Tales from the Closet Book 01 Candy Cane Part 2 of 3

Tales from the Closet One: Candy Cane

Chapter Three: RIP Candy Cane.

Becky led Candy out the police station and over to a waiting car. Brad helped Becky and Candy get in the back before he got in the front next to the driver. Brad gave the driver directions and they were soon driving away.

The car pulled up outside a Victorian looking house that had the remains of a sign saying it use to be a boarding house at some point in its past. Becky opened the door and walked right in.

“Mable...! I have a new guest for you...!” Becky shouted as they made their way towards the back of the house.

Candy saw an old woman walk around the corner smiling as she stepped up to Becky and gave her a hug. Candy got a shock when the old woman gave her a hug as well.

“Hello my dear. Brad called me and told me what happened to you, and I want you to know that you can stop here as long as you like.” Mable said as she gave Candy a good hug.

Candy let out a sigh as she enjoyed the hug and felt the love coming from this little old woman. “Thank you, Ma’am.” Candy smiled.

“Please call me Mable.” She waved off Candy’s use of the word ‘ma’am’. “Do you not have anything else to wear sweetie?” Mable asked when she saw that Brad wasn’t carrying any bags, but Becky had managed to track down her uniform from the club, so she wasn’t walking around in the silly white paper suit anymore.

“No, I will need to buy myself some new clothes when I find a new job.” Candy explained.

“You still have your job at the club, and we can sort you out with some clothes while you get your life sorted out.” Becky promised. “I’m sure my sisters and I can get you started with some clothes.” Becky added with a grin.

Mable wandered off and was soon back with a small pile of clothes and underwear for Candy to go and change into, and then Mable took Candy up some stairs and to a large room with a bed in it.” You can use this room.” Mable said as she let Candy enter. Come back down when you’ve changed, and I will make you a mug of hot chocolate.” Mable grinned just before she turned and made her way back down stairs.

Candy slipped out of her uniform from the club and took a quick shower in her own private bathroom before she slipped on the cotton panties and bra, then she put on the night clothes she found in the pile. Candy wandered back down stairs and followed the sound of voices until she entered the kitchen and found Mable, Becky and Brad all sat at the kitchen table with a mug of hot Chocolate in front of them. Candy took an empty seat and then the mug that Mable offered her.

“Thank you for everything you’ve done for me.” Candy said as she sipped the hot chocolate and thought it tasted like a little piece of heaven. Brian hadn’t let her have any form of sweets for the past six years.

“Did you name yourself Candy, or was it his idea?” Becky asked, not wanting to use Brian’s name because she didn’t want to think of that monster as being a human being.

“It was his idea.” Candy frowned.

“What name would you choose for yourself, given the chance?” Becky asked.

Candy was deep in thought for some time before she finally answered Becky’s question. “I’ve always liked the name Karen.” Candy admitted.

“I can see you as a Karen.” Becky agreed. “So I think that is what we will call you from now on.” Becky decided.

“Karen it is then.” Candy, now Karen smiled.

Karen was dead tired and she said her goodnights to them all and made her way up to her new room once she had finished her hot chocolate. She slid under the covers and was soon fast asleep.


Becky was down in the dining room the next morning when Karen wandered in looking half asleep still and she sat in an empty seat at the table. It took her a couple of seconds to realise that there were a couple of men sat at the table looking at her. Out of habit Karen looked down at her lap avoiding eye contact with the two men.

“Hello Karen.” One of the men said. “I’m Carl Wayne and this is my good friend Victor.” Carl explained. “I own the club that Becky runs for me.”

“Hello sirs.” Karen said, still not making eye contact.

“Karen, you don’t need to do that anymore.” Becky said as she took hold of Karen’s hand and made her look up and make eye contact with Carl and Victor sat on the other side of the table.

“Sorry about that, but it’s going to take me some time to get out of some habits he drilled into me.” Karen blushed.

“Please don’t worry about it.” Carl said as he waved off Karen’s behaviour. “Becky was just filling us in on what happened last night, and the rough time you’ve been having.” Carl added.

“May I ask why you are here?” Karen asked trying to fight the urge to look down again.

“Becky asked if I would come to the police station with you both, so I can make sure they treat you right.” Carl said. “Becky told me that you didn’t get the best reception last night.”

“I did hit an officer.” Karen winced as she remembered freaking out the night before.

“So I heard, but you were panicking, and I’m sure I can help straighten it all out for you.” Carl said, making it sound like a matter of fact thing he had to deal with all the time.

“I hope you can, because I don’t want to be locked up again.” Karen said nervously.
Talk stopped when Mable came out of the kitchen with a plate of scrabbled egg on toast for Karen. Until now Karen hadn’t given food a thought, but she realised that she was hungry and started eating while Becky spoke with Carl, Victor and Mable.

“Thank you for the meal Mable, it was wonderful.” Karen said as she got up to take the plate into the kitchen.

“Let me take that sweetie, so you can go and get dressed.” Mable said as she got up and took the plate out of Karen’s hands. This was something new for Karen, but she soon recovered and went to get dressed.

Becky followed Karen up to her room carrying a bag with some more clothes in that she and her sisters had all sorted out, to get Karen started on a new wardrobe. Becky helped Karen put a simple clothing option together before she went back down stairs to wait with the others while Karen got dressed.

Karen had always been forced to wear clothes that were bordering on illegal. So it was strange to be putting on a normal looking skirt and blouse and then a jacket that matched the skirt. By the time Karen had finished getting ready, she looked set for a day at an office. Karen wasn’t used to her penis being free of the steel tube, but she tucked it between her legs and pulled up her panties to keep it hidden out the way. It had long since stopped getting erect, which Karen put down to the drugs Brian had pumped into her over the years. She was still having trouble with the fact he was dead now, and wouldn’t hurt her ever again.

“Do I look okay?” Karen asked when she stepped back into the dining room and looked at Becky.

“You look perfect.” Becky smiled.

They all went out to what Karen later found out to be Victor’s car and Becky got in the back with Karen, while Carl got in the front next to Victor who was driving. Mable waved them off from the front door.

Once at the police station Carl took the lead as he walked into the station and asked to see the officer in charge of the investigation to do with his club, and also the incident involving Candy. They didn’t know that Candy was now going by the name Karen, and Candy was still her legal name until Carl could sort out getting it changed.

They were taken to a much nicer room than Karen had been taken to the night before, and the staff at the station was all falling over themselves as they tried to keep Carl happy. Karen could see now why Becky had asked him to come with them.

Karen was taken to another room so she could give her statement of what she saw at the club and also what had been done to her. Karen was nervous because one of the officers taking her statement was the same female officer from the night before, and she looked like she wanted to be anywhere but, in that room, to start with, but as Karen told her story, she saw that the officer had to wipe away a tear every now and then.

Once the statement was finished and Karen had read through it to make sure they had all the details as well as having it all on tape because they had recorded every word Karen had said as well. Karen was taken back to the room where Becky, Carl and Victor were all still sat waiting and talking to some high-ranking officers in the police force.

“How are you feeling?” Becky asked once Karen was sat next to her and Becky had taken hold of Karen’s hand.

“I’m doing alright.” Karen said, but she looked nervous when she saw the female officer she’d hit, enter the room and walk over to the officers that were talking to Carl and Victor. Karen could see the badly bruised eye the officer was sporting now because of her. As the officer was leaving the room, Karen got up and went over to her. “Excuse me Miss.” Karen said nervously.

“Yes?” The officer asked with a small smile that shocked Karen a little bit, as she was expecting the officer to still be angry with her.

“I just wanted to say how sorry I am for doing that to your eye.” Karen said with a pained look as she pointed to the officer’s bruised eye.

“Please don’t worry about it. After hearing your story, I can see that it was just a simple misunderstanding.” The officer said just before she left the room.

Karen went back to where Becky was sat, and Karen took her seat next to Becky and waited to find out her fate.

“It looks like you are free to go Miss Kane.” The officer in charge said with a smile. “Officer Brooks doesn’t want to press charges for assault, and we now know you weren’t a lady of the night.” The officer added.

“That’s it? I can just get up and leave?” Karen asked, not sure she was understanding it correctly.

“Yes, you are totally free and clear of all charges, and once we’ve investigated the means by which Brian Gordon got his finances, we will be doing all we can to make sure you get it, due to all the pain and suffering you went through to earn it for him.” The officer said with anger in his voice over what he had found out about the man that had kept Karen a slave for the past six years.

Karen didn’t really want Brian’s blood money, but after all she had put up with over the years, she thought she might as well do something useful with it, if she did get it.

Once they left the police station Carl had Victor drive them to see Dr Prudence Walker so Karen could have a check-up as well as some tests done to see just how much damage Brian had done to Karen’s body. Karen was scared to enter the doctor’s surgery. Bad things had always happened when Karen was taken to these places when she was with Brian.

“Don’t look so worried Karen. Prudence is my mother, and she won’t hurt you.” Becky said as she tried to calm Karen down when she felt Karen’s hand shaking in her own.

“Hi Becky, Prue is waiting in her office for you, so go right in.” The receptionist smiled.

“Thanks Kim.” Becky smiled back as she led Karen to another door with the name Dr P Walker on it. “Hi mum.” Becky said as they entered the room and saw the doctor sat at a large desk looking through some paperwork.

“Hello Becky, my dear and you must be Karen?” Prudence asked as she got up and walked over to meet them half way.

“Hel... Hell... Hello Ma... Ma’am.” Karen stuttered out.

“Please call me Prue.” She smiled as she led Karen over to a sofa so they could talk before they started all the tests. “From the looks of it, I would say you’ve already spent some time visiting doctors.” Prudence said with a raised eyebrow.

“Not through any choice of my own.” Karen said as she looked down at her lap.

“Do you remember the names of any of them?” Prudence asked, hoping that she could investigate getting them struck off, if any of them were proper doctors or surgeons to begin with.

“No, he took me everywhere and told them what to do.” Karen started to explain and then went into more detail about having her face altered and something done with her throat so she sounded more feminine without trying, and how he had her breast made bigger because the drugs weren’t doing it fast enough, and they had gotten even bigger since she had the implants put in.

Prudence started the exam and then took some blood so she could get it checked out for disease and to find out what level of female hormones Karen had in her.

“Do you ever get any reaction from this?” Prudence asked as she looked at Karen’s penis.

“Not for some years now, but I am glad about that because it was painful when it did, due to it being trapped in a steel tube.” Karen shuddered at the memory of the pain she felt when she started to get excited in the early days of her transformation.

“Just how do you feel about being like this?” Prudence asked once Karen was dressed again and they were sat back on the sofas.

“I try not to think about it too much because I know there is nothing I can do about it.” Karen shrugged. “It’s not like I can pretend to be a man again, not with these things.” Karen added as she cupped her breasts.

“You could look in to having them removed, but it would be very painful, and could leave you with some scarring.” Prudence warned. “As for your penis, well I’m not too sure what damage was done down there, but it doesn’t look good.” Prudence said trying to be honest with Karen.

“I’ve already worked out that I stand a much better chance if I carried on as a woman Prue, but I’m not sure that I am ready to go all the way just yet.” Karen added with a pained look.

“I would like you to do what we call a real-life test to see how you cope with normal day to day stuff before we look at doing anything drastic.” Prudence explained. “I know you’ve spent the last six years as a woman, but that was in a very heavily controlled environment.”

“You mean as a prisoner.” Karen pointed out with a little anger in her voice.

“Yes, and I’m not trying to play any of that down. I am just trying to be kind when I phrase things.” Prudence said in a calming tone trying to get Karen to relax a little.

“I’m sorry Prue.” Karen said as she closed her eyes and took a couple of deep breaths. “I just get so angry when I have to face what was done to me.”

“That is actually a good thing because it means you’ve not been brainwashed by it all.” Prudence sounded excited. “I’d be more worried if you were willing to just lie down and let it all happen.

“Really...?” Karen looked puzzled.

“Yes really.” Prudence nodded. “That version of you wouldn’t have tried to stop this man from taking the other girl, or thrown a tray of drinks over him, she would have wanted to help him take the girl and treat her the same way he had treated you.” She explained.

“I said you are much stronger than you think.” Becky said proudly.

“Well I’m sure you’ve got better things to do than hang out here with me, so go and have some fun and call me in the morning.” Prudence grinned. “Just a little doctor’s humour for you.” She giggled.

“Don’t give up the day job.” Becky frowned.

“Hay...! You cheeky cow.” Prudence frowned as she slapped Becky on the arm playfully. “I’ll be in touch when I get the test results back, but please relax and have some fun, it will make you feel better.” Prudence added as she gave Karen a hug.

Karen was a little stiff when Prudence first hugged her, but she relaxed into it and was smiling when she left the surgery to find Carl and Victor sat in the car both on their phones talking to people.

“I trust mother’s doing fine?” Carl asked once he’d finished his call.

“Yep, bad jokes and all.” Becky rolled her eyes.

Karen just smiled over how normal this all felt, and how alien to her at the same time.

Their next stop was Carl’s hotel so they could start the legal steps to get Karen’s name changed to her new name. And they all stopped off at the hotel restaurant to grab a bite to eat on the way.

Karen was impressed with Carl for giving up so much of his time to help her out, and she knew she would never be able to repay any of them for what they were doing for her now.

“I know this is a little soon to ask, but do you have any plans for your future?” Carl asked while they ate.

“Not really, but I would like to keep working at the club, if you will let me?” Karen asked as she looked at Becky rather than Carl.

“You will always have a place at the club.” Becky promised.

“I also think I would like to go back to college and finish my courses.” Karen said as she started to plan out her future now she had one to plan.

“That sounds like a solid plan Karen, and please let me know if I can do anything to help you.” Carl offered.

“Thank you, Carl, but you have already done so much to help me out.”

“Well the offer is there and always will be if ever you need it.” Carl smiled.

“Thanks Carl. I think you are all pretty amazing.” Karen grinned.


Becky was just walking Karen out to a waiting car, so it could take Karen back to Mable’s when a couple of young men made their way over to them. “Hello Becky, I just wanted to thank you for saving my friend here last night.” One of the men said as he looked at his friend stood next to him.

Becky just looked confused because she didn’t remember either of them to start with, but she soon realised that they were the girl’s that had been taken by Karen’s captor and the one that had reported her friend missing. “I’m sorry, but you look a little different now, than you did last night.” Becky apologised.

“I know, your changing service is the best, and we were having a wonderful time last night before all the trouble.” The man smiled.

“Karen here is the reason we were able to find your friend and save her, I mean him.” Becky looked confused. “You know what I mean.” Becky laughed.

“Thank you for helping to save me.” The second man said in a whisper. “The police said I had a lucky escape as he had already taken one young man and turned him into a she-male against their will.” The man added with a shudder.

“I know.” Karen said with a shudder of her own. “I was the other young man, and that is why I did all I could to save you from the same fate.” Karen admitted. “I wouldn’t wish on anyone what was done to me.”

“Thank you for everything you did.” The man said as he threw his arms around Karen and hugged her.

“I hope you will come to the club again, that sort of thing doesn’t happen all the time.” Karen said as she hugged the man back, while doing a little sales pitch for the club.

Carl had already compensated the young men for all the trouble, and Karen had done a nice job just now, so Becky didn’t need to smooth anything out. She went with Karen back to Mable’s to make sure Karen settled in alright before she left, but not before telling Karen she had the night off, and that was an order as her boss, which made Karen laugh.


Karen lay on her bed and rested for a short time, but she was bored, so she went down to see if Mable needed any help in the kitchen as she was used to sorting out Brian’s meals for him, and keeping the house clean while he was out doing whatever it was he use to do when he went out.

“Hello dear.” Mable said when she saw Karen walk into the kitchen.

“Hi Mable, can I help you with anything?” Karen sounded hopeful.

“You can peal those potatoes for me if you don’t mind?” Mable asked after looking around the kitchen for some jobs she thought Karen could cope with.

“I’d love to.” Karen said as she jumped into action and started pealing the potatoes.

Mable busied herself with other jobs around the kitchen until Karen was done with the potatoes, then Mable put the kettle on and made a pot of tea for them both. Mable was just about to sit down at the Kitchen table when she heard the doorbell, so she wandered off to answer it while Karen finished drying her hands.

“Karen dear, there’s a Hazel Brooks here to see you.” Mable said when she came back into the kitchen.

“I don’t know anyone by that name.” Karen looked puzzled.

“I can ask them to leave if you would like?” Mable asked.

“No, I’ll go and see what they want.” Karen said as she left the kitchen to go and meet this Hazel.

Karen was a little shocked to find the female police offer stood in the dining room not wearing her uniform anymore. She was dressed like a normal member of the public.

“Hi.” Karen said shyly from the other side of the room.

“Hello Karen.” Hazel smiled. “I just wanted to see how you were doing in your new place.”

“It’s really nice, but I am still trying to get used to being free to do what I want.” Karen admitted. “I want to thank you for not pressing charges against me, and I know it wasn’t because I said I was sorry, as you had already spoken to your chief about me before I had spoken to you.” Karen mumbled on nervously.

“After hearing your story earlier today, I understood why you freaked out last night, and I know you didn’t really mean to hurt me.” Hazel smiled. “I thought you could use a little bit of human kindness to show you that there are some good people in the world.” Hazel added.

“Mable has just made a pot of tea; do you want to join us for a cup?” Karen asked, not sure what else to say, not being us to this sort of interaction with other people.

“I’d love to join you.” Hazel said as she walked across the room and followed Karen into the kitchen where Mable was already pouring them a cup of tea out.

“Take a seat my dear, and help yourself to a biscuit.” Mable said as she slid a tin of biscuits across the table as well as two cups of tea.

“Why did you really come here to see me?” Karen finally asked.

“I thought you could use a friend, and I’ve not been able to stop thinking about you since you said you were sorry for hitting me.” Hazel blushed.

“Like every time you look in the mirror.” Karen smirked, and then she looked shocked at her own comment. “I’m sorry; I have no idea where that came from.” Karen said as she slapped a hand over her mouth like she was worried something else might pop out of it.

“True.” Hazel giggled. “And don’t worry about it, it was kind of cute.” Hazel added with a blush to her cheeks.

“Cute, what me hitting you, or the comment?” Karen asked.

“The comment silly...!” Hazel said as she playfully slapped Karen on the arm.

Karen found that she really liked Hazel, and she was glad when Mable asked her to join them for dinner that evening because she didn’t want Hazel to leave. Karen got to meet the rest of the people living in the house at dinner time. Mable hadn’t told them anything, thinking it didn’t need to be a talking point at the dinner table, but Mable did talk to everyone a little later when Karen had gone for a walk with Hazel.

“You look kind of happy.” Hazel said as they walked down the road.

“I am, it’s been a long time since I was able to just go out for a simple walk like this, or walk without having some large object stuck up inside me.” Karen blushed at the memory of all the time she had spent with a butt plug locked in her backside.

“I can’t even begin to understand how you coped for six years being treated like that.” Hazel shuddered. “You’re much stronger than you give yourself credit for.”

“I don’t see it that way.” Karen sighed. “I should have fought harder to get free or strong enough to take my own life.” She added with shame in her voice.

“And if you had killed yourself, that bastard would have just gone out and taken another person and done the same to them.” Hazel snapped, making Karen jump and looked down at the ground.

“Sorry Mas...” Karen trailed off as she realised what she was doing.

“I’m the one that’s sorry Karen.” Hazel sighed. “I shouldn’t have shouted at you.” She added as she made Karen look into her eyes so Karen could see her smile.

They walked for a couple of hours and finally ended up back at Mable’s where Hazel walked over to her car. Karen looked a little sad that Hazel was leaving, but it was getting dark and Karen was tired.

“Thanks for coming to see me; it was nice to take a walk with someone not wanting me to do some weird bondage act with them.” Karen blushed.

“I’m not working till tomorrow night, so we could go out and do something tomorrow through the day, that is if you don’t have to work.” Hazel looked hopeful.

“I work nights as well, remember.” Karen smiled. “So I would love to go out and do something.” Karen quickly added with a grin now.

“That’s great. I’ll pick you up at lunchtime, that way we can grab a bite to eat and take the rest of the day from there.” Hazel grinned just before she gave Karen a quick kiss on the cheek and then jumped in her car and drove away.

Karen watched Hazel drive to the end of the road and then let out a happy sigh before walking up the drive way and into the house where she was now living. Karen walking into the dining room to let Mable know she was back, and she found Becky and another woman sat next to her with beautiful long blond hair and a smile that just made you want to do anything for her.

“Hi Becky.” Karen smiled.

“Hi Karen, I’d like you to meet my wife Chrissy. Chrissy, this is the Karen I was telling you about.” Becky said as she made the introductions.

“Hello Karen. I was so sorry to hear about what you’ve had to live through.” Chrissy said as she got up and gave Karen a hug.

“Hello Chrissy, thank you for your kind words.” Karen said as she hugged Chrissy back.

“Mable was telling us you went out for a walk with the officer you hit last night.” Becky grinned.

“Yes, she said I could use a friend.” Karen smiled, but then looked a little worried about something. “She asked me to join her for lunch tomorrow, but I don’t have any money until I can sort out getting my bank card and other ID back from where ever Mast... I mean Brian put it.” Karen corrected herself.

Chrissy was in her purse and pulling out a small pile of notes and handing them over to Karen. “Pay me back when you get things sorted out.” Chrissy smiled.

“I can’t take this from you Chrissy.” Karen pleaded as she tried to give Chrissy the money back.

“I’m not giving it to you; it’s just a loan until you get things sorted out.” Chrissy said as she pushed the money back into Karen’s hand and made Karen close her fingers around it.

“Thank you, Chrissy.” Karen grinned, glad that she would be able to go out with Hazel now the next day.

“Think nothing of it.” Chrissy said as she waved off the kind gesture she’d just done as being nothing special.

“We called in to drop off a couple more bags of clothes, shoes and other odds and ends you might need.” Becky said as she pointed to three large bags over near the stairs just outside the dining room.

“I’ll get David to take them up to your room when he gets back later.” Mable informed Karen, so Karen wouldn’t try taking them up on her own.

“Thank you, but you have already done so much for me, that I will never be able to repay you for it all.” Karen snuffled as she fought back the tears welling up in her eyes.

“We will never ask you to pay us back for anything we do for you honey.” Becky said as she sat the other side of Karen and pulled her into a hug. “Just try to live a good and happy life from now on and that will be payment enough.”

“That I will try my hardest to do Becky.” Karen smiled as she wiped her eyes with a tissue Chrissy had just handed her.

Becky and Chrissy said their goodbyes and both gave Karen a hug before leaving, and Karen said her goodnight to Mable before heading up to her room so she could get some much-needed sleep.


Karen slipped on her dressing gown the next morning and left her room to go down and find something for her breakfast, but she nearly fell over the bags that Becky and her wife had dropped off the night before. Karen thought that David must have brought them up like Mable had said he would. She carried them into her room and decided to look through the stuff later, as she was feeling hungry.

Mable was sat at the dining table talking to the rest of the house when Karen entered the room, but Mable got to her feet and walked around the table before she gave Karen a good morning hug. “Good morning dear. Take a seat and I will go and sort you out with some breakfast.” Mable said as she made Karen take a seat at the table.

“Good morning Mable. I can sort myself out.” Karen tried to argue.

“You’re wasting your time Karen.” David chuckled. “Mother loves looking after us all, so just leave her to it.” David added in a whisper.

“I just don’t want any of you thinking I’m taking advantage of her kindness.” Karen blushed as she saw everyone looking at her.

“None of us think that for a second.” David’s wife Kim said. Karen had met Kim the day before at Dr Walkers surgery, she was the same Kim that was on reception.

“Mable will let you pay her kindness back by doing the cleaning up after we’ve eaten” Jenna said.

Jenna was married to Victor, Carl’s friend who she had met the day before, and who also lived here at Mable’s with their daughter Catherine. Victor had already left for work, and Jenna was dressed ready for a day in an office some place.

“Mum, can I get a lift off you this morning?” Catherine asked as she came into the room dressed for a day at college.

Karen looked at Catherine and thought back to when she was at college just before Brian found out about her secret and then everything turned to hell for her.

“I told you to set your alarm a little earlier, or you would end up being late.” Jenna said sounding all motherly like she always knew best.

“I’ll just have to skip breakfast then, if I’m going to get the bus.” Catherine sounded dramatic as she looked at her wrist watch and sighed.

“I’ll drop you off, but don’t think I’ll be making a habit of this.” Jenna warned.

“Thanks mum, you’re the best.” Catherine grinned as she hugged Jenna and then took her seat at the table.

Mable was soon returning to the table with a bowl of fruit for Catherine and bacon and eggs for Karen. Karen couldn’t remember the last time she had bacon, so she enjoyed every mouth full. She did have to put up with Catherine reeling of facts to do with why none of them should eat meat, but she finally shut up when Jenna said she would be walking to college if she didn’t shut up.

“Thanks for bringing those bags up and leaving them just outside my door.” Karen said to David just before he left for work.

“It was my pleasure Karen, and please don’t hesitate to ask me for anything.” David smiled just before he left the room and went to work.

Soon there were only Karen and Mable left in the house, so Karen helped Mable take the dirty dishes into the kitchen, then Karen forced Mable to take a seat at the kitchen table while she sorted out the dishes and got them in the dish washer. Mable sorted out a fresh pot of tea and then the two of them sat at the kitchen table to enjoy another cup before Karen needed to go up and get ready for when Hazel arrived.

“What time are you going out with Hazel?” Mable asked.

“She said she would pick me up around eleven.” Karen smiled as she thought about getting to spend more time with Hazel.

“How are you sleeping my dear? You look a little tired still.” Mable sounded worried for Karen.

“I won’t lie to you Mable, I’ve been having some bad dreams where he comes into my room and drags me away.” Karen shuddered at the memory of one dream she had the night before.

“I think it’s only natural that you will have them for some time to come, but in time you will get the better of them, and hopefully one day you won’t have any at all.” Mable took hold of Karen’s hand as she said it, and Karen liked the idea of never dreaming about Brian again.

“Part of me won’t except that he’s dead.” Karen admitted. “I keep expecting him to jump out from around every corner.”

“Maybe going to see his body might help you get over the horror he put you through a little faster, and put you mind at ease over him being really dead.” Mable offered as something for Karen to think about.

Karen finished her cup of tea and went up to pick out something to wear for her trip out. She looked through the new bags of clothes and found a well-worn pair of faded black jeans and some running shoes, so she picked out a plain looking white blouse and then set to work getting dressed. The jeans were a tight fit due to Karen having some serious curves, but she had tucked her remaining manhood between her legs before pulling her panties up, and there was no sign of it showing through the jeans. She sat on the edge of her bed and put on the running shoes before she added a little make up and then brushed out her hair and then slipping on a black denim jacket and headed back down stairs to wait for Hazel to arrive.

The doorbell rang just as Karen stepped off the bottom step, so she went over and opened the door as she shouted to let Mable know she was getting it. Karen started grinning when she saw Hazel stood on the other side of it grinning back at her.

“Hi.” Karen grinned.

“Hello.” Hazel grinned back. “You ready to go?” She asked.

“Sure, just let me say goodbye to Mable.” Karen said as she spun around and headed for the kitchen where she knew Mable would be. “I’m off out now Mable.” Karen walked over to Mable and gave her a hug.

“Have a good time, and call me if you’re not going to be back in time for dinner.” Mable said as she hugged Karen back.

“I will.” Karen smiled as she turned and left the room and then the house.

Hazel was already back in her car with the engine running while she waited for Karen to get in. “How are you feeling today? You look a little tired, are you sleeping alright?” Hazel sounded worried as she asked her questions.

“I’m having a little trouble with bad dreams, but I’m sure they will pass given time.” Karen said trying to play down the fact she wasn’t getting much sleep at the minute.

“That’s understandable given what you’ve been through.” Hazel agreed.

“I just keep expecting him to jump out at me, like I don’t believe he’s actually dead.” Karen sounded frustrated. “Mable thinks I should go and see his body, so I can see for myself that he is really gone.”

“It’s funny you should say that because my chief called me earlier and said he needs you to do a formal ID of the body, and I was worried how to ask you, but this could work out all round.” Hazel sounded relieved to have that out, as she wasn’t sure how to just drop it into a conversation.

“Let’s go and get this over with, then I might be able to get some proper sleep.” Karen sighed as she let Hazel drive them to the morgue where Brian’s body was being kept.

Hazel pulled into the parking lot of a plain looking building that Karen found out was the local morgue. Hazel then linked her arm through Karen’s and led her into the building and up to a reception desk where a man was dressed like a security guard and was keeping an eye on a bank of monitors showing different parts of the building and people moving around inside

“Hi, we’re here to ID a body.” Hazel told the man behind the desk. She got her police ID out to show the man who she was, and he took down her badge number before pointing them in the direction they needed to go. Hazel had been here a number of times, so she already knew where she was going.

“This place is creepy.” Karen said as Hazel led them into a room full of steel tables and all sorts of surgical equipment in it, and a wall full of steel doors Karen knew were full of dead bodies.

“Didn’t you know that people are just dying to get into this place?” Hazel joked.

“Hazel...!” Karen looked shocked. “How can you make fun of being in a place like this?”

“Sorry, but this is how I cope with scary things.” Hazel smirked.

Karen was glad Brian never knew about this place while he was still alive because Karen knew he would have had her bound and in one of the draws, saying it would make a great photo shoot. Karen was snapped out of her horror filled day dreaming when a boy wandered over to them.

“Can I help you?” The boy asked.

“Are you old enough to be working here?” Hazel asked after looking the boy up and down.

“Yes...” The boy said sounding a little hurt at Hazel’s question “I’m eighteen, and have only just started working here this week.” He added, not that Hazel or Karen were interested in his life story.

“We’re here to ID the body of one Brian Gordon.” Hazel said.

The boy looked nervous for a short time before he finally decided to move and look on the computer. Having found what he was looking for, he then led Karen and Hazel over to the wall of doors and looked for the right number. They gathered he must have found it when he took hold of the handle and pulled the door open.

Karen and Hazel were hit in the face with a blast of cold air followed by the smell of chemicals and what Karen thought to be the smell of death.

The boy pulled out a long metal tray that had a large white sheet over what looked like a body. He stopped when the tray was half way out and then stepped over to the top of the covered body and slowly pulled down the cover for Karen and Hazel to see the head.

Karen prepared herself to see Brian, but she let out a gasp when she saw him, or not him. The man she was looking at wasn’t Brian.

“That’s not him.” Karen said in a shaky voice as she started looking around expecting Brian to step out and grab her, or take her and Hazel. “The police shot the wrong man Hazel, he’s still alive.” Karen felt the world start to spin as she found she couldn’t stay on her feet any longer.

Hazel saw Karen start to wobble on her feet and she grabbed her, and sat her down on a seat the young man had managed to wheel over. Hazel was distracted by the sound of a man shouting something just then.

“What the hell is going on Shawn? Who are these people?” He asked with anger in his voice.

“They came to ID a body, but they say that this isn’t the man they thought he was.” Shawn babbled looking worried.

“And just who did they think it was?” The angry looking man asked as he walked over to the draw and pulled the cover back over the head and then slid the tray back in before closing the door.

“We came to ID Brian Gordon, the man shot by the police the other night.” Hazel growled as she looked angrily at the young man.

“You won’t find him in that draw.” The man said in a matter of fact way. “You just got a good look at Mr Geoff Brian. The one you’re looking for is in this draw down here.” The man walked down the row and pulled open another door and pulled out the tray, but he waited for Hazel to get Karen back on her feet and stood next to the tray before he pulled back the cover.

Karen let out a sigh of relief when she saw Brian’s face looking up at the ceiling. “That’s him, that’s Brian Gordon.” Karen said as she burst into tears and buried her head in Hazel’s shoulder.

“I’m sorry for your loss.” The older man said as he pushed the tray back into the wall and closed the door.

“Don’t be, where glad the bastard is dead.” Hazel snarled. “I just wish I could bring him back to life, so I could kill him myself.” She added as she took Karen back over to the chair she had not long been sat in.

“Can we go now?” Karen asked in a whiny voice as she looked up at Hazel with pleading eyes.

“In a minute, we just need to sign some paperwork.” Hazel promised.

Hazel and Karen were soon leaving the building and driving away from the place. Karen was feeling much better now she knew that Brian was dead, even if she had been scared half to death when they were shown the wrong body.

“How are you feeling now Kaz?” Hazel asked.

“Like I could use a stiff drink.” Karen admitted as she smiled at the new nickname Hazel had just given her.

Hazel was soon pulling into a pub car park and they went into the pub and Hazel ordered a double whisky for Karen and a cola for herself. Karen took her drink down in one gulp, then nearly coughed it right back up again due to her not being used to drinking alcohol.

“Feel better now?” Hazel smirked.

“Yes thank you.” Karen wheezed.

“I can’t believe that stupid asshole showed us the wrong body.” Hazel said as she tried not to laugh.

“That wasn’t funny.” Karen whined as she slapped Hazel on the arm while trying not to laugh herself.

“It was a little funny.” Hazel finally burst out in a fit of giggles

Karen looked at Hazel for a couple of seconds before she herself started to giggle over it all. Karen felt better after she stopped laughing and stole a swig of Hazel’s cola.

Hazel just smiled as she watched Karen take a sip of her cola and then put it back on the table before quickly pulling her arm back and pulling the sleeve down on her jacket.

“Sorry about that.” Karen said nervously.

“Sorry for what? Having a sip of my drink, or letting me see the scars on your wrist?” Hazel asked.

“The scars.” Karen said as she kept pulling on her sleeve, worried that her scars were still showing.

“I don’t care about your scars Kaz. I know what you went though over the years, and I want to be here for you know, no matter what scars you’re carrying with you.” Hazel took hold of Karan’s hand and pulled up the sleeve so she could see the old and newer scars that snaked their way up her arm and under the pulled up sleeve.

Karen tried to pull her arm away, but Hazel wouldn’t let go, and slowly Karen stopped fighting with her, and just relaxed while Hazel ran her finger over some of the older ones.

“Can you please stop doing that Hazel?” Karen said as she was beginning to get turned on by it, and she couldn’t have feelings for Hazel because she was a woman too.

Hazel did as she was told and she watched as Karen pulled her sleeve back down and then stole another sip from her cola.

“I have something for you.” Hazel said suddenly as she went in her purse and pulled out a picture ID and a credit card. “The officers found these while they were going through Gordon’s house and I thought you might as well have them as they have you name on them.

Karen picked up the ID and saw her picture and the name Candy Cane on it, which made her groan as she had never liked that name, but when she saw the same name on the credit card, she looked puzzled. I never had a bank account or credit card as far as I knew.” Karen shrugged.

“Well you signed the back of the card.” Hazel pointed out as she turned the card over so Karen could see a signature on the back that looked like something she would have signed.

“That doesn’t mean anything, isn’t everything chip and pin these days?” Karen asked.

“Yes, it is, and I got a look on Gordon’s cell phone and found a file with some codes and pin numbers, one of which had the name Candy next to it.” Hazel looked a little smug with herself.

“What do you want me to do with it?” Karen asked as she held up the credit/debit card.

“See if there is any money in there.” Hazel shrugged.

Karen shrugged herself as she thought it wouldn’t hurt to take a look, so they finished Hazel’s drink and then left the pub and headed into the city.

Once Hazel was parked, they made their way to an ATM and Karen slipped the card into the machine while Hazel showed her the pin number on her phone. Karen smiled when the machine accepted the pin number and asked her which service she wanted. Karen clicked on the account balance and then nearly fell over from shock when she saw the account had just over twenty thousand pounds sat in it. She shakily asked for a printed balance and then placed the card and the balance slip in her purse.

“That’s a lot of money Kaz.” Hazel said, sounding just as shocked as Karen felt. “What do you plan to do about it?” Hazel asked.

“I’m not sure.” Karen replied. “I think I will have a word with Becky and Carl, to see what I should do, because the money isn’t mine really.”

Part of Hazel wanted to tell Karen to keep it, but she knew Karen was right, and the last think Karen needed was getting in trouble for stealing from a dead man. “That would be the right move Kaz.”

Karen decided to worry about the money thing later and let Hazel show her around the city as they went from clothes shop to clothes shop looking at all the fashions available.

“Can I ask you something that’s been bugging me since we first met, well until I found out about your past I should say.” Hazel said as they were sat in a park enjoying a sandwich.

“And what might that be?” Karen asked as she enjoyed the sunshine while they watched children run around.

“If he had you as his prisoner for the last six years, how did you learn to act so natural as a woman?” Hazel asked.

“He hired me out to people, some of which were very strict female Dom’s who made me learn to be more natural.” Karen shuddered at the memory.

“Did you never try to explain to any of them that you had been kidnapped?” Hazel sounded shocked.

“Yes the first time he hired me out, but she didn’t believe me, and even told Brian that I really got into the role I was playing.” Karen frowned. “I kept my mouth shut after that. Brian punished me for three days straight for trying to get him in trouble.”

“I can’t believe there are people out there willing to pay money, just so they can be cruel to other human beings.” Hazel shook her head.

“Believe me when I say there are more than you might believe.” Karen shuddered again.

“Did you ever have to do sexual acts with any of them?” Hazel asked.

“Yes, all the time, but I don’t like to think about it, and that is why I left it out the statement I made.” Karen said with shame in her voice.

“I’m sorry.” Hazel said as she rested her head on Karen’s shoulder.

Karen was sad to see the day coming to an end, but she needed to get home so she could get ready for work, and she wanted to have a word with Becky about the bank account in her name, and Hazel was due to start the night shift at the police station soon.

“Can we do this again sometime?” Karen asked hopefully once Hazel had parked up outside Mable’s.

“Are you free tomorrow?” Hazel grinned.

“Yep, all day.” Karen grinned back.

“I’ll see you around eleven then.” Hazel said just before she leaned over and kissed Karen right on the lips.

Karen got out the car feeling a little giddy and very confused as to how she should feel, but she wandered into the house and went to find Mable in the kitchen sorting out dinner. She told Mable about her day, and the fact she went to see Brian’s body, and the mix up some young man had made when he showed them the wrong Body. Mable had a good laugh at that, as did the others while they ate dinner that evening.

Becky had told Karen that Brad would pick her up and take her to work, but she was a little shocked to find Becky in the car as well until she found out that Brad lived in the same house as Becky and her wife, as well as Carl and his family.

“How was your date?” Becky asked as they made their way to the club.

“It wasn’t a date.” Karen complained, but she wished it had been a date. “We’re just good friends.”

“Would you like it to be more than just good friends?” Becky asked.

“How can it be?” Karen sighed as she thought about the image she’d looked at in her bedroom mirror, when all she saw was a woman with a penis, that didn’t work anymore.

“You can have anything you want out of life Karen, don’t let what happened to you destroy a chance at being happy.” Becky pointed out. “I’m married to a wonderful woman that was once a man, as is my sister Amber.”

“They both asked to be like this, I never got the chance as it was forced on me, so how can I expect anyone to love this?” Karen sounded disgusted with herself.

“I think you should sit down with this Hazel and tell her how you feel; it doesn’t sound like you have much to lose.” Becky sounded angry with the way Karen saw herself.

Karen never answered and just sat quietly in the back of the car for the rest of the trip to work, then once at the club Karen got out and thanked Brad for the lift before going into the club.

“Don’t you think you were a little hard on her?” Brad asked as he walked with Becky into the club.

“Yes, but I was just so angry over how she was putting herself down.” Becky confessed.

“She has every right to be confused and feel lost at the minute because she never asked for any of this to be done to her, but she has the feelings of a guy, but she is stuck between two different worlds.” Brad said sounding way smarter than he looked.

“Thank you for that DR Phil.” Becky smirked.

“I can’t help it if they put that stuff on through the day and I just happen to watch it.” Brad tried to defend himself.

“Right...” Becky said with a raised eyebrow that said she didn’t believe him for a second.

“You should go and find Karen and say you’re sorry.” Brad said as he pointed Becky in the direction of the staff changing rooms.

Becky let out a sigh and did as she was told, even though she was the boss; she was also wise enough to know when she had done something wrong.

Karen was just getting into her uniform when Becky walked into the room, so Becky walked over and helped Karen do up the corset.

“I’m sorry for what I said in the car Karen, but I just get so mad when I hear people putting themselves down.” Becky sighed.

“Part of me wants to tell Hazel how I feel, but I’m not sure if it’s just the last remaining part of Kevin that is feeling this way because when I look in the mirror, apart from that thing between my legs, I’m a woman now.”

“Hazel didn’t come looking for Kevin yesterday, she came looking for you.” Becky pointed out as she turned Karen around to look her in the eyes. “And she already knew all your secrets, but she still came knocking on your door, so give her some credit and tell her how you feel about her.”

Karen wanted to argue some point with Becky, but what Becky was saying was all true. “I can see why you’re the boss.” Karen smiled.

“Life has been pretty crappy for you up until now, but please don’t let all this stop you finding something good from it.” Becky said with some pleading in her voice as she waved her hand up and down Karen’s body. “And you will still have me and your sisters here at the club to cheer you up if things don’t go as planned.” Becky grinned which made Karen giggle.

“I was hoping to have a word with you and Carl about something I found out today.” Karen started, and then she went on to tell Becky about the trip to the morgue and how Hazel had found a debit/credit card in her former name of Candy, and how there was over twenty thousand pounds in the account.

“Carla will be here later tonight, so I will pull her to one side and we can have a chat about it then.” Becky said once Karen had finished telling her story, and Becky had stopped laughing over the mix up with the bodies.

“Who’s Carla?” Karen asked. Karen had only ever worked on the main floor in the club, so she had never seen Carl when he was relaxing and dressed as Carla.

“Carl is a crossdresser and she is called Carla.” Becky said. “How do you think he came up with the idea for the club and the changing service at the hotel?”

“I never gave it much thought.” Karen shrugged.

“Are we good now then?” Becky pouted.

“Yes we’re good.” Karen smiled, feeling much happier now she had finally spoken with someone about how she was feeling, and not feeling like such a freak over it all.

Karen had just finished serving a table later in the night when she turned around and found Brad stood there smiling down at her. Karen jumped a little, but soon recovered herself.

“Sorry I scared you Karen, but Becky and Carl want to have a word with you.” Brad said as he leaned down and spoke into Karen’s ear. “Just follow me.” He added just before turning and walking towards the VIP section.

Karen had never been up here before when the club was open, and she was shocked at just how posh it looked. Brad led her to a door towards the back of the large room and she saw herself in the large mirror next to the door while she waited for Brad to open the door and then let Karen enter before he closed it and went back to doing whatever it was he did when not following Becky around.

“Hello Karen.” A woman said as she got up off one of the three sofas’ in the room and walked over to where Karen was stood just inside the room. “I’m Carla.” The woman smiled.

Karen remembered what Becky had said about this woman being Carl’s crossdressing side, and she was shocked to see the difference between what she remembered of Carl and how this woman looked with her very real looking cleavage and slim waist squeezed into a slinky looking purple evening dress.

“Wow, you look amazing.” Was all Karen could think to say.

“Becky said you wanted to talk with Carl about something, but I hope I will do? I’m just as smart, but much easier on the eyes.” Carla joked as she led Karen back over to the sofa where Karen now noticed Becky sat enjoying a glass of orange juice.

Karen explained everything to Carla and she said she would have her people look into it for her, and then Carl would get back to her, or Carla would see her here at the club. Carla also had a good laugh when Becky told her about the mix up at the morgue.

“Why does everyone find that so funny?” Karen whined as she was trying not to laugh along with Carla and Becky. “I was really worried at the time.” She pouted.

Karen returned to her part of the club and finished off her nights work before getting a lift back to Mable’s from Brad again, but this time Carla was also in the car. As she too lived in the same house as Becky when Carl wasn’t around.


Karen was dressed and ready to leave the next day when Hazel rang the doorbell. Karen had listened to what Becky said the night before, and decided to dress up a little bit more special to impress Hazel, so Karen answered the door wearing a light purple summer dress that was covered in white flowers, and she had a cardigan on over that so she could stop people seeing the scars that covered her arms. Karen had also found a pair of nude pantyhose to hide the heeling scars on her ankles from the hog tie she’d been forced to put up with just over a week ago.

“Wow Kaz, you look amazing.” Hazel grinned as she looked at the makeup and hair Karen had spent over an hour getting just right.

“Thanks Hazel.” Karen blushed.

They were soon in Hazel’s car and driving towards the city again.

“Can we go someplace quiet like a park?” Karen asked as she watched Hazel driving. “There is something I would like to talk to you about.” Karen added nervously.

“Sure, we can do anything you want.” Hazel sounded a little worried as to what this conversation might be about.

Hazel was soon parking up next to a park and the two of them got out the car and started walking. Karen stopped and took a seat on a bench just off the foot path where no one else was around.

“What’s bothering you Kaz?” Hazel asked after Karen had been sat quietly twisting her hands in her lap.

“I know that I’ve not known you very long, and we didn’t meet under the best circumstances, but I think I might be in love with you.” Karen said as she looked up at Hazel with tears in her eyes.

Karen was waiting for Hazel to freak out and leave. Karen flinched when she saw Hazel’s hands move out the corner of her eyes, but what she wasn’t expecting was for Hazel to take hold of Karen’s head in her hands and then plant a heart stopping kiss on her lips while her tong snaked into Karen’s mouth.

“I was hoping you felt that way about me, because I feel the same way about you.” Hazel admitted in a husky voice when they stopped kissing.

“I hope you understand that I won’t be trying to become a man again.” Karen started to explain. “I’ve been changed too much to ever look like anything but a woman, and I am planning to have the last remaining part of my old life removed just as soon as I can.”

“I’m glad to hear that because I only like girls.” Hazel grinned. “I’m a lesbian.”

“But I’m not sure I am.” Karen looked confused.

“Well you do tick most the boxes, and from what you just said, you soon will be.” Hazel said just before leaning in for another kiss.

“I’m just scared we might be rushing things, or this is some sort of side effect to what happened to me.” Karen worried.

“I’ve never felt this way about anyone else in my life, and I didn’t have any of those things happen to me.” Hazel pointed out between kisses.

“I know I am broken, and may never truly be fixed Hazel, but I will try to be the best girlfriend I can.” Karen smiled.

“And I will do the same, but you must come and tell me if you feel like something is wrong, or you are scared.” Hazel sounded more like a big sister as she said this, which made Karen grin.

The two of them were soon walking through the park again, but this time they were hand in hand smiling as they watched the children playing on the swings and in the sandpit.

“We need to get you sorted out with a cell phone.” Hazel said once they were back in the car. “I’ll be able to text you when I’m bored, or thinking about you.” Hazel grinned.

“I have been thinking of getting one, so we could keep in touch.” Karen agreed.

Once they were parked, the first stop they made was to a phone shop where Karen found one she liked and could use, and she was soon walking out the shop with a pay as you go phone with lots of credit on it. Hazel took the phone out of Karen’s ands and punched in her number and then sent herself a message so she could add Karen as a contact in her phone. Hazel then used Karen’s phone to take a selfie of the two of them smiling and saved it as a back drop on Karen’s phone before taking another photo of them using her own phone and saving that as the back drop on her own phone.

The two of them spent the rest of the day window shopping again, and just enjoying their time together. It was soon time for them to part company due to them both working at night, but the trade of with that was the fact they got to spend time through the day together.

“Will I see you tomorrow?” Karen asked when Hazel dropped her off.

“You sure will.” Hazel grinned. “And you will be hearing from me later as well.” She added as she showed Karen her phone.

Karen leaned over and enjoyed a couple of minutes kissing before she finally got out the car and waved to Hazel as she drove away.


“Someone looks much happier tonight.” Becky grinned when she saw a smiling Karen get in the back of Brad’s car. “Did you get anything sorted out with Hazel?”

“Yes, I came clean and told her I had feeling for her, and she kissed me and said she felt the same about me.” Karen sounded excited as she told Becky all about her day and how she now had a cell phone.

“Let me see it?” Becky asked as she reached over the seat and waited for Karen to hand her phone over. Becky started pushing buttons and then made a call just before her own phone rang for a second, then Becky handed Karen her phone back before storing Karen’s number in her phone. “You have my number, and please feel free to call me whenever you need help.” Becky said in a stern tone.

“I’ll give you my details once we get to the club, so you can call me if you can’t get hold of Becky.” Brad said over his shoulder as he drove.

Brad was good to his word and he gave Karen his number before storing her number in his phone. Karen wandered off to get changed feeling happier than she had in a long time.

Karen had been worried about coming back to work after all the trouble she had caused, but all the girls she worked with thought she was amazing for what she did, and everything she had been through. She told them all about the amazing woman called Hazel that she had fallen head of heels in love with, and she showed them the picture on her phone to prove it.

The next couple of days passed without much happening other than Karen going out places with Hazel, and they were out visiting some of the sights around London when Karen’s cell phone rang. She saw it was Carl’s number so she answered it.

“Hi Carl, is everything alright?”

“Hi Karen. Yes everything is fine. I am just calling to see if you have some free time to call in and have a chat with me at the Wayne Towers Hotel?” Carl asked.

“Sure, we’re just down the road from the hotel.” Karen replied.

“I’ll see you soon then. Just tell the main reception that you’re there to see me and someone will show you through to my office.” Carl explained.

“Okay, we’ll see you soon.” Karen smiled as she ended the call.

“Problems?” Hazel asked.

“I don’t think so. Carl’s asked if I can call in and see him about something.” Karen shrugged.

The hotel was within walking distance, so they set off towards the hotel and Karen told the woman on reception who they were there to see and she must have been expecting them because she took them straight through to where Carl’s office was located.

“Miss Kane and her guest are here Carl.” The woman said as she led the two of them into Carl’s office before leaving again.

“Thank you for getting here so fast.” Carl smiled as he got up and came to great Karen and Hazel. “And you must be the lovely Hazel.” Carl added as he shook Hazel’s hand just before walking them both over to a large sofa he had in the corner of his room. Carl took a seat in an armchair once Karen and Hazel were seated.

“Is anything wrong Carl?” Karen asked.

“Nope, not really, but I do need to explain what my people have found out, and have also informed the police of some parts so they can look into it themselves.” Carl started to explain. The money you found in that account with your, shall we call it your stage name.” Carl frowned.

“I’d just call it silly, but that’s me.” Karen huffed.

“Anyway, the money in that account is yours, so feel free to do what you want with it, as you earned every penny.” Carl was grinning at the shocked look on Karen’s face.

“How can it all be mine?” Karen asked when she got her mouth to close and open again.

“It seems that your so-called jailer had turned your slavery into a full-time business which he was running in your name like a production company, so all the payments for the photo shoots and videos were being paid into the account in your name, so the money is all yours by law.” Carl explained.

“What about tax and national insurance?” Karen asked.

“He paid all that and kept spotless accounts that were always paid up to date on time.” Carl sounded a little shocked at this part himself. “He was making a lot of money off you, and using your stage name to make it all look legal.”
“That bastard made a business out of my suffering.” Karen growled.

“Yes, but you get to use the money for something good now.” Hazel said as she tried to calm Karen down.

“Hazel is right Karen; you can use the money for whatever you want.” Carl agreed.

“That will help me get back on my feet.” Karen smiled.

“I don’t want you to worry about any of what I am about to tell you, because the police have been told, and they are going to be looking into it.” Carl said in a calming tone that only made Karen worry even more.

“What’s wrong?” Karen asked nervously.

“My people found evidence that Brian was planning to sell you to someone out of the country, and that is why he was really looking for someone else.” Carl looked angry himself now.

“What if this person decides he still wants me as his slave?” Karen looked worried.

“The police have the person’s details and they have contacted their counterparts in that country so they can interview him. He would be a fool to come anywhere near you now the police know about him.” Carl said, sounding confidant Karen was going to be safe.

“Thank you for sorting all this out for me Carl.” Karen said as she took it all in. She had never given any thought to Brian selling her off to someone else. Karen was glad more than ever that she had rebelled and stopped him now.

“Any time Karen, I was glad I could help.” Carl said as he walked the two of them out.

“What do you want to do now?” Hazel asked as they walked back down the road towards the main shopping area.

“We’re going to do some shopping.” Karen grinned as she tapped her purse where the credit card was.

Hazel grinned back and the two of them were soon going in and out of shops and trying clothes on right left and centre. They had to take a couple of trips back to Hazel’s car to drop bags off before going back into other shops and starting all over again.

“I can’t believe how much stuff you brought.” Hazel said as the two of them stood looking in the trunk of Haze’s car once they were back at Mable’s

“We brought you mean.” Karen corrected her. “Half this stuff is yours remember.”

“You really didn’t need to buy me anything.” Hazel said feeling a little guilty for letting Karen spend so much money on her.

“I know that, but I wanted to, and I did earn all that money, so it’s nice to spend some of it on you.” Karen smiled as she took Hazel in her arms and kissed her.

“I love you.” Hazel said as she licked her lips and tasted Karen on them still.

“I love you.” Karen smiled back at her.

They both stepped apart when a van went past and the driver started pippin them while another person hung their head out the passenger side window telling them to get a room.

“I think we better take this inside.” Hazel blushed.

They were soon collapsing on Karen’s bed with carrier bags full of clothes scattered around on the floor. Hazel rolled onto her side and started to kiss Karen, and Karen started kissing her back and things went from there, and before Hazel knew it, Karen was down between her knees bringing her to one of the best orgasms Hazel had ever had.

“That was amazing.” Hazel said once she was able to speak again. “Where did you learn to do that?” She asked breathlessly.

“I had a lot of teachers and practice.” Karen said, but wouldn’t go into details, and Hazel knew why and didn’t push her.

“Well you’re all mine now, and I won’t be sharing you with anyone.” Hazel said just before she leaned in and started kissing Karen. “I wish I could return the favour somehow.” Hazel pouted.

“You will one day, but for now I am happy to keep you happy.” Karen grinned between kisses.

The two of them curled up under the covers and must have fallen asleep because the next thing they knew, Mable was knocking on the door to say Dinner was ready.

“I’m sorry Mable, we must have fallen asleep.” Karen said when she answered the door.

“I gather you had, well get yourself sorted out and then the two of you can come down for some dinner.” Mable ordered. “I’ve made enough for Hazel to eat with us.” Mable added as she walked away.

“Looks like you’re joining us for dinner.” Karen grinned as she ran over and jumped on the bed next to Hazel.

They straightened out their clothes and brushed their hair before leaving Karen’s room and heading down to the dining room where the rest of the house were now sat around the table waiting for Karen and Hazel. Karen did the introductions and everyone said hello before they all started eating.

Hazel was a little nervous to begin with, but she soon relaxed and was pulled into several different conversations going on around the table, and by the end of the meal she felt like part of this new family Karen had found.

“Please feel free to join us anytime Hazel.” Mable said as she walked with her and Karen to the door once Hazel had grabbed her jacket and the shopping bags with her new articles of clothing in.

“Thank you for a wonderful meal, and I would love to join you all again.” Hazel smiled as she got a hug from Mable before she and Karen walked out to Hazel’s car.

“I hate this part of the day.” Karen pouted as she pulled Hazel closer by wrapping her arms around Hazel and then leaning in for a kiss, which Hazel returned.

“So do I, but we both have jobs to get to.” Hazel sighed. “But we will see each other again tomorrow I promise.”

“Okay...” Karen said, sounding like a child.

Hazel smiled just before stealing another kiss before she got in her car and drove away before she lost the battle she was having to take Karen back in the house so Karen could use that amazing tong of hers again on Hazel’s more private parts.

Karen went back into the house and set to work getting ready for another night serving drinks at the club. She found herself stood in front of the mirror again without any clothes on, and she found it hard to remember what she looked like as Kevin these days, as she looked at the large breasts she now had, and the tiny waist, thanks to years of being forced to wear a corset, and the hormones Brian had made her take too soften her skin while making her hips and backside get bigger. The only thing that looked out of place was the penis hanging down between her legs, and she pushed it between her legs and then closed them to keep it there before looking in the mirror again and see what she would look like without it. Just as she had known for some time, she looked like a female from head to toe, and she knew that getting rid of the final peace of Kevin was the only way she would be happy.

To Be Continued.

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