I’d like to chat with a few folks who have a sense/knowledge/expertise in creating gaming environments. I’m not creating one, just writing a story.
I need help with the technical stuff, terms, jargon, etc for a new SciFi story I’m working on called NeverWorld.
I’m also looking for someone who can help me with the Japanese anime, manga, hentai world, too.
It’s about a future corporation that offers subscription online virtual reality interactive escapes. The company offers something for everyone in various “island worlds”. So I need someone to discuss engines, VR, AI, et al.
If anyone has the time or the energy to help, you’ll get a technical credit and have your name choice for a character in the story.
Have you seen Ready Player One?
Watching that film would probably be a good place to start as it has a lot of the generic terms (avatars, portals, etc.) and the story is as much about the process behind writing such games as anything.
Oh, and for someone who dabbles in game creation, seeing the way Art3mis' dress moves in the club could make you weep for the technical elegance of it.
The thing that sets good stories about this kind of technology apart is normally, I think, not the copying of existing terminology but the imagining of something new and the invention of new terms to describe the new technology. And people, good characters are key to any story, of course.
I'm happy to discuss terminology of games and technology further in pm, before we bore everyone else here.
Maybe if you have us more to go on about why you want the discussion, people would have a better idea of what they could offer you? Are you looking to copy existing terminology, do you want someone to review the terms you use and point out ones that are commonly mis-used?
Not sure how much help I could be on the Otaku stuff. I shared a home with one and I had to translate their babble. But they can be very tribal and it depends which particular type of fan you are after.
Sounds like simple world buildings
Be it a old Pen and Paper game of D&D or a computer game, it's all about the world building. With your idea of have multiple "mini" worlds joined together by being part of a VR game world is nice.
Things you would need to decide upon are;
1. Where is the game played? Do you have to travel to a gaming center where they have more computing power or can it be played on a game console/home computer?
2. How advanced will the VR in your game be? This leads into how advanced the science of the society will be in the "Master" world.
Once you have decided on how far advanced your game will be, then you can start hashing out the details of your Master World. It doesn't have to be a complete world, but rules about how it works, what technology there is, the social structure, etc. The background for your Master world. This is the world you which to have very set rules in as even though your stories will not take place in this world it is the foundation of your stories.
Now since your game worlds are all simulated "game" worlds we can have a bit of fun here. And depending on how far into development each game world is, we can expect the players to "see" mistakes made by the programmers during the initial development and through patches to the game. Can you imagine the comedy of a player entering the game to find other player already there and complaining about how the new patch now has the castle floating 1000 feet above the ground so that no players can leave without falling to their death, and a group has decided to gather all the ropes they can find in the castle so they can try to get down and play?
We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.
oh, wow
you definitely are the right person to talk to
send me your email address and I will send you what I've done so far.
I haven't even touched on your thoughts. So far, I've worked on characterization and setting for the future world they are living in. the NeverWorld islands are mentioned but not traveled to or done with detail yet.
I'm glad we've started together before I blunder and make mistakes.
I think I could help
I think I could help you out with the Japanese anime/manga/hentai/doujin things as well. Well, between my wife and I think we could. She's a heavy manga/light novels/doujin's as well. She's also Japanese so that might be an added boon as well.
As far as computer technicalities go, I've worked since 1999 in the technology field with servers, networks, IA (security on a network). So I think I could also help you out as far as that goes as well. I have a pretty diverse background in IT. If you wanted a background I could legit send you a link to my linkedIn and you could see for yourself.