SWTOR: The Wish of One Affected the Other: Temple

Tython Jedi Temple

As we walked up to the temple entrance, I expected to receive a call from Satele Shan. It didn't come as we entered or as I looked at the real foyer to the temple.

"Jedi, you both look new to the temple, and you both need to clean up and eat from the looks of things." The knight stated looking over us. "If I can get your names, I will update your pads for the location of your quarters."

"I am Padawan Cort Hintal." he replied.

"Ah yes Master Yuon's Padawan." the knight pressed a few buttons and Cort's pad beeped. He than looked at me.

"Padawan T'aa Onasi." I stated. "I think I need two refreshers." I smiled hoping he would at least chuckle, but his face showed a bit of excitement.

"Ah the padawan who nearly took out two hundred Flesh Raiders by herself. Impressive." He remarked. My pad beeped as I was a bit stunned. Did I really kill that many?

"It was indeed, but sad as they are not mindless. They think just like us." I replied. His excitement was replaced by understanding. I strangely felt like I had passed a little test. I didn't like that at all. Then again that was why most of the knights were here. Cort headed off into a different direction on the other side of the temple. I headed in the direction of Master Din's quarters, and I was surprised that I found it without looking at my pad. I did look to see if this was where I was supposed to be and it wasn't. I wasn't far off as I walked a few steps and entered a room with six bunks. Eleven were filled with sleeping girls. From the state of some of them they had fought most of the day just barely making it to their bunk. I smiled as I spot my chest in front of one of the bunks. I pulled out my hygiene kit and a robe before heading to the refresher down the hall.

I groaned as soon as I looked in the mirror the once clean armor was covered in dirt, grim, and blood. My face was as well and my hair was covered as well. Now seeing it my head started to itch. I debated taking the armor off and cleaning it or wearing it in the shower. I didn't feel like taking the time with so much grim. The shower took most of the gunk off with high pressure and heat. My under armor kept me dry during the cleaning. Piece by piece it came off until I just wore the bodysuit. I sprayed it down as well and pushed the water off the suit with the Force. I felt pain as I peeled the suit off. Every pressure point burned and many other spots hurt. I was bruised in quiet a few places. Naked I sat and concentrated on the Force and clearing each painful spot. I didn't think I healed them, but I had at least blocked the pain for a while. Once I felt better, I passed a mirror showing me my body for the first time. I was petite, but each muscle was defined beneath the skin. Nowhere close to a body builder, but perfectly toned out. The only thing I could find fault in was that I lacked color compared to my face and arms, not that they were very tan. My breasts were pert and fit my body. Not having anything I could measure them with didn't help, but would pass the pencil test. From a guess I would say 30C or 28D. I saw the sizes she had, and they had no reference to what I knew from Earth. I was definitely slightly bigger in comparison to the Swtor standard body size. I stepped into the shower and hit the sonic button.

The vibrations started at my feet and traveled up my legs. Water knocked the fine dust that separated from my body. My hair stood out as I freed it from the holders. I was vibrating all over my body and not being familiar with the feeling I was quickly aroused. In fact, I couldn't move as the sonic rhythm hit a cord within me. I knew a female's orgasm was different, but the sonic shower brought it to a higher level. I screamed out as I suddenly had a mind-blowing orgasm. Water flew everywhere as I lost control of the Force. It felt like forever had gone by as I struggled to turn it off. Once I did, I whimpered on the floor crying and giggling for a good ten minutes.

"You know they should put a warning holo up." I flared into a blush that would have lit the room. I looked over to the direction of the voice and saw no one.

"Whose there?" I squeaked. I heard a chuckle.

"Someone who was concerned. I came in here and I thought a Force Storm had taken over to find a young padawan lost in the grasp of the evil sonic shower." An older voice replied. "There is no shame in what happened, but you should refrain from using it again. It works great if you are dressed, but over stimulates the body if you lack clothing. Seeing that you are okay, I will retire back to my meditation, young padawan." I got up and weakly made my way to the archway, but she was already gone. Not only had she killed my buzz she knew exactly what happened. My legs were shaking and it took a bit of meditating to recover. I finished up, combed and redid the braids before I felt normal again. Once I had my robe on and my gear in my arms I quickly made it back to my quarters. I laid the armor out on the bed and picked out a robe that reminded me of the Humble Hero's set. My stomach complained and I hurried off quietly to the cafeteria once I had my blades on my side.

It felt that everyone's eyes were on me as I entered. Which was true for a few seconds. I didn't feel anything from them and relaxed as my stomach took over. I had no problem filling my tray with food I knew the names of, but not the taste. Once I started eating, I liked most of it. Nerf patties tasted just like beef which was a let down, but it was still good. I wondered if Cort would show up or had he already eaten? I slowly ate my food waiting to see if he would show, but he didn't. I was full and slightly tired. I felt ten times better than when I entered the temple. Once I got back to the quarters, I was wide awake. Shaking my head I knelt down to meditate in the dim light. Moments later I was jerked out of my meditation as the lights came on. I looked at the time and giggled as five hours had passed. The other padawans still looked tired as they got ready for the day. Many groaned as they smelled themselves or from aches and pains.

"Oh, you are new." One of the girls stated. I opened my eyes again before looking at her. "My name is Aliyah."

"T'aa nice to meet you." I replied.

"Did you come in last night?" Another asked.

"From the looks of it she missed the fighting." yet another stated. "Nice armor."

"When did you get here?" Aliyah asked.

"Right at the start." I replied as I stood.

"Wait a moment. You were the one who helped me and Mennaus." Avitla remarked. "I can't thank you enough for making me see reason."

"Wait you are Onasi?" Aliyah wondered.

"I am." I replied. The whole room gasped.

"They got you taking down over two hundred raiders. You saved over a dozen other padawans from those beasts. You are a hero." Aliyah stated. "Some knights have said that they never seen anyone fight like you do. Is one of your blades really red?"

"I did what I had to do. What I was trained for. Nothing more or less. These beings had just as much right to live as we do, and they are not beasts." I chastised them. "I did my duty. If time wasn't critical, I would have left many alive. I am not a hero." My calm carried through the room and many looked down at the floor. They knew they shouldn't be praising me for something they could have done. I also knew it was a bit harsh.

"All of you could be called heroes. You fought for yourselves and others. You survived, you learned your limits. Please think on this and wash, you all smell like bantha poodoo." I smiled at the end and most giggled. In a loud rush they all gathered what they needed and headed for the refreshers. Avitla was the last to leave as I debated putting on my armor. The decision was taken from me as my comm beeped.

"Hello, this is Satele Shan. Grand Master of the Jedi Order. Before you present yourself to the council, I want to speak with you privately." She ordered. "I assume you are ready for the day?"

"Yes master. I am on the way." I replied.

"Good the location of my chambers should be on you pad." Satele added before the signal was closed. I picked up my pad and headed out. So far everything had gone somewhat like the game. I felt this would be no different today. The door opened as I reached it and I spotted her meditating, so I joined her. It wasn't hard to find my focus and that I think was what she was waiting for. Vaguely I felt her smile.

"Welcome Padawan. The temple is buzzing with accounts of you heroism in the Gnarls. Master Orgus told me that you battled Flesh Raiders and a Force user with a lightsaber. Must have been a disturbing confrontation. Are you alright?" She inquired.

"Fight was one sided. He didn't even get to attack me. It wasn't as dramatic as it could have been." I replied. "I did not like having to kill so many, but I have made my peace with my actions."

"I admire your composure. I feel that you are calm. Something that many find hard to do after battle. Remember taking a life affects the Living Force as well as the one who does the killing. Entering battle calmly is needed to avoid fear and anger. These emotions can lead one to the dark side." Satele explained. Nearly the same as the game script. I wondered if I could influence her response if I said something vastly different?

"The only thing I felt was a sense of urgency. I also felt just a hint of nervousness, but after the first leap I felt nothing. At times, I felt their pain, anger, fear, or surprise. As far as myself, I held my emotions in check. I was calm, clearly thinking, acting, and fighting. The Force guided me to restore peace." I explained. I really was at peace and my old self would have smiled as she thought about what she was going to say.

"Recite the code." She ordered. I did without stopping. I so much wanted to recite the older code or and the extra line. "Very good remember the code is a source of strength. Go eat, and we will meet again in the Council chambers." I bowed and left knowing I was dismissed. I didn't see Cort as I ate and I wondered if I would see him again? I felt we had hit it off yesterday and I knew he knew how to fight even if he wasn't as skilled as I was martially. He was strong in the Force and that made up for his lack in close combat. I debated on getting my armor, but I didn't think I had time. I finished and headed to the Council chamber and waited for a long time. I shook my head knowing now that I had plenty of time to get in the armor.

"Hurry up and wait." I whispered to myself. Not long after that a small group of knights left, and I was waved in. The chamber was nothing like the game. It mirrored the Council chambers on Coruscant from the movies without the view. Only a few chairs were filled with masters as the others were filled with holo images of the masters away from the temple. I stopped at the edge and listened.

"I searched the temple archives. Callef never received Jedi training." Master Bela Kiwiiks stated. "Nor do I think he was trained by the Sith."

"Still, shouldn't we get ready for them regardless?" Kira asked.

"Calm yourself Padawan. We can't be certain of anything." Master Din countered.

"But we have all sensed a growing darkness. Perhaps its finally revealed itself?" Kiwiiks added.

"He was leading his troops against the Jedi against us. It was a dark purpose, but possibly not the main concern. He felt we were weak, that we had to be purged." I stated. I for one wasn't going to stick with the script, but I didn't think it mattered once Kira replied.

"Well that sure brightened up the room."

"Everyone this is Padawan T'aa Onasi who saved our people in the training grounds." Master Din introduced me, and then the others. "This is Master Kiwiiks and her Padawan Kira. The other Masters are transmitting from other worlds." I nodded at each.

"It is unfortunate our numbers are scattered." Kiwiiks added. I resisted the urge to mouth along to her words.

"Indeed. The temple's safety is threatened. The Flesh Raiders were disorganized before yesterday." Master Satele stated as she entered the room. Now it was my turn to speak. Time to stir up the pot.

"They are now armed and have organized into fighting unit similar to an army. Callef didn't operate alone and his Master is on the planet. I am sure he has others helping the Flesh Raiders train and equip. We have pushed them back, but as long as they are organized we will find no peace." I explained. "I am sure little exploration has occurred farther from the temple and other areas of interest, but finding the source is needed." Master Satele opened her mouth and then closed it. Master Din paused as well.

"I'll handle it with my new Padawan." He suggested.

"Orgus you haven't taken a Padawan since Coruscant." Kiwiiks countered.

"The Force is strong in her. Stronger than I've seen in decades." he replied. I shook my head inside. I caused Master Satele not to speak, but the other two continued on.

"I can think of no finer Master to complete her training." Master Satele agreed.

"I calmly agree as well. I have envisioned this outcome." This raised all their eyebrows. "I will work hard to learn everything I can." Master Din paused again as I had taken the words out of his mouth.

"You'll find some supplies in my chambers. Go equip yourself. I'll meet you there." He ordered. I turned and walked out. I had changed a little of the meeting, but they didn't even question me revealing I had visions. I baited them and nothing. This concerned me as I didn't want to face the game's destiny. Sure defeating Vitiate was a good enough goal, but having no real effect on this made it discouraging. I got to my quarters and suited up. I wasn't sure what we would do next, so it was better I was fully ready. Once I was finished, I locked up my chest, and headed over to his chambers. I opened the chest knowing he would walk in, but I sighed as he didn't come. Was I too early or did I have to do something else? No matter. His quarters were as spartan as the others I had seen. What decorations I saw held a function at some point. I started inspecting pieces of my armor as I waited. I was working on my headset as he came in.

"Blast those council meetings. I'd die of old age before my colleagues ran out of things to say." Orgus complained as he walked in.

"I prefer to get things done myself, but with that, someone has to discuss the plan of action. Without such planning certain actions could be unnecessary or dangerous. Still, over talking a situation could make things worse. Point me in a direction, and I am good to go, Master Orgus." He paused and then smiled.

"Very interesting you seem to take the words out of my head. Regardless this situation has come at you fast. You're braving dangers many Jedi never face. I wouldn't blame you for having questions. This may be the only time to ask them." Orgus replied just like the cut scene. I sighed.

"Master Orgus I feel that I am in a holo drama and as much as I try to break the script you all seem to get back on track not even questioning what I have said so let's just break it further. Bengel Morr your old Padawan survived the sacking of Coruscant." He looked stunned and I could tell it rocked him as he backed up to a chair to collapse in it. I didn't let up. "I know that if I asked you why you decided to train me you would have replied with trusting your instincts. I know a lot more. Maybe I should hold this to myself and profit off of it, but even with Callef in custody he should have told you this by now, yet you didn't know."

"Bengel Morr has been dead for nearly a decade. How can you know he is alive?" Was all he could ask before going back into thought. I broke the script finally. Now to see where it will go.

"I could say I have visions, but that is not true. What the truth is would make even the most open Jedi deny it. Let's just say I know certain things. Persons, places, events I have memory of. Not the exact way it will happen, but a condensed version. I knew as soon as I got here I would have to fight the Flesh Raiders, that I would be freeing Padawans who got caught and tossed in cages, that I would find a group with one wounded as two argued over whether to fight or retreat, and that I would face Callef and kill him in a duel. That outcome I changed, for he is still alive. I know our Flesh Raider leader is Bengel Morr. There is more, but somethings are side quests." I explained. "I feel you have things to teach me and I hope that is true. I also don't want you to die on me, so giving you his name doesn't change much. Though, if you change your mind about training me then I will understand."

"You have made me think about things I haven't thought about in years. I still want to train you. The Force wasn't wrong to guide me. Now I know that you are more than just a strong Force user. However, foreknowledge of an event is dangerous if you go on the belief that is how it will go." Master Orgus replied. "Be wary of that it could turn deadly."

"I am aware. How an outcome comes about is not known just certain responses that lead one way or another on the same path." I stated. "I am in the dark for a lot of things, but I am looking at this with open eyes."

"That is good. Now time to get to work. There is a Twilek village not far from here. They have been fighting the Flesh Raiders for months." Orgus stopped as I was mouthing each word he said. I giggled as he shook his head. "If you know what I am going to tell you then out with it." He was confused, but also annoyed.

"They have been denied aid by the temple here by the request of the Senate because they have settled here illegally. Now you want me to go to them and help them. We need them to gather all they know about the Flesh Raiders." I replied. "I am not going to say your exact words, but I see that you understand."

"The Force is with you more than I thought." Master Orgus stated. "We will talk about this later. Go to the matriarch." I turned and left his quarters. My datapad beeped and a list of supplies generated on the screen. When I had everything I need, I headed out to the taxi.

"I am sorry, but every speeder is in use there is a list, but you won't gain priority until tomorrow." The tech stated.

"But I am on a mission from Master Yuon." Cort complained politely.

"There is nothing I can do." The tech replied.

"Then even if we are on orders directly from Master Satele Shan we can not get transport?" I asked.

"Well that would be different. Let me see." He replied. I handed over my pad.

"Master Orgus Din ordered me to go to the Twilek village." I added.

"Everything is in order. Next transport is in ten minutes." The tech blandly stated. "Though space will be limited." I didn't even reply to him, and he didn't expect it.

"Cort nice to see you are still around." I stated.

"Well it looks like I will have to stay a bit longer here." He replied. "That or I start walking."

"Hmm, I don't think that would be a wise thing to do. I was thinking that myself when I heard the delay." I added. "I am sure you can join me."

"But didn't he say space is limited?" Cort asked.

"Yes, but I am sure no one else has business in the Twilek village." I suggested. We waited until the next speeder truck came in. Jedi and cargo came off of the truck and the tech looked at me. I brought my cart to the truck and it raised to the edge. By the time my cart was empty, I waved over to Cort with his cart as he raised it, the tech came over.

"I have to protest. He doesn't have priority like you do." he stated.

"And he is going to the same place as I am." I waved my hand and all his things slid on the truck. "I have acquired his gear for my mission, and he agreed to assist me on my mission, so the sooner you let us go, the sooner this truck returns. That or I can request that you join us as we walk to the village. Though with all the Flesh Raiders around and that we are only Padawans, I am sure you will be safe." His eyes grew large and then he frowned.

"You can't do that." He argued.

"You don't know that do you?" I questioned. He shrugged as two Twileks jumped on hearing it was going to the village. Soon the transport jerked forward and Cort had to scramble on.

"That was not correct what you did." He protested.

"I am on a mission to discover everything about the Flesh Raiders to include the whereabouts of their leader. I don't have time to waste waiting for a transport speeder. Neither do you. Your Master is getting sick. You need to find that holocron to help heal her, so you don't have much time either." I explained. Cort opened his mouth and then shut it. He didn't need to ask me how. The village was farther away, but the transport was much faster than the small taxis.

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