Tales from the Closet book 01 Candy Cane Part 1 of 3

Tales from the Closet One: Candy Cane

The Closet is a club from my ‘You Have It All Wrong’ series, but the tales that I am about to tell you in these stories are about some of the people that go to the club, or work there. It may help you to understand some of the people that will appear in these stories if you have read my other parts in this series, but I hope that you may still enjoy these stories even if you haven’t.

Happy Reading.


Chapter One: Candy’s Painful Birth

Candy eased her saw and aching body down into the chair in front of her vanity and looked at the tired face looking back at her, the face she hardly recognised these days, for it had changed a lot since she had started collage just over six years earlier. She wasn’t called Candy back then, her name was Kevin, and she wasn’t a she back then either. She was a young man called Kevin Kane. Candy was sore and ached due to her spending the better part of the past day in tight bondage as punishment for something she did, or didn’t do as the case was, but she will explain more about that a little later. For now we need to see where it all started.


Kevin had grown up enjoying TV shows and movies where he saw woman being tied up and then fighting to get free, or being rescued by someone, but the part he seemed to enjoy the most was while the females struggled to get free from their bonds. This is where his love of self-bondage had been born, but he didn’t get a kick out of just tying himself up, he had tried this in the beginning and it didn’t do anything for him until he stole some of his sister’s clothes and tried them on. Kevin had stolen his sister’s swimsuit and had slipped it on before he then tied his legs together and then using a cheap set of joke handcuffs to lock his hands behind his back. From that day on Kevin would steal his sister’s clothes and tie himself up whenever he could. Even though he was never caught, he did come close more than once and even ended up wearing his sister’s swimsuit under his clothes when his parents came home early one evening. This made him feel both scared and excited about being caught wearing his sisters’ things.

As he got older he found part time work after school, so he could start to raid the local charity shops and buy some female clothes of his own, and later when he finished school, he found bar work to do while he investigated starting collage.

Kevin looked into getting his own place to start with, but soon realised that he just couldn’t afford to do that, and the collage rules stated that all first-year students needed to live in dorm rooms on campus. Kevin thought this sucked, so he tried to get a dorm room to himself, but they were all doubles and he ended up sharing his with a guy called Brian. Brian wasn’t the worst person he could share a room with, and the two of them did their own thing, and Kevin was glad that Brian seemed to spend a lot of time out of the room hanging out with different girls he met around the college campus. Brian wouldn’t come back to the dorm for days at a time, which meant that Kevin got to play around dressing up a little, but he wasn’t brave enough to try any self-bondage to start with, but as time went on he worked out how long he had after Brian went out, and so he started doing some simple ties.

“You need to get out more man.” Brian said as he was getting ready to go out one Friday night while Kevin was sat at his desk studying like he normally did when he wasn’t working in the local supermarket stacking shelves.

“I’m fine letting you party hard enough for the two of us Brian.” Kevin replied.

“Suit yourself dude.” Brian shrugged as he put his jacket on and left the room.

Kevin carried on studying for another hour to make sure Brian wasn’t going to come back, realising he might have forgotten something. Kevin then set to work stripping out of his clothes and pulling his suitcase out from the bottom of his closet and pulling out some female clothes. Kevin was soon wearing a bra and panty set, which he had filled out the bra cups with a cheap set of fake breasts he’d found in a sex shop while on a day trip to London a couple of months back.

He was soon slipping on a set of stockings and clipping them to a matching garter belt before he slipping into a red silk blouse and then a fake leather mini skirt. The final part of the outfit was a pair of black patent leather three-inch pumps. Kevin was soon checking himself out in the full-length mirror on the back of the door, and he liked what he saw there. From the neck down he looked like a woman, but he wasn’t brave enough to try using makeup, as he had no way of removing it without a trip down the hallway to the bathroom which he had to share with twenty other students. So Kevin would have to settle with just dressing for the time being. He did pull out a new pair of handcuffs though and locked his wrists together in front so he could carry on studying while he enjoyed some light bondage.

Kevin got dressed up most Friday nights and sometimes he even went to bed wearing his female undergarments while cuffing his hands together behind his back this time. He had done this on one night and was just falling asleep under his covers when he heard Brian come into the room and start getting ready for bed. Brian didn’t sound very happy about something, so Kevin guessed he’d not managed to pull a bed warmer for the night. That’s what Brian called all the girl’s he slept with, and there were a lot of them.

The key to the handcuffs was on Kevin’s desk, which was at the end of Kevin’s bed, and he couldn’t go and get it until he knew Brian was asleep. Kevin got bored with waiting and he must have fallen asleep because it was the early hours of the morning when he woke up and remembered what had happened. He lay in bed listening to Brian’s snoring for a couple of minutes while he got up the courage to slip out of bed and retrieve the handcuff keys from his desk at the end of the bed.

Kevin had never felt so afraid as he stood just feet away from his roommate while dressing in bra, panties stockings and suspender belt. Kevin was just glad he hadn’t gone to bed in his heels as well, something he had done a couple of times. He felt like he was finding every creaky floorboard on his way across the room, but he finally made it to the desk and found the key. Kevin slowly managed to remove the cuffs and he slipped them into his desk draw before he slipped back into bed still wearing his female clothes. His heart was pounding, but he felt so excited about it all. Kevin knew he would be trying it again, and soon.

The risk of getting caught by his roommate gave Kevin an added thrill, so he soon started dressing and going to bed with his hands locked behind his back, he then got some small pieces of chain and working out how to lock his heels onto his feet and adding those keys to the one for the handcuffs, so he would have to be even more careful not to wake Brian when he came back early the next time.

It was another month before Brian had another early night, and Kevin was wide awake under his covers with his hands locked behind his back, his heels locked onto his feet, and Kevin had even used a new ball gag he had not long brought. This too was locked on with the key added to the ever-growing pile on his key ring.

Kevin waited until he could hear Brian snoring, then he slipped out from under his covers and started to make his way to the end of the bed so he could retrieve the keys and then get back under his covers so he could remove all the bondage gear.

He managed to make it to the end of the bed without making to much noise, but in the dark he couldn’t see where he was going, and he hadn’t noticed the messy way Brian had gotten undressed. Kevin snagged one of his heels under the leg of Brian’s jeans and he fell towards into his desk knocking everything flying as he fell, unable to stop his fall due to his hands being cuffed behind his back.

The room light came on and Kevin rolled over to find Brian sat up in bed looking blurry eyed until he realised what Kevin was dressed in.

“What the hell are you doing?” Brian asked as he slipped out of bed and walked over to where Kevin was now sat on the floor looking up at him unable to speak due to the large ball gag in his mouth.

Kevin tried to speak, but just ended up mumbling something Brian couldn’t understand, so Kevin started looking for the keys to the cuffs and other stuff, but as he fell, Kevin had cleared most the stuff off his desk. Kevin saw the keys on the floor by Brian’s feet, but before he could get to them, Brian had already picked them up.

“I take it you need these to get free?” Brian asked with a grin.

Kevin sat on the floor nodding his head up and down.

“I’m going to remove the gag, but the rest of the stuff stays on, and I don’t want to hear a sound come out of your lips, or I will be forced to punish you.” Brian warned as he worked out which key he needed and was soon pulling the ball gag out with a pop.

“Thanks Brian.” Kevin said as he worked his aching jaw. “Please let me explain.” Kevin started to say, but looked shocked when Brian pushed the ball gag back into his mouth and did up the strap again, even tighter this time.

“I did warn you not to make a sound.” Brian said as he wagged his finger in Kevin’s face.

Brain grabbed Kevin under his arms and pulled him to his feet before walking Kevin over to Brian’s bed and then Brian sat down and pulled Kevin down across his lap before he started to stroke Kevin’s silk covered ass.

Kevin liked the feel of Brian rubbing his backside through the silk of the panties, but he was soon trying to scream around the ball gag when Brian spanked him.

“If you scream like that again bitch, you will find yourself out in the hallway dressed just like you are.” Brian growled in Kevin’s ear.

Kevin didn’t want that, so he had to bite down hard on the ball gag as Brian slapped him one after another on each cheek until Kevin thought his backside was on fire.

“If I remove the gag again, do you promise to be quiet this time?” Brian asked as he sat Kevin on the bed next to him.

Kevin winced at the pain he felt through his backside from the spanking, but he managed to nod a yes to Brain. Kevin turned so Brian could get at the gag, and this time he remained quiet once it was removed.

“That’s better.” Brian smiled. “Now I want you to tell me how you came to be dressed like this and all tied up like you are?” Brian asked.

Kevin just looked at Brian with a puzzled look as he tried to work out if this was a trick to make him speak, just so Brian could spank him again.

“I’m not trying to trick you Kevin; I give you permission to speak.”

Kevin started to explain how he had first started trying self-bondage and then how he only found it enjoyable while he was wearing female clothes, and Kevin went on to explain how he had gotten to the point where Brian had found him.

“I don’t understand this self-bondage thing.” Brian said as he looked at Kevin’s wrists cuffed behind his back. “If you can get free whenever you like, then it’s not really bondage is it?” Brian asked.

“If you set up a realise system, then you have to wait until the keys release before you can get free.” Kevin tried to explain.

“True, but you still have some idea of when you will be free though.” Brian argued. “I mean how do you feel at the minute, knowing that I have control over when you will be freed?” Brian asked.

“I feel really scared.” Kevin admitted.

“And so you should.” Brian said as he stood up and pulled Kevin to his feet as well.
“What are you doing now?” Kevin sounded nervous as Brian led Kevin back over to his bed and made him lie down on it.
“I’m putting you to bed.” Brian said in a matter of fact way as he pulled up the covers and left Kevin lying on his side still in female underwear and bound up. “You will get to see what it’s like to be in real bondage.” Brian added as he got back into his own bed and then turned off the light.

Kevin lay in the dark for some time before he finally fell asleep into a fitful sleep due to having his high heels locked onto his feet and his hands locked behind his back. Kevin was grateful that Brian hadn’t put the gag back in.

“Wakey- wakey sleepyhead.” Kevin heard Brian say as the covers were thrown back some time later.

Kevin opened his eyes and went to shield them from the sun blazing in through the now open blinds, but he soon remembered he was still handcuffed when he felt the cuffs hurting his wrists.

“Will you please let me go now?” Kevin asked in a pleading tone as he sat up in bad and swung his feet over the edge.

“I want to get some photos first, and then I will remove the cuffs.” Brian said as he got his phone out and started snapping shot after shot. “I want you to do some posing, make it look like you like doing this sort of thing.” Brain added as he kept snapping one shot after the other.

Brian was true to his world and he did remove the cuffs, but he wouldn’t let Kevin remove anything else.

“I want you to model all the other female clothes you own for me.” He ordered as he sat on his bed and waited for Kevin to start the modelling show for him.

Kevin didn’t own very much at the minute, so the show was a short one, but it seemed to make Brian happy and he finally let Kevin relax, but only if he wore the red silk blouse and the leather miniskirt on top of the underwear he had been wearing since the night before. Kevin’s feet were killing him due to the heels still being locked on his feet.

“How long do you plan to keep me dressed like this?” Kevin asked later that day. “I really need to go use the toilet.” Kevin complained as his bladder was now screaming for some release.

“Okay then, I’ll release you from all that stuff, but not until you make a home movie of how you ended up looking like you did last night.” Brian said as he handed Kevin the cuffs and the ball gag again.

Kevin let out a sigh as he took the items and stripped out of everything except the panties and then he started to dress again while Brian filmed it onto his laptop to make it look like Kevin was filming himself doing it all. Kevin was soon dressed and bound the same as when Brian first found out his secret, not realising at the time that he was digging himself a deeper hole to try and get out of later.

Brian stopped the recording and then he released Kevin from the cuffs and the shoes before letting Kevin slip out of the rest and then watched as Kevin shot out the room and down the hallways to the bathroom.

Kevin found himself dressed in female clothing whenever he was in their dorm room after that, and Brian would put Kevin into some form of bondage all the time. Kevin had to watch what he drank due to him not being able to leave the room and use the toilet while he was dressed. Things did get a little better for Kevin though, when Brian managed to get them a dorm room that had a private bathroom.

Brian found Kevin a cheap maids dress just before Halloween and Kevin was forced to wear it all the time and keep their new dorm room clean. Brian had also started looking online at different types of bondage, and soon Brian had ordered up some rope and Kevin found himself a test subject while Brian practiced his new hobby.

Kevin was keeping his collage work up to date, and he was even doing some of Brian’s for him as the term went on, and it was soon the end of the school year and Brian informed Kevin that he had found them a nice place off campus so Kevin could dress more often. Kevin didn’t want to dress any more than he did, and he was beginning to think that letting the world find out about his secret fetish for crossdressing and bondage wouldn’t be such a bad thing.

“I can’t afford to live off campus.” Kevin informed Brian when he told him.

“Don’t worry about it, I have it covered.” Brian said waving off Kevin’s worries.

Kevin was worried because he didn’t want to live off campus with Brian, but he was still more scared to argue with him, just in case Brian released the photos he’d been taking of Kevin while dressed in female clothes. In the end the two of them ended up moving into a nice apartment with plenty of room for the two of them.

“How can you afford all this?” Kevin asked once they had all their stuff moved in one Friday night.

“I’ve been doing some business deals and some website design.” Brian grinned as he handed Kevin a beer.

Kevin had a feeling that there was more to all this than Brian was letting on, but he took the beer and enjoyed it. Kevin was soon feeling a little weird and spaced out. Kevin thought he must have passed out because when he woke, he was chained to a metal bed frame with a leather hood over his head. He knew it was leather because of the smell attacking his nose.

“What have you done to me?” Kevin tried to say, but his mouth was packed with something stopping him from speaking. He pulled on the straps and bands holding him in place, but they were the real deal, and Kevin wasn’t getting out of them anytime soon.

“Good, you’re finally awake.” Brian said with a smile as he walked into the room. “We can start the photo shoot now.
Kevin looked around the room and saw that the room had been set up like the pros would do, and he was soon being photographed from all angles as he fought to try and free himself.
“I’m sure you’re trying to work out what’s going on, so I will explain it while I take these photos.” Brian said as he moved from camera to camera. “I posted some of the photos I took of you, and got a lot of interest as to where they could find more, so I made sure to blur out your face, and I made up a website that people needed to pay to gain access too, and you were quite the big hit I must say.”

Kevin’s mouth would have fallen open if it hadn’t been welded shut under the tight leather hood he was being forced to wear. Brian had been using images of him dressing in female clothing and bound, and then sold them to people online.

“That is how I’m able to afford this place and all this fancy new gear.” Brain said as he carried on taking the photos. “That’s good, keep trying to free yourself, it looks good on camera.”

Brian finally finished the shoot and he released Kevin from the bed a bit at a time, but he never gave Kevin a chance to escape any of the bondage he was now in. Once Kevin was free of the bed frame and his hands and feet were in steel cuffs locked together, Brian finally unlaced the hood and slipped it off Kevin’s head before he pulled a large wadded up cloth out Kevin’s mouth.

“You’ve gone too far with all this Brian.” Kevin complained as he tried to free himself from the steel cuffs without much success. Kevin got a shock when Brian lunged forward and punched Kevin in the stomach, dropping Kevin to his knees gasping for breath.

“We’ve only just gotten started you stupid little bitch.” Brian snarled. “You will spend all your time dressed as a woman from now on and in some form of bondage to go with it.” Brian warned as he dragged Kevin into another room and chained him to a wall before leaving and closing what looked like a cell door with a loud clank. “Feel free to scream all you want. I had this place sound proofed.” Were Brian’s parting words as he left through a second door just beyond the cell Kevin was now locked in.

Kevin couldn’t believe what he’d allowed to happen to him, and just how bad things were going to get. Kevin soon found out though when Brian returned some time later and unlocked Kevin from his cell and took him to another room where he put the hood back on Kevin’s head after packing out his mouth with more cloth to muffle Kevin’s cries for help into the camera when Brian started filming.

“I knew you were starting to think about coming clean with everyone. So I wouldn’t be able to keep using all the photo evidence I’d amassed.” Brian explained as he chained Kevin’s arms to the ceiling above his head. “I knew it was time to make you my permanent bondage slave.”

Brian left the room and returned some time later dressed all in black with a mask over his head, and a pair of dark sunglasses to stop anyone seeing his eyes. He was carrying some strange looking devices that Kevin couldn’t work out what they were until the last second, then Kevin fought with all his might to stop Brian putting it on him, but his hands were chained up far above his head and no use what so ever. Brian pulled down Kevin’s panties and then set to work fitting a metal tube around Kevin’s penis that had a curve in it, so Kevin’s penis was now bent down between his legs and easy to hide. Using some device Brian tightened the tube as tight as it would go. Brian then picked up what looked like a female chastity belt and started to fit that around Kevin’s waist and then he pulled it through between Kevin’s legs from the back and fitted the tube holding Kevin’s penis into another tube attached to the chastity belt and then brought the metal band up to the part wrapped around his waist and locked it in place.

“How does that feel Candy?” Brian asked in a weird sounding voice. Kevin thought he must be using some special device to stop anyone finding out who he is from his voice.

“I’m going to fucking kill you for this...!” Kevin screamed into the gag filling his mouth, but only faint mumbles were heard by the camcorder filming the show.

“I knew you would like it.” Brian laughed in the same creepy sounding voice. “And you will have to sit down to go pee pee from now on.”

“I don’t fucking like it, and why did you call me Candy? You asshole.” Kevin asked, but still only mumbles were heard by the camcorder and Brian.

Brian never answered, not that he had understood any of what Kevin had just said, but he did set to work removing the bra Kevin had been wearing and then Brian started gluing fake breasts to Kevin’s chest before putting the bra back on.

“This next part might be a little painful, but we need to train that virgin sissy cunt to take larger items.” Brian said as he held up a funny looking cone.

Kevin realised what it was and he was soon fighting to get free again as he saw Brian step behind him. Kevin felt something cold touch against his bum cheeks before he felt fingers working some sort of cold gel into his backside. Kevin started to scream louder and louder as he felt the butt plug starting to rip him in too. Even with the gag in his mouth, Kevin still made some noise.

“Relax now Candy, it’s in.” Brian said in a calming voice.

Kevin wanted to kill Brian at that minute for all the pain he was feeling. Kevin felt like his penis was in a vice, and it was only getting more painful as the feeling from the butt plug had aroused him a little bit, but his penis had no room to grow, so it was soon going limp again from all the pain he was in.

Brian picked up a length of chain and walked behind Kevin again and did something just before there were a couple of clicks and he walked back around to the front again.

“We don’t want to risk it falling out again.” Brain said.

Kevin knew that Brian had just locked the butt plug to the chastity belt somehow, and he was now stuck in the thing until Brian felt like letting him loose again, which Kevin knew was going to be some time.

Brian moved the camera a little and then he let Kevin down from the ceiling and walked him out of the room and back to his cell, but this time Brian didn’t chain Kevin to the wall, Brian just left the room and locked the cell door without removing the hood.

Kevin tried to remove the hood himself, but with his wrists chained so close together, he couldn’t get at the laces on the back of the hood. Kevin then tried to get the belt off, but he was having even less luck with that, so he gave up and went over to the small cot in the corner of the room and lay down to try and get some rest, which wasn’t easy with a huge butt plug stuck up his back passage and his penis in a small steel tube which stopped him getting an erection. Needing to finally go pee, Kevin felt ashamed when he had to sit down to do it, but he did feel better once he had.

Brian came back later in the day and he removed the hood and pulled out the cloth after he placed a tray with a salad on it and a bottle of water. “I’m putting you on a diet; you could do with losing some weight.” Brian said as he left the cell and locked the door again.

Kevin waddled over to the small table on the other side of the small room and gingerly sat down, wincing as the butt plug was pushed further into his back passage while his stomach hurt from the pressure of the chastity belt crushing his penis and belly.

He ate the meal using his fingers because Brian hadn’t given him anything to eat the salad with, and he drank the water before pushing the tray back through the small slot at the bottom of the cell door.

That’s how Kevin’s life went on after that, he would be hooded and then bound in some way while being filmed and photographed. Brian would tell Kevin he was a big hit and that they were making lots of money from it all, and he had been asked to loan Kevin out for other photo shoots, but Brian said Kevin wasn’t ready for that just yet, or Candy wasn’t because that is all Brian called him now, and he always called him, her, or she. Kevin tried to rebel, but soon stopped when Brian punished him for it, but always in a way that never left any marks for the camera to see.

Kevin found out that Brian had faked a letter telling the collage that Kevin had been struggling to keep up with the workload and he was leaving to go around the world to find himself. Kevin thought that a total load of bullshit, but no one ever came looking for him at the new place, so he guessed they must have bought it.

Brian started giving Kevin magazine articles on makeup and fashion, not that Kevin ever got to choose what he wore. He just put the clothes on that Brian gave him to wear.

Kevin was only ever taken out of the chastity belt long enough to shower and use the toilet. Soon Brian was forcing Kevin to wear a corset so he could train his waist down to a smaller size and make himself look even more feminine. All this was done on camera so Brian could charge people to see him being transformed into a woman. Kevin wondered if anyone ever thought this was all being done against his will, but Brian kept making the videos and taking the pictures.

Just when Kevin thought he would lose his mind from being locked up all the time, he was dressed and led out of his cell and up through the house and out into the garage where Brian’s car was parked with the trunk open. Kevin tried to back away, but he was no match for Brian and he was soon stuffed into the trunk and Brian put the leather hood over his head once Kevin’s mouth was stuffed with some old panties.

“That’s punishment for fighting with me just now.” Brian growled. “I’m being paid a lot of money to let you take part in a photo shoot, so I want you on your best behaviour.” He warned. “Or you will get a lot more of this.” Brian said as he pulled a small device that looked like a remote control out his pocket and pushed a button. Kevin let out a scream as the butt plug shot a painful bolt of electricity through his backside. Kevin had never felt pain like it, and he didn’t wish to feel it again, so he was going to keep quiet and do as he was told.

Brian closed the trunk lid and they were soon on the road heading to where ever this photo shoot was taking place. Kevin had no idea how long he was in the trunk of the car, but he was glad when they finally stopped and Brian opened the trunk and helped Kevin to get out.

“Remember what I told you.” Brian warned as he waved the remote in his face.

Kevin thought that the person doing the shoot would want the chastity belt off and the butt plug out, so Brian’s threat wouldn’t be worth much soon, but Kevin was wrong, as Brian had told them that the Chastity belt stayed on.

“My little slave here has been naughty, so she is being punished.” Brian explained.

‘Slave...’ Kevin thought as he was forced to stand next to Brian with a dog collar wrapped around his neck while Brian held the leash that he had attached to it.

“We can work with that.” The guy said as he led the two of them into a large room where a couple of women were being made up to look like dominatrix’s, while a man dressed just like Kevin, was stood chatting to them. Kevin realised that he was some sort of a stunt double for this man.

Kevin was led over to the two women and the other people buzzing around, and he was soon having a female doll mask pulled down over his leather one while being filmed. He was then strapped to a leather covered cross shaped frame while the two women proceeded to saran wrap him to the cross and then use duct tape over the top of that. Kevin couldn’t move a muscle by the time the two women were done with him. He was glad when he heard the director call it a wrap. Kevin thought it really was a wrap.

“You look really good all mummified like that.” Brian said when it was just the two of them in the room. “Don’t worry, we won’t be disturbed.” Brian chuckled. “They have all gone for the day and left me with the keys to lock up.” Brian dangled some keys in front of the doll head he knew Kevin could see him through.

Kevin knew this wasn’t good as he couldn’t move a muscle, not even his head, and he was still gagged and wearing the leather hood under the doll mask he was now in.

“I know you’ve been good, but I do wonder if you would have spoken, if I hadn’t told them to leave the leather hood on.” Brian said more to himself as a thought, than expecting an answer from Kevin. “So I’m going to punish you, so you understand for future photo shoots.” Brian added as he pulled the remote out his pocket and hit the button.

Kevin let out a muffled scream as the pain shot through his body and he tried to tense against the bonds holding him so tightly bound to the cross.

“You make it sound like that really hurts.” Brian chuckled as he hit the button again.

Kevin was panting heavily when Brian took his finger off the button as he tried to get enough air into his lungs, which wasn’t easy when he had been so tightly bound with saran wrap and duct tape, not to mention the corset he’d been so tightly laced into that morning.

“I think I will leave you here for the night, and we can head back home sometime tomorrow.” Brian said as he turned and walked away, stopping at the door long enough to turn off the lights before he left.

There were no windows in the room, so it was pitch black once Brian had left and closed the door behind him. Kevin had no idea of time or how long he would be left there, but he must have nodded off because when he next woke up, he was surrounded by people again, and Brian was stood back grinning.

“She’s a real trooper.” Brian said to a couple of women. “She told me to leave her there as she was having so much fun.

‘That lying bastard...!’ Kevin screamed out in his mind. ‘Can’t they see that I am still wrapped just how they left me?’ Kevin thought.

Kevin heard the director saying that he had some thoughts last night, and with Candy still being mummified, he would be able to do the new scenes today, and he would pay Brian for the extra days filming.

It was another long day and Kevin was in a lot of pain by the end of it as he was desperate for a pee and his ass was on fire from having the butt plug stuck in it for so long, and he was sore from not being able to move for the past two days. And he was so hungry and thirsty.

Kevin let out a sigh of relief when he saw Brian come over at the end of the day with a knife and he finally cut Kevin free from the cross just to watch Kevin fall to the ground in a heap unable to hold himself up.

Brian pulled Kevin to his feet and then helped him out to the car where Kevin was once again pushed into the trunk for the trip home. Kevin was so tired that he just fell asleep in the trunk and woke some time later to the smell of urine as he realised that he had lost control of his bladder while he slept.

“What the hell have you done...!” Brian screamed when he opened the trunk once the car was back in the garage back at the house. “You dirty little bitch...! You pissed in the trunk of my car...!” He screamed as he pulled Kevin out the car and threw him onto the ground before giving Kevin a couple of good kicks.

Kevin was in a lot pain on the floor as he curled into a ball trying to defend himself from the attack. Brian finally stopped kicking Kevin and then he grabbed the back of Kevin’s leather hood before dragging him through the house and down the stairs to the basement where Kevin’s cell was. Brian threw Kevin into the cell and walked off slamming the door behind him. Kevin was left wearing his soiled clothes and stuck in the leather mask because he couldn’t reach the laces at the back.

Brian came into the cell some time later and finally removed the hood and pulled the cloth out of Kevin’s mouth before forcing him to drink a bottle of water that looked and tasted nasty, but Kevin was so thirsty and he had no fight left to stop Brian forcing him to drink it anyway, so he did.
“How does that taste, you dirty little bitch...!” Brain snarled as he grabbed a good clump of Kevin’s hair which was getting long now.
“Not very nice.” Kevin replied in a croaky voice.
“Good...! Because that is the water I used to clean out the trunk in my car.” Brian grinned an evil grin. “Don’t worry though, it’s just dirty water, I never used any chemicals in it.” He added when he saw the worry on Kevin’s face.
“I’m sorry, but I hadn’t been allowed to go to the bathroom in two days.” Kevin complained.

“So you think this is all my fault do you...?” Brain snapped as he got to his feet and stormed out the room again. But he was soon returning with a Cain in his hand.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” Kevin said as he tried to move away from Brian, but he had nowhere to go to, and he was soon having his face slammed into the cot while Brian held him in place with one hand while swinging the Cain down on Kevin’s bottom with the other. Kevin was left sobbing half on his cot and half kneeling at the side of it as Brian stormed out the cell, slamming the door behind him.

Kevin had finally broken after that, and he did whatever Brian told him, and Kevin would go to sleep at night praying that he wouldn’t wake the next day and have to face more abuse and whatever else Brian’s sick little mind could think up, but he did wake and he had to put up with all sorts of sick and twisted bondage games.

One-time Brian had folded his arms and legs double, then Brian had wrapped Kevin’s whole body in saran wrap and then duct tape. When Kevin saw the video later, it looked like his arms and legs were missing half of them as he was left to flail around on the floor while Brian filmed it all.

Another time Brian had put him in a tight-fitting mummy bag and then hung him upside down from the ceiling for the rest of the day. Kevin felt sick when he was finally let down.

Kevin went on more and more photo shoots and had to perform more and more twisted acts for and with other people. One woman got off on sitting on Kevin’s face while Kevin fought to breath. Someone else liked to smother Kevin in custard and other foods while they rolled around on the floor in a small inflatable pool.

Brian had liked the idea of the doll mask, so Kevin wore one all the time when he was on film, or having photos taken. No one other than Brian had any idea what Candy looked like without the mask on, so no one would ever be able to work out it was Kevin Kane being forced to do all those things.

Kevin hit a low point in his life and started looking for ways to end it all, as Brian was getting more and more violent, so after a photo shoot in the basement dungeon, Kevin was left in his cell and he took the sheet off the bed and fashioned a makeshift noose before fixing it to an eyebolt in the ceiling and stepping off the bed. Kevin remembered seeing Brian run into the cell and cut the bed sheet before the world went dark.

“You will only die when I let you...!” Kevin heard Brian shouting at him when he came to sometime later.

Kevin groaned as he tried to move, but realised that he was strapped down to the chair in the dungeon so the only part of his body that could move was his head, and Brian was pacing back and forth looking more and more angrier as he did so.

“I’m going to show you just how little power you have over your own life you stupid little bitch.” Brian said as he picked up a plastic bag and shoved it over Kevin’s head and tied it in place around Kevin’s neck.

Kevin took some deep breaths but the more he took, the more he sucked the plastic into his mouth and the harder it got to breath until he was starting to pass out as his lungs burned for air that he just couldn’t get into his lungs.

Brian poked a hole in the bag and Kevin sucked in as much air as his tightly corseted waist would allow, but it was short lived as Brian put another bag over Kevin’s head and repeated the same thing again and again. By the time Brian had gotten bored, Kevin now realised just how much Brian controlled every part of his life. Brian had filmed it all, and would show it to Candy whenever she showed any signs of rebellion, not that there were ever many of them now

Kevin lost the will to fight or go against Brian after that, and soon Kevin was answering to the name Candy Cane and referring to himself as, her and a she.

Brian had made friends with some very questionable doctors during their photo shoots with other people, and Candy soon found herself taking testosterone blockers and female hormones, but not enough to get rid of Candy’s penis. Brian started calling Candy his chick with a dick. Candy didn’t care though because Brian had also got her on some other drug that made her more docile and more willing to do whatever Brian told her.

Candy didn’t care or panic now as she watched her waist get smaller thanks to the corset, while her breasts, backside and hips got bigger.

Brian wasn’t happy with the rate Candy’s breasts were growing, so he booked her in with a plastic surgeon that didn’t ask too many questions for the right price, and soon Candy was sporting a rather impressive set of breasts. He also got the surgeon to give Candy a nose job and alter her chin and cheek bones a little. Candy was in a lot of pain for a couple of weeks, but she was soon heeled enough for Brian’s next plan.

“I’ve got a job interview lined up for you at a night club.” Brian explained to Candy while the two of them were sat in the kitchen having breakfast one morning. Brian had stopped putting Candy in her cell some time back and she now had her own room again, and did whatever Brian told her.

“What do I do if they find out my secret?” Candy asked worriedly.

“You’ll be fine at this club; it may even get you a couple of customers.” Brian grinned.

“What do you mean?” Candy looked confused. Brian had stopped giving her such a large dose of the drug that had been making her so docile, but Candy still had trouble working things out at times.

“The club is called The Closet, and it has a lot of women like you working there, so you should fit right in.” Brian explained.

“But why do you want me to find a job?” Candy asked.

“I think it’s about time you learned to be a woman out in the real world, and you need to start paying your way.” Brian said with anger in his voice, which let Candy know that anymore questions would not end well for her. “Don’t worry; I’ll still have full control over you.” Brian smiled as he held up the dreaded remote to the always present butt plug ready to shock her at a single touch of a button.

Chapter Two: Candy’s New Job.

Candy looked at herself in her dressing table mirror to make sure her makeup was perfect before she got up from the table and checked out her outfit in the full-length mirror. Today was her big interview at the club, and she needed to look her best so she could get the job and keep her master happy, as that is how Brian like Candy to refer to him these days, or Candy would get punished for it.

Brian was going to drop Candy off at the club, and then he would wait for her to finish the interview before driving her back to the house. Brian still didn’t trust Candy enough to let her go out alone.

“You look amazing babe.” Brian said when he turned and looked to where he could hear the sound of heels on the hard wood floor in the hallway, just before Candy walked into the room.

“Thank you master.” Candy smiled.

“Let’s go see about getting you this job.” Brian said as he grabbed his jacket and led Candy out the house before locking the door and heading over to the car which was parked just outside the garage ready for them to get in.

Candy’s name had been legally changed to Candy Cane now, so Brian knew that she wouldn’t have any problems showing her ID, and Candy didn’t drive, so there weren’t any problems there. And Candy was seeing a shrink about her transitioning, even if it was all fake, but Brian had found a rather kinky doctor to sign off on it all just as long as Candy was available to fill his needs once a week.

Brian pulled up outside the club and Candy got out the car and made her way up the steps to where a man was stood watching guard at the door.

“Hello, my name is Candy Cane, and I have an appointment to see a Mrs Becky Clarke.” Candy smiled up at the tall man.

“Yes, please follow me.” The large man said as he led Candy into the club, locking the door behind them to stop anyone else entering the club while he wasn’t there to vet them.

Candy looked at the quiet club as she was led through to the back and then up a set of stairs to the VIP section and then to an office at the back where the man knocked on the door and waited for someone to invite him in.

“Come in...!” A female voice shouted.

The security man opened the door and then held it open for Candy to enter. “This is Ms Cane to see you Becky.” The man said with a smile as he looked at the woman sat behind a large desk with some papers neatly stacked in piles.

“Thank you Brad.” Becky smiled back at him. “Please come in and take a seat Ms Cane.” Becky added as she stood and indicated for Candy to take a seat on the other side of the desk.

Candy took the offered seat and she looked over her shoulder to see that the security man called Brad had already left the room and closed the door behind him.

“Would you like a drink before we get started with the interview?” Becky asked with a warm smile which helped Candy to relax.

“No thank you, but thank you for the offer.” Candy replied smiling back at Becky.

Becky was soon asking Candy all sorts of questions, which she had answers to because Brian had been grilling her for the past week on any and all questions that might be asked of her, and she was coming across as being very confident about herself.

“I do have a couple more people to see, but you are on the short list.” Becky said at the end of the meeting as she stood up and walked Candy to the front of the club where Brad was stood waiting with the door open ready for Candy to leave.

Brian was still sat waiting for her when she stepped out of the club, so she got into the car and Brian pulled away from the curb before he asked any questions. “So how did it go? Did you get the job or what?” He asked excitedly.

“I’m on the short list, but she said she had some others to interview yet.” Candy said sounding hopeful.

“You screwed something up didn’t you...!” Brian snapped as he slammed his hand down on the steering wheel. “You screwed it up and now you’re telling me this bullshit to stop me punishing you when we get home.”

“I’m not lying to you, and she really did say I was on a short list.” Candy pleaded.

“I give you a small taste of freedom, and you think you can talk back to me.” Brian snapped.

“I’m sorry Master.” Candy said as she looked down at her lap close to tears now.

“You will be.” Brian said.

The rest of the drive home was done in quiet as Candy worried about what punishment Brian would take out on her when they got home.

Once they were back at the house and the car was in the garage. Brian dragged Candy by her hair down to the dungeon where he made Candy remove all her clothes before he fitted her with a nasty pump up gag that made her cheeks puff out to a ridicules size before he closed the valve and unscrewed the pump. Candy let out a groan when she saw Brian grab the leather dog suit and started to force Candy into it.

The dog suit forced Candy down onto all fours so she had to walk about like an animal rather than a person. Candy’s feet were pressed into her bottom while her arms were held straight down with the aid of some steal bands stopping her from bending her arms. She knew better than to fight, so she just let Brian force her into the suit before he closed the zipper and locked it in place. Not that he really needed to lock the suit on, as she had no use of her hands to undo the zip at the minute anyway. Brian then inserted an inflatable tail into Candy’s bottom before pumping it up until Candy was whimpering just like a dog from the pain of the inflated object now sticking out her bottom.

Brian left the room and let Candy make her way back up the stairs at her own pace. Candy hated it when she had to move around like an animal, but she went to the basket in the corner of the kitchen and tried to get comfortable, while Brian sat reading the paper in silence.

Candy spent the next couple of days in the dog suit, and she was still in it when the phone rang and Brian answered it while Candy was still snoozing in her dog basket in the corner of the kitchen.

“Can I speak to a Ms Candy Cane?” A woman asked on the other end of the phone.

“I’m sorry but Candy can’t get to the phone at the minute.” Brian said as he looked at Candy in her doggy suit with her cheeks bulging out under the doggy mask tightly pressed into her face. “Can I pass a message on to her for you?” Brian asked.

“I was just calling to say she’s got the job at The Closet, if she still wants it.” The woman replied with a smile in her voice.

“I know she does, she’s done nothing but talk about it since she left the interview the other day.” Brian said as he looked at a frowning Candy now on her feet, or more paws as she made her way across the kitchen to where Brian was stood holding the phone to his ear.

“That’s wonderful. Can you please ask her to come by the club tomorrow afternoon, and we can get her uniform sorted out, and show her the ropes before she starts work tomorrow night.” The woman informed Brian.

“That’s great; she’ll see you tomorrow afternoon.” Brian said just before he ended the call.

Candy sat looking up at Brian and he stood looking down at her for a couple of minutes before he finally spoke to her. “You shouldn’t have spoken back to me, then you never would have ended up in that suit.” Brian walked away like it was still Candy’s fault she was stuck in the doggy suit still.

It was another couple of hours before Brian finally let Candy out of the suit so she could go and take a soak in a bubble bath and get rid of the stale sweat smell the doggy suit left her smelling off.

Candy was nervous the next afternoon as she was getting ready for her first day at work, but she was even more nervous when she saw Brian walk into her room carrying her chastity belt.

“Do I really need to wear that Master?” Candy asked as she looked down at the floor, knowing better than to make eye contact with him when asking a question.

“Yes you do because I want to make sure no one tries to get fresh with you.” Brian said as he set to work locking Candy into the chastity belt her penis was always in the tube. Candy was soon locked away and she bent over so Brian could insert the butt plug, which slid in much easier these days thanks to all the training she’d had over the years. Brian then locked the plug in place and let Candy finish getting ready.

Once Candy was dressing and Brian was happy with how she looked, he drove her over to the club and gave her a cell phone with just one number in it. “Call me when you finish, and I will pick you up in this spot.” Brian said in a warning tone just before he drove off, leaving her stood outside the club feeling very nervous suddenly.

Candy took a couple of deep breaths before she made her way up the steps and into the club. Candy followed the sound of some women talking and laughing and she soon found them.

“You must be Candy...!” One of the women shouted as she ran over to welcome Candy to the club. “I’m Di, this is Em’s and that bitch is DD.” Di said with a laugh as DD just stuck her tong out at Di.

“Hi Candy.” Em smiled. “Do you mind if we just call you CC?” Em asked. “Don’t hate me, but your full name makes you sound like a stripper.” Em laughed.

Candy had always thought the same thing, but she wasn’t about to tell Brian that. “I like the sound of that.” Candy smiled.

“Nice to meet you CC.” DD grinned.

“We better go and get you sorted out with a uniform so we can show you the ropes.” Di said as she led the way through a set of doors marked ‘Staff Only’ and Candy was soon being handed a uniform to put on.

The uniform was a gold coloured corset and matching coloured short flared skirt and gold panties that thankfully would cover her chastity belt and the corset was only for show, so it would fit nicely over her own corset which was much tighter than this gold one would ever go, and was locked on her thanks to the chastity belt that was locked on over the top of the corset.

Candy was soon dressed and ready for the three women to show her the ropes, which Candy picked up right away and was ready to start work when the club opened, but they had a little time to relax and get to know each other, so Candy sat and listened to the three women tell her about themselves. Candy found out the Em’s and DD were both pre-op Transsexuals, while Di was like her and had no plans to have the surgery, but lived full time as a woman, and had real breasts as well. Candy told them the story Brian had made her memorize until she felt like that really had happened to her.

Brian had come up with a story where Candy had been found by his parents and then kicked out of the house, and then forced to take dead end job after dead end job until he was able to start her transition, but was now happy living with her boyfriend and had no plans to have the final surgery, just like Di had said. Candy had said her boyfriend was Bi, so with her, he got the best of both worlds.

The club was soon open and Candy was kept busy for the rest of the night, but her night wasn’t all good, as she saw Brian watching her like a hawk on and off all night, and she was worried she might have upset him more than once, which made her make some foolish mistakes.

Candy was sad to see the night end, as she knew what she was going back home too, and she wondered what reason Brian would find to punish her this time. Not that Brian needed a reason to punish her.

Brian was sat in his car waiting for her when she stepped out of the club an hour after the club had closed, and he didn’t look very happy when Candy got in the car.

“Good evening Master.” Candy said as she put her seatbelt on. “I’m sorry that I am later than I hoped Master, but I was forced to stop and have an afterhours drink to welcome me to the club as a new employee.” Candy tried to explain.

“You should have called and let me know.” Brian said in a clipped tone as he pulled away from the curb heading for home. “That is what I gave you the cell phone for.” He added with a growl.

Candy knew that trying to explain more wasn’t going to help, so with her head looking down into her lap, she just said. “Sorry Master.” And she didn’t say another word all the way home.

Once they were back at the house, Candy wasn’t shocked when Brian dragged her down to the dungeon and grabbed a set of cuffs before he locked her wrists behind her back and then placed a posture collar around her neck and locked it to a chain coming from the ceiling. He took out all the slack in the chain using a winch system off to one side until Candy was almost on tiptoe still wearing her heels.

“Let’s see how you like hanging around waiting for me to turn up.” Brian snarled just before he turned and left the room.

Candy’s feet already ached from being on them all night, and if she fell asleep now, she would hang herself, but Brian was too clever to let that happen, so whenever there was too much weight pulling down on the chain, it would loosen enough to stop Candy chocking, and the butt plug still stuck inside her would send a shock into Candy’s backside waking her up again. This is how Candy spent the rest of her night, but Brian did turn up the next morning and let her down before taking the cuffs off and the chastity belt. Candy staggered up to her room and collapsed onto her bed and was asleep before her head hit the pillow.

Brian woke Candy later in the day and told her to run a bath as she looked a mess, and he needed her looking her best when she went to work later that day.

Candy did as she was told and by the time she was done in the bathroom, she was ready for something to eat, so she went down to the kitchen and found that Brian had gone out some place. She never bothered trying to escape because she knew that Brian always locked her in the house when he went out, and if she had tried to open one of the doors, he would know about it somehow.

Once Candy had finished her light meal. Brian still had her watching her weight. Candy made her way back up to her room and started to get ready for work. She was sat in the living room flicking through a magazine when Brian finally got home a little later.

“Good, you’re ready for work.” Brian said when he walked into the living room. “Stand up so I can take a look at you.”

Candy got to her feet and waited for Brian to look her over from head to toe. He checked her hair, makeup, nails and outfit before he started tutting at her for some reason. Candy ran through her dressing process and couldn’t think of anything she’d missed.

“Where is your chastity belt?” Brian asked.

“I’m sorry, but I don’t know where Master keeps it, or I would have put it on.” Candy said as she realised she couldn’t have done what Brian wanted anyway.

“Well you shouldn’t have finished getting ready then.” Brian whispered in her ear. “Follow me.” He said as he turned and left the room.

Candy followed close behind and she was led down to the dungeon where Brian walked over to a cupboard and was soon walking back over to Candy with another of her chastity belts. Candy’s penis was always kept in the steel tube now, so it didn’t take Brian long to have the chastity belt on and locked securely around Candy’s waist. Candy was tempted to take a step away from Brian when she saw the size of the butt plug he intended to put up inside her, but she knew that would only make things worst in the long run, so she just bent over and braised herself for the intruder.

“Relax baby, just relax and let it slide into you nice and tight.” Brian said as he slowly eased the plug deeper and deeper.

Candy whimpered as it got more and more painful as the plug stretched her rose bud wider and wider. Candy let out a sigh when she felt the plug get pulled in the rest of the way until it was firmly seated against her bottom.

“I’m sure you won’t forget, again will you?” Brian asked once Candy was stood up again and pulling her panties back up over the now chained in butt plug and chastity belt.

“No Master and I am sorry Master.” Candy said as she looked down at the floor waiting for Brian’s next command.

“I have also added something to make sure you’re not going to keep me waiting tonight either.” Brian said as he played around with a small remote.

Candy let out a small squeal when the butt plug gave her a small shock, but she soon recovered again and remained quiet while Brian finished with the remote.

“That gift I’ve let you look after, has a built-in timer, which I have set to go off just after two thirty tomorrow morning, so if you don’t want to get shocked again, you better be in my car before it goes off, or you will suffer until we get home.” Brian warned.

“Yes Master.” Candy said. She knew better than to think Brian was making an idle threat, he never had before and she didn’t think he was about to start now.

Brian dropped Candy off outside the club, and she struggled to get up the steps as she fought with the large plug that made her waddle more than normal, but to anyone looking at her, it just looked like a very sexy walk.

Candy had another busy night and she was asked to join them all for a drink again, but she said she was tired and her boyfriend would be waiting outside for her, so she left and was sat in Brian’s car with ten minutes to spare.
“I’m glad to see that you can learn from your mistakes.” Brian said as he drove away from the club.

Candy was looking nervous as she hadn’t seen Brian turn off the timer on the butt plug, and it was getting closer and closer to two thirty. Brian pulled up to a set of traffic lights just as the clock in the car clicked over to two thirty. Candy winced as she waited for the pain to start, but nothing happened, but then she felt the pain rip through her and she had to use all her will power not the scream out in pain.

Brian slowly removed the remote from his pocket and hit a button to stop the plug from shocking Candy, and she just slumped in the seat wanting to ask him why he had shocked her anyway, but he already had an answer for her.

“That was just to let you know that I wasn’t lying to you.” Brian said it in such a tone as to make it sound like he had done her a big favour by shocking her.

“Tha... Thank yo... Thank you Master.” Candy stuttered out as she tried to get her breathing under control again.

“Anything for you my pet.” Brian smiled just before he pulled off again and drove the rest of the way home.

Candy soon dropped into a routine of working at the club six nights a week, and the rest of her time was spent doing more photo shoots for Brian and his ever-growing group of friends. Candy always turned up to the shoots wearing a mask of some sort, and she was always gagged underneath so she couldn’t speak. Brian didn’t want anyone seeing her image online and tying it to the girl working at the club.

“Do you speak too many of the customers while you serve them their drinks?” Brian asked out of the blue one night as he drove Candy to work.

“Some Master, but I am kept quite busy, so I don’t have much time to stand around talking, Master.” Candy said as she kept looking down at her lap like Brian had tort her.

“I’ve been thinking of finding you a sister to help with the shoots and join you in the bondage experience.” Brian grinned as he looked over at Candy. She did notice him looking at her out the corner of her eye, but she knew better than to look at him, and she had to try very hard not to let him see the fear on her face as she thought about some other poor girl going through what she has. “Do you not have anything to say my pet?” Brian asked.

“I’m not sure how Master wishes me to reply.” Candy mumbled nervously. “I like having you all to myself Master.” Candy lied.

“I think there is more than enough of me to go around.” Was Brian’s response, which Candy knew meant that Brian was going to capture another girl, and he was going to do it at the club.

Candy finally understood why he had got her the job at the club. It was so he could find another girl like her and force this new girl down the same path as he had her.

Brian dropped Candy off at work and drove away again, leaving Candy looking up the road at Brian’s car driving away. She couldn’t let anyone else suffer what she’d been through and still was going through, but she had no idea how she was going to stop him carrying out his plan.

Candy was even more worried later in the night when she saw Brian in the club chatting to a girl that was new to the club. He was being nice to this girl and Candy could tell it was someone new to the crossdressing scene, but the girl was giggling and falling for all of Brian’s cheesy chat up lines.

“CC...! Get those drinks to that table...!” Di shouted when she saw that Candy hadn’t taken her tray of drinks away yet.

Candy snapped out of her worries and took the drinks, but as she passed the table where Brian was sat with this new girl, she saw him slip something into the girl’s drink while she wasn’t looking. ‘Shit, he’s going to take her tonight.’ Candy thought to herself. Without giving it any real thought, Candy faked a trip and sent her tray of drinks slamming into the drinks on Brian’s table, watching as they all got wiped out, including the one Brian had just spiked.

Becky and Brad had been close by and they both came over to calm down the scene after seeing Candy trip and spill the drinks. The woman that had been sat with Brian was franticly trying to dry her dress, while Brian had faded off into the background not wanting to be seen by the management at the club. Candy had seen Brian look angrily at her just before he vanished into the crowd.

“I’m really sorry Miss.” Candy said as she tried to help the woman get her dress dry.

“We’ll sort it from here Candy.” Becky said as she waved Candy away to carry on sorting out the other customers.

Candy wondered if the woman had any idea just how close she had come to becoming a slave for the rest of her life to a total asshole, but she was soon serving drinks again, while looking out for Brian hiding in all the dark corners of the club. She didn’t see him again that night, not until she left the club and saw him sat in his car.

Brian got out his car and walked around to the back of the car and opened the trunk just before he waved Candy over to him.

“Good evening Master.” Candy said as she stood in front of him looking down at the road between the two of them.

Brian didn’t speak; he just punched Candy in the stomach and then pushed her into the trunk of the car where he cuffed her hands to one side of the trunk and her feet to the other before slamming the trunk down and getting back behind the wheel and driving away at speed.

Candy knew he must be really mad, because he had hit her right out in front of the club before adding bondage. Candy was soon screaming out in pain when the plug in her backside sprang to life shocking her every couple of seconds. The pain got too much and she couldn’t stop herself from screaming out in pain. The car stopped and the trunk opened so Brian could gag her with a large dirty rag which he then covered with a leather hood with no eye holes. Candy heard the trunk lid slam down just before she felt the car moving again. The shocks carried on until she was dragged into the house and down to the dungeon.

“I’m going to make you feel sorry you were ever born you stupid little bitch.” Brian snarled as he dropped Candy onto the floor and went to get some rope off a shelf.

Candy couldn’t see anything through the hood, but she had a pretty good idea what he was doing when she felt her wrists being tied together, and then he did her feet before pulling her feet and hands together, but he kept pulling until her feet were between her shoulder blades and he tide off her hands to her knees before wrapping a rope around her chest and then tying her feet off to that rope. Candy was in a lot of pain now, and she knew she couldn’t hold this pose for very long as all her muscles were already aching, but at the same time she had no way of stopping Brian from leaving her like this.

“Let’s see if you feel as brave in the morning bitch.” Brian snapped as he gave Candy a good kick in the stomach as she had rolled onto her side the minute Brian let her go.

Candy groaned into the gag in her mouth as she felt the kick impact her stomach, but that pain just mixed in with all the others as she tried to cope with being so tightly bound. This was by far the worst bondage she had ever been put into, and she knew she wasn’t going to be getting out of it any time soon.

She tried to relax into the bondage and find her dead zone, the space she went to when the bondage got boring, or painful, but it wasn’t working this time and Candy felt like years had passed before she felt Brian cutting her ropes again. Candy’s face slammed into the hard floor and her legs did the same, but she couldn’t move because she had lost all feeling in her arms and legs. Candy was worried she might never be able to use them again.

“When you feel like moving you lazy bitch, go and get yourself cleaned up and ready for work.” Brian said as he kicked her in the side again.

Candy slowly felt the feeling coming back into her limbs as well as a bad case of pins and needles which were almost as bad as the shocks from the butt plug. Once she could move her arms, she managed to undo the laces on the hood and remove it before pulling the rag out her mouth. Candy then managed to sit up and untie her legs so she could struggle to get up the stairs to her bedroom where she ran herself a bath and undressed while it filled up.

She took a long soak and must have fallen asleep because the water was cold when she woke and climbed out feeling a little better than when she got in. After drying herself off Candy eased herself down into the chair at her vanity and looked at the tired face looking back at her.

Candy worked as best she could with her hands still feeling numb as well as her wrists looking sore and bleeding in places, just like her ankles were. Candy knew Brian had gone too far this time. She knew her life was over, but she wasn’t going to help him do this to another girl, so she planned to go to the police.

Brian was acting like last night never happened when he finally came home to see how Candy was doing with getting ready for work. Candy was stood in her bedroom waiting for Brian to fit her chastity belt with her skirt held up, so Brian set to work and only used a normal sized plug on her this time.

“I know you acted out of jealousy last night my pet, but I am going to give you a sister to share your bondage with.” Brian said with a smile in his voice.

‘The selfish prick actually believes that crap.’ Candy thought to herself. But all she said was. “Sorry Master.”

Candy had sorted out some fingerless lace gloves to wear to work that day, so she could hide the marks on her wrists. Candy thought it made her look like a throwback from the eighties when Madonna wore them, but Candy thought it better to look like that than have people see the angry bleeding sores on her wrists.

“May I ask a question Master?” Candy asked when Brian pulled up outside the club.

“You may.” Brian replied and then waited for Candy to ask it.

“Will you be at the club later?” Candy asked nervously, not sure if Brian might lose his temper with her.

“No my pet, I will keep away for a couple of days just in case anyone saw me trying to chat up that other little toy from last night.” Brian said with a smile. “Now get out the car and go to work for me my little pet.” He added as he put the car in gear ready to pull off as soon as Candy was out the car.

“Becky’s looking for you.” Em’s warned Candy once she was in her uniform and ready to start work.

Candy left the staff room and went to see if she could find Becky so she could find out what the boss wanted to see her about.

Becky was talking to one of the bar tenders with her always present body guard called Brad, who was the size of a small house, and it all looked like muscle. Candy waited for Becky to finish with the bar tender before she stepped over to find out what Becky needed to speak to her about.

“Em’s said you wanted to see me Ma’am?” Candy had to stop herself calling Becky ‘master’.

“Yes I do, and please call me Becky.” Becky smiled as she waved off the whole ma’am thing.

“Okay Becky.” Candy said, finding it hard to speak like this to anyone these days, after being punished for doing such things in front of Brian.

“I want to speak with you about last night, and what you did to that man.” Becky frowned.

“I’m not sure I know what you mean Becky.” Candy said trying to keep the worry out her voice.

“Brad and I checked the CCTV footage earlier today, and it clearly shows you heading well out of your section and then tripping so you could wipe out all those drinks and the one that a man had spiked with something.” Becky explained.

“It looked like you tripped on purpose so you could wipe out that spiked drink.” Brad added.

Candy looked up at Brad as he stood with his arms folded across his chest, which made him look even scarier. “I really did just trip while I was trying to be clever and take a short cut around a large crowd of people.” Candy lied. “If there’s nothing more, I would like to get back to work now?” Candy asked hopefully, but turned and started to walk away. Candy was soon wincing in pain when Becky grabbed her wrist to stop her walking away.

“What’s wrong with your wrist?” Becky asked as she lifted Candy’s arm up and pulled the lace glove down so she could see why Candy had just winced with pain.

“Nothing is wrong, I just twisted it funny while excising earlier today.” Candy said as she tried to pull her wrist away from Becky.

Becky wasn’t buying Candy’s response and she carried on pulling the glove down, and Brad had now stepped closer, letting Candy know that he would hold her and let Becky take a look if he had to. “Who did this to you Candy?” Becky growled when she saw the state of Candy’s wrist.

“I did it at the gym...” Candy started to lie, but Becky held up her hand and stopped Candy speaking.

“I know a rope burn when I see one Candy, and this was made by some carless fool tying the rope far too tight.” Becky said as she checked Candy’s other wrist and found the same deep cut lines that were also weeping with blood.

“My boyfriend and I got a little carried away last night when I got home from work.” Candy blushed as she hoped her lie would stop Becky asking more questions.

Becky still didn’t believe Candy, but there was nothing she could do if Candy wasn’t willing to talk about it. “I think you should think about looking for a better boyfriend, as this one has no idea about safe bondage play.”

“I think he learned his lesson when I’d finished shouting at him.” Candy smiled to hide the worry she was feeling.

“Let me give you this, and please try and get a little more rest, as you are looking really tired.” Becky said sounding worried as she pulled a business card out her purse and then wrote something on the back of it. “This is my cell number. Call me if you ever need any help, or someone to chat to.”

“Thank you, Becky.” Candy grinned as she took the card off Becky and then slipped it into the pocket of her uniform until she could find a safer place for it later.

Becky let Candy return to work, but she looked at Brad and the two of them both knew that Candy knew more about the man and the spiked drink than she was letting on.

Candy didn’t have a very good night at the club due to her already being so tired before she even got there, so she was glad when the night finally ended and she was able to leave the club and get in Brian’s car.

“Good evening Master.” Candy said as she looked down at her lap like she’d been tort.

“Hello my pet.” Brian said sounding pleased with her for once.

Candy was so tired that she was soon asleep thanks to the rocking motion of the car driving down the road. Brian woke her when they got back to the house and she went inside and up to her room where Brian entered and removed her chastity belt so she could remove her corset and get ready for bed.

Brian didn’t show up at the club for the next couple of days, other than to drop Candy off and then pick her up again. He had also not felt the need to punish her either, and Candy wondered if it was due to the damage he’d done to her the other night, which he could still see every time he was in the same room as Candy.

It was the Saturday before Candy saw Brian in the club again, but she was being kept busy behind the bar tonight, so she couldn’t help any girl that Brian found, but she did try to keep an eye on him as he walked around the club.

Brian finally found someone he liked and he was soon sat chatting the woman up and buying her drinks. Candy kept trying to watch for him spiking her drink, but she must have missed it because the next time she looked at the table where he was sat, the seats were empty and Candy could just make out Brian leaving the club, helping the woman walk due to her being drugged, but to everyone else, she just looked very drunk.

Candy left the bar and tried to go after Brian and warn one of the bouncers that she thought someone had been drugged and taken against her will, but Brian had vanished when Candy got to the main entrance. Candy knew she had to get back to the house and stop Brian before it was too late, so she ran down the steps and started running down the road hoping to find a taxi and flag it down, but she took a couple of turns this way and that, and she was soon lost and there wasn’t a taxi or car of any type around for her to get help from.

“I’m not anyone’s hero.” Candy said as she looked around trying to find someone to help her. She’d run back to the club if she knew which way to go, but she didn’t, so she started walking in the general direction she thought the club was, but she just got more and more lost in the back streets of London.

Candy thought her luck was about to change when a car came around the corner and slowed down next to her and the passenger window lowered.

“Hello Miss. How much do you charge?” The man asked nervously.

Candy was just about to tell the creep to piss off when the whole street was lit up with blue flashing lights as a police car pulled up behind the other car that had stopped thinking she was a hooker. Candy went to walk away, but had to stop when she heard a female voice talking to her.

“Stop where you are Miss...!” The female officer said as she flashed a light in Candy’s eyes blinding her for a second or two. “Can I please see some ID?” The officer asked when she reached the spot where Candy was stood.

“I don’t have any ID on me officer.” Candy tried to explain as she pattered her corset and skirt, which Candy now realised did make her look like a hooker when she wasn’t in the club with all the other girls dressed the same way.

“Do you have a name?” The officer asked with a raised eyebrow like this wasn’t the first time someone like Candy didn’t have any ID on her.

“Candy Cane.” Candy said, then realised just how stupid this all sounded.

“Do you have a real name other than your street name?” The officer sighed like she wasn’t in the mood for playing around tonight

“Candy Cane is my real name.” Candy pouted.

“Did your parents not like you or something?” The officer asked sarcastically. I’m sorry Miss, but if you’re not going to give me your proper details, then I will have to place you under arrest.” The officer said as she pulled out her handcuffs and stepped closer to Candy while reaching out for Candy’s wrist so she could place the cuff on it.

Candy freaked out when she saw the cuffs because all she thought was what Brian could do to her once he had her hands cuffed. Candy lashed out and hit the officer on the side of the head knocking her off her feet. Candy tried to make a run for it, but she was soon being grabbed from behind by a male officer who was far too strong for Candy to get away from and she was soon being stuffed into a police van when it arrived.

Once they had Candy at the police station, they soon found out that she wasn’t a female when they found the chastity belt and a locksmith was called to remove it and they saw Candy’s penis trapped inside the steel tube. Some of the officers started treating her even worse than they were before they found out her secret. Candy hadn’t made any friends by attacking an officer to begin with, but add the fact she wasn’t a she, and life was beginning to look even worse for her.

“Tell us your real name...!” A male officer barked at Candy once they had her in an interview room. Candy was now wearing a white paper suit and she had no idea where her clothes were.

“My name is Candy Cane.” Candy said for the hundredth time while looking down at the floor, just like she did when Brian was anger with her.

The officer slammed his fist down on the table making Candy jump, then the officer stood up and left the room.

“She’s not talking.” He said as he ran his hand through his hair with frustration. “Didn’t you find anything on her, him, it?” The officer asked not sure what to refer to Candy as.

“All we could find on her was a business card for a night club called ‘The Closet’ An officer said as he picked up the card and handed it to the other officer.

The officer took hold of it and looked it over. “There is a cell number on the back of the card, as anyone tried calling the number to see if they might have some answers for us?”

“No, but I will call it now if you want me to.” The other officer said as he took the card back and punched in the number on the back of the card.


Becky was looking over some CCTV footage with Brad and a couple of police officers due to someone reporting their friend had gone missing from the club, and someone had seen her being taken out of the club by a man, and her friend had looked really drunk, but her friend didn’t drink.

“Isn’t that the same guy from the other night?” Becky asked as she looked at Brad.

“It sure looks like him, and look, there goes Candy chasing after him.” Brad pointed out as they saw Candy run past the same camera that they saw the man go past a couple of minutes earlier.

“Do you think they were working together?” Becky asked.

“Why would she throw a tray of drinks over him one night, just to help him a couple of nights later?” Brad looked confused.

“You do have a point, so do you think she was actually trying to stop him from taking that girl tonight, and also stopped him the other night?” Becky was thinking out loud.

“I’ll go and find Candy so we can ask her.” Brad said as he left the room to go and fetch Candy back up to the room so she could answer some questions and hopefully help then find this woman.

Becky was checking some of the other cameras when Brad came back with some bad news. “Candy left earlier and she’s not come back.”

“I’ve just seen her leave the club through the main entrance on this monitor.” Becky said. “The time stamp said it was just over an hour ago around the same time that mystery man left with the girl.” Becky sounded frustrated.

“I still find it hard to think that Candy would have anything to do with that girl being taken.” Brad frowned.

Becky was just about to speak when her cell phone started ringing. She looked at the display and didn’t know the number so she answered it just in case it was important. “Becky Clarke speaking.”

“Hello Mrs Clarke, this is Sun hill police station, we were hoping you might be able to help us ID a female that we arrest earlier this evening.” The voice on the other end of the phone explained.

“What makes you think I can help you?” Becky sounded confused.

“The only thing she had on her when we arrested her was a business card with your name and cell number on the back.” The officer explained.

“Does this woman have a name?” Becky asked.

“She is calling herself Candy Cane, but we don’t think that is her real name.” The office said with humour in his voice.

“You have Candy there at your station?” Becky sounded excited to hear this bit of news. “We had a young woman drugged and taken from the club this evening, and we think that Candy might be able to help us find her.” Becky explained.

Becky handed her phone to one of the officers in the room with her and the two of them spoke for a couple of minutes before he ended the call and handed Becky her phone back.

“Apparently this Candy was arrest for prostitution and assaulting a police officer when she was being arrested.” The officer explained what the other officer had just told him.

“Prostitution...?” Becky was shocked to hear. “And assault...?”

“Yes, that’s what they just told me, but we can go down there and talk to her.”

Becky and Brad grabbed their coats before they followed the officers out to their patrol car so they could take them to speak with Candy.


Candy was still sat in the interview room feeling a little weird now she was out of the chastity belt and the butt plug had been removed. She realised that for the first time in a long time she was totally free of Brian’s control over her. The down side was, she was looking at some serious prison time for hitting a police officer.

The door opened and Candy looked up to see the officer that had been shouting at her walk in followed by another officer and then she saw Becky and Brad walk in.

“Becky...!” Candy shouted; glad to see a friendly face. “Please tell them that I’m not a hooker.” Candy pleaded.

“Not a hooker, you should have seen how she was dressed when we picked her up.” The officer that had tried to interview her scoffed.

“She was dressed in the uniform of the night club where she works, and I run.” Becky snapped at the officer in Candy’s defence.

“How do you explain where she was picked up, and the fact she was touting for business?” The officer asked in a smug tone.

“She was trying to chase after a man who had taken a girl from our club after he drugged her.” Brad said as he got in the officer’s face looking angry at the way he was treating Candy.

“I think you better wait outside while we talk to her.” The officer from the club said to the other officer.

“We need your help to find this guy who took the girl tonight from the club Candy.” Becky said as she sat down next to Candy and took hold of her hands. “We saw it was the same man that you threw the tray of drinks over the other night.” Becky pleaded.

“Do you know who this man is Candy?” The officer asked.

“Yes I do.” Candy nodded. “He is the same man that kidnapped me six years ago and turned me into his slave.” Candy started to sob as she admitted the truth about her past for the first time.

Candy gave them Brian’s address and explained the layout of the house so they knew where to look, and she warned them that she had seen Brian with a gun a couple of times, and he had once put the barrel in Candy’s mouth while pretending to play Russian roulette.

Becky was shocked to hear what Candy had been through, and she had only heard a little part of Candy’s past, but she made herself a promise to help this poor woman get her life back.

The officer made some calls and he soon had a tactical team put together, and all the right paperwork to gain access to Brian’s house so they could search it and hopefully find the woman before any harm was done to her.

“You have to believe me Becky when I say I had no idea he was going to use your club to abduct another woman and use her like he has me.” Candy sobbed as Becky hugged her.

“I believe you Candy.” Becky said as she stroked the back of Candy’s head while she held her close.

Candy relaxed a little and she was soon answering Becky’s questions and telling her all about her last six years of hell and the fact that all her changes were done against her will. Becky felt sick as Candy told her all the evil things that this Brian had done to her.

Some time had passed before the officer from the club entered the room and told them what had happened. “We’ve found the girl safe and sound. She was still too drugged for him to do anything, so we got to her just in time.”

“And what about him?” Becky growled.

“The armed response unit went in and he had a gun. He was asked a number of times to put the weapon down, but he refused, so the officers had to use deadly force.” The officer explained.

“So he’s dead?” Candy asked with hope in her voice.

“Yes, he was pronounced dead at the scene.” The officer sighed, not happy with the end result, as none of them liked to take human life.

“I don’t have anywhere to go now.” Candy said as she looked a little shocked to hear that the man responsible for all her suffering was dead, and would never hurt her again, or anyone else. “Well other than prison.” Candy added when she remembered where she was.

“You’re not going to prison.” Becky frowned.

“I assaulted a police officer.” Candy reminded Becky.

“We can get all that sorted out, but you will be coming with me, because I know just the place for you to live while you get your life back on track.” Becky smiled.

The officer let Becky and Brad take Candy away with them after they agreed to bring Candy back to give a statement the next day.

To Be Continued.

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