I've been reading for years but this is the first time I've signed up and now when I went to post the first part of the story, I messed up. But, in signing up I managed to screw up where I don't have any way to access posting or editing a story. I need help from someone behind the curtain.
Thank you,
There were a few places where you put the slash after the b or i instead of in front so the HTML command did not close.
Once erin creates your author ID you can make any further changes as you will then have access to your story.
Visit my Caption Blog: Dawn's Girly Site
Visit my Amazon Page: D R Jehs
a big thank you
Dear Commentator,
Thank you very much for your help! I accidentally pressed the SAVE and meant to press PREVIEW. I'm going to need to study up on my HTML.
you don't actually need much html only truly 4 small bits.
p and /p to mark paragraphs
br and /br for line breaks
b and /b for bold
i and /i for italics.
naturally all enclosed in greater than and lesser than symbols.
adding font size= and ending it with the /font size= means scene or chapter headings can have the size changed making them more obvious, but not really needed.
Stupidity is a capital offense. A summary not indictable.
Thank you
I was working on those little bits of HTML code but curiously, the image I was getting in the little short one was different than what I saw in the full length article in Preview. I got confused before I could straighten it all out and hit the save button.
Hopefully, I’ll do better with my next posting on Wednesday with a couple more chapters.