Trans Express -- A Different Kind Of Bus Journey?

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I find the name of this bus inspirational, at least from a fiction point of view.

I first saw it go by a couple weeks ago when I was driving through a neighborhood in Brooklyn. On Saturday, we were out doing a bit of shopping in that same neighborhood when I spotted the bus again. My wife had her camera with her, and this time, I was able to get some pictures.

Photo of Trans Express bus in Brooklyn, NY

Can't you picture it? A story, or series of stories, based on people getting on the bus and getting off, changed?

If anyone is interested, I'll leave the details to them as far as plot, characters, etc. I'm not much of an author, so other than transferring the inspiration I got from seeing the bus, I probably don't have much to contribute. As for legal complications, I can't see any. As long as nothing malicious is attributed to the actual owners of the real bus line, there shouldn't be any libel issues. You might want to move the fictional bus line to another city to lessen any "confusion."


Writers Challenge

Maybe this should go in the Writer's Challenge area.

As far as the name goes, it seems to be used by other businesses as well as a band, with same spelling or alternates such as Trans-Express and TransExpress.

Hmmm. Shades of the Night Bus

In Harry Potter. Only, perhaps a different group of riders, going to a different location... Or, causing different effects on the riders, etc...

I don't think I ever saw any of those buses when I was in Brooklyn a few weeks ago. Maybe I shoulda kept my eyes open.


Transition on a Bus

I have a friend in my RL support group who did transition on a bus in 1988. She was on her way to Philidelpia, and went into the ladies in Ohio dressed as a guy, and came out as a Girl. She has worked and lived as a woman ever since. So, Real Life vs. Art?



Every day I get in the queue

(Too much! The Magic Bus!)

Anyway... I was turning this idea over in my mind, and somehow The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test came into mind. For those of you who aren't familiar with it, it was a little book by young Tom Wolfe.

A bus ran through it. (Wasn't that also the name of film?)

Just free-associating...

the wheels on the bus....

KristineRead's picture

the wheels on the bus.... oh.. you just had to bring that up didn't you... die you blasted ear worm, die!!!

Pippa, sounds like a great idea to me.

You WANT to sing it, Kristne, I just know you do

The wheels on the bus go round and round...

John in Wauwatosa

P.S. Now if I could only get those hideous Viagra TV ads that rape the Elvis hit Viva Las Vegas out of my mind.

John in Wauwatosa

You gotta wanna...

KristineRead's picture

allright, now I'm thinking of George Carlin - Class Clown - which is definitely better...

It's a sin to wanna feel up Ellen, It's a sin to plan to feel up Ellen....

The Viva Las Vegas is bad, but the Gioseppe Franco spots for Proceed (?) have to be the worst,

"I don't own the product, in fact I don't know anything about it..."

But at least there is no bad music in it.

There is a ...

Trans-Penine bus service here in the UK. I just never thought of it that way. Of course, if you really want to go global there was once a US airline called Trans World Airlines (TWA):)


There's A TransTaxi

joannebarbarella's picture

In Singapore. I've ridden in them lots of times and nothing ever happened. Oh, the disappointment!