So I posted a few stories and ...

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So a couple of months ago I finished my first story in a long while - Dani's Turn - and posted it to my usual place, FM.

Hardly a ripple in the comments. Very distressing to realize I didn't need to spend weekends writing if that's the reaction I get. I don't write for myself, I am an utterly untrained amateur who appreciated positive feedback even when it came in emails with unsolicited panty photos.

So, I was directed over to this site, that people here would be more appreciative of my skills and stories which I was assured are considerably more creative than most.

So I posted Dani's Turn - 4 comments

One a Day for Girls - 3

Before and After - 2

See a pattern? And those are in reverse order of what I think is my best work. I even ended Before & After with what I would think is a pretty damn abrupt and frankly horrific ending, just to see if I would get a similar response as I did at FM, where the ending was far less sudden or jarring. Nothing.

I'm not asking for sympathy or encouragement. I just wonder:

Whether the thumbs up system reduces the number of comments posted?

Was I totally misinformed about the audience here? It certainly seems that never-ending stories are pretty popular (120 chapters? Really?).

Perhaps my stories are too explicit for this group?

Anyway I am irrevocably written out. The muse doesn't strike that often but the locks are changed and she won't get in even if she tries.

The stories are here and at FM. Adios.

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