A little Humour

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There are two cartoon on my kitchen notice board that I have had for more years I care to remember.

One is ‘Demented’ by Jacky Fleming.
A boyfriend lounges on a sofa looking down a little put out, at a cat laying asleep along his leg with it head on his knee. Its front paws stretched down his leg.
In the next frame, the cat is still as before asleep on his leg, but the boyfriend is looking to one side… maybe to his new girlfriend in the kitchen. With the caption… So when can I move…?

Anyone who has had a cat will I think be familiar with the situation!

The second one I have had for maybe 35 years and is by Tugg and was in the UK ‘Pilot’ magazine.
At sea in the background, a twin engine prop plane is sinking. In the foreground the planes pilot stands in a small life raft with his arms outstretched. Next to him is a RNLI rescue rib. And the Pilot is saying…
…Come on fellas!! Do we really have to continue the search for a lawyer?...

Well they tickle my funny bone.

Anyone else have favourite cartoons?


Favourite Cartoons

Monique S's picture

Mine is by Bill Watterson, Calvin and Hobbes are in the garden looking at the sky. Hobbes asks Calvin if he thinks there to be intelligent life out there. Calvin replies:
"Sure! Nobody has tried to make contact yet, have they?"

Monique S

The Far Side?

laika's picture

This one was either The Far Side or Mr. Boffo. I didn't keep it...

A guy is sitting on a desert island with his dog. It's a tiny circle of sand just big enough for them and a single palm tree, and from his beard and the state of his clothes it's obvious that they're shipwrecked. He says, "You know, some day we're going to look back on this and laugh. True, it will probably be one of those low, eerie chuckles that builds and builds into a terrifying insane scream; but we'll laugh..."

"Government will only recognize 2 genders, male + female,
as assigned at birth-" (In his own words:)


Oldie but still true


{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}

Anyone Else Remember One...

...from four years ago or thereabouts? It was a single-panel newspaper cartoon, the 'Far Side' type with no central character or day-to-day continuity. This particular one was titled something like "Trouble on Cat Airlines", with a feline pilot and co-pilot distracted by a laser pointer in the cockpit. Looked for it online without success.
