by Denise Anesidora Trask
Dennis is a stunt man, er... boy, er... young adult. Being of slight build, although muscular, he didn’t get into sports when in middle and high school. No, he was far too deeply involved in the motion picture business by then. It all began when he was less than a year old and snowballed from there.
After so many years of earning money to pay his union dues and his agent and his medical insurance company... let’s see... anything else? Oh, yeah, life insurance. Not much left after all that. OH! and taxes, of course. Anyway what little he yielded from work went into savings to be held for use toward his college education.
He had his life pretty much planned out and he was on his way, eventually entering the college of his choice at the State University. His academics were excellent and he was going for an advanced degree after having earned two bachelors degrees at the ripe old age of twenty. Life though, had other plans for him. Plans which he never saw coming and which proved to be far more invasive to his rather simplified existence as a stunt person; not that being a stunt person is simple but he hadn’t allowed for... let’s just say... strange circumstances... which might or might not pop up here and there as he flowed through what he thought was his life. It became ever more strange when he met someone at lunch in the studio commissary.
The old Chinese curse, “may you live in interesting times” certainly went out of its way to introduce itself to him.
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I loved it, bought it, read it again, and loved it more. Will you make a book 2?
Denise passed away some time back.......
Leaving too many words unwritten. She was a good friend and I still miss her.
I am sure I am not alone.
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
I may be somewhat prejudiced.......
As Denise was someone I considered to be a very good friend, and I like to think that she thought of me the same way. On top of the many hours she spent keeping me calm and among the living, and all the wonderful and valuable advice she gave me, Denise gave me countless evenings of enjoyment with her writing.
Denise actually got me hooked on this story a few years ago, eventually sending me the full version of the book for free. After re-reading it a few times, I can wholeheartedly recommend this book to anyone. It is a truly enchanting story written with her usual skill and talent.
Reading this book will leave you wanting more of her work - a boon we will unfortunately never be granted.
Give them hell Denise; and if you see my guys, tell them I will be along soon enough.
Keep a seat at the bar warm for me, the wine chilled, and yeah, I remember I promised all of you a dance. You boys take care of Denise - she's a good friend, and a good officer. There aren't too many of us to waste one.
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
Easily worth the price
I bought this last time it was up, and glad I did, I don't often leave reviews either..
Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."
Bought this book last night,
Bought this book last night, have not had a chance to read it, but will shortly once I have time.
Yay! It's up again.
Thank you so much to Erin, Piper and especially Denise's brother for making this awesome, wonderful story available again.
Well worth the wait ...
i missed this story the first time around both on here and Kindle. I cried! When I saw it available again it only took me less than 10sec to have this lovely book bought, sent and open on my Kindle and is still being greatly enjoyed several hours later!
P.S. Order through top shelf Amazon links so Erin gets her fair commission and leave a review about Denice's book so she will look down and be pleased!
Beverly Colleen
I am a leaf on the wind, but someone turned the fan off.
Luckily I bought this when it first came out
All I can say is that it is a great book, especially for those who like sci-fi/fantasy.
Mixed feelings
I don't regret for a second buying or reading the book. Denise writes a very compelling story but to be honest it was that way without ever introducing the fantasy element. At that point I kind of lost interest. Up until then it reminded me of Crystal's I Can't Go Home Like This or Bronwen Welsh's The Might Have Been Girl both stories I enjoy immensely in part for their grounding in reality. It would gave been interesting to see where ther story might have gone without the magic.
Visit my Caption Blog: Dawn's Girly Site
Visit my Amazon Page: D R Jehs
Already published
This was "Kindled" in 2014 with a slightly different title (missing 'the') and with a subtitle. I ordered it, then cancelled it when I realized I'd had it 3 years already.
That's okay
This is being republished through Doppler Press because the author passed away and willed the story to BigCloset to help support the site.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
I just picked up a copy of this story through the link on this page.. I really enjoyed the portion of the story that had been posted here earlier. I hope the purchase helps BC a little as well.
Flew to Kindle and downloaded this to my cloud
Loved this book ! I was disappointed the studio did not film the second sequel. Any chance of reading more of Denise's story?
I recommend this book to everyone. Ever been called a fairy? Well here's a story about a fairy for you to read.
I tried going to both links to purchase the book, but the links say item not found..
Refreshed the links
Not sure what happened but the new one should work. :)
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Bought the book, loved it and
Bought the book, loved it and am really hoping a second novel comes out shortly. Much too interesting a story to "just go away". Please let us know if you do write and produce a second story about our newest "Fey One".
I'm speachless.
This was not the story I thought it would be from the picture; It was sooooh much better in every way. I didnt want to read a faery story but downloaded it on a whim convinced I wouldnt like it. The story captures your imagination very quickly and before you realise it you are coming to the end of the book desperately hoping there is a sequel. Is there at least one nearing completion? If not there should be. Your fans need feeding with more.
I Don't Believe...
...Denise left any notes for it before she died. Anyone know?
That "Clash of Wills" title for book two definitely seemed intriguing.
Family is looking
So far, no one has found any substantial work done on the sequel.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
There probably isn't.
There probably isn't. About 6 to 10 months before Denise died she made a number of posts complaining about how someone had made her book available for free by sharing it on a Google drive. After failing to get the drive taken down she eventually decided to stop work on the second novel because she was tired of her work being ripped off.
I was under the impression at the time that the novel was still in the early stages. It was my personal guess that it was around the point where the book had been plotted out but no chapters had been written yet. Sorry I didn't post this sooner. I thought I already had.
Did anyone look for
Did anyone look for unpublished work from Renae?
If you like The Last of the Fey
then you might also like Saved By A Goddess by S. E. Bell and it's sequels. Both stories are well written and involve stunt men that become stunt women. You can find the stories at
Last of the fey
I bought it, loved it and reread it several times I would love her to still be around to write more and share her wonderful stories
hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna
Such grief and loss.
I don't think that there can be a more profound statement of sorrow and loss than an appreciation for the uniqueness and creativity of some of our fellows. I think that it reminds us of all the things we people are, and of all the things that we can be. It reminds us, of all those futures, hopes, dreams, and achievements that we we will never now enjoy. With some of us, scientist, artist, statesman or even writer, we have something tangible and unique to point to which expresses that person's life to us in such a unique way. It reminds that every life is so much more than mundane that is all that we can see of most people, people who are really so much more when you weigh out the hopes and loves, dreams and accomplishments, that only those who are very close can ever really know. I also think that it is an appreciation of all those things that assuages the grief of such losses, for even in such a loss, these fractions of ourselves remain so humane and so wonderful to share.
It has been such a sad couple of days for me, contemplating the violence we've seen still again, and the loss of so many young people who's deaths must mean the end of so many unfulfilled dreams; But, as I listened to this story last night, I had to appreciate, and to hope, that what those young people left behind in all that they did, love, hope and dream, would be held as wonderful and as dear.
I truly enjoyed this story, and although I'm sad to think of how it might have grown from here, I enjoyed it none the less. I am comforted and pleased at what we have been able to share, and wish to share my thanks to Denise Anesidora Trask, and to her family who were thoughtful enough to bring this story back to us.
Sarah Lynn Morgan
Loss vs No Loss
I was shattered for awhile after the doctor told me the sands in my hourglass were about to run out. I looked at the new discoveries in science, particularly in space and so badly wanted to see what was to come.
But then I see events the last couple of weeks, months, and years, and I have to say, watching the dissolution of our civilization, that maybe not being around for the breakdown of society is not a bad thing. I'm of two minds anymore. I can't help but recall O'Toole's Commentary on Murphy's Law: Murphy was an optimist.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Any chance of a BigCloset link to the UK kindle page as the links only take me to home page here in England.
Here you go, UK link
This should work but we have a drupal module in place that is supposed to redirect any click to the clickers National Amazon store. Are you concealing your location via virtual connection or something?
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Turns out
Looks like we had forgotten to make paying the redirect service automatic and our last payment had expired. The redirect service also tracks how many people click our links. Should be working now.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Thanks Erin
Edit: bought :)
Besides this one, "A Glass Half Full"
is a book I wish had a sequel.
Last Of The Fey fanfic?
Somewhere along the line, I became aware of part of where the book was intended to go but it never happened. It would be nice if one of our more able authors took that on.
Unauthorized Sequel ???
Is there someone with the Chutzpah to write a sequel to the story?
I certainly hope so.
I'm pretty sure Denise started on a sequel but didn't get too far along before quitting. She was upset that someone was sharing her book on Google Drive so people could download it for free.
Unfortunately her notes never showed up.
Each new time I see this posted…….
I am reminded of how much I miss my dear friend Denise. Besides being a great author, she was a truly wonderful person - befriending me during one of the worst times of my life, and she was always there with a kind word or a shoulder to lean on when I most needed it.
Why is it that you meet the most important, kind, and interesting people in your life in the sunset of theirs? What I wouldn’t give for the chance to have just one more conversation with Denise - to tell her again how much her friendship meant to me, and how much her writing both entertained and inspired me.
I raise my glass to you Denise.
Absent comrades.
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus