM.
Also check out Whateley Academy, a huge Library from various authors, all centered around a school for mutants.
Another Kindle published author who had their start here is N.L. Paradox. All of their stories should fill your specifications with the exception of "Prom Changed Everything" which has a dark beginning that may upset some of the readers.
Melanie Brown as well as Susan Brown are excellent reads, though you may have to sift through Melanie's Library on this site in order to meet your criteria, though most will appeal.
Connie Alexander is another of the authors on this site with excellent works with her completed "While My Guitar Gently Weeps" and her long incomplete "Catwalk Confidence"
if anyone has noticed, yes I keep having to add to this list. :)
Personal suggestion for additional Kindle content:
Gun Princess Royale series with 2 completed novels by Albert Ruckholdt (Finished books in an incomplete series atm)
Denise Anesidora Trask's "Last of the Fey"
"The Frozen Balance" by Jennifer Ellis
Michael Y Katz's Doorways of the Soremadian series.
Bek D Corbin's Jordan Winter series,
Leslie Moore's Wildcats series
I'll try to stop now with Zoe Taylor's "Becoming Robin" series
I'm sure there are many more but I hope the above mentions are good additions to your Library
(Edited to add new authors to list)
I am a leaf on the wind, but someone turned the fan off.
Five Hertz of Separation
… is an excellent story. I would highly recommend it. I recently assisted the author in some editing for future publication. His other entry is "Severance Pay". It is also a very fun, very long read.
a glass half full
Is an incredible book, but one longs for a sequel that will never be
I enjoyed reading “The
I enjoyed reading “The Enhanced” by Griff Howe. It is on kindle now.
Couple more
Paradox's stories are pretty good
Savannah Maun's as well
I cannot recommend it...
...but I was so flattered to see my Amazon release mentioned in the context of these wonderful authors.
(Even if it only fits the criteria on long and complete!)
Well, I can! And I sense ...
... A Rose in the Crack is just the beginning.
Don't stop. Take a break, of course. But don't stop.
Je te fais de la bise,
Believe in yourself!
I really enjoyed it:)
Doesn't have to be advanced literature to be enjoyable and it's a pretty sweet story.
Thank you
Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to make suggestions. I have a lot of reading ahead of me.
One thing I've found strange is that there are no descriptions for a lot of the books so it's hard to know in advance when you are on an author's page if the stories will be of interest to me. Am I just not looking in the right place?
No, you're not mistaken.
No, you're not mistaken. Many authors don't actually put in a cover blurb like you used to find on a dust jacket (or back of a paperback). I find it extremely annoying, because it means that in about two thirds of the cases, I end up abandoning the story quickly - and I hate leaving things unread; even those things I detest. I _still_ remember War and Peace, how bad it was, and that's with 30 years between me and picking the thing up - and abandoning it after 80 pages or so.
It may be that people simply aren't good at putting a general outline of their story into three sentences or less, so they fear they'll 'ruin the plot'.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
War and Peace
I got to the point where the major break in the story was and just couldn't get past that point. It really was two 'books' mashed up together. Also the writing in the 'half' I did read was stiff, I'd even go so far as to describe it as turgid...
There was a Russian student
There was a Russian student down the hall in my dorm in college. He said that Tolstoy gained in translation. Apparently the Russian is _worse_ than the English.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
I can
Almost believe that. W&P is one of those 'snob' appeal books that you say you've read to impress people you hope you never have to talk to again! Shakespeare is more interesting to read!
Blurb, blurb Going under
I have to agree that the lack of a blurb is very annoying and does have an effect on what I read.
The other related story killer for me is the one or two line synopsis that is the same for every chapter/part posted. When the synopsis on part 40 is the same as part 1 then it causes me to doubt how original the work is as a whole. If the author can't write a new two line descriptor for each chapter it suggests the story is going to be the same chapter after chapter as well.
Story blurbs, chapter headings, and keywords are all the author has to "sell" a story. If it looks like the author is trying to sell the litera
ry equivilent of a used Vega then I'm not buying.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
I can't speak
I can't speak for all writers, but perhaps, like me, they didn't want to spoil the latter part of the story for new readers.
Have a delightfully devious day,